#take this as lxc needing to recover so much his body wants more sleep. it's a medical necessity okay
nebulathunderwave-art · 4 months
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A new daily struggle for Meng Yao: having to get up for work and leave the surprisingly cuddly young master Lan for the whole day 😔
(He's addicted now but he won't admit it. Yet.) (Also more Yunping love nest xiyaos for my own personal needs 😤)
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wwjgyd · 3 years
Jin Guangyao uses the body sacrifice ritual to summon Wen Ruohan. Wen Ruohan, Su Minshan and Lan Xichen team up to figure out the reason. Wen Ruohan being a general menace and not even trying to pass for JGY, if he weren’t in JGY’s body SuChen would end him. Qin Su is now married to Wen Ruohan I guess.
(wow it’s apparently exactly 1 year ago I last added anything to these notes)
Wen Ruohan wakes up in the secret chamber on the table, last memory is the betrayal, can infer he might be at Koi tower. Sees letter*,(recognizes handwriting) “notice about how he needs to kill JGS within certain timeframe,longer than MXYs
Remark that he’s free to take the opportunity for a new life, and that he can’t cause any trouble since this bodies abilities are far more limited so gotta be careful.(at the end, because JGY knows and anticipates WRH will skip most of the letter) * additional info on Jiggys relationships and allies, WRH skips most of these(sees the note he’s married, +remark to not sleep with his wife(does not say why cz he doesn’t want WRH to know about the surprise incest) Updates on cultivation world and sects, JGys weekly/daily schedule WRH destroys the note for safety purposes(testing the abilities of the body too creating the flame to burn it) (the exact nature of WRH and JGY’s past relationship is neither adressed nor relevant, beyond that they were on friendly terms from Wen Ruohan’s pov)
Jiggy sent a vague message to MS about meeting him on a specific date(they hadn’t seen each other in a while, Jiggy isolating himself, so MS glad they can meet again, does mention it in the notes) WRH checks the room for more info(mirror to see he’s in Jiggys body) finds cursed dagger he carries with him, it belonged to him after all. Sees NMJs head, wonders about it, if NMJ died already back then, if JGY killed him since they were on bad terms, infers from his appearance that possibly not too much time might’ve passed. Wonders why he stole(?) the head. Smth about how he’s not surprised CFZ lost his head in anger hahaha. (Laughs over his own pun) leaves room, wonders about the time, still dark outside (grumbles about My always getting up early, worse than a lan) someone adresses him with LFZ „LFZ? who? me?“ „He’s not here right now“ servant stares in disbelief. Ditches the gauze cap and wears his hair like he used to.
RS still alive, WRH smitten, it’s like a grandchild to him(when was the last time he held a young child like this) also he misses his sons), he’s nicer and more affectionate towards QS but still avoids anything too intimate. RS eyes him sceptically, can tell it’s not his dad. „My son? oh yeah my son“ QS be like „are you ok, have you really recovered from your injuries? I know you have much work but  maybe you should rest some more.“ WRH holding Rusong up “One day you’ll rule the cultivation world” QS confused but happy her husband is more affectionate again. WRH is relatively neutral towards her, sees her as a sweet innocent child best to be kept out of the whole mess.(Once he finds out about surprise incest does not tell her, might only disclose JGY is dead, she takes it relatively well cz by that time she’d already expected it) QS will find out(cz it’s obvious her “husband” isn’t Jiggy anymore but WRH doesn’t disclose his identity for safety reasons, he still likes to brag about his achievements so LXC and MS have to suffer, while he’s annoying it’s actually interesting to hear some firsthand experience of some events etc, he also can’t keep his mouth shut and brags to Rusong so QS slowly pieces his identity together and is “uhhh…. ok?”)
If it does they had enough time to get to know each other that she has complicated feelings cz he’s been fairly ok, he’s nice to her but also different enough that she kinda knows it’s not rlly JGY but doesn’t have an explanation and since he’s seemingly not malicious doesn’t rlly say much, might assume like other ppl that the incident with the injury might’ve just changed him. They end up talking about this, WRH implicit telling her MY is gone and won’t be back.
