#take the rant with a grain of salt though this is just my 2 cents on the matter
plural-affirmations · 6 months
augh i feel like i’m a system but i don’t wanna label myself as a system cause i feel like i’m faking, plus i’ve labeled myself as a system before but then un-labeled myself as one cause i felt like i’d subconsciously convinced myself i was one, but know i’ve found a term i think fits myself better than just “DID” (OSDD/median) but i still feel so weird labeling myself as one.
sorry for the rant i just needed to-
Aw, it's perfectly ok, anon.
I think if you find the plural label fits you, go for it! The plural community will welcome you with open arms, y'know? I don't see a reason not to identify as a system, but I also understand your apprehension and anxiety surrounding it. Decisions like this are pretty big, and I know how scary it can be.
Personally? I think it would be denying the inevitable and (potentially) cause stress if you went down the "nope, I'm just a singlet" route. It's hard pretending to be something you're not, and I have personal experience with that.
But you could totally live as a singlet for all I know though!! I'm just Some Guy over the internet, and I do not claim to be anything more than that. My opinions are worth exactly 2 cents. I'm not you; you're always going to be more informed, and have a better grasp of the full picture than I will.
TL;DR: Take everything I say with a grain of salt, but I think you should probably look more into plurality, and living as a singlet when you're not one sucks.
Hope any of this helps/makes sense, I just woke up like 10 minutes ago and I'm not 100% functional right now, haha.
Have a great rest of your day!
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futuresmashmemes · 4 years
You're called Future Smash memes-- can you see into the future of my universe? We just had 6 more character slots announced for our game, meaning there are 6 we dont know who they'll be! Do you have any insight? Or at least a prediction o'wise one?
Hmm. You know, I’ve been told that your timeline is the “main” one, and therefore is very tricky to predict and deal with. It may not be much, but I guess I’ll give my two cents on who I think the final six DLC slots for this timeline will be.
First of all, it’s important to remember that these choices were made by Nintendo, not Sakurai. I think that’s the reason why we got Sans and Cuphead miis in this timeline rather than full on fighters: for one reason or another, Nintendo didn’t want them (or at least, didn’t want them as much as the chosen fighters). Sakurai has said that he’s an avid fan of Undertale and Cuphead, so this makes sense. Then again, he’s also an avid Persona fan and I still don’t get why Nintendo would’ve chosen it of all franchises. Don’t get me wrong, Persona looks great and all (never played it myself), but it’s not very…Nintendo, y’know?
With that in mind, I think it’s safe to say that we won’t be getting an indie rep. Nintendo currently doesn’t seem to be very open to the idea of full on indie reps, so that means that characters like Hat Kid probably won’t get in (maybe as a mii costume, though aHiT isn’t as well known for its music as undertale and cuphead are, so I don’t think it would be a deluxe costume). Really, the only indie reps I see getting in are either Reimu or (as much as I hate to say it) Steve. Touhou is the poster child for popular indie projects, even if it isn’t as big over here as it is in Japan. ZUN is also open to the idea of Reimu in smash. The main things that go against Reimu is the fact that she isn’t very well known outside of Japan (and those who do know her often associate her with loli culture, which might be a problem) and because the way the franchise is set up, legalities with Touhou would either be really easy or really, really hard. Steve, on the other hand, has sort of transcended being an indie character. Minecraft recently overtook Tetris as the best selling game of all time, and has become a household name around the world. Maybe I’m just projecting (I’m probably the only person from my generation that doesn’t like Minecraft), but I don’t think Steve is getting in either. First of all, legality with Microsoft would probably be an issue as they would certainly demand more money for Steve than Banjo, who, while a treasured character worthy of his spot, comes from a dead IP who wasn’t had a new game since 2008. Also, similar to former best seller Tetris, I just don’t think that Minecraft’s blocky, pixelated art style and rigid player animations would be a good fit for smash. Again, totally me projecting, but that’s just what I think. I do expect to get Steve over mii swordfighter, though. That makes sense.
