#talia's like that person who goes to war every day only for the loss of love and time to keep her up every night
roobylavender · 1 year
you've spoken before about disliking when talia gets characterised as a "tiger mom", so i was wondering what your preferred depiction of talia as a mother would be?
this is one of those times where i regret not tagging things bc i used to have an ask addressing this but it's probably ancient by now lol. personally i want to see a talia who really struggles with motherhood due to the fallout of losing out on the opportunity to actually be one in the first place. obv the loss is initially devastating, but she spends the next handful of canon years utterly removed from that responsibility and with the liberty to only have to worry about herself. that forms a huge part of why walking away from ra's is at least somewhat easier than it might have been had she been raising a child under him. talia is beholden to no one and can dive headfirst into her own pursuit of the ideals she wants to see realized in the world. her duty to those ideals entails isolation, exhaustion, and misery, but she's willing to bear all of that if it means she reaches her end goal. and i think taking someone so deeply entrenched in her own sense of duty to the world and suddenly revealing to her that she has a child who needs to be taken care of would be.. really hard? bc talia isn't like bruce. she wouldn't drop everything for that child. she refused to do so in the first place when she saw bruce jeopardizing his duty to the mask in son of the demon. talia would try to be a good mother in the sense that she is emotionally available and supportive and intellectually stimulating. but she's not going to be the mother who looks between the two options of saving the world and raising her child, and chooses the latter. she would try to balance the two however she could, but she would never give up her duty for the sake of only being a mother and to go even further doing that duty would be critical to her definition of motherhood. like this is who we are; this is what we do; if i don't show my child that we have responsibilities to the world bc of the privilege and power available to us, who am i? and that to me could set up a way more interesting clash between her and bruce bc in the aftermath of what he has been through with the first three robins and bruce's general overprotectiveness of his child in son of the demon i seriously do not believe bruce would do anything short of everything in his power to shield damian from vigilantism completely
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glenncoco4 · 3 years
War Zone Ch. 6
A/N: Part of this story may sound familar to you guys. 😂
He steps out of the bathroom, freshly showered, as he pulls the towel off his head, his jaw immediately dropping at the sight before him. Standing across the room in a figure hugging black dress that excentuates her bump and her larger breast is his gorgeous wife. “Wow, maybe we should just order in and…do stuff.”
She can’t help the implication at his words as he comes up behind her, his lips immediately finding the hollow of her neck. “There’ll be plenty of time for that tonight but we have to go.”
He sighs, his chin finding its place on her shoulder as his eyes lock with hers in the mirror.“Seriously, who gets married on New Years?”
“I tried to talk her out of it, but she’s just as stubborn as I am.”
“You Blye women always get your way.”
Her eyes light up, as she turns around in his arms, her semi-protruding belly pressed between them. She leans in, closing the distance between their lips unable to wipe the smile off her face. “Yes. Yes we do.”
December 31, 2008
“5, 4, 3, 2, 1…HAPPY NEW YEAR!”
The Chief Petty Officer’s smile quickly fades as her team celebrates around her. Being separated from her husband for over 3 weeks now is effecting her in a way that she didn’t see coming. Stepping out of the tent, Kensi makes her way over towards her bunker, the sinking feeling of not being with him starts taking over. 2 weeks after the explosion she was sent back into the field. Marty had also gotten his new assignment, sadly in Kuwait, so they had 14 days really to take in that newly wedded bliss before coming back to the hot desert, but even then, those days were spent recovering from their injuries. 
She steps into the dark room, only the generator light a few yards away projecting enough light to illuminate the entrance and a bag that wasn’t there before. The air around her makes the blood immediately drain from her face...she’s not alone. Her hand finds the gun in her waistband as she slowly draws it out, keeping her eyes focused as her other hand reaches for the lamp switch. 
As the small light illuminates the room, her goes wide as the door shuts behind her. Sitting at her desk chair, facing her is that golden mop of hair with the grin that she’s missed so much spread across his face. 
She’s at a loss for words, but that doesn’t stop her from sitting her gun on the table and launching herself towards him, her lips smashing into his.“What are you doing here?”
