#tamara belden
euripidesredux · 1 month
Extended credits for Museum at Tomorrow episode 5
Below the cut are all of the folks who I used (and asked to be credited) for recordings in Museum at Tomorrow episode 5- specifically, the "This is not for You" recordings.
(The list was too long for podcast episode descriptions)
These recordings were mixed into the soundscape of the show, heavily processed- so you may or may not be able to pick out your voice. Each unique recording is preserved as rhythem, timber, and shape within the episode.
Thank you for your work in creating the canvas of this piece.
Kate Bullen
K R Forsyth
Vega Jacobsen
Grace Gamble 
Wesley Lee Balete
Charlie Sloykowski
JC Hendry
Courtney Brothers
Arabella McDonald
Hanc Finestra
Katie H
Beck Smith
Micheal Vee
Mira Singer
Laurent J.L. Hall
Carley Mothersell
Elliott Neptune
Enrica Jossi
Jahan Shah 
Morgan Galagher
Niall LG
Caroline Mincks
Daniel Kurtz
AJ Fidalgo
Zedek H
Malia Northstar
Greg Ruddick
Solstice Hannan
Jessamy Thomison 
Cassie A.
Rachel Spokony
miss mr meow
Arti Richardson
Mattie J.
Geddy Cary-Avery,
 Ophelia Cary-Avery
Sophie Kaplan
X Speaks
Joe R
Ray Goldberg
The Marble System
Tina Case
Kate Bullen
Maddy Searle
Remi P
Meg Taylor
Evan Tess Murray
Amanda Jones
Amanda Ehrhardt
Nathan Fisentzou-Haji-Leonti
Johanna Andersson
Tess Huth
Olivia Lion
Bridget M. Mueting
Wil Williams
Katie Utke
Savy Stay
Graham Rowat
Molly Walsh
Belinda Parker
Erin Celovsky
Caden Osojnak
Ray Schrader
Atlas Byrd
AJ. S.
Fay Blackmore
Sharon Peterson
Katharina Abschlag 
Ace Tayloe
kat B
Siz Hart
Kathryn Cox
G. Honnigford
Pine Gonzalez
artie eigengrau
Rook Davis
Izzi Mata
Tamara Jones
Leigh sharpe
Zelda MacFarland
Arkyn Wolf
Elaine Wiley
Mary Lewis-Phillipps
Claudia Elvidge
Kei Burke
Katie Vargas
Karleen Preator
Alicia Babich
Jonathan Sciance
Hayden Laver
Barrett Vann
S Kramer
Maya Hiers-Lairson
Archer Hickerson
Nicole Liang
LF Haye
Louis Carroll
Stefanie K.
Autumn Wang 
Badger Merriweather
Sender Paulson
Rob Weiner
Lotte Schmidt 
Josie D. 
Jaryn Tyson
Common Blue Icarus
Claire Alpern
Matt Weiss
M Zemlock
Kay Eileen
Callisto Holmes
Noah Quinn
Sarah Elizabeth
Willow Belden
Amanda McCormack
Esrah Del Carlo
the Hartmans
Lee Ann Eden
Bob Proctor
deda eliensis
Tara Schile
Flameheart Dryad
Sarah Lambrix 
JB Segal 
Ellis C
Jaime Tamar
Haze Peers
Erin Bevan
Luci Tomich
Michael W.
Kim Fukawa
Amy Strieter
Petra Hall
Charlie Rayshich
Susan Weiner
Everett Blackthorne
M. Alti
N. B. Green
Aiden Nicholson
Jacky Rubou
Nura Lawrence
Gwen Clancy
Ollie M.