Now with my little indie rant out of the way, I’ll do a bullet-point list for characters that I’ve posted memes about on the blog before and what I think of their chances of getting in:
First of all, I think it’s obvious that Raz isn’t going to be one of the DLC characters. Yes, Psychonauts 2 is coming out later this year and the first game is one of my favorite video games of all time and he would fit in perfectly, but let’s be real. The franchise is a cult classic that has never been released on a Nintendo system in any way and probably sold horribly in Japan. Double Fine was also recently bought out by Microsoft which really killed any small chance he had of making it in. Sir Daniel is in a similar position
First/second party characters like Bandana Dee and Impa I think are deconfirmed because most of them are represented by Spirits, and I don’t think that they would “double dip.” And because of the scope of spirits mode, I think it’s unlikely that we’ll get any older characters from prexisting franchises (I say older so people won’t hound me with “WELL BYLETH GOT IN SO”).
We are not getting another FE rep lol. Rip red head merchant waifu.
Shooter characters are in a really weird spot since these games tend to not be made for kids (it’s easy to forget in all the hype and speculation that smash is first and foremost meant for kids), yet have made such a big cultural impact on the gaming scene that it’s hard to deny their “worthiness” to be in smash. Master Chief in particular is tricky to place since I definitely think he has much more character than most other shooter reps (cough cough Doomguy) and could have a more varied moveset than just “gun.” But that being said, he’s once again a character owned by Microsoft and comes from a franchise that up until very recently was Xbox exclusive and (as far as I’m aware, has never been released on a Nintendo system). It’s also important to remember that the original Xbox sold miserably in Japan, so I doubt that he’s getting in either.
On a similar note, I’ve seen people throw around ideas for a TF2 rep. This makes a lot more sense to me than Halo or Doom; the playable characters have much more personality and the cartoony aesthetic of the game fits in way better than most other shooters (cough cough Doom). I don’t know which character would be chosen though. Heavy probably? I think their main problem is that Valve would probably be picky about licensing and whatnot (I don’t think we’d be getting Gordon Freeman or Chell for the same reason). Additionally, I struggle to imagine TF2 without it’s signature dark humor which would most likely be cut for smash
Due to recent events, I do not think we will be getting an Overwatch or any other Blizzard rep.
If there’s one character I’d be willing to bet money on getting in, it’s Crash. While he’s never really been all that popular in Japan, it just feels right to me. He fits in perfectly, he has some history with Nintendo (even if he is more synonymous with PlayStation), and I mean…he just feels right. I know that sounds shitty after having just denied a bunch of other characters in an articulate manner, but I don’t know what else to say. I’m not even that big of a Crash fan. The only thing I can see hurting his chances is Activision potentially asking for money than Nintendo is willing to give (this is why he didn’t get into Pl’ystation Allst’rs)
Similarly, I think Spyro has a good chance of getting into smash, but not as well as Crash. I don’t know, maybe it’s just me, but I always thought that Crash just had more of a cultural impact than Spyro did. I do think Spyro has a good chance of getting in though. Maybe some Skylanders/amiibo crosspromotion? Probably not.
Given how stingy they were with Hero (when compared to other DLC reps) and _especially _Cloud, I don’t think we’re getting another Square Enix rep, be it Sephiroth, a Black Mage, or Geno. That being said, it could’ve all been a long con and the FF7 remake will release alongside Sephiroth DLC with the actual fucking spirit battles that we should’ve gotten. Probably not though.
Dante I think has a pretty good chance at getting in. I think that he stands at a similar position to Bayonetta when it comes to censorship, so I think he could work. God knows that he would be broken if he did get in though.
I’ve been a big advocate for a Puyo Puyo rep in smash, and if we were to get one I think it would be Arle (maybe with other characters on her alts like Koopalings/Heroes). People have already theorized how her moveset could work, and I agree with that speculation wholeheartedly. Puyo Puyo unfortunately isn’t very well known outside of Japan since in the past it was usually released under a different brand (Dr. Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine, Kirby Avalanche, etc). I do think that we absolutely need more puzzle reps than fucking Doctor Mario though, and Puyo Puyo seems perfect.
