#kelsey steele
daisyachain · 2 years
Please elaborate on your SBR presentation!!
Aw man it’s not half as intellectual as it sounds! My class in high school had the same slightly new agey teacher who let us free range to the point of not really having us in class or teaching us anything (fine by me). 50% of class work was just keeping a running log of notes on themes/characters/devices that we turned in at the end of each semester.
It was the same 20-odd students and one teacher from grade 11-12, and as a treat she let us do a presentation either solo or in pairs on any piece of media of our choice at the end of grade 12. Mandatory attendance, snacks were brought. There were some pretty cool subjects like Font in Wes Anderson Films or a book called Eunoia separated into chapters that used only one vowel.
As the only two weebs in class, my then-bestie and I wanted to do the weirdest possible media for shock value. Our gimmick was to sell SBR as a Piece of Literature by describing it using the same structure as our notes logbook. It wasn’t a good presentation! Lots of text, awkward formatting, we were 17 and we knocked it off in a few days after spending most of the prep time rereading SBR.
Anyway. Johnny, easy, Diego, easy, Hot Pants, easy, they’re all tortured heroes that went right alongside Othello and Tim O’Brien.
Gyro??? We had all of our reading notes finished and we were still puzzling out what to say about him until the day before. Motivations? He throws away his amnesty schtick halfway as soon as the corpse parts come up, willingly sabotaging his race progress to help Johnny. Connections? He’s devoted to Johnny and mildly antagonistic to everyone else without rhyme or reason. Even though he’s the one who provides the impetus to get through the race, all his drive is in service to the reactionary (story role not political alignment) Johnny’s story. We were stumped!
Eventually our soup brains made the connection to Gyro’s backstory of thoughtlessly following orders and came up with this slide:
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RSVP to my classmates, at least we read the text out loud
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akultalkies · 1 year
Amber Tamblyn, David Cross, Julia Louis Dreyfus, Tobias Menzies, Owen Teague, Spike Einbinder, Bryan Reynoso, Erica Matlin, Walter Brandes, Doug Moe, Trey Santiago Hudson, Karolena Theresa, Lynnsey Lewis, Kelsey Carthew,
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buster-loves-pr · 3 months
PR Ships list?? :D so I get an idea for what hcs to share??
honestly I probably should have made this from the beginning since there’s like 200+ PR character so thanks for sending his- I am fine with most PR ships but Here’s the list for the ones I really enjoy
Turbo - In Space
Lost Galaxy
Time Force
Wild Force
Ninja Storm
Dino Thunder
None (I mean IK there’s ships for this season but I don’t enjoy like Dino Thunder that much)
Mystic Force
Operation Overdrive
Little bit of Dax/Mack? I’m starting to like it
Jungle Fury
Gem/male OC (I need to work on him)
Dillion/Ziggy (I prefer it platonically but the ship version is cute too
Dino Charge
Ninja Steel
Beast Morpher
Dino Fury
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azurezfiction · 1 year
Power Rangers ship list
Because everyone seems to be doing it; here is my ship list!
Everything under the read more because it's a ton:
MMPRS1-Turbo 1: Tommy x Kimberly Zack x Trini Billy x Trini Jason x Tommy Billy x Skull (because of augment-techs) Stone Canyon Trio Rocky x Adam Aisha x Shawna Bulk x Connie David Truehart x Trey Tanya x Kat Tanya x Adam Tanya x Zack Aisha x Zack Turbo II - Lost Galaxy: Ashley x Cassie Andros x Ashley Zhane x Andros Zhane x Astronema/Karone Karone x Maya Mike Corbett x Carlos Vallerte Kai x Damon Leo x Andros TJ x Damon Lightspeed Rescue - Wild Force Joel x Miss Fairweather Kelsey Winslow x Nancy Thompson Carter x Ryan Dana x Taylor Taylor x Alyssa Merrick x Cole Eric x Wes Wes x Jen x Eric Katie x Trip Eric x Trip Danny x Max
Ninja Storm - SPD Dustin x Hunter Tori x Blake Blake x Trent Tori x Kira Dustin x Conner x Hunter Ethan x Cassidy
Mystic Force - RPM Nick x Xander Chip x Vida Udonna x Leanbow Leelee x Phineas Claire x Xander RJ x Casey Lilly x Theo Jarrod x Camilla Casey x Jarrod (x RJ) Ziggy x Dillion Flynn x Gemma
Samurai - Dino Charge Antonio x Jayden Lauren x Mia Troy x Jordan Noah x Orion Gia x Emma One-sided Jake x Noah (Jake crushing on Noah). Tyler x Shelby Tyler x Ivan Ivan x Tyler x Matt Koda x Phillip
Ninja Steel - Cosmic Fury Brody x Preston Calvin x Preston Calvin x Men. Sarah x Hayley Devon x Blaze Ravi x Roxy Ollie x Javi Amelia x Javi Izzy x Fern Zayto x Aiyon Zayto x Javi
Comics: Ace x Gent* Trek x Ace* Violet x Zack Ellarien x Remi Nikolai x Daniel Grace x Jamie x Terona Grace x Terona Matt Cook x Billy Cranston Crossover ships: Andrew Hartford x Mr Kelman (1995 Movie) x Dane Romero Fred Kelman x Justin Stewart Cam x Kimberly Conner McKnight x muscular guys Merrick x RJ Chad x Danny Chad x Aurico Delphine x Hayley Ziktor
*I have so many headcanons about these two ships and how it connects to canon, I'm really hoping to get it out soon!
