archaeologs · 10 months
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This winged feline (500–400 B.C.) originally served as the front leg of a wooden chair or throne. Felines were popular in the art of many Mediterranean and Near Eastern cultures. Certain stylistic features of this piece, as well as the manner in which it was made from separate pieces of bronze joined together, suggest that this work was created in Spain, specifically in the kingdom of Tartessos. The form of the feline's brow is a Tartessian characteristic, as is the triangle design in the creature's ear. Image by Getty Museum. Learn more / Daha fazlası Tartessos https://www.archaeologs.com/w/tartessos/
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thatshowthingstarted · 2 months
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Corinthian Whipped Bronze Helmet, 560 BC.
It was discovered in 1930 in the Ria de Huelva, (Spain).
According to the analyses carried out by Dr. Gomez Torga, director of the laboratory of the Mines de la Reunion, in Rio Tinto, it is pure copper, without any kind of alloy.
In any case, this unique piece is one of the most important Greek finds of the Iberian Peninsula. By its location, it must be related to the emporion or commercial factory of Huelva, where numerous remains have appeared that evidenced trade between the Greeks and the Tartesians, which boomed in the middle of the sixth century BC. C, coincides with the date of this helmet, to which elites it would be intended as a weapon of prestige acquired to highlight to society the aristocratic status of its owner.
It was acquired by purchase, by the engineer José Albelda, who later donated it in 1932, to the Royal Academy of History.
Height: 26.6 cm, Width: 33.6 cm
Thickness: between 0.1 cm and 0.4 cm, but reaches 1.3 cm in the nasal defense.
Weight: 1370.5 g.
Indeed, the place of the finding is not too far from where it was recovered, also in a dredging of the River, a famous set of weapons of the Final Bronze, which makes it assumed that all these objects were deposited as exvotes or offerings to the divinity of those waters.
Water represented the passage point of Mas Allá in the Indo-European world, so this kind of offerings could be related to rites of arrival or passage, as can be interpreted another Greek helmet, something earlier, found in the waters of the Guadalete river, on its way through Arcos of the Frontier, which is preserved in the Museum of Jerez.
Source: Royal Academy of History. Text from the Catalogue of the exhibition Treasures of the Royal Academy of History. 2001. Sign written by Martín Almagro Gorbea.
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oblivious-melodies · 3 months
"Funny looking fellow, aren't you?" he says, squinting at you. "Not many Angermen of your cast. You've a look of the Tartesian about you." He smirks here. "Your mother wasn't beloved of a swarthy foreign sailor, was she?" You frown, your skin suddenly prickling with the sensation of his scrutiny. It's entirely too long a story to tell here - too many complex twists and turns
👀 which country is Tartesia based on btw? Also curious about Bridgestowe (Bath? Bristol? Southampton?), Kenanite, and Callacia?
Tartesia refers to Spain! And I'll say no more on that front for now, other than that Benjamin's guess might not be 100% accurate...
Bridgestowe is a rough correlate for Bristol (it's actually an antiquated term for the town!), which now, post-statue-removal, is quite famous for having spearheaded the Transatlantic Slave Trade irl until it was outmatched by Liverpool toward the end of the 18th century. Callacia corresponds to Portugal, and Kenanites are intended to be a mostly fictional ethnic/religious group but are a stand-in for the Jewish populations that formed an important though ghettoised demographic in Georgian London, with smaller contingents in other British towns.
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leontiucmarius · 3 months
O nouă descoperire arheologică dezvăluie secretele civilizației Tartessiane
Arheologii spanioli au făcut recent o descoperire fascinantă în timpul săpăturilor de la Casas del Turuñuelo, un vechi sit Tartesian situat în sud-vestul Spaniei. O tabletă excepțională, care conține desene antice cu scene de luptă și un alfabet paleo-hispanic a fost într-adevăr descoperită. Oferă astfel noi perspective asupra acestei civilizații misterioase. Descoperirea a fost prezentată…
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