#tammy bday gifts
tammyisobsessedwith · 2 years
Happy Late Birthday! I’m sorry that I missed it. Happy to know there’s another Libra with me. I hope you had a beautiful day and got all the best gifts! 💝🎊🎉🎁
Thank you so much, lovely! Always happy to meet a fellow Libra 🥰
I’ve had the best birthday gifts in the form of wonderful fics written by some of the most talented people here, like:
Her Cupid’s Bow by the amazing @mrsbsmooth
The Hating Game by the superb @i-boop-you
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dapper-lil-arts · 11 months
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EMOTETOBER DAY 18 - My gfs bday gift :3 blushy tammy Everyone wish my gf @frogkimmy a happy birthday!!!
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litgwritersroom · 2 years
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The Fix
S2 | Kassam/MC | 5200+ words | @justtuesdays
Written to celebrate Tammy's bday, Kassam is working in technical support and comes across a memorable customer.
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Standing behind the store counter, chin propped on her hand, Alix watched the front door open and close as every passing customer made their way in and out of the store. It wasn’t her first time at the store, but it was her first time on her own and it felt unusually quiet. She typically spent time discussing tips and tricks with the store manager. Except, he was out and it was only because she had offered to cover for him. Now, she almost regretted having to man the foreign counter on her own if it wasn’t for the clenched jaw and seething glare of the raven-haired man storming towards her with a laptop at hand.
Straightening up and quirking the corners of her lips into a smile, Alix gave the man a few seconds before she regurgitated her well-memorized script. 
“Hi! This is Pear Support, how can I assist you?” The man narrowed his dark-blue eyes at her as he set his laptop on the counter and peered over her shoulder. 
“I’m looking for Carl. Is he in?” Following his line of sight, Alix scrunched up her brows trying to jog her memory. The name seemed familiar.
“Car-Carl? Oh, you mean Healy. He’s not in today, and probably won’t be in until Monday.” The raven-haired man glanced at his watch and then at his laptop, mumbling under his breath. He gave one last glimpse over Alix’s shoulder before he ran a hand through his hair and huffed.
“But, if you tell me what’s wrong, I’m sure we can get this fixed.” Alix tilted her head hoping to catch the guy’s eyes and transmit assurances she couldn’t find the words to. 
“F**k.” Alix furrowed her brows, watching as the blue-eyed man vented his frustrations to no one in particular. 
“Shit.” He uttered as he grabbed his laptop aiming to slam it against the counter, hesitating only at the last second. Alix winced. 
“Right. Well, Mr–” Alix exchanged glances with the laptop and its owner, thinking through every possible scenario. She was sure she had the answer to the problem, but she needed him to drop his tight hold on the laptop. She swallowed down her worries about the piece of tech and opened her mouth to ask him his name once more.
“Look, I need this fixed, actually fixed,” his fingers loosen their hold on the laptop. Alix noted his voice lost some of its anger. “Not that bullshit, one of your guys pulled–” Alix's ear perked at the note, knowing well what the man was referring to. She had only been briefed the day before of the horror one of the Tech guys had a habit of offering in addition to his tech services.
“Leaving you the gift of their music as a bonus?” Alix cringed, voicing the fact. How the tech guy still had his job wasn’t a mystery, he was good at his job. The matter that baffled her was how he managed to not find himself with a list of restraining orders against him. He had no restraint when it came to his other enthusiasms. His music was evidence of that and so was his lack of fans.
“I wouldn’t even call it that.” Alix let her eyes meet his blue eyes and snorted. 
“Harsh, but true.” The man shrugged, his clenched jaw relaxing.
“Mind showing me the issue?” Alix tapped the laptop lightly and took a step back, giving him space to decide whether or not to trust her with his laptop. He bit his lip glancing between the laptop and Alix. She sighed. She was familiar with the bond between a man and his tech. Especially someone who had the misfortune of getting Felix as his Tech guy. Of course, the customer wanted Healy after that fiasco, she wouldn’t trust anyone else either.
“Ok. Do you want to start with what happened?” Alix pushed knowing she wouldn’t get her hands on the laptop soon. She could at least partially assess the issue if she could get some background on what had occurred, or what the man thought had occurred.
“I was editing a few tracks one moment when my computer blinked twice, I saw the pear logo and the screen turned black.” With pursed lips, Alix nodded as she ran every possible reason that the black screen of death would appear. 
“I’ve already plugged it into the charger– nothing.” Alix gave the man and mentally crossed that off the list. She probably shouldn’t have but noting that this was not his first time at Pear Support she gave him her vote of confidence.
“That wasn’t what I was going to ask. But, at least you got that one covered.” Alix kept going through the list. 
“I’ve also taken the battery out and tested it with the charger only,” he added and Alix stopped her mental assessment to give the man her full attention. His blue eyes met hers and she raised a brow seemingly impressed.
“This is definitely not your first rodeo,” she remarked, closing the distance between her and the laptop.
“—the first time,” she clarified, seeing his bunched brows aimed at her.
“Can you fix it?” He stated as he stuffed his hands into his pockets, laptop left on the counter on its own. 
“Is your work backed up?” Alix questioned. She knew of a few ways to go about fixing the laptop, but it was dependent on whether she’d need to be careful with its saved contents. She stared at the laptop waiting for an answer. But none came. She let her eyes wander up to the man’s face and if the hand rubbing the back of his neck was any indicator, that was a no.
“I’ll take that as a no. Hmm, give me a few hours and I’ll let you know if I’ll be able to fix this.” Alix restrained herself from shaking her head. This man was truly living at the edge, not backing up his files. Did this make things more complicated? Slightly. Would she cower under the new challenge? That was a no. She lived for a challenge. A technological challenge that is.
Alix went to grab the laptop off of the counter, but a hand pressed on the laptop stopped her. She stared at the silver rings around his fingers wondering how she hadn’t noticed them before. 
“Few hours?” Breaking out of her thoughts, Alix met the man’s stare. 
“I’m getting,” releasing her hold on the laptop, she waved her hands in their general direction, “that there’s some urgency behind this.” The man glanced between her name tag and her face. Alix let him take his time, he ultimately had two options and given his state, there was a 95% chance he would choose the one that got his laptop fixed. He sighed.
“Leave me your name, phone number and–” Alix began to recite another one of the lines she had memorized, though she had been promised that this would be the last she’d speak, she was finding that this man had never crossed Healy’s mind when it came to customer interaction.
“My phone number?” Alix nodded, noticing as his eyes narrowed once more on her. 
“So I can call you to pick up your laptop?” Alix pulled out a pen and a slip of paper and offered them to the man. His eyes scanned the piece of paper stamped with the Pear Company’s logo.
“Right.” He took the pen and paper Alix offered and quickly scribbled down his information. Once he was finished he left the pen and paper on the counter. Alix grabbed the slip of paper and read it to herself. His handwriting was legible.
K. Malek020-xxx-xxxX
“It’ll be a few hours, promise. And, I never go back on my promises.” Alix offered the man a smile, which felt a lot more natural than the one she had practiced multiple times this morning on her computer’s reflection. Fixing was something she could and promising to do just that was second nature. The blue-eyed customer huffed and didn’t say anything else before he turned around and left.
“Oi, bossy-lady?” Startled by the voice, Alix took a breath before she took a look at the intruder. She had placed a clear sign on the office door that she wanted to be left alone. Yet, it seemed that hadn't stopped the blue-haired guy, standing on the other side of the desk. 
“I think you mean, boss-lady, Felix.” Alix sighed. Felix was Felix, or so Healy had tried to explain to her after she had been first introduced to his team. Felix hadn’t needed an introduction, his hair had done it for her. But, somehow she had warmed up to the idea of Felix as a colleague. The guy was bright and so was his personality, someone only needed to remind him that they didn’t always run at the same wavelength as he did.
“But, Arjun said–” Alix raised a brow on that note. Felix rubbed the back of his neck, realization hitting. “Nevermind. We’re headed out for lunch, thought you’d like to join us?” Alix smiled at the offer. The first time he had asked, she was sure the others had put him up for them, afraid to ask Alix who had become their pseudo-boss. But, she’d come to learn that Felix just did Felix. She admired his authenticity and unbridled kindness. She peered over her glasses at the laptop in front of her.
