#tarlos weekly prompts whump week
sapphire11 · 2 years
After yesterday's Ronen's ig post I vote for AMBULANCE CRASH 🙈
Hi Anon!!
OMG that IG post was hilarious. 🤣 I love the shenanigans.
I'm struggling with coming up with a good original fic idea for the ambulance crash prompt ... if you have one you'd like me to write please send it to me!! 🙏💛
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tarlosweeklyprompts · 2 years
Whump Week Masterlist
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Thank you to everyone who participated in this event! It was so much fun to host! Below are links to all of the fics that were written for this event. If I have missed your fic please let me know and I will add them. Remember you are responsible for your own media consumption. Read all posted warnings on the fic's.
Sunday, Oct. 30 Prompts: TARLOS WHUMP: Owen ruins Tarlos rehearsal dinner and TK tells Owen not to come to the wedding. | TARLOS WHUMP: TK and Carlos get kidnapped together.
Step back to jump better by @tarlos-spain
Obsessed with Carlos by @xtltokio
after dark by @gothruthestars2
A manhunting party by @milael-blog
Untitled ficlet by @whenshereads
Monday, Oct. 31 Prompts: TK STRAND WHUMP: "What do you mean TK never made it there? I saw him leave a half hour ago - he should be there." | CARLOS REYES WHUMP: Carlos is presumed dead. The problem? His body is missing and TK doesn't believe he's really dead.
A Bad Day To Break Down!! by @rangergurlgleek1211
At least I wasn't shot by @ramblingdisaster73
Untitled Ficlet by @whenshereads
after dark chapter two by @gothruthestars2
Tuesday, Nov 1 Prompts: CARLOS REYES WHUMP: Carlos being the reckless one and getting hurt. | CARLOS REYES WHUMP: Delayed trauma reaction/PTSD to TK almost dying in the ice storm
When you fall, I fall by @ramblingdisaster73
You, me and something is coming by @tarlos-spain
after dark chapter three by @gothruthestars2
Untitled Ficlet by @whenshereads
Wednesday, Nov 2 Prompts: TARLOS WHUMP: Car Crash | TARLOS WHUMP: Adoption falling through
Back to Square One by @detective-giggles
Don't let go of my hand by @milael-blog
If I don't remember you by @tarlos-spain
After dark chapter four by @gothruthestars2
Untitled Ficlet by @whenshereads
Thursday, Nov 3 Prompts: TK STRAND WHUMP: Ambulance Crash | TK STRAND WHUMP: TK gets poisoned.
After Dark chapter five by @gothruthestars2
Cooking is not for you by @tarlos-spain
Untitled Ficlet by @whenshereads
Friday, Nov 4 Prompts: TK STRAND WHUMP: Broken Ribs | CARLOS REYES WHUMP: Carlos gets sick.
Breath, TK, Breath. I'm here by @tarlos-spain
Untitled Ficlet by @whenshereads
After Dark chapter 6 by @gothruthestars2
Saturday, Nov 5 Prompts: TARLOS WHUMP: Pick an episode with a main Tarlos storyline and make it whumpier (for example: what if TK had relapsed after Gwyn died) | TARLOS WHUMP: Carlos getting hurt and TK not being able to help.
We make a pretty good team by @xtltokio
With this ring by @ramblingdisaster73
After dark chapter 7 by @gothruthestars2
Untitled Ficlet by @whenshereads
i’ll keep you safe by @softtarlos
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911fandomweekly · 2 years
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Hello, 9-1-1 Fandom!
Welcome to this week’s edition of the 9-1-1 Fandom Weekly, where we update you on all of the events going on in the fandom this week!
This Week in 9-1-1 ◈ October 17th
🔹 Chimney Week 2022 @chimneyweek October 17 - 23
🔹 Tarlos Weekly Prompts @tarlosweeklyprompts This week’s prompts are: → Prompt #1: Dad!Tarlos and their first Halloween as parents. → Prompt #2: TK and Carlos carving pumpkins together. Submissions are due by 5pm ET Saturday, October 22nd.
🔹 The 118 Weekly @the118discord October’s theme is Spooktacular. This week’s prompt is Scary Movies or Magic Movies. Submissions are always ongoing/welcome.
🔸 Tarlos Secret Santa Exchange @tarlos-santa sign-ups are currently open through November 4th
🔸 911 Podfic Fest @911podficfest Posting begins October 8th and will continue through October 21st.