He pulls back just enough to get a full glimpse of those mismatched chocolate orbs that he’s missed so much. God he loves her. “I just got my new assignment.”
“I’ll be following team 2.”
A mixture of shock and disbelief crosses her features, afraid that this is all a dream she can’t help but ask anyway.“Really?”
“Yeah. Apparently there’s this really badass, up and coming Chief Petty Officer that my boss wants to do a story on.”
Standing up from her place on his lap, she walks towards the door, making sure it’s locked and secure before turning around, her eyes focused solely on him as she begins to shed her clothes. “Lucky for you I have the inside scoop.”
He’s unable to wipe the grin from his face as she closes the distance between them once again, this time straddling his lap as his cock throbs with desire.“Lucky me.”
Their bodies sway with the music as they make their way across the makeshift dance floor. His lips find the crown of her head just as a breeze comes in off the Pacific, introducing an intoxicating scent of lavender and ocean air to his nose. 
She’s been waiting for them to get a moment alone together tonight, what with Talia, Sam and the rest of their family running around, interrupting them at any giving moment. Noticing that they’re all preoccupied at the moment, Kensi finally sees her chance. “So I have some news.”
“Well, I was just talking to Sam’s friend Noah’s partner, she’s a Producer for this new crime show that’s being developed and they’re looking for a double/stunt person for one of the main characters.”
“And she asked you?”
She tilts her head back, her eyes locking with his, unable to stop the tears in her eyes at the hopefulness in his cerulean blues. Always so damn supportive. “Sam told her about me and how I have all the right training and looking for a new career to start after the baby comes, since I retired.”
“You told her yes, right?”
“I told her yes.”
He hugs her tight, as much as her protruding belly will let him and lifts her up. “Kens, that’s amazing!”
January 1, 2009 - Early Morning
They both let out one more moan before he roles over onto his side, both trying to catch their breath.“So you never told me.”
“Never told you what?” The small light coming from the lamp in the corner, illuminating her curious chocolate orbs.
“If you weren’t a SEAL, what would you want to do?”
“Don’t laugh, okay?”
He nods, as he props his head against his hand. His attention solely focused on his wife. Honestly he’s not sure what to expect to come out of her mouth but he knows its gonna be good whatever it is. 
Mimicking his position, Kensi props her head against her hand, nervously biting her lip. She’s about to reveal something to him that she’s never told anyone before. The deep seeded issues she’s had from previous relationships has been weighing on her from the start of her relationship with her husband, but she has to remember that he’s different, in every aspect...he’s different. “I think I’d like to do stunt work for television and maybe film.”
“I could totally see you doing that.”
“Absolutely. There’s no doubt in my mind that there isn’t anything that you can’t do.”
The excitement that’s shining in his cerulean blues, makes unfamiliar emotions starts to make themselves known. They’ve been together for almost a year and in that year he’s never made her feel like she doesn’t deserve all the love in the world, to be someone’s favorite person.“Stop.”
His brow furrows, confused at her reaction. “Stop, what?”
“Stop saying those things. I’m already in enough emotional distress as it is.”
Shaking his head, he brings his free hand across her naked waist, pulling her into him. He crashes his lips against hers, earning a moan from her lips. “You’re gonna have to get used to it, baby. I will never not support you. I wanna know every thing about you.”
Her lips find his once more, smiling at his words. “What about you?”
“What about me?”
“What would you do if you weren’t an investigative photographer?”
“I think I’d like to be a gigolo.”
She can’t hold back the cackle of laughter at his choice, even though she knows he’s just messing with her. “For real.”
“Okay, fine, a hand model.”
“Baby, seriously.” 
“Seriously?” His brow furrows, as his brain processes the question. He’s never really thought about being anything else but one idea does come to mind. “I think I’d like to be a teacher, you know, mold young minds. Maybe teach kids that there’s more of the world for them to see and how doing it through a lens magnifies just how intricate and special life around us is.”
She can’t help but be mesmerized by his words, the way his eyes light up when he’s talking about something important, just one of the reasons why she fell in love with him. 