“No. I’m fine, thanks, Felix.” Felix squinted in her general direction and Alix wanted to scold him for not wearing his glasses. Apparently, he had a reputation to uphold and his glasses didn’t fit the look, or whatever. He took a few steps closer to the desk and glanced between the open laptop and her computer.
“What are you working on?” Alix opened her mouth to speak, but Felix didn’t give her time to respond before he answered himself.
“Woah! That’s DJ King’s laptop.” Alix's attempts to grab the laptop away from Felix were useless as Felix turned the laptop towards him and took a look at the open command terminal. Humming as he read through the commands Alix had yet to run, Alix kept her eyes on Felix’s face. Felix's face always corroborated with his thoughts, and the current pout meant he was still working on putting together what she was working through.
“You know he’s playing the Underground this weekend…” he trailed off as he pursed his lips in thought. Alix had no clue what Felix was going on about. As far as she was concerned, Mr. Malek was just the owner of the laptop; everything else didn’t matter.
“He’s really making a name for himself. He could do with a few pointers– If you want, I can take a look at it after lunch,” Felix offered, his light blue eyes sparkling at the opportunity. Alix shook her head knowing exactly how it would end.
“No need, I think I’ve got it covered.” Felix shrugged, placing the computer back on her desk. Giving the command terminal a glimpse, Alix closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
“I’ve poked around his laptop a few times, I can stick around and–” Alix groaned. Opening her eyes, she shot Felix a glare.
“Bloody hell, Haywood, weren’t you heading out?” Alix gestured to the office door. Rubbing the back of his neck, Felix offered Alix a sheepish smile.
“Um, yeah, right. I’ll go–” Felix fumbled over his words, as he walked backwards out of the office and out of sight.
“How does Carl do it?” Alix mumbled to herself as she pressed the palms of her hands against her cheeks down to her chin. With an exhale, Alix shook the previous few minutes off of her and locked her eyes back onto the laptop screen that waited for her.
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“‘Ello?” Kassam answered his phone on the first ring. Voice still heavy with sleep he was putting off as he sat on the carpeted floor of his flat, notebook at hand keyboard under the other.
“Is this Mr. Malek? It’s Alix from Pear Support– I’ve managed to fix your laptop. It was a minor circuitry fix, one of the chips…” the voice trailed off. Slowly registering everything that was being said, Kassam sat up in his seat and cleared his throat.
“What I meant to say is that it’s all taken care of. I do recommend you be more gentle with the charger, it seems,” Kassam stopped listening as he stared out the window, noticing the warm darkness beneath all the city lights. 
“What time is it?” Kassam asked no one in particular, forgetting there was someone on the other side of the call.
“I’m not really sure, I’ve been working for a few hours– holy shit. I’m sorry. I lost track of time and,” Kassam chuckled, his exhaustion forgotten for the time being. The brunette had kept her word, so much so, she had called the minute she had resolved his issue not caring for the time.
“What of my audio files?” Kassam closed his eyes and clenched his jaw, waiting for the answer. He was sure there wasn’t any chance those would be saved and had spent the last hours trying to recover all his hard work through sheer memory.
“The system created temporary files, so I was able to recuperate the majority of your work.” Kassam sighed in relief, shoving the notebook out of his hand, a glimpse of a smile playing at the end of his lips.
“Can I pick it up, now?” There was a light hum at the other end of the line. 
“It’s three in the morning–” He heard the Pear Support technician say before she cleared her throat and continued, “I don’t see why not, it’s not like I’ve got to go far.” Kassam didn’t give the woman a chance to rethink her answer, he stood up from his seat, located his keys and was ready to head out.
“I’ll be there in thirty,” he uttered into the phone, with a smile on his face and made his way out of his flat.
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“Hi! This is Pear Support, how can we–” Walking towards the counter, Alix examined the man standing at the counter back towards her, silver headphones on his head. With a closer look, she found herself examining his profile. Dark hair, pale skin, the man seemed familiar besides the bright headphones which made her think of Felix’s own pair. Shaking her head off her thoughts she tapped his shoulder to get his attention. She was met with electric blue eyes and a hint of a smile. 
“Mr. Malek? Did your laptop break again? I can assure you that we have no problem with providing you with a new laptop at –” Alix fumbled for words. She never encountered disgruntled customers. Her track record lacked failures. She was out of her league. Appeasing the customer was all she could think of.
“No. My laptop is fine. I actually came over…to–” Setting his headphones around his neck, Alix waited for the man to explain what the issue was. If the laptop was fine, what other reason could he have to show up at her counter?
“My phone, it’s acting up,” the man looked down at his phone and held it out to her, “I’ve tried to listen to a few samples and it just…um…freezes?” Alix bit her lip and looked at the onyx colored PearPhone in front of her. 
“Freezes?” Alix questioned as she grabbed the phone off his hands, their fingers briefly brushing against each other in the exchange. She mentally waved away the chill that ran through her as a byproduct of the blowing air conditioner. Leaning in closer, the man unlocked the phone for her and swiped the screen attempting to show her the exact issue.
“Uh, I try to click on the file and it just freezes the screen,” he explained as he pressed on the said file. The file loaded for a few seconds and stopped. Not long, the app closed off on its own and Alix’s was met with the homescreen.
“Oh. Well, let me take a look,” Alix looked up from the phone and found her face a hand’s width away from his. His gaze was on her. She opened her mouth and closed it right after, unable to finish her thought. She couldn’t figure out what she had planned to say next, not with him so close. 
“Kassam?” And it seemed that Alix didn’t have to. Clearing her throat she took a few steps back, giving the newcomer space to stand between them. Joining them was Healy the manager of the store, sporting a nicely pressed button up and slacks. Healy held out a hand to Kassam with a friendly smile on his face. 
“Carl! You’re back.” Kassam went for Carl’s hand, but Carl pulled him into a one-sided hug, giving Kassam a good pat on the back.
“It was a simple cold. I wouldn’t have taken off, but Alix here wouldn’t budge–” Both sets of eyes, one green and the other an electrifying blue, turned to her. Alix rolled her eyes, nudging Carl with her elbow.
“No one wants your snot in their tech, Healy. And you’re the manager, you’ve got to set an example— sick days are a healthy habit.” Alix repeated herself for the ninth time that day. Carl chuckled, nudging her shoulder with his arm. 
“The pot calling the kettle black.” Alix shrugged.
“I don’t actually work here, now do I?” Alix turned to give Carl a view of the smirk on her face. He shook his head, chuckling. She smiled and would have continued had she not felt someone stare on the side of her face. She turned slowly and remembered the phone she had in her hand.
“Right, sorry about that. But, seeing that Healy is here, and you asked for his help initially, I’ll let him take care of this,” Alix placed the phone on the counter and motioned for Carl to take a look, “nice seeing you again despite the circumstances, Mr. Malek.” Alix offered him a cordial smile and took her leave.
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“So phone problems, huh?” Carl watched as his blue-eyed friend followed Alix as she returned to the office. But didn’t make any mention of it as he continued, “I’ve got this covered.”  
Kassam turned to look at Carl, waiting for him, phone between the two. 
“She doesn’t work here?” Kassam stuck his hands in his pockets, afraid that he’d take the phone off the counter and walk away defeated. Carl had already caught him staring, if he caught his lie, Kassam would be discovered. 
“Not exactly. Is there a problem?” Carl lost his smile, his eyes narrowed at him. 
“No. She fixed my laptop. I thought she worked here,” Kassam mumbled. Carl shook his head. Carl grabbed the phone off the counter and held it out for Kassam. Kassam looked at the phone and peered over his shoulder, staring at the brunette sat in the back, eyes focused on the computer in front of her.  
“Do you think she’d mind taking a look at my phone?” Kassam nudged his chin towards the office. Carl looked over his shoulder and back at Kassam.
“Not really. But, I can assure you I can have it fixed by tomorrow.” Kassam shook his head and Carl raised a brow.
“But, she can have it done before then, can’t she?” Carl sighed.
“Yes, but she’s not really–” Kassam narrowed his eyes at Carl, Carl held his hands up defensively, “Fine, Kassam, but don’t you go sharing that we’ve got her around. She’s only here for a few months as a personal favor.” That caught Kassam’s ear.
“Personal favor?” Kasasm questioned, his mind concocting several ideas of who Alix could possibly be to Carl, for a personal favor. He hoped it wasn’t something serious.
