#digimon pilot
soveryanon · 11 months
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Repostober-but-late (21st and 22nd): a shiny Kolink and a Patamon, which were delivered to friends this weekend!
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thoughtvoid · 6 months
New dream: I was watching the main cast of the Hazbin Hotel from afar (them in the hotel, me on top of some building), when a giant Vox hologram appears a street or two away. Everyone is ??? while he's trying to do some power flex/Alastor diss.
Eventually, I yell at him like "hey dude, I know you're trying, but the hologram is super glitchy". And he stops and looks around at ground to try and see who's talking, and it's true that the hologram, while stable enough you can see who it is, also has constant patchy twitches going on, not the nicer looking 'this is clearly a hologram' effect, but a 'this was poorly patched together' kind of look. The word 'asshole' can vaguely be seen along the edge of Vox' tv head. "Also I think you're projecting your thoughts in text."
The hologram quickly disappears, and some city lights turn off with it. Which, being left in a slightly darker spot makes me wonder if the guy would try to come attack me or anything, so I opted to fly to some random building. And as I'm walking into a room, I realized that both doors in the room lead back into the same hallway, so I could chill and keep an eye out, since I could leave whichever way if someone entered the opposite. Didn't take long for me to see Vox closer to one of the doors, so as I was about to slip out the other one... I got distracted by a picture.
It was just a picture of the primary Hazbin cast, kinda like a family photo moment where they're all lined up and smiling for the camera.
But it was in a frame right out of Spongebob. Not in terms of a picture frame from the show, but more like if you took all the doodles of flowers from the background and just. Laid them over each other in a line. Whole thing was like it's made of colourful string, it's 2D, and I'm starting to question how it's functioning as a frame at all. Suddenly I notice many pictures in the room all have equally silly frames.
Vox comes up behind me, commenting on how stupid it looked, and why would he (Alastor) pick something like that, and I've completely forgotten that I was trying to be wary of him and just laugh and agree. He reached down to pick up a thick book and squints.
"Never before told Star Wars story? That's a big claim." He starts flipping through and it's clearly a book catalogue of some kind.
I look over and go, "Weird. Maybe it's some random short story in between some pages?" He flips through to the end, and no such luck. "Oh wait, go back a little bit." Starts flipping back. "Bit more... there, go back to that page."
On the page, in the bottom right corner, there's a book titled 'The Untold Story of Leia'. ...With some kinda faded pink clouds on the cover that has Leia looking wistfully at the corner of the book, and Han Solo in the background, just from the waist up, hands on his waist (instead of on hips), slightly faded.
Both of us know that it's 1000% some trashy romance novel and just start laughing, but that's also the point when I woke up. And then immediately started questioning why my dream would be so Vox focused when he's not even in my top 5. Well, maybe if it's strictly just Hazbin, he might squeak into 5th, the top 4 are solid even if their exact placement is not, but the 5th spot is undetermined.
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loud-re-noisy · 10 months
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My first Stage VI+ on one of my Digimon Ver.20th.
Overall experience: I definitely prefer the Digimon X over this, training and solo battles are a lot more button mashy than the X's, and i do sort of miss being able to Freeze my Digimon just to pause my run and continue a day or so later. That being said, the fact that I can get my Digimon to go to sleep early with out having to mess the clock is something in wished the DMX had, and while Evolution being paused while a Digimon sleeps does mean that evolution takes longer, I actually kind of like it that Evolution happens only when im more likely to be awake. So yeah, this was pretty interesting, and I'll most likely be playing with the DM20 more in the future.
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bogleech · 10 months
I completely missed that a Mortasheen book was getting kickstarted! What's the best way to get updates on that? Is there some way to sign up for a bogleech.com news letter? I don't want to miss when it comes out
Oh it was kickstarted three years ago, but with the intention of coming out in only one year. A lot of stuff happened :( It's a tabletop RPG that's actually been in development by other folks for now a grand total of I think 15 years, with me just being the art and concept side. I was never really let in on 90% of that development or what caused it to go on that long but now I have enough stuff together that I should be able to get the book out for real in 2024, with the help of the remaining gameplay dev Morgan Mullins, a huge boost of additional development help from @gutsygills, and a dozen different artists I've paid to contribute.
