emvisual · 2 months
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La cápsula espacial de Winganon en Talala, Oklahoma.
Una hormigonera tuvo un accidente mientras transportaba cemento. El cemento que contenía se fraguó hasta formar un bloque sólido. Como pesaba demasiado para moverlo la abandonaron en el lugar del accidente.
En septiembre de 2011, Barry y Heather Thomas decidieron convertir la hormigonera en una cápsula espacial para celebrar el quinto aniversario de su boda.
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girswadsurva · 1 year
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GIRSWAD FARMERS PRODUCER COMPANY LIMITED It is a Farmer Producer Company (FPC) We are a group of farmers who practice Natural Farming. We are supplying natural farm produce in bulk like Groundnut, Soybean, Wheat, Cotton, Sugarcane, Chickpea,, Coriander, etc.
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eraofevermore · 5 months
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Goodnight, Talala
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riewritten · 24 days
Johan is dickless
yes in my head he is an apparition/cryptid that could rail and ruin you even without actually touching you im so sorry
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uwo-kun · 1 month
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teach me how to sing teach me how to sing teach me how to sing talala ta ta~
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not-goldy · 1 month
Why JK seriously reminded Jimin that pool is see through? 👀👀👀 I don't remember him warning when it was tkk in the pool
JM was about to touch his talala.. his ding ding dong 🤫
And I oop🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
When he has to read him the fine print and sound that disclaimer you know he's having war flashbacks or he just knows Jimin too well🤭
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juxtp0se · 8 months
but yeah i didn't wanna be a hater but i gave it a chance and i don't like clo.ne hi.gh reboot. i watched s2 and didn't enjoy it and from what i've seen of s3 will just kill me.
it's not even because of me being a scud.tron enjoyer, i'm just not a fan of the writing / humor they turned to. you could say s1 had the same gross / shocking themes, but i think they used it sparingly enough that it made it actually funny. 😭
this isn't to say that no one else can enjoy the reboot, it's just not for me. i don't know what the future will hold for drawing old man yaoi but if i do just know i'm looking away from the reboot and going 'talala'
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poppuppink · 8 months
Summary: Alternate timeline where Greta left her bf (and becomes your problem for plot reasons) and never applied for the job so you do instead. The story follows as is, but I changed some things because I hated the sequel and refuse to use or acknowledge it in this timeline.
Could you imagine having to body slam a whole adult from ambushing 4 kids on the night of Halloween? Well,
After the Heelshire couple left you with the doll, Brahms, things kept getting weirder for you. You somehow found the nanny job when you were kicked out of your home by your parents and had to couch surf at your best friend's place. The guilt of being a burden to your friend ate you out after a few months, it was so bad, it had you tumbling into an elderly couple while riding your bike finding job pamphlets on the street.
The couple reeked of old money and looked at you as if you were a being from another planet. Your bike didn't hit any of them, rather, you were hurt after hurling your body away from the couple to keep yourself from crashing into them. You ached on the right side of your body as you pull the bike back on its wheels. The eyes on you started to make you sweat, your own gaze facing the concrete floor. Their pristine clad shoes move into your vision and had you look up into their indifferent gazes.
"I'm so sorry for almost hitting you ma'am and sir, I was in such in a hurry; I wasn't paying attention!" Your tone changes to that of a desperate plea after you realize they haven't even responded to your apology,
"I swear to you ma'am and sir, I was just on the lookout for job applications and I really, really, need a job; so sorry for nearly hitting you again. I -"
The man pulled his hand up to stop your talking.
"It's fine young lady, we're not at all hurt compared to you. We should be apologizing as well for crossing the street in a hurry too! You see, we must go back to our boy", the man states,
"Yes, yes," the lady quips up. Her arm circling around her husband's arm. "We must be back to see our little boy. Yes, just before he throws another tantrum." letting out a meek smile with a squint in her eyes
As the lady speaks about their "boy", I catch a glance on the husband's hard stare on me; as if his head's gears were finally turning after 50 years.
"Ah, Missy, I'm curious. what kind of job were you hoping for?" My eyes shifted to him.
"Well, I was hoping for a long babysitting shift, since I have all the time in the world. I mean- if possible, I'd take any shift as long as it's fair to me." I blabbered out, trying to ease the uneasiness their stares put me in.
"I see, why don't you work for us then?"
I snapped my head to him as my previous flustered feeling washes away, replaced with excitement. A job? An accidental disaster turning for the better? HOLY SHIT.
