#tall one/short one dynamics says they MUST be movie girlfriends
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If Sophie Okonedo and Maribel Verdu don’t play a queer couple in Raymond & Ray, I will throw hands.
…and still ship it. Because MILFs.
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sscoutregimentss · 3 years
I was gonna make a request based on your Eren x Gamer Reader post but then I saw you take poly requests... Erejean x Gamer Reader? (She/her pronouns btw ^_^)
sure thing anon! your brain is huge. i started a one shot which is now sitting in my drafts bc i literally dont know how to finish it. maybe i'll post it later but for now here you go headcanons woohoo
eren and jeans dynamic makes it look like its impossible for them to share a girlfriend but it actually? works surprisingly well?
arguing is kinda their love language in a very strange weird way. if theyre not fighting somethings wrong but their like constant bickering actually is rlly important to you three's relationship lmfaooo a lot of communicating is just eren and jean fighting and then you pick up on something they say and you three talk it out. plus its gets all their energy out at the end of the day... like when puppies run around in circles bc they didnt go on long enough walks
jean is the planner of the couple, always making sure you guys get tickets to see this that and whatever, always figures out how ur gonna get places and when everyone will be picked up, makes sure everyones schedules are free and that theres no big game release that you'll miss and eren doesnt have work and jean isnt volunteering
in terms of nerdiness jean is a decent middle ground between you (who says "ummm actually..." unironically) and eren (who thought dungeons and dragons was a kinky thing) because he lives with connie so he gets roped into playing stuff like rainbow six seige and watching battlestar galactica into late hours of the night. also he's an only child who was prone to boredom as a kid so he played video games like any other only child. that being said he has a more extroverted personality and aptitude for sports so he just never got as absorbed in it as you did
this kind of makes eren jealous tbh because he thinks jean has more to relate with you then him. but jealousy is like a natural feeling and despite his feigned reluctance jean is happy to share his knowledge with him.
plus eren realizes that what he lacks in video game and movie knowledge he makes up in anime bc jean is clueless on that front. once you went on this huge rant about how sailor moon would decimate goku in a fight and jean just goes "gokus the pirate with the fox spirit, right? hes trying to become number one pro hero right?"
speaking of eren eren and jean are on the same volleyball team (i hc they play volleyball bc theyre tall but i think theyd be cute on any sports team because im weak hearted) and you become their fave cheerleader <3 they look for you in the stands before each game and have their own little ritual for good luck. when he spots you jean jumps really high (despite the team captain, levi screams at him to save it for when the game starts) and makes a heart with his arms and blows you a kiss when he gets in the air and its so embarrassing so eren just dogpiles the embarassment but giving you an over exaggerated wink its the worst theyre gross
jean gets you into connie's discord server after you complain that people are really rude to you in online games and eren is quick to demand an invite too even though he literally plays nothing and has no idea how discord works. he will log in and ping you to show you a meme and even though connie's server is really chill with rules (like 10 ppl max, just some friends hanging out) he has always wanted to say "no memes in general" so he does it every time. you have to show eren how to use private messages once connie jokes abt eren being his discord kitten.
cuddle pile while watching movies... jean is a film buff so you three have movie nights rlly often. its usually you sandwiched in between them with jean behind you and eren in front of you so you can play with his hair. jean's movie taste is actually really broad and you and eren both find a ton of new favorites through him.
they both really like listening to you ramble. you can explain soooo much lore abt your fave series and theyre both really invested. eren is more invested in the characters while jean is more focused on what happens next, but theyre both listening rlly well and making sure you know they care. they kinda care in different ways though? while eren is just passionate and because he's so passionate he must know about all things you like, jean is either interested or just likes hearing your voice. of the two jean is more likely to give you short answers and he'll be more dozed off so he's good to go to when you just want to rant. eren is going to ask you more questions and get wayyy more confused so he's good to go to when you want to explain or flesh out your points.
jean finds eren's jealousy of fictional characters sooooo ridiculous. whenever eren is pouting about some new video game guy youre in love with jean is rolling his eyes because of course its eren jaeger he's just looking for things to get angry at. "what are they gonna do idiot, come out of the tv?" but then one day there's a character that looks a lot like eren and suddenly he understands everything. but he realizes you have a thing for guys with long hair. he'll keep the mullet around for a while
they both really like having you sat in their laps and (unbeknownst to you) in order to avoid conflict they created a system. cozy game? eren. reading? jean. watching anime? eren. watching something live action? jean. playing a game on your phone? eren. watching an analysis video for your favorite franchise? jean. just messing around on your computer? rock paper scissors, best of three. eren likes to hug you tight and rest his head on your shoulder while talking to you. when it gets quiet he'll nuzzle his face in your neck and give you small kisses there. while jean likes to put his hands under your shirt and rest it on your stomach while you two chat. he's puts his head on your head or throws it back depending on your height and kinda just likes letting his hands wander, like rubbing up and down your arms or tickling you lightly.
you: i hate this stupid game
eren: yeah babe that game fucking sucks (has never played it in his life)
jean: then stop playing it?
you and eren, at the same time: what? no.
all in all they are good boyfriends 10/10 would recommend.
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dadsbongos · 3 years
School Worker AU fic(?)
Movie/Game/Show: Danganronpa (just in general) Dynamic: idk fuckin everyone is in their senior year though Warnings: all of the danganronpa cast - unless otherwise specified - is in their senior year of hs Summary: Tsumugi makes a documentary. AU: Hope’s Peak is a shitty public school that makes their senior students work around the district in self-made or pre-existing programs in order to earn a crucial credit they need for graduation. A lot of the students want a “raise” in their wages because of the work they do, even though “raise” just means any money at all. ~~~
Maki twirled a long strand of her brown hair around her finger, eyes flickering over it boredly, “Yeah, I want to get paid for this.”
Kaito’s eyes widened, an uneasy smile crossing over his lips and nervously looking between his girlfriend and the camera, “Oh, c’mon, Maki-roll, it’s not about money! It’s about the kids!”
“It’s about the money,” Maki glared at the camera, “Pay me.”
“How do I feel about being paid?” Kaede giggled nervously, looking to her other two bandmates, “Well, it’s not about the money, we like playing for kids and the elderly.”
“Ibuki mostly agrees,” the girl with wildly multi-colored began, “However, Ibuki would also like to be paid for our hard work.”
Sayaka nodded shyly, a small smile on her lips, “I like working for the kids and elderly, but I also would like to have said work rewarded, if I could.”
“Yeah,” Hajime picked up yet another empty plastic water bottle with a gloved hand as he responded to the question, “I would love to get paid but nobody gives a shit about the kids cleaning.”