Professor Layton has unfortunately not had a new game in a long time (at least not one where he has a staring role), and outside of his swordsmanship, which is seen very rarely throughout the series, I don’t think that there’s much of a moveset to be made for him.
I love Ace Attorney, but I don’t think that Phoenix Wright is getting in. I don’t think that Sakurai would realistically just copy and paste his MvC3 moveset to smash and I don’t know what else you could do with him. Also, we haven’t gotten a new international release for Ace Attorney since 2016.
I know next to nothing about No More Heroes but I know a couple of people who will have a fit if I don’t mention Travis. I know there’s a sequel on the horizon but similar to Psychonauts, I don’t see it really happening. It feels to much like a cult classic to me. Once again, I know next to nothing about No More Heroes, so take that with a grain of salt.
I don’t think that any assist trophy characters will be “promoted” to playable through DLC.
And that’s about it. I know that sounded really pessimistic, but that’s honestly because I haven’t the foggiest idea about who’s going to get in. Everyone I want in in this timeline is either an assist trophy/spirit or a niche western/indie pick that I doubt has a chance. That sucks, but it’s just life. As long as we don’t get Goku or Fortnite though, I’ll be happy with whoever.
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guildquarters · 7 years
Okay, so if you’re not aware, Joey (TheAnimeMan on YouTube) has recently posted his Summer & Fall anime roundup for 2016. Click for rant below if you want. Cause I talk about a whoooole bunch of shit.
Take what I’m about to say with a grain of salt, because despite everything, I still love Joey. A lot, he’s very entertaining and I love watching his videos. However, there is something that needs to be said about this video, around 15:30 with how he starts addressing our “beloved” Yuri!!! On Ice. I’m sorry, but I dunno if there is anyone who will want to read all of this, since it’s just me ranting a whole lot. If you don’t want to listen to my rant (which is actually the better option tbh) just begin watching at 15:30, and see for yourself.
Now, I will say this. Objectively, I recognize the flaws that YOI has, and that it didn’t flesh out as much as it could have. I’m in no way saying that YOI is the greatest anime of all time, and perhaps it didn’t need to win all of the awards that it did win. Now regarding that, let me address something. The Crunchyroll Anime Awards weren’t even remotely a serious awards show, so stop with all that bull shit about “wtf there were so much better anime out there”. And to add to that, they gave ridiculous choices to vote for. So come on, you know full well that the way the anime awards were handled was severely flawed, you shouldn’t take them that seriously. Hell, I know I didn’t. I just voted what I liked, not what I thought was objectively the best. And anyone who says they voted objectively on this thing, I don’t care who you are, you’re lying. So really, the bitterness of the anime awards is out of place, and overall, exaggerated. I would sort of understand if this was a more formal and serious awards show, like say the Academy Awards. That I would understand. But it wasn’t, so stop. Save your venting for something like that, and not for something so petty. (And let the record show that I don’t care whether or not someone likes YOI or not. What some random stranger has to say about a show that I like has nothing to do with me, so there’s that. I’m simply addressing the ridiculousness that is the Crunchyroll Anime Awards. Thanks) So, going head first into it, I know for a fact that i’m going to leave feeling somewhat disappointed, since I knew that he wasn’t the biggest fan of it. So I decided to see anyway what his thoughts were about it. But, I never thought that I would leave feeling as pissed off as I was. Not because he didn’t like it, no no, as I have stated before, I knew he wasn’t the biggest fan, so I knew what I was getting into. So, at the beginning of this I got what I had expected, which was “Let me just say that this show definitely looked good” Now, this is what I expected, so I was prepared to see why he thought this way, but nope, not what I got at all. He then goes on to say: “It quenches the thirst of yaoi fan-girls and ice skating enthusiasts who want some of that sweet sweet sword fighting action.” ............ Okay, first problem I already see here. Yuri!!! On Ice is not, and let me repeat, not a yaoi. Not even remotely. If it were a yaoi, the entire show would be centered around an unhealthy, fetishized gay relationship. (Hell, I wouldn’t even call it a relationship, given that yaoi mostly revolve around the sexuality, if not totally) Which it’s not. It revolves around the sport Figure Skating? Hell, honestly I’ve seen a lot people who were disappointed by it, claiming YOI ‘not being gay enough’. I rest my case, next.
