#its the best bday present i could have hoped for
nikoruistyping · 2 years
Better Hold Your Breathe || Spencer Reid
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Spencer Reid x Fem!reader​
Summary: You had hoped to have a nice normal morning but its nothing but normal at the BAU and next thing you know you end up locked in the Evidence Room with none other than Spencer Reid, your coworker and crush. As time passes Spencer starts to have a panic attack and there was only one thing you could think of to help stop it...
TW: Fluff, Coworkers to Lovers Relationship, Kissing, Playful Banter, Jealous Spencer, Derek calling you Babygirl as a joke, Depictions of a Panic Attack due to Claustrophobia
Word Count: 2.5K?
A/N: This fic is my annual bday present for my best friend so happy bday my queen and I hope you enjoy this fic as much as I did making it for you. I hope your MGG thirst is quenched with this one even though its not really a smutty piece since I ended up changing my plot/idea last minute because I wasnt happy with my writing at all and I’m rusty so I’m sorry if its not as good as my other pieces. THIS IS ALSO MY FIRST CRIMINAL MINDS/SPENCER FIC SO SORRY IF HE SOUNDS A BIT OUT OF CHARACTER I TRIED YALL. BEFORE ANY ONE COMMENTS AND COMES FOR ME YES THIS WAS INSPIRED BY THE STILES & LYDIA KISS FROM TEEN WOLF 3x11 SO SHUT UP I KNOW!
Coffee holder in hand you used your hip to push the glass double doors to the BAU open. You had purposely gone to the coffee shop early that morning so that you could order not only yourself a cup but to also get one for Spencer, who also happened to be the one guy in the BAU that you had the biggest crush on ever since the first day you joined. By some miracle you had remembered his order by heart and it was stupid that you were remembering such little things about him but that's what you do when you really like someone that much right? You tried to convince yourself that watching him make his coffee step by step every morning in the kitchen wasn't creepy at all but next thing you knew you were taking notes about what milk he used and how many sugars he would put inside his cup.
You shook your head at the silly thought and happily you walked over to your desk with the biggest smile on your face ready to take on the rest of the day. Penelope took notice from across the room as she walked in at the same time as you and she lightly nudged your shoulder.
"Well someone looks extra chipper this morning." She commented pushing up her pink colored glasses.
"Aren't I always happy every time I walk into work?" You question raising your eyebrow at her.
"Usually you are but I'm guessing that it has to do with the fact that you bought two coffees...I'm pretty sure that's not all for you." She says with a sly smirk on her lips since she is clearly the best hacker in the BAU there is, but your crush on Spencer was blatantly obvious that she didn't need to hack into brain to know that information.
"Bold of you to assume that Penelope." You say trying to look away but you weren't always the best at hiding your feelings.
"Oh come on, you know I'm right and I'm pretty sure that coffee is for a special someone that we all know you have the biggest crush on." She says with a small roll of her eyes at how it was pointless for you to deny it at this point.
"Fine! Fine...I did get him a coffee but it's just a coffee and that's it, nothing more I promise." You say as you lie to not only yourself but to Penelope who wasn't believing a word that you were saying at all but she just gave you a look of disbelief as she saw Derek across the room and waved hello to him.
"Whatever you say Y/N. Just promise me that eventually you will make a move or else I'll do it for you." She said with a nudge to your shoulder again which just made you chuckle at her declaration.
"I pinky promise, you happy now Penelope?" You say a bit reluctantly.
"Much better. I'll see you in ten minutes in the meeting room, Hotch gave us a new case so I have to prepare." She says as she parts ways with you and heads to her office as you make your way to your desk which of course happened to be right across from Spencer's and it was extremely hard to focus all day looking at his pretty face twenty four seven.
You were surprised to see another coffee cup on your desk with a little sticky note attached to the lid and it instantly made you smile. The closer you got you set down the holder and looked across to Spencer’s desk but he was nowhere in sight. You carefully took the sticky note off the lid and started to read it to yourself.
Hope I got the order right and enjoy.
- Spencer Reid aka Your Favorite Desk Neighbor
His little note made you smile from ear to ear and you could help but pick up the cup and take a small sip. To your surprise he really did get your order right, you hadn't expected him to be so observant but then again he would have a job if that was the case right?
As you look up you see Spencer walking in your direction and when your eyes met his you tried your best to keep your composure and waved to him, his footsteps getting closer until he seemed to park himself right in front of your desk.
"Morning Spence. I-Um...thanks for the coffee that's really thoughtful of you." You admit taking another sip as you glanced over his beautiful facial features.
"Morning Y/N," His reply a controlled stutter, barely keeping it together while you inched closer to where he was leaning against the desk.
He accepted the pipping hot cup you bought him with a whispered thank you. You were excited to see his reaction and you had your fingers crossed that you remembered every detail of his order.
"Did I get it right?" You asked with an eager attitude and smile on your face while you tried to hide behind your coffee cup.
"Surprisingly enough you-" His words were interrupted by Derek coming up from behind and shaking his shoulders playfully.
"Good Morning you two," He said greeting us as he looked at all the coffee cups on your desk and furrowed his eyebrows.
"Looks like you two decided to throw a coffee party and not invite anyone. I'm taking this as compensation." He says with a laugh and grabbing the cup of coffee you had bought for yourself.
"I-I'll allow that but you owe me next time Derek." You say taking a sip and gritting your teeth a bit in anger but not letting it get the best of you.
"Fine I'll get you one next time babygirl," He said with a smirk and a little playful wink which made you flustered for a quick moment since it was out of character for him to ever call you that, that was always his thing with Penelope. You glanced at Spencer and his gaze seemed frustrated and angry, his knuckles almost turning white as he gripped the coffee cup harder. You couldn't quite read what was on his mind since he never was the best at showing or expressing his emotions. It was clear he was upset maybe jealous even.
"Oh come on now, I'm just playing no need to get all flustered. I'll see you both in the meeting room in ten." He said patting Spencer on the shoulder seeing as he made no comments at all about the interaction.
Before you could try and bounce back from the awkwardness Derek had instilled into your conversation with Spencer this morning felt like it couldn't get any worse until you got a call on your desk phone and you picked up.
"Hey Y/N, I need you to go into the evidence room and bring me a few boxes of evidence. Looks like its so old and outdated that its not in the computer system yet," Penelope explained over the phone.
"Penelope really?! Is it that urgent that it needs to be right now?" You question in a bit of an annoyed tone in your voice being as nothing seemed to be going as planned this morning.
"Yes Y/N it is! Pretty pretty please I won't ask you for any other favors for the whole day I promise," She pleaded and well you couldn't say no to your best friend in the whole department.
"Fine I'll go. Just text me the record box numbers and I'll go get them." You said letting out a breath as you nervously played with phone cord.
"Make sure to bring Spencer or Derek with you. The boxes are pretty heavy and good luck!" She hung up quickly before you could even say another word in protest but you accepted that this was basically defeat at this point.
You put the phone down hanging up and you give Spencer a look that makes him immediately curious. After with whatever just happened with Derek there was no way you were bringing him as a helping hand. You hated to admit it but the evidence room was extremely dark and scary looking to go into by yourself so it put you at ease that maybe Spencer would tag along.
"So...Spencer I need your help to go get some boxes from the evidence room. Are you in?" You ask taking one last sip of the delicious coffee and putting it down.
"Yeah, yeah of course I'll help." He quickly responds without hesitation as he followed your lead around the office and towards the direction of the room.
After what seemed like an eternity of silence between the two of you, he finally broke it the moment you reached your destination.
"I didn't know you and Derek had a 'thing' going on. I just always assumed him and Penelope were more into each other because of that ridiculous petname he calls her which honestly I think is a violation against having a healthy and safe work place environment-" He was fumbling his words as he rambled on about how he just couldn't imagine you and Derek being together.
"If it makes you feel any better Derek and I aren't a 'thing'. We never were. I don't know why he called me babygirl...it felt wrong but I know he was just probably joking with me to get on my nerves or something." You admit as you turn the rusty old doorknob after fussing with the keylock and open the door slowly.
"Wait...really so you aren't into him?" He questions while following your lead into the very lowly lit room that was filled with hundreds of boxes on dusty shelves.
"Make sure to hold the door open or else it will-" You spoke a bit too late because before you knew it you heard the door close and lock behind the both of you.
"-lock us in." You finish your sentence and Spencer looks behind him seeing as the door had really locked you two in there for who knows how long now.
"You should have warned me beforehand."
"How was I suppose to warn you beforehand if you had me distracted with something else?!"
"Jesus now we are stuck in here and Y/N you know how much I hate small dark enclosed spaces! This is literally my worst nightmare right now!" He exclaimed as his breathing seemed to get faster and he put his hand to his chest that was heaving up and down quickly. Spencer was having a panic attack and you weren't sure what to do.
"Hold on Spence, let me just call Penelope I'm sure she can help us." You say quickly fumbling with your phone, trying to put on the flashlight and finding her contact to call her as soon as possible.
"PENELOPE!" You scream into the phone in a panic.
"AH! Y/N why are you screaming into my headpiece right now?!"
"Spencer and I are stuck in the evidence room and he is having a panic attack right now so what do I do?! Can you get us out of here please!" You begged.
"Oh god…ok so this wasn't how this was suppose to go!" She replies back quickly.
"Penelope what are you talking about?! Did you plan this?"
"Well I wasn't planning on the door locking but I wanted to give you the right moment to make your move on Spencer but not like this!"
"Penelope I'm going to seriously unfriend you after this."
"I'm sorry! I'm gonna try and fix this right now just give me a few minutes, I will call you back right away."
"Is everything ok?" Spencer asks in-between quick and heavy breaths now that he has resorted to sitting on the floor while he tries to control his breathing but sadly all the dust and darkness isn't really helping at all and he seemed to be clutching his chest.
"We will get out of here soon, don't worry about that right now, just focus on me Spence." You say sitting in front of him and trying to do something but you didn't know what to do that could help in this situation.
His breathing only got quicker the more he seemed to panic and at that point you got an idea but maybe it was worth the risk of whatever would come afterwards but you decided to just do it anyways.
"Hey! Spencer look at me...just look at me..." Your voice trailed off as you seemed to lean in closer to him, your hands cupping his face, being pricked by his stubble as you made eye contact with him despite the lighting situation.
Without even having to think twice you quickly closed the gap between the both of you and your lips met his. At first he was completely stunned you could tell by his reaction since his teeth seemed to clash with yours but as you both eased into it a wave of relief hit his body and he was completely relaxed. You didn't let go of him only bringing him as close as humanly possible while your lips moved gently against his. Before the both of you almost ran out of breathe you slowly pulled away, his forehead leaning against yours as you were surprised with yourself that you even did something like that to begin with.
Spencer's eyes seemed to be darting everywhere looking at you but then looking all over your entire face, still in shock that you flat out kissed him.
"How...How did you do that?" He whispered out into the small space between you both.
"I-Uh...I read once that holding your breathe can stop a panic attack," You paused for a small moment almost getting lost in his brown eyes as you tried to focus on trying to shamelessly explain yourself.
"So when I kissed you...you held your breathe."
"I-I did?" He asked almost in disbelief that he even had the chance to kiss you.
"Yeah...you did."
"Thanks...you know that's really smart..." His voice trailed off almost echoing but you could help but blush and feeling absolutely flustered by the whole situation.
"Well I just-I read it somewhere and I felt a bit helpless not being able to help you so I thought this must be the only way." You twiddled your thumbs in your lap looking down as you bit your lip, it still tasting of coffee except it seemed more bitter tasting.
"Must be the only way, hmm," He hummed a bit in disbelief at your explanation but he reached his hand out to hold yours and gently squeezed.
"Do you believe now that I definitely don't have a 'thing' with Derek?" You question squeezing his hand right back as you couldn't help but smile at him despite not being able to see him too well in the darkness.
"I don't know I might need you to verify one more time just to make sure." He says with a chuckle coming off his lips.
"Wow you're much cheekier than I thought Spence." You say giggling a bit to yourself.
"You know when we finally get out of here do you maybe want to go to dinner with me sometime? I mean only if you want to-" He was still nervous and somehow stuttered out his sentence but you just pulled him in for a hug and kissed his cheek in the process.
"Yes, I would love that Spence." You say with a smile on your face as you squeeze him tightly in your arms.
Eventually Penelope came to the rescue with a giant crowbar in hand as she pried the door open, breaking the lock in the process. You had never seen Spencer happier to go into the meeting room and go straight to work in his entire life. Now that you both were finally out of the evidence room the next hurdle to jump over was to finally go on your first date with him knowing that it was confirmed that you two both had feelings for each other and it was a plus that he was a really good kisser too.
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xxsycamore · 1 year
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↬ 💢 You wish that Theo would stop being a rude tease, even if just for one day. Your wish is soon granted.
Theodorus van Gogh x f!Reader • rating: G • tags: Fluff; Domestic Fluff; Breakfast in bed; Birthday Fluff • wordcount: 1,411 • masterlist
a/n: TODAY IS @yarnnerdally 'S BDAY!! She said everything is about Nanami today bcs of their shared birthday, I decided to prove her wrong and surprise her with a little something with another lover of hers because she deserves ALL the love, not just Nanamin's ~ Happy Birthday, dear Ally!!! I hope you have tons of fun today, I'm sending you a thousand hugs!! ILY SO MUCH!! 💕💕💕💕
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"I already told you I got the day off today. Seriously. One would think you'd become less of an airhead with age."
"I just wasn't sure! Jeez! You're married to your job anyway, why would my birthday be special enough to part with it even for a day..."
Theo mirrors your own frown, forking some of his dinner in the meantime. How dare you consider such a thing? You're the most important person in his life now - is it so far-fetched and not obvious that he'd put time and effort into celebrating the birthday of his beloved? Not having yet delved into the delicious-looking meal that you've prepared for him, he quickly stands up and comes to your side to steal a kiss.
Your giggles are bringing a smile to his own face too, all hints of frowning now in the past. Theo finds himself tugged by the tie for another kiss before he can retreat to his seat, but he shakes his head firmly.
"No dessert before dinner. Or do you really like acting immature that much?"
"I wish you weren't such a rude tease for ONE DAY, Theo... hmph."
💙 - 💙 - 💙 -💙 - 💙
It's like the gentle caress of an angel brushing across your cheek when your senses start to awaken naturally, undisturbed by alarming noises calling for an early start to yet another busy day. Waking up on your own, in a good mood, when the sun is already high in the sky... it's a birthday present on its own already, and you lazily stretch out your limbs to embrace it.
It's then that you realize the gentle caress from earlier is not a fragment of your still dream-dazed imagination, but it doesn't belong to an angel either - it's the hand of none other than your own personal devil, Theodorus van Gogh.
"Hehe...Good Morning to you too, Theo."
"Morning, schat. Happy Birthday."
Oh, you could get used to this. Though you've heard many words of sweetness in Dutch fall from those perfect lips of his, they're always a special treat, even more so when accompanied by the gentleness of his strong hands. You lean into the touch, eyelids falling closed as if you're ready to spend the entirety of the sunny summer day between the sheets with him and call it a day well spent. Theo is used to spending very little time in bed before starting his day, so you make the best of his cuddly mood, playfully entangling your legs in his under the sheets, as if to keep him where he is for longer.
Theo answers by pulling himself even closer to you, his chest now pressed firmly against your back as he cuddles you from behind. You hum a little in surprise, but it comes out almost as a purr instead.
"Still sleepy, Theo? You couldn't get enough sleep?"
"Oh no, I'm fine. It just seemed like you wanted me to hold you for awhile."
Oh. Well, he read you perfectly, then.
"Hah... with how many things we planned for the day last night, here I thought you'd call me lazy for lounging in bed at this hour."
Theo's feather-light caresses move to trace the curve of your shoulder and get distracted with playing with your hair just like you love it.
"Why would I call you lazy? It's your birthday. You can do whatever you want. Get some rest, everything else can wait."
