#talah arkhana
rhairael · 6 years
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I’m so obsessed! The amazing @loreliaod​ designed this GORGEOUS armor for Rhai for the #WarcraftDolls tag on Twitter! 
Rhai has always given me hell when it came to armor. I’ve always wanted something fantasy-practical (aka not practical at all but also not bikini armor, feel me?) for her that was both elegant, sexy, and a bit spooky, and Lore did an AMAZING job of capturing that with this design. I definitely plan on using this armor design in commissions for her!
I like the idea that the fire details on her skirt and boots actually ignite with fel flames when she’s using her magic, or that they’re enchanted to make the flames move and flicker on their own, hence the little flecks on the rest of her armor.
It feels so good to finally have such a great armor design for my baby ; w;
credits: Original body/pose base: Jawlatte on deviantArt Rhai edits to base: Me! Armor: LoreliAoD
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twizzlekins · 6 years
RP: A Song of Time
Written by @thetomatofaerie as a gift to me for Ys’arial ages ago: Aranal, sa dalah’dora arkhana (Rise, o beloved daughter of the Arcane )Bandu’da alar’Quel’thalan (Sing from your shining high tower) Bandu’da shalla’malanorini (Sing from the depths of the sea) Eranu, sa dala’thas’alah’dora (Forget, o beloved daughter of the Crystal Forest) Eranu anu’men dal'dieb delar shan'quel’dorei (Forget those of cursed of the ancient lineage) Bash'a no falor talah sil’malanorini (Taste the chill of true death beneath the waves) Elor bindel felallan morin'aminor (Sleep forever in quiet serenity)
Thank you, I still love it.
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the-silver-circle · 7 years
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Darnassian Primer
IDENTIFIERS “Thero’dure” = Student of Nature “Thero’dora” = Student of Truth “Thero’thoral” = Student of Warfare “Thero’delah” = Student of Ancient Ways “Nahlen’nor” = Master of the Heavens “Shan’are” = Honorable Ones, or Honored Brethren “Shan’re” = Honorable One, Honored Friend “Mino'falore” = Little sister "Falore'surfal" = Beloved sister "Falore" = Sister "Mino'dalora" = Little brother "Dalora'surfal" = Beloved brother "Dalora" = Brother "An'da" = Father "Min'da" = Mother "Shal'nar" = Aunt "Thal'nar" - Uncle "Kaldorei" = Children of the stars/People of the stars (plural) "Kal'dorei" = Child of the stars (singular) PRONOUNS "O" = I "Ano" = I am "Dalah" = My/Mine "Ana" = Ours/Us "Anande" = You're/You are "Ande" = you/your PHRASES “Anu Zin-Elune” = For Elune’s Glory "Zin-al-Elune" = Glory to Elune "Anu'thalas!" = For homeland! "Anu Kalimdor!" = For Kalimdor! "Andu-dora-dor" = Let truth be restored. "Elun'dorini talah" = Let Elune's will be everlasting "Anar'alla Elune" = By the light of Elune “In'elah” = A formal salutation, often used when writing letters “Sela'mor” = At ease "Shaha lor'ma" = Thank you "Sael'ah" = You're welcome WORDS "Alla" = Light "An" = Snow "Anre" = Kin/Brethren "Arkhana" = Arcane "Asta" = Month/Moon "Belo" = Sun "Dieb" = Family "Dorei" = Child/Children "Dorini" = Nature (literal)/Disposition/Essence/Will "Doru" = Tree "Doras" = Trees "Dracon" = Dragon "Fanass" = Indeed/Yes "Finel" = Final/Last "Falo" = Fire/Flame "Fel" = Corrupt/Bile/Evil "Ishnu" = Good fortune "Ishno" = Bad fortune "Kal" = Star "Kalo'noras" = Starry Heavens "Keer" = Magic "Nor" = Sky/Heaven "Quel" = High "Quel'il" = Height "Sin" = Blood "Surfal" = Beloved "Tel" = Earth/Wild "Thal" = Home "Zin" = Glory LINKING WORDS "Anar" = By "Ano" = But/Yet "Anu" = For/to "Lo" = As "Na" = Of "No" = So "Nora" = Also/too "Rae" = And "Su" = Or VERBS "Adore" = To Be "Ashore" = To Do "Ban'dore" = To Prepare "Belore" = To Go "Delore" = To guide "Do'lore" = To Teach "Dore" = To Restore "Enore" = To Kill "Eran'ore" = To Rise "Ethore" = To Diminish "Falo're" = To Balance "Fan'ore" = To Declare "Mush'ore" = To Hunt "Nalore" = To Feel/Know    "Talore" = To Survive "Thelore" = To die/To return to