Chiaki, who wasn’t even holding her trash bag - preferring to have her face stuffed into her handheld, “Not paying us is the school’s way of preparing us for the years of unpaid extraneous labor ahead of us in an adult working environment… I think.”
“I should be gettin’ fuckin’ paid,” Mondo grit his teeth, no longer soaping up his math teacher’s car with Kazuichi and just looking at the camera, “I don’t get stared at by those fuckers,” he jabbed a thumb in the direction of a small gaggle of giggling freshman, “for free. I hate this shit.”
Kazuichi nodded, “I don’t even get to remodel the cars! I just wash them, that’s so lame!”
“Duh - yeah, I wanna get paid!” Junko scoffed, rolling her eyes, “What am I? Twelve? I don’t do this shit for nothing!”
Mukuro sighed quietly, practically elbow deep in the dirt, “You don’t do anything…”
“The hell did you say to me, you fat, ugly, skank?” the blond pressed a stiletto boot into her sister’s back, shoving her face-first into the flower beds Mukuro would now have to redo.
“So,” Tsumugi Shirogane held a mic to her mouth as she stared into the camera, “with so many students demanding a raise in wages, which would mean any wages at all, let’s get to the core issue of why these students feel that their work is so reward-worthy.”
A few feet away, Mikan was watching the hostess of the documentary with nervous eyes, her heart racing as she turned to Rantaro, “Oh my God, is she g-gonna ask us questions? I’m n-not good at speaking. I-I’ll stutter and mum-mumble and she’ll ask me to re-repeat myself, oh God…”
“Hey,” Rantaro gave the girl a small smile, carefully setting his hand on her shoulder, “it’ll be okay. I can do most of the talking, if you want?”
Mikan nodded shakily, fingers intertwining and scrambling apart repeatedly, “Th-that would be p-preferred, tha-thank you…”
As Tsumugi crossed towards the students, she stuck a microphone into Rantaro’s face first, thankfully. Quick to the point, she asked him the question of the segment, “Why, exactly, do you think your work is worth the funding of payment?”
“We do basically the same amount of work that the ordinary school nurse does under regulation and we’re certain our efforts are worthy of payment,” in order to avoid the awkwardness of Tsumugi having to ask Mikan, he gestured to his partner in nursing, “We both are.”
Nodding, Tsumugi moved to place the microphone into Mikan’s face anyway, “And your thoughts?”
“Uhhhh,” Mikan froze up, patting the tips of her fingers into each other, “y-yeah?”
“Yeah, what?”
“Yeah with Rantaro…”
Tsumugi blinked at the girl, standing there for a minute before slowly nodding and turning back to the camera to continue her segment.
Mikan turned to Rantaro with wide eyes, tears already bubbling at her waterline, “Oh my God… I just did that… I just- I - oh my God…”
Rantaro nodded, crossing his arms with a pitying smile, “Yeah, that was pretty bad.”
A loud, resounding thud was the opening sound of the shot, a girl landing flat on her back on a gym mat is the scene. The gymnasium is filled with a multitude of students in fighting stance - a tall girl with red eyes and a short boy with blond hair standing at the front.
Tsumugi narrowly dodges stray hits and flying bodies being tossed over shoulders as she approaches the two senior students. She judges how confrontational they both look and decides to not hastily jam her mic into either of their faces as she asks, “And what is the program you two have picked up for your required credit?”
Peko doesn’t look away from the students as she answers, “Self-defense.”
Fuyuhiko nods, “Any-fuckin’-body can sign up but most of these kids are girls and LGBT+. They’re who mostly comes.”
“Which is a whole different problem on its own,” Peko added, “The fact that they feel the need to learn self-defense rather than trust that nobody will try attacking them for simply walking down the street is rather saddening.”
“Oh, well that’s incredibly noble of you,” Tsumugi breathed out, slightly surprised - she hadn’t expected such mean-looking students to care so much
“Someone has to beat up scumbags,” the taller of the pair shrugged, “My arms were getting tired.”
“Right…” Tsumugi nodded, “uh, you two share this gym with another group, correct?”
“Oh, fuck, yeah,” Fuyuhiko glanced to one of the clocks encaged on the wall, “They should be back in- “
“We’re here for the gym!” a voice boomed out in the space, “Move out!”
“No!” Fuyuhiko shook his head, charging towards the pair and the volleyball team they were coaching that day, he jammed a finger into the girl’s shoulder, “You asshats are always too early! Peko and I got another ten minutes, at least!”
“Well, they need the gym now!” Akane gestured to the team, which was awkwardly standing around and waiting for the approval of Nekomaru and Akane to spread out to the gym, “‘Sides, it’s just five minutes!”
“Eight, now,” the blond crossed his arms, “They continue, you guys wait your turn.”
Seeing no soon-to-come resolution from the pair, Nekomaru moved past Fuyuhiko and Akane as they argued and towards Peko at the front. He rubbed the back of his neck, “We really need the gym right now. You can take our last ten minutes tomorrow if that’d be fair.”
Thinking over the proposal, Peko nodded before picking up the whistle from around her neck and blowing into it before calling to the self-defense class, “Alright, dress out and head home! Remember what you’ve learned and stay safe! Tomorrow, we’ll be meeting out by the baseball field!”
Fuyuhiko sighed, clenching his eyes shut to avoid looking at Akane’s smug grin, “You’re lucky Peko stepped in or I would’ve laid your ass out on the mat.”
“Whatever you say, baby face,” the girl snickered, strolling by to join Nekomaru’s side.
“What did you call me?!”
Tsumugi looked to the new faces, “Do you two fight like that often?”
Akane nodded confidently, “Constantly!”
Sighing, Nekomaru lowered his head, “That’s not a brag.”
“And you two do what around the school?”
“We pick up the school’s teams when the coaches are busy,” Akane pat her outrageously buff partner’s back, “You should see coach Nekomaru out there! He’s like a pro!”
“Well, that’s certainly something!” Tsumugi giggled, “And I can assume you two want to be paid for your efforts?”
“We’re supposed to be paid for this?!”
“Oh my God, leave us alone, you guys are so mean, assholes!”
“Don’t say that, we’re on school grounds! A teacher could walk by at any time!”
“Can you two please be quiet? They’re not even responding to you at this point.”
“We must focus on this column entry!”
“Y-yeah… so s-stop bothering us…”
Tsumugi hesitated, looking at the camera with furrowed brows, “Do we even want to go in?”
The camera shifted with the director’s nodding, the girl sighing loudly before quietly agreeing and pushing the door open to see a classroom with only five people in it. A short boy with untamed purple hair being held back from clawing at the back of a girl with long braids and glasses by another boy with greenish hair… God, what color was that?
Another girl looked up from the desk she was sitting at, “Are you here for the documentary on student payment for their work efforts involving school credit?”