ML Beck
Ray Makowski
Eljay Rich
Michelle Pigott
Rachel Pfennigwerth
Jamie Gump
Mason J Miller
Ella Watts
Mady Oswald
Valerie "ShinyHappyGoth" Kaplan
Anne Baird
Emily Ricotta
Ansel Burch
Nathan Sowell
LM Heß
Richard Peers
1 note · View note
gpaficmas · 6 years
Day in the Snapchat of Tamara Belden
Public snaps
Outfit of the day
Videos singing along to songs
Victoria snaps
Provocative selfies
Some flirty videos
Camilla snaps
Pictures of Victoria
0 notes
gpamoments · 7 years
Tumblr media
Character moodboard         → Tamara Belden
0 notes
gpamoments · 8 years
NGEN Survery
1) What is your biggest fear? Shane: That someday I’ll be unable to go adventuring and be stuck in a nursing home or confined to bed rest. Zane: That I’ll end up being a burden somehow to my mum. She’s had so much to deal with and so I’m worried that maybe someday I’ll get into an accident and she’ll need to be a caregiver to me. Matthew: That somehow, someday I’ll force a girl into a situation that she’s not comfortable with by accident and she won’t tell me but that she’ll feel the same way I felt. I don’t ever want to be that person. Christopher: Dying young. I’ve got so much so much yet to do and not being able to do it is terrifying. Kelsey: That Isabella will die way before me. I don’t want to die second cause I don’t want her to do have go through that sort of hurt without me able to comfort her, but I don’t want to live more than a few weeks without her either. Natalie: Failure. The thought of being someone that my parents can be proud of, or that people use as a cautionary tale is horrifying. Karen: Becoming ugly. I know that sounds terrible, but I couldn’t imagine being like deformed or something and I don’t know how I’d survive if I was. Tamara: Not being remembered by anyone. I’m pretty scared of just like dying having no one around to care about me being gone. 
2) Do you have any special objects from your childhood? Shane: I’ve got a whole twin brother from my childhood. Crazy, right?  Zane: Not really. I kind of left the one special thing I had in England. It was a program from a play I’d gone to with my dad, but I didn’t want to be reminded of him. Matthew: I got a toy car that could be worked on when I was around ten for my birthday and it was really when I started looking into being a mechanic, even if it wasn’t serious. I keep it still though, since it was my start in the industry. Christopher: I have a signed jersey that I got from a football game I went to with my dad for my 8th birthday and he arranged for me to be able to meet a few of the players. Or maybe my Mom did, either way, it was really great. Kelsey: I’ve got a friendship bracelet that Isabella made me. It’s too small to wear now, but I still keep it in my jewelry box. Natalie: I have the first book I ever learned to read all the way through. It’s also what I made my first film on too, so it’s kind of important for me.  Karen: I have a stuffed doll that stays on my bed at home, when I was really little I brought her everywhere and used to make her sit at the table and stuff with me.  Tamara: I have this little pinky sparkly microphone that my older brother gave me when I said I wanted to be a singer at like age 4. I keep it on a shelf to remind me of my dreams.
3) What is your idea of perfect happiness? Shane: Out adventuring with Thomas and Kylee, making videos of our antics and getting paid to do it. Thomas admits me stole Emily from me, we get matching tattoos and bond over it. Kylee wears my shirts and looks cute, we have a happy an active sex life. I have all the money to travel whenever I want. Zane: Perfect happiness is a flawed concept that is unrealistic. There will always be something wrong in some capacity. I suppose perfect happiness is then just ignoring those things and focusing on the good things happening. In my case, I’d like to have a steady job where I save people’s lives and have a home life that makes my job’s difficulties much more bearable. Matthew: I live close to my family, I have my own garage and a loving relationship. I mean, probably, ideally with Mia, if things continue as they are. Christopher: Being able to take photos for a living. really, that’s all I’d need. Kelsey: Shopping out and about with Isabella, knowing I’ll be able to see my boyfriend later and having the money to buy what I want. Natalie: Making a film and having everything come together perfectly in the exact way I imagined it. It lets me know that my vision was a great one and that it translates how I was wanting it to. Karen: Dancing for an audience and having them enjoy it. That feeling of being lost in art and bringing everyone with you, it’s perfect. Tamara: Spending time with my friends at the mall or the beach and not having any responsibilities.
4) Give an unpopular opinion that you believe. Shane: There’s a thing as being too much in shape. Zane: There isn’t any such thing as soulmates. Matthew: Siblings make the best friends. Christopher: It’s better to be an only child than to have siblings. Kelsey: Star Wars is completely overrated. Natalie: Video games are a waste of time. Karen: Small boobs are way hotter than bigger boobs. Tamara: Redheaded girls aren’t that attractive.
