#take ququ with him
touchmycoat · 3 years
hey do you have any thoughts on what fengcui are doing around the qian qiu extras timeline once yang guang's come into power? i found it weird that guang lingsan wasn't worried about feng xiao at all when he and yan wushi were hanging out during that period and the wushuang extras only confirm for us that cui buqu gets to live up to 40 iirc. i don't think yang guang would let his parents' rival spy agencies, that will never completely answer to him, stay once he has a hold of the reins.
Huh! Very good question, I'll be honest I haven't really thought about the logistics of the QQ + WS timeline lmfao. But I'm curious now and am very happy to work this out w you...in the extras, Yang Guang's running around w Yuxiu trying to get the support of Xuandu Mt. and Huanyue, right? (or are there more extras that I do not know about?) that would be pre-fengcui meeting, presumably that's when fengcui are just getting their feet under them as bureau(?) leaders. And didn't FX say something about the position of Fajing Sect Leader coming to him without much strife? I didn't pay so much attention to Guang Lingsan in QQ lmfao. Did he die in the novel??
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1evilboi · 2 years
Wushuang Short Story: Swish. Swash. Swish.
          Swish. Swash. Swish. Swash. 
         The air churned with the billowing robes of one that ceaselessly paced back and forth in a room full of scrolls and documents of cases solved long ago. 
         Swish. Swash. Swish. Swash. 
         A voice tinged in panic broke the somber silence that overwhelmed him. “I can’t… I simply cannot…” 
         His mind flitted through his thoughts that chaotically mingled with the want that plagued his palpitating heart. “I can see that condescending look in his eyes already. I cannot simply go and visit him without reason… But is wanting to be with him reason enough to…” 
         He could feel the beginnings of a headache loom over the horizon.
         Swish. Swash. Swish. Swash. 
         As he contended with his warring thoughts, his robes caught on a pile of letters that lay hidden under a paper weight that shared a vague likeness to a certain peacock. On one of the letters, was the prominent “My Ququ” on the header. 
         “That motherfucker…” 
         “Could I really bear the look on his face when I tell him that I came to simply enjoy his company?” 
           Cui Buqu was not a man who believed in fate, but in this moment waited for any sort of sign from the heavens that would justify abandoning his most shameful desires. 
           “Damn it.” 
         Cui Buqu covered his reddened cheeks with his sweaty palms. After a long while, he turned towards his office’s door. 
         With one fluid motion, the infamous commander fastened his cloak, and tucked a particular fan into his lapels. Taking a deep and solemn breath, he walked towards the entrance of the Zuoyue Bureau and out into the bustling streets of Chang’an with a head full of shame and a heart bursting with excitement. 
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Divine duo part 2
The two pairs found themselves at the cafeteria in Rex's chaldea eating lunch this time. Just like in Faye's chaldea Rex and Quetz were eating very "healthy" meals, while Faye and Eresh were partaking in the stew that was enjoyed in Babylonia.
Eresh found herself right in front of the hungry Quetzalcoatl, watching her devour a sandwich mercilessly.
Eresh: you're really enjoying that sandwich huh?
Quetz: well like we said at breakfast we need the energy. After you guys leave we're going full force with our training!
Faye: how often do you two train?
Rex: every day that we can, it's best to turn these things into routine.
While the four were talking a familiar pair of figures were coming to the group, tho slowly and with a lot of struggling from one of the two. Eventually Faye and Eresh notice the two.
Faye: ...hey, is that... Ishtar?
Rex, looking over: oh yeah! What's she doing?
Eventually the goddess was finally at the table with the other hooded figure. It was Ishtar for sure, but she looked different, with red tattoos all over her and shining blue bull like horn ornaments in place of the crown Faye and Eresh were used to.
Ishtar: hello master! Is this that Faye person you mentioned?
Rex: why yes it is.
Ishtar: it's so good to see you Faye! And you two other sister!