Has difficulties imitating Jiggy/passing as him, ppl already noticed his behavior was off but now he’s acting even stranger(not helped by WRH discarding the info My left him withour reading it) Ppl think it’s related to the injury. Meeting with Su She awkward cz he has no idea who this is, has never heard of a Sect leader Su before. Once they are in a rather remote room alone MS seals the room and soundproofs it so WRH knows smth is up. MS shows him the odd note Jiggy left him(wrh sees a note clearly written in JGys handwriting) saying he’s been acting strange lately, clearly worried showing they were close, MS ends up rambling and apologizing having already been thinking for days what to say when they meet again worrying he had upset Jiggy in some way.
WRH being annoyed cuts him off after seeing the note “Stop talking, I’m not him” MS: ??? WRH: Doesn’t disclose his identity just that he’s a friend and has smth to do and MS is clearly supposed to help him, he just tells MS that Jiggy used the ritual to bring him back. explains MY summoned him and that he’s given his own life in exchange and he’s not gonna be back ever. MS breaks down sobbing at the news Jiggy is dead and WRh is just annoyed wondering who that guy is and why Jiggy hangs out with him. Asks MS to fill him in, MS asking him when he died, so WRH asks which year they have, since he wants to avoid saying he died during sunshot(and generally doesn’t wanna adress the topic) says he died approx X years ago Shameless enough to ask MS what he thinks of him(WRH) MS answers in a relatively vague way cz he can tell Jiggy did like him after all so doesn’t wanna talk shit. WRH gets quite angry once he knows about the Wen sibs fate.
complaining about Jiggies body being in bad shape/low spiritual power making him realize how much effort he’s been putting in all the time. Appreciates him more. “how did he manage anything with this core??!”/bitch you lives like this? Tells MS they gotta get this body in shape, so training/exercise etc.(so he can later beat up JGS) MS filling him in on cultivation society updates “pfff these traitors”
WRH seeing what it’s like being treated like Jiggy-pisses him off but he’s limited in what he can do/allow himself to do. (bitter cz it's like "huh you betrayed me for this??? Was it worth it? Clearly didn't make you happy")
Meeting with NHS: "Sec leader Nie? isn't he dead?"(still thinking of NMj and the head he saw) awkward silence... "... guess not?" when he sees NHS is Sect leader (to himself) "the cultivation world is in shambles... See this happens when I'm not around"
WRH @ MS „I don’t get what he saw in you“ MS: I share that sentiment…
MS suggests using a body clone for smth/ WRH: a clone? MS: ah right you don’t know… it’s a technique- WRH cutting him off: You can maintain a clone? (is intrigued and starts to see what potential Jiggy saw) MS surprised he seems to know about the technique. WRH says he’s the one developing it assuming MS realizes who he is but he’s just. “it’s an honor to meet you… ah I apologize but he didn’t mention your name” WRh to himself “makes sense” (despite being close to MS the relationship to WRH he did not tell him cz ppl being rather not fond of wen clan etc) uses a nickname or even his common name barely anyone knows actually. can’t use family name tho. (MS does not tell WRH that he and Jiggy were lovers) Calls MS out for believing him not even demanding any proof like the letter(he did destroy after all) he could be an evil spirit possessing Jiggy after all and just lying. MS be like: I’m sorry it’s just you have his face I can’t distrust him cue WRH rolling his eyes.
Needing to get info out of someone to MS: Give me 5 minutes, also tells MS to leave for the moment “u don’t wanna see this” (cue MS outside hearing the screams)
WRH being involved with watchtowers seeing what Jiggy came up with “wow I can’t believe he’s ripping me off…” “Minshan this body is cold and feeble, I demand a hug”
WRH comments on how MS crying acts more like someone who lost his love/like a doting husband than an underling. asks MS if he knows about Jiggys body(curious about how close they were) Curious about MS chestholes, who he cursed(also indicator for MS skill level that he can pull it off without getting hurt too much himself) MS be liek WTF when he finds out who he’s been hanging out with, doesn’t tell WRH that he knows though. WRH offended MS interrupts him in their first conversation tho all he does is break down crying over Jiggys death. of course WRH perceives MS as a complete mess cz he mostly sees him mourning Jiggy and there’s no one else who knows about it. WRH being relatively blunt rude towards MS: I don’t know what he saw in you… all you do is cry MS: you’re cruel WRH: you don’t wanna see me when I’m cruel
MS approaching WRH sleeping cz asleep he looks just like Jiggy, WRH waking up, so asks MS concretely about how close they were. They end up cuddling. WRH skilled+knowledgable enough that he can push Jiggies body further both simply physical as well cultivation wise, further than Jiggy could’ve.