If you thought you were all relaxed up until now, then those words turned you into a content puddle of inner peacefulness. You're floating on the cloud that your shared bed is, your body light, your sprawling about justified by the words of a workaholic. It's the best medicine.
"Hmm, I guess I have to listen to you, then. You're always right. Though, things can always get even more self-indulgent..."
"Would you like me to do something for you?"
How attentive, the suggestion coming before you can even finish your thought. Maybe you should take advantage of this.
"I was thinking of breakfast in bed, but I'd hate to be the only one bringing food in here while you're just watching...since you hate bringing your syrup-drenched pancakes anywhere near the bed."
"Well, I guess it's time for your first birthday surprise then."
Leaving you alone in bed with only the big imaginary question mark looming over your head, you raise yourself to a seated position in bed, gripping the sheets into your palms to get some sense of reality in this rather dream-like situation. The sound of his footsteps comes closer again so quickly that you have no time for guessing for yourself. He's holding a silver tray with a rich breakfast for two on it, carefully placing it in the center of the bed in front of you.
"If the eggs have gone cold i'll fry you new ones. You like them done this, right? Or if you want me to change anything else, I'll do that too. I'm not too keen on making breakfast, unfortunately."
"Oh, no, please, Theo, you did amazing! There are so many delicacies here... this is a breakfast for a king!"
"Or a Queen." Theo remarks, an imprint of his smirking lips appearing on your cheek as he leans in close to smooch it.
Your reaching for the utensils is interrupted by the raising undercurrent of suspicion coated in sweetness. This is not ignorable anymore, and you rest your arms on your sides again as you look him in the eye.
"Okay Theo, what's wrong with you today?"
"...Wrong? Have I said something bad?"
"No! You're just- so considerable and gentle and-"
The nerve furrowing Theo's brow is old and familiar, a friend you're glad to meet again, almost.
"I'm normally considerable and gentle with the ones I love. Darling."
He's definitely trying if anything, and now you're guilty for claiming the opposite. You know his soft side better than anyone; his protectiveness, his determination to always put you first and foremost and to melt you with gestures of sweet, sweet love. That's your Theo. Yet being bombed with all of those little acts of affection first thing in the morning couldn't not make you look for a reason behind them, stupid as it might sound.
Theo sighs, seeing that his smart girl saw through his plan right away, even though it's only just been set in motion. Picking up a strawberry from the food tray and lifting it to your lips, he makes his confession.
"You said that you wanted me to stop being...'a rude tease' for one day. I've already prepared some other surprises for you but I thought one more gift wouldn't hurt."
This is...something you said last night at diner. And Theo not only remembered your little remark of frustration, but committed to fixing his attitude overnight just to please you. Now that's a surprise.
"Theo...! Oh my god. No, please, I love you just as you are! I love your sharp tongue and how brash you are sometimes, and I know well enough you don't mean it if you accidentally say something mean... Theo, I fell in love with you even the way you were in the beginning, do you seriously think I'd rather you act differently now?"
Theo's pretty aquamarine eyes widen all for you to admire, and sure enough, it captivates you enough to forget the strawberry offered to you. That's Theo's chance to withdraw his hand and...to pop the little red fruit right into his mouth instead.
"Gods. Thank you. I'm glad to hear that, because... you seemed so happy just now. You deserve all of this, liefje, and while it comes naturally to do anything I can to make you happy, I wasn't sure if I'm doing it correctly."
"What, loving me? You've always been perfect at it, Theo. I want your love just as I know it."
"Hm." He takes another strawberry between his fingers, ready to correct his earlier teasing and reward you instead. Before you can bite into it, he withdraws just to add, "Hope you don't regret it much. I plan to give lots of love to my birthday girl today."
You chuckle bashfully, trying not to show just how much you're looking forward to it. While he's not forbidden from making another joke about you being excited like a little kid, you surely will try to prevent the idea from getting in his head in the first place.
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Taglist: @arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran    @pumpumnnnp @thesirenwashere @ravenarld @kimmy-banana @devonares @galaxyprison @sadshaxk @starshards26 @thewitchofbooks @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @keen19thcenturygoatsstudent @lordsister @ikemen-banshou   @themysticalbeing @canaria-blackwell @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @coornn @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @queengiuliettafirstlady @aurora-morning @aquagirl1978 ​ @ikemenlover24 @violettduchess @mcofthemansion @joy-the-reader @katriniac @ikemen-writer @tele86 @lovely-bubb1es @aria-chikage @babyblue0t7 @rhodoliteschaos Let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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v1nsmoke · 1 year
spooktober week 1 - law as a cult leader in honour of oct 6th being his bday
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tw: guns, hints about sb getting kidnapped
summary: in search of your missing sister, you head to a town in the middle of nowhere, where all clues lead to a mysterious man.
a/n: ITS HIS BDAY!!! i wasnt planning on making this, just came up w/ it this morning lol. But i really wanted to make something for his birthday, so take this! Inspired by the game Far Cry 5, i recommend it! im tired rn so i didnt reread this. I will check it later tho ♡ CHECK OUT PART 2!
wc: 1.1k
song rec: (aka a song that matches the story)
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You take a deep sigh. The road here was everything but smooth, you were sure that nobody tried to fix it ever since they built it, not to mention that you travelled on it trough hours. It took you almost two days to get here, but it still wasn't the time for you to rest.
You have been stressing ever since you received the suspicous call from your sister who dissapeared without a trace the day right after it. Nobody could reach her, they also had no idea where she went. The last time you heard about her was when you called her a few days ago, but she said goodbye after telling you that she will be going to attend a sermon by a man that came to town that day. No word from her ever since.
So, you decided to pay her a visit yourself. Best if you check on your sister before something happens to her. And now here you are, sitting in your parked car in a slightly dried out field on the side of the road, the town just slightly further. There was white tarpaulin tent set up there, and people were slowly drifting towards it. it will probably be the same sermon that your sister went to the last time you talked to her. This was your last option in getting close to her. You went to her house some hours ago, but nobody was home. You waited to see if she was just out shopping, but time passed and she still didn't come home. The neighbours said that she left to check out the man who came to town saying that he is here to help the people, and never returned.
There was only one solution left: find the last person who saw her. If it was really the same thing, you might get close to finding out something about your sister's whereabouts. Her neighbours told you when this man will show his face again, so you thanked them, got in your car, and drove out to the location. Looks like they weren't lying, because the people slowly flocked to the tent while you sat in the comfy seat of your car.
You take a deep breath, mentally preparing yourself for whatever might occur. You open the car's door, stepping foot on the dry, yellowish grass. You stay close to a group heading towards the tent, hoping that you could blend in. To you, this all just started to look like a cult. The group enters the tent, you follow behind them. Inside were benches, all of them facing a low podium, a black haired man standing on it. He seemed confident in whatever he was preaching, but you weren't focused on him.
Though, he did catch your eye for a moment. And it looked like the same thing happened to him, his eyes scanning the crowd but stopping once his gaze lands on you. Those greyish blue orbs staring at you, his mouth still moving as the rest of the people watch him. He manages to turn away, looking everywhere but you after this. You stand still, looking trough the people present, hoping to find your sister here. Nobody matched her appearance, she wasn't here.
Your only chance left at finding her was the mysterious man, now leaving the stage that the sermon was over. The people flock away, leaving one by one. Almost everybody left now, and this was your chance. You see as he leaves the tent, some men with machine guns by his side, heading towards the car.
"Excuse me!" You shout after him, hoping he'll hear you. The man and his bodyguards (or whoever those armed men were) all stopped, turning their attention towards you, some even raising their weapons. You raise both your hand in defense, proving you are not a threat to them. Of course you weren't, you had no weapons and barely any knowledge about hand-to-hand combat.
The black haired motions for them with his tattooed hands to lower the weapons, and the men obey.
"I'm listening." He says after a short pause. The men and him stared at you, all creating an uneasy feeling inside you. The guns, slightly torn sweaters with the same symbol sewn into it, everything. And now you were totally alone with them, nobody would know if you just got shot on the spot. Not to mention that if anybody started looking for you like you looked for your sister, they might end up just like you.
"I'm looking for my sister. The last time I heard from her was just an hour before she attended your sermon a few days ago." You step closer to them, holding out your hand with a photograph in it. On the photo was your sister, it was taken before she left the country to live here, in this town in the middle of nowhere, far from you.
"Familiar face. I know her." He says in his deep voice, a very light, barely noticable appearing on his face as he speaks. Seeing this, you actually consider twice if you should follow him or try finding your sister on your own. But now you were so close to finding out something about her, because this man clearly knew a thing or two.
"Could you... perhaps tell me where she is, maybe lead me to her if you can?" You ask, trying to sound as polite as possible, though you were shaking inside.
"Oh, don't worry." He chimes. "You'll meet her soon enough." His tone shifts, sounding darker, lower, more menacing.
"Wait, wha- who are yo-" you try to question him, but you are hit in the back of your head with the back of a machine gun by one of his men.
You hit the dry grass with a thud, the boots of the guard on your back, holding you down, pointing the barrel of his gun at you. It's like you can feel the world spinning as you lay on your stomach, the grass tickling your face. It takes all your will and strength to keep your eyes open.
"It's Law. Trafalgar Law." He looks down on you, standing in front of your body.
You would love to ask him more questions, to fight back, but after receiving another hit just like the one you got some seconds ago, you can't keep your eyes open, blacking out.
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trafalgar law belongs to eiichiro oda, i do not own him.
© v1nsmokes 2023. Do not modify, translate or rewrite.
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mothwingwritings · 1 year
Save The Date
F!Reader X Jean Pierre Polnareff
Today is my birthday!!! Yaaay! To celebrate, I wrote this self-indulgent, out of left field, Polnareff-kidnaps-you-on-your-bday-and-tries-to-force-his-love-on-you story because why not? I’ve been wanting to write more Jojo and I love Polnareff’s himbo ass sooo here it is. :D I decided to go back to my roots with this one, it was therapeutic loool.
This was a bit rushed because I want to get it finished by today, but I hope you enjoy!!! Thank you for reading and for being here! Love y’all~ ( ˘ ³˘)♥
Warnings: Kidnapping, imprisonment, reader is restrained this whole fic, forced/nonconsensual touching and kissing, brief mentions of sex, delusional Polnareff, probably horrible butchering of French pet names (I am sorry any French speakers, forgive my google translate indiscretions (;´∀`))
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Everything was perfect.
From the varying balloons and streamers that dotted the room, to the bows he had placed so lovingly in your hair, Jean Pierre Polnareff had worked hard to make this presentation immaculate. It was what his baby deserved after all-it wasn’t like it was your birthday every day.
It took weeks of planning and organizing to get everything just right. He’d spent countless hours calling the best caterers and bakers in town, and spent all his down time consulting with party planners to make sure this soiree would go off without a hitch. He was even able to score the perfect dress for you from the fancy boutique down the street-the very same dress you had been casting wistful (yet furtive) glances at for quite some time. The moment the ornate frock had gone on sale he could barely conceal his excitement and ended up purchasing it right away. He was sure you would be thrilled to receive the gown as a gift, and also be touched by his intuitive nature, his knack for picking up on the things you desired.
It was just your style, and he knew as soon as you donned it you would look nothing short of gorgeous. Envisioning you in it made his heart flutter, the smile that would engulf your face as you twirl around in it, giggling in sheer delight as the fabric swirls prettily around you, was sure to be a sight for sore eyes. It was hard waiting to see the dream become a reality.
When he finally got the chance to slip it on your body, he needed a moment to compose himself before he proceeded with the rest of the party setup. He had been correct in his assumption-you looked breathtaking, exactly like a princess in your new frilly, satin, dress. He wished he could have arranged to also have someone do your hair and makeup to really complete the look, but it was too risky to chance it. As much as he would have loved for you to wake up to a complete makeover, he couldn’t trust anyone to not be suspicious of the arrangement he had currently setup for you, and he dared not muck you up with his own mediocre skills.
But at the same time it didn’t really matter that he couldn’t have a cosmetologist stop by, you always looked perfect and ethereal, dolled up or otherwise.
Everything was splayed out before you, not a single item out of place. The table was neatly set with his finest dishes and cutlery, set at the ready to be topped with the feast that he was preparing for you. Vibrant bouquets comprised of only the fullest and brightest blooms of your favorite flowers sat on each end of the table, and fragrant candles cast flickering light over the scene, exuding a very romantic aura. Dinner (one of your favorite meals) was nearly done cooking in the kitchen, and its scent had begun to enticingly fill the room. He could practically hear your stomach rumble in anticipation.
The centerpiece of it all was an elaborate cake, decadent and rich, your name and a sweet birthday message sprawled on its surface in a pretty, curving script. It was far too large for just two people to consume, but that just meant there would be more to look forward to in the future. Maybe you would want to freeze some of it to share with him again on your next birthday, like some couples do with their wedding cake. The correlation made him blush as he fixated on it, giddy as he fantasized about all that lay ahead for the two of you.
With everything assembled, all he had to do was wait. He parked himself opposite you at the table, dressed to the nines to try and match you. As impressive as his finely tailored suit was, he didn’t hold a candle to your radiance. He sighed dreamily as he took you in, his eyes roving over your peaceful face while slumber still claimed you. You had a habit of incessantly frowning or shooting him questionable glances while you were awake. Whenever you noticed that his attention was turned your way, a grimace inevitably followed. This moment of peace where he could drink you in without any backlash was bliss, and as much as he was excited for you to wake up, he couldn’t help but relish this serene alone time he was sharing with you.
No kicking and screaming, no crying, no unnecessarily hurtful words flung his way when all he’s trying to do is show you love. Right now there was just you, him, and this lovingly crafted display of his affection that he prepared just for you, the love of his life. A small mountain of presents towered behind him, waiting patiently to be picked open by your delicate fingers. Most of them were little things he had picked up for you here and there that he thought you would like, trinkets and baubles he felt exuded a very ‘you’ aura and thus needed to be brought home to you. He used to try and give them to you the moment he purchased them, but you would always turn them away, telling him that he was spending way too much money on you. Silly girl, no amount of currency could ever be a waste on you.
The gift pile was a veritable array of goodies sure to delight you, teeming with big things, small things, and one very important thing that had been weighing heavily in his pocket for the past week. He had always planned on presenting it to you on your birthday (there was no greater gift than a perfectly cut rock signifying your eternal union, after all), but carried it around with him as a good luck charm of sorts, keeping it near till the moment he could give it to you. He kept it in his breast pocket as close to his heart as he could, childishly hoping that the placement would infuse it with the immense love he felt for you, each heart beat coursing through it making it shine more dazzlingly.
Though he enjoyed carrying it around with him, the time was soon approaching for it to go to its intended home, sitting prettily on your ring finger. Musing on it made him glance down at your hands as they rested daintily on the chairs arm rest. He tried not to focus on the straps he had placed around your arms, holding you in place to prevent you from bolting the moment you woke up. You were such a jumpy, shy thing, inclined to run and hide the moment you spotted him. He knew this setting would be overwhelming for you, that you would not take all the extra attention so easily, hence why the sedation and extra restraints were needed. As much as he wanted to do a more natural approach, there was just no way to keep hold of you otherwise. It was a necessary measure, but it was one he hated nonetheless.   
Knowing you would be upset when you awoke filled him with dismay, but ultimately the drugs and confines were all just a means to an ends. After the initial shock wore off, you were certain to be pleased by all his effort.
Hesitantly, he reached out to grasp your hands, holding them gently in his own. His thumb slowly grazed your knuckles, tracing small circles over your soft skin. Were they not strapped down, he would have chanced giving your hand a kiss, his lips yearning to make contact with you in any way they could. It truly was a shame that you were so adverse to touch, for he constantly longed to handle you tenderly, treating you so lovingly you would become putty in his hands, melt at his ministrations. He could clearly picture the expressions you would make while he busied himself, running his fingers gingerly across your flesh, memorizing every inch of you in faithful reverence, kisses following where his fingers once tread.
