#tartufo di pizzo
canesenzafissadimora · 10 months
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Tartufo di Pizzo
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adreamf-spring · 1 year
In honor of American Thanksgiving coming up soon, what do you think is Fez and Lexi's favorite Thanksgiving dish? If you don't celebrate Thanksgiving, what you do think is Fez and Lexi's favorite meal/food/entree (it can be anything)?? Or you can answer this as though Lexi and Fez are taking a vacation in your home country! What would they eat in your country?
tbh I don't know much about Thanksgiving dishes besides the classic roasted turkey but if fexi took a trip where I live (especially in my region Calabria) I'd make Fez try patate pipi e mulanciane that is a kind of caponata (chopped fried potatoes with other vegetables, in this case fried peppers and aubergine) because I think he would appreciate the spicy highly caloric fest:') and instead I would give Lexi something sweet (dessert) like tartufo di Pizzo that is artisanal ice cream usually covered in cocoa and has melted chocolate in the center.
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mediterraneocase · 1 year
"Kalabrien: Eine Entdeckungsreise durch die Kultur, Küche und Landschaft des südlichen Italiens"
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Kalabrien, die Region im südlichen Italien, ist bekannt für ihre reiche Kultur und kulinarische Traditionen. Diese Region ist ein wahrer Schatz für Touristen, die das echte Italien erleben möchten. Die Kalabrier sind stolz auf ihre Kultur und Traditionen, die tief in der Geschichte verwurzelt sind. Die Stadt Reggio Calabria, die am südlichsten Punkt Italiens liegt, ist die Heimat des berühmten Bronzestatue Riace Warriors, die aus der griechischen Antike stammen. Diese Statuen sind heute in einem Museum in Reggio Calabria zu sehen und sind ein Zeugnis für die lange Geschichte dieser Region. Die Kalabrier sind auch für ihre Feste und Feiern bekannt, wie z.B. das "Festa della Madonna di Polsi", das jedes Jahr im September stattfindet. Während dieser Feierlichkeiten wird die Madonna von Polsi durch die Straßen von San Luca getragen, begleitet von traditionellen Tänzen und Gesängen.
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Die Küche Kalabriens ist eine der vielfältigsten und reichhaltigsten in Italien. Die Region ist bekannt für ihre Verwendung von frischen Zutaten wie Tomaten, Auberginen, Paprika und Olivenöl. Einige der bekanntesten Gerichte sind die Calabrese Pizza, der 'Nduja (eine würzige Wurst), und die Sardellen in Öl. Die Region ist auch berühmt für ihre Süßigkeiten, darunter der Tartufo di Pizzo, eine Schokoladentrüffel mit Haselnusscreme und der Torrone, ein italienischer Nougat mit Mandeln und Honig.
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Neben der reichen Kultur und Küche hat Kalabrien auch einige der schönsten Landschaften in Italien zu bieten. Die Region ist von Bergen und Meer umgeben, und die Strände sind einige der besten in Italien. Besucher können die beeindruckende Landschaft genießen und einige der atemberaubenden Küstenstädte wie Tropea, Pizzo oder Scilla besuchen. Insgesamt bietet Kalabrien eine einzigartige Kombination aus Kultur, Küche und Landschaft. Es ist ein Ort, den jeder Besucher in Italien erleben sollte. In Kalabrien gibt es viele Möglichkeiten, die Region zu erkunden und zu erleben, einschließlich der Möglichkeit, in einer Ferienwohnung zu übernachten. Eine tolle Seite, auf der Sie eine Vielzahl von Ferienwohnungen in Kalabrien finden können, ist www.kalabrien-fewo.de. Egal, ob Sie eine Unterkunft in der Nähe des Strandes oder in den Bergen suchen, diese Seite bietet Ihnen eine breite Auswahl an Unterkünften. Probieren Sie es aus und finden Sie die perfekte Ferienwohnung für Ihren nächsten Urlaub in Kalabrien! Read the full article
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dedotombo · 2 years
In gita sui Monti Sibillini
Un fine settimana d���estate sulle montagne marchigiane
Tre amici decidono di trascorrere un weekend estivo diverso dal solito, lontano dal bel mare portorecanatese, e di raccontarvelo.
Partiti nel tardo pomeriggio da Loreto, dopo un’ora e mezzo di viaggio arriviamo a Pintura di Bolognola (1380 metri), la nostra località di soggiorno, presso il rifugio e albergo “La Capanna”.
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Pintura di Bolognola
Dopo aver cenato ci ritiriamo in camera e programmiamo un’escursione sulla Forcella del Fargno per il giorno successivo. La mattina seguente, tuttavia, la pioggia non ci consente di intraprendere la camminata.
Decidiamo allora di scendere a Sarnano per visitare la mostra sul pittore veneziano Vittore Crivelli (1440–1501/1502) a Palazzo del Popolo. Attiva dal 21 maggio al 6 novembre 2011, la mostra ambisce a offrire una prospettiva originale sul patrimonio artistico della fascia montana delle Marche centromeridionali.
