minarcana · 8 months
@meteorwinged asked:
"I would like to learn the card game please." She stared intently as the astrologian cards in his hands, unblinking.
"'Tis not a card game which decideth mine actions, my dear," Urianger replies as he decisively inverts a card and switches its location with another, then folds them into a neat stack. There is great import in... looking like all of his actions have great importance. They kind of do. "What I performeth currently is cartomancy, divination and assignment of fortunes, a way to read one's future and fortune within the arcana."
However! Since she already stated what she did want to learn, and card reading wasn't it. "Though if card games be more to thine interests, I hath enough of a deck to teach thee the game of tarot. 'Tis meant to be played with four at least, but as a child I didst find myself in need of creating a form which two may play." He's got options. She can learn anything she likes-- considering Urianger is quite keen on teaching anyone anything.
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forgivenpunishment · 9 months
@meteorwinged replied to your post ““   finding out the truth doesn’t always work out...”:
"Sorry, you were feeling kind of loudly. I thought maybe you needed some advice but I couldn't think of anything else to give advice about."
​"Feeling kind of loudly—? What—" Nick squints at the girl, "What are you?"
He was thinking. Thinking about his world, his mirror's world, hell, even the truth behind the goddamn churches here. What the hell else is he supposed to do here but think?!
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soulgathered · 4 months
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"there you are" it seems hermes has sent the girl out due to a rather heated discussion between several researchers. a kind of argument that had azem turn on their heel before anyone could see them. they'd prefer to not get involved in those kinds of fights and have people rely on them to solve this.
they stretch their hand out for meteion to hold and focus on azem's current emotions - cheerful and warm. "I got you some gifts from my latest travels."
@meteorwinged .
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starsfreckled · 8 months
Small bird on the head. Cheep.
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"hello there little friend" they raise their hand for the starbird to hop onto it before pressing a little kiss to meteion's head "you're gonna stay here for a little bit?"
unprompted asks ( always accepting ) // @meteorwinged .
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tellusbane · 2 years
@meteorwinged​ Slowly reaches up to squish his ears. "...Soft."
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     NORMALLY HE’D KILL WHOEVER TRIES TO TOUCH HIM IN THIS MANNER, yet for some reason he couldn’t seem to do aught about it but frown and pray by the Wood Mother that it ends soon. He should really start hiding it, but how? “...just don’t pinch it.”
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kintsugiscars · 4 months
She is not a person today, she is a bird. Please let her sit on your head.
She doesn't have to be a person if she doesn't want to be. Lex always enjoys her presence!
His ears shift so she can nestle easier atop his head, and he reaches up to give her a little scritch.
"Comfy, baby bird?"
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typhoonvash · 6 months
“How has the weight of this not crushed you? How are you still able to smile?”
⩥ @meteorwinged || sad quotes [OPEN]
“How has the weight of this not crushed you? How are you still able to smile?”
Vash, who was looking off into the empty horizon, instead turns his attention to the small girl to his side and offers a slight smile. A hollow smile. Anyone could tell—especially the young empathetic creature beside him.
"I don't know," the blond adjusts the bag on his shoulder and looks back into the nothingness ahead of him, "It used to. Now... if I stop going forward, my brother could really hurt the humans on this planet. Once he's gone or dealt with... maybe I can cry about it then."
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calamitysshatteredson · 8 months
“ cruel mothers fathers are still mothers fathers”
Poetry Starters | accepting but slow
The only indication that Sephiroth hears the words are the tilt of his head before a long stretch of not speaking, not reacting. Just. Thinking.
"Depends on the definition of 'father', I suppose." Side-stepping the subject while still being neck-deep within it. "One might insist they be intentionally nurturing to gain that title. At the most basic level, to be protective of their young, that they may eventually be able to survive on their own." Did that fit his... situation? Yes and no, certainly. And then there was the definition of "survive"--
Philosophy was complex in a different way than science. "If you're speaking solely of a progenitor, then I suppose that is an accurate assessment."
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thancrxdwatxrs · 8 months
❛ i’ll get over it. i just need to be dramatic first. ❜
various things spoken in an adventuring party pt.2 @meteorwinged
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"Dramatic... Right." The hyur softly laughed and shook his head. "And people say that I'm the dramatic one."
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orangetintedglasses · 8 months
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@meteorwinged said: 🛑 Get Behind Me! // blood cleaning meme
Vash is quiet as she touches his face with the bit of cloth she'd found in their supplies, hands balled into tight, squeaking fists as leather met leather in an uncomfortably snug setting.
The attack had come on fast when they'd wandered too far out in search of more trees for their task-- tracking down a number of Gridanian Walnuts for someone who was looking to use them for recipes, but unable to get them themselves --and happened too close to the Redbelly Hive. There were nearly a dozen people on top of them almost instantly, and Vash had ordered Meteion to get as far away as she could, figuring it'd be as good a time as any to practice the new abilities he'd gained after accepting the mysterious stone he'd been told would grant him the power he needed to protect the both of them.