The lady shifts upon her husband's words, but only to breaks out into a wide smile. Her husband swaying along with the excitement radiating off his wife.
"Oh yes, that's an excellent idea! Why don't you apply to be a nanny for our boy, dear? I promise you, we pay a hefty amount and all you'd need to do is follow our rules and care as a nanny!" She chirps in.
"I-I'd love to! I promise I have a variety of skills to work as a house nanny and versatile when it comes to different attitudes from children; I have experience with a bunch of kids in the past too!" I reply with as much emotion as the lady, who approaches me to grab onto my free hand off the bike
"Oh my dear, you'll learn to live with it. A good provided life." her hold starts to shake the slightest bit as her squint turns to a forced action.
The husband pulls her by the hip as his other hand lands on my shoulder.
"Come with us my dear, our car is right over there-" His head nudges to the left; a LTI Fairway parked to the side, a driver sat in front.
"We'll give you a ride to our mansion, a little too far to ride by bike, but we can ask our driver to settle you and your bike in for the ride."
"O-oh, right now? I'm so sorry, I'm not exactly in my best attire. I can change, if you'd like." I look at myself and my cheap attire compared to their branded clothes.
"Oh it's fine my dear," the lady pulls on my hand, moving us forward as her husband walks ahead to the vehicle. "You look good as is. Let's get you on the move now, don't want to try our boy's patience!"
Her footsteps start to step up and before you know it, you're sitting beside Mr. Heelshire as Ms. Heelshire sits up front to talk the driver's ear off. He doesn't seem to mind her excited babbling about this fated opportunity about your job, but he does send quick glances at you with furrowed eyebrows.
It took at least an hour to reach their territory before a pair of large dark gates appear before the vehicle. Two men dressed in grey morning coats open the doors, allowing the cab to head inside and park by the main entrance of the Heelshires' mansion. The old couple exit and you follow soon after.
With a wave of Ms. Heelshire's hand, the driver nods and goes to the back of the cab to adjust your bike back on the ground. You give a meek nod and smile to the man and he returns the gesture. As you turn to face the main doors, something on the 2nd floor window catches your eye. It was as if a pair of eyes glared right into your curious ones.
"____?" Mr. Heelshire calls out your name from the building, his head peaking from another room.
"Oh, I'm sorry", you push yourself into a sprint to reach the old couple inside as they slowed their steps to allow you to keep up
The mansion is was made of old firm oak and decorated with various picture frames of a family. It was undeniably the Heelshire family, but next photos held an older couple, but a boy who never ages.
As if on cue, your attention was brought back by Mr. Heelshire knocking on a door, waiting. The same door belonging to the room on the 2nd floor where you felt the stare from. Ms. Heelshire stands beside you, in your peripheral vision, her hands seem to shake the slightest bit as she tightens her smile.
She leans in and whispers, "Our boy has been rejecting nannies before you, my dear." she places her hand behind your back, her touch barely grazing your shirt.
"O-oh, may I ask why were they rejected?" You quip
She slightly hardens in place, before answering, "Oh, he never really liked them. We usually let our boy decide on who can be his nanny, after all, wouldn't want our child to be stuck with people he's uncomfortable can we?"
I let out an airy laugh, "I hope he likes me then"
You weren't an expert as a babysitter, you only ever had experience when it came to your friends' younger siblings or children and distant relatives; you never put yourself out there to train to care for children, but you would do anything at this point.
"I hope so too."
"Nothing dear, let's go meet him now, shall we?"
You all enter the room and see a life-sized doll, with porcelain skin and features resembling the boy you saw in the photo frames. Ms. Heelshire goes to pick up the boy gently as if it were their son.
"___, this is our precious son, Brahms." Ms. Heelshire slightly moves the doll's hand, imitating a small wave
You froze in place. I mean, to think these people have a doll for a son, anyone could imagine they had a screw loose or two. Though the shock was clear on your face at first, you turned your lip upwards and waved back at Brahms. If these people could afford whatever this "doll" needed, they had money to burn. The money you need.
"Hello Brahms, it's nice to meet you."
Both the Heelshires gave you a look of relief as if this was what they were waiting for. Ms. Heelshire approaches you with an excited smile and hands you Brahms.
"Careful now, dear, he's a fragile fella." She whispers.
The cold touch of Brahms' skin touches the crook of your neck, the porcelain activating goosebumps all over. The doll was heavy, like the weight of an actual child.