“Old college roommate of Persie’s.” Kassam let out a breath, he hadn’t even realized he was holding. Carl gave him a quizzical look. Kassam shook his head, gave Carl a friendly smack to his shoulder before he turned around and left.
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“Hi, Mr. Malek, this is–” Phone between her chin and shoulder, Alix greeted the man on the other end of the line. 
“Alix.” Caught by surprise, the words became stuck in her throat. Alix grabbed her phone and looked at the number on the screen. Had she called the right number?
“How did you know?” Alix asked as she returned the phone back between her chin and shoulder. 
“A hunch.” Alix’s lips quirked into a smile, unknowingly. 
“Right, well, you can come to pick up your phone now,” Alix stared at the said phone on her desk. It hadn’t taken that long to fix the phone, it hadn’t been more than removing temporary files and restarting the phone. She planned to explain the procedure to him, so that he could do it himself.
“That’s great. I, uh, I actually have some trouble with another laptop, do you mind…” Alix hummed her response. It seemed she had found herself building that bond between customer and trusted technician.
“Yeah, sure, no problem. You can drop it off, and I’ll work on it later this afternoon.” Alix jotted down the new incoming tech into her schedule and blocked out the rest of the afternoon just in case.
“Nice. I’ll be there in thirty.”
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“Hi! This is Pear Support, how can we help you? DJ King! Woah, your set last night was,” Kassam clenched his jaw at the sight of the blue-haired man in front of him. When he had rung the bell for help, he had expected to meet the familiar brunette with the light green eyes. Instead, he was met with the spawn of the bubblegum fairy with a name tag that read, Felix. 
“Anything I can help you with?” Felix eagerly smiled at him. 
“I’m actually looking for Alix. Is she around?” Kassam took a step back, afraid the blue-haired man would take their close proximity as an opening to engage in more conversation.
“The boss-lady? You’re the bloke that dropped the drink on their laptop? Shit like that always happens to me. I thought the great DJ King would be different…” Felix rambled on and on. Kassam didn’t even pretend to listen to him. He peered over Felix’s shoulder, looking for the brunette he was here for. 
“Have you given my demo a look?” Kassam stopped searching for Alix and shot the blue-haired man a piercing stare.
“Your music is utter–” Kassam never got to finish as Carl appeared beside the annoying technician as if to save his employee from his onslaught of insults.
“Kassam! What are you doing here, again? Is Tim’s laptop acting up again?” Kassam nodded, avoiding the curious looks Felix was giving him. He could deal with fans, but something about Felix always pushed his buttons.
“He spilled a pitcher of shandies all over his shite and couldn’t come to pick it up. So, I offered to come.” Kassam explained through gritted teeth. Carl turned to look at Felix and motioned him to move along. But, Felix’s eyes were locked on Kassam. Kassam kept his eyes on Carl, fist stuffed into his pockets.
“Right. What’s this, your sixteenth time in the shop? At this point, we should just have Pear Support build a place at your flat,” Carl joked. Neither Felix nor Kassam laughed. 
“Felix, can you call Alix, she’s in the back.” Carl patted Felix on the shoulder, shaking him out of his daze. Kassam rolled his eyes. Felix nodded his head still in his fannatical haze, turned around and walked towards the office looking over his shoulder every few steps.
“So, what’s next? You PearWatch isn’t syncing? Or is your Laptop running slow again?” Carl asked, hands on the counter eyes narrowed at him. Kassam returned the questioning look.
“What are you saying?” Kassam hadn’t showed up at the store for anything of his this time around. He was here to pick up for a mate of his. He didn’t see the issue.
“Persie says that you’ve been using all this tech support nonsense as an excuse to see Alix. I disagreed with her at first because you’re you,” Carl admitted and watched him closely. His eyes looked him over and Kassam glared at him while under scrutiny.
“I was only having issues because your wannabe DJ trashed my laptop the first time around,” Kassam spat out, trying to get Carl’s focus off of him. Carl groaned.
“I told you, we haven’t allowed Felix around your tech since then,” Kassam scoffed as he crossed his arms and gave Carl a look. Carl rolled his eyes. 
“It still doesn’t explain you bringing Tim’s and Talia’s tech with stupid excuses. Did he even spill anything on his laptop?” Kassam clicked his tongue and placed his hands on the counter, leveling off with his friend across from him.
“Are you calling me a liar?” Carl cleared his throat, looking around the store before he met his stare.
“I’m telling you to bite the bullet, you prat,” Carl lowered his voice. Kassam scowled, but that didn’t deter Carl from continuing, “Alix is only oblivious to this because she’s got a streak for helping idiots and getting sucked into her work. If you plan to ever ask her out, I’d do it soon. She’s good with idiots, not the insane.” Kassam glowered at Carl and yet, Carl’s stare didn’t waver. 
“Mr. Malek, as promised, good as new.” Kassam recognized the voice and looked in the direction it was coming. The brunette was walking towards them, face glued to the laptop in her arm, Tim’s laptop. Kassam watched as she tore her eyes away from the screen and offered him a smile. 
Carl cleared his throat and Kassam could feel warmth spread up his neck and on to his face. Kassam caught Carl’s smirk from the corner of his eyes and winced. There was no way he could lie his way out of this one now.
“Felix and I, have a few things to take care of,” Carl gave Alix’s shoulder a squeeze and shot Kassam a wink, “We’ll leave you to it.” Kassam waited for Carl to disappear before he softened his scowl into a friendly smile.
“Oh. Is there something else you’d like me to fix?” Alix held Tim’s laptop out to him and Kassam grabbed it from her hands, letting his fingers rest on hers for a few moments more than necessary. She stared back at him and smiled before she extracted her hands out of his. 
“I- uh- it’s my phone again.” Kassam placed the laptop on the counter and patted his jacket pockets for his phone. Finding the phone in his jean’s pocket, he pulled it out and held it out to her. Kassam looked around the store hoping for some sort of help, something believable.
“It’s the brightness…it’s still too bright on the lowest level and,” Kassam began, but Alix’s giggle broke him out of his thoughts.
“Oh, that’s simple. If you go into your setting,” Alix took his phone, plugged in the password he had taught her and showed him the settings page. He leaned in closer to her, watching as she scrolled through his phone and his eyes landed on her lips. She turned to look at him and the look she was giving him, of pure innocence shook him out of his enamored stupor.
“I lied…” Alix furrowed his brows at him. Kassam swallowed down his nerves. 
“Okay. Did you drop your phone? PearCare covers most–” Kassam would have let her ramble on and on as she tended to do whenever she wanted to appease his worries. But, he couldn’t do that to her now, not here where they had an audience.
“No. My phone is fine. I’ve been making up excuses and breaking most of the technology around so I could come here.” Alix stopped speaking and blinked a few times. She set the phone down onto the counter and pushed it closer to him. Kassam winced at the gesture.
“Why would you do that? Is this some sort of scam? Because I’ll have you know, I’ve fixed all your items and left them as good as new.” Alix took a few steps back, arms crossed, fixed gaze and a frown on her lips.
“No. No. This is coming out all wrong. I’ve been making up all these excuses to ask you out.” Kassam admitted, rather loudly but it didn’t matter to him anymore. Alix blinked once. Twice. But, no words came out of her mouth. Uncrossing her arms, she rubbed the back of her neck with her hand. 
“Ask me out for what?” She questioned, tilted her head quizzically.
“On a date!” They both turn around startled by the holler. Carl shakes his head at the two of them and pretends to be looking at a clipboard in his hand. But, he was the only one around and Kassam was starting to believe he had been listening to their exchange this whole time.
“Oh. I– don’t know.” Alix stuttered out, her eyes looking at everything else but him. Kassam tried to take a step closer and grunted when the corner of the counter met his torso. 
“Say yes!” Both he and Alix turned to look at Carl, who had his eyes fixed on them. Kassam narrowed his eyes at his friend. Carl placed the clipboard down and huffed.
“What? If I don’t do anything to help you get together, Persie’s threatened to change our flat’s wi-fi password.” Alix burst into a giggling fit and Kassam couldn’t help the smile that quirked the corners of his lips. Kassam eyed the counter that stood between him and the girl. He turned to Carl looking for permission. Carl nodded and Kassam walked around the counter, closer to the brunette he hoped he still had a chance with.
“One date?” Kassam asked and closed his eyes waiting for the answer.
