#tanya mk1 my beloved
dubiousdisco · 1 year
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Fuck the haters this is peak character design and here's why
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80% anitta at coachella
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10% karol conka and 10% Inês brasil
The icons! Represented! The brazilianism peaked! The shoes suck tho.
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xxrainbowvibezxx · 20 days
(I screen recorded this from Twitter)
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laismoura-art · 1 year
Theory time: they are saying Tarkata is a disease not a people. But what if they ARE a people and everybody is just interpreting it all wrong?
Please, let this whole "Mileena is sick" story line be about her understanding this is just part of who she is and there's nothing wrong with her and Kitana also embracing her sister as she is and helping her keep her right to the throne!
Also, this whole tarkat disease sounds so gay coded. "People think it's a disease and will treat you badly/differently and you and your loved ones gotta learn to accept and love you as you are"
just made myself sad :')
On other news: another day has passed and we still got zero (0) clue of who the heck is Scorpion
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dumyhead · 1 year
"tear you apart" but its mk1 tanya and mileena
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cienie-isengardu · 8 months
[MK1] Bi-Han & Kuai Liang. Good brother? Evil brother? Nah, just different reactions to trauma, part 1
Author's note: the first part is not directly focused on Kuai Liang and Bi-Han as characters but at the worldbuilding, our knowledge about Lin Kuei and tradition that shaped Sub-Zero & Scorpion, and Liu Kang's acceptance of things as they are.
Lately it feels like Lin Kuei fandom split into either Bi-Han’s supporters or Kuai Liang’s supporters and the dispute over who is a good brother and who is not is an ongoing issue. This is greatly upsetting because both men have their share of flaws that sometimes fans exaggerate to demonize one or another. For me though, the brotherly conflict is not about who is good and who is bad, not even who is right and who is wrong, but about how two men groomed since childhood to be a living weapon deal with the trauma in totally opposite ways. As in, one is rebelling against the tradition and the other willing to uphold the system. 
With Smoke, the adoptive yet no less traumatized brother, stuck in the middle of that.
Bi-Han and Kuai Liang being survivors of a great psychological and physical abuse is the most true for previous timelines, however hear me out - just because Lin Kuei falls now under Liu Kang’s authority it does not automatically erase the possibility of both brothers experiencing things that no child should. To better illustrate my point, let’s take a moment and look at the Empress Sindel and Umgadi system. 
Sindel in general is presented as the ruler who does not seek an open conflict with Earthrealm and whom Liu Kang openly admires. As Fire Lord said himself, Sindel was destined to “rule Outworld firmly, but fairly” and it is her rule that brings peace to the otherwise conflicted Outworld
Liu Kang, story mode: Its past has been difficult. Though the last thousand years of Empress Sindel's reign have been a true golden age... the memories of that strife still linger.
Sindel's Bio: Her early reign marked the start of a new Golden Age.
That is what the character's Bio and the main story mode outright says or implies about Sindel. 
But then intro dialogues bring a different side of the beloved Queen. The people infected by Tarkat illness are exiled, their property confiscated by Sindel’s edict 
Kitana: When you became ill, your assets were taken? Baraka: As required by your mother's edict, Princess.
and in result forced to slowly die in poverty far away from healthy citizens. Those who sympathize with suffering infected people and won’t “report them for quarantine” are treated like criminals, as was seen when Li Mei and her men disrupted the Royal Family’s procession while leading arrested and tied up people.
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The bad treatment of infected people, according to Mileena and Baraka endings, will improve thanks to the new Empress, who not only reaches a hand to suffering but would go so far to reveal her own illness to reduce social stigma against the sick. Mileena is seen as hot-headed, violent and not the best material for a Queen compared to Sindel, the supposed wise and kind ruler or even compared to her younger sister, Kitana. But it is the brash Empress that would actually make an effort to change her Empire for better.