MS figuring out it’s wrh through: -WRHs refusal to disclose his identity->concludes he must be famous/infamous -WRH being clearly displeased at mention of sunshot campaign/what happened at Burial mounds(clear he’s a Wen) -WRH bitching about the low cultivation level he’s stuck with, and generally talking shit about other Sect leaders -WRH rambling about stuff that makes clear he’s older than most -MS knows Jiggy wasn’t on bad terms with WRH, tho he doesn’t know the full extent.
WRH being too bossy at Moling Su   MS “shut up, this isn’t your nightless city” WRH: “You KNEW??!! and you disrespect me like this?!!” MS ”What are you gonna do? Fight me?” WRH underestimates MS and is actually surprised he figured it out (but also offended)
MS actually has to remind WRH all the time of the limits in a “pls be careful with A-Yaos body…”
WRH: stop crying/what do I need to do to make you stop. Don’t you have someone else to comfort you like friends or family? MS: … :/ Let’s not talk about this, what about your family… WRH: They are most likely dead… I outlived most of them.
WRH asking MS about his own sect cz he never heard of them before, curious cz MS was there during xuanwu incident.
MS calling WRH out why he doesn’t mourn Jiggy since he claims to be a friend (cz wrh gives him flak over crying so much), retorts he got to live again so it’s good for him
WRH to MS: Idk what he saw in you, your looks are average and you have the charm of a soggy blanket. WRH: using internal communication system at Moling Su to wake MS up in the middle of the night. WRH: Minshan… Minshan! MINSHAN! MS: waking up, ah what is it WRH: come over here, immediately! This can’t wait! MS: enters room WRH: (lying in bed shoulders not covered so clearly not wearing anything) I’m cold, keep me warm!... this body sucks… MS: How about you put on some clothes? *crosses-arms-leans-against-doorframe* -__- WRH: How about you do what I tell you? Or do you want his body to catch a cold? Would you really let this happen? How could you, he didn't die for this" WRH saying "A-Yao didn't die for this" at every inconvenience.
— WRH visiting the cloud recesses when he sees he has the equivalent of a housekey out of sheer curiosity, rolling his eyes that there are even more rules now (“ohgod they have added even more rules”, mumbles smth about how he should burn them down again) drags MS along despite him rlly not wanting bcz awkwaard he’s like „duh if they don’t have anything against u u gotta come“(emotional support sidekick) MS comes quick up with an excuse how they won’t stay long and have to attend smth so he gotta be waiting for JGY.
LQR recognizes him but isn’t sure how that’d be even possible(recognizes his mannerisms/speech cz he doesn’t make that much effort imitating MY) LQR "I know it's u and I'll prove it" while WRh is: ";) <3 <3 <3 Try it Sweaty <3 <3 <3"
Walking around Cr with LQR to get a good look at the place rebuilt dawns on him that the world moves on even without him and that his sect and legacy will be forgotten, not even the impact on the CR visible LQR of course still angry since WRH pretty much killed his brother LQr to WRH: Why are you back WRH: honestly idk either lol
private convo with LXC who’s been very concerned about his wellbeing since he was so odd after the injury WRH whipping up some half assed excuse that he's had a near-death experience and is tired of being a doormat(doesn't explain why he's suddenly rude and blunt, no fake smile to be seen) (aren’t you tired of being nice? don’t you just wanna go apeshit?) “I almost died, I can’t continue like this” WRH getting flirty with LXC trying to see if he’s (redacted), but LXC is like “???? why u do this to qs?? aren’t u happy with her??”
Which is where WRH drops the act telling him he’s forcibly posessing JGY but that if they can find out the reason he can have JGY back? Awkward cooperation cz LXC keeps mentioning he wants A-Yao back but also hesitant cz it’d mean putting JGYs friend he summoned back to being dead(unlike Minshan he’s a bit more sceptical about WRHS claims, he might be lying after all).
MS later is the one telling him the truth cz it pains him that he still has hope. “he’s not coming back”(yells while shaking LXC) “he’s dead”(sobbing) MS being “why did u say this??!!” when he sees the lie WRH told LXC
MS apologizes to LXC+LWJ-they pretend Moling Su and Lan are reconciling to have an excuse to meet but end up actually bonding over Jiggy with “Jiggy” as mediator.