As she says this she shakes the hands of both Faye and Eresh.
Faye: Ishtar... are you planning something?
Ishtar: ...normally I'd be offended but I'll cut to the chase. Yes I am! I've brought the Ereshkigal of our world to meet you!
Faye: oh!
The hooded figure hid behind Ishtar, it was clear that she was the other Ereshkigal. While mostly covered, you could see a glimpse of her arm which showed a mark similar to Ishtar's tattoos but black in color. While the Eresh of Faye's world could be shy, this one definitely seemed way more timid.
Eresh: hey. No need to hide! We won't bite!
The other Eresh peaked out a bit, showing more of her face from under the hood.
Faye: why hello there Ereshkigal! It's nice to meet you!
The hooded Eresh blushed but just barely managed to say a few words.
Hood Eresh: h-h-hello F-faye. I've h-heard about y-you from m-master...
Faye: that's so nice to hear!
Rex: Faye, you should say that thing you say to Eresh.
Faye: oh! OK!
The more timid Eresh blushed even harder and immediately shook her head towards Rex, clearly too panicked by what he requested of Faye.
But then Faye grabbed the other Eresh's hand and looked her in the eyes
Faye: you're quite beautiful today my goddess!
Immediately Rex's Eresh fainted, only to be caught by her sister.
Ishtar: oh my! Looks like she couldn't handle it! Well I'll take her to the infirmary to make sure she's fine, but I will be bringing her back!
After this was said Ishtar carried her sister off.
Quetz: goodness, I knew she'd be excited to see you but I didn't think she'd faint!
Faye: I'm surprised too! Rex your Eresh makes mine look like Irkalla!
Rex: yeah... was never sure why she was like that.
Eventually the group finished up and Rex decided to take them to Quetz's temple room. When they reached the room they saw 4 other figures in the room. Before the group could get very far into the temple room the four that were already in there approach them.
The group were the other Quetzes, it seemed they had similar intentions to Irkalla in Faye's chaldea. From left to right Faye and Eresh saw Kuku, Ququ, Slayer and Xiu. They all had different hairstyles from the original, Kuku had a shorter spikey looking ponytail. Ququ had her hair in a long more traditional ponytail and Xiu had a more high up pony tail with an actual fire at the end of it.
First Kuku spoke up
Kuku: so this is the other master? Interesting.
Ququ: she's kinda cute, not as cute as mi amor tho.
Xiu: noticeably shorter too.
Those three seemed just as lively as Quetz but Slayer, who was completely decked out in her armor, stood there silently. It seemed like she was scanning the pair.
Rex: ok ladies! Please don't bother the two too much! They're guests and we should respect them! Also Slayer please take off your helmet.
Slayer did take it off, begrudgingly. She looked like Quetz like the others, with her hair done in a bun to prevent it getting in the way while wearing the helmet, and a bit scarred on her face too.
Faye: it's so nice to meet you all!
Ququ: nice to meet you too Faye!
Quetz: what are you all doing in here anyways?
Xiu: we wanted to meet Faye and knew you'd show her the temple.
Rex: that's nice to hear.
Rex showed Faye and Eresh around the place, it was huge! Eventually he took the pair to the special mural.
Faye: oh! Is this meant to be Quetz's family?
Rex: yeah....
Faye observed the mural, she wasn't nearly as familiar with the mesoamerican pantheon but eventually she noticed the interesting figure at the center next to the serpent.
Faye: huh... I didn't expect there to be a... T-rex as part of the family...
Rex: well... not yet...
Faye: hmm?
Quetz: hehehe, that's actually mi amor!
Eresh: huh?! That's meant to be Rex?!
Quetz: si! He's eventually going to join me in my heavenly domain!
Faye: really!? You can do that!?
Quetz: my family's ok with it! So it'll happen!
Faye immediately grabbed Eresh's hands to ask her a question.
Faye: my goddess!
Eresh: huh!?
Faye: do you think you can do the same?!
