#tallulah needs her papa
ven-of-oath · 1 year
It's heartbreaking that all of the eggs that are going to perma-die from now were so loved, being taken care of almost everyday for months, not just by their parents either, the entire server has come together to raise and protect these eggs, and now every egg life lost hits all of them so hard and I'm so glad everyone was allowed that last 10 minutes with Bobby as well.
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prenzea · 1 year
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Fit took a picture of Talullah and Ramon to give to Wilbur when he gets home !!
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nocinovae · 1 year
I’m sorry i just had the cutest idea of a lil Tallulah in a lmanburg outfit just like her dad.
I was thinking about Tallulah becoming a revolutionary just like Wilbur was bc of her line today about how “violence is only okay when it’s to protect those you care about” after Phil and her finding out about Quackity getting taken by the Federation.
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trashfangirlsworld · 1 year
If wilbur soot is on tour on the last day of the egg event I will do unspeakable things.
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listen to me y'all. listen. hear me out. i know the hesitating to kill the monsters with your children's face angst is spicy. i know it's tempting. don't fall for it.
phil didn't fucking hesitate for a second. he's the one who got everyone else to stop hesitating. once he logged back in, he attacked the codes immediately and shouted for everyone else to do the same. he hates the imposters and he hates them more for daring to use his children's faces. the angst isn't the idea that he would struggle to obliterate a threat to his family.
no, the angst is what happens after.
the angst is the next time tallulah needs her papa's attention when he has his airpods in and she shakes her maracas and he doesn't hear and she has to decide between asking him about the botantical garden and "it shook its maracas too much so i killed it"
the angst is the next time chayanne is feeling clingy or scared and wants to stick close to his father's side but in the back of his mind is just "it got close to me too much so i killed it"
the angst is that phil can see their fear because he knows them and he reassures him as much as he can that he would never hurt them and he would always know the real them but all of them have to live with the question of "but what if you don't"
the angst is phil giving them passwords and code phrases to memorize to prove its really them to soothe their fear of him not being able to recognize them because he solves his problems in the most straightforward, practical way he can but now they're just scared of what if the codes learn the passwords and phil explains that the passwords are just another layer of protection they're not everything and then they're right back where they started
the angst is two children huddled up together in a hotel away from the windows trying to decide if it would be better for their father to kill them by mistake or die by the hand of a monster wearing their face because he didn't think to strike first
the angst is chayanne privately asking phil the question he's trying desperately to pretend tallulah hasn't also thought of: what happens if wilbur comes back and it isn't wilbur?
the angst is phil replying with "he's my son too. i'll recognize him." and he doesn't remember everything from before the island but there's an old ache in his wing that seems to tell him that recognition may not have been enough
the angst isn't that phil hesitates. the angst is that phil doesn't. the angst is that phil loves his children too much to hesitate. the angst is that sometimes doing the best you possibly can by your children will still fuck them up so so so bad
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comradeboyhalo · 9 months
it's very sweet to see tallulah and bad's relationship now being mirrored in pepito and bad's relationship.
bad was one of tallulah's main caretakers in her early days. before she was adopted by phil, she confessed that she saw him as a father figure and confided in him often about wilbur. once phil adopted her, bad began to babysit tallulah less and less, and now he rarely sees her, since phil has it completely covered in the mornings. tallulah doesn't need him anymore, and, as a bbh main, its actually really heartwarming to see. bad was there to support her when she needed it, and his conversation with her on adoption gave her the push to then ask phil to consider her his daughter. now she no longer has to seek comfort and guidance in one of her tios. she has her papa, and anything she used to tell bad, she will now tell him.
with roier MIA and pepito's other parents being largely inactive, pepito is now in tallulah's shoes: a child with absent parents, who now has to be raised by the island as a collective. pepito has been hanging out with bad and late night trio a lot, and bad is acting very similarly to pepito as he would with tallulah. he reassures pepito a lot, that pepito's dad loves pepito very much and will be back soon. bad teaches pepito game mechanics, feeds pepito cookies, plays pretend with pepito, and speaks to pepito with the same gentleness that he would with tallulah. its so heartwarming to know that when a child is at their loneliest, this demon will be there to pick up the pieces. and maybe he's just a band-aid, maybe he will never be a fix to their problems, but he'll make them feel loved for as long as they need it.
someday, like tallulah, maybe we'll stop seeing pepito make regular appearances on bad's streams. but that's ok. that just means that pepito has found support in pepito's parents, and that will only be something to celebrate, not mourn.
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keline11 · 6 months
Missa and Tallulah day <tres
(A very loooooooooooong post)
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Missa first day in the new island.
Missa: "Tallulah! little one! How are you? It's good to see you, mi niña. It's so ^nice that the first thing I see is you."
(^He said "lindo" that also means pretty <tres)
(Everytime tallulah's dads call her "mi niña" I melt <tres)
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After Missa watched the new money sistem(?