It was his most avid desire, but he had yet to act on the fantasy. His dream would come true someday, but first you had to get used to him. Ease into your new life.
It was a torturous process, waiting for you to warm up, but he knew it would be worth it in the end. Besides, with how bashful you were he figured he would be your first time for so many things, and that was exhilarating in its own right.
Suddenly, you stirred. Polnareff perked up, his eyes darting to your face as he watched your own slowly blink open. You scrunched your face in discomfort, groaning as your head gradually rose from its lulled posture. The after effects of the heavy drugs made your movements sluggish and groggy, another small groan slipping past your lips as you rotated your shoulders in an attempt to stretch.
Your gaze eventually landed on Polnareff, his face lighting up when you didn’t immediately look away. Still heavily sedated, confusion dominated your features. At this point, you were unsure where you were, what was going on, and probably perplexed by Polnareff’s presence, maybe even so bewildered you didn’t yet fully remember who Polnareff was. A warm smile graced his lips as he watched you come to, your befuddled state too cute to resist.
“Ma chérie,” Polnareff purred, his voice drawing you further from your hazy state, “I’m glad you are finally awake. It wouldn’t do to have you sleep through your whole party now, would it?”
Disorientation was giving way to realization, a look of fear and agitation morphing your lax expression into a sharp scowl. You began to pull against your bindings, your tugs becoming sharper the moment   you felt resistance, alarm mounting when you realized how trapped you truly were. Your eyes locked onto Polnareff’s, the haze that had clouded them gone, replaced with resentful animosity. It was painful being at the end of your enmity, but he reminded himself it was to be expected. You would be filled with contentment very soon, he just had to get you there.
“Jean what the hell,” Your words came out listless and slurred. As the final dregs of the drugs wore off, you struggled to get your baring’s. “Where am I? What is all this? Did you… did you fucking drug me?”
 Panic was starting to course through you, wide blown eyes filling with tears that you tried desperately to blink back. Your breathing grew labored as you started to thrash, trying your hardest to free yourself from the man who had imprisoned you, despite your compromised state.
Concerned you would hurt yourself, Polnareff gripped your hands tightly to try and sooth you, but it only caused your struggling to grow in intensity. Noting this, he quickly relinquished his hold, instead opting to cup your cheeks in a manner he hoped you would find more reassuring. Your skin was moist from your freshly fallen tears, his thumb easily sliding across its delicate surface, trying to wipe them away as best he could. You attempted to recoil from his touch, but the restraints and his firm hold kept you in place.
“Please amoureuse calm down,” he shushed you, worry reflected in his eyes, “You’ll end up hurting yourself if you keep pulling like that-“
“Fuck off,” you seethed between clenched teeth, “Let me go NOW Polnareff, or I swear I’ll-“
He clamped a hand over your mouth, halting any further commentary. A deep frown etched itself into his face as he stared you down, patience waning at the immediate vehemence you directed his way. Today was not supposed to go this way, he expected some backlash sure, but you weren’t supposed to recover from the medicine he had given you so rapidly. It was supposed to take time, fester a bit so that you would slowly come around, giving him plenty of time to explain things to you and have you get used to the arrangement naturally.
All the extra precautions were to help you see this for what it was, a true celebration to exhibit his unwavering dedication to you, and not whatever horrific falsity you had concocted in your anxiety addled brain. He cursed himself for not giving you the larger dose as he originally intended, he was just so concerned you may sleep too deeply and miss out on your special day altogether.
“You need to be quiet now, (Name),” His voice was low, a serious edge to it that froze your thrashing, granting him your full regard, “I know you are upset and confused, it’s only natural with how you woke up, and I don’t blame you for it. But there is no need for your ire ma cherie, look around you,” he released his hold, sweeping his hand across the room to show off his handiwork, “This is all for you bella. I worked so hard to make everything perfect for you because you deserve nothing less. Each decoration, accessory, snack, present-they were all assembled lovingly with you in mind. I’ve been preparing this for months, so please don’t be-“
“I don’t want any of this,” you once more cut him off, your voice choppy as you forced it out through shaky sobs, “I never wanted any of this. How many times do I have to tell you that I don’t feel for you this way Polnareff? What you are doing is wrong, this entire ‘party’ is wrong! Please, if you really care about me at all just let me go and-“
Swiftly, he slammed his hand down on the table before you, rattling the dishes so violently it was surprising that none of them broke. Startled by the sudden upset, you lurched in your restraints, instantly shutting up out of fear. Your body quivered in distress, worried that if you said another word it would only further enrage him, and the assault next go around may not stop at just a whacked table.
“Stop it,” He annunciated each word, his eyes holding a sharpness that sent chills down your spine, “You don’t know what you are saying mon cœur, you are just blindly judging things before you even try them.” He took a shaky breath before continuing, “I have been patient, I have been kind, I have given you nothing but love, yet you constantly keep me at arm’s length, turning away from me in disgust even though I worship the ground you walk on. Please for one minute stop being so damn ungrateful and just be satisfied with all the hard work I have put in to meeting your lofty, unreasonable standards, or else you may actually have something to cry about.”
Tears continued to pour down your cheeks as your panic-stricken eyes drank him in. Your bottom lip quivered, sniffles punctuating your breathing, but you didn’t speak another word. He felt momentarily guilty for going off on you (on your birthday, no less), but seeing the success his rare instance of harshness awarded him quickly overshadowed any negativity he felt, instead washing him in a feeling of victory.
Now that he got his point across, hopefully you could proceed as planned and things would be smooth sailing from here on out.
In the other room the oven started to noisily beep, signaling that dinner was ready to be served. He rose to his feet, hovering over you before making his way towards the kitchen.
“Ah, perfect timing,” he forced a smile, doing his best to hide the hurt your brusque behavior had inflicted upon him. He squared his shoulders, composing himself before continuing. “Here is how the night will progress, amour. I will prepare our meals and then we will enjoy them peacefully in each other’s company. Once we are done, we can dig into this cake I ordered especially for you from the gourmet bakery down the street, the one that’s so popular it has a wait list.”
He sighed dejectedly, hanging his head in defeat before continuing, “You may not care, but I think it’s important that you take into consideration just how much of myself I poured into this celebration before you make another snide, thoughtless remark.”
His eyes flicked down to the cake, a brief look of sadness wavering within them before he directed his attention back your way. “It’s lovely though, isn’t it? I am sure it will taste just as good. Don’t worry, if you haven’t calmed yourself in time to be let loose I will gladly feed you chérie. Even when you are being particularly… bratty, I would not want you to miss out on such a delicacy. Then, once our bellies are full you can start unwrapping this mound of presents behind me, and we will just pray that it doesn’t take us through the entire night.”
He chuckled, his demeanor beginning to soften as he spoke, appreciative of the obedience you were displaying and the lack of unwarranted commentary as he got through the itinerary for the night. “Finally, we will end the party with a gift that has been a long time coming, one that is a truly significant mark of our eternal bond. I know you will love it ma chérie, just as much as I will.”
He saw a shiver course through you at his words, a small, sad whimper tumbling from your lips as your shoulders sagged. The gravity of his allusion bore down on your small frame, shrinking you down in a poor attempt at hiding from your inescapable fate. He tutted when he saw your attitude shift, his hand again finding your cheek to give it a gentle stroke. This time, you didn’t flinch away. 
“I know this is a lot to take in ma beauté and I am sorry it frightened you at first,” he leaned down, planting a lingering kiss to your forehead before proceeding, “But you will come around very soon, I know you will. You are my sweet girl, and after you experience what a great time we are about to have you will be so overcome with joy that you will barely be able to stand it. In fact, you may already feel a little silly for giving me such a hard time, am I right?”
Suddenly, his expression turned bashful. A rosy hue illuminated his cheeks as he started to fidget uncomfortably, a slightly embarrassed looking smile gracing his lips. Your body turned cold as his hand slid from your cheek to your shoulder, idly toying with the thin strap of your dress. His roving eyes fell to your chest, a hungry look flashing through them before they found their way back to your gaze.
“And then, after you have finished going through all your gifts, to thank me for what a gracious lover I have been maybe… maybe I can unwrap something too?”
You shudder at his insinuation, a look of pure dread donning your features.
“Polnareff,” you choked out, strained words struggling to form one final, soft plea, “please.”
Before you could utter another word, his mouth aggressively claimed your own. He pressed hard against you, as if to engrain the scorching feeling of his lips on to your flesh. You whined, squirming against him until he pulled away, staring at you with longing, love struck eyes.
“Happy birthday, ma chérie. Let’s make this one to remember.”
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fioooweeooweeeoo · 11 months
Fiowee Presents...
Extraordinary You
Tags: Firstly I'd like to thank @teyamsatan for helping and inspiring me to make this fic!! Such a sweet gal and of course I'd tag her for this first chapter IN WHICH i have been cooking up for quite some time (months actually AHAHAH) EVRYONE WHO'S BEEN ANTICIPATING THIS FIRST CHAPTER PLS GO CHECK OUT HERS TOO!! LOTS OF GREAT FICS AND ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC WRITING ~~
Other Tags!!: @glimmering-darling-dolly
A/N: okay first part was rlly dedicated to my bestie who inspired me to do this. ( btw for dates it goes *mm/dd/yy*,  hope yall don't mind I put a specific birth date for Y/N ^^ 7 is actually her bday) Other than thatt what i really want to say here is that to everyone whose been waiting patiently for this, I present to you the first chapter of EXTRAORDINARY YOU! With all that is said this is my first ever fic so if this isn't ur cup of tea you don't have to read it!! anyways lemme stop me rambles pls enjoy my first chapter xoxo mwuah ^-^
Warnings: Not much here except for some guns and a little bit of violence??? its not to big tho HELP soo its rlly just the introoo n stuff
Word count is: 5.6k WHEWW it took me weeks rlly
Chapter 2 - Till i met you
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(3rd person POV *YOU'RE SAYING THIS !* ) 
Hey! Probably an interesting way of starting this story here, something like breaking the fourth wall? I don't know- forget about my rambles but, My name is Y/N Chacon, and I live in Pandora.
Yep- that's right- it's not every day you realise that you became apart of a world wide astronomical party to fly out to this foreign planet to make it liveable for every possible human being, well- that's basically how my parents got here, I was just born here. Now you're probably wondering why lil' ol' me right there- the one that's basically struggling to get a hold of a vine 10,000 feet above a floating mountain has come to this-? Let's rewind a bit-
1 year and a half ago.
Wind whistling. Sounds of foreign animals around you. And the smell of an earthy and forest musk emanates as you breathe in. Your eyes peel to take in to the surroundings around you-.. Pandora. Is what you first think, the forest is beautiful, you stare up to the trees as they seem longer and you feel as you've gone tinier. You breathe out as if a sigh of relief has washed over you, but then you hear it- the sound of stick cracking.
Your body instinctively rises up, you heart rate slowly escalating each unfamiliar sound your now hearing, a low growl is heard from your left, you turn to look and see a pair of two yellow beaded eyes, curious you crawl to it, your genuine curiosity gotten the best out of you when the beast pounces at you and-
You wake up. What?.. you've realised your breathing was not matched and you're hyperventilating. You sweat as if you're hot but you feel cold. Your hand slides through your hair and you breathe in slowly and out deeply. Suddenly your room door opens.
"Hey there kiddo.. you alright there?" Max enters your room and knew that you are hyperventilating due to your watch on your wrist still checking for your heart rate.
"Yeah yeah.. no, I'm fine.. I'm... I'm good-" 
"Hey hey- you sure about that? It's already around the start of morning, why don't you come eat breakfast with me, Norm and Lara?
"I- sure, yeah that sounds nice" you smile faintly, feeling a little calmer now that you've steadied your heart rate. You've come to realised it was normal for you to have these dreams, somehow you've always tried to decipher what could be the cause of it, you're unsure why, all you know is that you want to know, there's something about it- like it magnetises you. 
"Max?" you call out to him, as he turns around with a questionable face
"Do you think- maybe I can- come with you guys to the outpost later? I just got some stuff left there-" 
"Sure, kiddo. Me and your Aunt Lara will fix some stuff there too-" He smiles to you as he leaves shutting your door 
You began to stand up and went to your bathroom checking on the mirror, brushing your hair and doing your normal skincare, as you do so, you look at yourself, staring blankly at the mirror. You sighed deeply both in and out, closing your eyes and re-imagining the dream in your head- but nothing comes up. You sigh in defeat trying so hard to remember- but you tell yourself that you'd worry about it in another time, you smile at the mirror and went on out
As your camera starts rolling you place it gently on the counter angling it right to your face creating a somewhat good angle showing your face, and as you're done prepping you go face-to-face with the camer.
"Hello-? Is this working-" *taps camera lens* "oh- oops- there it is" you giggle to yourself for your clumsiness, you bring the camera up to your face to video yourself then
"Hellooo wooorld! I am back! Well technically I'm in another planet and other stuff like that- but here i am! Back again, to show you- this! Voilà!" 
You enter a room wherein both Norm and Max were checking files in large screens tapping away like they usually do to get things running in the lab incase they were needed by Jake and to produce other experiments for more of their researches. Thanks to Jake, most of the humans were allowed to stay and go about their ways unless they were needed by Jake, most of these being researchers and old scientist friends. As you were walking by you panned your camera to a tank, with a familiar avatar that was placed inside with water flowing inside it, keeping it normal, that being Grace's Avatar, it was no secret you've always longed for something like it, being able to walk freely without the need of a darn mask, and the ability to be outside without being prey to most animals around pandora, it was a struggle for you to be in a human body, never being able to go out as you want to, but you go out on rare occasions, because both of them obviously knows how it gets boring and makes you wanna go insane without having to go outside for long periods.
Norm looks up from his desk as he scribbling down notes, he pushes down his glasses as he was seeing you walk around the room eith a camera in hand recording the whole room
he chuckles and sighs contently
"No- 'Goodmorning, Norm!' today then?" He chuckles as you roll your eyes scoffing a little
"Goodmorningg, Normm!" you say in a teasing tone. 
"And Max-!" Max pops out from behind the other monitor with one hand raised, you laugh a little as Norm nudges you at your side when you pass by, camera still recording 
"And goodmorning to you Grace-" you pan the camera lens to yourself while behind you is Grace's Avatar in the tank floating, as you wave to the camera
"And so here we are- pamparampaam! The Lab! We got some old researches, scribbled notes that either Norm or Max have wrote and I have zero idea of what's in it- 
(Max:) "that's my lunch order from the cafeteria Y/N-" 
"Yeah- okay. Well- that does not look like lunch to me-" you deadpan as Norm chuckles but Max gives him a stern look
"Hey- Boys do you mind if you find the files for- Oh! Y/N- Didn't know you'd come here! Is this your first time in the lab-?" Lara says while fixing her goggles
Lara was sort of like your Aunt in a way that you guys aren't related as much, but most of the time she was like a parental figure to you- She grew fond of you ever since you had been born, she was a good friend to your mother and Grace, and was left devasted to the events of what led to their endings, and so with that, Lara had made a promise to both you and herself that she'd be able to protect you from whatever happens, no matter what. 
"Hey! Aunt Lara- come 'ere for a sec-" *you tug Lara's lab coat as she gets surprised as you bring her near you to bring the camera to her face showing her a little fluffy and curly brown hair, her goggles hanging off her neck and her half-done makeup that's looked slightly rushed but it looked good for the most part- her olive green eyes look at the camera and she shrieks a little covering her face with one hand* 
"Say hi to the cameraa!" *you squeal- as you giggle little form her hiding her face with her one hand* 
(Lara:) "oh-! Hi~ sorry- honey- my makeups a little off right now-" *you blow raspberries and scoff a little*
"Oh come on- you look gorgeous right now! Even if you got off the wrong side of bed- i bet one of the other guys eye you everyday- especially Norm-." you whisper and snicker a little together with Lara as she scrunches her nose and giggles with you
(Norm:) "I heard that-!" he answers, as you both giggle even more 
As you use both your hands to hold the camera properly, your watch beeps, you look at it with a small smile-
"Welp- gotta go guys- I will be filming again later- but this gal- gotta take her meds-! Mwuah-! Peace out-!" 
as you place your camera down, you sigh a little, a small smile creeping up as you look back to Lara who was already looking at you with a warm smile
(Lara:) "How's it been sweetie?" 