Eresh, blushing: uuuuhhh... w-well maybe... if I can convince father... but I'm not sure...
Faye: I'm sure you can! Or at least get your sister to help!
Eresh: Faye calm down! We're not even married yet and now you're talking about all this?!
Faye calmed down after Eresh said this.
Faye: yeah... sorry about that.
After a bit it was time for the two to leave. But while they were about to leave Ishtar returned with the other Eresh.
Ishtar: wait! Before you go! She has something to say!
Faye: hmm? What is it?
Hood Eresh: u-um, w-well... c-can c-can I-I...
Ishtar: oh for the love of- can she go with you?!
Faye: huh?!
Eresh: what?!
Faye: you want to come with us?
Hood Eresh: yes! I do! I'm sorry Rex but I want to be Faye's servant!
Rex: I'm not even surprised honestly.
Quetz: si... it seems Faye has a similar effect on Ereshes as mi amor has on me's.
Faye: well... I'm fine with it... are you really ok with it Rex?
Rex: well... for the most part... but let's be fair and make it a trade.
Faye: trade?
Rex: yeah, should be obvious.
Eresh: Quetz is that OK?
Quetz: sure... I'm fine with it... I'm still number one!
Faye: ok then!
Faye contacted her Da Vinci
Faye: Da Vinci! Get Quetzalcoatl!
Da Vinci: alright!
After a bit of waiting Faye's Samba Qutez came in
Samba Quetz: what is it master?
Faye: you said you'd like for Rex to bring you with him, were you for real?
Samba Quetz: ...si, I was.
Faye: then get ready, you're coming to join him!
Samba Quetz: que?! For real?!
Faye: yeah! He's giving me his Eresh so you're joining him!
Samba Quetz: o-okay!
Faye's Quetz was sent to Rex's chaldea. The two masters switching contracts with the servants and finally Faye was leaving with both of her goddesses. But of course the new Eresh had to say bye to her sister.
Hood Eresh: bye sis!
Ishtar: goodbye sister! Make sure to call often!
Hood Eresh: of course!
Faye: seeya Rex! This was too fun! And I got the best souvenir from it all!
Rex: you say that but I think I got the better end of the deal! Goodbye for now!
Faye: bye!
And like that the other master returned to her world. Now Rex has Another Quetzalcoatl with him.
Samba Quetz: this is pretty exciting! So what now?!
Rex: lucha training!
Samba Quetz: !!! I already love you mi amor!!!!
Quetz: ...*sigh* well let's get started!
A/N: well there's the second part of the crossover. Hopefully you all enjoyed it! Thanks again to @hasereshdoneanythingwrong for letting me use their master and servant and for the ok for the trade at the end!
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@hasishtardoneanythingwrong @haspaulbunyandoneanythingwrong @hasbbdoneanythingwrong @haskamadoneanythingwrong
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angieloveshua · 3 years
Hi I’m the one who asked about CBQ’s name, you helped me a lot so thank you !!!
I came again just to cry about Wushuang 😭 I’m 40 chapters from finishing the danmei and I’m already getting emotional, I bet I’ll cry my eyes out when I’ll reach the ending.
So far, I enjoyed the danmei so fucking much and got so attached to it... it’s a shame this danmei isn’t known (at least on the social platforms I’m on). I only got to know about it after reading ThousandAutumns and afterwards specifically searching for MXS danmeis (I LOVE her characters and their dynamics, even tho Yanshen was harder for me to swallow (romantically), I loved seeing their clash of ideologies).
The bickering is pure gold, it made me laugh my ass off in the middle of the night. I love CBQ so much this man deserves all the love in the world 😭😭 Also, I love my girl QX, her relationship with CBQ is so cute. She is so protective of him but also kind of like a little sister to him. And of course FX, I love his narcissistic ass. The small moments you see along the way of how they slowly fall in love I just 😭😭😭🥰🥰🥰
Overall, this danmei brings me great comfort and joy and I find myself sometimes driven to tears by MXS writing, there are several sentences (usually about Cui Buqu) that are so simple, yet I find so beautiful and impactful that I end up tearing up. I just adore CBQ and his determination.