Having sunk so much of my life into it, I won't make it at all possible for people to miss when it comes out. It's basically the thing I have to bank on as my main career for the foreseeable future, the first book is only intended as the start of a series of expansions, it'll have its own official website and get pitched to actual gaming stores. I've been really sweating to make it look as professional-ish as possible.
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Like the core D&D books it will have to be fairly pricey, we're looking at 200-300 pages, but I'd also put out much cheaper digital versions, and maybe little skinny "monsters only" books for people who just want to look at those :)
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The stats/abilities on these pages are already a little out of date, the gameplay system had some last minute updates following a lot of backer playtesting!
I dunno how many people reading this have maybe never heard of Mortasheen yet but it's a horror-comedy flavored homage to Pokemon and Digimon set in a world sort of like ours, thousands of years from now where there's goofy monsters and mutants and biotech while humans are very rare and endangered. Actually the setting most similar to it now is Adventure Time of all things, if it had a whole lot more body horror and no magic (but lots of biotechnology indistinguishable from it). But when development of this game began, Adventure Time was just that weird short pilot Nickelodeon passed up on. Now it will be coming out after Adventure Time had a finale, sequel movies and the first season of a followup series. It has literally taken more than an entire Adventure Time to get this done :( I did not mean for an answer to an ask to go on this long but it occurs to me as important information for my followers in general!!!
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winxwiki · 7 months
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It's not talked enough how Winx owes some elements to Dragon Ball, from the chinese Great Dragon (in a world dominated by western styled dragons) taking from the omnipotent Shenron, Bloom going Super Saiyan multiple times with a gold aura all around her, the mix of magic and futuristic elements in its worldbuilding and cities, with a distinct green tint.
Iginio Straffi has mentioned Dragon Ball multiple times in his interviews as "the anime for boys in the late 90s, taking over stuff for girls". For context, Sailor Moon ended its airing in 1997 in Italy and networks scrambled to find its replacement until 2001 with Ojamajo Doremi and Corrector Yui, in the awakening of Pokemon, Digimon and of course... Dragon Ball.
The original Dragon Ball actually came in Italy in 1989 on private TV network Junior TV, but it wasn't until the 1999 Mediaset redub that it received mainstream success and a VHS release while the TV broadcasting was still ongoing, all the way to GT in 2001, the year the Magica Bloom's scrapped pilot was done, and from there on the anime was reran daily at lunch and dinner timeslots, the ones with the highest viewercounts. We know from concept art that Magica Bloom had a much more classic fantasy style approach with its castles and backgrounds and there's speculation that Bloom wasn't even the fairy of the Dragon Flame, but of the Wind! It's undeniable that between 1999 and 2001, with the retooling after the scrapped pilot, Dragon Ball influenced Winx' final results.
Did you know the original Dragon Ball also had merch aimed at girls? The series always had a varied audience, just like Winx was always meant to be for everyone
Rest in peace Akira Toriyama and thank you for all the memories. Your influence on the world and everything I love cannot be quantified
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kuuwagamon · 18 days
bro i cant fucking stop thinking abt it whyd they give kazemon a fucking lingerie ass outfit the digimons prolly supposed to be an adult herself but thATS A KID PILOTING HER MEAT(DATA?)SUIT CMON GUYS
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I don't think it's bad to enjoy a "childish" show. Like look at the people enjoying Bluey or My little Pony. I for myself really adore the Hamtaro-Anime!
I haven't watched the Tama-Anime myself, do you know a good place to be able to watch it?
Oh, I didn't mean anything bad by calling it childish, I was just trying to set expectations because I praised it a lot. I watch cartoons almost exclusively, I didn't want anyone coming into it expecting Digimon Adventure level story telling.