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bethanyactually · 11 months
9 people you'd like to get to know better
I was tagged by the lovely @pixiestickers--thanks!
3 Ships: Nancy/Ace from the CW's Nancy Drew, Bellamy/Clarke from The 100, Ben/Devi from Never Have I Ever
I'm listing ones I've most recently read fic about, but really the one that's living in my brain rent-free is Nancy/Ace, as anyone who's followed me for the past couple years is unsurprised to hear. Bellamy/Clarke is an old ship but I've recently been comfort-reading a lot of @ponyregrets's excellent fic. And Ben/Devi are blorbos-in-law written beautifully by @catty-words, whose fic I've recently beta-read.
First Ship Ever: uhhh what metric are we using? The first pair I ever remember thinking, 'they're both so nice, they should get married' about was Bob and Linda from Sesame Street, when I was about 4. When I was a bit older, I watched Remington Steele with my mom and thought Laura and Steele should definitely kiss, partly because my mom thought so. David and Maddie on Moonlighting were probably the first ship I could rightfully call my blorbos. The first ship that made me think, "I bet someone on the internet is talking about them," was Mulder/Scully. The first ship I read fic for was Chuck/Sarah from Chuck.
Last Song:
Last Movie: I think it was Elemental, which we watched in Oregon with my best friend and her family when we were visiting a couple weeks ago.
Currently Reading: Re-listening to the Murderbot series in anticipation of System Collapse being released next week, currently in the middle of Exit Strategy. Just re-read @ponyregrets's excellent The 100/The Good Place fusion series, Knocking on Heaven's Door.
Reading The Canterbury Tales with Elliora for school. And we just started reading A Midsummer Night's Dream out loud and it's been SO FUN because Elliora is loving it. We're reading it fairly slowly, with lots of stopping to discuss what things mean, and she finds it hilarious how similar the sentiments of these 16th-century characters are to humans today. She especially liked the lines, "You have her father’s love, Demetrius; Let me have Hermia’s. Do you marry him," when I explained that was basically Lysander saying, "If you like Hermia's dad so much, why don't you marry him." (My kid is enjoying Shakespeare!!!)
Currently Watching: Star Trek Lower Decks, perpetually rewatching Nancy Drew and Elementary, just started a Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency rewatch with @pressdbtwnpages that we're gonna get back to any day now, need to watch like the last four D20 series while I crochet this blanket I'm about to start working on for my best friend's sister.
Currently Consuming: Coffee
Currently Craving: a visit with friends in California I haven't seen in entirely too long
low-key, no-pressure tagging Corissa, Chash, and Kelsey since I mentioned them in this post, along with @demigodofhoolemere, @kiran-wears-science-blues, @somethinginthestatic, @mumbledletters, @the-errant-bard, @pepperf, and anyone else who'd like to do this!
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stories-me · 8 days
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Potential Character for Mrs. Kelsey and Tumblr 9/11/2024:
Shanzay, New Illumineer and Poet:
What she’s from: Disney Lorcana.
Stuff about her:
A young girl with purple hair who was at least the third new Illumineer summoned to Lorcana (after Venturo and Martin). She seems to be versed in the written word, having a notebook to write on even while walking. She was summoned to Lorcana after a very unsuccessful stage poetry appearance in an almost empty venue. Upon arriving to Lorcana and finding her way inside of the Great Illuminary she meets Martin and Venturo in a room with a giant mechanism towering overhead which captures story stars. She was then directed to an Inkcasting Station where she found a pen-like Inkcaster. Effortlessly she was able to summon a Hercules Glimmer.
During the events of The Flood, Shanzay witnessed from a brass-railed platform atop the Hall of Lorcana how a red spellbook and other items were carried away by a wave of ink. She makes her way to a balcony overseeing the Inklands just in time to observe the spilled ink changing the lands below.
Although not confirmed, she seems to embody the Amethyst and Steel inks, making her skilled at using both special powers and brute force.
How she is like me:
We both are skilled at writing (she does poetry and I do fan fictions) and want to help others. I like to think I can often help people through things like Tumblr and telling people that some things bother me (this doesn’t always work out, though). I sometimes find myself attempting to leave the area if something annoys me (which is helpful, due to the fact that if I get too frustrated, it might result in trouble for others AND myself).
Kelsey Notes:
Having a network of people is important because it always feels good when people can relate to some of the issues that we face
It’s easy to be hard on yourself when you’ve done something you regret, but putting yourself out there and sharing your experiences with others gives them a way to not feel so alone in their feelings
People with autism struggle to identify and control their emotions- by putting specific examples on your tumbler, someone might be able to more easily identify from your example rather than leaning about an emotion
It’s always nice to have someone by our side cheering us on to complete tasks we don’t think we can do on our own
Maintaining our peace in frustrating situations can be difficult because it can lead us to want to bring others in to our frustration.