5) On what occasions do you lie? Shane: To get out of trouble. Zane: I try not to lie that much, but I do lie to patients from time to time as part of the job. If they ask for test results or if there has been a diagnosis and the doctor hasn’t discussed it, I actually can’t tell them. Matthew: Sometimes to make people feel better. Sometimes when I don’t feel like talking about something. Christopher: I lie to keep my ass out of a situation I don’t want to be in. Kelsey: To my parents, mostly when I know they won’t approve of what I’m doing. Natalie: I mean everyone lies to keep things from being too awkward. So, that’s where I try to contain my lies Karen: I lie to my parents when I know they won’t like my choice in activities. Well, mostly my mom because my dad is pretty cool about most things I do. Tamara: Sometimes I lie about my feelings to people. I don’t like looking weak, so if I’m going to I try and avoid it at any costs.
6) If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Shane: I'm not going to change anything, I’m awesome. Zane: I'd like to have a better memory, it’d make things easier for both school and just on the job in general. I do have charts that I can look at, but sometimes I waste time having to look up a medication that I’ve seen before but just can’t remember. Matthew: Being a bit taller would be nice. It doesn’t even have to be a lot taller, but a couple of extra inches wouldn’t hurt. Christopher: I'd like to be able to grow facial hair a bit better. Maybe time will fix that one. Kelsey: Uh, there’s like nothing because Isabella is perfect and that means I am too. Oh, like not physically? Nah, still not going to change anything. I like who I am. Natalie: I’d like to have a bit more curves. I’ve got an okay amount right now, but it all depends on angling and what I’m wearing. I’d like to have enough that it wouldn’t so drastically depend on those factors. Karen: If I was taller then I’d have a better shot at being a dancer. Well and if I had less boobs. Basically. I just need my mother’s figure. Tamara: I’d have bigger boobs. Not like huge, but just a nice C cup to fill out everything I wear better.
7) What is the most embarrassing thing ever to happen to you? Shane: I’m not easily embarrassed, but I guess the most embarrassing thing is that I once got drunk and started having a conversation with my reflection, thinking it was Thomas. A friend took a video and sent it to me and everyone else later. Zane: I spilled my lunch all over myself my first day at school in the United States. There was a weird step up and I started to trip, but I managed to right myself. In doing so though, I tipped my tray toward me and my whole lunch went on me. Part of it was soup and it just looked like a pissed myself. Of course my mum was too busy working to come bring me a change of clothes, so I had to go around in those clothes all day. Matthew: Like most teenage guys, at one point I’d gotten an erection randomly but it was during gym and there was really no hiding it. Of course someone had to go and point it out to everyone. Christopher: I cried on my first day of kindergarten so hard that they had to call my dad to come and get me. For the rest of the year, I was known as the class crybaby and some unoriginal kids even continued that trend all the way through third grade. Kelsey: I was in the third grade and I really had to go to the bathroom, but the line was too long and I did not make it. All the other kids saw and called me Kelsey Tinklepants for months. Natalie: When I was around 13, I went to tell a guy that I liked him and he asked if I was joking. When I said he wasn’t, he laughed and called all his friends over to tell them what happened.  Karen: I tripped down the stairs and fell with my skirt up in front of a bunch of people. And I was like probably 10 at the time, so my underwear were a ten year old’s and they had princesses but apparently that was uncool, so I got double teased. Tamara: Once I got sick on my teacher in front of the whole class. I was probably around eight and I just wasn’t feeling good,  so I went up to tell my teacher that I had to go to the bathroom during silent reading and halfway through my explanation I just puked all over her. She was not pleased and I cried.
8) Who is the most important person in your life, and why?
Shane: Thomas. I don’t think it really needs an explanation. Zane: I guess at this point it’s my mum still. We’ve gotten so close after everything that we’ve been through together and I’d do anything for her. Maybe with more time that’ll change though. Matthew: I don’t know if there is a single most important person. I think right now it’s a tie between Noah and Mia. Though Mia is pulling ahead slightly in that race but if it ever came down to both of them needing me at the same time for something, I’d have a really hard time choosing. Christopher: I can’t try and pretend it isn’t to the point where it’s Eloise. I picked my school because of her. Juan is hanging in a close second though. Kelsey: There has never been a more obvious answer to a question in the history of the universe.  Natalie: Lydia. I know I can go to her with anything and I have come to depend on that, on her being around. Karen: Me. I’m a person and I’m the most important one. I don’t do things for other people, I do them for myself. Tamara: Camilla. I’d be lost without her, I wouldn’t even really know how to function even.