Pity no one warned him just how potent those abilities were.
People were slain with what felt like minimal effort; blue eyes wide in shock as his own body took to motions that the stone seemed to lend to him. One attack, then two, then a final, heavier attack that cut through their attackers like butter. Most of them were gone before he even fully processed what was going on.
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"... are..." the word comes out dry and croaking, so he swallows and tries again. Lifting his eyes in what almost feels like a mechanical motion, "are you alright...? Some of them had bows, did they try to aim for you?"
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prxsperpina · 3 years
Continued from Here
Kore gently took the treat, though she felt a bit sad that Meteion didn’t try to eat such a thing. Then again, Kore was well aware that the young familiar could not eat it due to how she was made. If only Hermes had used his magics to give her that ability.
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“Thank you,” she told her, smiling. “How are you doing Meteion? Has everything been alright?”
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minarcana · 7 months
@meteorwinged // from.
"Haha. An inquisitive mind is the first step to finding success." Ker claps his hands together, demeanour perfectly cheery despite the fact that Meteion has found him in what is (essentially) time-out. "Good job. And, incidentally, the two are related. The why I was breaking and entering is because I wanted to see all the secret big creatures in Ktisis Hyperborea, but finding anyone authorized to let me in under anything other than a highly supervised boring tour is a pain. The why I got caught is because researchers can be... very sneaky, and apparently quite sticklers for rules. Even though I believe I'm quite charming, capable of self defense, and hardly likely to provoke a horrid creature to eat me whole. Getting stuck in this room is overkill, wouldn't you agree?"
Azem has never done anything wrong ever in his life.
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forgivenpunishment · 9 months
“   finding out the truth doesn’t always work out for the best .   ”
⩥ @meteorwinged || kh prompts [OPEN]
“finding out the truth doesn’t always work out for the best.”
Nick just about jumps out of his skin as the voice of a young girl speaks to him from behind. He turns around to see said child, but she has wings on her head and talons for feet. She's blue... blue, so blue, and has these innocent eyes tainted with a twinge of sadness.
"Christ, where the hell—" he catches himself, fixes his language, "Where the heck did you come from, kid?" He was enjoying the humdrum ambiance of the Ishgardian markets from a cozy alleyway—he could've sworn he was alone just a moment ago...
Is she an orphan? She looks too put-together to be an orphan from the Brume. Maybe she's lost.
"Uhh," she said something, right? "Sure, sometimes the truth sucks. Not much you can do about it."
There's a beat of silence as he considers how to respond. Does she... want advice?
"Did somethin' happen to you? D'ya wanna talk about it?"
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stxrcxller · 3 years
She had expected it, to be kept so closely under watch in the days following the Scions’ return from Ultima Thule. She had given them all quite the scare... Z’nakei bit at her lip as she stared down at the people below, trying to figure out exactly how she felt on the news that the Scions would be ‘disbanding’ once she had ‘recovered’. Part of her was tempted to act extra pitiful so that they’d stay in one place longer. But, that’d be wrong. Very wrong.
Watching people come and go could only stay a distraction for so long before that, too, became predictable. And the fact also still stood that studying them wouldn’t unlock some sudden revelation any time soon... They were happy and relieved to be alive, as they should be.
The Miqo’te sighed, laying back against the rooftop she had perched on, feet still hanging and kicking a bit off the edge. Anything interesting in the sky? No, the same as it always had been and always should be... As she just stared up blankly at the sky, there came the distinct feeling of being watched. She could guess who, since not many deemed climbing roofs a good use of their time...
“Do you dream at all? In your sleep...if that’s something you do.” A good a topic as any...
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lavender-ancient · 3 years
@meteorwinged​ started following lavender-ancient
    “Meteion! Tis good to see you, my dear. Oh! Hear. I hear you and Hermes like a certain treat. Just don’t tell anyone I gave it to you, hmm?” With a playful smile he conjured up a candy apple for her, coated perfectly in that sweet dipped syrup before offering the treat to the young girl with a wink.
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 “How are you my friend? Is Hermes alright?”
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salveticn · 3 years
@meteorwinged​ || x
     he found the sleeping girl huddled up in a corner in his dearest’s office after searching for her all throughout anagnorisis .   with a palm resting on his chest , he exhaled a sigh of relief before he approached her to simply lift her up and carry her in her arms , upstairs to her bedroom . it was during such moments in which he was glad that the office was simply in close proximity .
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     ❝ i know that you want to be around hermes , but he’s attending an important meeting right now . ❞   and when she snuggled closer , elpis couldn’t help but wrapped his arms around her tightly .   ❝ come , i’ll read you a story , eh ? ❞
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