#takenouchi sore
owarinaki · 4 years
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Digimon Adventure 02 : Film 04 - Revenge of Diaboromon
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imaginedigimon · 4 years
u got any lgbtq+ hcs for any of the main 12 adventure and 02 kids?
🤔 Hmm...
Now Anon, I’m warning you: I’m probably not going to give you what you want for this. But I’m going to try.
I REALLY HOPE I DON’T FUCK THIS UP, FRIENDS *stressing out a bit I will not lie*
LGBTQ+ Headcanons for 01 + 02 Gang
Tai [Taichi]
Doesn’t know the meaning of the word “straight” except in terms of line segments in math (but even then, he’s a little lost)
He probably saw the pride flag for the first time when he was 14 and because it reminded him of the Crests thought, “I CAN GET BEHIND THAT”
When he learned the real meaning of pride and the LGBTQ+ community, he was even more ecstatic
Has definitely beaten up some homophobes before
And transphobes
He’s beaten up a lot of people in general
Realized after a while that he’s pansexual himself and started painting his face with the pan flag everyday
Will not deny that he has a thing for Matt and Sora at the same time and is happy if they’re happy but would really like to kiss them both pls
Matt [Yamato]
He most certainly questioned his own gender for a while, though he can’t pinpoint when it started
Gabumon told him it didn’t matter what he identified as, they’d always be partners anyway, so that really helped him a lot
It also helped that Tai was willing to beat people’s asses for him
Has also beaten up some homophobes and transphobes (Tai has been the one to drag him away from some fights)
Wears pins of all the pride flags at all times because fuck you haters
Also would like to kiss Tai, just like once or twice or a million times
Identifies as bisexual most likely
Doesn’t mention it a lot, but Mimi was probably her first kiss (by accident...OR WAS IT?)
She was the type of person who, because she grew up in a very hetero-normative world, wasn’t sure what it meant to like a girl
Probably asked Tai when she was 15 and still thinking about Mimi’s hair and lips when he explained to her that it was perfectly normal
She never forgot that conversation
Has continuously questioned her identity and orientation throughout the years, though only Biyomon has been privy to this struggle
Finally settled on saying she’s queer because she’s not much for labels (especially when she’s in a constant state of questioning)
Definitely asked Mimi to kiss her again just so it wouldn’t be an accident
Izzy [Koshiro]
Always a kid before his time, knew how to explain all aspects of pride to everyone else before they even knew what the LGBTQ+ community was
Has PowerPoints to make things clearer
Around age 17 or 18, he started asking that everyone use he/him or they/them pronouns, and this hasn’t changed since
Everyone said “a’ight” because they love him no matter what
Has always had some kind of romantic feelings for just about everyone in the group, but nothing beyond that
This poor sweetie pie cried the night he realized he was asexual and called Joe, who said in the most intense voice he’d ever heard, “You think that matters to us? We love you, Izzy, and don’t you ever forget that”
Has decided Joe is the coolest guy ever
Started some social media account where it’s nothing but pictures of Tai with various pride symbols painted on his face and it’s blown up
Unlike Sora, she didn’t think much about the kiss
She had already accepted that she liked girls by that point
Definitely had a crush on Yolei too, though she played it cool
Teases Izzy a lot because she has a bit of a crush on him too, though this confused her because she thought she liked girls
The day she learned the term homoflexible she thought she was dreaming
But she wasn’t
Still, Sora and Yolei and Meiko are her girls and she loves them very dearly
Has the same enthusiasm as Tai and paints the various flags on her face as well (became part of that social media account Izzy started)
You can catch her and Tai at a pride parade screaming at the top of their lungs
Joe [Jou/Jyou]
I’ll admit, he’s probably the token straight? But he’s also one of those guys who’s not afraid to tell Matt he looks handsome today
Has needed to ask Izzy a lot of questions because he’s like me and wants to know and not offend anyone because he’s ignorant or doesn’t know something
Had a moment similar to me where he wondered if he really was straight
Decided he still was, but would support anyone and everyone because that’s just the guy he is
You know how he becomes a doctor? He most CERTAINLY helps with transitioning whenever he can because he’s a GOOD. DOCTOR.
Doesn’t beat up haters, but gives them a death glare that’s just as effective
Wore around a rainbow doctor’s coat because he COULD and no one tried to stop him because they knew he’d quit on the spot
Takeru [T.K.]