LQr discusses with LXC Jiggis odd behavior/suspicion he’s posessed but doesn’t tell LXC his guess WRH asking MS if he has a written own schedule etc. but nope cz Jiggy memorizes everything so WRH has no idea what he has to do/what meetings etc are up (there were some in the notes he discarded) MS knows about surprise incest but LXC doesn’t so he doesn’t tell LXC thinking Jiggy would’ve preferred LXC doesn’t know, doesn’t tell him he’s been Jiggys lover.
LXC pulling his sword on WRH when MS tells him he’s lying. MS very concerned about Jiggies body. WRH telling them they should feel blessed by/grateful for his presence
LXC also calls WRH out for not grieving Jiggy while claiming to be a friend.(thinks MS is dumb for just buying anything WRH claims and they don’t have Jiggys instructions as proof anymore) WRH flat out tells LXC that Jiggy killed him. (LXC faces away from WRH during the convo cz he’s tearing up, since it’s sinking in Jiggy is gone, so th be after MS told him the truth)
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fleetofshippyships · 4 years
can I get some jiang cheng fluff🥺with either lxc or nmj or both lmao maybe just them taking care of him or just being nice to him🥰🥰
(Aaaaah, I’m never one to pass up a polyship opportunity! thank you, anon!!)
Content: Established Relationship, Polyamory, Sickfic
AO3 Link
A Rapid Recovery
Several hours must have passed since Xichen had dragged Jiang Cheng to his rooms and forced him to retire early. The sky darkened and the air was cooler when he woke. The soreness in his throat had finally eased, as had the pounding in his head. He inhaled deeply, the process finally free after weeks of a stuffy nose.
“Awake at last.”
Jiang Cheng pushed himself up until he was sitting and eyed Mingjue warily. He didn’t much feel like seeking more sleep, but Xichen had been almost terrifying in his response when they’d arrived for a visit to find Jiang Cheng working while ill. There was a fairly decent chance Mingjue would try and make him go to back to sleep as well.
“I’m fine,” Jiang Cheng said, pleased that his voice was only a little raw and not the croaking mess it had been before sleeping.
In fact, his recovery was almost too good for only one additional night of rest. One of them must have shared spiritual energy with him in an effort to aid his recovery. It was nothing but a waste to do such a thing to heal something as simple and non-threatening as a cold, and he felt his mood drop.
Mingjue rose from his place at a small desk, spread upon which was something that looked suspiciously like one of Huaisang’s own illustrated tales. He crossed the room and pressed the back of two fingers to Jiang Cheng’s forehead, quickly enough that Jiang Cheng could not evade him.
“Hmm, better,” Mingjue rumbled, the pressure of his fingers easing. He brushed them gently down the side of Jiang Cheng’s face and then turned and crossed the room again, disappearing behind a partition.
He reappeared just as Jiang Cheng was reining back a burst of embarrassing yearning for Mingjue to touch his face so gently again. It had been many weeks since he had seen either of them, and Xichen had forced him to take to his bed only moments after they’d arrived.
“Xichen made you soup before he retired to his guest quarters,” Mingjue said, seating himself on the edge of Jiang Cheng’s bed, a bowl in his hands. “It’s still warm, I kept it over a flame.”
Jiang Cheng didn’t even bother hiding his grimace. The expression pulled a soft chuckle from Mingjue as he stirred the bowl and then lifted a full spoon.
“Yes, terrifying, isn’t he?” he said, holding the spoon carefully over the bowl and bringing them closer to Jiang Cheng. “Fear not, I seasoned it after he retired.”
The conspiratorial smile on Mingjue’s face pulled a low laugh from Jiang Cheng. They had long been united in their attempts to avoid or modify Xichen’s bland cooking. It was, perhaps, the very thing that had allowed Jiang Cheng to see he was not so frightening and cruel as Huaisang had led him to believe. There was humour and mischief there as well, ready to come out at a moment’s notice in the presence of a willing accomplice.
Even though Mingjue held the spoon as if to feed him, Jiang Cheng took it, and the bowl, from him. He would not suffer the indignity of being fed like an invalid or a child when he was perfectly fine. Their overreaction was an embarrassment, to them and to him, and he would make them pay for it the moment either of them so much as sniffed in his presence.
The soup was pleasant, not as fiery as he preferred, but certainly better than how it would have been before Mingjue had gotten his hands on it.
“I told the cooks to never allow Xichen to step foot in there again,” he muttered between mouthfuls. “Traitors.”