"Nothing much, just another day- stuck in a huge facility full of scientists and labs, and paperwork and all that jazz, ventilated with the only possible air for me because one step out there and I'm-" *you cut your sentence blowing raspberries, imitating that if you take one step put to pandora without the oxygen mask, then you'd die, pretty much* 
(Lara:) "I know you're tryna' convince me to let you go out- but you know the rules-" *you roll your eyes at her statement* 
"Spider gets to go out! Why can't I-?" 
(Lara:) "Then ask him to stay with you when you go out." 
"But you know how he gets everytime I see him- He always has that smug-ass shit-eating smile that always gets on my nerves-! And you obviously know what he says to me all the time" 
(Lara:) "Language!" *you raise both your hands up in defense then slowly put them in an upright position, as you place your head in between ypur palms, sighing* 
(Lara:) *She sighs feeling a little defenseless from what you said*
"... your turning 18 tomorrow right?-" 
*you nod, eyes snapping to her still in the same position wondering what she'll say next-* 
"Alright...- now I'm not saying I'm letting you go by yourself-" *eyes lighting up in excitement, your head snaps up like a dog getting alerted by an intruder, a smile slowly creeping up your face as she says this* 
"Ah-! Wait- you can go- but I'm going to call spider for this occasion specifically- he's got some friends out there that would also be with you too- so you don't wander off to some other place, okay? Can I trust you?" *You nod to her words quickly in joy, like a happy child who was allowed to go play outside* 
"Yes! Yes-! Don't worry- I'll be with them the whole entire time, just please let me go out this once! I'LL GIVE YOU MY BLOOD-" *you plead and shove your hand infornt of her face as if you would give her your blood* 
"Alright! Alright- jeez you're like your mother- you can go, I'm calling spider in today so that both of you are prepared tomorrow morning-" *you squeal in excitement- jumping a little until you grab Lara in a big hug, she chuckles as she pats you in the head* 
*you finally calmed down and patted yourself in a fancy way, you stood infront of her and breathed jn and out deeply* 
"Thank you, Aunt Lara, I will be going to my room and wait until that day comes." *you bowed as she laughs at your antics, amused by your response, leaving the lab as you make your way to the door, and as the door closes, you squeal and scream in happiness, she snorts a little from the scene*
Norm scoots his spinning chair facing opposite to Lara, as she gets nudged at the shoulder by him gaining her attention, he smiles softly and cocks his head to the side
"Somehow she reminds me of her.." she says under her breathe, Norm huffs agreeing with her*
*you walk around skipping in joy as you went around a part of lab where you usually take your medicine, as you take out a red pill, and a cup of water as you drink and swallow the pill and as you were drinking the water, a monstrous like figure pops up infront of you, making your eyes go wide as rhe monstrous figure roars in a somewhat human like voice that you felt like you could guess it was either and only one other person, but your anxiety instincts got the best of you so you spit out the water to their face and immediately grabbed one of the labs tray pans that you see right beside you immediately scream* 
"AHHHHH GET AWAY FROM ME- AHHH-" *You scream as the person then starts running away from you but you keep hitting them with he pan as they start screaming as well pleading for you to stop* 
*you continue to scream as two pairs of arms hold both of your hands up making you drop the pan, as you stop screaming, spider removes the mask and you sigh in relief* 
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!-" *A crowd emerges from behind spider and surprise you* 
As  soon as you realize who these people were your shock turned into a surprised smile 
Loak, Kiri, and Tuk come up behind spider and surprised you 
"Wh- what're you guys-" 
*Kiri immediately passed you a carefully wrapped object with banana leaves and hands you it, your confused but relieved at the same time* 
"But it's not even my-" 
"It's your gift-! We all have some gifts for you but I wanna give you mine before you see whatever Loak has for you-" 
"What??!!" *loak shouts and you all laugh* 
"Excuse you, but I for one have a very special and well crafted gift for her- y'know- cause we're close like 'that'" *Loak nudges you and wiggles his eyebrows* 
*you rolled your eyes and scoff*
"If choking is called 'being close' would you consider it?"
"Which way?" *loak interjects with a cocky smile and wiggly eyebrows*
"GROSS-" *You yell out as loak chuckles* 
"Nice one, dude" *Spider praises Loak as they both high five. Your eyes widen and you scoff, while kiri rolls her eyes, tuk left to wonder what they meant* 
"So y/n... i was thinking-"  "THERES GOING TO BE A HUGE HUGE CELEBRATION TODAY AND WE WANT YOU TO COME WITH US!!" *kiri excitedly finishes as loaks jaw was left hanging a little*
"Today-?.." *you say slowly as kiri speaks again "YEAH! there's gonna be food, dancing-" "and a hell of a lot of drinking" *loak says with his elbow placed on top of your head*
*as everyone talks about the celebration, you on the other hand is worried about what you were gonna say* 
"Guys- i really really- and i seriously wanna stress this- i cant go-" 
"Aww what-" *spider says*
"But what about us-?" *loak says after*
"Y/N." *kiri holds your hand between her large ones and has her cute pleading eyes on, the ones you've never said no to* 
"Kiri- please, you know i cant do it- not today though-"
*Kiri's eyes light up* "What do you mean, Y/N?" *you sigh as you gave a bige wide smile* "LARA GAVE ME THE GO!" *Everyone gasps as they also cheer* "Y/N!? Your serious about this!?" *spider says with pure astonishment* 
"Well- I had to convince Lara a teeny tiny bit AND IT WORKED IN THE END! I got permission to go!"
*everyone's cheers together* 
"So if your allowed tomorrow why not today-?" *Loak asks*
"It's not my birthday yet so we'll have to wait-" *you say in return*
"Okay but since your birthday is tomorrow and it is technically midnight-" *kiri says his name warning him*
"It's technically okay to go out right now-" *Loak gets gutted by Kiris elbow*
"What?? I am right- am I not??" *loak says with furrowed eyebrows*
"Loak! If she can't go it's okay! There's always tomorrow anyway!" 
"Cmon kiri it's just one night, plus I have an idea-" "please don't tell me your sneaking out-" 
"Pfft! What!? No-......" *silence overtook the air as they were waiting for him to speak again* 
"Okay maybe that's what i was thinking-" *kiri and spider groan*
"I appreciate the lovely and probably not so well-thought idea-" *Loak cocks his head to both Kiri and Spider*
"But- I can't do this- I mean, not until I turn 18 which is tomorrow and-" 
"Tanhi- cmon- we'll be sure to be with you at all times, every second, minute, hour-! Trust me, tanhi, we don't want you to miss this one too!" 
*loak places his hand on top of yours on the table as he gives you pleading eyes as well, you contemplate a little as you look from his hand back to his eyes* 
"Loak- what if we get in trouble-" *spider says worriedly*
"Sometimes your kind of a buzz kill, spider" *you gave him a stern look as he says this and he rolls his eyes* 
"Look- we'll get you back here as soon as possible, I promise"
"I hate to say this but Loaks right- we'll get you back real soon-" *kiri says back*
*you look between both of them- wondering what to do, then letting your eyes fall to spider with his arms crossed who's looking back to you*
"Don't look at me- I've been living my life by my own choices- it's time you make yours Y/N-" *He says with a soft smile, loak on the other hand squeezes your hand softly and he tilts his head giving you a reassuring look* 
you sigh looking at all of them, as tuk runs to you and hugs you at your waist, despite your height, you and tuk seemed to be the same height
"Please please please Y/N!"
*she says with cute puppy dog eyes*
"Well...." *your cut your sentence short*
"Alright- I guess- but you promise to keep quiet doing it-?.." *they all nod with smiles on their faces*
"Okay.. let's do this-" *you say firmly with a smile* 
"Y/N- do you really have to take this long-" *Loak says with a groan, as he knocks on your door*
"Do you want me to die because I missed my meds while outside when im not supposed to?" *You say as loak turns and grumbles to himself, leaning against the side of the door with a small pout*
"That's what I thought- alrighty! All done-" *you unlock your door as everyone moves to see you, your wearing a small pale brownish off-shoulder top showing off your stomach a little together with shorts that are brown making you look more curvier and thicker with the clothes on, and your last piece being your sneakers that are white and little half-round sling-bag, holding all your meds and extras incase you need it, and of course your watch, checking your hearbeat and your alarm for those meds of yours, as you open the door holding on the knob, you gauge on their reactions with a small shy smile, as they stare at you with awe for sometime, loak and spider jaws dropped wide open, kiris and tuks with a big smile on hers* 
"So... what do you guys think?" *you say with a shy smile on your face*
"AHH! YOU LOOK SO CUTE!" *Kiri squeals out*
"Damn-" *loak scoffs in surprise*
"Wow -" *spider says*
"Out of my way boys!" *tuk pushes loak and spider out of her way*
"We got this-" *as tuk grabs your arm and yanks you out of your room placing you in your chair as kiri stretches her arms and cracks her knuckles, carefully braiding your hair with beads and flowers for tonight*
*as minutes passed, tuk and kiri finally complete your hair, two braids hanging,  from the front left and right sides of your forehead with two beads from each side, pink and blue beads in the left and green and  purple at right , flowy hair hanging from the sides too, and from the back, two braids connecting to the middle to make one decorated with flowers from Kiri, all vibrant with beauty, your long flowy hair splayed behind you from the bottom of the braids behind*
"Okay all done!" *tuk announces while patting her hands together*
"You face to your mirror turning around checking yourself out, with jaw down and eyes somewhat close to crying* 
"This is so beautiful.. I can't thank you guys enough-!" *you say in joy as you hug them*
*You made your way to the exit hatch where no one would be able to see you*
"You ready to explore the unknown?" *spider says side by side with you* 
"Nope," *you pause looking from him to the door* "let's do it" *you say heading out with everyone as you step out to the cool summer ish breeze*
"Loak..." "I know where I'm going jeez-" "its been 30 minutes we could've been there before 20-" "just let me do my thing!" "Alright!" 
*as both kiri and spider argue with loak* 
*as you walk around with awe, turning around in every step of the way to look back at the scenery, it's dark out yet the plants and nature around you seem to live on it's own, a bright aura shining from each step you take, as soon as you step backwards you stumble one a root and find yourself yelping from falling backwards until someone catches you and you look up to see who it is* 
"Woah- slow down princess, wouldn't want getting a scratch on ya-" *loak says with a teasing grin getting you up, you roll your eyes*
"I can walk just fine y'kno- woah!" *as soon as your sentence cuts off, loak carries you placing your legs letting you sit on his broad shoulders placing your calves on his chest, you hold on to his head for support a little surprised by his actions, loak laughs at your antics* 
"Not funny." *you grumbled as you nag him to put you down*
"You're very slow y'know- even spiders much faster than you-" *you smack the side of his head and he hisses*
"Watch it-" 
*suddenly the crack of a stick disturbs the quietness of the forest around all of you, loak and kiri look at each their in slight confusion, and loak sets you down slowly to avoid any threat that may come to him while holding you with him.* 
*loak follows the hush whispers that were somewhere ahead of them as kiri tries to urge loak to stay behind, he ignores her protests and sneakily hides behind a large bush when he sees something that could get them all screwed. Recoms. RDA Recoms. Holding guns and sashes of bullets wrapped around them in military uniform. You've been told stories of the the war that happened 6 or so years ago, when your uncle Norm had told told that spider won't be at the lab because he was with jake sully and their family, you were disheartened to hear about what had happened but you were thankful spider had returned home safely, you nearly crushed him when you ran up to him and hugged him so tightly it felt like you almost choked him, but he was alright. So was Loak, Kiri, Tuk, and Neteyam, they had visited the lab back from the war to thank Norm and Max for their help, but neteyam wasn't there, ofcourse he had fought in the war fearlessly, and brought great honor to his family and people as they returned home safely, so he had to make sure everyone else was safe to meaning he had thought of his people first before humans, they had sought refuge to the Metkayina Clan, what had felt like the longest battle in years, only now would it find its way to start again. Somehow it felt like you knew everything that happened, like you were there somehow, it felt crystal clear to you of when it happened as if you had been there, but your uncle had told you it might be you just imagining things. Which leads you up to this moment, the Recoms, the RDA, Quaritch.*
"Look at that... that's your dad's actual suit..-" *loak says to spider as they sneak to the bushes too*
"What the..." *spider scrunches his eyebrows*
"Loak you're gonna be in trouble.."
"Shh-" "for life-" "Shut up-" *their voices are quite unbearably loud worrying you slightly, as you look over the bushes, you see tall avatars searching around taking to one another, like a meeting.. whatever it was- your stomach makes you feel things because of your anxiety, worriedly thinking why the hell they're back. You whisper to loak*
"Loak we need to get out of here-" 
"I got this- I've spotted before-" 
*he presses his throat com button to reach to jake* 
"Dad.." "where have you been, loak, what have I told you earlier-" 
"I've spotted some recoms... avatars.. they look like avatars..."
"What-.. where are you right now..?" 
"Uhm.. we're- we're at the old shack-"
"The old shack-? Shit- who- who are you with right now..." 
"I'm with-" *He looks around all of you, and gulps slightly*
"Im with kiri-, spider... Y/n.. and... and tuk.." 
"Tuk is with you!?.." 
"Alright... Alright- stay where you are and don't go anywhere else- we're coming- alright stay put, got it?"
*silence comes from loak as he doenst know what else to do*
"Loak I need an answer."
"Yes sir.." 