More than likely, when we project anger or frustration on another person they might want to distance themselves and establish a boundary
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augment-techs · 1 year
Wondering what gay rare pairings do you have for PR, wanted to see if there was some I had in common👀?
Might write some one shots of them!
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Oh what a lovely jar of worms to open up. As far as I'm concerned ALL of the PR characters are queer, but let's see what I can actually put down that has standing in any capacity.
MMPR/Boom! Comics/Shattered Grid/Beyond the Grid (they overlap so much):
Billy Cranston/Eugene "Skull" Skullovitch Jason Scott/Farkas "Bulk" Bulkmeier Kimberly Hart/Aisha Campbell Tommy Oliver/Jason Scott Violet Arias/Zack Taylor/Jason Scott/Trini Stone Canyon OT3 Kiya/Trini Matt Cook/Skull/Billy (in that order) Bulk/Skull/Tommy (I have a friend whose fault this is) David Trueheart/Stan Skullovitch (same friend) Daniel O'Halloran/Trek Daniel O'Halloran/Terona Washington Jamie Gilmore/Nikolai Chukarin 1969 Rangers OT5 Grace Sterling/Andrea Virgil | Red Psycho Ranger/Photon | Black Psycho Ranger Nokrea | Pink Psycho Ranger/Yellow Psycho Ranger Andros/T.J. Johnson Andros/Zhane Dhaza/Maavi Remi/Ari Goldar/Scorpina Lord Drakkon & Omega Jason Scott (platonic) Lord Drakkon & Red Sentry Skull (sexual) Black Sentry Adam Park/Scorpina Scorpina/Coinless Trini Black Sentry Adam/Red Sentry Skull (they need someone in hell) Coinless Zack/Coinless Trini/Coinless Bulk Ranger Slayer Kimberly/Coinless Bulk Heckyl & Cam & Kim (platonic friends) T.J. Johnson & Kelsey Winslow & Karone & Mia Watanabe & Conner McKnight (background rangers UNITE as platonic babies) J.J. Oliver/Anara Turbo/In Space: Andros/Zhane Cassie/Ashley Rangers OT6 Psycho Rangers OT5 Lost Galaxy: Maya & Bulk (platonic, platonic, platonic--I just like the idea of her having a friend who isn't a ranger) Damon/Leo Lightspeed Rescue: Chad/Joel Kelsey/Dana Chad/Marina Carter/Ryan (queer-platonic) Time Force: Eric/Wes/Jen Eric & Trip (opening up that circle of friends for Mr. Grumpy) Katie/Nadira Wild Force: N/A Ninja Storm: Dustin/Shane/Tori/Cam Tori/Kapri Marah/Dustin Dino Thunder: Kira/Ethan/Conner Cassidy/Trent/Devin Elsa/Hayley SPD: Kat/Doggie (no, I DO NOT care about the wife) A Squad OT5 B Squad OT5 Jack/Sky Z/Sky Mystic Force: Leelee/Clare Leelee/Clare/Phineas Xander/Chip/Vida Operation Overdrive: N/A Jungle Fury: R.J./Fran Fran/Lily/Camille Jarrod & Casey (good for trauma healing) RPM: Ziggy/Dillon Summer/Scott/Flynn OT5 Gem/Dr. K/Gemma Samurai: Lauren/Mia/Emily Antonio/Jayden Mike/Kevin Spike Skullovitch & Rangers (friend, friend, friend, pleeeease; I don't want them fucking him and he's too good for them) Megaforce: Emma/Jake (another friend got me into this, even though I have never watched anything from this series except for the Big Showdown) Dino Charge: Koda/Ivan/Heckyl Ninja Steel: Calvin/Preston Victor/Monty Hyperforce: N/A Beast Morphers: Betty/Devon
Dino/Cosmic Fury: Javi/Amelia Ollie/Aiyon Izzy/Fern Zayto/Ollie/Aiyon Once & Always: Billy/Skull & Zack Rocky/Adam/Aisha TomKat
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chapmanrestoration · 1 year
Fine, Scarce and Important George II Triple Folding Mahogany Harlequin Games Table by Thomas Potter
* A true triple folding harlequin table, all too often others are called triple yet have only two actual folding leaves upon its base, this table is however a true piece of ingenious craftsmanship from the dawn of these tables which has three fully folding leaves and is fully attributed to the inventor of such tables, that being Thomas Potter, master cabinet maker of High Holborn, London.
Circa 1735-40 this George II mahogany triple-folding harlequin games/card table comes complete with its original two keys, one of which is an absolute work of art in its own right, as well as a full chess set, ivory die and shakers.
Measuring 78cm high, 80cm wide, 38cm deep [76cm when extended]
The three rectangular folding tops with rounded edges open out upon an adjustable height stay on the rear gate-leg where it can be adjusted for the different heights required by which ever leaf has been opened.