Basically that’s it, sorry for how long and incoherent it came out. Thank you and have an amazing week !
I'm glad that my explanation was clear enough. 🥺
Wushuang is the kind of book that makes you feel void when you finish it —it's that meme from Nemo. What's next?
Cui Buqu and his determination takes an important role in his identity as a character, and it makes me applaud him. He's 👏 the 👏 fucking 👏 man. 👏
Qiao Xian really appreciates QuQu. 🥺
Feng Xiao, my beloved. Reading him falling in love and just him being him was such an honour.
I just love Wushuang. If I could erase my memory and read it again, I'll do it.
Hahaha, you can send questions as long and as incoherent as you want! Feel free to vent your emotions with me.
Have an amazing week too, anonymous. ♡
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Nightmare on Chaldea st.
Quetz was walking through Chaldea, looking for Rex. She's been having a bad feeling all day. Ever since the morning something felt... wrong. As she walked she kept getting more and more anxious and got more desperate to find Rex.
Then all of a sudden she saw a horrid sight. A huge almost entirely black Jaguar and in it's mouth, was the bleeding corpse of master Rex.
Jaguar?: there you are! I've been looking for you!
Quetz, in shock: ...w-what the...
Jaguar?: aaawww! At a loss for words? That's a new one for you sis! Normally you'd be burning with anger!
Quetz: Tezcalipoca, y-y-you killed him?!
Tez: hahahahahaha! Yes! I've killed your precious husband! I've taken away your happiness one again!
Quetz couldn't process what she was hearing or seeing. Rex was gone? That can't be!
Tez: but that's not all!
Then the huge jaguar moves to reveal two more normal looking Jaguars standing above the corpses of the other two masters.
Tez: the others are gone too! Hahahaha! I've not only destroyed you but I've doomed the world! Just like old times huh?
Quetz still couldn't speak, she fell to her knees and tears ran down her face.
Tez: don't worry, you might be able to remake humanity once again. Not like you'll be able to bring back your husband tho.
Quetz still couldn't move. It was clear she couldn't handle what was happening but then...
???: mi corazon...
Quetz raises her head quickly after hearing that.
???: it's me Quetz, Rex. I'm fine, it's all just an illusion. Someone's messing with you.
After hearing that, Quetz was able to finally do something. She got back on her feet, her face changed, from one of shock to one of rage.
Tez: oh! Finally going to do so-
But before the false version of Tezcalipoca could finish Quetz flew towards him while burning with flames! While holding him by the throat she also used her other hand to tear the other Jaguars apart and then flies down the hall while dragging the huge jaguar across the floor.
Finally she slams him down and immediately starts punching him in the face repeatedly.
Quetz kept punching, over and over until she was punching the floor and all that was left of the cat's head was a bloody puddle.
Blinded with Rage she kept going and going until
Rex, coming in to hug her: Quetz! You can stop! It's over!
Quetz finally calmed down after the hug. Now just breathing heavily. And after that all she can do is hug him back.
Rex: are you ok?
Quetz, still breathing heavily: not really
Rex: it's ok, everything's going to be OK mi corazon.
Quetz: how did this all happen? Whose responsible?
Rex: we don't know, but many others are also suffering from living nightmares. We're working on helping them.
After that Quetz sees that there's no longer any evidence of what she did to the Jaguars, just a big hole on the floor from the punches.
Quetz: I... I was so scared... I thought I had lost you...
Rex: it's ok, I'm right here. There's no reason to worry.
Quetz: si... I can see that now...
Rex: do you want to go to our room?
Quetz: si... I'd like that.
Rex helps Quetz go to the room, while she holds onto him the whole time. Eventually they reach the room, and sit on the bed. Quetz still holds onto Rex to help ease her nerves.