Been the guy to say “respect LGBTQ+ rights or die by my sword” or something like that
Lowkey had a crush on Angemon and Angewomon simulanteously and could NOT for the life of him explain why that was
Never told either of them this though
Or Kari
Definitely didn’t tell Kari
Okay yes, Tai is his big brother, but he definitely had a crush on the guy for about 2 weeks before he met Kari and everything changed
Hasn’t told either of them this
Like Sora, has only said he identifies as queer - he’d like to figure it out/delve deeper but is too busy flirting with everyone to care
Brings 5 different dates to his brother’s concerts at the same time and they all have to vie for his attention - it’s usually whoever says the most positive things about his brother
Has done at least 6 drag shows so far and let me tell you - KILLS IT every time
Kari is his forever girl but keeps winking at Ken just to make him blush
Kari [Hikari]
Also had a crush on Angewomon like how could she NOT
Also had crushes on Matt, Izzy, Mimi, and Sora (but not Joe for some reason)
When she realized her feelings for T.K. she got really really nervous (because of all his dates, you see)
Was also confused because she was pretty confused about her range of crushes over the years
Tai came out as pan to her first and she realized that sounded a lot like her
She’s a pan baby and she’s proud of it (and thanks her brother for supporting her)
Gave a rainbow pin to T.K. for his birthday and in return he kissed her
They go to ALL the pride events and nothing can stop them
Occasionally uses they/them pronouns on days she’s questioning
Davis [Daisuke]
Tai was his first love and you cannot change my mind about this
Meeting Kari was like meeting a Tai Who Would Notice Him and that was pretty rad
But he also likes her because of her, too
The world kinda stopped when he met Ken, though
Like damn, look at those soccer skills
I’m gonna be real, I think Davis is soccersexual (or footballsexual for non-Muricans)
Them soccer players be really hot though
Always has questions about the community, but never retains the answers
The PowerPoints, unfortunately, do not help
Eventually gave up and said, “I’M A DUMBASS BUT I SUPPORT YOU ALL”
They tried to tell him he should at least know what he’s talking about
(We’re still working on that)
Wears rainbow shirts with rainbow pants and it’s very atrocious but very appreciated
He is gay. He sometimes does crimes. We accept him anyway.
[T.K. asked him if he wanted to go to a drag show, he said “okay?” and really really loved it now he goes all the time]
Yolei [Miyako]
Mimi is hot, Ken is hot, Kari is hot, Matt’s kinda hot, everyone’s hot
She’s never been able to fully accept this because how is everyone so hot
Mimi was her first love, and Ken was her first boyfriend
She never forgot the firsts
Attracted to any and everyone it seems
She likes to call herself a frying pan and it makes everyone facepalm a little bit
Constantly dresses in the colors on the pan flag because she looks GOOD in them and it’s a way to remind everyone not to mess with her or her community
Tries to pretend she doesn’t know Mimi and Tai when she’s at a pride event and they’re out here acting like fools
But she also loves how unerringly supportive they are
Cody [Iori]
He was the first one everyone came out to, like for some reason he’s that guy
Literally the first person to offer you support
One day he told everyone he was transgender, and while they were surprised, they also didn’t react the way he was expecting
They actually hugged him immediately and said, “But don’t worry we love love love you” and Tai started painting the trans flag on Cody’s face until Cody said, “Guys please fuck off for a sec”
When he becomes a lawyer, he becomes the type of lawyer to defend anyone who was arrested on basis of race/identity/orientation/gender like the boss he is
Suspects he might be ace but hasn’t really delved into it much
He’s too busy scolding Davis for doing dumb things
Can everyone stop being hot for a sec? -direct quote from Ken himself
He’s in love with all the 02 kids and he’s accepted this
Yolei somehow stole his heart, but T.K.’s winks send it aflutter
He wants them both to stop (but they won’t)
Was completely unaware that Davis also liked him (even though it was really obvious?)
He identifies as bi and, like Izzy, uses they/them pronouns interchangeably with he/him
One of the good detectives on the force. Will bust your ass if you say any offensive slurs about anyone. [Has gotten suspended a few times for doing this BUT IT WAS FUCKING WORTH IT.]
Always the one on duty when Davis gets arrested for his crimes and it’s hecka exhausting
Uhm... did I do good? I’ll admit, I was a little nervous since I myself am straight and cisgender (or cishet, as I’ve learned is the term)  😥  😥
Anon, I really do hope I did a good job!
And if I didn’t you can roast me in the flames of Meramon Hell
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Takari Week 2022 - Day 7: Post-Series
Days: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Title: Parenthood Characters: Takeru Takaishi, Hikari Yagami, Sora Takenouchi, Yamato Ishida, Hiroaki Ishida and Taichi Yagami. Summary: Takeru and Hikari start a new chapter of their lives with Yamazaki's arrival. Notes: For Takari week, I decided to do something different. All stories will be told in first person, from both Takeru and Hikari's POVs in the same story. It will be separated to make it easier, though. People say motherhood is amazing and that it changes a mother's life completely, and I totally agree with it. But they hardly ever say that sometimes your breasts get really sore and your nipples bleed while breastfeeding. The latter never happened to me luckily. I don't know what I would do if it did. I would probably pass out. But I did have sore breasts for a couple of months, until someone taught me a very good tip and everything was just so smooth after that.