The Leaves:
The first opens to a plain polished tea-table, where upon this can be folded back and the second fold opened to reveal a fully inlaid backgammon and chessboard with ivory escutcheons, the third and final fold opens to a baize lined games table with four guinea-wells, by Pressing down upon the two original brass pulls located either side of the base it then propels the cartonnier effortlessly to it’s maximum height upon its four original steel springs located within the carcass.
The piece now transformed into a desk with pigeon holes, drawers for documents and inkwells and a fitted adjustable bookrest also has hidden away within the right hand side is a folding frame which fits into the ivory escutcheons of the backgammon table.
Standing on tapered legs terminating in pad feet with enclosed brass skirted castors.. Folded away it returns to an elegant table where its base moulding conforms delightfully to those of the folding leaves.
A very honest and true tour de force from the early Georgian period.
Thomas potter:
Master Cabinetmaker of Holborn, was known to have taken on as apprentice Michael Bonsfield in 1731 along with his son Philip Potter in 1746.
Potter was also known to work with master cabinet maker John Kelsey of Westminster, between them they supplied fine furniture to the some of the countries elite including Sir Richard Colt Hoare of Barn Elms, Richmond and Sir Justinian Isham the 5th Baronet of Lamport at Lamport Hall, Northamptonshire.
Further information:
A design for a table of this form is shown on the trade card of Thomas Potter (see images above) cabinet maker of High Holborn, now at Victoria and Albert Museum (ref. no. E.2320-1889). An English table of this model is at Temple Newsam House in Leeds and is illustrated, together with Potter's drawing, in G. Gilbert, Furniture at Temple Newsam House and Lotherton Hall, vol. iii., Leeds, 1998, pp.658-660. The name `Harlequin' was used to describe a table of this multi purpose form and derives from the master-of-disguises in 18th century commedia dell' arte theatre.
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javigarcia24 · 6 months
My Favorite Power Ranger Couple Ship Do You Guys Agree With This
MMPR: Jason Kimberly, Billy Trini, Zack Trini, Adam Aisha
Zeo/Turbo : Adam Tanya, Rocky, Tanya
Space: Andros Cassie, Carlos Ashley, TJ Cassie, Zhane Ashley
Lost Galaxy: Mike Karone, Leo Maya, Kai Maya
Light Speed Rescue: Chad Kelsey, Ryan Kelsey
Time Force: Katie Trip, Wes Jen
Wild Force: Cole Taylor, Alyssa Cole
Ninja Storm: Dustin Tori, Cam Tori
Dino Thunder: Conner Kira,Doctor O Haliey
Spd: Sky Z, Bridge Syd, Sam Nova, Doggy Kat
Mystic Force: Vida Xandred, Madison Xandred
Operation Overdrive: Ronny Wil, Tyrzon Rose ,Ronny Mack, Dax Ronny, Dax Rose
jungle Fury: Casey Lily, Dominik Lily, Theo Sarah
Rpm: Flynn Gemma
Samurai: Jayden Mia, Jayden Emily, Antonio Mia, Mike Lauren
Megaforce: Jake Emma, Troy Gia, Orion Emma, Troy Emma
Dino Charge: Heckle Kendall, Ivan Shelby, Shelby Riley
Ninja Steel: Levi Sarah, Brody Sarah, Preston Sarah
Beast Morphers: Ravi Zoey, Devon Zoey, Blaze Roxy
Dino Fury/Cosmic Fury: Javi Amelia, Aiyon Ollie, Zayto Aiyon, Izzy Zayto, Izzy Aiyon, Fern Aiyon
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keplercryptids · 2 years
hi! in the spirit of trying to convince as many of you as possible to try a ttrpg that isn't d&d, i thought i'd share a couple ttrpg fundraisers i've backed recently and am really excited about.
first up is The Fifth Season Roleplaying Game!
the fifth season rpg, by Green Ronin Publishing, is set in the world described by N.K. Jemisin's Broken Earth trilogy. (btw if you haven't read that trilogy, oh boy, you should!) i'll just blurb the official description of the game because it's pretty fucking awesome:
...a world where constant and unstable tectonic and volcanic activity threaten all life; a world whose peoples have learned to adapt in order to survive. It is a world where everyone learns that Father Earth hates his children and is always trying to kill them, where metal rusts and even stone crumbles, and the best you can do is be prepared for the next disaster. In the world of the Broken Earth, community—the comm—is everything, because in community there is support and a chance to persevere.
the crowdfunding campaign is over (and was a success!) but you can still preorder the game here.
second up: Shadowdark RPG
Shadowdark is designed by Kelsey Dionne, who is an incredible game designer. i first started following kelsey's work for her 5e adventures (over on The Arcane Library), which were so shockingly better-designed than the official 5e modules that i became an instant fan.
Shadowdark is a described as a game where "you and your group of crawlers use magic, steel, and wits to delve into mysterious ruins, lost cities, and monster-infested depths. Wondrous treasures and long-forgotten secrets await you! But don't let your last torch burn out, or you could be swallowed by the Shadowdark…" it uses IRL time mechanics to keep the game moving, which is very cool, and tbh i just trust this designer to have made something really clean, interesting, and easy to run!
the kickstarter for Shadowdark is ongoing (until the end of march 2023) here.