“Yes, I am,” Tsumugi was incredibly tempted to lie, say she got lost, and run out - but she didn’t. Instead, she asked them to introduce themselves.
“Kyoko Kirigiri,” the girl at the desk introduced herself with a solid nod before returning to her work.
The boy holding back his friend finally managed to calm the purple-haired one down before shyly waving, “Shuichi Saihara,” to prevent the other boy from talking, Shuichi clapped a hand over his mouth with an exhausted look, “This is Kokichi Ouma. Us three solve ‘mysteries’ around school, it’s mostly just stolen items. They,” he pointed to the pair on the other side of the room, “write the school newspaper.”
Kokichi managed to release himself from Shuichi’s grasp, immediately rushing towards Tsumugi and grabbing her long skirt between his hands and throttling her, “Help! They’ve kidnapped me! I’m being held against my will!”
“Ah!” Tsumugi screamed, looking up to Shuichi, “What is he talking about?!”
“He’s a liar,” Kyoko piped up, “He’s annoying but he gets the job done quickly so I haven’t kicked him out yet.”
The girl across the room huffed, “C-can you s-shut up over there? And you,” she pointed at Tsumugi, “hurry up and get over here s-so we can get b-back to work…”
“Right,” she nodded slowly before going over to the pair, “You two write the newspaper, that must include some interesting stories.”
“N-not really… I’m T-Toko Fukawa. That's Hi-Hifumi Yamada…” she gave the boy a side-eye, “Don’t say anything w-weird…”
“Never!” he cheered, turning to Tsumugi, “I am Hifumi Yamada- “
“Yeah,” Tsumugi sighed, already rather exhausted with his loudness, “Toko already introduced you.”
“But you may call me by my online dubbing - The Alpha and The Omega!”
“Alright,” Tsumugi dryly replied - he didn’t seem awful, but he definitely wasn’t for her.
“Wait!” Kokichi whined as the girl was leaving, grabbing at the tail of her skirt, “Didn’t you hear me earlier?! These creeps kidnapped me! They’re gonna kill me!”
“Stop talking,” Kyoko mumbled.
Shuichi sighed, running his hands through his hair, “Please, Kokichi, you’re giving me grey hairs and I’m barely eighteen…”
Tsumugi rubbed over her eyes, exhaustion ringing over her, “Me too and I haven’t even known you for ten minutes.”
“No more crazies… no more crazies… no more crazies…” Tsumugi repeatedly murmured to herself as she rubbed her temples. Finally taking notice of the camera pointed at her, she hissed, “You better cut that.”
Once again, there was the motion of a nod from the director before following Tsumugi around to the back of the elementary school neighboring Hope’s Peak to find two more groups. This time, however, the two groups were working together extremely well and weren’t fighting whatsoever. Who knew how refreshing it could be to not hear yelling for five minutes?
It seemed that the third-grade student body had been split in half between a group of two and a group of three. The two were monitoring as kids ran around the large field - the three had kids standing at canvases with just a few bouncing around one with long hair tied in what appeared to be fishtail braids.
“Aw,” Tsumugi smiled at the sweet sight, “Okay, let’s go over there.”
A voice popped up from behind the camera, “I heard about these girls from the headmaster. Those two,” he pointed over to a muscular girl picking up kids on her arms with a shorter girl trailing behind her, “are Sakura Ogami and Aoi Asahina. They go around to closeby elementary schools and set up field days for the kids,” then to the group of three, made up of a white-haired girl in a long yellow overcoat, a redhead with extremely pointy boots, and the fishtail girl throwing obviously fake hits with some kids, “They’re Angie Yonaga, Himiko Yumeno, and Tenko Chabashira. They teach kids about the arts. Except for Tenko who teaches them her made up Neo-Aikido, something about controlling emotions and all that junk.”
“Wow,” Tsumugi breathed out, still approaching the two groups, “that’s so great. They seem like a fun- “
Then, out of nowhere, Tenko suddenly tossed Angie over her shoulder, causing an eruption of cheers to burst from the children.
Tsumugi’s face fell, she turned around and nearly ran out from behind the school and towards the car. Chants of “no, no, no, no” leaving her lips.
“Oh, finally, normal people…”
The two boys in the copy room looked up at Tsumugi’s sigh.
“You must be the documentary girl?” the brunette smiled slightly, unevenly, “Sorry, I don’t know your name,” he lifted up a stack of papers, “Kyoko probably mentioned it but I was grading.”
“Tsumugi Shirogane!” the white-haired boy cheered, setting down the papers in his hands, “You’ve come to get my worthless opinion on whether or not student workers should be paid?! How incredible!”
“Sorry about him,” the shorter of the pair chuckled, “He has an inferiority complex. We’re working on it.”
“Uh-huh,” not as bland as she thought, apparently, “You two are… TAs?”
“Yeah,” the shorter nodded once again, “We work under Miss Yukizome, but lots of students everywhere are TAs, so I don’t think we should really have a say in this…”
“Especially me!” the other one butted in, “I barely help at all… I’m just garbage…”
“Nagito, you’re not garbage, and you do a lot!”
“With all respect, Makoto, the only reason you’re stuck with me is because all the other teachers can’t stand me!”
“Well, the only reason I’m here is because nobody else had a spot open.”
“Do you two just comfort each other about your hang-ups?”
“Yeah,” Makoto nodded, already pulling Nagito into a hug and patting his back, “it’s nice. Like super amateur therapy.”
“Painfully normal in comparison to the others,” Tsumugi turned to the camera, “Almost as plain as me.”
“No,” the voice from behind the camera peeped up again, “You’re still definitely the plainer one.”
“We duel-work animal care and the occult,” Sonia cheered, holding a small puppy in her arms as Gundham fed hamsters in the back of the room, “It’s quite a bit of work but we manage, don’t we?”
Gundham nodded silently.
“Does…” Tsumugi gestured to the boy, “Does he ever speak?”
“You haven’t built enough resistance to the poison that would slip from his lips, unfortunately,” Sonia shakes her head, frowning slightly, “He doesn’t speak to people unless they’re immune.”
“And you are?”
“Surprisingly, yes!” eyes lighting up at the question, Sonia nodded excitedly, “It seems that I have managed to build up an immunity to his poison without even realizing it! Is that not amazing?”
Refraining from rolling her eyes, Tsumugi merely glanced between the beautiful blond and the boy hiding his bright red face in his scarf, “It truly is amazing, yes. How wonderfully random.”
“Wanna go?” the director asked.
The camera aimed at a downcast Tsumugi, a frown depressingly obvious over her features. The voice behind the camera popped up, “Wanna try Celestia at the math club again?”