You rearranged your hold on Brahms to face him, his beady eyes staring right at you. It just came to you how creepy the whole situation is, but you stood your ground and decided to pretend the boy was a "Real boy". Or only until you found out the reason why this was their child, to begin with.
From the creeks of the old mansion, a pair of eyes look at the scene from afar. His body shook with silent breaths of excitement, intrigued by you and your attitude. Quietly as he came, his body moved to get a better view of you all. His eyes focused on your eyes, mostly. No disgust nor forced kindness, just the astonishment of a person meeting another.
Out of your view, the Heelshires look at each other as they realize your presence was well met by them and the thing in their walls. But soon that smile saddens between the two, knowing all too well what comes after this.
"Well, it seems our boy likes you a lot, dear!" Mr. Heelshire proclaims with the clap of his hands
You blink back from your long interest in Brahms, turning your head to the couple. The look you gave them, made them let out a small laugh. The shock on your face with a clear glim of glee makes them feel ten times younger. Their eyes also examine your gentle touch on Brahms, you held him like how a mother holds their baby; gentle but firm from dropping out of the grip.
"How about it, ___? Would you accept our offer to become the nanny for our little boy?" Mr. Heelshire questions, his brow raised at you
"Yes! I mean, yes of course. Thank you mister and miss Heelshire, I'm proud to accept this job." You beam at the two
"Very well then, follow me, dear." Ms. Heelshire responds with a jolly smile on her face and walks out of the room
You follow her with Brahms as she leads you to another room far from Brahms's room. The mansion aches as you walk as if someone purposely stepping on all the cracks. The old woman takes a turn and leads you to two big oak doors and pushes them open.
Inside is a library about two stories tall, an office space on the right, and a phonograph on the left. Ms. Heelshire takes out a pen and a handbook from the office desk.
"Brahms is usually a good boy, but at times he can get a bit naughty without one's guidance."
"Oh, are there certain rules I need to follow for Brahms then?" You reply, shifting Brahms's weight to your other side
"Yes, my dear. Here is a handbook of Brahm's rules that you must abide by, especially since you'll want to stay on his good side for long."
You quirk your eyebrow at her wording. A rather strange way to phrase your need to follow the rules, but you don't comment about it and nod along
She smiles at your obedience and hands you the handbook. The pages had rules of ten, with specific details. All ten made Brahm's image as a hermit and an anti-social, rather than asocial. Your eyes then land on the last page, a contract to the job and a consent form combined.
Ms. Heelshire's nimble hands lend you the pen and gesture for you to hand Brahms over as you sign the papers. Your gaze focuses on the papers, skimming through the handbook once more, as if you can get answers for such a bizarre scenario you're playing in.
You bite your lip as you sign the papers with slight hesitation. Sure, the job may be weird, but you were bound to do the weirdest things for the sake of money. Your body turns and your ears are then introduced to the soft music coming from the phonograph. The old lady and her son, slowly dance to the slow rhythm.
She turns to see your waiting figure and smiles softly at you.
"Do you dance, ___?" She questions, her slow swaying reminding you of how frail she is at her age.
"Yes Ma'am, I used to dance back in high school, but no more than that." Your meek answer lets out a short laugh in Ms. Heelshire
"Oh, you'll be dancing more so as the nanny, dear, I can assure you that." A smile on her face contradicts the sliver of sadness indicated in her tone.
"Oh? Is Brahms a good dancer?" You joke, trying to lighten the mood on Ms. Heelshire's face
She stops in her steps and only responds with a sad smile. Your brows knit together, confused with her double meanings and especially the sadness she emits time-to-time.
As you try to ask her about it, Mr. Heelshire comes into the room. He coughs and motions for his wife to come over. He looks back at you, and now it's clear, that "sadness" wasn't in his eyes.
It was pity
The Heelshires showed you around the mansion a few more hours before it started to get dark. With how beautiful the place is, you should be amazed. Yet the only amazing thing about this whole thing was your steel determination to ignore the sharp gaze you feel every corner you take with the old couple. A stare so intense, it felt so desperate for something only you can offer.
The Heelshires seem to notice your discomfort through your masking and are soon sending you off to your place with their driver and your bike. By the time you arrive at your friend's place, the house is empty aside from the note on the door.
"Hi, Cutie! I'll be away for a few weeks for a seminar a few cities away. The keys are 'you-know-where' and the fridge is full of snacks for your job hunts. Please STILL BE ALIVE by the time I get back."