🔸 Tarlos Monthly Prompts @tarlosmonthlyprompts This month’s theme is Fall. Check out the blog post for prompt info!
COMING SOON (starting within a month)
🔹 9-1-1 HalloWeek @911halloweek October 24 - 30
🔹 Tarlos Whump Week @tarlosweeklyprompts October 30 - November 5
🔹 Maddie Buckley Week @themaddiebuckleyweek November 7 - 13
🚨9-1-1 airs tonight! 6x05: Home Invasion🚨
If anything is missing from this list, please let us know!
You can also check out our blog for a comprehensive archive of Past Events, as well as all of the Upcoming Events that we know about.
Have a great week!
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tarlosweeklyprompts · 2 years
I am planning to do a TK and Carlos whump week in November. This survey is to gather information on what you guys would like to see and what dates would work for everyone. This survey will close at tomorrow (Sunday, September 11) so that I can get together prompts and make a post so people can start planning!
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sapphire11 · 2 years
There are some ambulance crash TK whump fics out there, but probably I've never seen a poisoning one? I'm so excited for those fics!!!!! (Whumpee TK my beloved 🥰). Have a nice day!!! 🥰
Oooh you are right there are a couple of ambulance crash fics .... and idk about poisoning 👀 ... Anon I think you sparked an idea for me for this prompt 🥳😗
And thank you so much!! I can't lie, whumpee TK is my favorite.
Have a great day friend!! 💛
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tarlosweeklyprompts · 2 years
Tarlos Whump Week: Oct. 30 - Nov. 5
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Hello all! This November Tarlos Weekly Prompts will be hosting a TARLOS WHUMP WEEK! Thank you to everyone who answered the survey and all of the ideas you shared! I tried to work in a lot that you guys suggested!
There aren't many rules for this, just the ones that we always have on the blog for the prompts.
The work has to be Tarlos centric but can include other characters.
All work must be properly rated and have appropriate warnings.
Accepted works: fic's, moodboards, fanart, gifs
Please no content that contains incest or glorification of topics such as sexual assault / rape / suicide etc. (This topics may be written about seeing as Tarlos are first responders but please refrain from glorifying these acts.)
All works must be new works.
You can pair up the prompts with other challenges.
Prompts will be posted daily between Oct. 30 - Nov. 5. (and the prompt list is below.) Each day will have TWO choices for you to write for. You can pick one or both to write about.
TWP has a discord! Message the blog for details about it!
If you have any questions just ask!
Please tag fic's with #TWPWhumpWeek22 and tag us in the fic's please!
Fic posting starts on October 30, 2022
Sunday, Oct. 30 Prompts:
TARLOS WHUMP: Owen ruins Tarlos rehearsal dinner and TK tells Owen not to come to the wedding.
TARLOS WHUMP: TK and Carlos get kidnapped together.
Monday, Oct. 31 Prompts:
TK STRAND WHUMP: "What do you mean TK never made it there? I saw him leave a half hour ago - he should be there."
CARLOS REYES WHUMP: Carlos is presumed dead. The problem? His body is missing and TK doesn't believe he's really dead.
Tuesday, Nov 1 Prompts:
CARLOS REYES WHUMP: Carlos being the reckless one and getting hurt.
CARLOS REYES WHUMP: Delayed trauma reaction/PTSD to TK almost dying in the ice storm
Wednesday, Nov 2 Prompts:
TARLOS WHUMP: Adoption falling through
Thursday, Nov 3 Prompts:
TK STRAND WHUMP: Ambulance Crash
TK STRAND WHUMP: TK gets poisoned.
Friday, Nov 4 Prompts:
CARLOS REYES WHUMP: Carlos gets sick.
Saturday, Nov 5 Prompts:
TARLOS WHUMP: Pick an episode with a main Tarlos storyline and make it whumpier (for example: what if TK had relapsed after Gwyn died)
TARLOS WHUMP: Carlos getting hurt and TK not being able to help.
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tarlosweeklyprompts · 2 years
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REMINDER TARLOS WHUMP WEEK IS NEXT WEEK also check out the monthly prompt blog @tarlosmonthlyprompts
Prompt #1: AU where TK/Carlos are some sort of supernatural creature. Example: Vampire, Zombie, Witch, etc.
Prompt #2: TK making and sending a video like this to Carlos
The work has to be Tarlos centric but can include other characters.
All work must be properly rated and have appropriate warnings.