As for where to find it... let me just whip up a
Master Post of English Subbed/Dubbed Tamagotchi Media
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TAMAGOTCHI VIDEO ADVENTURES - https://archive.org/details/videoplayback_20200604_2141
This is a pilot for a USA Tamagotchi cartoon that never got greenlit. I love that it keeps the color pencil aesthetic of the USA packaging in tact, but the voices are.. a choice.
TAMAGOTCHI: HONTO NO HANASHI "The True Story" and ANIME TV DE HAKKEN!! TAMAGOTCHI!! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HU6ljemBE7o
This is Raw, but most of it you don't need to understand, it just tells the backstory of the Vintage era. Oyajitchi gets the Tamagotchi Planet drunk, and all the Tamas evacuate to earth, a UFO crashes into the back of a depressed professor Banzo, and he and his assistant Mikachu build the v-pets for them to live in and study them. The second half of the video are just short skits showing off the personalities of vintage era Tamas. These were considered lost media until recently, there are still a few missing shorts.
TAMAGOTCHI THE MOVIE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUUL5HLW4Lg&pp=ygUUdGFtYWdvdGNoaSB0aGUgbW92aWU%3D
English dub, if a sub exists, I haven't found it. This kicks off the Tamagotchi Connection era. The previous era of Tamagotchi had kind of an early pokemon vibe to it, sans the humans, they were weird creatures being studied, but this era will feel more like My Little Pony with the characters living in a community and being more individuals.
TAMAGOTCHI THE MOVIE 2 - THE HAPPIEST STORY IN THE UNIVERSE - https://archive.org/details/tamagotchi-happiest-story-eng-subs
Only a sub. They never dubbed this one. I think it's a better movie. I think this takes place before the anime series proper.
LETS GO TAMAGOTCHI - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWFJtQSVLrU&list=PLKXwifP6PSMUvFOebxBHCs1gZRmlAJpK8
A series of shorts, showcasing the Tamagotchis personalities, they're very cute. This is the dub. I've managed to find a torrent for a sub version on nyaa.si but there was literally no difference in the script, even a Japanese pun got translated the same as in the dub.
TAMAGOTHI SEASON 1: https://archive.org/details/37.-tamagotchi-battle-on-the-great-donut-contest
This is a dub of the first 12 episodes, which is the whole first season, said to be lighter on story than the rest of the series ( wish I could see the rest of the series to find out ), it's in a kind of a messy butchered state, a character speaks a bit of japanese out of nowhere in one part, I haven't watched all the episodes yet myself. You can find the first four episodes subbed on the Tamagotchi Archive Youtube channel, but i've never found any of the main anime subbed elsewhere.
TAMAGOTCHI - WELCOME TO DREAM TOWN - https://archive.org/details/tamagotchi-friends-webseries/01+%E2%80%93+Welcome+to+Dream+Town.mp4
This is an english dub for a webisode series they made to promote Tamagotchi Friends, and I only learned about this series last night ,as well as the device it's meant to promote. Supposedly these are just very short bits taken from a later season of the anime though. I haven't watched it yet. You can find subbed versions on this youtube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ9rSKXGta_5flT2XLekrPq1m4ZFU1iWx
And that's all I can find. I really wish there was more. There's several seasons of the anime neither dubbed nor subbed , and lots more shorts ( coincidentally you can find all the Raws easily on archive.org, youtube, and elsewhere ) . But the anime officially ended a few years ago, and Bandai seems to have no interest in localizing it, they only seem interested in selling the v-pets and nostalgia based merchandise with gen 1 and gen 2 characters on it in the west. The only chance we have at official re-releases is if somebody like Discotek gets the licensee, which could happen, they have been doing great things with Digimon, and reminder, they have an official wishing thread for lisences on Reddit that they check from time to time, I'd suggest mentioning that you want it ( you can slip in other licenses you'd like as well, I want to see Animal Crossing Kirby and Mario anime myself )
That's still a slim shot though and I think we'd have better luck getting a fan subbing group to take the lead, but I don't know how to coax anyone into doing that without coming off as a freeloader trying to benefit from someone else's hard work, but god, please, if any fan subber is reading this, please consider the Tamagotchi anime. Save us from Bandai's miserly ways.