earth (literal) "Tho're" = To Fight "Tor're" = To Inform "Shan'ore" = To Honor "Surfo're" = To Love "Xelore" = To hate "Andu" = Be "Ash" = Do "Bandu" = Prepare "Beldu" = Go "Deldu" = Guide "Doldu" = Teach "Dordu" = Restore "Endu" = Kill "Eran" = Rise "Ethu" = Diminish "Faldu" = Balance "Fandu" = Declare "Mushu" = Hunt "Naldu" = Feel/Know    "Taldu" = Survive "Theldu" To die "Thor" = Fight "Tordu" = Inform "Shandu" = Honor "Surfas" = Love "Xelas" = Hate "Adil" = Been "Ashil" = Done "Bandil" = Prepared "Bel'il" = Gone "Del'il" = Guided "Dol'il" = Taught "Doril" = Restored "Endil" = Killed "Eranil" = Risen "Ethil" = Diminished "Fal'il" = Balanced "Fanil" = Declared "Mushil" = Hunted "Nal'il" = Felt/Knew   "Tal'il" = Survived "Thel'il" = Died "Thoril" = Fought "Toril" = Informed "Shanil" = Honored "Surfil" = Loved "Xel'il" = Hated "Anah" = Being "Asha" = Doing/Deed "Banah" = Preparing/Preparation "Belah" = Going "Delah" = Guiding "Dolah" = Teaching "Dorah" = Restoring "Enah" = Killing "Eranah" = Rising "Ethah" = Diminishing "Falah" = Balancing "Fanah" = Declaring "Mushah" = Hunting "Nalah" = Feeling/Knowing "Talah" = Surviving "Thelah" = Dying "Thorah" = Fighting "Torah" = Informing "Shanah" = Honoring "Surfah" = Loving "Xelah" = Hating
OOC: This is headcanon terminology in the Darnassian language that will be commonly heard from members of the Silver Circle.
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jademistdancer · 8 years
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WIPE CLUB on Wyrmrest Accord-H is recruiting for Nighthold!
We are currently 10/10 Normal, 3/10 Heroic Nighthold, and we are currently looking for more people to progress with through Heroic, and Mythic afterwards!
Wipe Club (formally known as Talah Arkhana) is a semi-hardcore progression raiding guild focused solely on PVE. We are a very fun, goofy group of fools that just want to progress and have fun together. We are an LGBTQ+ friendly group with a 0 tolerance policy for any form of discrimination determined by race, sexual orientation, gender, etc.
Your GMs and Raid Leaders have been raid leading together since MoP, and raided Mythic HFC as progression content back when it was current, thus bringing plenty of raiding experience to the table.
Interested in joining us?
We raid Thursdays and Fridays from 4:30-8:00pm server (7:30-11:00pm EST).
We are currently looking to recruit healers and DPS to fill out some core spots on our team. Specifically, we are looking to recruit a…
Restoration Druid
Windwalker Monk
Druid DPS (pref Balance)
Warrior DPS
Shaman DPS
However, we are more than happy to consider you even if you play a class not listed here!
Still interested? Contact us!
If you’re interested in trialing with Wipe Club, please contact me! You can reach me via tumblr for the fastest response, or you can message me, my wife, or any of my officers in-game! In-Game: Meíling-Wyrmrest Accord, Abbëy-Wyrmrest Accord, Baedrix-Wyrmrest Accord Battle Tag: Rhaalia#1332
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rhaaliart · 9 years
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Another commission out of the way! This one is for a guildy of mine once again, of his main raid toon, Tanraelath. Thank you, @philerpaderp dear!
Reminder that commissions are still open! Shoot me a message if you’re interested!
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jademistdancer · 8 years
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WIPE CLUB on Wyrmrest Accord-H is recruiting for Heroic Nighthold!
We are currently 10/10 Normal, 3/10 Heroic Nighthold, and we are currently looking for more people to progress with through Heroic, and Mythic afterwards!
Wipe Club (formally known as Talah Arkhana) is a semi-hardcore progression raiding guild focused solely on PVE. We are a very fun, goofy group of fools that just want to progress and have fun together. We are an LGBTQ+ friendly group with a 0 tolerance policy for any form of discrimination determined by race, sexual orientation, gender, etc.