“One.” Alix whispered and Kassam opened his eyes. Her green eyes stared up at him and Kassam didn’t dare to look away. He never stared at her eyes for this long and he could stand there and do it forever. 
“Will you promise to stop breaking your laptop, your phone and your watch?” Kassam chuckled at the question and nodded. Alix offered him a smile he’d never seen before, a smile that brightened her eyes and emphasized the gold specks in her irises. 
“I think I can manage.” Kassam offered her his hand and Alix looked at it and then at him. Slowly, slipping her hand into his, she turned to give Carl a heads up before she gazed up at him.
“Then, I think I can do one date.” Kassam bit his lip and shot Carl a glance and a silent thank you. Kassam was a complete idiot, a complete idiot for the girl who promised to fix anything he gave her and maybe fix that hole in his chest.
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asirensrage · 2 years
Tammy Thompson Takes on the Upside Down - 43/?
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Story Summary: Everyone asks - what would you do if you could change how the story goes…but what if you don’t know the story? Kate wakes up one day in the body of Tammy Thompson. Now instead of living her life, she’s stuck dodging monsters, avoiding catching the interest of the government and surviving high school. Again.
Chapter Summary: Let's do a time skip now! Hello prom....
Find it on: Fanfiction.net and Archive of Our Own
It's my bday! So we're celebrating like hobbits and gifting all of you with an early post! I hope you enjoy it!
taglist: @raith-way @arrthurpendragon @zeleniafic @jvstjewels @veetlegeuse @chickensarentcheap @booty-boggins @residentdormouse @delicateblackrose @stanshollaand @wordspin-shares @chrissymunson
ST tag: @happinessinthedarkesttimes
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emubop · 5 years
The McElroys uploaded a new Monster Factory the day before my birthday, bi rights babey
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1heartfanfics · 4 years
Nathan’s Birthday
So Nathan’s birthday was about a month ago, on June 26th and I was planning to do this bday fic for him but clearly that didn’t happen so I’m doing it now even though it’s way late. 
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“Good morning babe, happy birthday!!” Hazel said excitedly as Nathan entered the kitchen. 
“Happy birthday Nate!” Zander echoed with a smile. 
“Aw thanks guys,” Nathan replied, grinning at his girlfriend and his younger brother, who were already up and making pancakes, his favorite. “You guys didn’t have to do this,” he continued.
“Everyone should get a special breakfast on their special day,” Hazel smiled, bringing over a plate with two pancakes over for him. 
“Thank you babe,” he said. Hazel leaned over and gave him a kiss, then walked back into the kitchen to get a plate for herself. 
Zander sat down opposite him and pushed a small wrapped present across the table. Nathan smiled, it had been so good to have his brother around, although he knew it was only a temporary solution. He worried about Zander so much normally and he always missed him, so he was grateful for this time that they got to live together. He couldn’t help but worry about what came next though, him and Hazel couldn’t afford to support a 14 year old forever. 
“Here you go, open them up,” Hazel set another wrapped gift down on the table when she came back in with a plate for her and one for Zander. Nathan took a bite of his pancakes, then picked up the gift from Zander. He opened the box to find a fancy pair of dress socks in red, his favorite!
“Aw wow thanks Zand, these look great!” he said, pulling them out with a smile. 
“You’re welcome,” Zander beamed, looking very proud of himself, although Nathan was sure that Hazel had helped him pick them out. 
He took a few more bites of his pancake before picking up Hazel’s gift. He unwrapped it and opened up the box, revealing a watch. It was an leather banded analog watch. His had broken a long time ago, and he’d been meaning to buy a new one, but had never gotten around to it. 
“Wow, Hazel thank you, this is awesome,” he said, quickly putting it on his wrist. 
“I’m glad you like it,” Hazel smiled, admiring how good the watch looked on his wrist. 
“These are awesome guys, seriously, and the pancakes are great, thank you,” Nathan said, feeling so incredibly lucky. With the way he grew up, he’d never had a birthday like this, not really. 
“I do have one more present for you,” Hazel said, biting her lip. “It’s kind of for both of you actually,” she said, glancing back and forth between Nathan and Zander. 
“Both of us?” Zander asked in confusion. It wasn’t his birthday, why would Hazel have gotten him something too?
“It’s not really a physical thing, and it’s not for sure yet, but...” Hazel trailed off, practically vibrating with excitement, which she was trying to contain for the sake of building anticipation.
“Just spit it out babe, you’re killing us,” Nathan joked, although he was beginning to feel a bit nervous to be honest. What the hell was she up to?
“I talked to my older brother, Dean, the other day... So Dean’s wife Tammy is a social worker, so she feels really passionately about kids, especially those who are in situations like what you guys have had to deal with. And they have always wanted to have kids but Tammy can’t because of some medical reasons,” Hazel explained. 
“Okay, go on,” Nathan urged. He had a suspicion of where this was going but he didn’t want to get his hopes up until he knew for sure that he was right. 
“They want to adopt you Zander,” she said quickly.
“Oh my god,” Nathan laughed, relieved that he’d been right. 
“What?” Zander asked in shock. 
“They still have to go through the whole process and of course I’ll take you to meet them sometime soon but I know you guys will get along great. And anyway it’ll still be awhile before anything happens, but they want you Zand. And that way he’ll be close and he’ll be with people you know and trust and-” Hazel was cut off when Nathan jumped out of his chair and practically tackled her with a hug. 
“Your brother is going to adopt me? Like they’ll be my new parents?” Zander asked with wide eyes.
“Yeah, kiddo, they’ll be your new parents,” Hazel nodded, reaching out to take his hand in hers. 
Nathan let go of her and walked around the table to Zander, wrapping his arms tightly around him as he cried tears of his own. He’d spent his whole life worrying about Zander and trying to keep him safe, and now, for the first time ever, he really would be safe. 
“They’re such good people Zand, you’re gonna be so happy there. They’ll take great care of you, I know they will,” Nathan cried, smiling at his brother as tears poured down both of their cheeks. 
“Everything is going to be okay you guys,” Hazel told them. 
She got up and moved to wrap an arm around both boys, feeling some tears of happiness welling in her own eyes as well. 
“Thank you Hazel, thank you so much, for everything,” Zander said, looking up at her. 
“You don’t have to thank me, Nathan and I both just want you to be happy,” she said.
“No Hazel seriously this is amazing, what you did, I can’t ever thank you enough for doing this. He was my responsibility, but yet you took it upon yourself and I-I don’t even know how to thank you,” Nathan stammered, almost at a loss for words.
“That’s my job love, to share your burdens. That’s what we do,” she nodded at him, smiling softly. She reached out to wipe the tears off of his cheeks as he smiled back at her. 
Nathan felt like he could breathe for the first time in weeks. Zander was out of that house forever, and he was going to be somewhere with people who would love him and take care of him. People who could afford to support him. 
“This is freaking amazing, Zand, seriously. They’re wonderful, I promise. And this way I’ll still get to see you lots,” Nathan turned to address his brother again, who hadn’t stopped smiling since Hazel had told them the news. 
“I love you so much, both of you,” Zander cried, swiping at the tears on his cheeks as he stood up to embrace them again.
They both wrapped their arms around the boy, all of them holding eachother for a few more moments, reveling in the happiness and the knowledge that this was all going to be okay. Nathan really should’ve known that Hazel would figure it out. She had promised to keep Zander safe, and not to let anything happen to him, and Hazel did not take promises lightly. He owed her the world. 
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skylerklew · 7 years
Cafe Lalo Writing Session 2017-08-21
1. I am thankful that I finally cut my hair today (after nearly 3 months), and it turned out OK.
2. I am thankful thank that Jia met up to have dinner with me.
3. I am thankful for my good health, which is why I made it a point to get back into my work out routine today.
4. I am thankful that I am going to Boston this weekend.
5. I am thankful that North Korea backed off from bombing Cuba.
6. I am thankful that I get to spend time with my grandparents, even though I feel like I miss having my own space/apartment.