Oltre alle opere di Vittore Crivelli e del più noto fratello Carlo, sono infatti esposte pitture e sculture di altri artisti attivi nei centri più interni delle Marche nella seconda metà del XV secolo, per esplorare il Rinascimento dell’Appennino.
Questo nuovo concetto storico-artistico vuole indicare un Rinascimento di carattere locale, diverso e autonomo dalla più famosa produzione toscana e veneta dell’epoca, legato al gusto per i materiali, l’oro in particolare, e all’ostentazione della ricchezza e dell’eleganza formale.
All’ingresso veniamo informati che il biglietto della mostra permette di visitare anche la pinacoteca comunale, oltre che ottenere tariffe ridotte presso le sedi museali convenzionate dell’Abbadia di Fiastra, Caldarola, Castelraimondo, Falerone, Matelica, Monte Rinaldo, Tolentino, Urbisaglia e Visso.
Alla pinacoteca civica rimaniamo affascinati da due collezioni in mostra al primo piano. Una è dedicata ad armi da fuoco, elmetti e attrezzatura bellica di interesse storico, l’altra a uno strumento di lavoro apparentemente semplice: il martello. Nelle teche di una piccola sala sono esposte decine di martelli di ogni dimensione per altrettanti mestieri, dal martelletto del neurologo al mazzuolo da falegname.
A fine mattinata da Sarnano partiamo alla volta di Fiastra. Alla Casa del Parco, uno dei centri visita dislocati in tutto il territorio del Parco Nazionale dei Monti Sibillini, le guide ci consigliano di pranzare al “Rifugio del Tribbio”.
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Souvenir della Casa del Parco
Al rifugio veniamo accolti dalla gentile cuoca e proprietaria. L’ambiente e la cucina, tipicamente marchigiana, sono molto gradevoli. Tra le pietanze gustate meritano di essere menzionati i primi piatti, tagliatelle al tartufo e pappardelle ai funghi, e i contorni, zucchine alle erbe aromatiche e melanzane e cipolle in agrodolce.
Mangiata anche una fetta di soffice ciambellone, salutiamo la signora e, usciti dal rifugio, notiamo i romantici ruderi del Castello Magalotti. Il castello era situato sopra un colle, circondato da possenti mura che inglobavano la chiesa benedettina di S. Paolo, in stile puramente romanico.
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Ruderi del Castello Magalotti
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Ruderi del Castello Magalotti
Il colle offre una splendida panoramica dell’intero lago di Fiastra, di cui raggiungiamo le rive a San Lorenzo al Lago per passeggiare un po’ e scattare qualche fotografia prima di ritornare a Pintura di Bolognola.
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Lago di Fiastra
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Lago di Fiastra
Nel pomeriggio i nostri programmi sono nuovamente bloccati dalla pioggia. Le ore trascorrono tra cioccolate calde fuori stagione, giochi di carte e lettura di libri e quotidiani disponibili presso il rifugio.
Verso sera, terminato l’acquazzone, effettuiamo un’escursione nei dintorni del rifugio, senza allontanarci troppo per paura del cattivo tempo. La strada è spesso occupata da bellissimi e imponenti tori, vacche e vitelli di razza marchigiana. Lungo il cammino incontriamo il pastore del luogo, che per il giorno successivo ci consiglia di raggiungere il rifugio del Fargno e da lì Pizzo Tre Vescovi, meteo permettendo…
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Allattamento di un vitello
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Vitello di razza marchigiana
Dopo la cena in albergo a base di ottimo spezzatino di cinghiale, andiamo a dormire sperando in una bella giornata. La mattina seguente i nostri desideri sembrano esauditi e, dunque, zaino in spalla, ci incamminiamo verso la Forcella della Fargno.
La salita è abbastanza impegnativa: il percorso è lungo circa 6 chilometri e il dislivello è di circa 400 metri, con una fonte d’acqua situata a metà cammino. Volendo è però possibile percorrere abbastanza agevolmente la strada sterrata in automobile o motocicletta.
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Paesaggio lungo il sentiero verso il Rifugio del Fargno
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Paesaggio lungo il sentiero verso il Rifugio del Fargno
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Paesaggio lungo il sentiero verso il Rifugio del Fargno
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Paesaggio lungo il sentiero verso il Rifugio del Fargno
Dopo due ore e un quarto di cammino, alle undici e tre quarti circa, raggiungiamo finalmente il rifugio del Fargno, dove ci riposiamo brevemente assaggiando un dolcetto alle mandorle prima di salire ulteriormente sul Pizzo Tre Vescovi.