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marzipanandminutiae · 2 years
To me Juno also feels more feminine because, as you pointed out, name of goddess, but apparently according to several baby name sites and forum and twitter threads, people do use it as gender neutral name ( maybe because it ending on -o means people perceive it as more neutral?). It maybe ended on chart because of Penumbra podcast, whose main character is non-binary guy called Juno Steel?
Yeah, it confused me with The Penumbra, too. although that is an excellent podcast, from what little I've heard. also with Artemis Fowl, and Artemus Gordon on the old show Wild Wild West
(My parents informed me that "since it has a U instead of an I, it's masculine" in the latter case. literally never heard that rule before, but do you, I suppose, 1960s TV writers. we're just here to joke about the show's thinly-veiled homoeroticism, as a family. except my mother, who is here to make disapproving faces at those jokes and appreciate the butt shots)
(EDIT: I am informed that Artemus actually is a Latin male variant of Artemis! The More You Know.)
I mean, name gender is made up, obviously- see also: names like Ashley, Shelly, Kelsey, and Lacy becoming "girls' names" in the public imagination despite starting as surnames and (in some cases) becoming "boys' names" when they first made the leap into the Given Name-osphere. people can do what they want. it just surprised me, because, as we both said...Literal Ancient Goddess. Famous Female Mythological Figure
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redthreadoffate · 6 months
fandoms + ships
dc comics
bruce / diana
clark / chloe
dick / barbara
dick / kory
gar / raven
oliver / dinah
tim / stephanie
adventure, 02, tri, last evolution kizuna, the beginning, 2020 remake
tachi / sora
yamato / mimi
takeru / hikari
daisuke / ken
ken / miyako
ken / hikari
takato / juri
jianliang / ruki
ryo / shaochung
koji / izumi
harry potter, fantastic beasts
harry / hermione
ron / hermione
neville / luna
george / katie
bill / fleur
james / lily
remus / tonks
scorpius / rose
newt / tina
jacob / queenie
bruce / betty
bucky / sam
charles / moira
clint / bobbi
frank / karen
grant / daisy
howard / peggy
kareem / kamala
marc / layla
matt / jessica
pete w. / kitty
peter p. / mj
phil / melinda
reed / sue
scott / jean
stephen / christine
stephen / clea
steve / natasha
steve / sharon
t’challa / nakia
tony / pepper
tyrone / tandy
vision / wanda
power rangers
mighty morphin’, alien, zeo, turbo, in space, lost galaxy
jason / emily
zack / trini
billy / kim
rocky / penny
adam / katherine
tj / ashley
carlos / ashley
phantom ranger / cassie
zhane / cassie
leo / karone
damon / maya
kai / kendrix
mike / emily
lightspeed rescue, time force, wild force
carter / dana
chad / kelsey
joel / angela
wes / jen
lucas / katie
eric / taylor
cole / taylor
cole / alyssa
danny / kendall
merrick / alyssa
merrick / shayla
ninja storm, dino thunder, spd
shane / kapri
dustin / marah
hunter / kelly
cam / tori
conner / kira
ethan / angela
trent / kira
tommy / hayley
jack / ally
sky / z
bridge / syd
sam / nova
doggie / kat
mystic force, operation overdrive, jungle fury, rpm
nick / vida
xander / madison
leanbow / udonna
mack / rose
will / ronny
ty / rose
theo / lily
dom / fran
ziggy / dr k
samurai, megaforce
jayden / emily
mike / lauren
antonio / mia
troy / gia
orion / emma
dino charge, ninja steel
ivan / kendall
calvin / sarah
levi / hayley
beast morphers
nate / zoey
dino fury, cosmic fury
javi / amelia
izzy / fern
super sentai
tokusou sentai dekaranger
hoji / jasmine
sen / umeko
mahou sentai magiranger
hikaru / urara
other animanga
other tv/movie
to be continued...
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theorangerangers · 2 years
Hello! Hope your day is going well. I was wondering if for the Compresses Power Rangers Timeline AU, if you could list the teams, who's on each team, their rough age and what they do(and possibly the town's name-or would it make sense to use Angel Grove?). I really want to make a one shot of a typical day in this town for the AU, but I only know Ninja Steel, Dino Charge, Samaria and MMPR. I want to make this as accurate as possible. Thanks! Have a great day!
It’s organized by season. And yeah it’s angel grove since that town was a mess
Students: Jason, Kim, Billy, Zack, Trini, Tommy,Aisha, Adam, Rocky, Kat and sometimes Tom (the copy of Tommy) all of whom are seniors. Bulk and skull are juniors
Staff: Ernie is a lunch lady
they are in human disguises but are also students at the school and are members of the swimming team. all seniors.
Students: Tommy, Kat, Adam, Rocky, Jason, Tanya, trey (all seniors)
Students: Tommy, Kat, Adam, tanya, Rocky(only in emergency cases where Justin can’t fight though).
Justin:a freshman.