7. I am thankful for having my cousins Wes, Cass, and Jaime in my life.
8. I am thankful that I told Jia about my faith in God.
9. I am thankful for getting to explore New York City since I decided to make the big move here.
10. I am thank for that cool message about world peace with regard to the solar eclipse.
================================================== 10 FAVORITE MEMORIES FROM THIS SUMMER (10 MINUTES) @10:00PM
1. The last night we dj’d at Soho with the crew with our equipment, which I ended up taking with me to New York City.
2. Conquering a solo x-country trip in 2.5 days. Reaching New Mexico circa 15 hours of driving and being totally exhausted and wanting to pull over, but feeling scared about the two hill billies that came out to smoke cigs and eyeing my car down from afar. Saying to myself, fuck sleep and pounding an energy drink to power through another 200 miles of driving to a safer stop area. Being surrounded by mostly 18 wheelers and driving through the 2 lane highway in Kansas with no divider between the opposing traffic for hundreds of miles and little sleep.
3. Cooking dinner for my grandparents.
4. My nephew Oliver’s first birthday party @ Sam’s aunt’s house.
5. Aunt Amy’s bbq for Daniel’s man cave debut, even though the man cave was just meh.
6. Late night Battery Park walk with Jia.
7. Dog-sitting Winnie for Cass & Ash.
8. Biking with Cass during Summer Streets.
9. Not settling for less, knowing my worth, and getting a FAT ass annual raise at work which I negotiated like a fucking boss.
10. Working remotely by Pacific Beach with Ardes on a bench at the end of Zack’s street, right before I gave Zack my bong as his bday gift.
11. Sammie throwing my going away party that me, Vinh, and BT DJ’d then house rolling. That was one of the most thoughtful things ever.
12. When Jia came to visit San Diego and hung out with Minh and I. Taking her to North Park. We hotboxed my car and smoked her up for the first time in Hillcrest. Taking her to Soho. Then she came over and I spun some electro house for her hahah.
13. Aunt Tammie’s bbq for Corey & Grandma’s birthday.
14. Lance’s high school graduation, driving to Boston and back to NY with Bren. Partying with Bren like actual adults :D
15. Going to see The Chainsmokers with Sean, Marisa, and their mom Sandra LMAO.
16. Sean showing me around the city to check out Arlene’s Grocery, Fat Buddha, W&W @ Webster Hall, Brunch Bounce to see Sosupersam @ La Marina, A-Trak @ Coney Island.
17. My 33rd birthday dinner @ Georgia’s with grandparents and Caitlyn.
18. Helping Aunt Jean scrape the old paint on the side of her house in Long Island.
19. Making travel plans during this summer into the autumn/winter time (i.e. Berlin/Singapore for work, Cancun to be in Uncle Bobby & Raziel’s wedding, then Thailand with Scott for a week, SF/LA/SD in December).
20. Late night city excursions to the Upper West Side indulging in debauchery, writing at Cafe Lalo, and eating Thai comfort food with Jia.
I remember Minh telling me that he was going to meet up with a friend from New York that he met while he visited. I was just coming along for the heck of it at first. Then I realized that this could and would be a good opportunity for me to make a friend for when I move to NY, so all the more reason. When I met Jia, I was like wow, she’s so much taller than Minh and I but whatevz. I hope she doesn’t mind hanging out with two short guys looking like we’re her younger brothers’ friends. Her vibe seemed laid back though. I wondered if she had the impression that Minh and I were fuckboys haha. I was really impressed with how she does her eye makeup and had very nice hair lmao ;)) I got kinda worried at first when she said she doesn’t drink that much and never smokes. I thought she might be a sheltered goody two shoes girl that would judge me. However, all of that cleared up when she was down to smoke for the first time with us. Then while we were smoking in my car, I realized that she might not handle weed well, then I started to feel paranoid that she was gonna get paranoid about being high around strangers, but she was actually chill about it. I thought she was going to judge me when she came to my ghetto ass studio in City Heights, but she was fine. She really liked the music I spun for her and I was imagining what her friends in NYC were like and if I would ever be able to DJ in front of them. Time.
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Jimmy & Janis
Jimmy: 💕 Janis: feeling the love 'cos corporate making ya, hey? Janis: how many holiday drinks you made today Jimmy: feels like billions Jimmy: not the kinda wrist action to be #buzzing about Janis: here's hoping you working commission lad Janis: is any? 🤔 #hotdatewithjane Jimmy: Tam's been in and out all day earning you those kicks you desire Jimmy: #notsosecretadmirer Jimmy: can't stay away on this special day Janis: Christ, you'd think she wouldn't wanna be seen DEAD outside her house, single, on this most sacred day Janis: gotta be stringing her along with lingering just a little too long when handing over the caffeine, good job babe 👏 Janis: think Grace is lowkey in hiding Janis: too late to even frantically swipe right on tinder now ladies Jimmy: Tell her Bobby'll be round Jimmy: He would if date night wasn't past his bedtime like Janis: 😂 bless Janis: all got our cross to bear, kid Janis: can't get my date out without a leash and promises of treats 🤷 Jimmy: Speaking of bitches, I seen Mia's timed her latest for the stockholm syndrome to kick in right on time Janis: look, i know you're bitter 'cos i've chucked you for better but don't bad mouth the bae, ok? Janis: forreal tho, they have schedules, like clockwork Janis: a new man for every occasion, this one won't last 'til her bday Jimmy: Keeping my hands where Tams can't see or cuff 'em Janis: 😏 tmi Janis: and unhygienic to boot, you serve lattes with those hands Jimmy: filthy 🧠 Jimmy: it's the company you keep Jimmy: Twix's gone from trying to shit in my dad's shoes to humping 'em Janis: whoa now, i didn't teach her that Janis: but think about it, from a scatological foot fetish to just a bit of vanilla pre-teen humping of inanimate objects Janis: it IS a step in the right direction Jimmy: But you are about treating 'em mean to keep 'em keen Janis: Your kicks are safe, dun' worry Janis: if she's taught me anything, not the way into the good books 😇 Jimmy: If you wanna aim for my work shoes I won't complain Jimmy: A day off is a day off Jimmy: Warn me first though, unless you're into those kind of surprises Janis: Best not to be seen with each other today Janis: don't wanna give everyone the wrong idea Janis: but nice try, you'll have to stick to burning yaself and the like if you wanna bunk Jimmy: Tammy's bound to help me with that Jimmy: #likeagiraffeonice Janis: She's beauty, she's graces Janis: wants you to cum all over her face Jimmy: fingers crossed she'll melt mine off first Jimmy: Better with that Janis: fair Janis: no way you've got the reach Jimmy: 💕 #whenbaebelievesinyou Janis: what, you want me to offer help with target practice? Janis: nice try dickhead 😜 Jimmy: Romance isn't dead there's the proof Jimmy: What are you doing today, aside from belly rubs for the bae Janis: gotta do something, don't I? feel bad like Janis: slayed the gift game and I really phoned it in so obvs gotta give out those sexual favours Janis: nowt though, trying to avoid seeing all the lovey-dovey couples making me wanna vom Janis: letting Tam work her magic in peace 😘 welcome like Jimmy: 💔🐶🎻 Jimmy: Making drinks with my eyes closed 'cause same Jimmy: Crack on Tam #tallgirlsneedlovetoo Janis: any barista will do 🎶 Janis: wanna hang when the madness is over Jimmy: The way this queue is going there isn't gonna be goodies left to bring you Jimmy: But I'm sweet enough😎 Jimmy: So yeah Janis: Bummer Janis: guess I can't kick you outta bed for that alone Janis: let you tot up negatives throughout the day, standard Jimmy: Got a pen behind my ear Jimmy: Come at me Janis: never could resist a challenge Janis: 🙄 walked into that one Janis: can we do something not shit Janis: don't need to see you slurping down spaghetti lady and the tramp stylee Jimmy: 💔 I'll shoo away all the strays I've gathered Jimmy: Only one dog for you like Jimmy: But of course that's how we stay goals Jimmy: any old shit won't do 💪🏆 Janis: 🎻 Janis: okay good Janis: play your cards right and get it right Janis: i'll spring for the motel 😉 Jimmy: Challenge accepted Janis: for once i'll be rooting for you Janis: my parents are unbearable at the best of times Janis: 🤢 Janis: actually cannot deal Jimmy: My dad and his girlfriend are still early days enough that they can bear to be in the same room Jimmy: I won't fail Janis: oh the honeymoon period Janis: disgusting Janis: thank god we got that out of the way with a fake relationship so you know my true feelings 😏 Jimmy: yeah thanks mate Jimmy: 👍 Janis: welcome, buddy o' pal o' mine Jimmy: Done Jimmy: I've worked it out Janis: taking a particularly difficult shit? Janis: again, don't need these intimate updates honey Janis: not #goals Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: No, what's goals is what we're gonna do, babe 😏 Jimmy: Keeping you outta the house 'til there's no cringe factor left Janis: Ahh Janis: colour me intrigued Jimothy Janis: what's the dress code? Jimmy: 🤔 Jimmy: Nothing Tam would be seen dead in Janis: Alright, no body con that shows all my worst bits, gotcha Janis: do I get ANY clues? Curious 🙀 right here Jimmy: You might just make yourself a new bae Jimmy: But pace yourself mate Janis: 😳 Janis: i don't own any PVC clothing, you know that, yeah? Jimmy: I do now 🎻 Janis: 😂 can literally hear Gracie in my head asking me what i'm like rn Janis: letting ya man down on vday Janis: honestly Jimmy: when one twin's a giver and the other's a taker 😂 Janis: tbf, we BOTH told you you'd got the wrong one but Janis: cloth ears you Jimmy: Down for the challenge Jimmy: Too late to not be a stubborn dickhead, me Janis: looks like we're both stuck then, lad Jimmy: there's that #realtalk mate Janis: can't say we didn't both give it a fair go Janis: #longdistanceloveinskerries #teenagerunaway Jimmy: You'll always have Twix 💕 Janis: gotta have someone to rely on init Jimmy: #tea Janis: #scaldedagain #jobhazard Jimmy: [Sends a selfie of an actual burn/on the job hazard] Jimmy: Stuff of fantasies that Janis: Poor baby! Has Tam not offered to 💋 it better? Janis: #slacking Jimmy: She's got her 👀 a bit lower down Jimmy: I'm just a piece of 🍖 Jimmy: The real hazard Janis: start a # about it Janis: 'cos can't blame her Janis: part of the problem, truly Jimmy: Will do Janis: being all distracting there with your apron and that Janis: asking for it Jimmy: I thought it was the shoes Jimmy: Sexy from head to toe like Jimmy: 🐶💗 Janis: 😋 something certainly got tongues n tails wagging Jimmy: 😎 Jimmy: The company I keep, I think 😉 Janis: valid, the bitches love me 😍 Jimmy: Alright, save it for the 'gram Jimmy: #humblebrag Janis: Twix is a busy lady, only got you scheduled in so far Janis: guess the fans will have to make do with your mug 😜 Jimmy: unlucky lads and lasses Janis: they love it Janis: 'til some other cunt is unlucky enough to be enrolled in our school, you're gonna stay flavour of the month 🍦 Jimmy: 💪🥇 Janis: meanwhile, i gotta wait 'til the next fam scandal 'til I'm relevant again Janis: such is life Janis: not that its ever THAT long 🙄 Jimmy: Whip up some fake drama for you to hide in if you want Jimmy: Crack 'em out with the lattes Janis: I don't doubt you're capable Janis: just getting over sinkgate 😏 Mr. Lucas never will 😉 Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: He's one of the only dickheads who hasn't been in today Jimmy: Still time 🤞 Janis: think a milky earl grey is his shout Janis: get it ready, really impress him Janis: more than you did, obvs Jimmy: The coffee breath and forehead vein says espresso though 🤔 Jimmy: Man o mystery Janis: 🤤 Janis: so hot Jimmy: More competition is it? Jimmy: 💔🎻 Janis: Using you as a ploy to get him hot under that starched collar all along Janis: soz babes 😘 Jimmy: I should've known your real goal was to get under that lumpy jumper Janis: 😂 Janis: know he's got the goods under it Jimmy: Can't fight the feeling Janis: s'a real shame the hottest female teacher we've got is that TA with the wonky fringe and clompy shoes Janis: who you got your sights set on next? Jimmy: always been about a wonky fringe meself Jimmy: Clompy shoes are a massive bonus when Twix is being a mad bitch underfoot too like Janis: draw the line there pal Janis: gotta get the dog in the divorce like Janis: not letting that hipster bitch anywhere near Jimmy: 🥊 Jimmy: going down swinging Janis: if she doesn't scream cat lady as is, she's defs into weird pets like fucking Janis: stick insects Janis: hope you're soooo happy together like 🖕 not even mad Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: nice to have your blessing, mate Jimmy: be my best man on the day Janis: literally fuck off Janis: only just got rid of the lesbian rumours and you wanna put me in a suit WHILST friendzoning me Janis: nah 😤 Jimmy: spoilsport Jimmy: found a challenge she won't accept Janis: only way i'm showing up is if you invite all your exes and put us on a table so we can chat mad shit on you Janis: be a man about it, boy Jimmy: card table at the back, couple of chairs so you can place your bets 👍 Janis: more like it Janis: hook up with your actual best man Janis: pure spite and alcohol fuelling me Jimmy: It'd probs be Cass so best not Jimmy: no good for the rep Janis: 😡 Janis: same tho, if i ever got hitched (ignoring the unlikeliness of that) i'd have to hit up the sibs for those bridesmaids and ting Janis: least my fam is good for numbers if not company like Jimmy: Grace has used her twin senses and is moodboarding somewhere rn Jimmy: Unlucky Janis: 🤢 don't Janis: vietnam flashbacks rn Janis: you know how many fake weddings of hers i've attended Jimmy: I can imagine Jimmy: And am Jimmy: Cute 😂 Janis: Fuck off Janis: shame your dad don't wanna be bffs Janis: can't hit him up for embarrassing pics and stories to use against you Jimmy: Another win to my name Janis: 🖕 Janis: sincerely hope you get a beverage thrown in ur face Jimmy: 💕 Janis: Wish you'da got me some earplugs Jimmy: Come on over mate, I've got loads Jimmy: #whenyourdadisdating Janis: literally Janis: at least you know its the same woman to avoid when she runs to the bog to clean herself up Janis: Pablo already on 2nd of the day Janis: Need a way to let 'em know Jimmy: Gotta have a sleepover with your real bae Jimmy: Twix'll sort 'em Jimmy: Sticking her nose in, literally like Janis: Oh that sweet curious girl Janis: some things she never need see 🙈 Jimmy: #nosybitchproblems Janis: getting dirt on enemy #1 anyway she can Janis: those bribe bones coming her way Jimmy: Happy v-day to her Janis: Maybe you and wonky fringe can have a fuck-off Janis: bet she's a right goer when you get the hair down and glasses off like Jimmy: Invite you and Mr Lucas for the post shag debrief Jimmy: Give you a /10 Janis: Naturally Janis: so curious to know how I rank 😒 Jimmy: Always a 10 with Twix Janis: 🙌 Janis: that'll help with the rep Jimmy: Me and Killer'll take the heat off with our new relationship shine Janis: yeah it loves you Janis: daft fucking dog Jimmy: Pity I can't turn the 💕 into 💰 Jimmy: Loads of lattes no will to keep slinging 'em Janis: Looking for a career change? Janis: fame getting too real? Jimmy: Got me looking like a deer in the headlights Jimmy: Tammy's livid Jimmy: There can only be one Janis: 'bout to be a bloodbath in CG Jimmy: Place your bets, mate Janis: hmm Janis: Tams got the reach like but reckon she's mostly talk n neck Janis: nan's not been in has she? 😉 Jimmy: She's serving me that 💔 while I crane my own neck looking out for her all day long Jimmy: no sign yet Janis: Gutted Janis: even she's feeling the lurve today Janis: literally no place to go Janis: so tragic Jimmy: About to eat my feelings like a proper flat white squad member Jimmy: Speaking of feeling that l.u.r.v.e did you hear how many cards Cass got sent? Jimmy: 7 Janis: WHAT Janis: get it gurl but also fuck off lads she's too lil Jimmy: walking about like its nowt Jimmy: 😎 Janis: thank god Janis: no one needs that ego boost Janis: fuming tbh Jimmy: Bobs made one at school Jimmy: guess who for Janis: Aww, bless him Janis: she does need that boost Janis: he gonna hand-deliver? Jimmy: He's insisting Jimmy: So be about Jimmy: You got one too Jimmy: moving in on my lass Janis: we in, have to kick the empty ice cream cartons out the way like but find us in front of bridget jones or similar Janis: i'm honoured like 😊 Jimmy: Yours is bigger but hers has more glitter Jimmy: Can't call a winner Janis: size matters Janis: #facts Janis: soz Gracie, gotta fight you or you'll get too comfy Jimmy: Just don't let her vlog it Jimmy: Don't need porno style #s going viral Janis: MY TWIN ATTACKED ME!?!?!?! (NOT CLICKBAIT) Jimmy: Haters, on this sacred day Jimmy: #savage Janis: Glad to keep her in #content Janis: who's the real ⭐ baby Jimmy: 🤩 Jimmy: Better than 💝 chocs Janis: the calories! 