Similar things can be said about the Umgadi system, which forces Outworld families to give up their first-born daughters for a training that will turn their children into living weapons to uphold the Royal Family’s rule
Liu Kang, story mode: Umgadi, like Tanya, are warrior priestesses... Selected from the first born daughters of Outworld. From infancy, they are trained to defend the royal family."
The daughters in question will never know their biological family or where they were born to ensure their absolute loyalty to the Royal Family, even though not every candidate will finish their training. Once they obtain the title of Umgadi, they can’t marry or be in a relationship, we have no idea if they even are paid anything for their service. So far Li Mei is the only known woman to leave Umgadi, and she did so due to the death of Sindel’s husband for which she was unfairly blamed. And again, the tie-in material implies that the change to Umgadi system will happen because of Mileena, who is willing to reform an organization that is deeply rooted in Edenian tradition, not the “kind and good” Queen Sindel. 
So just because a character is set on the Good Guys Side, it does not mean the said character is crystally good with no flaw at all or that breaking up with tradition is inherently evil, because the tradition alone is just a system of beliefs, practices or behaviors established in the past and passed down from one generation to another within a group of people or society and not a determinant of being good or bad. 
Now, the important thing - Umgadi and Lin Kuei are very similar organizations. The similarities are especially true for old timeline(s) Lin Kuei, as we have more or less idea how training adepts looked through the ages. However, what we learned through sources about Liu Kang’s version of the clan still brings a lot of parallels to Umgadi - and I think we all can agree that objective speaking, the Umgadi system is very unfair to first-born daughters and benefits only the Royal Family.
Through the story mode and intro dialogues, Liu Kang does not question the nature of the Umgadi system. Quite the opposite, the intro between Geras and Tanya suggests that Umgadi was Liu Kang’s innovation
Geras: The Umgadi was one of Liu Kang’s best innovations. Tanya: My order sprung from his mind?
A man who does not see anything wrong with enrolling little girls into never-ending servitude to the Royal Family, logically thinking, won't question the process of making Lin Kuei warriors nor the nature of their duty.
In previous timelines, Bi-Han and Kuai Liang as children were kidnapped and forced into the life of assassins by their own father (original timeline) or unspecified Lin Kuei member, presumably grandfather (alternative timeline). Their choice was to adapt to this hardship or die and so they survived and both became great warriors on their own. The fandom has been torn about their brotherhood for years, as if Bi-Han was a good brother or not. Personally, I do not think this was even a matter of one brother being inherently good and another inherently evil, as both men are the result of the abusive environment in which they grew up. And I truly can’t stress this enough - Bi-Han and Kuai Liang were survivors of great abuse and pathology more than anything else. 
Now, in Liu Kang’s timeline Bi-Han and Kuai Liang were born into a place of power, as both are sons of Grandmaster. Sub-Zero as the oldest was meant to inherit the leadership once his father would pass away, or possibly abdicate. So in theory, Fire Lord improved the living of both brothers. However, the same as the previous, both men weren’t given a choice, as Lin Kuei clan is bound to serve Earthrealm while their existence is kept in secret. 
Liu Kang said: “The Lin Kuei is a centuries old clan dedicated to Earthrealm’s defense” while Sub-Zero’s Bio adds “As the Lin Kuei's Grandmaster, Sub-Zero leads his ancient warrior clan in the defense of Earthrealm from external threats. For centuries, it has been their solemn task” and this is the tradition that will define the whole life of Bi-Han and Kuai Liang. Because they, as sons of Grandmaster, were expected to uphold and continue that service.