Tallulah: "Don't worry apa, chayanne, papa phil and me are really poor"
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Bbh was telling missa the places he could live in.
Tallulah: "In my house we also made you a little space apa :D"
Missa: "Thank you bbh but it seems like tallulah has a little space for me on her house so probably I'll be near to her"
Tallulah: "Well duh you're my apa :D of course we have a place for you"
Missa: "Thank you so much tallulah"
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Bbh give him some iron and diamond.
Tallulah: "Apa you are already richer than papa phil, chayanne and me together"
Missa: "No no no this is ours, I'm not even going to use it, we're going to give this to philza so he can make better use of it than me, because I'm going to waste it I'm sure."
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My boy was getting distracted colecting flowers for the house. <tres
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He got jumpscared by a sheep.
Tallulah: "I'll protect you apa :D it doesn't matter if is a zombie or a sheep"
Missa: "Thank you so much tallulah, *To chat* my children, my dear children are going to be there to defend me, when I'm old, all wrinkled and old I won't be afaird of they taking me to a nursing home, because my little eggs are going to take me to eat ground vegetables.."
Chat: Skeletons grow old?
MIssa: "No, but those are details, I can pretend ok? I can pretend that I am an old man"
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Tallulah: "That's the house of uncle cellbit, he is our neighbor"
Missa: *to chat* "I don't know, I was waiting for something more terrifying, look it has the hair dyed like an e-girl, you know?...wait Late?" (Late is a streamer that has his hair like that, half red half dark)
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Tallulah: "welcome home :D"
Missa: "this place is beautiful"
Missa:*sees chayanne* "chayanne, my son"
Tallulah: "we are poor but our house is perfect for 4four"
Missa: "It's really beautiful, we don't need money when we have each other"
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Tallulah: "this is your bed"
Missa: *gasp* "it's perfect, it has memory foam, it's like that ones that you can put an egg on the side- literaly! the kind where you put an egg on the side and nothing happens to it (to the egg)"
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They went to get materials to do a painting, and they were attack by a skeleton and a zombie.
Tallulah: "are you ok?"
Missa: "I am- are YOU ok? you have arrows everywhere! you look like a porcupine!"
Tallulah: "I am really strong"
Missa: "Oh! I can see that! perfect! you are prepared for everything"
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Let's look at the glow up of that drawing.
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They showed their drawings. (I just remembered that day were missa and chayanne also draw something for philza...pipipippipi)
Tallulah: *about missa's* "It's so good"
Missa: *about tallulah's* "Its beautiful"
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They went to the museum, tallulah explained when the atm was bugged and they could get infinite money.
Missa: "Tallulah I am going to tell you a story I used to be in a team, of people really talented and nice, they teach me to play, I didn't learn much, but that team was called "Vacio Legal", they were the best, they were what formed who I am, a disaster"
Tallulah: "Did you also steal money?"
Missa: "No, not necessary, but let's say that we were on the edge of the law. those were good times."
Tallulah: "Later you tell me about them"
Missa: "Sure, sure, there are a lot of stories I could tell you about them"
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Tallulah gaslighting missa.
Tallulah: "apa you are giant, you didn't know that? :o"
Missa explained the context that he knew, the reference of the picture, but chat told im that there were 2 contexts so he say to not tell him, because metagaming.
Tallulah: "It's just that you are giant"
Missa: "...There is something hiden that I am not understanding, philza and I have the same high, I think"
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Missa: "look at him(maximus) I would also marry, kiss and kill, at the same time- no just kidding, it's not true you didn't heard that, it's a joke tallulah! IT'S A JOKE!!!
Tallulah: "a poco si tilin" (really?...)
Missa: *Laughing* It's not true, it's not true, maximus is my friend, my bro... Everything romantic and nice that they have said has already gone to shit." (I don't know of who he was talking)
Talllulah: "yyyyyy I am going to tell my papa"
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Outside the museum, missa got hiccups.
Missa: "Tallulah did you know, fun fact about Missa Sinfonia: I have hiccups 90% of the time"
Tallula: "apa missa's lore :o"
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Mobs attacking again.
Missa: "Tallulah, are you ok?" *tallulah says yes* "It's because you are really strong, you endure everything!"
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Missa: *almost dying* "Tallulah i want to let you know that I always love you"*he doesn't die*"oh"
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Missa: "BIRD... noo, tallulah can we take another one? i don't want to bother him"
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More mobs attack.
Missa: "let's go home tallulah, I don't want to be here anymore tallulah, lets go home... no, no, no, why it sounds like you are dying? why? are you ok?"
Missa: *down at two hits* tell me you are not gonna die, please, please, you are not gona die, right?"
Missa: *now ok* "tallulah you are really strong and a good fighter, you are awesome"
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At home
Tallulah: "Apa I have a gift for you before you go *gives him a Aster flower* I grabbed it because even though you are a skeleton, you are a sun/sunny with everyone and you shine a lot."