“And get told that only people she hates more than her own clubmates are theatre kids and then get called theatre kids and yelled at to get out again?” the girl grumbled, letting her microphone fall down into her lap as she sat slumped against the wall, “No thanks, Monokuma.”
“I mean, she’s not wrong,” the camera turned to show off the boy going by Monokuma with heterochromatic black-and-red eyes, half-and-half dyed hair between white and black. He snickered, “Yeah, I’m a big theatre kid. It’s unfortunate. You are, too, just let it go.”
“She might be right, but it’s still mean!”
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amynchan · 8 years
On the pain of breakups
NOTE:  I am NOT going through a breakup right now.  These are just my thoughts, memories, an experience of mine, and advice.
As I sit here in front of my computer and type, I can't help but think about the past.  We all do sometimes.  I mean, if we didn't, we wouldn't have so many High School AUs, stories of young children finding their way in the world in the most heroic of fashions, and true love being found at a young age.  We all have stories of what we wish could have happened int he past or what we wish youth were like, or even how we ourselves remember our youths.  But today, I'm remembering something that broke my heart and messed me up for quite a long while:  my first breakup.
The beginning of my relationship was in and of itself terribly confusing.  My best friend and I for the better part of five years had been pushed together romatically.  Everyone knew he had those feelings for me, and I only knew because everyone told me so.  Except perhaps him.  He tried telling me in gifts and over affections, but I associated that with friendship and him being a teddy bear in general because it wasn't like he never hugged anybody else in the world.  He was my friend and I was okay with that, but everyone else swore up and down the wall that he was head over heels in love wih me.  Not knowing much about the subject, I simply went along with it.
My best friend knew that it was my parent's rule that I not date until I was sixteen.  It was a good enough excuse for me to hide behind.  I had never really wanted a boyfriend.  Attention?  Yes, but so does everyone.  Everyone wants to feel special and loved, but I wanted that and to be left alone as well.  My best friend knew this very well and didn't ask me to date him.  Instead, he dated a couple other people, one of them being my other best friend.  I was happy for him because I thought he wanted to be with her, but everyone around me whispered how both me and her had blonde hair and blue eyes and how he must have had a type, substituting the one he couldn't have for the one he could.  They broke up not long after that.  I honestly can't remembr the details of it very well but I'm 98% sure it had something to do with me and the fact that I didn't really know what social instances to keep my very large trapper shut (I told my best friends everything back then.  I didn't know what not to say, so sometimes I said things that were truly horrid that I didn't realize the implications of until later, after they'd happened).
I do remember that on my sixteenth birthady, my teddy bear of a best friend--tall, lanky, curly brown hair, and twinkling brown eyes--ran to me with the biggest smile on his face, a dozen red roses in his hand, and a trail of balloons behind him.  Well, it wasn't my birthday yet, but it was the Friday beforehand and he just had to make a huge excitement about it in front of the school.  I was embarassed, but I do look back on that memory and smile.  The roses and balloons were nice, but the one thing I'll never forget was just how pleased he looked with himself.  How happy he was that he'd managed to get all that for me because I'd mentioned that I liked roses.  Truthfully, I'd never given the matter any thought until my mom had asked about it the week previous.  I had just said what came to mind.  But he had been there, he had heard my silly little off-the-top-of-my-head answer, and he had actually gone out and gotten a dozen roses.  He looked.  So.  Proud.  And that look was just one of the cutest things I think I've ever seen in my life and that will probably be my best memory of him.
My birthday party took place on my actual birthday and he came to that as well.  I can't remember what he got me, but I do remember that he went outside with me to see some family members off and when we were alone, he asked me to be his girlfriend.  Everyone had been talking about it happening eventually and my excuse was gone.  I wasn't directly opposed, but I felt very nervous at the prospect.  Maybe because everyone had been talking about it for so long?  I don't know.  In any event, I did agree.
I look back now and realize nothing should have changed with our dynamic.  But it did.  Because I was nervous.  How did one even girlfriend?  Was I supposed to suddenly want him around all the time?  Was I a bad girlfriend if I didn't?  Was I supposed to hold his hand?  Was I supposed to let him come up from behind and hug me randomly, even if it scared the living daylights out of me?  Was I supposed to...  Was I supposed to make out with him?  I could barely handle kissing!  I couldn't even do kissing right!  Yeah, it was a new thing, but after a while, it was a face squishy thing that never really did much, except make me wonder why he got so flustered.  Wasn't I supposed to get flustered too?  Was I doing it wrong?  Was I girlfriending wrong again!?
I spent about a month like this.  I grew into a habit of the weird kissing whenever I was feeling competative, because it became a game.  See how many I could give, see how many I could dodge, watch his face turn colors, smile and laugh.  It was a competative little game with only pecks becuse I literally didn't see the point of doing more.
And then came about a few days before Halloween, I think?  We had been watching the Mummy (a long standing favorite of mine) in his room and we had ended up laying down on the bed.  I'd started sitting up and as close to the TV as I could manage because I didn't want to lay down.  I didn't want to do anything.  He promised we wouldn't and patted the space behind him.  I fidgeted the entire movie and ended up next to him about by the end of the movie.  We didn't do anything, but I hated myself for it all the same.  And when my mom was on her way to pick me up, he turned to me and asked "So do you wanna go make out on the front porch?"
And I.  Was.  Terrified.  (We'd never done that and I'd never thought of doing that and the entire notion of it scared the heck out of me.)
I don't think I could have shaken my head faster.  I went into the family room and sat down and stayed there until my mom came to get me.  When she did, I made a bee line for the car and told everyone I was just really tired.  Everyone seemed to accept that and we all parted ways for the night.
Then came Halloween.  At the time, my church had a huge celebration, a bash, if you will.  There was trunk-or-treating, actual cows there, and a hay maze.  There was face painting, but the one thing I do remember was winning goldfish.  My now-boyfriend tried to win one for me, but missed.  I went up to the plate and literally didn't stop until I'd gotten myself a little silver goldfish which I proceeded to named Silver (RIP Silver).  For me, it was a good night.  I had a lot of fun.  Looking back on it, I'm not quite so sure that he did.  My family and I drove him home.  He sat in the back seat with my siblings and I sat up front to talk with my mother.  When we got to his house, I rolled down the window to bid him good night, but he just kind of walked by.
After that, things sort of fell apart.  We didn't talk, and whenever he did try to talk to me, it was very short and crisp.  I thought he was being cold and mean.  My mom ended up explaining to me that he wasn't.  He had depression and had been off his medication.  She explained this to me several times and I still couldn't remember.  I'm shocked I remember that detail now, but it makes sense when I look back and piece it all together.  This was also the first winter I remember starting to withdraw from the outside world seasonally.  I'm sure I did it before then, but no one came to the house in order for it to stick out to me.  My boyfriend would come over to spend time with me, but I'd run straight to my room and crash for hours at a time and not wake up until he had to leave.