Your GMs and Raid Leaders have been raid leading together since MoP, and raided Mythic HFC as progression content back when it was current, thus bringing plenty of raiding experience to the table.
Interested in joining us?
We raid Thursdays and Fridays from 4:30-8:00pm server (7:30-11:00pm EST).
We are currently looking to recruit healers and DPS to fill out some core spots on our team. Specifically, we are looking to recruit a…
Restoration Druid
Windwalker Monk
Druid DPS (pref Balance)
Warrior DPS
Shaman DPS
DPS in general!
However, we are more than happy to consider you even if you play a class not listed here!
Still interested? Contact us!
If you’re interested in trialing with Wipe Club, please contact me! You can reach me via tumblr for the fastest response, or you can message me, my wife, or any of my officers in-game! In-Game: Meíling-Wyrmrest Accord, Abbëy-Wyrmrest Accord, Baedrix-Wyrmrest Accord Battle Tag: Rhaalia#1332
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rhairael · 9 years
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I’m cryin’ cause I got art of Rhai on Gaia <3 by the lovely Athrenn who now owns my soul <3
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rhaaliart · 9 years
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This edit didn’t take me nearly as long as I thought it would. I have to say though, I’m still satisfied with the result. Everything about this particular edit just kinda worked on its own.
Anyway, this is for the lovely @sarnehthelostboy, who I have done so many edits for by now. This one however is of his lovely Baedrix and some of her spoopy ghost friends. I tried to make them appear less elven-y, but the more I blurred the more they just looked... like blobs. *sigh*
But I’m still fond of the result! And in perfect time for the Halloween-y season!
Winged version and non-winged version!
I hope you like it, Sarny bb <3
I have two more edits to do after this and then commissions will be back open! Stay tuned! * u*
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rhaaliart · 9 years
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Cylindryl & Malethia
Another commission done. This onw took me longer than I’d like to admit. The pose that my guildie wanted was just not cooperating with me, but I eventually got it to work in the best way I could.
Anyway, as I said, this is a commission that one of my guildies requested, of her and her husband’s characters, Cylindryl and Malethia respectively. They gave me a pose reference to work with, and it was a bit tricky to get it how I liked. In the end, I don’t think it came out too terribly bad. 
Admittedly, I may come back and retouch parts of this later, but I’ve been working on it all day and I have a screaming headache, so I’m gonna try and scrounge up something to eat and relax a bit.
Also, reminder that commissions are still open! I have one more lined up and none officially after that, so if you’re interested, feel free to message me! We have rent due in a week and we’re still $300 short of making the bill, so if you’re interested in a commission, let me know!
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rhaaliart · 9 years
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I’ve gotten terrible with coming up with titles. Anyway, this is for philerpaderp, one of my guildies and core raiders and all around awesome dude :D He wanted an edit of his rather dark looking Paladin, lovingly known as Tanny, looking awesome out in Icecrown.
I hope you enjoy it dear c:
Remember everyone that commissions ARE still open!
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rhaaliart · 9 years
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Sen’jin Vacation
Next commission done! This is for the lovely, super sweet fenebae, and her beautiful Forsaken warrior, Fenebae, with her in-game and out of game bae, Ersibene. She wanted a scene of these two enjoying a nice peaceful little vacay’ on one of Sen’jin’s beaches. I was flying around taking so many screenshots, and this particular spot gave me the best lighting to work with. 
I hope you two enjoy it, dear! c:
Everyone else, commissions are still open! Feel free to check out my blog for details * u*
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rhairael · 9 years
Under the cut is some raid-related babble in regards to our current raid roster, comp, and tier competition for my own reference. I just needed to put this somewhere. 
Tanks 1. Mëss [Paladin] 2. Necrovitez [Death Knight]
Healers 1. Tejin [Monk] 2. Abnatof [Druid] 3. Lizzarose [D. Priest] 4. Tanraelath [Paladin]
DPS 1. Warkagon [Shaman] 2. Gordrahka [Mage] 3. Devon [Warrior] 4. Loathê [Shaman] 5. Ersibene [Death Knight] 6. Cylindryl [Hunter] 7. Malethia [Warrior] (Gearing a rogue)
Unofficial raiders: 1. Fenebae [Warrior] (Comes on Tuesdays only) 2. Boemonte [S. Priest] (Former core raider. Still attending most nights but has no obligation to raid team). 3. Duroxas [Warlock] (Not a member of guild, but joins us for raid nights regardless) 4. Rydawnie [Warlock] (See above)
Protector: 5, 7 if including Mal/Fene Conqueror: 3, 6 if including Boe/Duro/Ryd Vanquisher: 4, will be 5 once Mal gears rogue.