-Love, Greta
Your best friend, Greta, has been an amazing friend during these hard times. She escaped her ex's place a few years back and was even lucky enough to know that he's now behind bars for crimes in his pursuit to find her.
She found a cozy place to settle down and even offered it to you once she heard how bad your situation got. Ever since then, you taken care of all the chores when she's gone. A give-and-take relationship is the reason behind your whole job-seeking quest, Greta's tired form usually pushes you to do more in her place to make up for her hard work.
At first, she isn't keen on letting you get a job, but your determination lets her realize your seriousness and so she agrees to let you do it. On the condition, of course, that you'll always come back home to her. She's had 'issues' to deal with since her ex, so your company has made her find herself again.
As you lock the door behind you, you flop on your bed couch and start to ponder on the Heelshire family. Tomorrow, you'll officially start working as their nanny for their son as the couple will be away for a while on vacation. Their driver will come pick you up in the morning and you'll be staying there until the old couple's return.
You jump to your feet, as sleep tries to take over you. You prepare your suitcase of necessities and your snacks from the fridge. Greta didn't own a phone anymore because of her ex's continuous influence on her old phones whenever she tried changing phones and numbers to cut him off.
You take a paper and pen and write down a letter to Greta just in case you're gone longer than expected. The letter was a bit longer than expected, you didn't mean to, you just wanted to mention to her how great she's been and how thankful you are for her.
By the time you finish, you paste the letter on the door and get ready for bed. You have a long day tomorrow, so you rest up early for the next day.
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Ohhhh you touch my talala
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golgtha · 7 months
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0nl0n · 2 years
I'm sorry but HUH? WHA—
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@kattyanimationzyt help—
@justelitheslime AS A FRIEND? OR—
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danbrekke · 1 year
From My Big Pile of Old Baby Boomer Stuff: Governor Otto Kerner, 1965
Illinois Governor Otto Kerner, 1965. The way I remember it is I was home from school — I was a fifth-grader at Talala School in Park Forest, in Chicago’s south suburbs. I’m sure I was bored and looking for something to do — I wasn’t that sick. I was as interested in politics as any fifth-grader — well, not counting my former classmate Billy Houlihan, whose father, John J. Houlihan, was getting…
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girswadsurva · 1 year
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It is a Farmer Producer Organization (FPO)We are a group of farmer who practicing Natural Farming.We are supplying natural farm produce in bulk like Groundnut,Soybean, Wheat, Cotton, Sugarcane, Chickpea,, Coriander, etcContact us for bulk order of natural organic farm produce.
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crishel2 · 1 year
Win Metawin 05/05/23
Tão lindos! 2 membros da família Shisedo 'V Violet' e 'Win Methwin'
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Tão lindos! 2 membros da família Shisedo 'V Violet' e 'Win Methwin' estão juntos para mostrar a sua linda pele com a Mint num conjunto de moda de vários looks com os seus itens de beleza favoritos como #Ultimune Sérum para uma pele saudável com @shiseido Enviam energia bonita que você merece. Amigo de Shiseido Ultimune. Fãs, preparem-se para ver as fotos Exclusivas via site mintmagth, breve curtam os conteúdos de ambos. #Shiseido Thailand #StrongfromWithin #win
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riewritten · 2 months
Your Erwin writing about is very fatherly and that makes me tremble even more. Imagine that you have a small insignificant wound somewhere and he asks you a lot of questions including what happened who did it and you tell him that it's nothing important, that you probably hit something. Then he tells you in a serious, somewhat threatening way not to lie. I dont know why I imagined something like that.
oooh anon u touched my talala (recognized that i have unadressed daddy issues despite not having a literal daddy kink hence i write him as such)
have you read my first fic Dusk in the Brightest? lichrally him. oh and would you like to see a snippet of Mere Droplets of Water could still Make a Glass Full next chapter im just marinating in my drafts? of course i would show it even if u dont want to because GOD. erwin. erWIN. sharp erwin!! attentive erwin!! protective erwin!! so caring and nurturing erwin!! fuck!!!! people need to be obsessed with him this instant!!!!!
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AND AND AND i am not telling what fic this is bc it migjt be a spoiler but see the lengths our man is willing to do for someone he holds dear??? (for context he is talking about surrendering u at the base of the enemy—w/c is obv the reiss—but god forbid whoever let him there especially right after he saw you bawl ur eyes out at the death of ur friends). my friends i am dying on this hill
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ch1r0pt3r4 · 1 day
crystal castle mandrake version
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