As you can see, I was very obviously a shitty girlfriend.
I came to that conclusion as well when my mom asked me what was going on.  I was used to her poking and prodding and general snooping into my life, but when she kind of talked to me about how I was shutting everyone out, especially him, I realized that there wasn't a whole lot I wanted to talk about with anyone.  Even him.  If I stayed with him, it would be me doing my own thing and being oblivious to him unless he specifically said he needed me or I somehow miraculously read into social cues that said I needed to do something (Note:  I am still very horrible at those).
So I did what I thought was best and I broke up with him.  I attempted to tell him that it wasn't him and that I was not being a good girlfriend and he could do better.
And I didn't even break up with him right!  We were going to church at *my* church on *my* side of town!  Obviously, after we broke up, he didn't feel comfortable there and had his mom pick him up.  I felt like an idiot for putting him in that position once I'd realized what I'd done, but the damage was complete.
Now, I said that the breakup broke my heart, and it did, but what really makes this memorable was the absolute BACKLASH that followed.
I mentioned how one of my favorite memories was of him and his proud and excited face on my sixteenth birthday.  That was to illustrate just how much this guy wears his heart on his sleeve.  He bares his emotions to the world a lot of the time, so the world knew when he was excited and when he was hurting.  He unfriended me on Facebook (which we had both recently just gotten into) and blocked me.  He made an entire status about how I had no business breaking his heart like that after everything he had given me once he was certain I couldn't see it.  He didn't unfriend my brother, who saw it and showed me the post.  I was devastated by how I'd hurt him, but I thought that the break up was necessary because of how horrible I'd been to him.
Then his mom got involved.  Well, stepmom, but that's not really important?  Well, sort of important.  The bond between a really good step parent and their step child is a really tight thing.  It means that she's taken this kid under her wing and she's really ready to go ballistic on whoever breaks his heart.  And she did.  She swore me up and down in a facebook message that I never told him about.  She made sure that I knew just how much of a little piece of s*** I was for breaking the heart of someone so kind and amazing and how she hoped I would rot in the deepest pits of hell for it.  (EDIT!!  This is how it felt.  I went back and found the message and what she did was ask me if I was a lesbian because I’d just ‘wasted’ so many years of her son’s time.  It felt like she was telling me to go to hell, but now that I’m looking at it with a clearer mind, but remembering the anger behind the statement...  I dunno.  0.o  It doesn’t feel so much like “GO TO HELL YOU ROTTON B****” anymore.)
Then he had one of our mutual friends (’nother Edit, this was also his stepmom.  FB keeps a nice little record of these things.  XD) ask for the birthday present back, which had been an heirloom from his grandmother.  I understood and brought it to school as soon as I could.  I walked up to him, hoping that he would at least look at me and let me say how sorry I felt that he was hurting, but that it really was for the better.
He kept his head turned away and held out his hand.  I deposited the trinket, waited for a few moments, and then left.  I knew I wasn't wanted.  I had hoped that he would come and find me if he ever wanted to talk, but he never did.
There was a lot of riff raff rabble that surrounded the break up.  His ex (my ex other best friend) told me I was a horrible human being.  My family tried to comfort me.  The rest of our friends divided, taking sides because of the drama that had started up.  I broke up with him and he hated me for it and that was that.
To be honest, I can't remember who tried to help me after that breakup, but I remember that most of the messages were things that I didn't want to hear.  They wanted me to hate him.  They wanted to hate him on my behalf.  They wanted me to be angry at him enough to propel myself forward in life.  But I never wanted that.  I knew that deep down he was a good person who just wasn't good for me.  And I know I'm a good person and I really just wasn't good for him.  He enhanced my forgetful side that sort of goes along with the flow in a way I didn't like.  I made him work for affection that he really shouldn't have to work for in a true, open, and loving relationship.
But hey, we were sixteen.  It was a low chance that it was all gonna work out in flowers and roses anyways.
Point is, that's what I remember when my friends tell me they're going through breakups.  I remember the drama and the hurt and the angst of the first.  I remember people I didn't even know coming to attack me on the behalf of my now ex-boyfriend.  I remember restraining family and friends alike from going after him in retaliation for what his side had done to me.  I remember just trying not to have a war on my hands and hoping that people would let him be and eventually let me be as well.  I remember hurting and adding even more hurt to that hurt because people wanted to keep hurting each other over my hurt.  I remember wanting comfort and others demanding action.
So if you're my friend and I see you hurting because of a breakup and you don't want drama, come talk to me.  We'll talk about stuipd shit.  Favorite colors, green grass, brown grass, what the sky looks like right now.  We'll talk about OTPs and favorite fight sequences and favorite ice cream flavors.  We'll talk about butterflies and ladybugs and kitty cats and puppy dogs.  I can tell you why I own a whiteboard.  We can have a Skype call and play charades or twenty questions.  Even if you're a dude, we can play a makeup challenge and I guarentee you'll be better at it than I am because I haven't done makeup a day in my life.  X'D  I'll do that for you because chances are you've got a lot of drama going on already.
I'm not ignoring your pain.  If you want to talk about that, we'll talk about that, too.  But when you're going through a breakup, the main thing to remember is it's totally normal for two people to be good people, just not good for each other.  You don't have to attack the other to move on, and I won't stand here with a pitchfork to help you out.  Just a blanket, some cocoa or tea, and a listening ear.  Or maybe I'll talk your ear off if you need it, who knows?
Things happen and they hurt, but we don't have to make someone else hurt because of it.  Let yourself have a good cry because it hurts, but keep your chin up and take one step forward today.  Then take another tomorrow.  And then another the next day.  Eventually, you'll get past it.
If you need me, shoot me a message.  I'll be here for you.
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elizehurley-blog · 6 years
9 Faults Women Make
New Post has been published on http://www.withallwomen.com/9-faults-women-make/
9 Faults Women Make
  We have compiled for you 9 Big mistakes that almost every woman has made but often escaped attention.
Human nature makes mistakes and is not a perfect creature. On the other hand, men and women have two separate worlds. All this dangerous mixture brings the mistakes in the relationship to the field. According to CISED marriage and relationship therapists, the first mistake made is to have a perfect relationship without fighting, without fighting. However, there is no such thing as a perfect relationship without conflict. There is a relationship that is only peaceful, balancing and satisfying on both sides. Both sides need to approve it and approach it in this perspective. Of course, women and men who have relations are not without problems. Communication, mutual approach and attitudes have to be taken into consideration if a conflicting relationship solution is turned into a hair. According to CISED marriage and relationship therapists, the dynamics of the couple relationships are determined by 3 items. These are the Interactive System, the Generic System and the Individual System.