TJ, Ashley, Carlos, Cassie are juniors
In space
Students: TJ, Ashley, Carlos, Cassie
Teaching assistant for math: Andros
Teaching assistant for gym: Zhane
Lost galaxy
Librarians: kendrix, Karone
Music teacher: maya
Calculus teacher: mike
Freshman math teacher: Leo
History teacher: Kai
Shop teacher: Damon
Lightspeed rescue
Head school nurse: Dana
Sophomore gym teacher and gymnastics couch: Kelsey
Freshman science teacher who lets students call them his first name and teaches kids how to safety set things on fire: Carter
Latin teacher and wrestling couch from hell: Ryan
Senior year bio electives teacher and swim couch: Chad
Sex ed and general wellness co teachers: Joel and Dr. Fairweather
One of those military recruiters that talk about joining the military to play for college to high schoolers: captain Mitchell
Time force
custodians at the school: Jen, trip, Katie, Luke, wes
Private security due to the shear number of rich people's kids and celebrities go to this school: Eric
Wild force
Portuguese teacher: Cole
Senior gym and track couch: Taylor
Home Ec teacher: Danny
Gym TA (under Taylor’s guidance of course): Max
American history teacher: Alyssa
Ninja storm
Sophomores: Dustin, Tori, Shane, Blake, Hunter
One of the the office secretaries: Cam
Class pet in the 8am section of sophomore bio: sensei guinea pig (it’s Carter’s class room)
Dino thunder
Freshmen: Connor, Kira, Ethan, Cassidy Devin and Trent
Tommy is still a senior but also their STA for extra credit so he can graduate on time
Haily is a junior
Anton is one of those parents that threatens to sue the school if his kid doesn’t get his way
Elsa is the principal
Definitely older than the typical college students but still in their 20s working school security: bridge, Z, Sky, syd, Jack
Gets shoved in a storage closet in their base so they don’t work at at or go to the school due to time travel shenanigans (also because the time force might arrest him): the omega ranger
Stays in the base due to being alien furries: Crugger and Kat
Janitor: Boom
Mystic force
Juniors: Nick, Vida, Xander, Leelee, Claire, Maddie, Chip
PTA moms: Udonna and Necrolai
Best Latin teacher ever (or at least less terrifying than Ryan): daggeron
Janitor: pheus (or whatever the troll goblin hybrid was called it’s been a while since I’ve seen it)
Operation overdrive
Physic teacher: rose
French teacher: will
Drivers Ed teacher: Ronny
English TA: Mack
School nurse: Tyzon
Drama teacher: Dax
Anyone not listed has their normal jobs
Jungle fury
Lunch ladies: RJ, Casey, Lily, Theo, Fran, Dom
Camille occasionally is disguised as the repair person for the industrial kitchen stuff
Lunch lady: ziggy
Auto shop TA: Dillon and Scott
Senior English teacher: summer
World history teacher: Flynn
Child development: gen and Gemma
Head of science department: Dr. K
Sophomores: Jayden, Emily, Kevin, Mike, Mia, Antonio
Assistant principal: Lauren
Overbearing Parent/guardian who are always at the school to “complain” about something leading to meeting with the assistant principal: Gi
(Due to skull being a high schooler) toddler in the teaching day care program at the school that somehow always manages to find them at inopportune monuments: Spike
As said before bulk is a junior
Super mega force
Freshmen: Troy, Emma, Gia, Noah, Jake, Orion
Stuck being a tiki head in the base: gosei (fun fact the cave Gosei is in shares a wall with the Dino thunder cave in this au!)
Also their weird science teacher is still their weird science teacher IDK his name though
Is often shoved into janitor closets when he shows up at the school to hide him because he doesn’t go there and also the RPM and Zeo rangers tried to fight him once: robo knight
Dino charge
Child development TA: koda
IT guy: Tyler’s dad (I forgot his name)
World history TA: philip
American history TA: shelby
Biology TA: Tyler
Physics TA: Riley
Office secretary who is in charge of making sure everyone is registered for their correct classes : Kendall
Guidance counselor: Heckyl (no one is sure how or why)
Sex ed TA: chase (he likes to joke that Joel and Dr.F are his work parents)
Any non human team members not listed above are shoved into the base and kept there due to the number of rangers that mistake them monsters at random moments
Ninja steel
Sophomores: Brody, Sarah, Hailey, Preston, Calvin
Senior: Levi, Monty, and victor
Vice principal that ends up doing most of the work anyway (due to Elsa and Lauren constantly running off): Ms. Hastings
Beast morphers
Janitors : Ben and Betty
Senior : Nate (Dr.K’s favorite student)
Electric electives teacher: Devin
Special Ed teacher: zoey
Art teacher: Ravi
Former pottery teacher that suddenly vanished: Roxy
Former substitute gym teacher that suddenly vanished: blaze
Devon’s dad is still the mayor and Ravi’s mom is still in charge of grid battle force
Dino fury
Music TA: Javi
Electronic sciences TA: Ollie
Human psychology TA: Amelia
Senior: Izzy, and Fern (fun fact Izzy was the prime suspect for evil green ranger for mmpr before they realized it was Tommy)
Library assistants: Ayon and Zayto (Ollie have them a crash course on the Dewey decimal system and hoped for the best)
Fashion teacher: ms. Garcia
Mr. Garcia keeps his regular job but also gives Javi less of a hard time because music teachers are supposed to be able to play a bunch of different instruments and it looks like he has good chance to take Maya’s place when she leaves the school
Solon remains in the base because she is a dinosaur
Extra notes I came up with on the fly
K is growingly more paranoid due to the number of ranger teams she has evidence have robots in their ranks especially the beast morphers since that’s the team their closest too
Preston was “bullied” out of the magic the gathering club by the mystic rangers due to Vida trying to accuse him of being an evil wizard without blowing their cover. Vida’s exact words were “we don’t don’t want your kind around here”. The ninja steel team now thinks the magic the gathering club is homophobic towards Preston and hates them. Ironically the mystic rangers all love the blue ninja steel ranger and the ninja steel rangers really life the mystic force.
