#tarot game keeps confusing me bc im small brained but i THINK its pretty similar to presidents/rich man poor man
minarcana · 8 months
@meteorwinged asked:
"I would like to learn the card game please." She stared intently as the astrologian cards in his hands, unblinking.
"'Tis not a card game which decideth mine actions, my dear," Urianger replies as he decisively inverts a card and switches its location with another, then folds them into a neat stack. There is great import in... looking like all of his actions have great importance. They kind of do. "What I performeth currently is cartomancy, divination and assignment of fortunes, a way to read one's future and fortune within the arcana."
However! Since she already stated what she did want to learn, and card reading wasn't it. "Though if card games be more to thine interests, I hath enough of a deck to teach thee the game of tarot. 'Tis meant to be played with four at least, but as a child I didst find myself in need of creating a form which two may play." He's got options. She can learn anything she likes-- considering Urianger is quite keen on teaching anyone anything.
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