Yamazaki is now six months old and is such a great baby. I'm biased because I'm his mother, but who cares? He's such a peaceful child and barely cries now, totally the opposite of how he was when he was one or two months. Taichi, Akiko and my parents fell completely in love with him since they first saw him. My mom calls me everyday and the first thing she asks is how Yamazaki is. She offered to help me with him in the first month, but I declined saying Takeru and I had to learn how to take care of a baby on our own. It's been a struggle, but we did it. I don't think I would have been that good at it if Takeru wasn't so supportive. He's a wonderful father and was a hundred percent committed to taking care of Yamazaki since day one.
"He's finally asleep." Takeru spoke from our other couch, taking me out of my trance. I shook my head and looked down, realizing I was holding a mug with black coffee. I never drank it, but it became my best friend ever since Yamazaki was born. "Finally. After a long night trying to get him to calm down and sleep." "He was in a lot of pain." He stood up, rocking Yamazaki gently while walking to his bedroom to put him down on his crib. "Do you want to get some rest while he's sleeping. He'll be hungry when he wakes up." "I wish I could." I stood up as well, taking a good look at the whole apartment – well, the kitchen and the living room actually. "But the apartment needs to be cleaned. Our parents are coming over tonight, as well as our brothers and their wives." "That's right. I completely forgot about it." Takeru rubbed the back of his neck as he walked down the hall in my direction. "Sometimes I forget things like what day is today or if we have any plans for the night." "Tell me about it." I sighed deeply. "Everything now revolves around Yamazaki. I love our son so much, but sometimes I get so exhausted." "Then go get some rest. Let me do the cleaning and the cooking for tonight." "I can't let you clean this whole apartment alone. We won't have to cook tonight. They are bringing the food." "Really? Did you ask them to?" "No, they all offered. They didn't want us to have something else to worry about other than Yamazaki." "It doesn't surprise me." He smiled and looked around. "Well, we might as well get cleaning before he wakes up." "That's true." I yawned. "Let's do it." "Hikari, are you sure you don't want to use this opportunity to rest a little? You were up all night with him." "I'm fine, Takeru." I shook my head and smiled at him. "He won't wake up in less than three hours. I can take a nap when we're done here." "Alright then." He grabbed a bucket in the laundry area and started filling it with water. "Let's get this done with."
Keep reading it on FFN or AO3
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wizarmonfan · 3 years
WIP Wednesdays
“I’m Sora Takenouchi. I appreciate the two of you freeing our team.”
The boy who introduced himself as Jyou Kido backed up Sora’s comment. “Yes, thank you. It means a great deal. I honestly thought we would never get out of there.”
Miyuki smiled, though it was thinning and looked forced. “You’re welcome. Chosen Children need to stick together, I guess. Anytime, okay?”
Wizarmon straightened up in the train seat a bit and coughed in pain from his injuries. He pardoned himself and then looked at Hikaru and Miyuki. “The two of you have done exceptionally well, but you need to remember your other teammates. How are they faring?”
They shared a glance.
“Last I knew they were called away to deal with some problems, so I guess they had to fight other Digimon?” Hikaru guessed. “We kind of lost contact with them after Miyuki’s hospitalization. Sorry about that.”
Wizarmon turned his head to Miyuki. “Who attacked you?”
Miyuki looked down. It was still a sore point for her. “I was attacked by a Musyamon. He was working under Phantomon.”
She watched the mage’s eyes widen in horror as he realized what had happened. “That’s how you lost your eye? I’m so sorry.”
“Thank you for the concern, but I’ve moved past it.” Miyuki replied, quiet, humble. She didn’t want to make a big deal out of it anymore. It was in the past and that was where it was going to stay.
Wizarmon nodded. “I understand. I apologize, I didn’t mean to dredge up any bad memories. But yes, you do need to get in touch with your teammates.”
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Stepmom & Daughter Blues.. finally I've completed the drama. Yutaka Takenouchi was the reason for me to watch it. My first Japanese guy I has a great crush on. He's aging like a fine cheese an wine. He doesn't look like he's in his 50s. Hence Satoh should age like him too. I cried 😢 at a certain episode. It's a very heartwarming drama filled with memories. I lost my big sister figure to cancer and having to witness this brought back memories. Of course Takeru Satoh, supporting from episode 6 till the end, brought the comic relief ..(he's good although I love him in Kenshin a lot more) to all the emotional scene. Again, he nailed it. He can look very ravishing at one part, very ridiculous at some and a sight for sore eyes at most occasions.
Ayase Haruka, I love her.. my niece look just like her. Naho Yokomizo, Moka Kamishiraishi, Kai Inowaki awesome set of people in this drama .