Missa: *Cries* Look tallulah, in the way here I was collecting flowers, but then I notice that all our house was packed with flowers, so it's one flower among many... this family is like a flower, there are many and many types but this one is the most beautiful"
Tallulah: "But this ones are yours so they are more beautiful"
Missa: *Crying* "tallullah I love you so much... I want the day I die, to be buried with these flowers... I can't die I am a skeleton, but I can bury myself the day I want and it is valid"
Tallulah: "JASADASJDSJ Don't say those things... You are not going to die :("
Missa: "No, don't worry, just like you I am inmortal, we are inmortals"
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Tallulah: "Good nigth apa :D I liked seeing you and spending time with you <3 love you, see you soon :D"
Missa: "I love you too tallulah, see you soon then, my daughter, rest well and have sweet dreams"
END (8
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pixiecaps · 9 months
Chays discussing his feelings with Phil | QSMP - hangin with ma eggs before New Years :D 4:34:00
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Chayanne: I lost four siblings already and even if we grow stronger so do the threats. It doesn’t really matter does it? And Papa Missa isn’t here either. I know we ended well but he wasn’t happy neither with himself.. nor with me.
Phil: Don’t say that Chayanne.
Chayanne: I’m really trying to do the right things but then I am always to be blamed.
Phil: It’s part of growing up kid. That’s part of growing up unfortunately you never know.. you could be doing the right thing or not. Trying to protect your daughter and like trying to protect my son. I’m doing the same thing I’m trying to do my best here. You’re trying to protect your siblings. (Sighs) You’re right there are new threats. There are new threats and it just seems like its all futile its all pointless. But I can assure you it’s not. It’s not the case. It’s always worth it.
Chayanne: I was the egg that woke up before we left and no one took me really serious. Everyone downplayed how I felt.
Phil: But they listened to you right?
Chayanne: And all the eggs got the books and threats and we all decided to leave and suddenly it is: Well Chayanne said we would leave so we followed him. So it is me, huh? And then Tallulah doesn’t want to stay with us. So she is mad at me because I couldn’t keep the promise. And I can’t fix it. And now Tio Forever is going insane. You know I asked Tallulah what to say to you.. and she said, “We say nothing.” So I had her back and said nothing. And she turns around and told you anyway. And suddenly it is Chayanne told all his siblings to keep quiet.
Phil: Wait who was saying that? I didn’t say that.
Chayanne: I’m really tired of it.
Phil: I’m sorry Chayanne. I’m sorry you have to go through this shit.
Chayanne: And now she is god knows where and I am worried. Now what?
Phil: We go find her. We go find her Chayanne, alright? It’s what family does, we stick by each other.
Chayanne: I don’t want to go anywhere. I want to go to the nest. I don’t care. I reclaim it. If workers attack me so be it. I want to build and farm and just don’t have to think about it.
Phil: Listen Chayanne when it comes down to it. Your siblings see you as a leader, now I know you’re just a kid but you’re strong, alright? Because you’re my kid. And sometimes being a leader isn’t all glory, right? Sometimes you fuck up, sometimes things don’t go the right way, sometimes you feel like you didn’t do the right thing or you didn’t do enough. Thats just how it goes. And I’m sorry. I’m sorry you have to go through this at such a young age. I’m sorry. But right now Tallulah is out there, Tallulah is out there somewhere looking for Dapper… By herself.
Chayanne: But I need a break I can’t keep doing this Dad.
Phil: I know Chayanne it’s okay you can lean on me when you need to. I’m here. I’m always going to be here. But we got to find your sister. I agree it’s too much responsibility to be put on your shoulders right now. But your siblings need you. But if you want to stay here that’s fine too. I know it can be a lot. You’ve had so much weight put on your shoulders and you’re right its not fair.
Chayanne: Everything I decide will be wrong. I don’t have the energy to go. But if I don’t go then I’ll feel bad about it as well.
Phil: Listen if you really don’t want to go, if you’re just tired of this, I won’t blame you, okay? It’s a lot. You’re just kid at the end of the day.
(Chayanne in the end decided not to go)
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genevawrenn · 7 months
There's...a lot to unpack in this next bit.
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First of all. The yelling at Tallulah? That is the first time I have ever heard him raise his voice in anger at his children.
Second. She can tell Phil, that something isn't right. She knows her Dad, though emotionally distant in a lot of respects, would never ever turn his rage upon her. And the fact he has been gone so regularly on this quest for lining their pockets, completely unlike how he used to be. At the beginning all he wanted to do was build a house and spend time with his eggs.
Now he is often gone the moment he wakes up to loot or find more treasures, away more often than home. His want for earthly goods has begun to outweigh the value of familial love, so wrapped up in this desire to protect his family and gathering more shinies.