"Loak.. what's going on-" *you ask him worriedly*
"We're getting out of here- let's move-" 
"What- loak- but dad said-" 
"We need to head somewhere safer before they find us first-"
"I swear, if they find us your in so much trouble-" *kiri stresses to loak as they travel around the various bushes and leaves infront of them* 
"Guys we have to hurry what if they find- AHH-!" *tuk screams as shes taken hostage by a recom, she squirms as rhe man holds her down from her kuru, making her cry and plead. As all recoms spread out and start surrounding us, spider unsheathes his bow, hissing and aiming his bow at them, loak tells spider to lower his bow, spider reluctantly puts his bow down, as kiri then gets tugged by a recom earning a yelp from her, tuk wails and cries, pleading for them to stop* 
"Mawey... tuk mawey-.." *kiri repeats to tuk as she then gets pulled at her head by the recom, she hisses at them* 
*You suddenly get trapped in the arms of a recom making you scream, you squirm your way trying to release yourself from them but your too weak to fight them off, everyone starts panicking in some way, spider tries to bite the recom but gets pulled at the hair instead, loak tries to convince the recoms he only spoke navi* 
*another unfamiliar recom comes into view earning confused looks from all of you, he then looks between you and spider, a little surprised, you send him a glare as you huff in anger slightly trying to tug yourself away from them, but the recom pulls you back and shouts at you to stay still. He roams around everyone and spots loak* 
"Show me your hands.." *he says in a deep and rustic voice* 
*loak gets shoved by the recom behind him trying to get an answer out of him, he then pulls both of his hands out drawing the middle finger to the man infront of him, a little 'fuck you' message to him. You smile and snicker a little, at loaks antics but your hair gets tugged by the recom behind you asking you if it's funny, you then hiss and glare behind them* 
"Hmm, so you are his..." *He smiles as he then looks up and nods at rhe recom to let him go, then taking looks kuru and tugging the braid along it, making him scream in pain, you wince as you see him get tugged at.* 
"Where is he?" *He orders loak, loak hisses at him, but he continues to pull at his hair trying to get an answer out of him* 
*Loak speaks in navi*
"Sorry.. but i don't speak your language.. to buttheads" *He chuckles at this sort but his braid gets pulled back again* 
"Where is your father- now." *Quaritch speaks more sternly in navi, pulling the back of loaks kuru making him hiss* 
"Leave him alone asshole-!" *you shouted to Quaritch as Loaks eyes went wide at your statement, Quaritch let's go of loak and hands him to another recom as he makes his way over to you, he snarls at you and pulls you by the hair, your breathe knocked out off your lungs as he forces you on your knees, taking a dagger out and holds it by your neck* 
"LET HER GO- DONT HURT HER PLEASE-" *Spider yells at him*
"DONT FUCKING TOUCH HER ASSHOLE-" *Loak tries to run to you but he gets held back by the recom* 
"And how are you- a simple human girl, can breathe in this fucking planet?.." *your heart drops, how did he know? he snarls at you and you squirm spewing curses at him telling him to let you go* 
"Ahh.. I see- dad's a navi and your mom a human?-" *He says chuckling to himself as your anger is fueled even more* 
"You don't know anything about me!" *you yell at him, making him hiss at you.* 
"Colonel- we got him tracked." *A recom announces as he pulls a tablet up for him, he looks at the statistics and smiles greedily, everyone worries* "Everyone, keep your eyes on lookout, we've got company." *Your heart drops at that moment, realising what they meant* 
"Shit-" *you curse under you're breathe, as they move you to another part of the forest you try and pry yourself away from the recoms but they keep you in place and snarl at you* 
*You try to calm yourself feeling a little lightheaded of what's about to happen, your all but calm though, you feel tears threatening to spill, suddenly a recom shouts of a sighting of a navi, you and everyone else were pulled down to duck, as the recpms start aiming their guns at them, you shake as the sound of a guns terrify you, tuk being beside you, you hold her hand as she cries, she looks at you, fear driven in her irises, you calm her as the gunshots never stopped until you heard a yip. Loak then elbows the recom taking a smoke bomb distracting all of them, Loak urges all of you to run and follow him, suddenly all the recoms start to chase you, your hands still locked together by some kind of cuffs, you run together with loak, kiri, tuk, and spider. As you almost get close to clearing you stumble upon a vine catching you off and falling down, one of the recoms are close by just feet away from you as they found you vulnerable, they almost get to you until you saw it, two pairs of navi eyes looking directly at you and the recom infront of him, the recom doesn't notice until he gets shot by an arrow through their chest. You fight back to scream opting to cover your mouth instead whimpering in fear, the navi runs up to you and grabs you by the arm, undoing your cuffs saying in English "GO!". Your mind races with thoughts wondering why the navi had saved you, he could've mistakened you for a scientist ans would've killed you right then and there, but for some reason, it had felt like for a split second something about him felt familiar- but as you were too caught up in imagining, he held you by your waist and carries you, making you yelp in the sudden change as you hold on to his neck for support. He ran fast, dodging most bullets as you held onto him for dear life. But as you were close to the clearing, the navi man's ankle had caught a vine and sprained his ankle, making you both tumble over, the injury was bad and who knows how many seconds had gone by till they found you* 
"Oh my god!? Shit- your ankle-" 
*you try to think of a solution and immediately ripped both your pants in a half making it into shorts, the navi man stares at you confused and panting, you bring the fabric tp his ankle and wrap it securely, he hisses at the pain* "It's going to be fine, we gotta get out of here-" *suddenly a beeping sound was heard around both of you and you realised it was a bomb* 
"SHIT! LOOKOUT-" *the navi man shouts as he rolls you both over to a farther place making you both roll over a steep part of the forest, he holds you close to him, engulfing you in his arms as to not get you hurt or scratched. Thankfully by the time you both reached the end, you both were at the clearing, as you both meet Jake, Neytiri, loak, kiri, and tuk. 
*Neytiri gasps at the both you, seeing you and neteyam falling Iver the slope.* "Are you kids alright?!" *jake asks worriedly running up to you both as everyone huddles near you both* "Yes, sir- we're alright-" 
*Neteyam says until he unwraps his arms around you seeing you unconscious, Neteyam curses under his breathe as everyone gasps in shock*
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celamoon · 2 years
hiiii! its my bday in a week and i was just wondering if i could req izuru x reader headcannons where its the readers bday ? tysmmmm ♡
Hi bby!! I saw that your birthday was on the 28th so I thought it'd be nice to drop it then :D Happy birthday!!
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Warnings: None
I feel like Kamukura either goes all out or goes as simple as he can
Like you could be like "oh I just want cake for my birthday" and he'd make you a BOMB ASS CAKE as the ult hope but since that's all you asked for that's all he made
On the exterior, he comes off as uncaring but that's only bc he sucks at emotions and the doctors fucked him up
so I feel like he reads you subtly before your birthday through roundabout questions because he wants it to be a surprise
nothing's a surprise to him but it's nice to see you so happy at a surprise
If you don't want anyone else, Kamukura will stick with you on your birthday and bake you a cake and do traditional celebrations
he'll also cook you dinner (just for you)
If you want friends over then he arranges for your friends to come and visit and plans who brings what
no matter what you want he's still the one making cake (because he likes cake and wants to take a finger of the batter)
but he's always the first one to wish you happy birthday
messages? The birthday messages flood in and Izuru is ALWAYS first
he cares, ok?
he also gets you whatever you had been eyeing at any point that you didn't buy
having every talent in the book comes in handy like that
Something been on your wish list for ages that you still want? He got it.
Something you mentioned off-handedly ONCE? he got it
It's like Christmas morning without the tree and it's just a pile of presents stacked on the coffee table with Izuru and a cake in his hands
If you beg him hard enough he might even crack a smile for you
but no matter how you like celebrating your birthday Kamukura is 100% the best person to celebrate it with
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obesericewrites · 11 months
Hello! Today is like my bday and I'm feeling a little underwhelmed by everything that has happened today so I'm not really having the best day. Things are also like not going the way how I wanted it to but only because I've been so busy to the point I haven't had the time to plan anything for myself. So like I've been rereading old asks and replaying the demo and it's been really cheering me up. I just wanted to tell you because your work has such an impact on me. Just reading about your characters manages to make my day a little better 😭
As for the ask, how would the ros react to the mc going through the same thing? Like it's their bday but with everything that's been going on with their life, they haven't had any time for themselves and have just been having a pretty bad day the entire day despite the greetings and gifts they received.
I am so sorry that answered this late! I hope your day got better, and that you had a lovely birthday in the end. I made this extra long, just for you 💛
S: They notice your true feelings immediately. S would not be an assassin if they didn't pick up on your tiny cues. They are the sort of person that will choose between one of two options. The first is straightforward. They spend every penny they have on buying you things. Remember those beautiful textiles you mentioned approximately three months ago? S has it in thirty colors. You needed new needles a few weeks ago, right? Here they are, taking up half of your counter space. However, if that does not make you happy and instead makes you uncomfortable. That's when option two comes into play.
S will take you somewhere quiet. They drag you into a secure patch of trees on the village's outskirts, and there, laying down in the sun's rays, is a beautiful picnic. Your favorite meals, beverages, and snacks are arranged neatly on a cluster of plates. A cozy circle is formed by cushions and fluffed blankets. It appears to have taken some time to set up, and S...did it all for you.
“I know today hasn’t gone as you’ve planned, darlin. But I figure—ahem, well, I wanted to see if I could make you feel better. Happy birthday.”
M: It takes them around twenty minutes before they realize you too are not enjoying the party being thrown. The only reason it took so long, was due to the fact that M had been briefly lost in their own discomfort. The people in your house had been…loud, excessively so, and the energy they put out was a lot. To say the least. When they subtly sneak up behind you, M grunts out a single word, “follow.” They lead you outside, and purposefully towards an unattended cluster of bushes.
M squats alongside it and beckons for you to follow suit. When you do, the view before you is breathtaking. A large moth, slowly bursting through a cocoon shell, appeared to be connected to magic. As its wings extended, a little halo of light appeared along within its patterns. That is how you spend the remainder of your day. M guiding you around the village, introducing you to various creatures and items. They concludes it by presenting you with a beautifully carved wooden sculpture of your favorite animal.
“It…not in my culture…to celebrate the day of birth. Yet…if important to you…I will do it. Here is gift, happy day of birth.”
B: They notice almost immediately. Even as B is in the middle of a conversation, their eyes are on you alone. They excuse themselves sweetly and approach you with a purposely controlled expression on their face. The presents, people, and general atmosphere had appeared to overwhelm you to the point that they could tell you weren't having fun anymore. They first try to cheer you up without leaving the party entirely. B will bring up sappy or embarrassing memories in order to make you laugh. If that fails to work. They then do their magic.
B playfully sneaks you out of your own party. The two of you are caught three times before the guests decides to help you. They take you to their shop, and the time you spend together is...refreshing. It's been a long time since you've simply talked to someone without any problems or responsibilities weighing you down. B begins to quietly bake while listening to you speak. By the end of the day, they have made one of your favorite pastries and they place it in front of you with a kind smile.
“I’m so glad you talked to me, MC. I know how overwhelming a birthday can be, especially in our village. Just know, I am always here for you. Happy birthday.”
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lockedfighter · 5 months
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ˏˋ°• ׂׂૢ་༘࿐           @goldenfists actually making the bday girl cry w / love . ♡ ₊˚ˑ༄ ↳ to  say  he  was  nervous  was  an  understatement:  he  was  drifting  close  to  the  precipice  of  agitation,  wanting  naught  but  to  provide  the  best  birthday  to  the  one  whose  presence  had  become  a  font  of  vigour,  of  contentment  and  bliss.  he  stood  behind  the  door  that  would  lead  to  the  chambers  of  safety,  holding  a  bouquet  of  the  most  exquisite  wine  roses  and  a  box  so  gingerly  wrapped  in  gorgeous  golden  paper.  its  content  was  an  elegant  necklace  with  a  heart-shaped  crystal,  carefully  carved  by  hands  of  great  expertise.  mayhap  he  had  gone  overboard  (  he  long  lost  the  capability  of  being  in  sync  with  the  mundanities  of  the  world  ),  but  the  intention  was  genuine  and  pure,  wanting  solely  to  grace  her  with  the  beauties  and  delicacies  of  affectionate  care.  after  all,  it  was  a  milestone  in  her  journey,  and  he  was  determined  to  make  it  unforgettable. he  opened  the  door  with  a  single  click  and  crossed  the  threshold  into  their  sanctuary,  being  instantly  greeted  by  the  gentle  rustle  of  curtains  being  drawn  and  the  soft  patter  of  footsteps  echoing  through  the  room.  his  senses  were  heightened,  attuned  to  every  sound,  every  movement,  as  he  made  his  way  to  their  shared  space.  for  a  second,  he  thought  she  was  reposing,  but  the  sounds  coming  from  her  room  emphasised  the  possibility  of  her  enjoying  the  first  sunbeams  on  the  balcony.  a  smile  thus  jazzed  upon  his  tiers,  knowing  that  she  was  a  sunflower  pursuing  the  sun  for  vitality  and  strength  ⸻  many  were  the  times  that  she  would  find  solace  in  the  first  rays  of  sunshine,  encountering  solace  in  the  smallest  joys  of  life. once  in  the  room,  he  observed  how  it  was  bathed  in  the  soft  hues  of  early  morning  light,  casting  a  warm  glow  upon  the  familiar  surroundings.  his  spheres  lingered  on  the  balcony,  where  he  could  see  her  silhouette  against  the  backdrop  of  the  rising  sun.  she  stood  there,  with  all  her  glorious  and  ethereal  beauty,  her  presence  filling  the  room  with  a  sense  of  serenity  and  grace. if  words  could  ever  translate  the  depths  of  his  sentiments,  he  wondered  if  even  her  ears  could  absorb  the  intensity  of  them. with  a  hesitant  step,  he  approached  her,  the  delicate  fragrance  of  the  flowers  expanding  and  filling  the  air,  mingling  with  the  scent  of  her  perfume  and  the  crisp  morning  breeze  [  …  ]  and  before  she  could  turn  around,  his  strong  limb  circled  around  her  from  behind,  the  bouquet  appearing  before  her  like  the  sun  peeking  in  the  horizon.  his  tiers  thus  found  her  ear,  his  heart  pounding  with  anticipation.  ❝  happy  birthday,  princess.  ❞  he  spoke  the  words  he  had  been  rehearsing  in  his  mind  since  the  break  of  dawn.  ❝  saw  them  this  morning  in  the  florist…  thought  you  would  like  them.  ❞  he  murmured  softly,  his  vocals  barely  above  a  whisper.  and  when  she  turned  around,  with  lineaments  graced  with  what  he  perceived  as  a  cocktail  of  surprise  and  happiness,  a  toothy  grin  jazzed  upon  his  tiers. he  extended  the  other  hand  with  the  box,  his  free  hand  elevating  to  rub  his  nape,  mayhap  too  nervous  with  the  extravagant  present.  ❝  it's  handmade…  you  deserve  to  wear  somethin'  this  elegant  whenever  we  have  the  chance  to  have  dinner  out.  ❞�� and  with  that,  he  concluded  his  reverie,  observing  her  with  so  much  emotion  and  sentiment  that  he  questioned  his  capability  of  concealing  them.  ❝  i  do  hope  you  like  them…  ❞
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༊⋆。˚                                  the  first  rays  of  sun    never  failed  to  arouse  her  from  (  almost  )  peaceful  slumbers  .  had  begun  to  learn  the  serenity of  sleeping  next  to  him  —-  mayhaps    they  were  finally  safe  ?  they  could  never  truly  know  if  those  who  were  after  them  would    give  in    but  they  had  resided  in  their  penthouse  apartment  for  some  time  now  .  undisturbed  .  slipping  from  the  sheets  ,  she  wondered  where  he  was    ;    panic  initially  set  in  but  she  knew  he’d  have  his  reasonings  .  unable  to  fall  back  asleep  due  to  his  disappearance  ,  she  chose  to  watch  the  sunrise  ‘pon  their  balcony  .  finding   p  e  a  c  e  in  the  solitude  of  the  summer  morning  yet  still  yearning  for  his  presence  .  had  she  become  so  dependent  on  him  ?   
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the  sound  of  a  rustling  behind  her  making  smile  to  herself  fully  aware  of  his  presence  .  their  bond  seemingly  connecting  them  so  deeply  .  awaiting  patiently  to  feel  him  against    her  ;   a  routine  they’d  fallen  into  ,  she  gasped  when  line  of  vision  became  obstructed  with  such  beauty  .  a  bouquet  of  ruby  roses  ,  reminiscent  of  her  orbs  .  never  had  she  seen    such    a  large  bunch  .  momentary  memories  filling  her  minds  eye  of  her  late  best  friend  .  she’d  always  loved  flowers  .  oh  ,  how  she  would  have  loved  these  .  but  the  reason  behind  such  a  gift  —-  ..  it  was  then  she  r  e  a  l  i  s  e  d  .  her  birthday  .  the  days  had  all  jumbled  into  one  that  dates  had  slipped  from  her  .    but  he  had  remembered  .  heart  swelling  as  tears  prickled  her  eyes  .  she  didn’t  deserve  him  one  bit  .  did  deserve  such  acts  of  tenderness  .  voice  filled  with  husk    reverberated  in  a    (  dangerous  )    whisper  .  heat  pooling  through  to  her  abdomen  ,  heart  beating  so  fast  ,  she  was    afraid  it  would  break  ribs  .  could  he  hear  the  pounding  ?  simultaneously  falling  in  love  &  lust  with  him  was  beginning  to  prove  a  challenge  for  her  self  control  .  ❛  —-  you  remembered  ..  ❜  breathy  whisper  almost  inaudible  . 
dainty  hands  reached  for  the  floral  arrangement    before  wiggling  around  in  his  arms  .  the  scent  almost  elegant  in  the  air  .  a  calming  fragrance  .  ❛  they’re  so  beautiful  ,  thank  you  .  ❜  next  gift  came  as  even  more  of  a  shock    —-  knocking  the  air  from  her  ,  unspoken  words  a  t  t  e  m  p  t  i  n  g   to  form  .  placing  the  bouquet  ‘pon  the  outdoor  sofa  but  never  straying  too  far    from  his  presence  ,  she  gently  grasped  the    (  beautiful  wrapped  )    golden  present  .  the  box  inside  setting  the  butterflies  within  her  stomach  off  ,  vision  now  hazy  with  tears  streaming  .    the  necklace  within  so  breathtaking  ,  she  began  to  question  if  this  was  all  but  a  dream  ? 