The interactive system involves the dynamics of the establishment of the relationship of the couple to each other and to each other. In other words, when you choose to grow instead of solving double conflicts, things are increasing. When the individual system is mentioned, it is mentioned especially about the mistakes that the individuals live in the ages of 0-7 years and in adolescence. In other words, minor injuries can create a problem in the current relationship. Another determinant of relationship dynamics is generational system. In other words, the relationships that parents have with each other and with other family reductions are discussed under this heading. The couple’s marriage and relationship therapists, who draw attention to the fact that the family secrets from the past are also reflected in their current relationships, emphasize that the dynamics are determined by bringing all these factors together. These dynamics also determine that the parties will not be able to take a relationship healthily. CISED marital therapists, who compare a person’s search for a perfect relationship to the quest for heaven, consider all these facts and suggest to the couple: “Give up trying to keep each other in your conflicts. In every case, focus on your mistakes, try to change yourself first, and be absolutely unconditional. “I am doing this, I am changing myself, you do this, you change yourself” wipe out the expression in your mind. You have to talk and communicate. Being right or overcoming often does not earn you anything. Listen to it instead of blame, listen carefully, understand what the other side is saying, if the Prime Minister or the Prime Minister speaks. Understand is trust, trust brings closeness. The opposite is the case of the violence and the wickedness. To blame, to be right and to overcome will not solve anything. ” CISED therapists point out that in relation to women and men there are some mistakes according to their nature. Here are 10 mistakes in the eyes of marriage and relationship therapists:
1- Playing holy mother:
Motherhood is arguably a sacred thing. If you look at which collection today, there is asexuality that your maternal identity brings. But you need to put your identity at the door of the bedroom. For you are the woman you love and desire for your wife before you are inspired. This point of view is the most solid foundation of your marriage. If you confuse your motherhood identity with your beloved identity, it will be like hitting it with a sledgehammer. So you must be a woman, then a mother in your marriage. Your woman should not disappear in your mother.
First of all, you should know that you do not have to be orgasm at the end of every sexual act. Leave this superstructure to one side. Imitating an orgasm on top is an unwanted attitude that is rejected by all men. By doing so, women think that man is doing him good by preventing him from losing his respect for himself. Maybe your partner might not notice it, but then he gets into a vicious circle with his learning. Your perpetual will doubt whether orgasm is imitating you. This situation also turns into performance anxiety. Be honest instead of imitating. Sincerity is an attitude that will always find its place in relationships. Sexuality is not a process that is absolutely necessary from orgasms and it should definitely result in orgasm. At the end of your sexuality, what you need to stay in your pocket is the abundance of sharing and living pleasures. The small frustrations that you can not get to see at the beginning can lead to very deep disappointments and can bring you and your relationship back to an irreversible point.
3-To lose the mystery:
One of the biggest mistakes a woman has made is to treat her husband or her boyfriend as the closest girlfriend, like a “buddy”. A lot of women start to share everything with men for the duration of the relationship. However, women also have a world separate from their men. It would be useful to share some of the womanish things you talked to with your girlfriends with your partner. For he will not understand you. Both the woman and the man must be a unique mystery. This is a feature that both sides look for. The deformation of this situation can also lead to a point where you do not want to deal with the decrease of mutual sexual expectations. If you want your partner to continue your desire for you, do not share your privacy with her. 4-To deny the desire to watch pornographic erotic film or porn: You have rejected this position as much as you want, but in recent times you have certainly seen erotic films or pornography in male puberty or somewhere in your life. First you have to accept it. On the other hand, erotic films are offered by sexual therapists as advice to couples who have sexual concerns. Rather than judging and humiliating your partner, it is better to understand why he is in such a choice. You can bring the color of your bedroom room to see it as a talkable subject and approach it without prejudice to your partner’s suggestion of watching erotic movies when needed.
5-Stay silent during the relationship:
There is a need to hear and see in order to be sexually stimulated in the male nature. If you save her from it, it can affect your sexual compatibility as well as her. It is a golden secret of a happy bed to express your emotions in voices to express your feelings more, to cry when necessary, to scream with bodily sensations.
6- Finding a defect in your own body:
He liked and loved you as you are. It is so important that you like yourself and like yourself to save your life. Remember, someone who does not love herself can not love herself. Do not value yourself, nobody really gives value, can not give. You are short or tall, overweight or very weak. He wants to be with you like you are. Being in peace with yourself and your body is the first and most important condition of enjoying sexual life. If necessary with your partner in the light, together in open light, walk around with your underwear. First flirt with your own body. (If you are having difficulty motivating yourself, this post may also interest you.)
7- To humiliate and insult other women:
It is not welcomed by anyone to humiliate other people with their physical or personal qualities. No one can have different characteristics or flaws, like no one else. However, accepting yourself perfectly and seeing all of them small, constantly criticizing and expressing their exploits can become uncomfortable for your partner. Women are cruel to their fellowmen compared to men as a matter of criticism. This behavior does not go well with men. After a while your mother, her sister or a female colleague will be criticized while standing still may cause her to internalize these criticisms. One day you can collect criticisms and return to you. Do not take it out of your mind. Despite everything, put your confidence in yourself by drawing a character that is in peace with people and yourself. This will draw a more positive portrait on your minds for you.
8- Use for sexy purposes:
Use of sexuality as a gift, except for the sharing of the soul and the body, will destroy the quality of your relationship. This situation is a strategy based on women who are very outcast. But the stone is heavy at the place. It is usually useful to keep some of your daily lives separate. The greatest gain you can get in bed is that you share with your partner and are good moments. You should approach the case this way. Do not take it out of your mind that in general you can not get any more love or future guarantees.
9-To behave sloppy on the server:
Every man, and of course every person wants to be appreciated, to be replaced, to give importance. He waits for self-respect. He also wants his partner to take care of himself, not just his behavior. He dreams that his evening partner will be able to greet himself with beautiful clothes, smell nice, prepare little surprises. That the woman is so attentive to the man is a value to her and her relationship.
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elizehurley-blog · 6 years
9 Faults Women Make
New Post has been published on http://www.withallwomen.com/9-faults-women-make/
9 Faults Women Make
  We have compiled for you 9 Big mistakes that almost every woman has made but often escaped attention.