Accepted works: fic's, moldboards, fanart, gifs
Prompts can be used for series, chapter fics, etc. For example if you are writing a chapter fic and a prompt fits into the story you can use the prompt. However, the chapter for the fic with the prompt needs to be posted the day the prompt is due.
All work needs to be posted by Saturday at 5 p.m. EST. Masterlist will be posted on Mondays. Find all our Masterlist with #tarlos weekly prompt masterlist
Tag the blog and I'm tracking the tag #tarlosweeklyprompts
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tarlosweeklyprompts · 2 years
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Week: Oct 9-Oct15
I have a lot of fun prompts for this month! And don't forget our Whump Week is coming up at the end of the month!
Prompt #1: TK / Carlos want to share a family recipe for the other so they decide to cook it, only it's not as easy as they thought it would be to do alone.
Prompt #2: TK and Carlos go Halloween Costume shopping together.
The work has to be Tarlos centric but can include other characters.
All work must be properly rated and have appropriate warnings.
Accepted works: fic's, moldboards, fanart, gifs
Please no content that contains incest or glorification of topics such as sexual assault / rape / suicide etc. (This topics may be written about seeing as Tarlos are first responders but please refrain from glorifying these acts.)
Prompts can be used for series, chapter fics, etc. For example if you are writing a chapter fic and a prompt fits into the story you can use the prompt. However, the chapter for the fic with the prompt needs to be posted the day the prompt is due.
All work needs to be posted by Saturday at 5 p.m. EST. Masterlist will be posted on Mondays. Find all our Masterlist with #tarlos weekly prompt masterlist
Tag the blog and I'm tracking the tag #tarlosweeklyprompts
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tarlosweeklyprompts · 2 years
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Week: November 6 - November 12
Last week was amazing! Thank you to everyone who participated in Whump Week! I enjoyed reading every single fic that was posted! Here's another week of weekly prompts!
Prompt #1: Meet Cute - TK and Carlos meet when their coffee orders get switched.
Prompt #2: "I need you. I don't care what you do, just make me come."
Accepted works: fic's, moldboards, fanart, gifs
All works need to be new works.
All works need to be Tarlos centric
All works need to be properly tagged. - Additionally Please no content that contains incest or glorification of topics such as sexual assault / rape / suicide etc. (This topics may be written about seeing as Tarlos are first responders but please refrain from glorifying these acts.)
All work needs to be posted by Saturday at 5 p.m. EST. Masterlist will be posted on Mondays
Tag the blog and I'm tracking the tag #tarlosweeklyprompts
More information in our pinned posts
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tarlosweeklyprompts · 2 years
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Week Oct. 16 - Oct. 22
Hey friends, it's me again with another prompt. I know weekly prompts are hard for some people to write and that's okay. Nobody is ever obligated to write any of the prompts I put out, this is just a fun thing to do. If weekly prompts aren't your thing, I just started a monthly prompt blog @tarlosmonthlyprompts where I will post a monthly theme and 4 prompts every month. Maybe check it out and give it a boost? Also, Tarlos Whump Week is coming up soon! Check out the prompts here and see if any of them catch your eye and motivate you to write!
Prompt #1: Dad!Tarlos and their first Halloween as parents.
Prompt #2: TK and Carlos carving pumpkins together.
The work has to be Tarlos centric but can include other characters.
All work must be properly rated and have appropriate warnings.
Accepted works: fic's, moldboards, fanart, gifs
Please no content that contains incest or glorification of topics such as sexual assault / rape / suicide etc. (This topics may be written about seeing as Tarlos are first responders but please refrain from glorifying these acts.)
Prompts can be used for series, chapter fics, etc. For example if you are writing a chapter fic and a prompt fits into the story you can use the prompt. However, the chapter for the fic with the prompt needs to be posted the day the prompt is due.
All work needs to be posted by Saturday at 5 p.m. EST. Masterlist will be posted on Mondays. Find all our Masterlist with #tarlos weekly prompt masterlist
Tag the blog and I'm tracking the tag #tarlosweeklyprompts
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tarlosweeklyprompts · 2 years
Since this week is my Tarlos Whump Week event, there won't be a regular weekly prompt. I will make a post each day with what Tarlos Whump Prompt is due that day. I can't wait to see what you guys create!!
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911fandomweekly · 2 years
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Hello, 9-1-1 Fandom!
