#talkative butches are sooooo cute <3
salaciousslut · 8 months
I'll try to not be too distracting since i know how important exams are, but i know you'll ace your exam. You're a smart girl<3 I hope you have fun when you go out after, I wish i could be there to take care of you while you're having a good time. Im glad you feel honored, you've just been on my mind a lot🫣 pretty music makes people think of pretty people<3 Kali is one of my favorite artists, if a scandal about her ever broke out it'll break me inside bc as a latina, Im a big supporter of other latinas🤭
Im basically the same way, I used to be extra prepared charger cords and all, but nowadays all my friends and i need is like IDs, a wax pen or two, and our phones 🤭 but im def making sure my friends are safe bc i have the most wits about me when we're drunk. Yeah i was thinking about you 🫣 i had to reel in my thoughts before i got too turned on though so at least it wasnt too worrisome. You'd fit right in with us sweetheart<3 it would've been so nice to have you on my lap drinking with us and talking to us🥺
Such a sweet girl, speaking when told to<3 makes me feel better that you get it, and you wont think that i dont care! Ive had a few people think that before.
Youre so cute sweetheart<33 and with you saying it so confidently it makes my heart ache a little that i really cant just show up to your apartment and use your pretty little pussy</3 you deserve to be used after using your brain to study all day 🥺
I like seeing others happy too, if you were just a pretty girl i was walking by i'd give you a complement on how you wore your hair and one on your outfit just to see you smile, wouldn't ask for a number or nothing, just an innocent complement and hope it made your day better. I dont like one sided shit so it makes me happy to see you say that first 🥰 you really know how to make a butch feel special you know that? Youre too good at flattering leos, sweetheart. I think you holding my face in your hands would fix me actually<3
Wait thats too cute 🥺 if i got to be comfy enough i would definitely be more than willing to let you learn my schedule! I would love to ft with you whenever you wanted omg🤭 you are too sweet<333 i bet so many people would be jealous of the fact that such a pretty princess isnt calling them up out of the blue<3
I promise im not too hard on myself, last time i needed to check myself was well over a year ago. I know i deserve good things. And not to be on some hippie shit but if i didnt think i did, i wouldnt be willing to accept all the ways the universe has helped me. Im growing but i still still slip up like everyone else you know?
youre not distracting at all!! you are a welcome break hehe!! my brain hurts but i love talking to you! and youve been on my mind a lot too!!
yes i always have some meds and chapstick and chargers and eye drops and stuff haha. but when im drunk i get a lil carried away so take care of me okay? hehe
yes im such a good girl hehe!! i just wanna be relaxed and spend time with someone!!
stop i love when people compliment me!!! it makes me sooooo happy and i feel more confident that day. plus coming from a kindhearted soul like you? it would make my day
yay!! i love calling people! especially video calling bc i just feel like its more personal! plus i love seeing people hehe, makes my heart full!! and i should be the one who people should be jealous of! look at you!!
yes i completely understand! im glad you are at that mindset! i feel like thats a very mature way to look at things
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bear-girlfriend · 1 year
hhhnnnngggggg i need to put this somewhere holy FUCK. last night my butch fucked me sooooo goooooddddd my fucking god.