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She knows his heart. And she knows his intentions have begun to warp to unhealthy levels.
She knows her Papa as one with a joyful laugh, kind words, gentle hands and a willingness, above all else, to help others.
This stranger wearing the blonde's face is not her father.
She was the one to widen the gap in Phil's armour after Fit broke the initial hole. She knows how to speak to his emotions, to find his soul and try to revive it as it decays.
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I think this is the moment it hit how serious she was.
I never quite clocked the fact she held that accidently swing against Philza from months ago now...she's just a kid. How often did she think or worry about the possibility of it happening again?
I think the worst part for Phil is he realises she isn't upset with him. She's scared of him. And that's so much worse.
Another thing I also just remembered; she hates having things withheld from her knowledge, its a breach of trust.
This is terrifying for her. To watch the steadiest thing she has ever known to shatter and break apart. To fall into the clutches of endless needs over what truly matters.
Spending time with those you love.
It doesn't matter if you own the most expensive things in the world, some happiness is only found eternally in the souls of those you came to grow close too in this small blip on a forever timeline.
Tallulah's only thing she can hold in a storm is her family. To see the head of it become hostile and deliberately ignore his own descent....goddess she must feel so hopeless.
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kaiokentimesten · 10 months
The stuff with q!Wilbur and Tallulah is SO GOOD. like
q!Wilbur is a spoiled brat who expects everything to go his way. He has no issue drifting from place to place, never staying for long. And then, on this island, he finds a kid, abandoned in the adoption center. She looks just like him, and the first thing he thinks is "oh no, I can't do this". He tells her he can't take on that responsibility. But then, he does it anyway. You could argue that maybe he didn't really have a choice (the egg looks like him), but you could also argue he always did
He spends time with her while he can. He gives her a pretty name and he tries to raise her with pacifism in mind. Saying "You don't need to fight, you can just stand back and let me protect you!" when he can't even protect himself. He teaches her how to play guitar and sings her songs. "You were the person I asked for and even more."
And then he leaves. Days go by, then weeks, then months. Circumstances change, and Tallulah can't be a pacifist. qPhil raises her, teaching her how to fight and survive. He's there for Tallulah more than qWilbur could ever even hope to be, and Tallulah's attitude starts to change. For a while, she was hard on herself, feeling unloved because her only parent was gone. She felt bad that she viewed Phil as a father more, and the guilt nearly ate her alive until Phil reassured her that he considered her a daughter from the moment he started taking care of her
Then, Tallulah disappears, and the midst of chaos, Wilbur comes back. Immediately, he's taken aback, and he scolds the other parents for seemingly doing nothing. But, what has he done? At least the others were here. His fight with Phil and subsequent actions show off just how little he understands how things work on the island. He goes "well, I'm the one thinking LOGICALLY here while everyone else is just acting on EMOTION", all the while he spends the whole time throwing tantrums and starting fights. He really thinks leaving her a letter and playing a song will bring her back. Meanwhile, Phil's sent to purgatory, fighting tooth and nail to find her and bring her home
When they finally find the eggs, Tallulah's not even surprised that Wilbur isn't here. It's "papa Phil" and "Wilbur" now. She's jaded, and she has every right to be. Wilbur can make all of the promises in the world, but if he's not here, what good is his word?
Of course, from a meta perspective, I don't think this was cc!Wilbur's intention. He said he would've written more letters, but he was so busy that he couldn't. However, the story's moved on without him, and I am very eager to see how he decides to play this, because Tallulah and qWilbur's dynamic is definitely changing, and it's not for the better
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dappervoided · 9 months
Docs vacation to Quesadilla Island!
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So I watched Docm77 last Hermitcraft season 9 episode today and RAN to make this.
More so on the topic!
He needed to take a break and get his creative juices flowing? What's a better break (nightmare) than to come enjoy the island for a short while!
I've been spinning around the idea of Qsmp and Hermitcraft crossover since the start of Qsmp. There's so many ideas in my brain about this topic even though it'll never actually happen! I'm so sorry, but some things are bound to get out of my daydreams and materialize into doodles!
I think Doc would LOVE the eggs! Not to mention all the cute creatures they'd show him! He'd get attached instantly, they're too adorable!
I could only fit 3 here without making it too busy, but I wanna expand on what I could see the interactions being. Massive ramblings, often grammatically incorrect ahead:
Sunny - now we all know she's a material princess, they'd love Docs bedtime stories about the diamond pillar wars and his incredible contraptions made of diamond in the Perimeter and all the riches he had. Now Tubbo not only has Pierre to watch out for, but Doc also, cause Sunny would beg him to make stuff out of diamonds to show off!
Empanada - she'd clock in instantly that Doc is a German and would try speaking to him in German every moment she got. Now she has both her mom Niki and Doc to talk in her language to! It's not much of an expansion, but she appreciates it a lot! They'd have many delightful conversations and Doc is always happy to have her build little things together. They learn from each other!