❛    you  ..   ❜  unable  to  form  an    intelligible  sentence  ,  she  quickly  slipped  the  necklace  on  (  despite  still  in  her  night  wear  )    before  setting  down  the  box  next  to  the  flowers  and  acting  on  pure  adoration  &  devotion  for  him  ,  she  leapt  into  his  arms  without  any  warning  —-  legs  wrapped  around  his  waist  as  petite  yet  powerful  hands  cupped  his  cheeks  and  jaw  ;  an  attack  of    peppered  kisses  upon  every  inch  of  his  face  before  a  lingering  one  pressed  possessively  against  his  tiers  . 
❛  i  love  them  !!   ❜  and  you  . 
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silantryoo · 1 year
happy birthday, silan!
i hope that you have an amazing day. one where all your dear ones greet you, where you feel loved and wanted, and that ends up being enjoyable, regardless of the activies you may do for it.
i hope that the year that you are leaving behind has been, in its majority, a really good one, full of great memories, full of great persons; i hope that it was such a great year, that you might remember it in the future happily, with the smallest amount of regrets as possible, because you definitely peace of mind.
i also hope that the unavoidable bad moments that might have presented in your life in this last year have been ones which taught you lessons, which have made you a smarter, better, wiser person, more ready to face the difficulties of life. but, again, i hope this year was the best it could have been for you.
i hope that the new year that begins for you today happens to be an amazing one; if possible, one of your best. fullfilled by good memories, health, love, rest, and all the people you love the most.
i hope that there are a lot more of good days waiting for you in storage, that you are able to rest, A LOT, that you are able to listen to good music, read good books/one shots, see more yujin and kazuha content, and do anything you propose to yourself in life.
thanks for having been in tumblr with us for such a long time. for all the efforts you have made to write and make so many projects, and for not giving up despite the difficulties (including tumblr literally erasing your account. it may have been frustating, but it's great that you didn't allow that to stop you. and it paid off, for everyone who enjoys your works ㅡ which are a big amount of people ㅡ are always here, ready to see it, regardless of the time it might take for you to do it ㅡ and again, we don't have trouble with waiting, and hope you always do it at your tempo).
thanks for all the efforts you make for this account, for all the amazing writings; thanks for allowing us to meet you and your talent during this last year. and thanks for being such an amazing person. we all love you and feel comfortable with your presence ㅡ so congrats for that. for your kindness and your overall way of being.
i hope that you have a nice bday, a nice new year, and that, if you are comfortable, we are able to enjoy more of your works, because they are a pleasure for us (but again, don't rush nor force yourself).
thank you so much for absolutely everything. have the nicest of days; the happiest of birthdays. love ya!
ㅡ pr hyein's (the anon) y/n.
ngl i shed a tear or two
TYSM! i cannot believe you guys still stuck w me through all the mess that happened, and im so thankful for all of you. ty for staying w me through this long (hopefully even longer) journey i love yall sm ❤️❤️
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zhuhongs · 2 years
hhhhh so im on a ridiculously long ride home and just my phone so tumblr diary entry time lol. if you have my instagram this will make more sense but yk. anyways. so yesterday was the last day of the semester and i was tbh pretty normal abt it. but leading up to it i was a mess and tbh i think my stomach issues actually came more from the stress of knowing im leaving but the alcohol seemed plausible enough an explanation so i ran with it. but nah i was just. hhhh overwhelmed. bc anytime i was out with ppl it disappeared and as soon i was alone and not busy i was like. oh theres the stomach pain. LOL. but yea. so i decided my going away present to everyone would be a drawing of them plus a message bc like. i always said i liked art but never rlly showed my classmates my art so i was like. welp lets go out with a bang. and it felt good bc i really wanted to do smth like this sooner. my initial plan to make a good impression was to print stickers of my art and put my IG on it and get close to ppl that way. but i was just far too stressed and thought itd be weird. so i just. Didnt. and i regret not putting in enough effort at the beginning. but i also feel like its okay, especially given my upbringing. i needed that time to myself to figure it out, and now i really know that i can just. talk to ppl. and not be afraid. bc the ppl i got closest to were the one i swore would judge me most bc of my own preconceived notions, but i told the the parts of me i hid the most and they accepted it. and could at least sympathize and actually relate and i just. why was i so silly. why was i so mean to myself to be convinced that i was so unacceptable that no one except for those who already knew me could accept me and enjoy my presence? i was so silly. i wont do that again, but if i do, it will still be easier than doing it this time bc I'll recognize the patterns and quickly snap out of it.
in a way, i really do feel like i needed all this time alone to process myself and rlly look myself in the eye and recognize the ways ive lived that i can just stop doing now that i have the freedom to be free of my past. and part of me feels like I'm saying that as copium bc i didnt connect sooner and i possibly could have also had a better time with others and still have come to realize the same things and more through the help and company of others. but i also know that i cant live life always thinking so much. so i just need to live and let the regrets be what they are, and move forwards. but the regrets do indeed linger. like i made the decision not to stay in taiwan. bc of well A. money and B. i felt like if i had more time I'd just fucking waste it like i wasted the first 4 months. i might as well force myself into a corner and see if that would make me do things i was too scared to do otherwise. and like, it worked! i did say fuck it and rlly just let loose bc i was gonna leave but now its worked too well. and like i wish soooo bad that i had those 3 months to fully enjoy every chance working out. Part of me says that its best to leave with that hope. rather than have taken that chance and it fizzled out. the thing keeping me from extending the most was honestly knowing I'd have my birthday there. and i could not take the possibility of spending my birthday alone... i legit couldnt stomach it. in the past i used to spend every bday alone but in recent years ive had a mazing friends that actually made my bday special and i just. I'm so used to having that day be nice that i really couldnt take the possibility of it being awkward. but now i realize that it wouldn't have been like that. it couldve been wonderful. but thats okay, in another life. or maybe a few years. who knows. im considering doing smth like this again in like 2 years after I've worked a bit. i have nothing but time. but man. sometimes i just wonder yk.
and last night i had a rlly good one on one talk with my classmate and that was amazing, but i got home and checked IG like a dumbass and say another group of classmates partying til 3am and i was like.... man i should've done that. but like, logically no. i had a great night regardless and i partied with those classmates last week. ive had my fill, and i had things to do today that i needed to be coherent for. but i couldn't help but thinking what if. and i know its not so easy to kill that voice inside my head. its always gonna be there. its not just me, thats the devil of SNS like instagram. bc you see the best parts of everyone's lives at all times and feel like you're missing out but you're not. you only see a sliver of what it really was..but yea. its okay. I'm still so very young. and i just need to treasure now and take whatever chances i get to nourish the connections i have right now and put yourself out there to make new ones when the chances arise. its okay, there is not life that can be lived without saying goodbye. but damn, yesterday at the school gates two of my classmates hit me with the さよなら and that. man i felt it in that moment. theres so much i wish i couldve said in all that time we had to spend together but i just held my tongue bc i was scared. but this was really playing social interaction on hard mode, like the cultural differences, the language barrier, the introversion, the fact it was my first time on my own fr, just, there were soooo many factors working against me specifically. and fuck man, i still did it. and i am still so young, i really can do whatever i want. it feels so weird. ive only been here 6 months but in a way it feels like this is how its always been. like the fact that im going home feels so strange. like i havent been there in years, i honestly cant fully grasp that im gonna be in a place where i speak the language fluently and am fully aware and familiar with my surroundings. like, why does that feel so odd. it does, i legit dont even know how to feel besides strange. i just have a strange pit in my stomach. but its okay. it will pass as everything does. but these days will always live on inside me as everything does. even if i can't fully recall it. so i just have to keep going as always. god. life is trippy man. but yea. Yea. thats it. i think
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happy birthday laurel !! - from dougie (and/or any/all of my idiots teehee) <3 (i know iTS A TAD LATE BUT I HAD TO, you did it for dougie's bday!! pre break up or not take ur pick :)) )
a birthday moment // @cursivebloodlines
The sunlight had begun creeping in the bedroom, though that wasn't what stirred her awake. It was when she turned over in bed, reaching out to Dougie's unofficial side of the bed, only to find it empty. She wondered if he had left already, but that didn't seem likely. It was so early, though Laurel couldn't be certain. She hadn't even glanced at a clock. The night before, she had asked Dougie to cancel any plans he was working on. That she would be happy getting food at a drive thru and watching a movie at home. The idea that she would spend her birthday with someone who loved and genuinely cared for her was a better present than anything she had received in the last five years. And she simply couldn't think of anything else she wanted to do. Spend the whole day in bed with him, movie marathon on the couch, dinner date...everything sounded absolutely perfect. Though, she was partial to anything that kept them here - at home. It meant not sharing him with the world. Selfishly, Laurel wanted him to herself today.
Birthdays were a complicated subject for Laurel. Previous years didn't stand out to her, spending them with boyfriends who didn't care enough or getting drunk off her ass by 2:00 pm. Now, that didn't mean she hated the day or anything of the sort. Laurel loved celebrating her birthday, but the day just never turned out quite right. It made it difficult to love a day that always seemed to include one disaster or another.
Laurel felt groggy as she sat up in bed, looking around for him. Her confusion didn't last long as the bedroom door creaked open and there he was. Here he was, holding a cake with a few lit candles. His beautiful grin instantly captivating her, quickly crawling to the foot of the bed to meet him halfway. "Doug..." She sat down, legs folded under her - the corner of her lips turning upwards, a hazy smile making an appearance. So much so, that she forgot to question the cake this early in the morning. Even if she wanted to question it, Laurel couldn't say it when she met his gaze. His blue eyes full of hope, and she could only offer a wider smile. It was silent confirmation that, she loved everything about this. Laurel reached out, a hand resting on his shoulder for balance, before leaning in to press her lips against his. The candles could remain lit a little longer. But, after a moment, she reluctantly pulled away. Having Dougie hold the cake for so long was not fair either. She glanced down and there it was: the buttercream message written in beautiful handwriting. Happy Birthday Laurel! It was from her favorite bakery, wasn't it? How early did he wake up to pull this off? This was perfect, he was perfect. Just last night, she had no idea what to do and she tried having no expectations. But somehow, he had already crafted the perfect day, exceeded any expectation she could ever have. One final glance at Dougie before focusing on the candles before her, time to make a wish. Eyes closed for a moment, I wish...I wish this happiness never ends, please. Once the candles were out, she got out of bed and took the cake from his hands, setting it down on the dresser behind him. "I love you," she whispered, hands resting against the nape of his neck. "And..thank you. I am so lucky to have you, you're the best gift ever. I mean, you're missing your gift wrap and ribbon," she teased with a playful wink. "But, that's alright. Thank you again my love, this is the best birthday ever."
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mins-fins · 4 months
haopy birthday isa wisa!!!! its isa day!!!!!! who screamed!!!! i hope you have the best day everrrr its the big 18 omg 😱 i was gonna say u could go get rly drunk but then i remembered where u live HELPPP mayb do it anyway we won’t tell.. but whatever you end up doing pleaseee make sure to eat yummy food and enjoy yourself the whole time!!! i hope you get lots of presents and spend some time with people you love ^^ you are fr one of my bestest friends EVER i love talking to you and listening to your song recs and reading all the amazing (and sometimes devastating) things u write!!! ok help i dont wanna yap too much so i’ll stop but again this is for real YOUR DAYYY i hope its amazing >< i love you bsf lets stay friends for way way longer!!!! like ever!!! 🤗💖🧸
PS - drawings enclosed 😄 they’re not going to stay side by side which is going to Piss me off but i did two anw ☺️ i hope u like themmmm ily my jeno 😇
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literally shut up i will sob RUGHT NOW
the big 18 and i almost had a crying fit this morning bc my dad didnt remember…but then again he NEVER remembers so ive gotten over it now 🫤 STPSPS ITS FINE I CAN GET DRUNK IN IMAGINATION 😭😭 i AM eating yummy food and i havent even had to spend my own money (forgot ppl like to pay for u on your bday) like i feel so special 😖😖 so far ive gotten this cute origami swan from my bf, like seven kirby plushies and my friend made me a painting like she literally loves me guys (#THANKSHARON) were also baking later too!! (but im not baking bc its my birthday and everyone does everything for me)
I LOVE YOU TOO😭😭😭☹️😖☹️🙁☹️☹️☹️☹️ thank you for this i hope your pillows are always cold and you always pull moon taeil when you buy an nct 127 album 💗⭐️
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emubop · 5 years
The McElroys uploaded a new Monster Factory the day before my birthday, bi rights babey
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buckgasms · 2 years
Hiii ❤️ oh dear, its so hot here currently,  which brought me to an idea that I would happily request. A Bucky Barnes one where the avengers (including the fem. reader) are having a day off and enjoy the time at the pool. Buck and her keep playing with the water and tease each other (they have a crush on each other tho) and the others start making bets on you to finally make a move. Then Buck does something mean like throwing her in the water but she pulls him with her and they end up kissing or smth?  I hope this is not weird and maybe you want to write something like that 😊😊 I'd appreciate this very much (and it would make my bday today a looot sweeter)
Sweet Nonnie!!! I am so so sorry I missed this yesterday for your birthday!! I hope you had a beautiful day 🎉 Consider this a birthday present to make it last a little longer!
I ever so slightly changed the end but I hope it still tickles your pickle 👉🏻🥒 a beautiful request from a beautiful soul!
If you would like to make a request, hit me up baby 💌
Warnings: A tiny bit of blood, but nothing awful I promise. Fluff and flirting 🍹
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There were some perks to being an Avenger, and today with the world too hot to start a war, you and the rest of your team mates were able to enjoy the hospitality of Tony and his pool. That was a great perk.
Another perk of a day like this was you got to spend a day messing around with Bucky. A shirtless Bucky no less. A tanned, dripping Bucky. Nat had slapped your arm at least four times to stop you from staring, but honestly it was so hard not to look.
For your part, you did your best to return the favour to him. You had donned your cutest bikini, a big floppy hat and some pretty sandals. Your eyes flashed to him when you walked along the poolside and stopped at a lounger directly opposite him, just to check he was looking. He was.
You then spent a stupidly long time applying sunscreen. You made a subtle show of spreading your legs to apply the stuff to your thighs, massaging your boobs and sighing as you did so. Another quick glance showed he was watching. You smiled slightly and lay back, hoping for a little tan and a little bit more maybe?
After a while you were bored of lounging and the cool water beckoned you. It took you a little while to wade in and in that time Bucky and Steve had decided to canonball into the water, causing you to shriek as the cold water splashed you.
Finally you lunged forward and managed to get a few lengths in before their horseplay stopped you. Steve managed to convince Wanda to join and play 'Chicken Fight' against you and Bucky. He didn't even give you a chance to decide before he was lifting you up on his shoulders, firm hands squeezing your thighs.
Steve raised his eyebrows at the move but said nothing as Wanda was gearing up to knock you down. You put up a good fight but you were pretty sure she used some of her powers to send you and Bucky sinking. As you attempted to resurface you felt his arms grab your waist and pull you to the surface until you were suddenly face to face. After some trash talk you had another go, then another, then another. You spent a good part of an next hour falling into the water, only occasionally managing to topple the young witch.