my butch and their roommate had one of their art nights last night and i was painting a big cardboard box (that i'm going to make into one of those sunshine care packages for them) and everyone kept asking me about it and i was being cagey because it's supposed to be a surprise. this will be relevant i promise
everyone else left and my butch and i were alone and we went to go lay down on their bed and it started with us cuddling and i was all wrapped around them and squishing them a little bit because i can't help my cute aggression for them sometimes *~* and i was whining and humming and i don't know how we got on this but they started joking about how they'd make a good werewolf because . transgender. and i was laughing and squishing them more and they started to ask me what in particular i'd like about it and i just mumbled into their shoulder "monsterfucker" and they asked more so i started talking about how they'd be even bigger and stronger and cozier. and i get nervous a lot so i didn't say this but i was thinking about them fucking me and knotting me, and biting me and leaving marks that would last longer than normal, and having ruts and not letting me leave the bed for days on end, and i'd have to stay so they could fuck me into oblivion to take care of them or else they'd hunt me down and drag me back to their room themself *///u///*
and then (this is a daze i'm so embarrassed that i don't remember) they asked me to turn over onto my stomach and started using that low, sweet voice i love that always makes me melt and stroked my ass a little bit and asked if they had any reason to spank me (! ///.///) and i kinda short circuited, and when i didn't answer they grabbed my hair and said "i asked you a question." and i stuttered out something about the box and how i wasn't saying anything about it even though they asked me so many times and they leaned over my back and said something in my ear but it just sounded like pure dripping sex and then i felt a smack on my ass and it was loud and i just wanted to moan but i pushed my face into the pillow because we couldn't tell if their roommate was back or not
i had my arms out holding on to the headboard while they spanked me a few more times, and then they asked if i wanted them to tie me up and i reeeeaaaallllllyyyyy did (and i don't know where they got this from because i was facedown on the bed and not knowing/being able to anticipate is so much fun we need to use some blindfolds more often) so they have a rope rosary and tie my wrists together behind my back (guh i wonder if they took a picture) and they kept asking me how it felt and if i was okay and after it clicked for me how much they were checking in and taking care of me, i felt so loved and my heart felt all twisted up in ways that probably aren't physically possible <3 and they spanked me some more until they got nervous about their roommate hearing.
so they asked me what else i wanted and i begged them to touch me, to finger me, and they just pushed my panties to the side and started touching me and that alone made me so much wetter because holy fuck i did not realize how hot that is everyone was so right about it. and they fingered me until i just couldn't take it anymore, and they untied me and laid down next to me and kept asking how i was, if i was sore, where, what did it feel like, and they were so patient with me and focused and i've never felt so loved or paid attention to. i was laying down on my stomach still and i would look at my hands and the marks the ropes left and touch the indentations and i'm not very good at talking when i get like that mostly because i get embarrassed or because i'm trying to translate the words in my head into something less embarrassing but still true or i'm trying to even register how i feel because sometimes i shut down or numb out for other reasons. and it was so good! and i came back down and my butch was there and thinking about that makes me want to cry it was so fucking good.
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mrskurono · 3 years
Three hi! how are you? Its me again 98Anon 😁❤️ I just thought i would update u a little about my journey.... ive been very happy lately,, ever since i finally accepted that i like women. I also want a gf like i've never been this desperate before it hurts lol 😭 the thing is, im still figuring out if im on the aro spectrum but for now i just label myself as queer and i know that i want to be with a girl!!! aaah i feel so much better now, my heads clearer and i even find myself daydreaming about doing cute stuff with my non existent gf 😖 im so much happier (grinning ear to ear happy) when i think about being in a relationship with a girl tbh... i cant even imagine myself with a guy anymore (aside from my anime crushes) bcs im uncomfy around them and they make me cringe.
you know what i just realized? i've always been attracted to girls and i was clueless throughout my whole life! 😭 when i was young i remembered paying more attention to women than men when a spicy scene comes on screen 😭😭😭 also when i was in hs a friend asked "whats the first thing you'll do if u become a guy?" and my answer was pursue girls and treat them right like... thats kinda fruity??? ooohh i also remember taking "am i bisexual quiz" when i was like 15 or sumthn 🤔 i was convinced im just a "great ally" my whole life!
sorry if it took sooooo long i have no one to talk about this aaah i got too excited i guess..? im sorry 😅 i hope ur healthy and doing well its a been a while ❤️❤️☺️
(last one i promise, theres a time where i cried when i saw videos of girls being inlove and the other one was when i was listening to a sapphic song... and i cant even explain why )
lots of love from 98ANON 🌹
That's so great to hear! And honestly you deserve all the love of a sweet girlfriend! I hope you are able to find your own lgbtq+ space and make friends and maybe even find someone special to you <3 I know that finally accepting yourself is almost like a breath of fresh air. As ridiculous as it sounds. It's like a light bulb going off and then just relief and almost contentedness.