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Rifugio del Fargno
Nonostante i nuvoloni in avvicinamento decidiamo di girare tutt’intorno la punta prima di pranzare al rifugio. Il paesaggio è veramente mozzafiato e fotografiamo bellissimi fiori, ma a metà percorso siamo colti nuovamente alla sprovvista dalla pioggia. Pur con qualche difficoltà, affrettiamo il passo e riusciamo a raggiungere il rifugio.
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Fiori lungo il sentiero per Pizzo Tre Vescovi
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Fiori lungo il sentiero per Pizzo Tre Vescovi
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Fiori lungo il sentiero per Pizzo Tre Vescovi
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Fiori lungo il sentiero per Pizzo Tre Vescovi
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Fiori lungo il sentiero per Pizzo Tre Vescovi
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Ritorno al rifugio del Fargno
Il pranzo è decisamente invernale: lenticchie e polenta alla salsiccia, senza lesinare su vino rosso e caffè per contrastare il freddo. Dopo aver sostato un po’ al rifugio, i due più coraggiosi del gruppo, tra cui il sottoscritto, affrontano vento e pioggia ritornando a piedi a Pintura di Bolognola, mentre il terzo compagno, meno intrepido ma più socievole, riesce a strappare un passaggio a delle compagne universitarie incontrate per caso.
Giunti finalmente al nostro albergo ci asciughiamo e cambiamo i vestiti bagnati. Prima di ripartire alla volta di Loreto, compriamo una forma di formaggio, tanto stagionato quanto dolce, prodotta dal cuoco con il latte del pastore che avevamo conosciuto il giorno prima.
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Pecorino dei Monti Sibillini
Pian piano la pioggia comincia a diminuire d’intensità e il sole spunta lungo la via del ritorno dalla nostra piacevole gita estiva in montagna. Speriamo che il racconto del viaggio, di cui conserveremo sempre un bel ricordo, vi abbia divertito e invogliato a visitare i nostri bei Monti Sibillini.
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giuseppecocco · 3 years
Calabria: Pizzo
Pizzo (anche nota come Pizzo Calabro, U Pìzzu in calabrese) è un comune della provincia di Vibo Valentia in Calabria.  Il borgo è rinomato per la produzione del tartufo di Pizzo, della produzione del tonno Callipo e della Chiesetta di Piedigrotta. Guarda il video (qui sopra) con gli Acquarelli dedicati a Pizzo Calabro e se ti interessa acquistarne qualcuno (stampe e/o su oggetti), vai alle…
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thelittlebomber · 5 years
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It is sweet but so far away, It is a nice treat to have. I have to keep a low profile but treat yourself. @abri-chan
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beautyforheart · 6 years
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To end the evening a tartufo of Pizzo with Bronte’s pistachio icecream 😋 Delicious!
➡Follow my profile @beauty.for.heart
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fagmegumi · 3 years
When the ice cream partly turns into soup in the cup reblog if you agree
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ddarker-dreams · 4 years
Purgatorio. Yan Giorno x Reader [COMM]
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Warnings: Stockholm syndrome, descriptions of anxiety, briefly implied suicidal thoughts.  Word count: 3.2k.
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Cold droplets of water run down the curves of your face, falling into the sink with a hushed splash. 
The faucet runs in the background. For how long, you do not know. Time doesn’t move and neither do you. Everything is still -- too still -- lending to the impression the only person in this world is you. In a way, that conclusion is close to the truth. This would be paradise, meticulously crafted for your confinement, boasts a modest population of two.
Your hands grip tightly onto the edges of the countertop, knuckles going white from the vise-like grip. The pain you should feel from this tight hold goes unnoticed. Each forced breath is shakier than the last, betraying the intention of steadying your heaving chest. You lift your head. In the mirror, staring back is a figure that faintly resembles your liking. A version that would deceive anyone else into believing it to be you. On a surface level, they’d be correct. None of your features have changed drastically. The eyes that are staring back, though glassy now, are the same eyes you’ve always had in color and shape. 
Shaky hands take liberty in splashing water towards your face. With undeterred focus, you direct the water mostly towards your lips, frantically dousing them. Once is nowhere near enough. Twice, three times, four times; nothing can wash away the faint tingling that haunts. This doesn’t deter you. In a trance-like state, you try to wipe yourself clean of impurities, hoping to be pure as freshly fallen snow. The fabric of your shirt is as drenched as you are from the frantic efforts. Thin material clings to you, as does the hair on either side of your face. 
You turn the faucet off. 
Sinking to the ground, you wish your legs wouldn’t betray you as they do now. It’s a miracle that you even managed to make it here on your own strength. The remnants of your energy have bloomed and withered away, your body no longer capable of supporting its own weight. Tears join in a union with the tap water. It comes out at once. Sobs wrack throughout your body, your shoulders shaking and head hung low. There is but one question that haunts your mind. A question that can no longer go ignored, but when answered, will change the trajectory of everything you’ve come to known. Everything you’ve taught yourself to cope and survive.
When did you stop hating him? 