Rex: feel better?
Quetz: a lil... but pls stay.
Rex: I can, but eventually we have to help the others.
Quetz: ...ok, just a little longer.
Meanwhile somewhere else.
Ququ found herself in a beautiful room, she was dressed in a beautiful outfit, while feeding who seemed to be Rex chocolates from a valentine's chocolate box.
She was happy to be there, it seemed like what she always wanted, but then a nagging feeling came over her. When she glimpsed the surrounding area she realized the place was decorated in styles from various regions. Huge Greek style pillars, a lot of Hindu styled furniture and she realized she was wearing a Sumerian style outfit. But that couldn't be right she thought, wouldn't Mayan style everything make more sense?
But after a while, she looked and saw Rex was missing. She looked ahead and saw a lake of melted chocolate right outside of ziggurat they were in and in the center a whirlpool surrounded by what looked to be sentient chocolate statues of her in various chocolate flavors, including white and dark and milk, chocolate poured from their arms and right in the center of the whirlpool was what seemed to be a drowning Rex.
Ququ: hey! Stop!
She tried to fly to him but found her wings couldn't move and fell on the floor after the attempted take off, and could no longer move. Then she heard voices from all around her.
"What kind of goddess are you?"
"She's supposed to be the feathered serpent"
"But she's a love goddess, and the feathered serpent was never a love goddess"
"Then who is she really?"
Ququ: hey! I am the feathered serpent!
"You say that but..."
"You feel more like other goddesses"
"Yeah, like Ishtar or Parvati"
"Or even Aphrodite"
Ququ: that's not true!
Ququ then looked on at the lake of chocolate and saw that in the whirlpool all that could be seen of Rex was an arm waving for help.
Ququ: NO!
Then a new voice was heard, but this time from her head.
???: Ququ!
Ququ: huh?
???: it's me! Rex!
Ququ: Rex! Where are you!?
Rex: I'm here, but you need to fight right now.
Ququ: I can't! I'm stuck... and even still... I'm not really the feathered serpent... just some love goddess who looks like her
Rex: don't say that! You're more feathered serpent then love goddess! Don't forget that!
Ququ: how can you be sure?
Rex: because I know you! Q'uq'umatz you're the feathered serpent and you are a storm goddess!
After hearing that Ququ regained her strength, got right back up and as she got up a storm raged on.
The rain cleared away the chocolate lake, destroyed the chocolate statues and she was able to fly and grab the dream version of Rex.
Ququ: I've got you! I've got you mi amor!
Eventually the setting fades, and Ququ found herself flying through the halls of Novum Chaldea, before bumping into Rex and Quetz. And before anyone can process what was happening she clung onto Rex desperately.
Ququ: you're here! Oh thank goodness your safe!
Instead of getting upset, Quetz let her have the moment. She had felt the same not long ago.
After some time, Ququ finally calmed down enough to talk about the situation.
Ququ: someone's giving everyone nightmares?
Rex: yeah, we're still not sure who but that's being worked on.
Quetz: for now we're helping get others out of their nightmares.
And in another nightmare.
Slayer had woken up to find herself chained up, and mostly exposed. What she saw surrounding her was nightmarish. The earth was turned into a hellscape. All around were demons and monsters killing people or enslaving them. Suddenly she felt a sharp pain.
Slayer: ugh! What the hell?
She had been prodded with a hot spike by a little demon.
Slayer: ...eeer, do that again and you're de-
???: do what again?
Slayer heard a voice talk to her, a voice she didn't like. She looked up in front of her to see the Serpent, alive and well.
Slayer: how!? How do you live?!
Serpent: you could never truly kill me! You're too much of a pathetic excuse for a servant to ever pull that off!
Slayer stared angrily at her enemy, her deep blue eyes meeting the serpent's dull grey ones.
Serpent: you've found yourself in quite the pathetic situation I see.