Summer after spending the entire night fighting vengix and exhausted as she walks in the door and Mack the day after he found out he’s a robot. “Summer would you still be my friend if I was a robot?” “Absolutely not” cue Mack having a break down in the janitor closet only to be found by Ben and Betty who assure him they would still be his friends even if he was a robot
Mick is the impromptu medic to most of the robotic rangers
Tyzon is not sure what normal human anatomy should look like so he just copies a lot of what he’s seen Dana do but also does know someone from aquatar when he sees one and treats their injuries accordingly and the aquatar rangers just think he’s a human whose really good with secrets
The teachers are youngish (most haven’t hit 30 yet) and I use TA as a short hand for teachers in training so they’re earlier 20s. And then most of the students besides Justin and Nate are between 14-18 with Justin and Nate both being 12.
Generally everyone else is around the age they are in the show
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leiawritesstories · 2 years
a study in color
hi everyone :)
this is very different from my usual fanfiction stuff, so feel free to skip if you're just here for the angst and spice and fluff. i've been wanting to share some of my original work for a while now but haven't ever had the confidence. yet. thanks to my lovely friends for encouraging this; a special thanks to Kelsey (@heirofflowers) for offering advice on this little beast. anyway. a little background: the last couple years have not been a good place for me mentally, and one of the things my therapist had me do was turn emotions into stories, using writing as an outlet. this is one of those stories.
word count:
warnings: hospitals, veiled references to mental illness/depression
please let me know what you think! i love feedback :)
The first coherent thought. 
Cold, and silent. Like a tomb. 
Empty as a tomb, too, the faintest little noise bouncing off the walls and ceiling in jarring cacophony. 
The walls rise in uniform vertical lines of blank slate gray, the lack of color bleeding into the blank white expanse of ceiling. All flat lines, this room. All angles and corners and perfect ninety-degree turns and flat planes, white and gray and cold and silent and empty and blank. 
A single slender glass rectangle breaks the colorless monotony of the opposite wall, set into a simple steel frame just a shade more metallic than the wall. Through the pristine glass, unmarred by smudges and fingerprints as if nothing living had ever come within breathing distance of it, a landscape lies out of focus. Blurred, hazy, no more than a smear of something that could be color, out of touch, it stays just far enough removed--just far enough behind the lens--not to disturb the tenuous life within the sterile room. 
The first faint twitch of independent motion, the body at last remembering how to operate without mechanical instruction. 
Through the crystalline glass, a bright wild untamed blur of color bursts to life, verdant and vivid and completely fundamentally opposed to the monochrome monolith keeping it out.
An arm drops reactively over the feeble eyes, soft welcome darkness blocking out color and light and vibrance. 
Blip. Glowing white line pulses against its black background, tracking the pulse, the only indication of life aside from the body’s few remembered motions, the steady blink of the eyes, the jerk of the arm flying up to defend against the sudden unwelcome onslaught of life that broke into the protective, colorless shell of sterility. 
Time does not penetrate this deep, cannot probe its filaments into the suspended silence of this solitary space. The machine can only track so much, so many records of pulse and heartbeat and oxygen level and vital signs, and the numbers only mean so much. So much data to those who can interpret the readings, so much nonsense to those who cannot. 
The woman inert in the hospital bed, gray-gowned body tucked neatly between gray cotton sheets, skin nearly as leeched of color as the ceiling above her, does not know how long she has laid in this bed, asleep but not asleep, alive but not alive. A single sterile string trails from her finger, her vital signs sent through the wire to the cold, silent monitor. 
In the corner, mostly concealed beneath a soft gray sheet, lurks a battered cardboard box, a jarring swatch of brown against the colorless emptiness. 
At least it’s not terribly colorful. The second coherent thought. 
The eyes adjust to the room’s respectfully dimmed lighting, the arm falls back down, its task complete. 
Excruciatingly slowly, expending all the strength gathered in her wasted body, she turns her head to the side, away from the slice of untamed life blaring through the window glass. 
Away from the color. 
It is too much. 
It is too soon. 
And yet…and yet the blaze of color beckons, a siren call, haunting, persistent, inviting, wheedling her trembling consciousness to turn back to its vibrance. 
Too much. The third coherent thought. The first decisive thought. 