We do not have a full picture of how Lin Kuei daily life or training looks like in Liu Kang’s timeline, but the sources give some idea. And so we have an examples from story mode
Scorpion to Kung Lao: We're trained differently. It takes years to master our ways." 
and intro dialogues
Sub Zero: The Lin Kuei are trained from childhood.
confirming both brothers were prepared for their role as Earthrealm Defenders (Liu Kang’s Special Forces) since they were children. Scorpion’s words alone brings another vital clue, as “trained differently” is what distinguishes both brothers from Liu Kang’s chosen Champions. We could see a glimpse of that during the Lin Kuei mission in Ying Fortress, as both Sub-Zero and Scorpion did not hesitate to kill their enemy and Kuai Liang’s “fit of rage” illustrates well how brutal Lin Kuei can be in a fight.
As story mode and intro dialogues point out, Lin Kuei weren’t trained for the glorious yet honorable Mortal Kombat Tournament, as members of this clan have never been chosen to represent Earthrealm
Kitana: Why are Lin Kuei never Earthrealm champions? Sub-Zero: So that Outworld doesn't lose every tournament.
but they were trained to eliminate any threat to Earthrealm’s safety, be it by killing or capturing those whose activity concerned Liu Kang. As could be seen with the Lin Kuei brothers mission to capture Shang Tsung.
Intro dialogue Sub-Zero vs Reiko adds another detail about process of making Lin Kuei warriors:
Sub-Zero: To kill, one must be cold-blooded. Reiko: My veins are as iced as yours, Sub-Zero.
Thus we may assume Lin Kuei training was not just about a physical aspect but psychological one as well. Both brothers were prepared from childhood to kill - while that was never demanded from Earthrealm Champions. In story mode Liu Kang said:
“No tournament participant has ever been grievously injured or killed."
“I would never send my champions unwittingly into mortal kombat."
so I assume the reason Liu Kang send his Champions to search for Shang Tsung was A) threat of the sorcerer that wasn’t supposed to learn magic in the first place and B) they were in Outworld, so he couldn’t call for Lin Kuei without Sindel’s knowledge.
Another detail about Lin Kuei comes from Scorpion vs Nitara intro dialogue
Nitara: Had you ever known hunger, you wouldn't judge us. Scorpion: I have, and I will.
and though we don’t have an idea if Kuai Liang was forced to endure hunger due to training - as happened in old version of Lin Kuei according to Mortal Kombat novel by Jeff Rovin:
 Many young people died during training: some could not hold their breath for five minutes and drowned, others weren’t fast enough to avoid the weapons of the masters, some starved or froze or dehydrated when they were stranded, naked, in deserts or on mountaintops and told to make their way home. But those who survived were the Lin Kuei.
Or was that a reference to economic problems of Scorpion’s clan, which at some point faced so great famine that it touched even the son(s) of the ruling family. Whatever the case, it gives us a sense of hardship endured by Lin Kuei members.
This leads us to another detail - father’s teaching (tradition) mentioned by Kuai Liang and Tomas through the story mode:
Kuai Liang: Glory? We fight for duty.
Tomas: Our clan doesn't govern. It serves.
while intro dialogues adds
Raiden: The Lin Kuei won't be allowed to govern. Sub-Zero: We will not be frozen out, Raiden.
Furthermore it is important to note that every Liu Kang’s Champion had their own life outside the fighting - Johnny was an actor, Kung Lao and Raiden were farmers, Kenshi was Yakuza on path to redemption and saving his clan. Lin Kuei? Not so much, as Bi-Han’s Bio points out Sub-Zero leads his ancient warrior clan in the defense of Earthrealm from external threats. For centuries, it has been their solemn task. 
After the Tournament, the Champions easily will return to their life - in the case of Johnny, benefit greatly by making his own movies based on the events, while the Lin Kuei would come back to the never ending training in preparation to defend Earthrealm and repeating the cycle by pushing their children into the same service. And it would go like that for generations, if not for the Titan Shang Tsung’s meddling that interrupted the “natural” order of things.
Let’s establish another thing - namely Lin Kuei duty in recent centuries.
Sub-Zero’s Bio suggest the Earthrealm hasn’t be threatened in generations:
But Earthrealm hasn’t been threatened in generations, and Sub-Zero sees no point in limiting his clan to preparing for dangers that may never come. Under his leadership, the Lin Kuei will come out of the shadows and fight for its place as one of Earthrealm’s great nations.