There’s no singular moment that carries the answer, preferable it may be. It was an unobtrusive, slow yet steady descent into apathy. Giorno cornered you, yes, but that was the extent of it. He backed you up against the cliff and stopped there. It was your decision, and yours alone, to make the blind leap. Searching your memories, you look to find the day your animosity faded, your sense of self dying alongside it. 
Was it the strained yet casual talks in the morning? The luxurious gifts of diamond-studded jewelry, luxurious outfits, and exotic flowers? When you no longer flinched when overheating his approaching footsteps? Maybe it’s all of that, and more, times you couldn’t bring yourself to acknowledge yet. All you know is that somewhere along the line, the flames of your disgust flickered, leaving no signs that it ever even existed but ashes. Without noticing what you were doing, your fingers travel to your bottom lip, eyes closing.  This would be what served as the final nail in the coffin. 
The evening had been a normal one. 
Normal. That you had described it that way should’ve served as an omen. It had been just after an uneventful dinner. Giorno promised to take you on a walk through the outdoor gardens, an invitation not so easily rejected. Most if not all of your days were spent in the confines of four walls. The moon, which had just taken the place of the sun, illuminated winding cobblestone paths. Shrubbery of every kind sparsely decorated either side, a visual delight, pale moonlight casting an ethereal glow on each branch. You trailed behind Giorno in a silence he allowed. Lost in thought, taken with the beauty of nature. 
It was you who broke the silence. A foolish mistake. “Giorno?”
He turned and looked at you, slightly taken aback that you called for him so easily. That had to have been one of the few instances where his name left your lips, a sweet sound he committed to memory. Mundane as it was for you, Giorno interpreted it as something greater, a welcome evolution. He nodded to signal that you hold his undivided attention. A thought that was on your mind surfaces. 
“I’ve been thinking about… things I can do,” you licked your lips, tentative. Giorno eyed your body language closely, and you felt the weight of his stare. “Gardening is what I always come back to. I’d like to grow something, as a way to pass the time.” 
Your sentence died out toward the end and turned into a whisper. What a difference there was in your posture compared to his, you noticed. He never doubted himself. Never showed signs of apprehension, always crystal clear on the decisions he needed to make. Where you trod lightly, he went forward with confidence. Silly as it may be, you envied that aspect of Giorno, an aspect that elevated him to a place just out of reach. You wondered if showing more conviction would get you the results you wanted from him. 
“I’ll have it arranged so that you can. Was there something, in particular, you’d like to grow?” Giorno asked without missing a beat. Your heart leaped in your chest, encouraged by how well he received your request, and in record time too. It should’ve served as a premonition. At the time, you were more than pleased, and subconsciously took a step towards him. A step closer to your undoing. 
“Well, it’d need to be in season… maybe carrots and cauliflower. I’d like to plant things that I could cook later.” 
“That’s a good place for a beginner to start. Though I must admit, I never took you for someone who’d be interested in gardening. What brought this on?” 
It’s no use. Giorno, tactful as he may be, could see through you as if you were glass. You shifted your weight from one leg to the other. Lying would serve no purpose, he’d notice it. The truth is a frightening concept. How he might interpret your words left room for anxiety. You knew that standing there with sealed lips would be incriminating, and rushed out an unfiltered answer. 
“I want to go outside more.” 
He peered down at you through thick, blonde eyelashes. Giorno took a step closer to your person, and he frowned at the way you flinched from the sudden movement. The interaction left a bitter taste in his mouth that he sought to be rid of. To understand and deal with a person are two sides of the same coin, both a talent he’s cultivated well. Giorno’s calculating eyes met yours and never left. 
“[First]...” your name rolled off his tongue like silk, smooth and deceptively soft. “I’ll see what I can do to make it work. You know I’m partial to anything you ask of me.”  
Giorno’s tenderness was palpable, and you ate it up. The illusion of freedom blinded you to reality. He raised his hand and hovered it right above your cheek. Giorno awaited your reaction and tested the waters. When you offered no signs of resistance, he cupped your face. You noticed how his fingers trembled. This unabashed affection was the first of its kind. New to you and him both. You stared up at him, as your heart hammered against your ribcage. A touch that should’ve made you recoil did nothing of the sort. You welcomed it and treasured how human it made you feel. 
The change had been so subtle, that you missed it in a blink of the eye. His face grew closer. You could catch the different notes of his signature cologne -- sandalwood, leather, spice -- and the coarse texture of his suit which rubbed against your skin. Giorno was so near, that you felt his warm breath against your face. He looked at you through lidded eyes and sought to close the gap between you. Your mind was a flurry of thoughts and emotions, muddled by the unexpected events. For all of Giorno’s shortcomings, he had never touched you so boldly until then. And you had never let him. There you stood, frozen like a statue, allowing him to do as he pleased. 
His lips met yours. 