9) If you could choose, how would you want to die?
Shane: I’d want to be doing something awesome. I don’t want to be wasting away of disease or whatever, I want to be living life. Zane: With dignity. People say that a lot, but it’s something I understand a lot better after being in the hospital. I want to die with my mental facilities about me, making my own choices until the end without everyone telling me how tragic my death is. Matthew: I guess I’d just want a death that isn’t too painful. Partly because I’m not big on pain and partly because I don’t want my family to have to watch me suffer. I’d want a death everyone can be at peace with. Christopher: Just give me something quick. I don’t want drawn out nonsense where everyone has to gather around for days just waiting for the moment. Get to the point, death. Kelsey: Everyone always says in their sleep, right? But like, then I’d be in my bedclothes and people would find me like that? I want to be looking damn good, so people will be like, oh no, double tragedy. She’s dead and she looked fabulous right before she died and no one got to enjoy it properly. Natalie: I’d like to die while I still understand the world around me. I never want to get to a point where I’m not sure of who I am or where I am. If I don’t have my mental faculties about me, I don’t want to keep going. Karen: I want to still be attractive looking. You know those old people where you’re like, wow she’s really put together? Yeah, if I get to the point where I can’t be put together it’d be horrible. So, I want to die while I’m still able to be put together. Tamara: Definitely in my sleep. I don’t want to be aware and in pain. Just take me while I’m dreaming about something and make sure I’m not suffering.
10) What was the wildest thing you've ever done, sexually?
Shane: So this girl I was with was like, you’re great with a camera right and I was like, yeah that’s what I do. So she was all, let’s make our own pron movie and I was like, okay yeah let’s do it. But she brought some props and costumes. She was very prepared for this.. Like, it ended up being hot to make, but not hot to watch back. Definitely not hot to watch back, it was really strange to watch back. Zane: I haven't been that wild of a sex partner. I guess once we left the curtains open and there was an apartment building not too far away with a window at the same level so they could have seen. Matthew: Once Mia and I had sex in my truck when it was in a parking lot at night. That was kinda wild. Christopher: I had a girlfriend who liked to have people watch, so like once we just invited someone in to watch us have sex. That was pretty wild, and a little awkward when I’d sometimes forgot we were being watched and then suddenly remember. Kelsey: I had sex in a classroom last year really close to when classes were about to start, so that was a rush. We definitely could have gotten caught. Natalie: I’m a virgin and I’m pretty tame when it comes to masturbation. Karen: I'd say that a threesome is definitely the wildest thing. Tamara: Nothing. I'm still a virgin.
11) When was the last time you cried?
Shane: I got drunk and saw this really cute video of a cat that was best friends with a tiger and I couldn’t help it. Zane: I made a mistake in the clinical setting and it left a patient in a lot of pain. It was fixable but it would take an hour and she was in extreme pain the whole time. Matthew: I hit my head on the bottom of a car the other day while working on it and it hurt like hell. Christopher: I don’t actually remember the last time I cried. Kelsey: I was watching a really sad movie and it just hit me really hard. Natalie: The last time I got sick, I was just feeling really terrible and I cried. Karen: I was having a really rough week at school and then I messed up some dance  steps and got told off by my teacher. It was too much, I couldn’t help but cry. Tamara: I shed a few tears when I heard Victoria was going to go to prom with someone else.
12) Do you have any vices?
Shane: I can’t resist a joke, even if it isn’t the best of timing. Zane: None that I can think of. Maybe I can be a bit insensitive. Matthew: I don’t think so. I try not to have moral weaknesses. Christopher: I smoke from time to time. Kelsey: I am a gossip. Can’t help it, gossip is great. Natalie: I can’t think of any. Maybe I’m a bit prideful at times. Karen: I'm a vain person. So, yeah, my vice is vanity.   Tamara: I might be a tad vain and prideful. 