This lack of need to dispatch Lin Kuei to eliminate threat is supported by intro dialogues:
Reptile: The battle against the sorcerers was your first real fight. Smoke: It was a baptism by fire, Syzoth.
Kenshi: How is it you haven't been to Outworld? Scorpion: Earthrealm's defense has never required it.
However Bi-Han alone suggest something else:
Story mode: After years of idleness, it pleases me to again face kombat."
And so do the information about their mother:
Sindel: Both your parents were excellent fighters. Scorpion: I can only hope to live up to their example.
Sindel in another intro says, she knew the previous Grandmaster 
Sindel: I knew your father. He was a great man. Sub-Zero: Yet he never understood the Lin Kuei's potential.
So I think it is safe to assume Sindel was familiar enough with Bi-Han and Kuai Liang’s mother to praise her skills and is not just praising her out of politeness. But the thing is, Kitana’s intro confirms the Lin Kuei warriors weren’t chosen for the Mortal Kombat Tournament, so how did Sindel know if their mother was an excellent fighter? That to me suggests she either witnessed it outside the Tournament or it was reported to her and the latter may imply Bi-Han’s mother took part in eliminating the threat on Liu Kang’s order, maybe even in Outworld. We know from source material that Outworlders do not tolerate Earthrealm’s unauthorized activity on their land. However in the story mode alone, Sindel herself admitted that Liu Kang’s “interventions have kept Outworld at peace for centuries”
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while the vast tie-in material agrees that Sindel’s Court is full of intrigues and dangers - both to the Queen and her daughters. So, if Liu Kang is a close friend of King Jerrod and Queen Sindel, it doesn’t feel that far stretched to think Lin Kuei could be dispatched to ensure the Royal Family's - and in greater perspective - Earthrealm’s safety.
Now, if there was no need for Lin Kuei service in the latest generations, why a woman
considered to be an excellent fighter - thus presumably in great shape
who also happens to be wife of Grandmaster - thus presumably having access to the best medical care the clan could offer
died in some unspecified time before main story happened? That doesn’t sound like a natural death, as Bi-Han and Kuai Liang are what? In their 30s at the worst? Which gives the chance she was a middle-aged woman, not an old person who dies out of age. The Grandmaster alone, also an excellent fighter, died in an accident, though story mode does not tell us what kind of accident it was supposed to be. Did it happen on a hunting trip? During mission on Liu Kang’s order? 
So again, for a supposedly peaceful time, it seems like Kuai Liang and Tomas are those who did not have much part in Lin Kuei activity - in contrast to Bi-Han and presumably their parents. 
Going further, the sources claims Lin Kuei clan is dedicated to defend Earthrealm from external threats, and indeed Lin Kuei warriors fought against vampires (Nitara’s people)
Bi-Han, story mode: As a boy I heard tales of battles against your kind. I had thought them tall ones.
and apparently their might is know in Outworld
General Shao: Finally, the chance to test the Lin Kuei's mettle. Sub-Zero: It will end with your humiliation.
However Lin Kuei apparently took part in solving the internal problems too, if Sub-Zero vs Kenshi dialogue is something to go by:
Kenshi: My ancestors say they've tangled with yours. Sub-Zero: Has it occurred to you to ask them why?
For a quick summary, through the sources, we learn that Lin Kuei:
were meant to serve, not govern
trained from childhood not just to be an excellent fighters but to be capable of killing
do not have a life outside their duty the way Earthrealm Champions do
endured hardship (hunger)
each generation is trained to perform their duty
and presumably, even in supposedly peaceful times, the fighters may not survive to an old age nor die in a natural way (the fate of mother and Grandmaster).