Slayer: big talk for someone whose going to be pieces in a few minutes.
Serpent: big talk! But you won't be saying much when you see what I have!
After she says this demons are seen dragging someone forward, it was Rex. He was also in chains and mostly exposed.
Slayer: no! How!?
Serpent: that's enough out of you! What makes this sad little human so important anyways?
Slayer: fuck you!
Serpent: wow, how scary.
After that she grabbed the chained up Rex and held him close.
Serpent: he's very important isn't he?
Slayer: leave him one!
Serpent: no... I don't think I will. In fact, I think he'd make an amazing plaything for me, when I'm in the mood.
Slayer: you wouldn't dare!
Serpent: try me!
As she said this, the Serpent stuck her long tounge out to lick Rex's face.
Slayer: bitch!
???: Slayer!
Slayer: huh?
???: it's Rex! The real Rex! That's not me! None of this is real! You're stuck in a nightmare!
Slayer: this is a nightmare?
Rex: yes! Now you have to fight your way out!
Slayer: ...sounds good to me!
After she says this her armor returns to her and breaks out of the chains, ready to fight. She then goes berserk! Tearing demons apart one by one!
Serpent: how! How'd she get her ene-
But before the serpent could finish, Slayer stuck the super shotgun right in the serpent's mouth.
Slayer: shut your trap bitch!
The Serpent's head was blown to pieces, and Slayer had conquered her nightmare. The hellscape faded away, and the halls of chaldea took their place with the other two Quetzes and Rex standing their together.
Already the noodles changes and Slayer awkwardly tries for a hug but can't finish because she's nervous, so Rex goes into the hug for her.
Slayer: ...thanks.
Rex: of course.
After a while the situation is explained once more.
Slayer: but whose causing all this?
Rex: we're still not sure. Da Vinci says she must be close to finding out who.
Slayer: she better be! I want to tear the son of a bitch a new one!
Meanwhile once more, in another nightmare.
Kuku was walking down the halls of Novum Chaldea but for some reason no one else was seen.
Kuku: where is everyone?
Eventually she sees some staff, tho they seem scared.
Kuku: hey! Where is everyone!?
But instead of saying anything the staff just mumbled scared like and ran off.
Kuku: hey! Get back here!
Kuku ran after them, then she sees other staff.
Kuku: hey! Why's everyone hiding!?
Staff1, whispering: ah! It's the snake beast!
Staff2: run before we're sacrificed!
The staff run off
Kuku: hey!
Kuku: ...what did they say?
She keeps going around, and everytime she tries to talk to some staff or a servant they run off scared.
Kuku: why the...
Eventually down the hall she sees someone who looks like Rex.
Kuku: Rex! Hey!
She goes towards him, but he only starts to move faster
Kuku: hey! Don't you run from me too!
But he keeps going, getting more and more nervous looking.
Kuku: hey! Don't be scared of me! Please!
Kuku starts getting more distraught about the situation, she doesn't like the idea of Rex being scared of her!
Kuku: Rex! Please don't be afraid! I won't hurt you! I promise! Please!
But he just keeps going
Kuku: I'm not a monster! I won't hurt you!
Over time she slows down, even more distraught, before eventually stopping entirely.
Kuku: ...but... I'm not... a monster... please... believe me...
Eventually she hears a voice.
???: Kuku!
Kuku: huh!? Rex?!
Rex: this is just a nightmare! I'm not scared of you!
Kuku: then why do you run?!
Rex: that's not the real me! But you still have to confront them to get out!
Kuku: how...?
Eventually she sees the dream Rex get closer, seemingly curious. Before anything can be done she runs and embraces him.
Kuku: don't be afraid. I love you... I'd never harm you...
After some time, everything returns to normal, and Kuku is hugging the real Rex now.
Rex: you ok?
Kuku: ...yeah...
Rex: good, because Da Vinci's finally found out where's the cause of all this.