It didn’t register at first. Everything had happened so fast, that your mind struggled to keep up. Giorno’s kiss was chaste, a method to test the waters. To test you. He tasted of the Tartufo di Pizzo he ate earlier, rich and saccharine. When was the last time you were this close to another? That you felt a human’s loving touch, basked in the warmth of their body? You can’t remember for sure. It must’ve been a long time ago, a time before Giorno Giovanna. The moment ended as soon as it arrived. At your lack of reciprocation, he went to pull back. God, it would’ve been so simple if that’s how it ended. If that served as the final chapter. All you had wanted was to feel human again, not like a glorified prisoner in gold bars. That’s the only plausible reason, right? The meager distance between you two was closed again, though it was your lips that met his. Giorno let out a noise of shock, an emotion you were never able to draw out of him until then. 
Where he had been soft, you were unrelenting. You kissed him with primal urgency and wove your hands into the strands of his golden hair to pull him close. Giorno was more than pleased to let you do so. The initial stupor wore off, and he matched your fervor with equal tenacity. You’re not sure what exactly was on your mind then. You didn’t know why you did what you did, other than to distract yourself for a moment. How gratifying it had felt then. Giorno held your face in one hand, while the other traveled down to your waist. That eager touch served to pull you back into reality. Almost as if the clock had struck midnight, the spell was broken, and you were left with the undignified truth.
You realized what you were doing. Who it was you had just been kissing, and you staggered back. Eyes wide as a doe, unsure of who the blame was to be placed upon. Giorno had to choose to loosen his grip on you, and you felt every ounce of his hesitance. Those all-knowing, omniscient eyes opened, clearly perplexed. His eyebrows furrowed and lips parted to speak. Before he had the chance to question you, you scampered back into the house. Giorno stood there and watched you depart. His soul stirred. It could’ve been your imagination, but you swore you saw a flash of gold behind you. 
Which leads to now. 
Seasons change, as do feelings. A fickle thing emotions are. They take the form of liquid, reshaping, and redistributing themselves according to their environment. Never did you envision your loathing transforming into… no, you won’t say it. You can’t. Plans for the rest of the day are up in the air. Maybe it’d do you some good to get rest. Holding this thought in mind, you will yourself to get up, legs unsteady. You make your way out of the master bathroom that connects to your private suite, a luxury that Giorno bestowed. Each step feels heavier than the last. A King-sized bed awaits, silk linens dipping underneath your weight. Sleeping forever sounds lovely right about now. How can you ever face him again? What does he think of you now? Worst of all, why do you care? Throwing yourself onto the bed, you shut your eyes, willing your mind to go elsewhere. Anywhere but that disaster earlier. The chance to do so never comes, much to your chagrin.
There’s a knock on the door. 
You freeze, assuming the worst. Heart pounding violently, you search for an explanation, that might explain the person at your door. Maybe it’s the mouse-like staff that tends to Giorno’s estate in the shadows. Rarely do they interact with you, likely at his behest, though it isn’t impossible he’d send them to check up on you. That hope melts when a deep, composed voice speaks up, a voice that you know too well. 
“[First]? Are you decent?” Giorno probes, his voice muffled by the closed door. You glance down at your outfit, knowing he’ll have a fair share of questions at your current state. It’d be easier to avoid the confrontation entirely. Easier, but not plausible, you bitterly think. Lord knows he has eyes everywhere. Lying to get around this might serve as a point of contention in the future. So you sigh, swallowing down the lump in your throat. Straightening your shoulders, you place your hands on your lap, hoping to appear somewhat collected.
“Yes, I am.” You confirm after a moment's deliberation. His response is immediate.
“Can I come in?” What an amusing question. Giorno could do whatever he pleases, having the locks to every room in this estate on his person. It’s you who is subject to his every will and whim, you who doesn’t have a true choice in the matter. A thin veil of courtesy hides the viper who waits to strike at your heel. Might as well get this over with, you decide. It’s either now or later.
 “You can.”
Giorno opens the door at your confirmation, and you hear the keys jingling like funeral tolls. He’s well put together to the point of frustration, hair set in place perfectly, suit without a wrinkle. You sometimes wonder if Giorno Giovanna is even human and not a deity. Unfortunately, you’ve yet to conclude and are leaning towards the latter. As you expected, his eyes temporarily wander to your soaked appearance, lips pulling into a tight frown. It takes a moment to realize how he might interpret this look. Not to say the thought has never crossed your mind, but he doesn’t need to know that.
“I… I, uh, wasn’t trying to drown myself,” you stutter out with an unconvincing smile. He looks to the ajar bathroom door, and back to you with a raised eyebrow. You clear your throat. “You can check yourself. I was freshening up in the sink.” 
“I’ll take your word for it.” Giorno exhales, adjusting the cuff of his suit. He looks around your sparsely decorated room. Any onlooker might wonder if someone lives here at all. The room is immaculate, no clothes were strewn about, not an item out of it’s assigned place. You realize it’s been a long time since Giorno’s been in your room. Months, even. When you were first brought here, he’d explained to a distraught you what was happening. Speaking about protection, your well-being, how he could take such excellent care of you. At the time the grave words didn’t sink in. You had no idea what turbulent future awaited you then. Is Giorno thinking the same thing? If he is, he doesn’t mention it, returning his focus to you. 