So I think that objectively speaking, we can agree that Lin Kuei does not benefit much from its service to Earthrealm, while Liu Kang got an excellent Special Forces that kept Earthrealm safe for centuries.
[Next part] Bi-Han and Kuai Liang and how Lin Kuei training affected who they are.
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moronkombat · 11 months
not a request but i have this headcanon/scenario brewing in my brain for a bit with syzoth and i wanna share; in the MK1 intros he stated that he can't really stomach human food as a zaterran (i'm guessing it's his physiology wouldn't allow to process/ingest them like other hominids would) and even if it's mundane but imagine the reader having their love language as acts of service or gift giving by taking care of others by providing the proper meals for their loved ones. so much so that they would go out of their way to research what dietary needs our beloved reptile would require. while the earthrealmer gang frequent madam bo's for their meals, the reader would gift bundles of nutritious insects and/or fresh fruits as the start of the day for syzoth before he goes on his days as the empress's emissary. whether they'd hand them directly or ask tanya to deliver it to him with a handwritten note wishing him safe travels on his missions 💚
idk if this is too specific/niche but i guess i've been starving on small wholesome hcs for our beloved reptile :')
i agree with everything that you said. He cannot stomach human food and wouldn't eat any because of how sick it makes him. He may love his partner but he can't sacrifice his health for trying to eat normally.
If his partner made him specialized meals just for him, he would be incredibly touched and grateful. He'd want to make it up to you
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Thoughts on MK1 girlies:
Sindel - she's such a mom. I don't even mean it in a disparaging way. Moreso that watching her interact with Mileena was like watching my own mom and big sister fight. She is stressed™. I mean, her husband(and apparently love of her life, since she seems torn to shreds over him) was murdered,with seemingly no rhyme or reason as to why. Then Mileena goes and catches Tarkat. Now she's got people in her own court trying to threaten not just her rule,but her daughter's rule as well. Sis is going through It™. But outside of that, I enjoyed her.
Mileena - my insufferable girl rep. I just know she used to terrorize both of her parents growing up. Borderlines on bratty as hell at times(rather that than the weird childlike behaviour they had her going for in prior games). Also this game proves how love-starved Mileena was in prior timelines, because look at how she blossomed in a healthy home environment with people that love her. Don't love how she treated Li Mei, but like.......she thinks that Li Mei's getting away with murder,literally. I would be spicy too if the person that appears to be responsible for my father's death is just waltzing the streets with seemingly no consequences.
Kitana - best girl™. Literal sweetheart. Low-key spoiled as hell, but sweet despite it. And she's very clearly a daddy's girl(her little reunion with Ermac/Jerrod was very cute). Would have been really nice if she actually had something to do.
Nitara - This is one case where I think she was better in her OG game. That's one thing MK:DA did pretty well. Give Nitara something to do, I beg. Also, OG Nitara would have never agreed to work with Quan Chi. She would have sat down, plotted and planned and gotten shit done on her own. Let her be a self-serving bitch in peace.
Ashrah - surprisingly quite fun. I really enjoy her and she seems to be having a good time,which we love to see.
Tanya - give this woman something to do, part 3. Her and Mileena were cute. Wish we got more than just meaningful looks™, but we ball.
Li Mei - deserves so much more. Where is this woman's apology? Half of the female cast,plus the Umgadi needs to apologize for how they treated her. I mean the groveling kind of apology, not just a quick sorry either. That's Kitana and Mileena's pseudo-auntie that y'all did like that.
Yeah I mostly agree with this.
While I hate how Sindel treated Li Mei (and let's be honest, Mileena and Kitana were just following her example), I did love seeing her yank on Shao's leash. I think everything she did to help Mileena is actually fine and her story overall was fine... except for the ending. Lame. Also the love story between her and Jerrod is kinda boring. I don't know why the game is investing in romances involving dead NPCs instead of ones that have chemistry and history.