😱 Jimmy: who needs food when you can exist on ☕ and even hotter goss 💋 Janis: diet of champions that 🙄 Janis: mia be bullshitting them that she doesn't run on sheer cuntiness Jimmy: Mia? A bullshitter? 😲 Jimmy: Nope Janis: awks 😕 Janis: did you think you was forever? Jimmy: she was my fucking cinnamon apple Janis: 😂 Janis: at least i've got an excuse to fight her again Janis: try not to get in the way this time Jimmy: Will do Jimmy: 2nd rule of fight club, get out the way dickhead Janis: brad pitt in that film Janis: mwah 💋👌 Jimmy: Alright Jimmy: I got no retort because Helena, not the one like Janis: crazy bitch not your type, eh? Janis: think the masses would have to disagree 😏 Jimmy: Start a # or I'm not listening, sorry everyone Janis: he's a modern man Jimmy: 💪😎 Janis: wonder if anyone will get pregnant tonight Janis: wanna make a bet? Jimmy: yeah Jimmy: I'll put today's wage on it Jimmy: No tips Jimmy: Need them for our big 💕 plans Janis: alright, you're on Janis: here's hoping its only the tip for all the other lads like Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: Walked into that one Janis: 💁 Janis: shame we're not a hardcore catholic school #upthebuttforjesus Jimmy: I'd have to pray meself if I'd made a bet under them conditions Janis: what can i say? just like me, showing faith in our peers Janis: ur so negative, babe Janis: like dem tests 🤞 Jimmy: don't need to be an optimist to wait for those positives Janis: we'll see Jimmy: what to I get when I win this one Jimmy: quite a streak now babe 😏 Janis: 😣 Janis: on the off chance you manage to scrape a win Janis: what do you want? Jimmy: 🤔 Jimmy: Escape route for longer than a night for starters Jimmy: Lovebirds doing my head in Jimmy: I'm thinking a weekend break that isn't #cursed like Janis: Always down for running Janis: up for it not being away from you this time 😉 Janis: bringing the kiddos or? Jimmy: Depends if they kick off Jimmy: Got time to work on bribes Jimmy: Dad's Valerie might wanna play happy families 😒 Janis: 😬 Janis: that'll be fun Janis: can't have you dealing with that Janis: at least their tales of woe whilst you were gone will be packed with that #scandal and #drama Jimmy: might be easier to take 'em amount of SOS's we'd get Jimmy: Cass blowing up both our phones before we're out the door Jimmy: fuck knows Janis: Eithers cool Janis: just leave the hardcore whips n chains at home like Jimmy: Damn Jimmy: Alright done Jimmy: If we stick 'em on their own does that make us the mccanns Janis: not if we don't drug 'em Janis: stick to sweets and other such bribes and we'll be alright Jimmy: Gonna be enough of a plan getting there without adding a murder cover up Janis: honestly Janis: not on the agenda Janis: not a nice pretty white doctor like, never getting away with it Jimmy: not the 💕 american films'd have you believe either I reckon Jimmy: Surrounded by a cloud of smoke already cheers don't need a hail of bullets Janis: yeah if #blacklivesmatter taught us anything Janis: not the ideal way to spend a weekend Janis: also, still creasing at her name Janis: such middle aged hot piece of ass vibes Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: definitely can't promise you any of that Jimmy: but if you win, I'll 🚭 and hopefully run like less of a middle aged dickhead with a dad bod Jimmy: less of an evidence trail an' all Jimmy: win win Janis: whoa, that's awful big talk from the resident chimney Janis: you are sure you're gonna win 😉 Janis: but i accept the full Ts and Cs Janis: you should train with me Janis: not just an excuse to 👀 the dad bod Jimmy: Deal done then Jimmy: Trying to see me in my short shorts Jimmy: You'll have to catch me first like Janis: wouldn't even be fair to make it a competition like Jimmy: If you're too shit scared, mate Janis: just curious why you wanna lose so bad Janis: thinking you might love what punishment i have in mind? Jimmy: Wondering what it feels like 'cause it never happens Jimmy: You seem to be about it with all your repeats Janis: I'm going to enjoy making you suffer Jimmy: 😏 Jimmy: Gonna start a club with Mr Lucas? Janis: any time i get to spend with him like Janis: not like I wanna think up new cruel and unusual ways to get you but Janis: needs must Jimmy: 💕 cute Jimmy: I'd tell him to get his 🎻 out but we know what those hands are busy doing Janis: eurgh 😂 too far Janis: my 'rents reckon he's an actual predator, like, there are stories Janis: do not wanna commit so hard to this bit that I become his next victim forreal Jimmy: Not gonna happen babe 💪😎🐶 Jimmy: Squad got you covered Janis: My heroes 😍 Jimmy: If Twix isn't up to it my bae'll come through Jimmy: Named for it literally Janis: Reckon that was the idea Janis: or they were being ironic with it Janis: #sojokes Jimmy: either way I'll knock him out before its a drama Jimmy: as long as you don't get in my way naturally Janis: don't worry, got the sense I was born with 😜 Janis: dickhead Jimmy: Lucky you were born with it Jimmy: Some of us have neither Janis: 🎻 Janis: so what part of pretty woman you looking to recreate this time Janis: what's your artistic vision? 😏 Jimmy: I haven't seen it Jimmy: Bound to be an aesthetic montage though, isn't there? Janis: don't let my sister hear you Janis: roped into GIRLS NIGHT! before you know it Jimmy: Get the popcorn in Gracie, mine's salted Jimmy: Shout you a diet something if you keep the noise down, hun Janis: #romanticvdaynightplans Janis: i get why she got confused, you have #boundaryissues mate 😂 Jimmy: Living up to that dating a twin stereotype Jimmy: The people in my comment section DEMAND it, alright? Jimmy: #gottagiveemwhattheywant Janis: Nah, bitch, you can only play that if we're identical Janis: its not like whoops thought it was u Janis: on ANY level 😤 Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: Oh shit the boss is the embodiment of that emoji Jimmy: Yours not mine Jimmy: Gonna have to get a room Jimmy: Ban him, that's not how I'm earning employee of the month perks, sorry lad Janis: Convenient 😒 Janis: lemme catch u in her inbox boi 🥊 Janis: jk, get to work slacker, catch you in a mo Jimmy: 🐊 Jimmy: In a bit 💕 Janis: 🖤
0 notes
asirensrage · 3 years
It's @vixenofcourse's birthday!!!
Everyone say "Happy Birthday!" Vix, you have been such a wonderful friend and supporter! I honestly can't say that I would have finished writing AoS without you pushing me and asking questions, nor would my other fics like Tammy Thompson Takes on the Upside Down or It's Always Darkest Before the (Second) Dawn even exist. Thank you for being you. I am so glad I wrote AoS because we're friends now because of it. I hope you have a fantastic birthday.
Now, when I asked her what she wanted as a gift, she gave me a list to choose from of things to write: - somebody discovering what a doting cat!day Erudite!Eric is with Dio (from the AoS AU! fic I'm writing) - Steve and Kate (from Tammy Thompson Takes on the Upside Down) confessing their feelings to each other (does not have to be kept in the fic) - Sofie and Anton being romantic in front of Hermione and Aleksander (who are together and thinking they're not in the same league) (from It's Always Darkest Before the (Second) Dawn) -Quest and Eric having antagonistic sexy times. (from untitled Divergent fic)
She gave me free rein to choose one and follow the muse. You'll have to forgive any errors with this lol. I don't know how well it turned out. There are no promises that this will go the same way when I eventually write it in the fic. So I hope you enjoy it and have a great bday!
Erudite!Eric with Dio
She isn’t sure how to react. It’s not like she’s known him long, but Eric was generally stoic with other people. This...this was something else.
“I hear you,” she heard him say. “Hold on.” He reached into the bag at his side and pulled something out. “Here you go. Got it?” He held it up to his hood and she watched as a small orange thing bit it out of his hand. There was an animal in his hood. Now that was interesting. Eric hadn’t seemed the type. It explained the hair on his clothes though.