Marty is so wrapped up in his thoughts that he doesn’t notice the dream filled gaze that his wife is giving him.“What?”
Shaking her head in awe, her nails find the scruff of his jaw as she gets lost in his eyes thinking about their future.“You’re gonna make a great dad one day.”
His throat goes dry at her words. He’s never really talked about his father, but she knows it wasn’t the best and the fact that those words left her lips means everything to him.“You have no idea how much that means to hear you say that.”
A playful spark shines in her eyes along with a smirk starting to curl at her lips. “You’re not pregnant, are you?”
He nods his head, unable to stop the smile from spreading to his face. The look on her face does things to him that nothing ever has before. Quickly making his desire into action, he flips her on her back, straddling her. “Yes, and you’re the father.”
“I thought you said you were on the pill?”
“Yeah, Flintstone vitamins.” The same spark is in her eye as she lets out a belly laugh before her hand reaches for his neck, pulling him towards her. His lips meet hers hungrily as round 2 quickly begins.
The band continues to play a soft melody as the party starts to die down, she’s wrapped in his arms, relishing in this content moment with her husband. The cool ocean breeze coming off the Pacific sends her in a trance, thinking about their future and the little bean growing inside her. Being able to go through all of this with her best friend is something she never imagined until she met him. Tilting her head back, she smiles as her eyes meet his. 
“You look like you could use a nice long soak in a jacuzzi tub.”
“To bad we don’t have one at home.”
A knowing grin spreads to his lips. “Yeah, but the one in our hotel room does.”
“What did you do?”
“I may have booked us a room at the hotel next door.”
She can feel the heat pool in her belly as the look of unadulterated love shines in his eyes. “What are we still doing here?”
He can feel the warmth spread through his body as he watches her eyes grow a shade darker. Quickly taking hold of her hand, he pulls her along as they make a quick exit from the crowd, hurriedly making their way out of the reception.
She laughs as her husband tries to maneuver them through the doorway, adamant that he carries across the threshold her bridal style. “Baby, I’m too heavy, put me down.”
He shakes his head, as he carries her into the room and towards their king size bed. “You, my beautiful wife are not heavy.” Gently sitting her down, his lips find hers as his hand cups her jaw. “Besides, what happens if you go into labor and can’t walk? I need to build up my strength.” 
“Why wouldn’t I be  able to walk?”
“I don’t know.”
Taking is short answer for what it his, Kensi pulls at his tie, coaxing him towards her. “I love you.”
“I love you more.” His words are followed by action, as his hand makes its way under the hem of her dress. She moans against his lips in appreciation before he pulls back, his eyes staring at her with reverence and all consuming love. “You’re so beautiful.”
“Are you trying to make me cry?”
“I mean I guess it would really depend. If it’s to hurt you, definitely not. If its to make you laugh, abso-“
She smiles as he continues to babble, no matter how much she denies it, listening to him just talk and talk is probably one of the most soothing things to her. But right now she really needs his hand to continue to do what it was doing along with his mouth. “Marty?”
“Shut up and fuck me.”
“You’re the boss.” His hand makes its way further under the hem of her dress, as his fingers inch their way up her thigh and come into contact with soaked lace.
He pushes the material to the side, his fingers finding her wet folds, making her scream out in pleasure. “Marty!”
One thing that he knows will never get old is this...his beautiful wife screaming out his name, writhing beneath his touch. His tongue fights hers as her hand works its way beneath his briefs and finds his throbbing cock. “God, Kens.”
“Baby, more.”
He doesn’t need to be told twice. Quickly standing up from the bed, he strips his pants and boxers from his body with no time to remove his shirt before she’s hiking her dress around her waist and on all fours in front of him, flaunting her wet folds.
As she situates herself on the pillows, he pumps his cock a few times before coming up behind her and sliding his hard member into her creamy, wet opening.
They both moan out in ecstasy as he pounds into her over and over again, the feeling of every bump and groove of his cock sliding against her in all the right places. It only takes a minute before they’re both creeping over the edge, screaming out the other’s name. They’re sent into oblivion as she matches his even faster pace before letting out one final moan.