Li Mei and Ashrah are long time favorites, so I'm thrilled to see them shining. But Ashrah has some messed up perspectives that I want them to explore more (killing your own kind to purify yourself? Sis???). I get a heavy self loathing vibe that I want them to lean into. Li Mei deserves several thousand apologies, girl literally did nothing wrong and if she had heel turned I would've supported her. She's literally best girl, my beloved wife. Ashrah and Syzoth are random but kinda cute, I won't lie. AshRep and Mileenya > Jerrod/Sindel and Kuai/Harumi
I sorta disagree with you about Kitana. In real life, I would probably like Kitana fine but as a character in a story, she doesn't do it for me. She's just kinda boring, in my opinion. The scene of her stroking Mileena's face was so sweet though, one of my fave moments. I do like her new dynamic with Mileena.
Mileena's story needs more detail. I have no idea why people were supposedly supporting Kitana over her??? I get that Mileena had a lot going on between the Tarkat and the forbidden romance with Tanya, but they said that and then like. never followed up with details about why people didn't support Mileena pre-Tarkat. She confirmed has the support of the Empress, the Constabulary and Umgadi, and there's nothing to indicate that she didn't have Shao or Rain's support prior to Shang Tsung showing up (and they wouldn't have supported Kitana anyway)... so like??? Who was against her???
100% agree about Tanya. Also Liu Kang bragging that 'his Tanya' was much improved was really weird.
Nitara definitely has potential, they just did nothing with her. She brings up a great point that just bc her people need blood to survive does not mean they deserve to be exterminated. She's just kinda there bc Quan Chi needed lackeys.
I can't wait for Sareena to show up, her interactions with Ashrah, Nitara and everyone from Earthrealm are gonna be so good.
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the-06 · 1 year
'Mac the Knifed
First off, don't call the schmaltz police on me but I want to thank everyone who's liked/reblogged etc. my silly MK1 posts. They were a catharsis of sorts during last month that was the absolute shits for me. After giving the finger to the trainwreck that was MK11 (and my account having been inactive for a long time with also so many of my Tumblr buddies leaving), I've liked most of the bits and pieces of the MK1 story I've seen so far. The game's been out for almost a month now and we all naturally have opinions galore on how our beloved character(s) were treated (Rep fans, raise a glass). The last time I've actually played an MK game was 1999, so for me it's all about the story.
On to the topic at hand. Discussion of our Man of the Hour is under the cut.
For me the biggest revelation, naturally, was the surprising role that Ermac played in the story mode. Yes, he's still suppressed by NRS Brand Plot Armor™, but after nearly two entire decades Boon and company FINALLY got the damn message that fans still fondly remember his Deception storyline to this day.
And did they throw us a bone. The connection again with Kenshi and the resulting TK Bros moment with the rockslide, him again taking out five characters without breaking a sweat (including hand-to-hand combat; yes!!), and him again fighting Ashrah.
Most of all, he was actually important to the plot this time around, FINALLY making Jerrod frickin' relevant and — call it guilt by association if you will — made characters that I've never really cared for like Sindel and Mileena actually likable (and Ms. Useless herself, Tanya, a bit more tolerable), and this is coming from someone who was never a fan of his MK9 ending. I did have an issue with the large gap between chapters in which he appears, which in turn made his revelation as Jerrod seem somewhat rushed, but it's — to use a favorite expression of mine — complaining about the color of the couch in the mansion. Definitely a 9/10.
And despite all this...it's gone relatively ignored so far because people still won't quit bitching about his design.
Well, get the hell over it. His MK11 look is not happening. He's not a ninja anymore. And it's now clear as crystal why he's not masked. (I guess I'll be pedantic myself and say maybe he should've been masked after his creation and then taken it off when Jerrod took over.) It's already been three months since it was revealed, it was ONE shot in a trailer, and it looks far better in action. The same people constantly griping about Ermac looking like a mummy back in MKX are now going completely apeshit because more of his skin is showing this time around. Pick one or the other, folks. Can't we just put this crap aside and focus on his having a strong role in an NRS-era MK story mode for the first time?