Gray and white and sterile and unfeeling--this is safer. The world--its overwhelming brilliance--she cannot. 
Her eyes flutter closed again, the effort of being awake, of being conscious, of being herself having drained her. Sleep. She wants to sleep. 
The first desire. 
When she blinks awake again, a delicate gray curtain obscures the window, muting the cacophonic onslaught of the view outside. She wonders vaguely when that happened, whether she has slept long enough for an age to pass and the hospital to be rebuilt around her or whether it was simply one of the many nameless faceless staff who’ve passed in and out around her while she slept. Probably the latter. 
This time, though, her awaking feels different. 
This time, her head is clearer, lighter, unburdened. Freer. 
This time, her body obeys when she commands it to rise and sit up and swing its legs over the side of the bed, cautiously attempting to support her own featherlight self for the first time in a lifetime. 
Shaking, unsteady, wobbling like a toddler, she places one pale foot in front of the other, barely even feeling the chill of the industrial-tiled floor. She takes one halting step after another after another–until her outstretched fingertips brush solid wall. Sideways she goes, trailing her touch against the too-smooth gray-painted plaster until she reaches soft floating fabric, more delicate than her sight thought it might be. 
Fingertips twitch as she closes her hands around the fabric--a child’s grasp, too light, too feeble to be a woman’s. 
And out. 
The curtain draws aside as fluidly as water, sweeping back from the glass rectangle to allow burnished sunlight to splash into the room. 
A curious thing, the sunlight. So…so warm and alive and glowing against the stark sterile blankness of the hospital room. Golden and beaming and beckoning, inviting her to dip her feet into the soft warm puddle of light splashed onto the colorless tiles. 
For the first time in a lifetime, warmth floods her frail body, bathed in evening’s embrace in front of the perfectly shaped rectangular window. 
For the first time in a lifetime, she dares to lift her head, dares to slide her wondering wandering eyes up and over the glowing sunlight to peer hesitantly into the glass and out to the world beyond. 
Evening tempers the cacophonic blaze of color outside the steel and stone and glass of the hospital, subduing the rich vibrant hues of autumn so her uncertain mind can reach past the silent grayscale comfort of medicine and dip once more into the palette of life. 
Almost unconsciously, she lifts one hand towards the perfect untouched glass, brushes the very tip of one finger against the silken clear surface, marveling at the faint trace of imperfection she leaves against the pristine window. 
Her palm flattens on the glass, the soft puff of her breath fanning in an opaque cloud atop the window as she leans closer, captivated by the liveliness [life?] thriving beyond the hospital’s sterile barricade, by the gold-washed blur of color and motion and light and laughter and joy. 
She exhales long and slow and careful, entranced by the way her breath flickers across the window before vanishing. 
She stares out at the city as the evening light fades, warm golden sun slipping behind red brick towers until her toes are no longer kissed by gentle heat but recognize the chill of the tile. 
She lifts her pale hand from the window, impossibly satisfied at the distinctly hand- shaped smudge left behind on the too-perfect glass. 
Her handprint. 
Her mark on the hospital’s precisely polished comfort. 
A break in the blankness.
When the door behind her slips softly open, she is ready to see the figure who enters. 
Ready to see the face that blinked in and out of her hazy dreams. 
Ready to take the outstretched hand and step from empty monochrome silence into brilliant overflowing light.
tagging my general fanfic taglist; please tell me if you want to be added or removed for original stories :)
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primeguarded · 10 months
“Optimus’ pet.”
A burnished steel fist closes around the young lady just tight enough to seriously discourage any squirming, or else cut herself on a sharp edge. Two massive scarlet optics stare down at her, unblinking, appraising.
Whatever Megatron is searching for, he does not find it in this human.
One moment she was running, feeling the ground shake from the giant stature of the Decepticons weighing down upon the ground, the next she found herself dangling more than 30 feet in the air. The breath Kelsey had in her chest was forcefully taken out of her as Megatron gripped her. A sudden movement could crush her insides instantly.
The pitiful nickname Megatron had given her sent a shudder down her spine, which didn't exactly help her any as her tiny heart pounded so hard that it was thumping in her head. Despite wanting to squirm her way out of his hold, she didn't dare, as the sharp metal was already digging into her slightly, and slightly was enough.
Oh, he knew of her. Great.
"Megatron," Kelsey regarded, not confident in the slightest, voice strained from the pressure on her ribcage. She didn't know who was worse to be captured by: Knockout or Megatron. Both. The answer was both.
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rollwithitap · 1 year
As we wrap up downtime, our Skylarks have a little bit of extra time on their hands. How well will they manage the most dreaded of challenges - one on one close conversations with one another without work to do? (17/?)
Court of Blades is written by A Couple of Drakes (@DrakeandDice & @NaviMusing) and can be purchased on itch.io.
Music by 8er41 on Pixabay
Just Roll With It: https://linktr.ee/rollwithitap
Asteyni: @asteyni
Saintguard: https://linktr.ee/saintguard
Peter: https://linktr.ee/prcargill
Kelsey: https://linktr.ee/islanderscaper
Kori: https://linktr.ee/koriklinzing
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