Slowly pulling out of her, he finds his place next to her on the bed where she’s now laying flat on her back, panting as she tries to catch her breath. “Happy New Year, baby.”
“Happy New Year, Princess.” He turns his head, mesmerized by the glow of her skin and...her, before scooting in closer, bringing his lips to hers.
Her head finds his chest, the cotton of his dress shirt dampened by their latest activities. She starts toying with a button, lost in thought at the officality of this year and all it will bring. “Can you believe that time next year, there’ll be three of us?”
He places a kiss to the top of her head unable to hide the smile on his face. “Pretty great huh?”
“Yeah, but you know what else would be pretty great?” She tilts her head back, locking eyes with him knowing that he can already read her thoughts. 
“Bubble bath and cheesecake for two?”
She doesn’t respond, instead she takes action. Slowly standing up off the bed, she pulls her sun dress up and over her head, revealing her very much larger breast to her husband. His eyes immediately going wide as she sensually walks towards the bathroom where their next adventure awaits.  “Don’t forget the cheesecake.” 
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chicagoindiecritics · 4 years
New from Every Movie Has a Lesson by Don Shanahan: MOVIE REVIEW: Working Man
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(Image: imdb.cpm)
Movies becoming timely is almost always an accident. They’re made months in advance and can never reliably predict the future they will enter when released. The right match of content and happenstance can elevate a film’s mystique, even that of a tiny little indie that normally wouldn’t carry much of one at all. The award-winning Working Man, filmed in and around Chicago last year, debuts on VOD services today to a sheltered public facing jobless claims that topped 30 million in two short quarantined months. The distinctive part about this movie is that it displays a sense of workplace fulfillment that would still work if that bellwether statistic was zero. Timeliness only makes it better.
LESSON #1: THE SLOW DECLINE OF FACTORY INDUSTRIES— Working Man presents a slice-of-life story surrounding a tight-knit community of workers beset by the closure of their once-busy factory. The veteran workers speak of a hey-day when the fictional New Liberty Plastics used to employ 500+ people and built the sturdy success of the surrounding community. Ask any Grain Belt or Rust Belt community, and they have their own (or several) New Liberty Plastics equivalents where foreign diversification or automation have replaced people and production. 
The film arrives at the last half-day where the few dozen rabble remaining sadly collect their final paychecks. An envelope and a feigned handshake are the only thanks they get stepping off this line and into the unemployment one. The longest tenured floor employee and last one to leave is Allery Parkes, played by professional TV/movie villain Peter Gerety. Quiet to no end on the outside, you wonder how hard his disappointment is kicking and screaming on the inside. 
Allery is a creature of habit who passed on retirement years before and emotionally depends on the normalcy of a work routine, from his usual lunch gear to his short walking commute to and from the factory. His wife Iola (the ever-glowing Talia Shire) is eager to see him relax into retirement, but Allery is unsettled and uncomfortable to the point where he begins going back to the factory by himself every day even after the shutdown.
LESSON #2: POINTS OF PRIDE— Allery doesn’t go there to mope or to protest. He goes there to continue his comforts and to clean the place up. You see that “work” for him is more than a source of means. There’s a different worth, so to speak, to work for this man. It is one of many points of pride to his sense of diligence and dedication. These are character traits we don’t often see portrayed in movies about workplaces where louder and more argumentative characters move the needle. It is flat-out empowering and pleasant to see a veteran old soul employee who is not a trope of the conservative and irascible complainer.
Allery’s neighbors and former co-workers, led by the more ardent mouthpiece Walter (Billy Brown of How to Get Away with Murder), catch wind of what Allery is up to. They admire his efforts and begin to join him rather than chastise him as a senile senior. What starts as shared occupation turns into solidarity and a mini-movement that challenges corporate aims and bolsters contagious hope.
With a different slant or pace, a movie like Working Man would land uncomfortably closer to kumbaya whimsy. Victories would be assured and cheers would be telegraphed on command through the editing of Rocky Oscar winner Richard Halsey working alongside his daughter Morgan. That’s not the case here whatsoever. Patience is paramount. Debuting feature writer/director Robert Jury constructs strengths of wisdom and honesty in each collective cog of this narrative machine. Reality is not bent to suit or save all happiness. Losses are real and the characters emerging as leaders or sources of esteem have tangible flaws that formulate both their limits and their passions.