Veering off topic a bit, but I've realized something else recently. Ermac went from a nonexistent glitch to having a badass distinctive symbol (his Deception chest design that's a mainstay to this day) and an iconic catchphrase. Other than Scorpion, who the hell else in MK can boast that? Maybe one or the other, but not both. (Plus, the telekinesis will never not be sexy.)
That's so much marketing potential for NRS but since Ermac is not either of The Big Two, they've elected to sit on their hands. What a damn shame. Hell, a spinoff game featuring the Outworld Six based on Kotal Kahn's ending (the best in MKX), with them squaring off against a maniacal Raiden to reclaim their realm, would've done wonders for their characters and been the GREATEST thing ever. It of course had a snowball's chance of happening but just as a fan of these guys it literally hurts thinking about the wasted potential.
Thank you for listening. The collection plate will now be passed around.
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xxrainbowvibezxx · 8 months
My Umgadi girls
(Best friend/ sister duo)
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laismoura-art · 11 months
@mikka-minns my dear? Can I tempt you with some...
MK1 Harumi Shirai Headcanons:✨️
Started as a list of Headcanons, but at some point, it became a small story about Harumi and her past.
The Shirai family was known to be a family of masters. Masters who had trained generations of legendary warriors.
The Shirai women were the most talented fighters, so talented they had caught the attention of another realm. More specifically, Outworld.
The Umgadi invited the Shirai women to train with them and share their skills.
Harumi also was taught the ways of the Umgadi. She was trained by Li Mei. Tanya was her classmate (they used to gossip and discuss who they thought was the prettiest princess, Tanya was very insistent it was Mileena).
The Shirai women were also talented herbalists, healers actually. Plenty of warriors owned them their lives.
Queen Sindel herself had granted the Shirai access to her gardens and their unique specimens of plants. Plants that, when mixed properly, granted miraculous healing properties!
In Outworld, these magical concoctions were seen as blesses. In Earthrealm, however, they were seen as witchcraft, and it did not take long till the Shirai women were deemed as witches.
The Shirai did not let it affect them. They kept their alliance with the Umgadi and Outworld, and they kept fabricating and sharing their concoctions made with Outworld's exotic flora.
They didn't stop helping the Earthrealmers either, even though their assistance wasn't always welcomed nor appreciated as it should.
They didn't stop looking after Earthrealm, but they did grow more careful. From a young age, Harumi was told to be cautious of the outsiders. They did not understand the world as well as they did. Did not understand the power a Shirai woman held.
Harumi was not secluded nor forbidden to interact with the world outside, but she had to be careful. She was taught to be up-to-date with technology, and during most of her childhood, her friends were online.
Her friends would come and go. One day they would log off and never talk to her again. Only one friend remained through all her life, a Chinese boy named Kuai Liang.
They met on a forum online, discussing fictional characters from some random TV show. Then they moved to MSN, where they would talk every day about everything.
Kuai was there for her on her best days and on her worst days. He was a great listener. He would hear her talk about her favourite book, Dune, for hours and hours. He would also listen and comfort her every time she came home, angry and frustrated, for being once again called a witch.
It took her a couple of years to actually build the courage to tell him why she was constantly called witch. She told him the women of her family had "a magical touch," and they could turn any plant into a magical healing potion.
She expected Kuai to disappear after that, to call her insane, or worse, join those who thought she was a witch. But he only told her that he understood. He told her he was cursed. He told her he had literal fire running through his veins while his entire family had ice.
He was different from others, as she was. They bond grew stronger, and whenever they needed an escape, they would seek each other's company.
When they were together, they did not feel alone, out of place. They did not feel like curses or freaks. They felt like they belonged.
