#rhai art
absurdumsid · 7 months
have art.
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Killer! Sans belongs to rahafwabas
Farm! Sans/Saejun belongs to GuinongTale_AU
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thedrotter · 6 months
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my second return to Earthbound but this time it took 8 months after i got hit with rhe ao3 writer effect I have healed... I am here to feed you again🩷
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rhaytronik · 3 months
Art fight 2024 - Team Stardust ⭐
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I decided to join Art Fight this year, and it is my first time participating! Some of you may not know me on tumblr, but you may know more my blog Pizza Tower / Fracture .
Don't be shy to attack one of my characters (I still need to add more of them.), I will actually attack back every single person that decide to fight me. And I pretty much can draw anything, so I'm not afraid of challenging character.
Here the link : Rhaytronik - Art fight
Have a great Art Fight folks! And have fun! =D
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florisgold · 4 months
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Day: 4 Sharing Clothes
The husbands! we love them! (except before they were married cause I FORGTO THE DAMN RINGS-) so i may have finished this at like 2am- i was very busy day 5 is going to join up with day 6 tomorrow^^ so we will catch back up just gonna take a bit
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pocketslook · 4 months
I hate how messy your art is. Justdo lineart is ait that hard for fucks sake
why are you on my blog if you want me to do lineart
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mcytmultilingualbb · 3 months
Team: Welsh 1
Writer: Sam @sleepdeprivedweeblol
Artist: Puggy @puggybut
Beta: Sam @queercode-my-minecraft
Title: Psygodyn Bach
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56961874/chapters/144848392
Rating: Teen and up
Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence
Characters: Jimmy Solidarity, LDShadowlady, Smallishbeans, fWhip, Councilour Chairity, Councilour Mercy, Councilour Strength, Councilour Humility, Councilour Patience, Sausage, and Captain Opal (the dolphin), Gem (mentioned), Scott (mentioned), Katherine (mentioned), Orionsound (referenced)
Codfather Jimmy Solidarity, lle mae wedi bod a ble mae'n mynd.
Wedi'i adael i bob golwg fel wy, mae Jimmy yn gadael y cefnfor i chwilio am rywun prin y gall ei gofio, y cyfan y mae'n ei wybod yw eu bod yn gofalu amdano.
Mae'n dod o hyd i deulu nid yr un yr oedd yn chwilio amdano. Ac yna mae'r person hwnnw'n dod o hyd iddo!
Nodiadau: (Mae’n ddrwg gen i fod rhai (y rhan fwyaf) o hyn ddim yn gwneud synnwyr. Roeddwn i’n hynod o amddifadus o gwsg pan ysgrifennais hwn yn gyson am fisoedd..)
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full piece here! check it out!
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soapteeth · 5 months
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hi! for anyone just seeing this post, my name is rhai and i'm taking Pay What You Want commissions again! to the left is something i'd do for about $15, and to the right is an example of a higher end work (i'd charge $35+ for something like that)
what will i draw? just about anything! i specialize in fandom art, but whatever you're looking for, i've got you covered. original characters? check! fandom stuff? check! you, yourself? check! niche celebs you love? check, friend! i got you covered.
times are tough in the wild west that is The World these days, and i'm pinching pennies where i can. so if you're comfortable with it, i usually use the Friends And Family option on paypal to dodge the fees (lmao), but if that's not cool with you, the other option is fine too! i also accept cashapp! if neither of those work for you, ko-fi is an option as well!
if you're interested in commissioning me, my DMs are open! signal boosts are much appreciated. if you'd like more examples of my work, feel free to peruse my blog, or my other socials! 🕺feel free to reach out with any questions!
instagram: soapteeth 🧼 ko-fi: soapteeth 🧼 twt: soapguts
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medicalunprofessional · 3 months
Dont worry guys i still have soomany fucking ideas for art about swan i could draw rhay guy every single day im serious. potp is important to my soul. So important
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pontiobangor · 8 months
Vive Le Cinéma: Cofio Em
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"Art attracts us only by what it reveals of our most secret self."  Jean-Luc Godard
Ar ôl colli ein ffrind annwyl a’n cydweithiwr Emyr Glyn Williams wythnos diwethaf, dyma rannu ychydig o atgofion a rhai o’r nifer o ddigwyddiadau a dangosiadau anhygoel a drefnodd yn ystod ei gyfnod yn Pontio, fel Cydlynydd y Sinema. Roedd yn enaid caredig gyda meddwl llawn dychymyg oedd yn byrlymu gyda syniadau i’w gwireddu. Mae gan bob un ohonom yn Pontio atgofion melys o gydweithio gydag Emyr. Roedd yna sgwrs i’w gael o hyd a digon o chwerthin, trafodaethau dwfn a phaneidiau o goffi.