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recentanimenews · 5 years
First Prequel Short Episode to Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna Film Streamed
    Toei Animation's official YouTube channel has started streaming a six-minute episode "Sore he / To Sora," the first episode of DIGIMON ADVENTURE 20th memorial story. The prequels to the upcoming all-new anime film Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna were originally produced as the reward for the supporters of the crowdfunding for the TV anime's 20th-anniversary project, and were screened at the pop-up store in Shibuya PARCO in Tokyo. 
  This first episode focuses on Sora Takenouchi (CV: Suzuko Mimori): "Over ten years have passed since that initial adventure. Sora worries over what she should do with her future. What choice has she ultimately arrived at?"
    English-subbed clip:
    Original clip:
  「20th メモリアルストーリー」 『空へ』公開!https://t.co/FdcqYyl8Qa 華の勉強に集中している空。 「今日もいかないの?」ピヨモンの呼びかけも届かない。 最近みんなと会っていない。 「空さん元気?」 電話越しのミミの声。 あの夏の冒険から11年。 劇場版の前日譚。#デジモン pic.twitter.com/qjxpISL9KB
— 【公式】デジモンアドベンチャー LAST EVOLUTION 絆 (@Digi_advntr20th) February 1, 2020
    Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna, the Digimon franchise's 20th-anniversary film's story is set in 2010, when the protagonist Taichi Yagami has become a college student, while other members of The DigiDestined have lived their own lives. The Tomohisa Taguchi (Kino's Journey —the Beautiful World— the Animated Series)-durected film is set to be released in Japan on February 21, 2020.
  English subbed full trailer:
    English version poster visual:
    Source: Toei Animation official YouTube channel
  © Akiyoshi Hongo, TOEI ANIMATION
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sakuranoumi · 9 years
Fandom: Digimon (Theory verse)
Characters: Sora, Takuya, Kouichi
Word Count: 395
Summary: AU. It had been an accident, but she still wish it hadn't broke.
Sore knelt on the floor picking up the blue and pink shards of glass. Her three year old son and nephew lay asleep in her sons bedroom out of harms way. It had been an accident. Little hands had probably moved the glass closer to the edge than it had normally been out of curiosity. Then when Kouichi accidentally bumped into the shelf the slight vibrations were enough to send it toppling. Tears had been Kouichi's response but not because he was hurt. She had caught Takuya just in time before he tried to kick the glass under the shelf in an attempt for her not to notice. She sent the boys to nap, not because she was mad, but it was past nap time and she needed time to clean the glass up before small feet and small hands managed to hurt themselves.
She just wished it hadn't been this one. It had been a figurine of a bird that Taichi had given her. She remembered when he had given it to her telling her if she squinted really hard it looked just like Piyomon. Oh Piyomon how she missed her friend, but the Digital World had stubbornly remained shut ever since the day she lost Taichi.
She had just dumped the last of the glass in trash bin when she heard the padding of little feet.
“Mommy,” it was Takuya who had spoken hesitantly, “we made you a picture.”
Kouichi shuffled forward at a nudge from Takuya, his raven hair hide his eyes as he looked down at his feet a picture clutched in his hands.
“Thank you, Kouichi. It's lovely,” Sora replied scooping the boy into a hug after she took the picture from him.
“You're not mad now, Mommy?”
“I was never mad, sweetie” Sore replied pulling her son into the hug also. “Let's go hang the picture on the fridge.”
Sora lead the two boys into the kitchen. Takuya happily picked a magnet from the fridge and handing it to Sora. She placed it on the fridge and admired the two's handy work. Done in crayon was the glass bird she had just thrown away. She smiled noticing that the two's picture looked more like Piyomon than the figure ever had. Sure Piyomon and Taichi might be gone, but she still had Takuya, Kouichi, and Hikari.
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owarinaki · 4 years
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Digimon Adventure(series EP45,1999)  VS Digimon Adventure(film,1999)
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Bonus 2
Digimon the last adventure: Kizuna(2019) Vs Digimon Adventure 1999 (First short film/First Episode)
Kizuna used may Ref. scene from Digimon 1999 such as Greymon VS Parrotmon in the openning Scene &  Taichi blows Hikari’s whistle
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[The Pilot] Digimon Adventure /Digimon: Digital Monsters (Short Film 20Min,1999) Directed by Mamoru Hosoda . The film was used as a pilot episode of Digimon Adventure , released on March 6, 1999  before Digimon Adventure TV series which was released on March 7, 1999
The first story focused on Taichi and Hikai Kamiya in Hikarioka ‘s incidents, four years before their adventure in the Digital World. It shows their first encounter with Digimon and their friends become members of the DigiDestined. After the Digi-Egg hatches, a baby Digimon named Botamon transforms into Greymon. He defeats Parrotmon for invading the city. The film was used as a pilot episode of Digimon Adventure, which follows the adventures of Taichi and his friends.
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