Human nature makes mistakes and is not a perfect creature. On the other hand, men and women have two separate worlds. All this dangerous mixture brings the mistakes in the relationship to the field. According to CISED marriage and relationship therapists, the first mistake made is to have a perfect relationship without fighting, without fighting. However, there is no such thing as a perfect relationship without conflict. There is a relationship that is only peaceful, balancing and satisfying on both sides. Both sides need to approve it and approach it in this perspective. Of course, women and men who have relations are not without problems. Communication, mutual approach and attitudes have to be taken into consideration if a conflicting relationship solution is turned into a hair. According to CISED marriage and relationship therapists, the dynamics of the couple relationships are determined by 3 items. These are the Interactive System, the Generic System and the Individual System.
The interactive system involves the dynamics of the establishment of the relationship of the couple to each other and to each other. In other words, when you choose to grow instead of solving double conflicts, things are increasing. When the individual system is mentioned, it is mentioned especially about the mistakes that the individuals live in the ages of 0-7 years and in adolescence. In other words, minor injuries can create a problem in the current relationship. Another determinant of relationship dynamics is generational system. In other words, the relationships that parents have with each other and with other family reductions are discussed under this heading. The couple’s marriage and relationship therapists, who draw attention to the fact that the family secrets from the past are also reflected in their current relationships, emphasize that the dynamics are determined by bringing all these factors together. These dynamics also determine that the parties will not be able to take a relationship healthily. CISED marital therapists, who compare a person’s search for a perfect relationship to the quest for heaven, consider all these facts and suggest to the couple: “Give up trying to keep each other in your conflicts. In every case, focus on your mistakes, try to change yourself first, and be absolutely unconditional. “I am doing this, I am changing myself, you do this, you change yourself” wipe out the expression in your mind. You have to talk and communicate. Being right or overcoming often does not earn you anything. Listen to it instead of blame, listen carefully, understand what the other side is saying, if the Prime Minister or the Prime Minister speaks. Understand is trust, trust brings closeness. The opposite is the case of the violence and the wickedness. To blame, to be right and to overcome will not solve anything. ” CISED therapists point out that in relation to women and men there are some mistakes according to their nature. Here are 10 mistakes in the eyes of marriage and relationship therapists:
1- Playing holy mother:
Motherhood is arguably a sacred thing. If you look at which collection today, there is asexuality that your maternal identity brings. But you need to put your identity at the door of the bedroom. For you are the woman you love and desire for your wife before you are inspired. This point of view is the most solid foundation of your marriage. If you confuse your motherhood identity with your beloved identity, it will be like hitting it with a sledgehammer. So you must be a woman, then a mother in your marriage. Your woman should not disappear in your mother.
First of all, you should know that you do not have to be orgasm at the end of every sexual act. Leave this superstructure to one side. Imitating an orgasm on top is an unwanted attitude that is rejected by all men. By doing so, women think that man is doing him good by preventing him from losing his respect for himself. Maybe your partner might not notice it, but then he gets into a vicious circle with his learning. Your perpetual will doubt whether orgasm is imitating you. This situation also turns into performance anxiety. Be honest instead of imitating. Sincerity is an attitude that will always find its place in relationships. Sexuality is not a process that is absolutely necessary from orgasms and it should definitely result in orgasm. At the end of your sexuality, what you need to stay in your pocket is the abundance of sharing and living pleasures. The small frustrations that you can not get to see at the beginning can lead to very deep disappointments and can bring you and your relationship back to an irreversible point.
3-To lose the mystery:
One of the biggest mistakes a woman has made is to treat her husband or her boyfriend as the closest girlfriend, like a “buddy”. A lot of women start to share everything with men for the duration of the relationship. However, women also have a world separate from their men. It would be useful to share some of the womanish things you talked to with your girlfriends with your partner. For he will not understand you. Both the woman and the man must be a unique mystery. This is a feature that both sides look for. The deformation of this situation can also lead to a point where you do not want to deal with the decrease of mutual sexual expectations. If you want your partner to continue your desire for you, do not share your privacy with her. 4-To deny the desire to watch pornographic erotic film or porn: You have rejected this position as much as you want, but in recent times you have certainly seen erotic films or pornography in male puberty or somewhere in your life. First you have to accept it. On the other hand, erotic films are offered by sexual therapists as advice to couples who have sexual concerns. Rather than judging and humiliating your partner, it is better to understand why he is in such a choice. You can bring the color of your bedroom room to see it as a talkable subject and approach it without prejudice to your partner’s suggestion of watching erotic movies when needed.
5-Stay silent during the relationship:
There is a need to hear and see in order to be sexually stimulated in the male nature. If you save her from it, it can affect your sexual compatibility as well as her. It is a golden secret of a happy bed to express your emotions in voices to express your feelings more, to cry when necessary, to scream with bodily sensations.
6- Finding a defect in your own body:
He liked and loved you as you are. It is so important that you like yourself and like yourself to save your life. Remember, someone who does not love herself can not love herself. Do not value yourself, nobody really gives value, can not give. You are short or tall, overweight or very weak. He wants to be with you like you are. Being in peace with yourself and your body is the first and most important condition of enjoying sexual life. If necessary with your partner in the light, together in open light, walk around with your underwear. First flirt with your own body. (If you are having difficulty motivating yourself, this post may also interest you.)
7- To humiliate and insult other women:
It is not welcomed by anyone to humiliate other people with their physical or personal qualities. No one can have different characteristics or flaws, like no one else. However, accepting yourself perfectly and seeing all of them small, constantly criticizing and expressing their exploits can become uncomfortable for your partner. Women are cruel to their fellowmen compared to men as a matter of criticism. This behavior does not go well with men. After a while your mother, her sister or a female colleague will be criticized while standing still may cause her to internalize these criticisms. One day you can collect criticisms and return to you. Do not take it out of your mind. Despite everything, put your confidence in yourself by drawing a character that is in peace with people and yourself. This will draw a more positive portrait on your minds for you.
8- Use for sexy purposes:
Use of sexuality as a gift, except for the sharing of the soul and the body, will destroy the quality of your relationship. This situation is a strategy based on women who are very outcast. But the stone is heavy at the place. It is usually useful to keep some of your daily lives separate. The greatest gain you can get in bed is that you share with your partner and are good moments. You should approach the case this way. Do not take it out of your mind that in general you can not get any more love or future guarantees.
9-To behave sloppy on the server:
Every man, and of course every person wants to be appreciated, to be replaced, to give importance. He waits for self-respect. He also wants his partner to take care of himself, not just his behavior. He dreams that his evening partner will be able to greet himself with beautiful clothes, smell nice, prepare little surprises. That the woman is so attentive to the man is a value to her and her relationship.