Welcome to this week’s edition of the 9-1-1 Fandom Weekly, where we update you on all of the events going on in the fandom this week!
This Week in 9-1-1 ◈ October 3rd
🔹 Tarlos Weekly Prompts @tarlosweeklyprompts This week's prompts are: → Prompt #1: Tarlos go hiking. → Prompt #2: “Why are there so many pumpkins in the kitchen?” → Prompt #3: “It’s not that I’m horny all the time. it’s just that you’re always sexy.” Submissions are due by 5pm ET Saturday, October 8th.
🔹 The 118 Weekly @the118discord September’s theme is tropes (these prompts were posted in September still). This week’s prompt is Fake Dating or Secretly Dating While Being Set Up with Others. Submissions are always ongoing/welcome.
🔸 911 Podfic Fest @911podficfest Posting begins October 8th and will continue through October 21st.
🔸 Tarlos Monthly Prompts @tarlosmonthlyprompts This month's theme is Fall. Check out the blog post for prompt info!
COMING SOON (starting within a month)
🔹 Chimney Week 2022 @chimneyweek October 17 - 23
🔹 9-1-1 HalloWeek @911halloweek October 24 - 30
🔹 Tarlos Whump Week @tarlosweeklyprompts October 30 - November 5
🚨9-1-1 airs tonight! 6x03: The Devil You Know🚨
If anything is missing from this list, please let us know!
You can also check out our blog for a comprehensive archive of Past Events, as well as all of the Upcoming Events that we know about.
Have a great week!
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911fandomweekly · 2 years
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Hello, 9-1-1 Fandom!
Welcome to this week’s edition of the 9-1-1 Fandom Weekly, where we update you on all of the events going on in the fandom this week!
This Week in 9-1-1 ◈ October 10th
🔹 Tarlos Weekly Prompts @tarlosweeklyprompts This week’s prompts are: → Prompt #1: TK / Carlos want to share a family recipe for the other so they decide to cook it, only it’s not as easy as they thought it would be to do alone. → Prompt #2: TK and Carlos go Halloween Costume shopping together. Submissions are due by 5pm ET Saturday, October 15th.
🔹 The 118 Weekly @the118discord October's theme is Spooktacular. This week’s prompt is Costume Party or Haunted House. Submissions are always ongoing/welcome.
🔸 911 Podfic Fest @911podficfest Posting begins October 8th and will continue through October 21st.
🔸 Tarlos Monthly Prompts @tarlosmonthlyprompts This month’s theme is Fall. Check out the blog post for prompt info!
COMING SOON (starting within a month)
🔹 Chimney Week 2022 @chimneyweek October 17 - 23
🔹 9-1-1 HalloWeek @911halloweek October 24 - 30
🔹 Tarlos Whump Week @tarlosweeklyprompts October 30 - November 5
🔹 Maddie Buckley Week @themaddiebuckleyweek November 7 - 13
🚨9-1-1 airs tonight! 6x04: Animal Instincts🚨
If anything is missing from this list, please let us know!
You can also check out our blog for a comprehensive archive of Past Events, as well as all of the Upcoming Events that we know about.
Have a great week!
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911fandomweekly · 2 years
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Hello, 9-1-1 Fandom!
Welcome to this week’s edition of the 9-1-1 Fandom Weekly, where we update you on all of the events going on in the fandom this week!
This Week in 9-1-1 ◈ August 29th
🔹 9-1-1 Week 2022 @911week August 29 - September 4
🔸 9-1-1 Hallmark Holiday Fic Fest @911holidayficfest Sign-ups are currently open until August 31st.
🔹 Tarlos Weekly Prompts @tarlosweeklyprompts This week’s prompt theme is Whump! Check out the blog post for the three specific prompts. Submissions are due by 5pm ET Saturday, September 3rd.
🔹 The 118 Weekly @the118discord August’s theme is AUs. This week’s prompt is Detective Noir or Period Drama. Submissions are always ongoing/welcome.
COMING SOON (starting within a month)
🔹 9-1-1 Characters of Color Week 2022 .. September 12 - 18 @911charactersofcolor 🔹 Tarlos Week 2022 .. September 26 - October 2 @tarlos-week-2022
🚨9-1-1 Season 6 Countdown: 3 weeks left!🚨
If anything is missing from this list, please let us know!
You can also check out our blog for a comprehensive archive of Past Events, as well as all of the Upcoming Events that we know about.
Have a great week!
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