Penodwyd Emyr yn Gydlynydd Sinema cyntaf Pontio yn 2015, ond dilynodd yrfa eang fel cerddor, gwneuthurwr ffilmiau ac fel awdur, a pharhau wnaeth hynny yn ystod ei gyfnod gyda Pontio. Bu Bangor heb sinema am nifer o flynyddoedd, ac roedd ei angerdd a’i ymrwymiad yn hollbwysig wrth sefydlu sinema i’r gymuned gyfan. Dangosiad cyntaf y sinema oedd Just Jim gan Craig Roberts ddiwedd Tachwedd 2015, ac ar ôl hynny roedd ganddo gynfas lân i raglennu rhaglen amrywiol o ffilmiau – o ffilmiau poblogaidd i rai indie, ffilmiau tramor a digwyddiadau arbennig. Roedd yn ei elfen yn paratoi’r rhaglen hon, yn rhannu ei gariad at sinema gyda phobl Bangor a thu hwnt.
Trwy ei angerdd am sinema tramor daeth ag amrywiaeth eang o ffilmiau i Pontio, gan amlygu a dathlu gweithiau rhai o’i hoff wneuthurwyr ffilm fel Jean-Luc Godard, Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Andrei Tarkovsky, Wim Wenders a llawer mwy. "Mae'n rhaid ei gweld ar y sgrin fawr" oedd ei farn bob tro. Roedd yn credu'n gryf ym mhrofiad cymunedol y ffilm; cyfle i eistedd gyda phobl o’r un anian a sgwrsio, dadlau a thrafod y ffilmiau a welwyd yn y sinema.
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Trefnodd Emyr lawer o ddigwyddiadau arbennig a oedd bob amser yn unigryw, ac roedd y gwesteion arbennig y llwyddodd i’w gwahodd i Pontio bob amser yn syndod. Roedd gwyliau Psylence yn cyfuno dau o’r pethau oedd yn mynd a’i fryd mwyaf, sef cerddoriaeth a ffilm. Cyfunodd y ddwy gelfyddyd gan greu profiad trochi bythgofiadwy gan ddod a bywyd creadigol i’r sinema. Dros y blynyddoedd arddangoswyd gwaith aml-gyfryngol gan Datblygu, Andy Warhol, Faust, Adwaith, Joy Division, Paul Schrader, Lustmord a llawer mwy. Bydd eraill yn cofio digwyddiadau megis Sabbath y Gwrachod, Mai68, digwyddiadau Off Y Grid, Arddangosfeydd Ffilm Myfyrwyr Prifysgol Bangor a Choleg Menai, Citizen Pontio a dangosiadau gyda gwesteion arbennig megis Joanna Scanlan a Celyn Jones. Heb sôn am y llu o wyliau y byddai’n eu cefnogi; Abertoir, Watch Africa, Kotatsu, Ffilm Ifanc, BFI Academy, Film Locos i enwi rhai.
Roedd dyfalbarhad Emyr i’w edmygu, a chreda’n gryf mewn adeiladu cynulleidfa a thyfu digwyddiadau dros amser. Bydda ei eiriau ‘Adeiladau fo, ac mi ddown nhw’ yn cael eu gwireddu bob amser. Bydd ei chwant heintus am greadigrwydd a thorri ffiniau cydymffurfiaeth o fewn arddangosfa sinema wrth galon ein rhaglennu yma yn Pontio am byth – yn enwedig ein traddodiad blynyddol o Withnail & I adeg y Nadolig.
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Mae’r ardal a Chymru gyfan wedi’u cyfoethogi’n ddiwylliannol gan ei barodrwydd i ddangos y darlun ehangach a rhoi llwyfan i nifer o wneuthurwyr ffilm, rhaglenwyr, cerddorion ac artistiaid i arddangos eu gwaith yn y sinema.