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elizehurley-blog · 7 years
9 Faults Women Make
New Post has been published on http://www.withallwomen.com/9-faults-women-make/
9 Faults Women Make
We have compiled for you 9 Big mistakes that almost every woman has made but often escaped attention. EXCELLENT RELATIONSHIP UTILITY! Human nature makes mistakes and is not a perfect creature. On the other hand, men and women have two separate worlds. All this dangerous mixture brings the mistakes in the relationship to the field. According to CISED marriage and relationship therapists, the first mistake made is to have a perfect relationship without fighting, without fighting. However, there is no such thing as a perfect relationship without conflict. There is a relationship that is only peaceful, balancing and satisfying on both sides. Both sides need to approve it and approach it in this perspective. Of course, women and men who have relations are not without problems. Communication, mutual approach and attitudes have to be taken into consideration if a conflicting relationship solution is turned into a hair. According to CISED marriage and relationship therapists, the dynamics of the couple relationships are determined by 3 items. These are the Interactive System, the Generic System and the Individual System.
The interactive system involves the dynamics of the establishment of the relationship of the couple to each other and to each other. In other words, when you choose to grow instead of solving double conflicts, things are increasing. When the individual system is mentioned, it is mentioned especially about the mistakes that the individuals live in the ages of 0-7 years and in adolescence. In other words, minor injuries can create a problem in the current relationship. Another determinant of relationship dynamics is generational system. In other words, the relationships that parents have with each other and with other family reductions are discussed under this heading. The couple’s marriage and relationship therapists, who draw attention to the fact that the family secrets from the past are also reflected in their current relationships, emphasize that the dynamics are determined by bringing all these factors together. These dynamics also determine that the parties will not be able to take a relationship healthily. CISED marital therapists, who compare a person’s search for a perfect relationship to the quest for heaven, consider all these facts and suggest to the couple: “Give up trying to keep each other in your conflicts. In every case, focus on your mistakes, try to change yourself first, and be absolutely unconditional. “I am doing this, I am changing myself, you do this, you change yourself” wipe out the expression in your mind. You have to talk and communicate. Being right or overcoming often does not earn you anything. Listen to it instead of blame, listen carefully, understand what the other side is saying, if the Prime Minister or the Prime Minister speaks. Understand is trust, trust brings closeness. The opposite is the case of the violence and the wickedness. To blame, to be right and to overcome will not solve anything. ” CISED therapists point out that in relation to women and men there are some mistakes according to their nature. Here are 10 mistakes in the eyes of marriage and relationship therapists:
WOMEN’S 9 ERROR 1- Playing holy mother: Motherhood is arguably a sacred thing. If you look at which collection today, there is asexuality that your maternal identity brings. But you need to put your identity at the door of the bedroom. For you are the woman you love and desire for your wife before you are inspired. This point of view is the most solid foundation of your marriage. If you confuse your motherhood identity with your beloved identity, it will be like hitting it with a sledgehammer. So you must be a woman, then a mother in your marriage. Your woman should not disappear in your mother. 2- To imitate an orgasm: First of all, you should know that you do not have to be orgasm at the end of every sexual act. Leave this superstructure to one side. Imitating an orgasm on top is an unwanted attitude that is rejected by all men. By doing so, women think that man is doing him good by preventing him from losing his respect for himself. Maybe your partner might not notice it, but then he gets into a vicious circle with his learning. Your perpetual will doubt whether orgasm is imitating you. This situation also turns into performance anxiety. Be honest instead of imitating. Sincerity is an attitude that will always find its place in relationships. Sexuality is not a process that is absolutely necessary from orgasms and it should definitely result in orgasm. At the end of your sexuality, what you need to stay in your pocket is the abundance of sharing and living pleasures. The small frustrations that you can not get to see at the beginning can lead to very deep disappointments and can bring you and your relationship back to an irreversible point.
3-To lose the mystery: One of the biggest mistakes a woman has made is to treat her husband or her boyfriend as the closest girlfriend, like a “buddy”. A lot of women start to share everything with men for the duration of the relationship. However, women also have a world separate from their men. It would be useful to share some of the womanish things you talked to with your girlfriends with your partner. For he will not understand you. Both the woman and the man must be a unique mystery. This is a feature that both sides look for. The deformation of this situation can also lead to a point where you do not want to deal with the decrease of mutual sexual expectations. If you want your partner to continue your desire for you, do not share your privacy with her. 4-To deny the desire to watch pornographic erotic film or porn: You have rejected this position as much as you want, but in recent times you have certainly seen erotic films or pornography in male puberty or somewhere in your life. First you have to accept it. On the other hand, erotic films are offered by sexual therapists as advice to couples who have sexual concerns. Rather than judging and humiliating your partner, it is better to understand why he is in such a choice. You can bring the color of your bedroom room to see it as a talkable subject and approach it without prejudice to your partner’s suggestion of watching erotic movies when needed. 5-Stay silent during the relationship: There is a need to hear and see in order to be sexually stimulated in the male nature. If you save her from it, it can affect your sexual compatibility as well as her. It is a golden secret of a happy bed to express your emotions in voices to express your feelings more, to cry when necessary, to scream with bodily sensations. 6- Finding a defect in your own body: He liked and loved you as you are. It is so important that you like yourself and like yourself to save your life. Remember, someone who does not love herself can not love herself. Do not value yourself, nobody really gives value, can not give. You are short or tall, overweight or very weak. He wants to be with you like you are. Being in peace with yourself and your body is the first and most important condition of enjoying sexual life. If necessary with your partner in the light, together in open light, walk around with your underwear. First flirt with your own body. (If you are having difficulty motivating yourself, this post may also interest you.) 7- To humiliate and insult other women: It is not welcomed by anyone to humiliate other people with their physical or personal qualities. No one can have different characteristics or flaws, like no one else. However, accepting yourself perfectly and seeing all of them small, constantly criticizing and expressing their exploits can become uncomfortable for your partner. Women are cruel to their fellowmen compared to men as a matter of criticism. This behavior does not go well with men. After a while your mother, her sister or a female colleague will be criticized while standing still may cause her to internalize these criticisms. One day you can collect criticisms and return to you. Do not take it out of your mind. Despite everything, put your confidence in yourself by drawing a character that is in peace with people and yourself. This will draw a more positive portrait on your minds for you. 8- Use for sexy purposes: Use of sexuality as a gift, except for the sharing of the soul and the body, will destroy the quality of your relationship. This situation is a strategy based on women who are very outcast. But the stone is heavy at the place. It is usually useful to keep some of your daily lives separate. The greatest gain you can get in bed is that you share with your partner and are good moments. You should approach the case this way. Do not take it out of your mind that in general you can not get any more love or future guarantees.
9-To behave sloppy on the server: Every man, and of course every person wants to be appreciated, to be replaced, to give importance. He waits for self-respect. He also wants his partner to take care of himself, not just his behavior. He dreams that his evening partner will be able to greet himself with beautiful clothes, smell nice, prepare little surprises. That the woman is so attentive to the man is a value to her and her relationship.
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