  “But, if you’re neither one of these target audiences, then this show is pretty fucking bad”
And then he proceeds to say “And there go all my female viewers, who’s up for a sausage fest?!?!?! Well, Yuri on Ice certainly is up for it because that’s all this show fucking is.” First of all Joey, I still love you. Forever and always. But, I’ma rip you to fucking shreds. Second of all, to your first statement about the show being bad with different audiences, let me just say that my best friend, who is 1. a man 2. straight as a damn pole and 3. knew next to nothing of figure skating, actually genuinely enjoys the anime for what it is, and hasn’t even finished it yet. So, fuck off with that. To me, it just sounds like you didn’t even give this show a fucking chance, or even pay any remote attention to what else this show offered other than the Victuuri ship.(I also heard bitterness in your voice regarding the anime awards, which I already addressed) It seems to me that that’s all you paid any attention to and nothing else. Because the fact stands: Yuri!!! On Ice is NOT about the Victuuri ship, although it certainly is a strong sub-plot. Yuri!!! On Ice is about a man who suffers from self-worth anxiety and his growth not only as a skater, but as a person. It is also about finding the real meaning of love (And not just relating to Victuuri. There are tons of other examples of love within the series) That is what Yuri!!! On Ice is about. Next. “From the first episode, I could tell this show wasn’t going to show any level of quality, whatsoever.” Hoooooo boy. Welcome to Highway to Hell my friends! Cause that’s where we’re headed. Honestly, I think this quote is self explanatory, so I’m not going to give my two cents, other than, you’ve got to be fucking kidding me. Joey, I still love you, but seriously, your exaggeration is really showing. “Because Yuri on Ice took the concept of all of that, replaced it with shoe horned homoerotic tensions, solving all the problems in the world. What’s that? You have a nervous breakdown because you feel pressured to win this match? Have a hug from behind! Fuck anti-depressant drugs! GAY LOVE SOLVES ALL” I really like you kinda just skipped the parking garage scene in episode 7, where Victor was literally denied this very thing. You choose to include all the moments where the Victuuri sub-plot surfaced, and then completely disregard all the other genuinely meaningful scenes that were in the fucking show. And let me just say this. I don’t have personal experience with anti-depressants or anxiety medicine, but I’ve had close friends who have taken medication, and let me just say: They. Are. Not. Reliable. Yes, they work for some people, but they don’t work for everyone, so stop with that. “It’s boring, it’s cliché, and the only way i can enjoy this show is if I were a yaoi fan-girl pleb, who’ll watch anything with half naked Russian bishies going to town on idiots on skates. ALL HAIL SHITTY YAOI SPORTS.” Man Joey when will you learn? YOI ain’t no yaoi, get it right man. All in all though, I just found this entire section of the video very dramatic and very exaggerated. Whether this is for comedy’s sake or if it’s his actual opinion, I don’t know. All I know is that it was horribly uncalled for, and just extremely over the top. What I thought was going to be objective critiquing, turned in to an extremely biased rant about how ‘horrible’ this show was, without any actual evidence to back it up. Let me just say for the record that Yuri on Ice was an extremely low-budget anime that was put on a 3:00 AM Japan time slot because no one thought it would take off like it did. Even though it shouldn’t be an excuse, there is only so much you can do with a shitty ass budget. Not to mention all of the time and research that Mitsurō Kubo and Sayo Yamamoto went through to put this show together. That’s all I have to say about this. If you made it this far, you 1. are a Yuri on Ice enthusiast 2. like reading ridiculous rants (honestly wasted a lot of time doing this) 3. fucking crazy and I’m so sorry. Why did you read all of this shit omg, prolly didn’t make any sense whatsoever. Anyways, that’s it for me. Laters! (Btw, still love you Joey) @raven-gowing @borntomake @sil-lyn
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