I felt the same way when I finally realized there were fat lesbians/hairy lesbians/masculine looking lesbians that just so happened to look like that but were still super feminine and girly. For so long I felt like I "had" to be butch bc well, I like women, and I look like this. I couldn't be the petite, appealing, girly looking lesbian people thought of when they assumed someone was gay. I could be muscly, broad and hairy and still be just as important as the tiny little "pillow princesses" bc it didn't matter. I could just be me. So I totally get the relief of finding yourself out and how wonderful it is! And I'm so happy you found it too!
Here's to lots of queer encounters and love and friendships 💖🏳‍🌈
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dipplie · 4 years
For anyone who doesn’t know me
I stole this and filled it out, don’t COME FOR me
The Basics: Full Name: Jasmine Elizabeth Degler Birth Date: February 15th, 2002 Birth Place: Denver, CO Gender: Female Eye Color: Blue Hair Color: Blonde Currently living: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Height: Like 5′3″? Weight: NOT ENOUGH AAAAAAAA Righty or Lefty: Right hand Right Wing or Left Wing: I think a plane needs both wings pal Zodiac: Aquarius-Pisces Cusp. Aka I’m so xd quirky but I also cry a lot because I’m baby Favorites: Band/Singer: I like... Owl City... Blame my partner~ Song: Apple.com Movie: Saw 2 or Cube? Color: Yellow Animal: Bunny Smell: Vanilla Boy Name: Theodore Girl Name: Penelope Month: May Swear Word: F̵̗̯͇͙͔̟̰̯͎̃U̴̡̠͕̱̻̽͂̿͜ͅC̶̪͇̗͍̱̩̻͊K̷̲̫͕̖̼̺̜̻͌̒͊̋͑̅̆̚͜ Grade: Kindergarten. It’s all downhill from there kid drinks wine Least Favorite Grade: I think Freshmen Year 
Preferences: Anime or Disney?: Disney Guys or Girls: SCREAMS Lips or Eyes?: Eyes Kisses or Hugs?: Snugs Eating or Drinking?: CRUNCHITY MUNCHITy OVER SLORPS Summer or Winter?: Summer Outdoors or Indoors?: Outdoors Personal: Why did you choose your username?: My partners screen name is NightlyOver! What is your favorite piece of your own work?: This one is nice I guess
Tumblr media
Look to your left, what’s the first thing you see?: Graduation cap and gown I probably won’t get to wear :’^) Now your right: My cat sleeping on my bed Something you can't live without: I like... Partner... He’s... Perfect... GPA: I think like 3.5...??? Maybe it was 3.2 I honestly have no idea. Between those. The Last... Person you hugged: My friend Jordan Movie you watched: I think it was Moana? Song You Listened To: I think it was that one Echo vocaloid song? But a chorus. Thing you ate/drank: Pretzels with peanut butter in them. My favorite drink :) Time you cried and why: Probably a couple days ago. Time you laughed and why: Probably earlier
The First... Person you kissed: Haven’t kissed anyone baby! Crush you had: My boyfriend Thing you think about when you wake up: My boyfriend Longest friend you ever had: My boyfriend Person you talk to each day: My boyfrie School you went to: Grand Junction High School Big holiday you went on: Once for Christmas my dad took me and my brother on a cruise to Mexico. It was ok. REALLY HOT. IN WINTER? Award you got: Some art stuff in Elementary and early Middle School. Have you ever... Broken the law?: Smoked weed a few times B) Been arrested?: Nope Had a hangover?: Nope I can’t drink and don’t plan on it Been in a hospital?: Ya but I was like 2 and broke my arm so I don’t remember Been in a car crash?: Notttt yeeet Flown on a plane?: Ya Been on a boat?: Ya Traveled overseas?: Kinda? Does the Gulf of Mexico count. It’s 1 