“About earlier,” he pauses when you wince. Giorno gives you a second to gather yourself before continuing. “I wanted to apologize. It was inappropriate of me to assume your feelings.” 
Assume your feelings? What does he mean by that? The confession stuck out like a sore thumb. You uncross and cross your legs on the other side, unable to sit still. Sure, you’ve grown to be passive in his presence. Even you can acknowledge this. That’s all it is, passivity, not… acceptance. Or worse, reciprocation. Months of combative behavior taught you how exhausting hatred is. Giorno proved that no speech, act, or plead of yours would sway him. You’d have better luck convincing a brick wall. This wording troubles you greatly, and Giorno picks up on it.
He continues. “I misinterpreted your body language and acted without thinking. I saw what I wanted to see.” 
Giorno doesn’t make mistakes like that. He’s many things: your kidnapper and sole provider, a merciless Don to those who stand in his way, and a man borderline capable of reading the thoughts of others. You can’t picture a world where Giorno slips up in reading other’s moods. What point would there be in lying to you about this? He saw what he wanted to see, this line repeats in your mind like a mantra. There was an undeniable reason for its inclusion. To make you feel better. An out, a silver lining to keep everything as it was. Giorno didn’t make an error in his judgment, you realize, face paling. I… I do love... 
“That’s all I came here to say,” Giorno informs, observing how your face twists from your thoughts. He knows it’s due to him. “I’m sorry for disturbing your evening.” 
It feels like arctic water is crashing down on you, frigid and fraying your nerves. Giorno pivots on his heel and turns to leave. You know you should let him. Taking this outstretched hand would be simpler, likely even better for your sake. It’s painful how your stomach churns, how every breath is more difficult than the last. This anguish is a deeply rooted one. Too personal and oppressive to withstand any longer. Let him leave, you think. Just let this be over with. 
When have you ever listened to reason?
“Giorno,” you call to him, as you did earlier, voice somehow more delicate than it was then. He turns around, face never betraying his thoughts. Giorno’s impossible to get a read on. Clenching the frame of your bed, your gaze drops to your lap. “You… you didn’t misinterpret anything.” 
Blood rushes to your cheeks, and you bite your lower lip. “What I mean to say is… it’s fine.” 
You gather enough fragments of confidence to raise your head. Turquoise eyes, rich and expansive as the Tyrrhenian sea, pierce through with an intensity Giorno’s never used on you. Your mind goes blank, and you forget how to properly breathe. He breaks the stun-lock first. It’s rare that you ever see a genuine smile on Giorno’s face, but there’s no denying this one is. He’s quick to cover his mouth with the back of his hand. You feel an odd sense of loss at this.
“I’m glad to hear it.” With that, he retires for the evening, bidding you a final goodnight. Giorno closes the door silently to not disturb you. As per the routine, you hear locks going into place, one after the other. You lose count. Footsteps echo down the hallway, signaling his departure. You’re doubtful Giorno himself is going to sleep, he’s a willing victim to late nights, and can only assume he wanted to offer you time to think.
So you are left here on your lonesome. 
Not quite in heaven, and not quite in hell. 
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themorniingstar · 2 years
Oxy and tartufo di pizzo. Sometimes you just have to start your day right. Call that self care.
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canesenzafissadimora · 3 months
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Tartufo di Pizzo
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mediterraneocase · 1 year
"Kalabrien: Eine Entdeckungsreise durch die Kultur, Küche und Landschaft des südlichen Italiens"
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Kalabrien, die Region im südlichen Italien, ist bekannt für ihre reiche Kultur und kulinarische Traditionen. Diese Region ist ein wahrer Schatz für Touristen, die das echte Italien erleben möchten. Die Kalabrier sind stolz auf ihre Kultur und Traditionen, die tief in der Geschichte verwurzelt sind. Die Stadt Reggio Calabria, die am südlichsten Punkt Italiens liegt, ist die Heimat des berühmten Bronzestatue Riace Warriors, die aus der griechischen Antike stammen. Diese Statuen sind heute in einem Museum in Reggio Calabria zu sehen und sind ein Zeugnis für die lange Geschichte dieser Region. Die Kalabrier sind auch für ihre Feste und Feiern bekannt, wie z.B. das "Festa della Madonna di Polsi", das jedes Jahr im September stattfindet. Während dieser Feierlichkeiten wird die Madonna von Polsi durch die Straßen von San Luca getragen, begleitet von traditionellen Tänzen und Gesängen.