Ramon - besides finally having another redstone genius with an entire Hivemind on the server, Ramon would be interested in how Doc works - both in a cyborg way and in the way he creates mind-blowing, game breaking contraptions. If they're not destroying the server together for fun, they're not making the most of their time! Jk, but it do be nice when both of them get to hang out and show each other what they discovered that's scuffed on the server.
Some eggs that aren't drawn:
Chayanne - finally! Another farmer came around! Chayanne would show off his impressive potato farm and cooking skills to Doc, who will always be amazed at the kids dedication! Doc can finally have his tomato farm in a Minecraft world now, since the mods allow it! It is too free for everyone to use
Tallulah - If she would show Doc the incredible builds she made and her and her papas place, he would be moved to tears! Everything is made with such love and incredible amounts of effort and thought! From her farm of all possible plants, to her garden and to El Cielo De Las Tortugas. Such incredible places to visit and appreciate! And Tallulahs amazing way of storytelling would only serve to amplify those feelings
Dapper - now besides trying cage trap Doc 1000x times, Dapper would definitely show off everything he got once he discovers that Doc is deeply amused and surprised by all the non vanilla things! They would invite Doc to their base to show everything and I mean EVERYTHING there is for show. It's definitely too much, but Doc is very impressed by her and would praise how much work she puts in! Dapper do be the definition of GRIND!
Leo - Leo and her dads made so many incredible builds, Doc would be amazed at how much they did in such a short time! Besides that Leo herself is an incredibly, theatrically even, good at body language and expression! He'd die of cuteness and laughter like all of us already do!
Pomme - we all know that Pomme has so many talents! From being a little musician, to an incredible warrior, to a thought out builder and a spectacularly emotional writer. There's a lot Doc will have to slowly discover about Pomme! And each time the scale and depths of things will get more and more impressive, because the share amounts of time and effort she puts into her creations, passions and loved ones is massive!
Pepito - this kid! Pepito is such an incredible character to be around! Pepito is so dedicated to whatever Pepito does, especially if it's with friends! Whenever Pepito has fun, it always radiates outwards in many different ways! You can't really help yourself but get charged up with energy when you're around. And Doc does just that!
Richarlyson- Richas is a lot in the best ways possible! But we all know he's very much a jokester, he wouldn't miss a beat trying to mess with the goat! And once he finds out what kinds of retaliations Docs is capable of? OH IT'S WAR (for fun, cause that's what it's all about!)
I'm sorry if this is chaotic at some parts or lacking in others, I have to write this all in one go before my battery dies. I haven't been able to watch many streams so I'm sorry if Im not up to date with the characters, but that is what I remember them as! Any corrections or lore updates are always welcome! I want to learn more, especially now that I can't watch!
Anyhow, now that I look back on that drawing why do I feel like I've done something terrible.... I've seen those designs before......
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rainbowchaox · 7 months
Qsmp! Tallulah Character Analysis and How it Relates to Pissa
It hasn’t been long since Tallulah fully accepted Missa as her dad but I honestly believe Missa healed her. And we definitely have enough context to talk about in length relating to Pissa.
Tallulah always felt like an outsider. Even when Chayanne and Philza accepted her as family. Her father Wilbur had to leave without any choice of his own. Philza in her eyes had Chayanne as a priority. She thought herself as a burden especially with her asthma. She always struggled with the idea people thought she was. They thought her gentle and sweet. Loves flowers. But she always been more.
I can see some traits in her that reminds me of Missa and Phil. Like I said before Missa is a bleeding heart that spills like ink. Tallulah is the same. She and Missa are the most emotionally intelligent of the family. But also the ink tends to stain her own hands. She has so much emotion in a small body. So she lashes out like any child would. And it can get ugly when she does.
This isn’t her fault. She is a child that has been through so much pain and trauma in such a short period.
Philza is a good father but sometimes you need a more gentle and understanding touch. And that is Missa. I truly think a part of her healed when Missa called her his daughter. As she was just chosen because he loves her. Not out of obligation. She was chosen.
Missa left right before Tallulah was left in his care. And when he came back. Philza immediately said he had another child. A daughter and Missa immediately accepted her as his daughter. Missa love is immense and non-conditional.
Tallulah though always thought of Missa as Philza husband and Chayanne papa. She never imagined he would have the same love for her. She always heard so good things about him. Primarily because Phil and Chayanne are similar and love deeply and quietly.
So that day in the prison when Missa said to her he always thought of her as his daughter. She was so happy. Even the fandom at large never expected this to happen. We thought there would be tension and conflict. Especially because after being gone so long in purgatory. She gained new emotional scars. And a want to not be coddled anymore. And she always been against anyone besides Phil and Wilbur considering her their daughter.