LESSON #3: ALL WORK IS HONORABLE IF YOU DO IT RIGHT— This mantra can encapsulate the crew who made Working Man, the characters on-screen, and the performers who portray them. The inspired have created the inspiring. You root not for heroics but for satisfaction of the efforts shown. Mix in the lucky fate of timely poignancy and those efforts have become rewarded in the form of Best Narrative Feature Film laurels from the Kansas City International Film Festival and SCAD Savannah Film Festival.
The person who exemplifies that lesson the most is Peter Gerety as Allery. One of the greatest perks of the independent film scene are the special opportunities to see a long-time character actor get a lead part and run with it. Their bigger and more stock work keeps them employed and present, but it’s in places like this where you truly realize their full talent. If all you’ve ever seen of Gerety is his “hey, I know that guy” animated and nonchalant heavies in the likes of Ray Donovan, Flight, Charlie Wilson’s War, The Wire, and dozens more, you (and this very writer) have overlooked a true master.
Gerety, who turns 80 this month, brings a remarkable level of affecting introvertedness to this damaged leading role. Contrary to his career gilded by a brand of explosive boisterousness, the actor uses massive presence and body language to fill the drama of Working Man. Often alone with his thoughts and sorrow, Peter gives Allery a shuffling gait, and even a wobble of his agape jaw, that never surges into caricature. Restraint and resonance like that is a hearty treat and a revelation all its own.
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ayeletgalena · 5 years
Bris Speech for Gabriel Solomon (Gavi) Galena
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“Angels All Around” - Lincoln Square Synagogue 5/30/19 
So I was walking to shul this morning and I saw a watch store – with a big watch in the window. I walked in thinking I could get my watch fixed before the bris. The man behind the desk said, “Sorry sir, this is a mohel office – I’m a mohel, my father, my grandfather... in short, we’re all mohels.”  
“So you can't fix my watch?” The mohel responds abruptly “No”. 
So I ask while leaving, “So why then is there a big watch in the window if this is a mohel office?”
He responds, “And what exactly would you like us to put in the window....?”
Ha, I mean how many times do you get to do a Mohel Joke? I heard Seth Rogen got his start writing mohel jokes.....
So anyways, thank you Rabbis, friends & family for being here to welcome our little malach (malach means angel) Dovid Gavriel...
spoiler alert: We’re calling him Gavi…. I like the alliteration in a newscaster voice: “I’m Gavi Galena, The 10 O’Clock News” 
….A special thank you from myself and Hindy to the grandparents: Rabbi Reuben Poupko & Mindy, Bobby & Arna Fisher, and my mom Rita Lourie Galena for everything we know you do ...and even more for what we don’t know. It’s so special to have the blessing of grandparents on this special day as our Gavi joins the tribe.
Also to our siblings here and not here: Adina, Sarah, Benj, Isaac and Yael, Avi/Shifra, Tamar/Elliot, Ezy/Chany and Jen/David, Ari/Elyssa and Amy & Ben Fisher, Ben actually here from Chicago, thank you!
I say if the number of Poupko WhatsApps is an indication of love, this kid is set for life.  
So to talk about our little angel, in Hebrew Dovid Gavriel, in English Gabriel Solomon. I’d like to point to his two great grandfathers - Grandpa David Panar and Zayde Solomon Galena of blessed memory who he is named after.
This is a malach/melech (angel/king) theme – so the names David and Solomon. Two kings, standing beside you right now little Gavi.
First to the Hebrew. Dovid - Hindy’s famous grandpa Dave Panar. Arna’s incredible gentleman of a father who embodied integrity & ingenuity.  A mechanical engineer and later professor for over 25 years at the University of Alberta - he specialized in building, fixing and flying aircraft engines. He was trained first during WW2, he later found himself in Israel right before the war of Independence, and Israel had no airforce or fighter planes.