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Die Küche Kalabriens ist eine der vielfältigsten und reichhaltigsten in Italien. Die Region ist bekannt für ihre Verwendung von frischen Zutaten wie Tomaten, Auberginen, Paprika und Olivenöl. Einige der bekanntesten Gerichte sind die Calabrese Pizza, der 'Nduja (eine würzige Wurst), und die Sardellen in Öl. Die Region ist auch berühmt für ihre Süßigkeiten, darunter der Tartufo di Pizzo, eine Schokoladentrüffel mit Haselnusscreme und der Torrone, ein italienischer Nougat mit Mandeln und Honig.
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Neben der reichen Kultur und Küche hat Kalabrien auch einige der schönsten Landschaften in Italien zu bieten. Die Region ist von Bergen und Meer umgeben, und die Strände sind einige der besten in Italien. Besucher können die beeindruckende Landschaft genießen und einige der atemberaubenden Küstenstädte wie Tropea, Pizzo oder Scilla besuchen. Insgesamt bietet Kalabrien eine einzigartige Kombination aus Kultur, Küche und Landschaft. Es ist ein Ort, den jeder Besucher in Italien erleben sollte. In Kalabrien gibt es viele Möglichkeiten, die Region zu erkunden und zu erleben, einschließlich der Möglichkeit, in einer Ferienwohnung zu übernachten. Eine tolle Seite, auf der Sie eine Vielzahl von Ferienwohnungen in Kalabrien finden können, ist www.kalabrien-fewo.de. Egal, ob Sie eine Unterkunft in der Nähe des Strandes oder in den Bergen suchen, diese Seite bietet Ihnen eine breite Auswahl an Unterkünften. Probieren Sie es aus und finden Sie die perfekte Ferienwohnung für Ihren nächsten Urlaub in Kalabrien! Read the full article
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monstcrmade · 3 years
Headcanon || (01) [Primo]
Series of tiny headcanons~
Primo’s parents both died when he was thirteen. His father died in a robbery gone wrong (his father was the one doing the robbing) and his mother from overdosing.
He lived with his uncle after that and moved out at twenty. He still has his parents’ home in Calabria but also has an apartment in Rome.
He sadly never finished school despite wanting to, his uncle making him drop out when he was around fourteen.
Primo isn’t necessarily a big reader (anymore. childhood trauma contributed to that) but he enjoys reading pretty much anything he can get his hands on.
He isn’t really interested in traveling outside of Italy but he would like to go to Firenze at some point. Take Leonardo, Regina, and Francesco with him.
Primo is not a picky eater. He especially couldn’t be growing up poor. He prefers pasta dishes though and is a fan of cannoli and tartufo di pizzo as a dessert.
He has a habit of running his fingers through his hair or pinching the bridge of his nose when annoyed.
He’s had one-night stands before. Typically with older men, rarely those around his own age and none with those younger than him. (His taste in men may or may not be because his own infatuation with Leonardo)
The bit of English that Primo knows is due to listening to American tourists in Rome though he has no real desire to learn the language.
This comes as a shock to many but he’s actually great with kids. There’s no reason to be an asshole to kids and he knows from his own childhood how awful it is to have somebody be a piece of shit to you as a child. How it can really fuck you up.
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1p2p-heta-imagines · 5 years
What was 2p axis's favorite food/snacks as a child ? And what are their favorite foods/snacks now?
As a child:
2p N. Italy: Tartufo di Pizzo
2p S. Italy: Semifreddo
2p Germany: Bienenstich
2p Japan: Sakuramochi
As adults:
2p N. Italy: Pizza ai quattro formaggi
2p S. Italy: Granita alla fragola
2p Germany: Pretzels
2p Japan: Sukiyaki
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genratestatus · 3 years
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Vendita Tartufi Online | Gftartufi
Il tartufo (/tɑːrˈtuːfoʊ/, italiano: [tarˈtuːfo]; che significa "tartufo") è un dessert gelato italiano originario di Pizzo, in Calabria. di solito è composto da due o più gusti di dessert congelato, spesso con sciroppo di frutta o frutta congelata - tipicamente lampone, fragola o ciliegia - al centro. è tipicamente ricoperto da un guscio a base di cioccolato o cacao, ma si usano anche cannella o noci Tartufo online. Storia Nel 1946 il maestro pasticcere messinese Dante Veronelli rilevò il Gran Bar Excelsior, prima di proprietà del Sig. Jannarelli, che si trovava nel centro di Pizzo. Il nome divenne presto Bar Dante in onore di Veronelli.   Veronelli fu aiutato dal giovane Giuseppe De Maria (detto Don Pippo) anche lui messinese e il cui contributo fu determinante.