Bydd cyfraniad arloesol, beiddgar ac amrywiol Emyr i ddiwylliant Cymru yn aros gyda ni yn y cof, yn enwedig drwy’r ffilmiau a’r gerddoriaeth y gwnaeth eu creu a’u cyflwyno dros ei yrfa a’i fywyd. Rydym yma yn Pontio yn ddiolchgar ac yn falch o fod wedi galw un o’r unigolion mwyaf caredig a chreadigol i gerdded drwy ddrysau Pontio, yn gydweithiwr ac yn gyfaill.
Mae ein meddyliau gyda Fiona, Evan, Arthur, ei deulu a'i ffrindiau ar yr adeg hon.
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davvekat · 1 year
I still need more Mark fanart im going to lose my damn mind I need Sto see art of finality with what he was saying in the chat rhay he wasn’t able to send because the author removed neing eble to enter SJIT PLEEEASSSEEEEE
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shatteredfears-arch · 2 years
actual write up later whennincan think again but: basic thoughts for the post village ‘i do what i want’ thing re cassie;
She probably reforms from the crystalisis in dukes shop, bc he kept all the bodies for a reason, if a duke wants to do a thread w rhay then -fingerguns\ hit me up
Can no longer attack Ethan. At all. Circa 7 when ethan was first infected and couldnt fight elder eveline, but could fight everyone else. hes the host now, she cant do anything to him. I’m guessing it was the same for miranda, so while she was disdainful towards her, and wouldnt have fought her anyways bc momma would be disappointed, she definitely physically cant now. The Mold says no.
As with my personal canon from transferring my Faerie Halfling char into cassie, she still has fae blood which likely was a delicious treat for the good old mold. do w that what you will. but even mutated beyond belief shes still a halfling, but anything regarding that is primarily reserved for persy and owlys threads unless others want to experiment there, and she was just a witchy human in canon compliant verses.
Once she wakes up, she loses the ability to turn into a swarm. all her buggos died off. She’d need to collect an entirely new swarm before she can do it again, but the contrast point there is she can be in the cold again. But, yknow, no buggy power lol.
she’s still violent, but given her entire family is basically dead… she gets a tiny pass for now.
probably the only person shes 100% trusting is the duke (lol 100% more like 50%), and maybe hatter @ owly, but not a lot else. If threads w post village others occur (unkie, auntie, fishy, etc), its a case by case basis. she did actually like her relatives.. mostly. but her momma being gone rly puts a damper on her trusting capabilities.
her hunting skills outside of the bugging are still present please dont think shes easy to hurt now, shes angry and volatile and will stab first think later.
she didnt wake up in her hunting dress. I actually picture it more like how zoe woke up in EoZ dlc, like the crystalisis became her current outfit, and she probably hasnt gotten and doesnt care to get anything else rn. her most important bits are somehow magically covered though so whatever.
she did not have any feelings regarding rose in the first place. she did not care that ethan was looking for his daughter. she doesn’t understand that point of view. while overly empathetic pre transformation, her empathy levels dropped significantly before she even turned, and afterwards she turned almost entirely into a sadist. While her desperate desire for family returns at the loss of her sisters and mom, she had no qualms about any of that before. Her only issues with ethan were that she was told he was her prey, and she wanted to succeed in her kill. Proving herself to Alcina is always her first goal, and ethan killing Bela and making alcina pissed off and cina telling cass to take care of him set her off even further on the hunt. She does not like ethan now because he killed her family, but she can no longer touch him. Probably, considering Rose’s own reality with the mold, she’d at worst consider Rose an irritating pest.. but one her mother tolerated. At best, maybe consider her a form of family because of the mold, but.. dislike her the way the rest of the family hates each other lmao.
her head wound is still there, the tattoo (which in my canon already wasn’t fully formed, because I like how in the concept art the filter makes it look less and less visible on each daughter going down, and i like the idea of bela being the only one with the full tattoo) has faded even more. At this point, it’s mostly just a portion of a rose and the bladed stem, but nothing else.