Miraculously, like everything in Israel’s history, out of the sky an Egyptian fighter jet crash lands on the Tel Aviv beach and the Israeli’s thought, heck we might be able to use this plane. In came David, who guided the search for building parts and then eventually figured out how to built Israel’s first fighter plane - The “Black Spit" -- critical to Israel’s success in the War of Independence. He gave Israel their wings. 
He went on to become a dedicated, beloved, and inspiring teacher and storyteller, so much like his daughter, Hindy’s mother Arna embodies, through her innovative educational work at Wexner Heritage and the University of Cincinnati. Both giving their students the profound unexpected inspiration, the angelic wings to go out there and soar.
So for Gavi, the wings of Israel were built on the back of your great grandpa David Panar and they are passed on to you little Gavi, to wear with pride, wisdom, strength & courage.
The next Melach is King Solomon, My Zayde of Worcester Massachusetts. Basically the exact opposite. He was a big, big guy, with an even bigger Massachusetts accent, and after serving in WW2 he took over his dad’s garbage business and almost everyone in town knew him. He could have easily been cast in the Sporano’s - “Solly Baby!” they would say when he appeared, The Jewish garbage & rubbish man. He cleaned up messes all around town. In fact, my year in Israel I get to yeshiva and when I say my name an older rebbe stands up and says what I hope is some connection to Philly or Twins etc, “Galena? Is your grandfather the famous garbage man in Worcester?” Nachas I never wanted but Galena’s always somehow make a name for themselves. 
My dad and our Zayde would always call us “his helpers” -- his literal malachim, surrounding him with love. And I find myself doing the same with my own children, my helpers.
Then the final malach - the Gavriel -  is the name we added. Gavriel is one of the archangels in the Torah, meaning God is my strength, my courage, my hero.
Funny thing about angels - my son Akiva once saw a Christmas special on TV and asked me about angels, he said so is Santa invisible? I said yes not really listening. Like Moshiach? I turn around um NO. Oh more like Hashem?? NOOO. So anyways I have some educational work to do but you get the point.  It’s a weird concept. Angels have one mission? They are invisible? They are holy? 
But when you look at who Gavriel is, he is kinda the badass angel. He represents justice, strength might, din. 
He is sorta the Fixer, the Michael Clayton, he cleans up messes. But Gavriel is all about the courage to do and fight for what is right. The original Avenger. He burns things down to build things back up. 
Side note: Gavriel is also apparently the angel of fire, and since Gavi was born on Lag Ba’Omer we found this a fitting sign for his name. Gavriel’s fire, not like Shimon bar Yochai’s fiery eyes, is often, in the end, used for the good of the story….Like the Dragon in Game of Thrones it can be fire for good (against white walkers) or fire for bad (women children in King’s Landing). Making hindy the mother of dragons..
Here are some Midrashic examples of the angel Gavriel interceding:
-Gavriel is one of 3 angels that visit Avraham after his bris, only to tell him he is off to destroy Sedom -He points Yosef in the right direction of his brothers, only so they can sell him into slavery -He collects the signs Yehuda gave Tamar only so she can confirm his paternity -He castrates Potifar (bris theme) so his wife needs Yosef, only to throw him in jail -He knocks out all the maidservants so Batya can pull out baby Moshe from the basket - He pushes baby Moshe’s hand to choose the burning hot coal instead of the gold, only to cause lisp    -He puts a tail on Vashti so she cant come out for Achashveirosh, 
There are many more.  It’s wild. Angels are nowhere and everywhere. And all these instances seem bad or painful, but in the long term ended up being the most critical pivot in our Jewish narrative.
And I ask myself - how many angels have done minor redirects in our lives? I turn left not right, meet this new person or see this old face. How many angels are in this beautiful shul alone listening. 
What I call Invisible Interventions. Little things change the course of the story. The faith in seeing the long of the story. This is the Gevura.
As the famous question around this time asks: Why is the chapter about Har Sinai next to the laws of Shmita? What’s one have to do with the other?