I truly believe she saw how much Chayanne and Philza loves Missa. That she grew to love him as well. Philza can’t stop talking about him after all. And he only has good things to say. But she didn’t want to take what she considered not hers.
But we didn’t get an idea of what Missa and Tallulah dynamic would be until recently. She was always sorta coddled by Philza and Chayanne and only recently has she started to be way more independent.
And what has been shown in Missa and her dynamic. Makes me certain she needed Missa. Missa loves her just for her. Not for any idea of her. That was the primarily reason she was always so against others adopting her. Philza and Chayanne she felt loved her out of obligation. (Not true and she has realized that now but it was something she struggled with.)
Or in the case of others. Loved her for the wrong reasons. Loved her mask. Not her truly. Wilbur was the only one that chose her. That loved her for her. Of course she struggled heavily with his absence. In a home she felt at times she was a stranger intruding into their home.
But Missa saw her. Without the mask. And he loves her for it. Missa didn’t consider her weak or something to be protected. She is strong and amazing. And Missa didn’t have an obligation to love her. The day he learned of her. He loved her. And he knew nothing of her.
Philza made her strong and ready to battle. She gained so much knowledge from him. But with Missa she can be his strong warrior. Not the protected. And that healed her. Death family loves each other so intensely. They love each other flaws and all. And that is beautiful.
Overall, she easily accepted Missa as her dad because Phil and Chayanne loves him so much. And Missa loves her just for her being herself. Flaws and all
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daisyychainssj · 1 year
I know the whole Richas and Tallulah conflict happened hours ago and it reached a resolution and stuff but I'm just now catching up with it so I'm gonna write out my feelings about it because I think the whole thing and the way everyone is interpreting it differently is really interesting. I'm probably going to end up saying things that people said like hours ago so sorry if it's a bit repetitive to read!
Richas POV - Okay so firstly, Richas' pov is probably the most complicated because he (obviously) has a much more complex relationship and understanding of the paintings. Not only do they cause him to be distressed because of how they're created but seeing it up on Philza's wall has just shown him that his pai Cellbit betrayed his trust. He didn't get rid of the paintings and instead has been just handing them out behind his back and I can't imagine how gut wrenching that must've been. Tallulah get's defensive about the painting and so she becomes the target of all of his hurt, frustration and fear. He is so worked up over this (understandably) and is getting increasingly frustrated because nobody is listening to him. He didn't agree to the "not be siblings anymore" ultimatum because he truly felt that way, I think he was just blinded by pure desperation. This poor kid NEEDS to be given the opportunity to sit down with someone and open up about this whole Romero Richas situation and he needs to be listened to and his fears taken seriously.
Tallulah POV - Now onto Tallulah's pov. For Tallulah this painting is a cute art piece of her papa phil and her brother Chayanne and suddenly her other brother is demanding that he take it back. Yes it's his painting but also she's a kid, in her eyes this painting was given to them and it's theirs now why would she give it back just so it can be destroyed? Also, Tallulah is the sweet egg! the kind egg! oh she's just so lovely and that's all there is to her!!!!! (sense my sarcasm here) sometimes when that is the way that someone presents themselves it's because they're scared that if they aren't that way they won't be liked/loved and people will leave if they're not prefect. This girl has abandonment issues on top of abandonment issues and Richas agreed to not be her sibling anymore over a painting. So this impacted her HARD. (we ofc know Richas didn't mean it but her character didn't) Tallulah acts out and (from her pov) stands her ground for once and now her brother doesn't want to be her brother anymore. I also think her throwing a tantrum and being a bratty made some of the audience even more shocked and dare I say frustrated at Tallulah behaving like this during this situation because that's not how they're used to her being. She was being stubborn and giving these intense ultimatums but she can be like this I think people just don't see it often because she only really lets her guards down in that way infront of Phil and Chayanne.
So now you have two extremely worked up kids who won't really listen to each other because their emotions are so heightened and that's to be expected! Children can not and should not be expected to regulate their emotions in the same way adults can.
Forever POV - His entire pov of the situation is very interesting to me. I see a lot of people criticising the way he handled this and to a certain extent I do agree. However, I think something that is being overlooked is that Forever perhaps wanting to make sure Tallulah was okay is because that is not his child. He only got permission literally yesterday to look after her after being previously denied. With Richas he can sit with him for HOURS afterwards if needed to try and talk through things. He has to drop Tallulah home in like an hour. It's very obvious to everyone on the island how close she is with Phil, she will tell him everything that happened during her time with the other parents. It makes sense, to me, for Forever to want to try and smooth the situation out as fast as he can and make everything okay. Do I think that makes the way he acted completely fine. No. but I don't think it makes zero sense for him to have acted that way. Also, him being Richas' pai means he's seen Richas have tantrums and be dramatic and bratty, he's never ever seen Tallulah do that so yeah he's going to panic and be like "oh shit I need to calm her down/make sure she's okay because this is unusual". I really do wish he had taken Richas' feelings and concerns more more seriously and hadn't just left him for a bit hopefully in the future he makes sure that he does that. It's a learning curve and he's learning to parent as he goes! He crash landed on an island and then got a child dropped into his lap to take care of so he's kinda just learning on the job.