She leaned against the doorway and watched. There was a soft “mrow” sound before the orange thing popped its head out and started climbing out of the hood. It got all the way to his shoulders before Eric picked it up.
“What did we talk about?” he asked it softly. “You have to stay there.” He pet its head. His hand seemed giant in comparison. The small cat, for it was a cat she finally realized, pushed its head up against his hand before reaching out and clawing at his jacket. Eric brought the thing closer and the cat proceeded to climb up and rub its head against his chin.
“Alright, that’s enough.” His tone got a bit more stern. “We’ll work on your tricks when we get home. In you go.” He lifted it and with some maneuvering, placed the kitten back into his hood. “Stay.”
He reached out and grabbed another piece of whatever it was that he had given the cat in the first place. He dropped it in his hood and got back to work.
“I didn’t take you for an animal lover,” she called out.
Eric turned to face her. “Joanna. I didn’t see you there.”
“Don’t get up,” she said, motioning him to stay crouched down. “I didn’t mean to interrupt. Who’s your friend?”
Eric stood regardless. “Dio. She found me a couple weeks ago.”
“She must sense your good nature,” she said softly, reaching up to see the kitten.
Eric snorted. “I fed her and she hasn’t left me since.”
“I’m surprised Erudite allows you to keep her.”
Eric met her eyes. “They don’t know.” His tone had hardened.
Joanna smiled lightly. “They won’t hear it from me. She’s a good companion for you.”
He nodded. “I appreciate that.”
“I’ll let you get back to your work. Let me know if you need anything for her care.”
He stared at her for a moment, looking as if he was trying to gauge whether or not she was serious, or if he would owe her for it. “Thank you.”
She nodded back and turned to leave him in peace. She smiled to herself as she walked away. For as serious as Eric was, the kitten was clearly good for him. Hopefully, it would help temper his stoic nature and let him relax around people.
Steve and Kate: Confession
“Can we talk?”
I turned to look at Steve. We had been walking in silence for at least ten minutes. It wasn’t anything new, the silence and been comfortable, but any time someone uttered those words, it always caused dread to form in the pit of my stomach. No one liked to be told we need to talk.
“Sure,” I said lightly. “What’s up?” Steve stopped walking and I turned to face him. “You okay?”
“I want to tell you something and I want you to listen, like actually listen Kate. Okay?”
I frowned slightly but nodded.
“We’ve been friends for over a year now, right? And it’s good, I like being friends with you but it’s been…” he trailed off for a moment and looked away. He ran a hand through his hair. “We’ve been together through a lot, and at first it was crazy and I had never expected someone like Tammy to get involved but I realized that I’ve always known you as Kate. Kate’s the one who will jump into a hole first just to make sure it’s safe for the kids, or who withstands torture and makes sure I don’t do something stupid that’s going to endanger them. I thought you were a badass, but then I learned the truth and you became so much more. I know…” he swallowed. “I know you kept people at a distance because you’re different from us. I don’t care.”
I looked at him, totally confused. “What?”
“I don’t care that you’re different. I don’t care that you’re from the future or whatever. I just...I like you, Kate, really like you and half the time we’re together I think about what it would be like to kiss you and I don’t want you to be scared or tell me it’s not possible because I think it is. I think you and me...we deserve a chance to be more than friends, right?”
I stared at him, stunned. “Steve....”
“Please don’t argue with me. If you don’t like me like that, then tell me, but I think you do and I think you’re hesitating because you’re scared and you don’t have to be. I mean, aside from the fact that you can kick my ass, but I’m not going to hurt you Kate and you won’t hurt me.”
He wasn’t wrong. I did like Steve. More than I had any right to. He had proven himself over and over to be strong, helpful...and more importantly, he was charming and steadfast. I liked that I didn’t have to hide with him. The longer I spent with him, the less awkward it felt. I didn’t feel like I was still 28 and trapped while surrounded by kids. I felt like he and I were on equal footing in this constant battle against monsters and governments. It also oddly helped that we both kept getting involved in looking after the kids who just dove into these situations head first without looking back.
“Are you sure?” I asked softly.
“More than anything,” he said. He took my hands in his and stepped closer. “Let me prove it.”
“Well, first we’ll go on a date. Maybe the movies, grab some food. If it goes well, I can kiss you goodnight, drive you home and we do it again. And again.”
“Kissing?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. Not that I was opposed but it was an odd way to phrase it.
I considered for a moment before I looked at him. “One condition.”
“Name it.”
“Kiss me now. If there’s no chemistry, we forget this. If there is...then I’ll go on the date.”
He didn’t respond. At least, not with words. He stepped closer before he let go of one of my hands. He touched my cheek softly before tilting my face up. My eyes closed automatically as his lips met mine. This should have been weird. This should have felt...god how long had it been since I kissed someone?
My hand went to the back of his neck, trying to keep him there. His mouth moved against mine slowly, almost tentatively like he wasn’t sure or at least didn’t want to break me. I let go of his other hand and gripped the front of his shirt. His arm went around my waist, pulling me against him.
The kiss deepened and for a moment I forgot everything except the boy holding me. We broke the kiss and inhaled deeply. I hadn’t even realized I had barely been breathing. Steve grinned at me.
“How’s that for chemistry?”
I burst out laughing at the cheesy comment. I couldn’t help it. “I think you pass.”
His smile widened. “You mean we did.”
I couldn’t help but smile back. “Guess so.”
Isn't It Romantic: Hermione and Aleksander
She couldn’t take her eyes off of them. It wasn’t that she didn’t know that they were together, she did. The age difference didn’t matter. Not when she knew how long Grisha could live. It was just that they were adorable.
This was the first time she had actually seen them together as a couple. She had met them separately and while she had been surprised that they were...lovers, it made perfect sense. At least now that she had seen them together.
Sofie and Anton were dancing. Despite being surrounded by other couples, they stood out. Anton stared at Sofie as if she was the most fascinating thing he had ever seen. He had a devious smile as he bent to whisper in her ear. Sofie laughed at whatever he had said. Her affection for him was clear though on her face. Her gaze softened as she looked at him.
“Spying?” Aleksander asked as he stepped up next to her.
“It’s not spying if we’re at a ball,” she said. “And I’m not spying. I am observing.”
“My apologies,” he said dryly. “I had not realized the acute differences.”
She held back the temptation to elbow him in the stomach. “They look happy.” She nodded towards the odd couple on the dance floor.
Aleksander took a sip of whatever he was drinking as he followed her gaze. “They are.”
“How long have they been together?” she asked softly.
“Three years now. Anton pursued her quite ardently before she allowed him into her bed. He has yet to leave.”
She couldn’t help but laugh slightly. “Well, you can’t blame Sofie. He is rather handsome.”
Aleksander turned to look at her and she ignored the way her cheeks heated | under his gaze. She wasn’t embarrassed by her admission.
“Of course. So are Ivan and Fedyor.” She deliberately left his name out.
“Witch,” he said softly, just loud enough that she could hear him. “You are a temptress.”
“I know,” she grinned. She turned back to watch Sofie and Anton. He was leading her through another waltz. Anton may be younger, but Hermione was certain that it was Sofie who needed to be kept up with. The man grinned at them as they passed by and Hermione waved slightly. “I think they have a romance usually found in stories.”
“How many others do you see who look at each other with the same level of affection that they do?”
There was a moment before he agreed. “It is rare but not wholly uncommon.” She could feel his stare on her again.
It wasn’t that she was not confident in his affection for her, but she doubted even they could obtain the same level that Sofie and Anton had.
“Come, Maya,” he said suddenly. She turned to see him holding out a hand towards her. “Shall we provide them with some competition?”
“A rare sight,” she said while reaching for his hand. “But we can try.”
“Let them have their affection,” Aleksander said while pulling her to the dance floor. He swept her up in his arms quickly, moving her into position. “We have ours.”
She smiled. “Think we’ll win?”
“Failure is never an option.” The music started once more and she allowed him to lead her in the movements. It was easy with him. Aleksander took control and rarely relinquished it. She could trust him to steer her well.
Sofie and Anton might have affection or even more passion than most people, but in Aleksander’s arms, Hermione was certain of one thing. What they had was magic.
Quest and Eric will make their appearance in the future...once they stop arguing. TBC as it goes lol.
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