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otakween · 1 month
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Digimon Data Squad (Savers) - Episode 1
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^Me watching Digimon Savers
(Just kidding! I'll give it a chance...)
I knew absolutely nothing about Frontier and I know absolutely nothing about Savers either. Never heard a single human being talk about it except for at a Digimon panel I went to in the spring where the panelist pointed out Agumon's ugly redesign. It already has a very different vibe that will take some adjusting too. It reminds me slightly of the Digimon World 2 setting where the protagonists work for an organization/agency. The obvious thing is that we're working with older characters too, which I've expressed wanting to see in the past. Let's see where this goes!
Like I said, I'm not writing this show off, but this pilot really didn't impress me...like at all. The animation quality seemed pretty low for a pilot with some off model moments and reused animation. Agumon is so ugly I find him hard to look at (it looks like his eyes are in the wrong place in some moments?). Some of the voice acting felt off and I didn't like either opening (though I need to hear them a few more times maybe). The writing was rushed, confusing and weird. Most of my confusion is with Masaru. He didn't know what digimon were but barely reacts when he sees a bunch of them? Why was he randomly fighting an Agumon? I can wait for these answers, but this first episode left me feeling disoriented. As with all digimon series I want them to establish the role digimon play in this world and how many people are aware of their existence.
Now for some positives. I like the designs for the male/female leads. They're simple, but very distinct/memorable. And wait a minute...A PROTAG WITHOUT GOGGLES!?!? Quick, alert the presses!! Masaru's pretty attractive (but also 14 lol). Until I did some googling I actually thought these characters were young adults. You can really never tell with anime...
Dub names are Marcus and Yoshi. I think they did a good job picking those (although of course Masaru would have been fine lol). Yoshi is really cute as a nickname.
The "REALIZE!" thingy is fun. Love a good catchphrase to shout.
I couldn't find this show in good quality anywhere. I just ordered the DVD from the library though, so hopefully I can get that soon.
All newly introduced digimon have been underwhelming/ugly.
Random old fisherman dude was a wtf moment.
Not sure why we needed yet another Greymon variant that barely looks any different from the OG. That was an eye roll moment for me.
Looks like the cast will be small again this time. Trying to recapture the Tamers magic, maybe?
Commander dude looks like he escaped from a Gundam show
It's a relief to be back to digimon-human partnerships but Masaru fights digimon directly too? I wonder if that dynamic will keep going or if he'll rely more on Agumon moving forward.
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digimoninteractions · 8 months
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Michael's Dad (02x40)
[ID: Screenshots from Digimon Adventure Zero Two episode 40 showing: (1) Michael's dad glancing behind him from the pilot's seat. (2) Michael's dad winking and giving a thumbs-up. (3) Him excitedly piloting a plane. (4) Him happily eating rice balls as Daisuke and Michael watch him from the background. (5) Michael's dad on a movie poster. End ID]
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fakekojimo · 23 days
Watching Digimon Hunters. And man, Yukio Kaizawa deserves more respect on his name.
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Prefacing with me saying that I'm fully aware of the show's problems, with a good chunk of them resulting from the fact that this show wasn't even supposed to exist. Even Digimon fans who jackshit about anime production knew something was up when a new season was suddenly announced towards the end of the original Xros Wars. Years later this interview got translated and it had the scriptwriter admit that's what happened. As per usual Toei doesn't give a shit about Digimon, but what else is new.
And then you throw Kaizawa into the mix. His usual bread and butter is crafting Urban Fantasy settings for kids with an emphasis on horror but balanced out with a hint of whimsy. (Shows like Hell Teacher Nube, Kitaro, Fun Fun Pharmacy, and Digimon Tamers.) I've always had a soft spot for that genre despite being far too old for it... Scaring kids is hard! You gotta hit that sweet spot of being scary without turning them off from the genre entirely. Forcing you to craft varied scenarios that plays of their fears and anxieties while still making it fun and compelling. Kids like to be scared because they like being put in scenarios where their fears are taken seriously. At least that was the appeal for me when I was younger.