Kuku: good! I'm ready to show that fucker a world of pain!
The five find themselves in front of a room that should've been empty.
Rex: this the place?
Da Vinci: yeah! That's the source of the nightmares!
Rex: alright!
They force the door open, to reveal 3 servants trapped in some kind of machine, specifically Anderson, Shakespeare and Murasaki.
Shakespeare: finally! We're saved!
Anderson: took long enough!
Rex: what's going on!?
???: the authors were just helping me bring you all despair.
A voice is heard, and walking out into the open is the Caster of Limbo.
Rex: how'd you get here!?
Limbo: I won't be divulging my secrets! Tho unfortunately, much like Vitch it's one time only. How unfortunate, I didn't achieve what I set out to do.
Rex: yeah asshole! You're a dead man now!
Limbo: now now, I may not have achieved my main goal but I did achieve something else!
Rex: Da hell?
Limbo then pulls out a completely black grail.
Rex: a grail!?
Limbo: yes! I've been collecting the despair and fear all felt when trapped in their nightmare to make this! The nightmare grail!
Rex: what the hell is that supposed to do?!
Limbo: I'll show you!
The grail then flashes a blinding light, and Rex finds himself on the bleached earth once again, but alone.
Rex: how'd I get here?!
Then, Limbo's voice echoed
Limbo: that's the grail's power, you'll understand soon enough.
Eventually Rex noticed that forming a circle a bit of ways away were the tree of emptiness.
Rex: what the?
Limbo: you have an interesting fear young master of Chaldea.
Eventually a fireball is seen heading towards one of the trees, inevitably destroying it in a huge explosion.
Limbo: the guilt of erasing the lostbelt ways heavily on you
Then the fireball destroys another, fire spreading near his location.
Limbo: but also weighing heavily is that you use your wife to finish them off.
Then the fireball does it again.
Limbo: she turns into a super weapon to destroy the trees and entire worlds at your behest.
Then another is destroyed
Limbo: she may be the one erasing worlds but you give the order! So you're turning the two of you into world enders.
Then another
Limbo: and she does so out of love for you!
And another
Limbo: but it seems such a misguided love, to kill for the sake of your beloved.
And then the final one is destroyed.
Limbo: in the words of the great Shiva "I am become death, destroyer of worlds" and now that's you!
As Rex looked on at the destroyed trees, the whole land is set ablaze. And eventually the fireball flies towards him, barely stopping and floating above him to reveal someone who looks like Quetz.
She looks twisted, huge black crow like wings that were aflame at the bottom, burnt black feathers on her arms and legs, burning hot obsidian spikes jutting out of her body, and a horrifying mouth with jagged teeth and a constantly lit flame in her mouth.
Nightmare Quetz: Hola mi amor! Look upon what we've wrought!
Rex looked on at the firey destruction she brought upon the land, all for his sake.
Nightmare Quetz: I did this all for you! Erased the false world's for our own superior one!
Rex couldn't speak, all he could do is sit there silently...
Nightmare Quetz: and since you're here, let's celebrate with a kiss!
The twisted parody of Quetz grabs onto Rex, slowly bringing her huge maw up to him, until...
The twisted parody of Quetz is knocked away. Rex is brought back to his senses and sees all the other Quetzes there by his side.
Quetz: you ok mi amor?
Rex: si... I'm fine now!
Quetz: muy bien! Now we can fight!
Nightmare Quetz recovers, flying above them again.
Nightmare Quetz: NOOOO!!! He's mine! And mine alone!
Kuku: get in line bitch!
Ququ: we all have a claim to him!
Slayer: so don't think you can just waltz in and take him for yourself!
Then the nightmarish serpent let's out a blood curdling sreech
Nightmare Quetz: rraaaaahhhh!!!!
She flies into the air, and readies a noble phantasm
Nightmare Quetz: I'll destroy all! For the sake of the one I love! Become the flame of death!
Quetz: not on my watch!