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gpamoments · 9 years
Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months? Jacob: Probably not. I mean, I suppose everyone always has little changes to their appearance and I'll be finishing up my school year but otherwise... I don't think I change that much. Sierra: I hope so. Not a lot, because I like who I am, but I think that it's good for me to grow and to grow I have to have some changes, you know? Plus, it wouldn't hurt to up my lap times some more. Pablo: It's unlikely. I'll just be going through the rest of the school year so there should be no good reason for change to happen during that time. Tamara: No. Besides, I don't need to change, I'm awesome. I wouldn't say no if my boobs wanted to grow some more overnight but otherwise I'm good. Mason: Not in a major way, but maybe my opinions on things will change if I become better informed or maybe I'll make new friends that will help change the way I am. Alyssa: Why would I? I mean, I'll be graduating in about that time but I don't foresee that changing me. Graduating high school or not, I'm still me and I like who I am.
Is confidence cute? Jacob: Is this asking if I'm attracted to confidence? I don't think so. I'm not more attracted to people without confidence, but I don't think it's a quality that's attractive necessarily. Some people have more than others, but that doesn't change how cute they are, it just changes how cute they think they are. Sierra: It is cute. It's cute when people are proud of themselves or their looks or whatever. I'm a confident person, more so than I used to be, and I find myself cuter and notice that others seem to feel the same way. So I'd have to say yes. Pablo: Cute isn't the word I'd use. Confidence is sexy, which is much better in my opinion. There's not much hotter than a girl who knows that she's hot and she owns it. Tamara: I'm confident and I'm hella cute. So what does that tell you? Confidence is definitely cute. You've got to love yourself if you really want others to do so too. Mason: I don't think so. I don't mean it in a bad way, that having confidence is unattractive but I don't know... it's hard to feel confident, I think. So adding it to a list of things that are cute seems like a strange thing to do. Alyssa: Yes. Confidence is cute or hot or however you want to put it, it's all good. Confidence is what really can take someone from just seeming alright to being a total head turner.
What are you going to spend money on next? Jacob: Gas. It sounds boring but my tank is empty. Besides, I don't have that many other expenses while living on campus and I'm not really one to go out so... gas. Sierra: I just saw the cutest shoes in the mall the other day and I'm going back tomorrow with friends to get a pair. Pablo: Probably alcohol. What can I say? I'm going out tonight and I don't foresee myself buying anything before that. Besides, I'm legal. Tamara: Food. My friends and I are going out for dinner tomorrow night before doing some shopping so, technically food is getting my money before clothes. Mason: Uh... I don't know. I've got an allowance but I don't buy all that much? I don't really need to buy things that often. Maybe I'll go to the movies sometime with my friends? Alyssa: Unfortunately, I have a book I need to buy for English Lit. So it'll be that book. I wish it was shoes though. I did see a super cute pair online, but they were $100 and I don't have that sort of money to spend on anything.
Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh? Jacob: Ever? That's a long time. Though, I suppose I could, if we could laugh together over other things. Still, I can't imagine a situation where you'd be dating someone long term... oh it doesn't say long term, does it? I still don't know. Sierra: Definitely not. Look, laughter is way important and if someone can't make my laugh they're probably really boring and I don't want to date someone who is super boring, ya know? Pablo: I don't date so I don't worry about this stuff. However, when I do get around to dating I'll probably look for a girl that can make me laugh. Why not? I enjoy a good laugh. Tamara: No. Come on. People who can't make others laugh suck so much. Like, you don't have to even be funny to make someone laugh, you can repeat other people's jokes or make weird faces or anything. Mason: Probably not, just because I laugh pretty easily. If someone can't make me laugh at any point I'd be worried that they didn't like me. Alyssa: How hot are they? Kidding. Mostly. I do think they'd have to be able to make me laugh sometimes. I don't want a comedian or anything, but a good laugh here and there is nice.
Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? Jacob: I really wanted to be like my Mom, so I wanted to work at a vet's office with the animals. I used to love it when I'd get to visit her at work. Sierra: I wanted to be an actress and also a doctor. A doctor actress who sometimes would get called away from productions so that I could save someone's life. Pablo: This requires some background. One of my neighbors in Miami was so cool and so nice and he was an older gentlemen whose wife had passed and kids had moved away so he had this freezer full of ice cream that he'd give out to kids when it was super hot out. Obviously I wanted to be just like him because everyone loved him. Therefore, I wanted to be a car salesman. I used to practice in Spanish and in Portuguese on my toy cars with Santos. Tamara: A celebrity. One of those triple threats who could sing and dance and act and who everyone loves. I put on shows for my family and my friends so many times. Mason: I went through a stage where I wanted to be a dog when I grew up. I don't know why or how I thought that it'd work out, but I was preparing for the day when I'd be able to turn into a dog. Alyssa: A ballerina princess. Or sometimes just a princess who could dance when she wanted to. Actually, if that was a real career path it's still what I'd want to do. I'd be damn good as a ballerina princess.