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rhairael · 9 years
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Lindraellil & Rhäi’raël Tye’dori
It’s been a while since I made any kind of edit of these two together, so, here! I’ve been trying to experiment a lot more with posing in model viewer alone since I’m clueless as far as any kind of 3D software, but I still want to make more interesting pictures. This was the outcome of such experimentation.
In hindsight, this isn’t perfect. The more I zoom out in model viewer, the more pixel-y things look. One of these days when lindraellil is asleep, I may have to hijack her computer for the purpose of making use of her bigass monitor (which is actually my TV). The ratio of it is a lot more forgiving for making shit like this.
Anyway, I’ll quit rambling now c:
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rhairael · 9 years
Talah Arkhana’s Raid Team is (still) recruiting!
<Talah Arkhana>'s raid team is looking for all!
A couple months ago I made my first raid recruitment post for Talah Arkhana, and at the time, we were still working our way through Highmaul Normal. Well, luckily, we just about breezed through Highmaul, and we’ve been running BRF Normal for the past few weeks. Next week we’ll be doing our last run of BRF Normal, and after that we will be sticking mostly with BRF Heroic. Most of our members are 670+ and (last I checked) all are in the top 50 on the realm for their spec, and some are in the top 10, including myself. However we’re still looking to fill a couple more spots on the raid roster so we can hopefully step foot into Mythic before the next tier!
What do we need?
We are currently still in need of healers and DPS. As for healers, we are looking for 1-2, preferably Druid/Shaman. As for DPS, we are looking for any sort of Leather/Mail wearing classes (Rogue, Druid, Hunter preferred).
What is required?
Our only requirement is that you meet the minimum iLvl requirement of 660. With BRF LFR, it is extremely easy to hit this requirement by clearing LFR, a bit of HM Norm, and some HM Heroic or BRF Normal for a week or two. Do note that the lowest iLvl of the existing core raiders (as of typing this) is 669, so we would prefer individuals who already meet or are well above 670, so no one is lagging too far behind. 
What can be expected?
The raid leaders consist of both myself and lindraellil. We have been the raid leaders (as well as Guild Masters) for Talah Arkhana since the guild’s creation over a year ago, and prior to that we also raid lead for Stormrage’s <The Highland Army>, which has since been moved to Moon Guard under the name <The Ebon Pack>. Her and I both have experience with raiding both current content and previous, and we make it a point to help our raiders in any way that we can.
We have officially begun logging our raids, which we also make a point to review after ending our raid every night so we can make note of anything of interest that might help any of our raiders in the following weeks. Do note that this also means that any serious slacking won’t go unnoticed.
The last thing of note is that we do operate under a degree of loot council for our guildies. Essentially, if more than one guildie needs a piece of loot, and both roll for it, whoever would benefit the most from the gear (typically in the form of iLvl/stat upgrade) will receive the loot. It goes without saying that if a PuG wins the roll, they get the gear regardless. This is one of the main reasons we would like to fill the raid roster, so we don’t have to worry about pugs winning loot over guildies.
Anything else?
This is a progression team, although we do consider ourselves a casual raid team, to a point. We raid for the sake of having a good time, and we do often spend our three hours cracking jokes in vent. On that note, our guild does have a vent and vent is required every night for guildies. You are not required to speak, though you are required to be in vent, and we expect some kind of response (in-chat is fine) if we ask a question. 
Though we are considered a casual progression, attendance is mandatory. If you are unable to attend one of the raid nights, you must contact myself or Lindraellil, whether it be on Tumblr, on our website, or in-game. Individuals with repeated absences over a short period of time, regardless of notification or not, may be asked to step down from the raid team to allow room for someone who has an easier time attending the raid nights.
If you have any questions, feel free to direct them to myself or Lindraellil, either here or in-game. We do require that everyone that raids with us be a part of the guild, so if you would like a guild invite, feel free to /who Talah Arkhana and /w anyone online for an invite.
Hope to see you there!
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