Tangents aside, that's the area Kaizawa excels in and that's the setting he crafted himself for Digimon Hunters. Much to everyone's dismay, both fans and to everyone working on it.
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With such short time and such a drastic change in premise you have to retool everything from the ground up. Can barely reuse production materials from the first season since it's set in the real world, gotta design new characters, backgrounds, and even a whole new Digital World! Given that this was such a last minute decision it couldn't have been easy. And given the fan reception it didn't work out, but for me? Speaking personally? I'm eating this shit up. Even as someone who loved Xros Wars S1 too.
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I was already hooked by the pilot alone! Kaizawa's pilots for Digimon are hands down my absolute favorites because they capture the thrill of the usual "call to adventure" with an eerie undercurrent. Normally Digimon protagonists end up stumbling into their roles as the main character, but Tamers and Frontier have Takuya and Takato- who willingly seek out that call without fully understanding the dangers of it. And Hunters is no exception. It's even more fitting since Tagiru is an impulsive (but fun!) dumbass though. And that eerie undercurrent is prevalent through Kaizawa's cool and chilling direction.
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Hell, even the more light-hearted scenes still have that off-kilter feel to them. The lighting from the arcade machines.. And that close up! Man!
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The eeriness reaches it's peak with Tagiru meeting the clockmaker. What should be a triumphant of our MC getting his Xros Loader feels more like making a deal with the devil instead. The old man's space has such a unique atmosphere compared to the rest of the episode and I already found the pilot to be enthralling on it's own already! Truly feels like the old man hijacked the show and you're watching something else entirely.
I'm sure some fans are bound to have reactions like "How did the guy who directed Tamers direct this?" or something similar like that. There are tangible connections between the shows; with the most obvious being both series being Urban Fantasy-like, but also the brutality of the situation. Tamers makes in an emphasis to show that Digimon are wild creatures who will kill if not properly tamed, clashing with Takato's view on what being a "Digimon Tamer" really is like. And Tagiru goes through the same in the pilot. His enthusiasm for the Hunt coming to a screeching halt when Gumdramon goes off to attack himself, only to get absolutely destroyed. It's a brutal ass moment for sure, and something that consistent with Kaizawa's work and by extension children's horror too. You can't scare your audience by holding back!
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I just love Yukio Kaizawa man.
I'm still early on in the series and I'm watching it through the lens of it being a Ghost Game/Kitaro-like show. Where Digimon function more like Yokai that prey on young children's fears in a myriad of different ways. Coming at it from that angle instead of Xros Wars sequel proper; I've been really enjoying it from that angle! Needed my children's horror fix and the show really does deliver on that. I know this one post isn't going to change the show's reception overnight, but at the very least it invites you to look at it a different light.
Plus I just wanna spread more Yukio Kaizawa propaganda.
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Giraffe Girumble - Last Chance Preliminary 1
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Propaganda below (May contain spoilers!)
Giraffe (r/nosleep) propaganda:
It almost eats someone and the description is suspiciously detailed to a comical level. I originally found it on tumblr in youtube embed form https://youtu.be/kF9yqfpl904?si=7SpPRvViLYjwI83
Boo's Giraffe Height Chart propaganda:
THE SUCKER IS A SENTIENT, ROBOTIC BEING AND QUITE POSSIBLY A GOVERNMENT DRONE COLLECTING INTEL ON THE MONSTER WORLD. In less than a handful of seconds in the film it vanishes between shots, then reappears, repositions itself. Someone had to rent an entire theatre out just to see that the giraffe can be seen *rolling it’s way to the front of the corporation* and hidden in the furthest corners of the DVD, is a single animation of the height chart LEAVING THROUGH THE DOOR ON ITS OWN. The John Zegrus of Giraffes— call it Giraffe from Taured, I don’t know. The truth has been there all along, in the shadows, where it laughed and laughed as it rolled out of sight.
Chirinmon propaganda:
So they're a Qilin (or Kirin since it's from a Japanese franchise) but you did say Qilin are allowed. Tyilinmon (Chirinmon's japanese name) are holy beast digimon and are said to be peaceful and deeply compassionate, but will still fight those who they deem evil and kill senselessly.