Mingjue laughed, long and deep, the sound bringing new warmth to the room. Jiang Cheng drank in the sound and soaked up the warmth as he finished the bowl of soup.
“They tried, but you know Xichen,” he said, taking the empty bowl from Jiang Cheng and setting it on the floor beside the bed. “He lectured them about their failure to keep their sect leader in good health, in the most subtle and yet judgmental way known to man.”
Even though he had already checked the temperature of his skin, Mingjue pressed his hand to Jiang Cheng’s forehead again, then slid it down to gently cup his cheek.
Warmth spread through Jiang Cheng at the gesture, but he cleared his throat and knocked the hand away to stop himself from turning and pressing his lips to Mingjue’s palm.
“It was nothing,” he said.
“Your discomfort is not nothing to us,” Mingjue said firmly, lifting his hand and brushing some stray hair away from Jiang Cheng’s face. “Do not let yourself get so unwell again without taking steps to get better. It was a simple thing, but need not have dragged on so long.”
It never failed to take Jiang Cheng’s breath away at just how gentle Mingjue could be when he usually appeared so very rough and angry to others.
“Shouldn’t you be in the guest quarters yourself, so you don’t fall ill too?” he asked, fighting the urge to push Mingjue’s hand away again as it lingered in his hair. He wanted it there, he could allow himself this, for a few moments at least, after their time apart.
Mingjue laughed. “Saber cultivation would burn such an illness away within one training session,” he said. “It’s Xichen we have to worry about. He would have climbed into bed with you at the resting hour if I hadn’t reminded him how stupid it would have been to sleep beside you.”
Jiang Cheng shook his head slightly. It wasn’t completely unlike Xichen to be blind to simple things when he was focused on something he deemed more important.
That he deemed Jiang Cheng’s health more important than his own as a constant wonder, and a constant horror.
“How long until he wakes?” he asked.
“Are you planning to disappear before I do?”
They turned to see Xichen close the door behind him. He was still in sleeping robes, and Jiang Cheng grimaced at how it would have looked for another sect’s leader to walk the halls in such a state of undress.
His only comfort is that no one else would be awake at such an ungodly hour as the Lan Sect’s waking hour.
No one but he and Mingjue.
“Have you slept?” he asked with a frown, turning his attention back to Mingjue just in time to catch him yawning. Frustration filled him. “It was just a cold, you fools. It wasn’t my death bed. Go and sleep.”
Mingjue raised an eyebrow at him, but looked amused rather than cowed.
Xichen merely laughed a tinkling laugh and crossed the room, pressing his hand to Jiang Cheng’s forehead and then humming a pleased sound.
Without hesitation, he perched on the edge of the bed as well, almost knocking Mingjue off in his effort get between them and be close to Jiang Cheng.
“It will be nothing shortly. Do not fight me,” he said in warning, before picking up Jiang Cheng’s hand and beginning to pass him spiritual energy.
Jiang Cheng’s breathing hitched at the sensation of Xichen’s cool energy flowing into him, chasing away any lingering warmth of the illness that had dogged him for days.
It was a waste to use it on such a mild and easily recoverable illness, but now that Jiang Cheng felt Xichen’s spiritual energy move through him, he found it difficult to tell him to stop. He rarely had cause to experience such a thing.
Mingjue sighed and shuffled close behind Xichen, circling his arms around his waist and resting his chin on his shoulder. He met Jiang Cheng’s eye and smiled a slow smile that was full of promise and took Jiang Cheng’s breath away.
“Once more and he should be fully recovered, isn’t that what you said earlier?” he asked, turning and pressing his lips to the shell of Xichen’s ear.
Xichen hummed, but didn’t waver from his task. “And then you will sleep, Mingjue. Then, and only then, will you give him that greeting you’re so eager to give.”
“I’m sure I can change your mind on the order of things.” Mingjue chuckled and shook his head, rubbing his face against Xichen’s hair. “Or are you trying to have him all to yourself first?”
Warmth pulsed through Jiang Cheng, counter to Xichen’s cool energy. His heart ached at seeing them again, his body yearned for their touch now that they were within reach again.
Xichen’s energy transference faltered, and Jiang Cheng moved the moment it ended, taking Xichen’s face in his hands and pressing their lips together in a kiss many weeks overdue.
Mingjue’s laughter filled his ears.
“It seems you are outnumbered and defeated, Xichen. Sleep will come later.”
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