All the while Bucky's hands squeezed at your thighs, ran his hands along your soft skin, while you stroked your fingers along his cheek, held his hands and even very occasionally squeezed your thighs around his head. But that was only because of the game. Nothing more. Promise.
Eventually Steve and Wanda got tired of beating you both and left. You and Bucky remained. "Bucky let me down" you giggled and he turned his head, his lips brushing against your inner thigh, "You sure about that sweetie?" And you huffed which suddenly turned into a scream when he threw you backwards. You emerged spluttering and proceeded to splash Bucky as much as you could in retaliation.
"Can you believe those two?" Sam muttered over a cocktail, planting himself next to Nat on a sun lounger. "I know, it's so cute it's sickening" she replied. They both watched as you and Bucky flirted with each other. You had sat on the pool edge, Bucky leaning his arms on your thighs. "It's the puppy eyes that does it for me" said Sam as Nat hummed in agreement.
"10 bucks he kisses her first" Nat said, reaching out for Sam's hand. "I'll take that bet, he's a goddam wuss, she'll do it first."
When your teeth started chattering you decided it was time to get out and warm up poolside. You both retreated to your loungers opposite each other and shared a small smile as you towled down.
"Have fun?" Nat said suggestively and you chuckled "Uh huh, very nice." You laid down and closed your eyes letting the sun warm you up.
"Bucky DON'T"
You heard Nat's voice which woke you from your doze, but before you really opened your eyes you were shocked when ice cold water splashed all over your hot body. You screamed as your eyes met Bucky's, standing over you with a little bucket in his hand.
"You jerk!!!" You squealed jumping off the lounger and running after him as he fled around the edge. As you chased him you slipped on the wet tiles and fell, your knee making a horrible thud as you landed on it.
You groaned as you rolled over and winced at the bloody knee. Suddenly Bucky was kneeling at your side, "Shit Doll, I'm so sorry! Fuck, are you ok?"
"It's ok Buck, just a graze" you grimaced and tried to stand. He swatted your arms and scooped you up and carried you into the kitchen, placing you on the counter as he searched around for a first aid kit.
"Hey, Buck, honestly I'm ok" you chuckled as he slammed doors until he found it. You watched his face as he cleaned your cut and applied a plaster. You grabbed his hand, "Youu there?" You said and he finally looked at you. "Sorry, just.... I was messing around, didn't mean for you to get hurt sweetie."
You smiled, rubbing your hands up and down his arms. " You wanna make it up to me?" He cocked an eyebrow and smiled at you, "Ok?" You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him close. "Kiss it better?"
As Bucky's lips connected with yours a large whoop came from outside and you giggled as the gang clapped and dispersed, Nat holding out her hand to Sam. You turned back to Bucky and smiled, before pulling him back into a much longer kiss.
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satorugojooo · 2 years
I'm not sure if I should send in a request, but here goes (。•́‿•̀。)
It's actually my birthday today, so may I request some headcanons for Cyno (gender neutral reader), who remembers the reader's birthday and takes them to go see some tortoises at a pond? Not many people remember my birthday, and I've learnt to treat it as an unimportant day, so some comfort would be nice (o´・_・) (I think I'd like headcanons that are more to the romantic side)
I'm really sorry if this comes off as rude or demanding, and I'm really sorry if this request breaks any one of your rules! (If this ask makes you uncomfortable, please delete it!)
A/n: Omg happy birthdayyyyy!! I hope you will enjoy this day to the fullest because it's your birthday!! A really important day and dw, I like this request a lot I hope you will enjoy this small birthday gift :D
Pairings: Cyno x gn!reader
Warnings: none
I see Cyno as the type who prepares in advance for these occasions! So when he found out that it's his s/o's birthday the next week he started to think about the perfect gift!
Since Cyno is so caught up in studying, I don't see him as the type that has everything under control in a relationship, I could see him try to read books with advices (yes just like Artem from ToT 😭) and he would try his best to make you feel so good on your bday!
He knew that you liked animals, so after discussing with Tighnari he figured out going at the pond with tortoises is the best place to celebrate this joyous ocasion
He prepared everything, from the present (anything you like honestly!) till the smallest detail! He made sure no one would disturb your time there!
When the big day arrived he put a blindfold on your eyes and guided you to the pond! When you opened your eyes and saw the tortoises and the blanket on the grass full with desserts and snacks you felt so touched!
You didn't think Cyno would have time to prepare something for your birthday since he was a busy man but he told you that it was normal for him to surprise his one and only!
As you fed the tortoises you both talked about everything and after you enjoyed the desserts Cyno made himself with the help of Collei!
After that you both cuddled and enjoyed the sweet moment till the sun dissappeared and the moon started to shine brightly on the sky.
You thanked Cyno for everything and you both shared the sweetest kiss ever!
"Thank you so much for everything Cyno!" you said smiling brightly and he smiled down at you.
"No need to thank me, this day is one of the most important ones since the gods blessed this world with your presence, thank you for being always with me!" he said and you hugged him, small tears forming in your eyes.
"I love you so much!" you said and he pressed his lips to yours. After breaking up you looked in his eyes and smiled.
"From now on I will treasure this day very much." you said and he smiled.
"You better would dear, after all its your birthday!" he said as you both walked home.
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angelguk · 3 years
dedicated to the lovely @himboksj​ happy (very late almost criminally late) bday present! so whew... there’s a lot happening in this one! return of jock!jk and his wonderful girl oc now featuring!!: squirting, creampie, oral (fem receiving), mild choking, biting, boobs in face!!, anime tiddy mentions, praise kink galore, multiple orgasms, the use of a vibrator, jaykay is sick actually, over-stimulation, mild spit kink, dommish!jk, (redacted) pet name, mentions (and watching) of porn, everybody is in love and horny, crying cause the dick too good, fingering but not really. 5k of words that should have never left my brain. listen to continuum & nothing without you by tanerelle (kindly check masterlist for the pretty boy drabble mini masterlist if you want to read the rest of this au!)
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Jeongguk didn’t mean to go snooping through your things. It was 100% accidental. He just remembered that you kept some athletic tape in your drawers because Jeongguk usually needed to wrap his knee or ankle after practice and you ensured that he always had some near (in case he came crashing at yours instead of going back to his dorm after Coach brutalised him during drills). And, anyway, you were at a point in your relationship where Jeongguk didn’t necessarily feel the need to outright ask you if he could poke around your drawers. Of course, he respected your space, but it’s not like he wasn’t nosy when you were best friends. You were in the shower too, he didn’t want to bang on the door and ask where you kept the tape.
Imagine his surprise when he reached the final drawer in your dresser, idly rummaging around for the blue athletic tape he knows is buried somewhere, and his fingers latch around a silky cloth instead. He knew what it was immediately, the shape a dead give-away. A discreet bullet vibrator, stuffed under your unnecessarily large collection of fluffy winter socks. Perhaps he stopped breathing, the twitch in his loose workout shorts undeniable. He’s not surprised that you own one and yet, his brain can’t fathom you using it. Even now, Jeongguk’s still growing used to seeing you come undone around his length, the feeling of your walls tight on his cock as your mumble his name. It drives him mad. He’s seen you in every kind of state; sobbing hysterically, laughing until tears slip from your pretty eyes, stumbling drunk in the streets, eyebrows furrowed with anger at him, that soft tiny grin you grant him on good days, the pout your lips settle into when you don’t get your way. He never fathomed he’d ever see you in that way, skin flushed with heat, eyes cloudy with ecstasy, your heat pressed against his own. He finds new ways to fall in love with you every day but it reaches new heights when he’s deep inside of you. Maybe he’s mildly obsessed with seeing you unravel, but that’s a secret he keeps to himself.
He does take a peek at your toy though, a soft velvet-like purple vibrator. It’s cute actually, something you would definitely purchase. But then the sound of water hitting the shower tiles slows down and Jeongguk swiftly tucks the toy back into your drawers.
“Oh?” You say when you open the door to him standing stiff in your room. The steam from the shower wraps around your figure in gentle wisps, sunlight filtering in from the window behind you, the image of an innocent angel appearing right before his eyes. “You’re here.”
“Practise ended early,” Jeongguk returns, his gaze trailing the droplets of water that slip down your skin. You smell good, just like that vanilla and peach shower gel that you dearly love. And the towel hiding your body is loose. It’s not his fault that he’s hard in his pants. When he moves to hug you, your face contorts, a downward tug at your lips that Jeongguk longs to change with a kiss.
“I’m wet,” you whine, brushing past him. “Go shower, you always stink after practise.”
He huffs, strong arms catching your fleeing figure and quickly wrapping you into his chest. “No. Don’t want to. I missed you and you can’t even hug me? You’re so mean to me.”
“Guk-” Jeongguk cuts that complaint with his face in your neck, lips colouring your skin rouge with a kiss that intends to leave a mark. “You can’t,” you mumble, but your fingers settle on the nape of his neck, tangling in the growing strands of his hair. “I have to get to work soon.”
“It won’t take long,” Jeongguk returns, feathering kisses across your skin as he nudges you to the bed. “I promise. Let me do this, I’ve missed you, bunny.”
Your towel is discarded somewhere in the amble to your sheets, your thighs wrapped around Jeongguk’s face a second later. He watches your body carefully, teasing your clit with purpose before he allows himself to slip his tongue deep. He notes the twitches in your thighs, the way your buck your hips against his face. He ignores his desire, for the time being, nose buried at the apex of your cunt, tongue covered in your slick, his lips latched on your clit. You like it fast, purposeful sharp flicks that make you squirm until Jeongguk has to pin your hips down, the lave on your heat brutal. His brain can’t help but wonder how you’d behave with your toy grazing your clit and his cock burrowed deep. You’re so sensitive, response to even the softest kiss he lays on your cunt. Would you be wetter than this? You’re already dripping down his face, his mouth glistening with your desire. But he wants to see if you can do more than this, squirm more than this, make a bigger mess than this. The thought surfaces as he feels your body lock, the tension in your limbs drawn high as your hands reach for his. You cum on his face with your fingers intertwined, his name falling from your lips as the afternoon sunlight hits your skin. It’s then and there that Jeongguk decides, with his mouth wet from your release, he’s going to see you squirt one day. For him and him alone.
He waits for the moment to naturally strike, silently scheming wicked thoughts every time you crawl into his sheets. It happens one evening, an empty bottle of wine at the foot of your bed and hentai porn playing brazenly on his laptop screen. Somewhere between downing the bottle and cuddling in his sheets Jeongguk had mentioned an uncanny resemblance between your gigantic chest and the anime boobies he’d grown fond of since his introduction to hentai. You’d immediately dismissed him, whacking him hard on the head and then Jeongguk had to prove it to you, opening his favourite website and pulling up a video that had your jaw-dropping.
“Your boobs do that, you know,” he says. Which grants him a sharp kick to the shin.
“Jeongguk, what is wrong with you?” He can tell you’re not annoyed, but there’s a lilt in your voice that makes him pause, doe eyes flicking to your face. You may be kicking him under the blankets but your eyes are stuck to the video, a distance glaze colouring your gaze. He can tell by the way your thighs draw together that you’re not as averse to this as you pretend to be.
“Turn it off,” you mumble.
“Why? I can tell that you like it.”
“Jeon, I’m not joking.” There’s a glare paired with that sentence, but he reads right through it.
“Fine,” Jeongguk offers, fingers already typing what’s been on his mind since the day he discovered your vibrator.
“What are you—oh.”
There’s a quiet lull. He clicks on a video that’s more familiar to him than he’ll ever willingly admit out loud. It starts the way Jeongguk prefers it to, with a man on his knees, his head buried between the thighs of a girl.
“What are you doing, Guk?” A warning. A question. Jeongguk is not sure what you mean by that and he’s too hesitant to take a look at your face to decipher the tone in your voice just yet. He takes the jump instead, hoping you don’t mind the fantasies of his mind.
“Have you ever squirted?” Somewhere between the exchange of words in Jeongguk's room, the man on his laptop screen slipped two fingers into the girl. It doesn’t help that your boobs are falling right out of your loose camisole, resting right on his bare arm.
“Jeongguk,” you return. “Answer my question.”
“Answer mine first,” he looks at you then, trying hard to read your eyes. There’s no heat in your face, just an innocence that colours your features. Wide eyes, your legs draw together, a hard swallow that he sees in the low lights that illuminate the room.
“No,” you say, bottom lip caught between your teeth. “So why are you showing me squirting porn?”
It’s then that Jeongguk realises he wants to ruin you. As horribly cliché as it sounds, he longs for that. And the urge for it doubles when your gaze falters, flicking quickly for the screen before drifting back to his. The couple is still fucking on his screen, hard quick loud thrusts that travel to the pit in his stomach fast. He’s hard in his briefs, a painful throb ebbing through his length when your hand drops to his chest.
He shuts the laptop, the moans cut off, a heated silence taking its place. The bed feels too big when he gets up, ignoring the confused look you give him.
The vibrator is exactly where he left it, oddly comforting because it means you don’t use it. You have him after all. But he needs the toy for tonight.
“What? Guk? What’s go—when did you find that?” You’re embarrassed, he knows it from the way you squirm under the blanket. He glances down at it, finger pressing the switch that turns it on. A quick run through shows ten decent vibrators at different levels, it’s rather intense even in his hands, the low buzz that it emits filling the room forbidding before he shuts it off.
“A couple of weeks ago,” he says. You groan, your head dropping into your hands.
“Put it away, Guk! And don’t go through my stuff ever again.”
“Why? I think it’s cute.”
“Cu—what is the point of this, Jeongguk? I don’t get what you’re trying to do?” And there you go, staring at him with those wide ingenuous eyes. So trusting, so clueless. He draws closer then, considers taking his underwear off so you can see just what you do to him. But when your gaze drops he halts. It’s not about him tonight. It’s about you.
The bed dips under the weight of his as he says it, the toy still in his hands. “I want to see if you can squirt.” He sees the way your back stiffens, the raise in your brow.
“I’ve never done that,” you splutter, falling back as Jeongguk crawls over you.
“I know. But you can.”
“I can’t, Guk. I don’t think I can.” Your pretty lips are drawn into a reluctant pout, but there’s a bright curiosity sparking through your gaze that Jeongguk knows all too well.
“See, you don’t think you can. You said that before. And then I made you cum five times in a row.”
“No that was different—”
“We’re just seeing if you can. We don’t have to if you don’t want to but I think it’d be fun to try.”
You pause, trying to ignore the heat blooming between your legs as you weigh the decision before you. There were times when you thought you were about to, an edge in your orgasms that felt dangerous. But your body never let you go there fully, drawing back from your slipped from heights you couldn’t handle. You can tell Jeongguk won’t grant you the same precautions. His eyes a dark, toeing a line that feels forbidding. The covers are gently pulled from you, Jeongguk staying silent as you ponder. But the moment the cool night air hits your skin you know what he’s asking for. It’s a strange level of vulnerability, a bareness that makes your skin prickle. He wants something that you’ve never given anyway else — not even yourself. It’s a lot to ask for and his directness makes you pause. The hesitation crumbles when his hand settles on your thigh, wide warm palm gently nudging your clasped legs apart.
“We really don’t have to, if you don’t want to,” Jeongguk says, honey eyes locked on you. You know he’s being honest; he wouldn’t push it if you said no. And yet, something twists in your stomach. You want this. The realisation is sudden and you don’t know if it’s because of how perfect Jeongguk looks tonight. Chestnut curls a messy halo on his head and his shirt hanging loose from his broad shoulders. Or maybe it’s how he looks at you as if this is the only he’s ever really wanted in the world. As if you’re the only thing he’s ever really wanted.
“I want to—I mean I want to try.” You let yourself fall open then, something clicking as Jeongguk slots right against you perfectly, your sleeping shorts bunching up when his hips roll with intent. His lips land on your neck a moment later, a kiss so soft that you don’t feel it at first, lost in the way he hits your clit when he bucks into you. Jeongguk draws you back with a bite, one sharp enough to leave you gasping, your back arching from the sheets. He lets his hands slip under then, the vibrator momentarily forgotten as he maps your skin, lips feather-light once more, kisses gentle enough to leave you delirious.