Do you want to get married? Jacob: I would like to someday, of course. I want to have a family and kids and all of that but I don't think  it will be happening anytime soon. Especially not with the way my dating life is going. Sierra: I think it would be nice if it happened but my Mom never did and she's very happy so I don't need to. Still, I think I'd rather be married if it works out. Pablo: I'm not sure. Marriage seems very serious and I'm not thinking about it anytime soon. Tamara: Obviously. I'm going to be such a beautiful bride and the wedding will be so nice. People will be jealous of how amazing my wedding is. Mason: Oh, I suppose so. I guess in my future I've always pictured myself as married even though I've never given it a lot of thought. Alyssa: Of course I want to get married. I've had my wedding planned out for years and let me tell you the lucky person who I marry is going to have an amazing wedding.
What's the worst birthday you've had? Jacob: I had a birthday party where I was in the second grade and no one showed up. None of my friends from school came because my best friend was sick and everyone else just didn't want to come. My parents tried to turn it around and I did end up having a nice time but I haven't had a birthday party since then. Sierra: Picture this, I'm 10 and there was a neighbor kid who particularly disliked me when I was growing up, but my Mom invited the whole neighborhood because we didn't know that he didn't like me. So he comes to the party and everything is going well and I've got on this new dress that my Mom bought especially for the occasion and I'm playing with some friends when suddenly this kid comes up and says he has an extra surprise for me. I'm super thrilled about it and he tells me to close my eyes and then goes ahead and dumps this huge bucket of mud and sticks all over me. I cried so much. Pablo: My worst birthday, hands down is my 16th. My parents always used to come and get us out of school an hour early on our birthdays and let us have control over the rest of the day, so when they came to pick me up at lunch I was thrilled, thinking it was special for my big 16th. Instead, when I get into the car my Papa is stone faced and tells me we can't do anything for my birthday because they've been at the hospital all day and the doctors say Santos has a tumor. It doesn't get much worse than that. Tamara: Two years ago I invited my crush to my birthday party and when the day comes, he comes in without a present, eats birthday cake with everyone and avoids me the whole time. When I finally manage to talk to him he says he only came because his Mom said it was polite to do so and he didn't want to because I'm not even pretty. I would have been able to handle that better if everyone hadn't been watching. Some people even laughed. It was so embarrassing, but screw him. I'm damn hot. Mason: My worst birthday? I don't really know? My birthdays have all been pretty good. Last year I did have a big pop quiz on my birthday though and I failed it. That wasn't fun. Alyssa: Okay, so here's the deal. I'm turning 12 and Kenzie is there and there's a bunch of people in costumes because it's also a Halloween party and I'm a beautiful princess and everyone loves me. And wouldn't you know it, right after blowing out my candles I start my period and in a huge way. I'm talking there's a sizable red splotch between my legs and everyone can see it. I cried so hard that I had my Mom send everyone home.
Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? Jacob: I'm guessing I could come back to the future? Also does this mean that I won't change anything? Do I just get to observe the past or am I an active participant? And am I still myself or am I inhabiting someone else’s body? Am I limited to my lifetime and experiences or can I pick other people's? I just have a lot of questions about this question. Sierra: I'm a mixed black girl of a single mother who likes to speak her mind. Going back in time would not end well for me. I'm not an idiot. I'm pretty happy in the present where there are far less people who would treat me like shit. Pablo: Sure. It'd be a hell of an experience. There's a lot of things I'd like to be able to see and put rumors to rest. History books aren't really that reliable anyway. Tamara: Umm I don't really think so? Like, the world we live in now isn't necessarily better in all ways from the past but I like all the conveniences of modern life. Plus, like, I am not about the fashion back in time and you could not pay me to wear most of what was worn back then. Mason: Do I get to pick where I'm going? If so I think there's a lot of things I'd like to see and be a part of if I could be like, famous speeches or seeing the pyramids being built or something. Alyssa: Could I hang out with real princesses? I'd like that. I mean, as long as I get to come back and it doesn't mess up with my life right now then I'm all for a little bit of time travel.