sea. I traveled over A sea. Had sex?: Nope Been to a concert?: Once Ya Pretended to be sick to avoid doing something?: Ya Skipped school / work?: Sadly Ya Broken a bone: Ya when I was 2 Personal Again: Who is your closest friend on Tumblr?: I guess @drinksss​ ;^) What is your favorite post by them?: Snake... Your Religion?: Dunno and don’t care too much, I just wanna turn into a tree when I die bro... Social Class?: Upper Middle? Ethnicity: I’m W H I T E Languages you speak?: English et en petite eu (mal) francais. Scar (s) you have?: Arm burns from a straightener, Couple years ago my mom yelled at me and told me all I was good as was crying! I got really upset and did them all! Sad. Orientation?: I like... Everything... Girls pretty... Guys handsome... Totally Random~ Where is your dream holiday location?: Mm, I’ve always wanted to go to Canada. What are you wearing right now?: Gray PJ’s What is the last thing you bought?: I think Olive Garden When did you join Tumblr?: Like 10 minutes ago Why did you join?: I can’t escape so I’m back here again Are you a member of any other websites?: I have a YouTube but I don’t upload anymore, I have a Pintrest now though! -This Board: https://www.pinterest.com/dippydaily/cabbages-and-cottages/ -And my Art Board!: https://www.pinterest.com/dippydaily/dailys-art/
Are You... Shy: Ya Loud: Ya Nice: I try to be Outgoing: Ya Quiet: I try not to be Mean: I try not to be :( Emotional: VERY Sensitive: Very... Strong: UHUH NO? Caring: I am if you are Dangerous: Naw Crazy: xd Spontaneous: Ya, me’s got OCD :’^) Funny: Hey, u know who’s funny? Ready the first word... Wai Sweet: Eh Sharing: Ya Responsible: NAW Trustworthy: I don’t even trust myself so like Open-minded: Ya Creative: Ya Cute: GOD I wish Slick: Slick as the way your words make my heart beat~ (I WANT TO DIE) Smart: Yeah I guess Dumb: Yeah I guess Evil: >:3c Photogenic: Nooooooo... Greedy: I try not to be Ugly: Oh hunti right now? don’t @ me like this Messy: Naw Neat: Ya Perverted: uwu Silly: OWO A B****: A butch? No I’m a fem.  A Good Listener: When it’s important yes A Fighter: Naw I’m just gonna lie down
Yes or No Are you a vegetarian: Ya Are you a carnivore: IMPLYING I’D ONLY EAT MEAT AND NOTHING ELSE KSHFDJSHFKJDSNKJFGDSJ Are you heterosexual: No  Do you like penguins: They’re cute, my partner ADORES them and pandas tho Do you write poetry: Sometimes! Do you sleep with stuffed animals on your bed: I do! Are you a zombie: Hey that’s extremely RUDE to people with depression ok, watch your LANGUAGE  Do you bite your nails: Sadly Can you cross your eyes: Yeah Do you make your bed in the morning: No Have you touched someone's private part: PRIVATE PATRTDGUFDSN ITS CALLED THE NONO SQUARE OUTOUOGUHOUG
Opinions What do you think about classical music: It’s ok About boy bands: Sometimes they’re nice but typically all the songs are just for moneyyyy sooooo not really sexy now huh About suicide: 0/10 Would not recommend (Okay but on a serious note, don’t do it :^( It does get better. You’re not okay, but you’re alive, and that’s the first step to getting better. Don’t end on the low note, keep going till you can end on the high note :^) ) About people who try to force their opinions on you: UghhhhHHHHNNNNN About teen pregnancy: TEENAGERS SHOULDN’T BE HAVING SEX. STOP! STOP THAT! OH MY GOD! YOU’RE CHILDREN OH MY GOD!  Where do you think you'll be in 10 years: Stress Who do you think you'll still be friends with in 5 years: Stresses haRDER About gay men: Nice
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