As the nightmare heads towards them, the original Quetz prepares the same attack, absorbing Piedra del Sol
Rex: are you sure about this?
Quetz: si mi amor! It'll work!
She then charges up and flies towards the nightmare
The two impact, causing a huge explosion!
Eventually the area fades away, and they return to the room they were in originally. Limbo was missing and the grail was smashed.
On the floor layed Quetz and the nightmare Quetz too.
Rex: Quetz! Are you ok?!
Quetz, got up with Rex's help
Quetz: si... I just need some rest...
Then the new Quetz got up
New Quetz: pls don't ignore me mi amor...
Rex: oh!
He props up the new one aswell
Kuku: should you be doing that?
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Ququ's new "friend"
Q'uq'umatz was another copy of Quetzalcoatl. When Rex decided to, out of curiosity, try to summon another servant with the catalyst that brought Quetz in in the first place it was damaged by Ishtar. She used her authority to repair it but some was left on it and that influenced the summoning to bring in a version if Quetzalcoatl that's influenced by Indo-European Venus goddesses.
Nicknamed Ququ (pronounced kyukyu) she manifested as a version of Quetzalcoatl that's a love goddess, which she was never worshipped as before. She was an oddity but she didn't let that bother her, she wasn't the first servant like this and she wouldn't be the last either.
Kama wandered around Chaldea, summoned not long ago. She was trying to avoid running into Quetz who was still sour over the Ooku incident.
Kama: sour is putting it mildly. Still annoying she avoided getting absorbed... can't she let bygones be bygones. I'm not the enemy anymore so she doesn't have to attack me...
As she moved through the halls she bumped into a tall blonde figure.
Kama: ah! Quetzalcoatl don't hurt me, I'm not the enemy anymore!
Ququ: oh hello? Who are you?
Kama: huh? Wait... who are you?
Ququ: I asked first, wait... you're that new love goddess that was summoned aren't you?
Kama: yeah...
Ququ: good to meet you! I'm Q'uq'umatz! But you can call me Ququ.
Kama: huh... are you like... another Quetzalcoatl?
Ququ: si, I'm a very unique version with love goddess authority.
Kama: so... you're another love goddess? How many are there?
Ququ: I think... 4? Maybe...
Kama: weeeird. So you don't want to hurt me like the original?
Ququ: is there a reason I should want to hurt you?
Kama: uh... no?
Ququ, looking at her suspiciously: hmmm, there is isn't there?
Kama: uuuhhh... well she's mad because I tried to... steal away Rex... for my plan to seal humanity in endless depravity...
Ququ stared at the little goddess, her bright red, heart shaped eyes stared right through Kama. It was clear she didn't like what she heard.
Ququ: why would you want to do that? Why try to take him away?
Kama: I was just angry ok. Can we not discuss it. Got screwed over hard
Ququ was still upset but decided to humor the new goddess anyway, and respected her choice.
Ququ: fine, I won't push further. Just don't try to steal him away again and we'll be fine. We can even be friends if you want.
Kama: huh? Friends?
Ququ: sure, we're fellow love goddesses. Just keep your distance from my beloved and we can be very close.
Kama: ...I guess that's fair. I wasn't planning on it anymore anyways.
Ququ: gracias!
As Ququ said this, the large red wings she had flapped with joy. Tho it also caused some strong winds to blow.
Kama: ok, canya cool it with the wing show?
Ququ: oh... sorry.
Kama: so are there any other feathered serpents I should be aware of?
Ququ: other then the original and me there's Kuku whose the war goddess and Slayer whose from the servant universe.
Kama: servant universe?
Ququ: it's complicated.
Kama: whatever ...do you all love master?
Ququ: si! We're not sure why but something about him is attractive to us. The original loves him for a reason and that must have something to do with it...
Kama: interesting.
A/N: bringing Ququ back aswell. I really need to use all my Quetz oc's more often. So this is me attempting to remedy that.
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