The dark splotches under her eyes that look like crying mascara stains are still there, not super dark, but there.
her hands still look corrupted and messed up, like if the gloves are off it still looks like gloves ghosting up her arms, thats still there. But the more claw like shape has faded to more proper hand like looks.
eyes the same, one gold one silver, no vision in her right eye. her balance is off because of dyspraxia. shes evil but shes trying be nice
throw ideas at me lets write together when im free from overworked underpaid hell
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rhairael · 6 years
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I’m so obsessed! The amazing @loreliaod​ designed this GORGEOUS armor for Rhai for the #WarcraftDolls tag on Twitter! 
Rhai has always given me hell when it came to armor. I’ve always wanted something fantasy-practical (aka not practical at all but also not bikini armor, feel me?) for her that was both elegant, sexy, and a bit spooky, and Lore did an AMAZING job of capturing that with this design. I definitely plan on using this armor design in commissions for her!
I like the idea that the fire details on her skirt and boots actually ignite with fel flames when she’s using her magic, or that they’re enchanted to make the flames move and flicker on their own, hence the little flecks on the rest of her armor.
It feels so good to finally have such a great armor design for my baby ; w;
credits: Original body/pose base: Jawlatte on deviantArt Rhai edits to base: Me! Armor: LoreliAoD
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camotherogue · 3 years
📂Have some more Battle Network fun, but tell us more about Rogue pls
okay, to start, Rogue is my NetNavi sona/self insert!
She wasn't fully custom made, instead her first NetOp built her up from the code of a basic Navi, hence her build, looks, and stature.
Like me, she's genderfluid, so I'll use whatever pronouns I'm using to talk about her.
Rogue stands about 5' 2", but can easily fling her opponents despite her size. Appearance wise, she looks fairly human, and under her third NetOp even dresses that way. She has a built in weapon, which is kinda like clawed gauntlets, which she is very good with. Since she's what I call a Variant Navi, she can use bascially any chips her NetOp throws in there. Her symbol is three white claw marks on a black background.
Her first NetOp ✨ fucking sucked ✨. They will remain nameless until further notice though, I don't wanna get attached to them.
First NetOp was BIG in the illegal NetBattle scene, where betting and cheating were encouraged and the losing Navi was always deleted permanently. Rogue had a reputation for being aggressive, ruthless, and she hadn't lost once. However, as time went on she began to get curious, and eventually she was made aware that the Navis she deleted were GONE. Forever.
She didn't like that, and started letting them go, encouraging them to log out or forfeit. A few took her advice, but her Op punished her for it.
Skip forward a while, he got sold off to a more legal NetOp. NetOp2 wasn't much nicer, and treated him like a disposable object in essence, but never forced him to perma-delete his opponents. Rogue continued fighting, this time in official battles and even taking the win at a few championships. Move forward a bit and he was soon shut down and tossed to a PET Orphanage, where he would remain for a while until her current NetOp got him as a gift from her uncle.
Rhay is Rogue's current NetOp, and the two are best friends. Rhay isn't one for fighting, but she does let Rogue go out and hunt viruses, and they do participate in a few Battles here and there (after much pushing and begging from Rogue). Rogue now has a no-delete policy, which causes some issues later. They do get caught up with W3 eventually, but this is already getting long.
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rhaytronik · 2 months
Art fight - 2024 #4 (Revenge)
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When I seen Gokiburi, I knew right away who I wanted to draw for this revenge. I decided to throw their character Madagoki in it, along with my character Rhay just for fun.
Rhay was curious, as a villain, what was Gokiburi master plan about world domination. But during the explanation, Madgoki found out the hard way that it was perhaps not the best idea to try bite into a cyborg.
I had a lots of fun drawing that!
Gokiburi and Madagoki belong to @onionstree
Rhay belong to me (Rhaytronik)
If you are interested to attack me, I will always attack back : Rhaytronik
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crimson-spine · 7 years
Okay hear me out man... what about .. Rhay x Ce'Nedra (ps ilysm thank you for existing)
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Oc kiss week. 13.01.18Rhay (@ondriaprice) and Ce’Nedra.
Plz excuse her she spent too much time on her own surviving in the woods/mountains-i love his design i love his character i just fucking love him (and you and your ART)
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irakoy · 7 years
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Very quick gift for @ondriaprice of his handsome boi  Rhay
I want to marry him 
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