#take the phone away i’m back on the wagon. the wheel of bullshittery has begun to turn anew
so so picky about my celegorm/aredhel....i’m off my rocker for them but they have to be my specific way or i start unflavoring the broth. anyway she’s aro; he’s desperately and hopelessly and perennially in love. they’re best friends. they hate each other. they fuck nasty on the reg. they’re both messing around with other people (sometimes he wishes they weren’t). he would’ve dropped everything to marry her. she thinks she could kill him pretty easily. he thinks the same in reverse. she still resents that oromë gave huan to him and not to her. he loves and respects her freedom. he’s thought about breaking her legs to stop her always running away. she blames him for argon and elenwë’s deaths. he would leave her on the ice again if he was asked to. they’re forever missing each other. they never want to see each other again. he would kill for her and he’s not sure if she would do the same. she wants him to ask her forgiveness (she doesn’t know if she would say something or bloody him up). and best of all they’re having hardcore nasty queer sex among the pine needles
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