Abigail propaganda:
Watched the movie back in December and she was the first one who came to mind :P. She very kindly allowed Willy and Noodle to collect some very important giraffe milk from her, resulting in giraffe macaroons (no giraffes harmed) which helped get the chocolate-selling business off the ground. She also later got liberated from the zoo and let loose in a church full of chocolate-obessed monks and i forget exactly why they did that but i know it was helpful for the others. Very important and necessary character and we love her
Kipekee propaganda:
It's a spotless giraffe which is very cool and p rare. I still think it should've been named vibrant beige tho. :)
Melissa and Doug Giraffe propaganda:
A real children’s baby giraffe plush that was inexplicably used as set dressing for a nursery in the fairytale world in the pilot of OUAT. Basically, a multiverse-traveling 4-foot-tall giraffe stuffed animal.
(I'm sorry, original submitter, but I could not find the pilot in time for this)
Jemmy/Jeremiah did not receive propaganda. :l
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randomthefox · 25 days
In one of the boss fights for the Sonic and Digimon crossover, the idea of SAGE piloting a Mekanorimon won't leave my head. In the Refrence Book, it's made out pretty clear that Mekanorimon cannot properly move without a pilot, similar to how many of Eggman's mechs don't function without his Eggmobile in it. The idea of SAGE or Metal Sonic piloting a Mekanorimon won't leave my head for some reason.
I was thinking of the "final boss" being Eggman piloting machinedramon with Sonic going Super and Veemon armor digivolving into Magnamon.
Was imagining Eggman constructing it by ripping the mechanical parts out of the cyborg Digimon, like Metal Greymon and whatnot. Keeping them alive but vivisected so they don't disperse into data while he harvests them for parts.
Sage piloting a Mekanorimon as a sort of penultimate introduction to the concept would be viable! That or Metal Sonic fusing with it, and ending up looking like Giga Metal Sonic
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ahfucknuggets567 · 1 month
Don't you think that the Wood Spirits (along with the ones for Steel, Earth, and Water) might already be tainted? Could you draw purified versions of them?
Haha, uh no! And I suppose there's a simple reason for that.
They actually look like their ancient counterparts.
Take a look at Duskmon and the AncientSphinxmon. Besides the black, there really is no major similarities between them at all.
But the spirits of steel and AncientWisemon are connected with each other heavily. Like there is so many connections that I can't get into.
Arbormon has a similar color pattern with AncientTroiamon and while Petaldramon doesn't really connect with AncientTroiamon, you could say that it represents the vines and plant life connecting the gears of AncientTroiamon without it being piloted by another digimon.
AncienVolcamon has similar browns and skin tone with his legendary warriors. AncientMeriamon and the spirits of water have the weakest connections other then being aquatic sea creatures. Hmm..
Which is why I honestly hate how the fandom tries and purifies the other four reminding warriors. Not a lot of them grab my attention and I much prefer the legendary warriors y'know being digimon.
Sorry for the rant. Had to get that off my chest.
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Because I’m still in shock that I was in the winning team for 3 Splatfests in a row so far, before bed I decided to draw my Inkling with my main gear (basic floating pose is basic). Pilot Goggles (because Digimon made them cool for me), Aloha Shirts (I swap between all of them based on my weapon) and I usually wear shoes with Stealth Jump, I just like the converse pair the most. Main weapon being the Undercover Brella and my alt weapon is the Duelies and Splattershot (I’m trying to learn Charger and get back into Blasters). Here’s hoping I can win a 4th Splatfest!!
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ran-orimoto · 2 years
Choose 3 jobs you would have given each Frontier memb instead of the canonical ones I don’t like.
For each of them? 3? This is kinda hard, let’s see what I can do🤣. Should I add Izumi too, though? Izumi has got no canonical aim besides her modelling part time job. In my headcanons she ends up becoming a chef bahaha XD.