Because real strength is not just doing all the mitzvot- it’s the faith in waiting, holding off, the perseverance of staying the course for a year - and for some, many years. I think about on a personal level: How many needles, doctors, IVFs, retrievals did Hindy go through for this baby to get to this very moment? How many angels intervened? To believe that holding strong, come what may, is a real strength.
Azeh Ho Gibor? Hakovesh et yitzro... When do we feel most holy like angels? at the end of Yom Kippur, by holding off, by not eating. Neilah we are like angels. It’s the holding off that allows us to soar.
In our story - If our son Akiva represents comfort from loss, and Talia our blessing, Gavi represents our return of being fearless. The courage to continue. To move forward.
We have been blessed to be surrounded by angels on all four sides, as the song goes, with Rafael healing and comfort behind us ...and now Gavriel by our side. 
And as I think we can all feel in this room, if we close our eyes – V’al Roshi, V’Al Roshi - Shechina’s Kail, God’s presence, embracing us holding us, like a Rabbi Poupko classic bearhug.
One final interpretation of angels is in Pirkei Avos, and with this, I’ll close, it says that with each and every prayer or good deed a person does, you create an advocate, an angel. Angels are created by doing good. 
And what seems like yesterday, with the loss of our first star, angel Ayelet, still burning bright guiding us – like the torch of Lag Ba’omer...I don’t know the number of angels/advocates created by each of you here and our Ayelet Nation beyond – you have gotten us this far, your prayers/deeds were advocates - and with the new strength of our new little helper Gavi, I know we will continue to shine. 
May we all be zocheh today, tomorrow to go out there and keep creating angels… for ourselves, for others, and for our community - bimhayra vyamenu amen.
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***Shifter, Supernaturals Book 1 A BBW Paranormal Romance.***
Shifter is also available on Audio @ Audible.com & available through the Audible Romance Package. Read by Margi Stephens
Abby is a plus size woman, struggling to learn to love herself despite the mental and physical damage her ex did to her.
 Dimitri Sullivan, the son of a local shapeshifter pack’s alpha, is trying to find a way to break the curse a powerful witch placed on him after he had a one-night stand with her.
Mave will stop at nothing to ensure Dimitri stays cursed even if she has to break every law of the supernatural world to do so.
SHIFTER is a full-length, stand-alone eBook.
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  Outcast, Supernaturals Book 2, A BBW Paranormal Romance.
 Outcast is also available on Audio at Audible.com & with Wispersync! Read by Margi Stephens
Leigh Alexander has lived every day of her life feeling like an outcast amongst her family and the small-minded people of Pine Hollow, a secretive community to which her parents belong. When Danielle, Leigh’s younger sister, asks Leigh to come home for her wedding, Leigh’s torn between wanting to be there for her sister and saving herself from people who’ve despised her all of her life.
Knowing she’ll regret her decision, Leigh gives into her sister and goes home for what she hopes is the last time. Leigh assumed people would ignore her, for them to shun her, for them to point out all the ways she didn’t belong all because she wasn’t a size perfect. What she hadn’t guessed she would do was fall for Ryan Hart, a man, who she will soon discover, knew all of the secrets her family and the town of Pine Hollow refuse to tell her.
 Revealing the truth about Pine Hollow and the rest of the supernatural world is forbidden. To save Leigh’s life, though, Ryan will tell her everything about who she is, or more importantly, who she isn’t, even if it will forever change her life and the lives of every person in Pine Hollow.
 Outcast is a full-length, stand-alone eBook.
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Supernaturals Book 3
A BBW Paranormal Romance
The loss of her job, her husband, her home, and her quiet life has Talia dreaming of a life she’s only read about in paranormal romance novels.
An inherent need to find his mate and settle down has werecoyote Bane hoping that the human who’s just entered his life is the one for him.
 Peace is all Casen, the king of the werewolves, wants but with half his pack yearning to be the warring pack they once were, he’s sure it won’t come in his lifetime.
 Max is determined that the war between his people and the coyotes continues even if it means kidnapping and torturing a group of coyotes and the human with them to make it happen.
 The Fates, on the other hand, have their own agenda for these four, and their desires are all that matter.
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