[senza fonte] Unendo le capacità imprenditoriali del precedente e quindi la produttività del secondo, i 2 erano pronti a guadagnare l'occhio dei singoli per la buona qualità e il gusto indiscusso dei loro prodotti Vendita tartufi online.[senza fonte] Dopo la morte di Veronelli, Da Maria rimase l'unico titolare dell'attività.   Il tartufo nella sua forma attuale nasce a Pizzo al Bar Dante (intorno al 1952) per puro caso: in seguito al matrimonio di due facoltosi locali, Don Pippo scopre di aver esaurito gli stampini non modellava il semifreddo e non poteva rifornire i vari ospiti. Così ha cercato di sbrogliare la faccenda mettendo nel palmo della mano piccole porzioni di semifreddo Heizel e gelato al cioccolato, a cui ha aggiunto un tocco di cioccolato fuso. Ha poi tutto in carta da zucchero, creando così la nota forma del tartufo che ha poi lasciato raffreddare. Il successo della preparazione gli valse immediata fama. la prima ricetta resta custodita dai parenti di De Maria Tartufo bianco. Nel 1950 Giorgio Di Iorgi e Gaetano Di Iorgi, che avevano iniziato la loro carriera all'interno della gelateria come camerieri, iniziarono a scoprire l'arte della creazione di semifreddi. Quindici anni dopo, in seguito al ritiro del direttore De Maria, Giorgio rilevò il Bar Dante, mentre Gaetano continuò a realizzare il Tartufo di Pizzo all'interno del Bar Ercole, che acquistò insieme al fratello Antonio nel 1965.   Ad oggi le attività del Bar Dante e del Bar Ercole sono gestite dalla famiglia, passando dal padre alla ricetta chiave per creare i loro prodotti di gelato.Preparation Il Tartufo è tipicamente composto da due gusti di semifreddo scolpiti insieme a mano. Se c'è della frutta nel mezzo, il semifreddo potrebbe anche essere scavato dal centro e quindi la frutta posta all'interno, lo sciroppo di frutta potrebbe anche incollare i 2 misurini insieme. Se il suo guscio è di cioccolato, il cioccolato speciale viene in genere sciolto e immerso o versato sulla palla da dessert congelato dopo essere stato raffreddato a tiepido, sebbene possa anche essere arrotolato all'interno del cioccolato, quindi congelato. Se il suo guscio è cannella o cacao, di solito viene arrotolato nella cannella o nel cacao prima del congelamento vendita tartufi freschi. Se utilizza noci, di solito vengono posizionati a mano se grandi o arrotolati se più piccoli. Per una forma molto migliore, a volte vengono utilizzati stampi circolari. Per maggiori dettagli, visiti il nostro sito internet:   https://www.gftartufi.it/
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starttimetravel · 4 years
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Популярный отель в Калабрии MAGIC LIFE CALABRIA 4* #Starttime Отель MAGIC LIFE CALABRIA 4* ALL Отель расположен в 12 км от городка Пиццо (родина известного Калабрийского десерта Tartufo di Pizzo, именно сюда приезжают туристы из разных городов Италии, чтобы попробовать это вкуснейшее мороженое), рядом с сосновым лесом, на берегу моря. Отель ориентирован на отдых семей с детьми, но у него есть и PRIVATE LODGE- зона отдыха для взрослых, при подборе тура можно это учитывать. Очень качественный ALL Incl. До 2019 года отель принадлежал CLUB MED. ЦЕНЫ с вылетом из Москвы: вылет 22 мая на 8 дней 7 ночей прямой перелет ✅ отель MAGIC LIFE CALABRIA 4* ALL 🍒 ALL Inclusive 💰 47400 руб на человека в стандартном номере при2-х местном размещении. ✅ В стоимость входит : Прямой авиаперелет, групповой трансфер, размещение в стандартном номере и указанный тип питания, медицинская страховка стандартная до 65 лет). Дополнительно оплачивается: Виза Ниже прилагаю один из отзывов наших постоянных клиентов, были в середине августа 2019года: «Отель утопает в зелен��, просто ботанический сад какой-то. Все новое и чистое. Отель на спорте. Это круто. мы практически во всем участвовали, нам очень понравилось. Есть небольшой аквапарк, только для детей. взрослым спускаться нельзя, и есть зона для малышей. Очень достойно. Еда. Это просто ну нет слов. Все очень вкусно и разнообразно. Отель большой, август так и вообще на топе, но мы ни разу не стояли в очереди в ресторан. Пляж и море: Тропинка к пляжу идет через эвкалиптовую и сосновую рощу. В роще гамаки. Очень романтично. Пляж шикарный, море вообще фантастическое. Лучшее море! Кожа после него бархатная. Вода чистая. Два дня были волны и ветер в сторону берега, принесло, конечно, разного, но это не испортило наших впечатлений. На пляже тоже ресторан. Всегда можно попить и морожку съесть. WiFi ловит хорошо и практически везде.» Этот отель советуем бронировать заранее, в мае там уже хорошо по погоде и не будет жары, как и в октябре. Возможна иная продолжительность туров и дат вылета, для более подробной информации пишите [email protected] или ☎️ (495) 7757569 https://www.instagram.com/p/B8lX7n9gCBB/?igshid=106vem4272a3m
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