Is it easier to forgive or forget? Jacob: It's easier to forget than forgive, but it's better to forgive than forget. Though, I suppose it depends on how hurt you are. Sierra: For me, forgive. I can remember pretty much everyone who has wronged me and if I don't forgive them... well I'm not going to forget what they did so... it just ends up going on forever. Pablo: Forget. If you really forgive someone you shouldn't bring it up anymore and if you stop bringing something up you'll probably forget it, no? Tamara: I don't know what's easier but always forgive and never forget. After all, people never really change that much. If they're terrible to you once you should remember it to see if it'll happen again and if it does, drop those bitches. Mason: I'd guess it's easier to forgive. You can pick to forgive someone but it's harder to actively make yourself forget something, I'd think. Alyssa: Forget. Forgiving people is really hard, especially if they hurt you. It's something that I struggle with all the time, but if I stop thinking about it... then there's nothing to remember that I had to forgive. Of course, I always require an apology.
Do you believe in soulmates? Jacob: I think so. The world is a large place and sometimes people are just drawn together for what would seem like no reason. I believe there's a bigger plan than all of us and in that plan we all have a person (or more than one, because I don't believe a person has to have a sole soulmate) that we're destined to be with. God's planning and all that. Sierra: If they exist, and I'm not sure they do, they're probably pretty rare. Just because something is real doesn't mean that it's real for everyone. Some people probably have them though. Pablo: No. The idea that everyone has a person they're destined for is a load of treta. People are always changing and have plenty of avenues in life. You've got to pick someone and they have to pick you, you aren't going to be 'drawn together by fate'. Tamara: Yeah. There's a reason why some couples seem to endure everything while others can barely hit a speed bump and fall apart despite seeming to be so in love. I think sometimes people miss their chances with their soulmates though and that sucks for them. You can end up with someone who isn't your soulmate, it just won't be a perfect relationship for you. Mason: This is... it's a big question. I haven't thought about it? Possibly? I don't even really know what the term 'soulmate' means. Maybe two people can be fated to be together? Is that right? Alyssa: Absolutely. You can tell when someone finds theirs because they complete them in the ways that are really important even if it doesn't seem like it to everyone else and there's no real formula as to why so many different couples have different foundations and work out other than that they've got to be soulmates.
Is there anyone you would die for? Jacob: My family and my best friend in any situation. Maybe in some others though I might be able to die for more people. It's all situational though, like, would I step forward to give my life for a kid I don't know and haven't seen? Probably not. If I see a kid about to get flattened by a truck and my choice is watch it or get flattened myself, then probably. Strangers are a complicated matter. Sierra: I... probably not and it sounds terrible because I love so many people and I would do so much for them but I don't know that I could honestly say that I would die for them. That's a lot to ask of someone, especially with the afterlife being so uncertain. Pablo: Santos. There's little I wouldn't do for mi hermanito. That kid has been through so much, he deserves the fullest life possible and if I had to give up mine for that to happen... I think I could do it without any sort of regret. Tamara: Die for? Like, never live again? I don't think there's a situation where I'd need to die for someone else. I'd try and save them but, God, I am far too young to die and I think my family would agree with that thought and respect my efforts to save them. Mason: I don't think so? I'd probably end up hesitating in an actual time when I might need to die for someone. I've never been one to act so much on instinct. Plus, death is a very scary concept and I've got so much I still want to do. Alyssa: Is this a situation where if I die the other person lives unconditionally? Okay, then I think I could die in place of Kenzie. No one else, but I think I could for her because she's the most important person in the world. I really don't want to have to die for her though cause I really, really want to live to be a hot grandma.