BBH POV - I don't really have much to say here, I think bad handled the situation well given what he canonically knows about the Romero Richas situation (which is basically nothing) He encouraged Tallulah to talk things through with Richas and kept explaining how important their bond is and idk I just think BBH did a really good job.
Overall, I LOVE that the eggs are getting storylines with each other and are learning and growing. I'm so glad that Richas and Tallulah made up, they both need a warm hug and some hot chocolate or something after that whole ordeal. Little kids feeling big emotions for the first time is tough! but they did great <3
(I apologise if I missed anything important that happened between Richas and Forever when they were alone, I don't speak Portuguese but I tried my best based on the bits and pieces that the wonderful Portuguese speakers on here have translated!)
Anyway that's my long ass essay done! <3
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lessiasya · 8 months
-Papa, I want to... Go to art classes. - Tallulah sitting on the soft carpet, while Phil braiding her hair. He was fighting wild brown curls, but his daughter happiness is more important than his sanity.
-Oh? Which one?
Tallulah squeezes a plush orca in her hands, mumbling something inaudible. But after taking a deep breath, she starts.
-I want to draw... To be like you. - though little girl speaks silently, she is very confident with her words. It makes Phil smile, he is so proud of his daughter.
He is proud, but he is also nervous when couple days after they are standing next to door with colourful stickers on it.
Classroom has few tables, but mostly small easels. You can see the park through the windows. And there is the teacher standing next to the desk. Phil saw him couple times, but never spoke to him. They worked in the same building, even were teaching art but in different age groups. Phil teaches high-schoolers mostly, but this guy teaches kids.
-Hola, you've must be new student, right? - man noticed them standing in the doorway. Tallulah squeezes Phil's hald slightly more.
-Yes, I'm Phil, that's Tallulah. Nice to meet you. - "Missa" reads the tag on others shirt.
They're going through the documents and other stuff pretty quickly. And Phil notices how soft Missa with Tallulah, he doesn't rush anything slowly asking her and patiently waiting for her answers.
-Okay, I'll be on my way now, my class are starting soon. If you need me, I'm literally down the hallway. - Phil hugs Tallulah before leaving and now playing little staring contest with Missa. - Here is my number if you need anything.
Maybe Phil lied, maybe it was because he wanted Missa to have it. Phil were smiling the whole way to his class, to which he was slightly late (and it wasn't because his daughter's teacher looks kinda cute).
When Phil left, all what Missa was left were little paper with phone number, big smile and slightly red cheeks.
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two messages for the people who are determined to interpret everything phil says to sunny in the worst light possible
he's not a mind reader. if he says something that hurts them, it's not with the intent to hurt them. because he is not a mind reader and he is not intending to hurt them, he will continue behaving in his typical manner to them until someone (IN CHARACTER DO NOT TTS HIM) tells him not to. he is a boundary respecting king if he knows what those boundaries are but he does need to be told them. right now, his intent is to reassure sunny that it's not their fault tallulah doesn't like them. if that's not how sunny feels like he's coming across, he doesn't know about it.
sunny is not shy about telling their papa when something is wrong. tubbo is not shy about telling phil when something is wrong. tubbo has not made any effort whatsoever to tell phil that something is wrong. please open your heart to the possibility that something can bother You, Dear Reader and not bother sunny. we don't have a good idea of what the eggs are thinking unless they tell us. just because you interpret sunny's body language as them being upset at phil doesn't mean they're actually upset at phil
this is qommunication smp. communication requires actually communicating. phil is doing his best to communicate to sunny that it's not their fault tallulah doesn't like them while also respecting tallulah's boundaries. stop treating him like an evil stepmother because you think sunny is uncomfortable and neither sunny nor her parent are bothering to let phil know.
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merao-mariposa · 5 months
Who will you call?
When the end draws near who are you going to call?
The sky is burning and there is nothing to fight for, nothing to fight against because your opponent is invincible, the fear of death swallows you alive but its march is inexorable and you know in your heart that it is all, suddenly your life passes in front of your eyes and you call a name, what is it?
The little warrior have fought well but it is all for, only at the end can he feel his heart tighten, have he failed? Again? This can't end here he don't want it to end here and suddenly he calls his papa Missa.
Whenever he's not with Tallulah or another egg to protect, I think Chayanne would call Missa.
He is terrified that it is the end of him, they (his family) love him and he knows that there will be no danger for his papá here. He does need consolation, Is it too much to ask?
He is a good boy, a great warrior, and he did try so well. He knows that either of his parents will assure him that he did the best he could. He knows that they will give him soft guarantees that will make the feeling of inadequacy and pain diminish.