As she grew up, Harumi's family started to fade. Her grandparents, aunts, and her beloved parents. Her mother lived a great part of her life as a Umgadi warrior and was buried as such. It was quite a comfort that she got to be buried among the people who loved and accepted her as she was.
When Harumi returned to Earthrealm, she found herself completely alone. The last Shirai. She expected to be alone as she grieved, but a certain boy had other plans.
Kuai Liang had only visited her a couple of times. When he managed to teleport himself to her home in secret from both their families.
He started visiting her more often. There was no one left to keep their relationship in secret from anyway.
Years later, he told her his father was ill, and she offered to heal him. If she could visit him, she was certain she could heal him.
Kuai Liang's older brother, Bi-Han, was adamant in not letting her come. She tried to slip some medicines, but Bi-Han had caught her. He came to her home and told her that though her services were appreciated, they were not necessarily.
"It's almost like you want him to die," she dared say. He was difficult to read, but she could swear she saw pain in his eyes. "He lived a good life, worthy of a warrior, there's no reason to prolongate it," was his answer. He carelessly threw the medicine on her table and left.
She did not hear from Kuai from that day on.
Months later, she heard rumours of a new Grandmaster taking over the Lin Kuei. But heard nothing of Kuai Liang.
Then she heard rumours of disagreements between the new Grandmaster and his second in command, and that was the closest she had heard of Kuai Liang.
She heard rumours of a threat from Outworld and the Lin Kuei conspiring in favour of that threat.
She heard of a war so big that went beyond their realms. She heard of Champions ascending.
She heard the Lin Kuei would no longer assist Earthrealm, they would not be against it, but wouldn't fight for it anymore.
And only then did she hear of Kuai Liang. When he was practically on her doorstep. He had made it to Japan, along with his brother, Tomas Vrbada. They were being hunted down for treason. They needed help. They needed to be saved. And she saved them without an ounce of hesitation.
When Kuai and Tomas started to live with her, it was, honestly, quite awkward. She had grown used to an empty house, and Kuai Liang showing up after months of silence certainly didn't help.
She was not angry at him though, and she still cared for him deeply. One night she would offer to prepare a concoction for the huge scar on his face. It would not make it disappear, of course, but it would help with the pain.
After taking a couple weeks to heal, the former Lin Kuei brothers would start their mission to assemble a clan that would replace the Lin Kuei as part of Earthrealm's defences. Harumi offered to help. And before Kuai could protest, she reminded him of the long history of her family as trainers of legendary champions. She had the experience they only dreamed to have.
The first attempts were a failure, partly because Harumi was rather demanding. She wouldn't train anyone, wouldn't accept anyone. Her students had to be fully committed, if they weren’t they did not even have to bother staying.
Meanwhile, Kuai was worried about his brother. Wondering how he was doing on his own. It was then that he learned that Harumi had something akin to a spy.
Bi-Han did not allow Harumi to send medicines to his father, but allowed her to send it to someone else. Cyrax had recently transitioned, and Harumi's concoctions were of great help! Harumi would willingly deliver her the medicine without any cost, but Cyrax insisted on doing something in return, so Harumi asked: "Keep us informed of Bi-Han’s wellbeing"
Being up-to-date with Bi-Han’s condition certainly eased Kuai Liang's heart. His mood increased greatly, and he started to act more like himself. More like the person Harumi fell in love with years ago.
It was no secret that there was something between the two, but distance always made it difficult to figure it out. Now, sharing the same roof, it all became clearer. They were in love, and slowly and carefully, they started to act of these feelings...
One night, Tomas brought a guest to her home. He insisted that their guest was a child, but Harumi and Kuai could tell from first glance he was an adult, at least 20, but seemingly younger due to malnourishment.
Harumi couldn't quite explain, but there was something about this guest, this Hanzo Hasashi figure. Something... familiar! She felt as if they had already met, but not on this life, no, more likely in another...
I have more headcanons for her, but they might spoil some things I have plans to write, so I'll share only these... for now👀🩷
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