“So good to me,” Jeongguk mumbles, eyes drifting to your lips. He draws close then, mouth fitting yours in a dreamlike perfectness. It’s flavoured with wine and want, a clear hunger in how he parts your lips. The hands that grip you are hard but his lips are gentle, savouring the taste of you against his mouth as if he wants to commit it to memory. The softness of the act has your skin tingling, bright and wild yet slow like the turning of the Sun. When you part, the air is different — charged, the current that swims through the atmosphere finding a home in your body as it settles in the depth of your gut. Jeongguk doesn’t give you time to ponder, mouth trailing from the corner of your lips to the hollow of your neck where he bites. It hurts enough to shock your senses, sweeping you back from the heavenly haze to the alarming reality of what he’s about to do to you. Your whimper hits the air as his tongue presses into the mark, painting your skin dark. A pointed reminder. You’d thought Jeongguk would be possessive, but sometimes he surprises you with it. The purposeful touches, the harsh bruises he likes to leave high on your neck. Or anywhere on your body, really. There are times he’d press his fingertips into them when you’re willing enough to let him choke you, the flash in your eyes spurring his hips forward.
For now, he busies himself with breathing a new one to life, one you know he’ll play with tomorrow — or later tonight if you give him the chance. Your brain can’t think that fair, zoning out as his mouth works a claim on your skin. Eager fingertips are drifting down your thighs, brushing past the band of your sleeping shorts. It’s expected that you’re already wet, but Jeongguk delights in his find with a muted moan in your neck. His fingers don’t go further though, grazing light against the damp fabric of your underwear. The swivel of your hips is automatic but Jeongguk quickly stills it with a hard press of his palm into your skin. You’re forced into the mattress, freezing when he finally wanders from your neck to your chest. So slow, wet lips idly trailing until his face lands between your chest.
“Gukkie,” you hadn’t realised how gone you already sounded until you spoke, voice wavering. He hums in response, non-committal, his hands shifting from your hips as he focuses on freeing you from your top so he can get your boobs in his mouth.
“Don’t tease me today.” You’re trying to sound firm, pliantly raising your arms so he can get you bare. But that firmness shrinks when your eyes land on his. So dark in the dwindling moonlight bleeding through your half-open blinds.
“Why?” There’s that smile of his, one corner hung higher than the either. You’ve sunk yourself in a sea brimming with sharks. “You sound cute when you whine, bunny.”
“Jeong — fuck.” There’s no point in protesting when he’s buried himself between your chest, tongue already toying with your nipple. Too many guys before him had misunderstood how to touch you there, but Jeongguk knew — he had learned. Studied your body so that he knows when to nip or kiss, shifting from pain to pleasure until the line blurred and so did your vision, until the only sound filling the room are harsh breaths and the quiet murmur of his name. Your hands eventually stray to his head, the heat in your core demanding attention as you guide him down. Jeongguk complies, not because he doesn’t want to tease you any further, but because he loves tasting you too much to ever say no.
The sight he finds sends an ache down his length, already hard but now leaking into the fabric of his grey sweats. You spread yourself so easily for him, light pink panties coloured dark with your wetness.
“Cute,” Jeongguk whispers, falling naturally into his place between your legs. It wasn’t meant to grace the air, but he’s glad it did when he notes the bashful smile tugging at your lips and how you twist to shift your head into the pillows the closer he gets. Which, honestly, makes him pause. He wants you to watch, needs you to. Something in the base of his brain needing constant affirmation that he’s making you feel good driving his next set of movements.
The hand on your chin is unexpected and adamant. You can’t help but give in, wide-eyed when Jeongguk forces your gaze onto him. “Need you to look bunny, can you do that for me?” The nod you give him is instinctual, heat blossoming in your bones when Jeongguk smiles, satiated and proud. Perhaps you should have put up more of a fight, but how could have known what he would do with only the tender touches he’d lift as your guide. Even the quick kiss he plants on your clothed cunt revealed nothing of what’s to come. So gentle as he pulls he fabric down your hips, discarding it somewhere in the sheets, his eyes never leaving the wetness on your lips.
“My pretty girl,” he says, nipping the inside of your thigh. You squirm at that, futile because Jeongguk just held you closer. “All mine, right bunny?”
“All yours,” you return, voice far and your mind slipping from your hands. Jeongguk apparently takes that to heart because he devours you, nose burrowed in the apex of your cunt, breathing you in as his tongue mapped the velvet of your walls. It doesn’t take long for your legs to wrap around his head, back raising from the bed and the drip of your slick coating your inner thighs. Yet, Jeongguk relishes it, forgoing breathing as he eats you open, toying with your clit as if that was his sole life purpose. You forget the world with a speed that should concern you, thighs trembling with each determined swirl of his tongue over that bud. Again and again, until you spill into his mouth, wet and creamy, creating a mark of your own on his lips. He keeps you there, unrelenting even when your whines hit high and your chest heaves. There’s a ringing in your ears as the high wanes away, which is swiftly placed by a quiet mumbling that sinks into your skin.
“Tastes so good,” Jeongguk murmurs, licking between your folds. “So fucking good.”
“Jeon,” Something twists in your gut when he drops a final kiss onto you as if he was thanking you for letting him do that when you should be the one on your knees thanking him. When he softly drops your leg to the soiled sheets you decide it quickly, already shifting onto your elbows.
“Yes?” Such innocent eyes staring back at you like he didn’t just fuck you open with his tongue.
“I want you too,” you’re already shifting but Jeongguk is quick, fingertips hard on your jaw when he halts you. He knows what that means, reads it in how your gaze drops to the crotch of his pants, wet just like you were. But that’s not what he wants, besides, he’d rather save that for other places.
“No.” When he says that you almost deflate, but then Jeongguk drops his hand from your jaw, swiftly dragging his shirt over his back and off his body. There’s nothing that can suffocate the desire that blooms in your chest. He’s so beautiful, hard lines and warm skin, kissed by the Sun herself. There’s an itch in your palm instantly, and you hastily register that if you don’t touch him you might die. Yet, your eager hands are pinned over your head, wrists wrapped tightly in the grip of one of his wide calloused palms. There’s a brief moment where his attention is caught by the bounce of your chest before you’re suddenly overwhelmed by the fact that you’ve never asked Jeongguk to fuck your tits before. But as you stow that away for later concern, Jeongguk’s other hand drifts to the discarded vibrator, sinister now in his command.
“Don’t want to fuck your mouth, bunny. It’s not about me tonight, it’s about you.”
“But—” Jeongguk swallows that protest with a quick kiss, the taste of you on his tongue igniting a fire that crackles and consumes until you feel nothing but heat and want, all fuelled by your erratic lovesick heart. You kiss until the only thing filling your lungs is him, like a heavy smoke that envelopes you, travelling through your body until you pull away, warm chest flushed against his. There’s a stupid twinkle in his eyes and it makes you feel sick, swaying dangerously when he shifts away. You don’t want him to go, but you don’t move when he gives you that look. The devastating ache dissipates when his pants drop from his hips, hard cock meeting the cool air. The twitch that travels down his length echoes between your walls, eagerly clenching around nothing. Jeongguk just smiles, stripping bare leaving himself vulnerable to your eager eyes. You wait, behaving good because you want to for him and Jeongguk notes this, delivering a pleased slap to your cunt when he pulls you close, one hard enough to jolt through your spine when his palm hits your clit.
“I’m kind of sensitive,” you whisper, shy again. Which is funny because weren’t you begging for his cock down your throat a second ago?
“I know,” Jeongguk returns, uncaring. The vibrator comes to life a moment later, buzzing low through the room. He knocks it up to the second-highest level.
“Jeongguk! Start low then work it up. I can’t take it like that directly, it'll chafe me.” Which is right, your clit is already feeling dry, slick staying solely between your walls. Jeongguk notes that, pausing before sinking two of his fingers deep. You squeak, hips lifting when they brush against that spot in your walls. He works you open deftly, pleased when you grind your hips into his hands, spurred on by the feeling of something finally inside of you. But it’s fleeting, Jeongguk dragging his fingers out and over your clit before raising his fingers to his lips and licking them clean.
“Now it won’t,” he states, and before you can open your mouth and deliver a retort the vibrator is pressing against that bundle of nerves, tremors echoing in your bones as your legs squeeze shut in an attempt to get away. Jeongguk pins them open, cock leaking against your thigh and he rolls the edge of the toy over your clit, before you jolt so hard the sheets shift and he knows exactly where to place it. He works it out of you, praise naturally falling from his petal lips when you give in, eyes shut tight and your heart stuck in your throat. The vibration feeds the heat in your gut, drawing it to the surface of your skin, sweat beading along your forehead and a dampness forming down your spine. It feels both quick and slow, coaxed out of you with steadfastness. Jeongguk’s gaze never strays from your pussy, locked there as he etches this moment into his memory. You look gorgeous, whining and twisting underneath him. He can tell that this is a lot for you, judging from how you bury your face away from him. He would have forced your eyes on him, if he wasn’t already so enthralled by how perfect you look like this, moans low colouring the air bright with their sound. His own want multiples when your body freezes, strung tight, the edge beckoning you over.
He pulls the vibrator off then, depriving you of your release because his brain demands that he feels this one around his length.
“Jeongguk!” You’re on your elbows, eyebrows furrowed together in frustration. “Why-w-why would you do that?” There’s a waver in your tone, a lilt so pretty he can’t help but smile.
“When you squirt you’re doing it on my cock.” He states it like it's final. And it is from how he draws you close, vibrator momentarily lost in the sheets, the head of his length brushing against your wetness.
But what catches your attention is when. A loaded promise. A determined one.
You spread your legs open, shifting until he slips past walls stretching to accommodate his welcoming presence. “Okay then, make me.” You say it with your gaze on his, watching as his eyes glaze over hips already bucking deeper, before your words register in his brain and Jeongguk’s gaze shifts into a dangerous glint.
He tugs you hard, pulling close enough so that he sinks in deep, cunt already moulding to the curves of his cock. “With pleasure.” Those words are warning, painted right into the heat of your skin as he sheathes himself inside of you. The groans in the air belong to both of you melting into one distinctive sound. It’s cut by the lewd squelch of your wetness coating his length, one that settles in Jeongguk’s gut, release already creeping into the corner of his vision. But he holds it back by knocking your legs further apart, mouth returning to the bruise he left earlier, teeth sinking into the sensitive skin. You arch into him, shifting as pain bleeds through your nerves. The motion allows the last inch of him to slip past your walls, spearing you open, before Jeongguk draws himself out and returns with a hard slow thrust. He fucks you deep, right into the bed, the frame creaking with each loud meeting between the two of you. You can’t do anything but cling onto him, eyes fluttering as his cock drives into you, determined with every piston of his hips to see you unravel. And you do, with a sickening quickness, already weak with the remembrance of your past edge. You feel soft underneath him, pressed against his skin like you hope you find a home for yourself there. And Jeongguk provides — lips mapping your skin gently and a pride in his tone that makes you want to do anything for him.
“That’s it, good girl.” You can’t say anything but his name, whining with every drag of his length along your walls. “So good to me,” he whispers, sweet, unlike his unforgiving hips. “Pretty girl and she’s all mine.”
“Yes,” you gasp, wanting this more than ever. “All yours—a-all—hnghhhh—y-yours! Jeongguk, please! P-please, please, please.”
He slows, smiling into your neck. “What bunny? What do you want?”
“Wanna cum, Jeongguk p-please let me cum.” When he moves away you feel your gut drop. The vibrator is flicked back one, humming dangerously. “Guk—” you start; he shushes you with a purposeful thrust.
“You said you wanted to cum. Remember what you promised me, bunny?” You nod, slow, nervous but your need overriding your fear. Jeongguk just smiles, shifts himself a little deeper, and then places the vibrator where you need it most. It’s not instant, but it’s quick and violent, travelling through your bones and Jeongguk rocks himself deep, curls damp on his forehead and his shoulders tense but his body still giving. You match his movements with your own, shuddering the closer you feel it creep, ripping itself right out of your limbs, drawn to the surface with no remorse, your eyes falling shut and hips seizing. The vibration paired with the feeling of Jeongguk fucking you full is intoxicating, and unlike you he doesn’t hesitate, playing with your clit unforgivingly.
You don’t even hear yourself, mouth agape and your back high from the sheets, all you know is heat, burning from the inside out. No air in your lungs as it spills from you, right onto his length, walls drawn tight. It hits his abdomen, leaving his muscles wet and glimmering as the moonlight greets his skin. Jeongguk shuts down, hips moving automatically, the vibrator thrown aside, still buzzing forlornly. He couldn’t give a damn about it, bending your legs back and fucking into you hard as you coat his cock in your wetness. If it was loud before, it’s obscene now. The nails in his back spur him further, a need he’s never felt before consuming him whole. It’s already there, the white of his desire clouding his vision, but his brain suddenly stills.
Jeongguk’s hand on your chin draws you back to Earth, mind nothing but mush as he continues to fuck you open. They’re erratic thrusts, and with them, you slowly release that your cheeks are wet. Jeongguk realises it the same time you do, thumb gingerly brushing the tears falling from your eyes away. There’s a strange new awareness buzzing through your body, like your bones feel new, limbs reformed. But nothing could prepare you for that thumb on your cheek travelling down, grazing your lips until they fall open. He slips it past, lets you flick your tongue against it, before demanding. “Open.”
And you do, because what wouldn’t you do for him.
“Can I?” He questions, and somehow you know what he is asking. Another claim. Something else you’ve given nobody but him.
There’s a fall in his shoulders as if he was afraid you would deny him. But how could you ever? His thumb leaves your lips, hand drifting until it settles on your neck, pressing firmly but not tight. And then his own lips part, hips unwavering, for what he sends down your throat. You swallow, oddly thrilled by it while Jeongguk watches silently, almost in marvel. It does something to you, the way he stares, like he cannot believe you’re his. And you feel that sentiment in how he kisses you next, desperate, pleading, thankful. You return it, tongue soft against his as you feel his back draw taut, a low groan spilling down your throat when Jeongguk finally snaps, euphoria bleeding through his brain. You feel it hit your walls, warm and wet, painting you white, a strange satisfaction settling through your body.
When he eventually rolls over, quiet like he’s still recovering, you can’t help but squeeze your thighs together, an attempt to keep his love locked in. His hand cups your own, guiding you back into reality with a gentle squeeze.
The still buzzing vibrator is what you hear first, followed by the joint panting of your lungs. You move to grab it, hoping to hide the revelation in your eyes by glaring at him. Jeongguk is still too lost to care, face flushed a vibrant rouge.
“Turn this stupid thing off,” you mutter, legs still stuck, fused to the bed from the shock of your orgasm. Jeongguk snatches it up, waving it through the air as he turns it off, before giving it a fond kiss.
“Gross,” you comment, smacking his hard chest.
“No,” Jeongguk returns, dropping it. He plants a ginger kiss on your forehead. “I quite like it actually, we should order another one. Do you think they do vibrating panties?”
You hit him again, rolling over until your leg swings over his. He keeps looking at you like that, and it keeps clawing right through your heart. “You’re so sick and evil,” you say instead of the annoying comments that flutter in your delirious brain. You want to call him pretty, beautiful, perfect, maybe the best thing you’ve ever had. But you can’t let Jeongguk know he has all that power over you — not when already made you squirt and spat down your throat in one sitting. “Can you clean me up? I’m getting sticky.”
Jeongguk stills like he’s suddenly remembering what he just did, where he just came. And then you feel the rise of his chest, gaze flicking up to meet his. Bright and full of something akin to adoration, before he blinks it away.
“Give me a moment, I think I just saw God.”
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