But he wants his dad Missa.
He knows he's not thinking, anyone knows that Dad Phil can face any danger better than Missa would.
But he's not being rational, he's being sentimental, he's not being the big brother, he's being the little egg who he knows he is.
He wants the tranquility that Missa can offer with the simple aura; he wants the happy optimism that Missa sticks out like a sore thumb in his gloomy and ominous appearance.
But Chayanne knows better that his father is naive, and so kind that's why he has to protect him! Even though now it seems that he won't be able to.
He doesn't want dad Phil to see him like this almost as much as he longs for his gentle protection and the right words of encouragement from him. Chayanne wonders what would he think of him?
Nothing bad, he would probably be filled with worry, concentrating on speaking sincerely and with his heart in his hand.
Like the last time…
But Chayanne knows deep inside, at his young age that this is the definitive one for him, there will be no another time.
So if he can't have all together, his family (please let the boy have all there he loves them and he needs to see them one last time)
Then he would ask for his father, the man who sang the first song he ever heard in his life, name him, teach him water drops and how to cook, the one who teach him how to turn his violence into something profitable, he wants the man who makes him happy with only his appearances in his life outside of his busy schedule.
He wants, he does need to feel loved and protected like he once did when he was a tiny egg just came to life. Maybe it sounds so childish but a part of him needs to feel like a loved and silly child again.
So this is the end…
Chayanne seeks the comfort that his papá Missa inspires, Oh how he wants to hear him sing one last time…
Her lungs squeeze painfully in her chest, the chaos around her roars like a thousand beasts indiscriminately that she already has enough pain in his body without having more, there is nowhere to run, can't run, and the name Philza turns to her tongue…
Beyond the first eggs, like Chayanne, that were loved upon arrival, Tallulah arrived with a heavy heart from the beginning.
Spreading her love everywhere as a mere defense against abandonment or at least in part (it was not the intention of the islanders to abandon her, the adoption process was not well done, some with two eggs and others with one, it was not fair for her or hope)
But on the other hand she knew what it was like to not feel the love she saw in others, she strove to give it to everyone to share just what she lacked.
In this context she comes to Philza, holding hands with Missa will not deny that she embedded part of his appearance in herself, so similar; music, ghosts, and even colors.
It was easier to protect herself from the bond that she could have with Chayanne's father if she looked like someone else (even if he was still another of Chayanne's father).
But if there is something that hurt Tallulah, it was loneliness, every bit of it was like returning a little to that Federation attic, alone eating dirt to survive.
Her fate could have been worse than this, that would have been a lonely, tragic ending.
She knows it now but before she wasn't so sure.
A mixture of jealousy and anguish choked in her throat when she saw the other children so… complete and free without having to earn anyone's love /God, she and Missa are so similar, those who say that he is not her father are so wrong.
Then she was struck down by overwhelming guilt because she had someone she had Phil! But Phil is Chayanne's father, not hers.
Never hers.
While all the other children freely adopted these traits of their parents, Tallula is happy to just see herself as her own person because she does not believe that she can bring herself the shame of imitating her loved brother's father.
She will never be able to steal it! Only sometimes it is impossible for her wings to not be blackish or for her hair to be so dark.
They are all she have, all the family she knows and that she can say about them beyond the fact that they love her deeper than she has ever let herself love others.
Words will never be enough to explain how grateful she is to them.
So she expresses it with actions, her flute, flowers, nicknames, always looking for a way to convey her feelings that she does not verbally, to share a little of how happy they make her even with the black cloud hanging over her head.
The black cloud refuses to abandon her, be it the Federation that left her behind, the monster that traumatized the people she loves most in the world, being kidnapped multiple times (isolated for a moment, alone, so alone) and walking through hell.
But they are always there, especially dad Phil!
When they took them back to that dark attic that she thought she would never return to, and when they visited that macabre place called egg island her dad Phil was always there, late sometimes, but always there, always found her.
He managed to pick her up when the code stabbed her and she arrived just in time to pull him out of the water after his (failed) leap of faith.
Could she begin to repay him for all the love and security that he made her feel? Maybe not, but that didn't matter.
Because now he understands that he doesn't have to “pay” or “earn” her father's love, she can simply… have it. To have love, to have a father and to be a daughter without being ashamed or guilt. As Chay once told her; "The more people, the more love to share."
Tallulah has been through terrifying things before, she sees it in how her life flashes before her eyes but she surprises herself that she has peace in this moment because she knows that her dad Phil will arrive, even if it is not to save her, she knows he will be there, He will be there with her and that is more than she could ask for (although she would ask for her entire family to be there)
There are worse ways to die and now she knows it better than dying of hunger in an attic forgotten by God, at least where she is now she knows that she is loved and when the storm passes she will still be loved.
She hopes that dad Phil is proud because she fought so hard and came so far. She knows that he is...
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