• Takuya: The F1 driver, possibly in Ferrari, because it’s flaming🔥🔥🔥. This has got no sense but Takuya gives me the vibes of a F1 pilot. He has got enough fire and steam in his heart to pull it off. Next, crazy I know, is an airforce military (because of the Moon episode. Dying) and…I can’t pick another one, help! 🤣 This is happening because I like Takuya as a football player, so I’ll stop at the second one. Fail👏! No, but really. I like him in that field. I want him to show the world the most eccentric hairstyles. Ok, listen, Kouji cutting his hair; Takuya growing it out. Third…………Could he be a fire fighter ? Another dumb idea because he has got no patience. He wouldn’t wait forkitty to get down a tree.
• Izumi: Ok, so, the chef has already been said and it’s one. The second one is the lawyer, because she’s extremely diplomatic and has got oratory skills; maybe she could be specialized in international law? The third one is the languages teacher, but I’m not sure if she would like other languages besides italian. I can just embrace the idea thanks to the drama, in which she teaches italian to Takuya but I know it doesn’t really mean anything. She has lived in Italy since she was a little girl , so ,of course, she can be helpful with it. It doesn’t really mean she would enjoy other languages she doesn’t know. If she stuck with teaching italian, I don’t really know in what kind of school she would do that. Honestly, who would teach italian in Japan nowadays? Teachers from cram schools, perhaps? Who knows if Junpei actually studies italian in a cram school because his pronunciation is pretty good ahaha.
• Junpei: The architect engineer obviously comes to my mind immediately. Let my boy use as many blueprints as he wants🤣! Still, I prefer him as a train driver, ngl about this. Besides the fact a bio says he collects model trains (adorable ), he interacts with Trailmons a lot in the series and I can’t care less about Takuya winning the race in that episode. Junpei or Izumi were supposed to win that! They were the ones immediately taking the reins of the situation and riding the Trailmons. The third one is the kindergarten teacher, which makes me awe but also laugh. Big man taking care of bbies who are so small compared with him. I can’t, okay. I can’t. I think a good compendium of what he has shown throughout the series could be represented by that job: him knowing magical tricks, him having entertaining skills, him being able to lift the mood (THINK ABOUT THE LIBRARY SCENE OMG), him playing with the baby digimons at the KINDERGARTEN, him bonding with the bby Kokuwamon, him lifting the Motemon up and down, him (and Izumi) being the first ones proposing to take care of the egg bbies. And let’s not forget about his relationship with Tomoki, which shows he would also be a great elementary teacher …? THESE ARE FOUR, ZURA GAHHH. But I love Junpei in teaching and bless God most opera singers eventually land in that field when they’re older.
And Junpei could also be a carpenter or an act- TIME OUTTTTTTTT.
Can I stop here because I have no clue about the remaining ones and because you would tell I don’t care that much about them 🤣. I mean, I like Tomoki, but not as much as Junpei, Izumi and Takuya? He’s a bby but his story doesn’t make me that intrigued. But whatever…
• Tomoki: He’s too similar to Izumi when it comes to me depicting him as both a cook or a lawyer. The politician is perfection for him, but let’s also add the social worker, because he could deal with problematic kids and families? And he could also be a model for children in that way, but on a less popular scale, of course.
• Kouji and Kouichi. God Lord, I can’t really think about anything. I’m doomed. I love Kouichi as a doctor and I can’t see any other job fitting him. Instead, Kouji could be a florist too and that’s it *shrugs*. I just believe he could be a florist while being a backpack traveller, at the beginning of the carreer at least. Where would he find money ??? Kouji????
Yes Anon, I wasn’t the right person to send this ask to💕💕💕, but thank you for the ask. I’ve tried.
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mmmmalo · 2 years
Hey on your whole thing about children meeting/getting killed by language: I don't know if digimon is even remotely on your radar but I just read a neat interview with Mamoru Hosoda where he talks about the 1999 pilot/short film digimon adventure and how it was about exactly that.
Not Digimon especially, but Hosoda was in charge of my favorite One Piece film and the language theming is as good an excuse as any to watch another of his movies.
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