What do you do when you're sick? Jacob: Power through, make some soup. Sometimes I get my Mom to make soup because she does it better but there's nothing else to do. If I don't have school or work then I try to sleep it off, but I'm not one for calling in or skipping class if I can avoid it and I'm not disgustingly sick. Sierra: Stay home and watch soap operas on tv. I wear comfy clothes and don't let anyone see me because I'm a total mess when I'm sick. No one wants to see that. I sleep a lot too and if I have to go out before I'm 100% better, I put on a lot of make up and wear something super cute to not let people think I'm awful. Pablo: Take some NyQuil, pass out and hope I'm better the next day. Sometimes I'll call my Mama because she makes excellent sick food and I'll have some of that. Mostly it's the NyQuil though. Tamara: I stay at home in bed and let my parents take care of me. They're quite good at it and we've got lots of movies and stuff to keep me busy when I'm going in and out of sleepiness. I still make sure I look cute if people will be visiting though. Mason: Tell my Mom? She usually knows what kind of medicine I should be taking and makes sure I eat properly. I mostly relax between that stuff though. Alyssa: You can't be sick at the Academy. Let me tell you, you take that non-drowsy bullshit medicine and you get to your damn classes because no one wants to be sick and missing classes. If it's summertime, then I'll let my Dad make me my special sick foods and pass out on the couch.
Are you happy with the way things are? Jacob: Yeah, I've got a really good life when you consider it all. My family is great, my best friend is great, I'm doing well in school and I'm also doing fine at my job. There's no reason for me not to be unhappy. Sierra: Very happy. I love my friends, I love my school, I'm on the swim team and my Mom is probably the best Mom in the entire world. Plus, I don't have to want for much because of that amazing Mom that I have. I wouldn't say no to a boyfriend, but you can't have everything all the time. Pablo: Mostly. There are always things that could be better and I do miss Miami but otherwise... well, I'm happy with my friends, my job and my classes. Plus, I've got a pretty badass social life. Tamara: What do I have to be unhappy about? Like, I'm hot, I'm loved by my family, I've got super fun friends, I've got a lead part in the drama club production and a solo coming up for the choir show. My life is awesome, just like me. Mason: Yes. I suppose my life could be considered average by some, but I'm quite happy with how things are going. I mean, I don't see where anything could improve. Alyssa: I'd be happier if I wasn't being buried alive under homework from my crazy teachers, but if you ignore that then I'm feeling pretty damn glad with what else I've got going on.
If you could pack up and move, would you? Jacob: No. I love New Haven. I had the opportunity to go somewhere else for college and I chose to stay here because I really enjoy the life around here. Plus, I like being close to my parents. Sierra: Only if my Mom was coming with me. Someday I'll probably move but when that time comes I know I'll miss her tons and I'll miss it here too. I don't know if I'll ever permanently settle anywhere else but living somewhere outside of Nashville would be nice. Pablo: Move and settle? Cause I'm all for moving around and seeing new places and all but I don't know about settling. I do think about moving back to Miami a lot but I think I'd want to wait a little bit longer to do so. For now I'm fine with calling Missouri my home base. Tamara: Totally. Surrey is so boring and I'm kind of over Vancouver as well. I mean, I'd much rather go somewhere new and exciting, maybe Toronto or Montreal. Just somewhere new. Like, I'm a bit over BC. Mason: I don't think so. I like my house and my town. Other places might be fun for visiting but I think a life here would be a good one. There's a reason why my parents decided to settle here and not any other town that they might have picked. Alyssa: Yes. Chicago is nice and all but it's not where I see myself living for my whole life, I want somewhere a bit... better I guess. Chicago is so boring.
Truth be told, are you more into looks or personalities the most? Jacob: Personalities. If people are too good looking it's intimidating and I don't know how to talk to them. Actually, I don't know how to talk to most people anyway, add being super attractive to the mix and I'm pretty much dead in the water. Sierra: Looks. I mean, this sounds bad but if I had to pick between someone with an average personality and fantastic looks or a great personality and average looks... I'd go for the looks. I'm sort of shallow, I can't help it. Pablo: Definitely looks. I'm pretty much only looking for hot girls to hook up with either once or on a semi-regular basis. As long as they aren't total putas who cares what they're like? Tamara: Uh, looks. Whoever says personalities is totally lying because we're all interested first and foremost in people who are attractive. Besides, to be good looking doesn't mean you have to have a bad personality. Mason: Personalities. Sometimes when you talk to really cute people they just aren't that interesting but when you talk to people with good personalities, they tend to light up and become more good looking. Maybe I imagine it but it's true. Alyssa: Really? Let's lay it out there, I'm shallow and blah blah blah, I like hot people. If I'm dating someone, they have to be hot, plain and simple. I don't want them to be tools, but I'm not going to date someone who is ugly either.
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