#task: namibia
reasonsforhope · 11 months
"A net-zero power system is closer than we think.
New research, published by RMI, indicates that an exponential surge in renewable energy deployment is outpacing the International Energy Agency’s most ambitious net-zero predictions for 2030. 
That’s right: Surging solar, wind, and battery capacity is now in-line with net-zero scenarios. 
“For the first time, we can, with hand on heart, say that we are potentially on the path to net zero,” Kingsmill Bond, Senior Principal at RMI, said. “We need to make sure that we continue to drive change, but there is a path and we are on it.”
And that’s really good news.
Exponential growth in renewable energy has put the global electricity system at a tipping point. What was once seen as a wildly daunting task — transitioning away from fossil fuels — is now happening at a faster pace every year. 
Based on this new research, conducted in partnership with the Bezos Earth Fund, RMI projects that solar and wind will supply over a third of all global electricity by 2030, up from about 12% today, which would surpass recent calls for a tripling of total renewable energy capacity by the end of the decade. 
Global progress in the renewable energy sector
China and Europe have been leading the way in clean energy generation, but the deployment of renewable energy has also been widely distributed across the Middle East and Africa. 
Research from Systems Change Lab shows that eight countries (Uruguay, Denmark, Lithuania, Namibia, Netherlands, Palestine, Jordan, and Chile) have already grown solar and wind power faster than what is needed to limit global warming to 1.5°C, proving that a swift switch to renewable energy is not only feasible — it’s entirely achievable. 
In order to make that switch, globally, wind and solar need to grow from 12% to 41% by 2030. Denmark, Uruguay, and Lithuania have already achieved that increase in the span of eight years.
Meanwhile, Namibia, the Netherlands, Palestine, Jordan, and Chile have grown solar and wind energy at sufficient rates for five years...
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The economic impact of climate progress
Not only is this an exciting and unprecedented development for the health of the environment, but this rapid transition to clean energy includes widespread benefits, like jobs growth, more secure supply chains, and reductions in energy price inflation. 
This progress spans both developing and developed countries, all driven to accelerate renewables for a number of different reasons: adopting smart and effective policies, maintaining political commitments, lowering the costs of renewable energy, and improving energy security. 
And with exponential growth of clean energy means sharp declines in prices. This puts fossil fuels at a higher, uncompetitive cost — both financially and figuratively. 
RMI suggests that solar energy is already the cheapest form of electricity in history — and will likely halve in price by 2030, falling as low as $20/MWh in the coming years. This follows previous trends: solar and battery costs have declined 80% between 2012 and 2022, and offshore wind costs are down 73%."
-via Good Good Good, July 12, 2023
Let me repeat that:
For the first time in history, we are on an actual, provably achievable path to net zero emissions
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sixteenseveredhands · 23 hours
African Social Spiders: these spiders live in colonies that can contain up to 2,000 spiders, most of which are female; they hunt, forage, maintain their web, and raise their offspring as a group, without any dominance hierarchy or caste system
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This communal behavior is extremely rare among spiders, which are normally solitary creatures. The African social spider (Stegodyphus dumicola) is one of the few species that has been identified as a true "social spider," forming colonies and living in communal nests where the spiders work together to hunt, forage, build webs, and care for their offspring.
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Above: an African social spider feeding the young spiderlings of her colony by regurgitating food for them, exhibiting a level of maternal/allomaternal care that is relatively uncommon in both spiders and insects
African social spiders can be found in various parts of southwestern Africa, where they will often build a dense silk nest in the branches of a thorn tree and/or shrub. Most of the spiders in the colony are female (more than 85%, according to some studies) and the species itself also has a female-biased primary sex ratio, as researchers have found that female embryos develop in more than 80% of the eggs that the spiders produce.
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Above: a group of African social spiders working together to subdue their prey, which will be taken back to the nest so that it can be shared with the rest of the colony
There is no evidence that any dominance hierarchy or caste system exists within S. dumicola colonies. The spiders all cooperate to complete a variety of tasks, such as hunting, repairing the web, foraging, defending the colony, caring for the colony's offspring, etc. While none of them are exclusively assigned to a single task, many have a primary role that they fill, often based on their physical size and condition.
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Above: close-up photo of S. dumicola
This species also engages in extreme allomaternal care, meaning that many different spiders (including both mothers and "allomothers") all share the responsibility of caring for the colony's offspring; even the unmated females help out with brood care. The mothers/allomothers tend to the eggsacs, regurgitate food for the baby spiderlings, and even engage in matriphagy, which means that they will eventually be cannibalized by the babies.
From The Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior:
... some proportion of females do not reproduce – sometimes as much as 60% – but remain as helpers, contributing to foraging and brood care (allo-mothering). Both breeding females and virgin allo-mothers regurgitate food for colony offspring and eventually let the young consume their bodies. ...
Young that are raised with both mothers and allo-mothers show higher survival and growth than young raised by their mothers alone, suggesting a clear fitness benefit of cooperative breeding.
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Spiders of this species generally measure about 2.5 - 3.5mm long; they can be found in Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Lesotho, and Eswatini.
Sources & More Info:
Science Direct: Social Spiders
Current Biology: Quick Guide to Social Spiders (PDF)
Phys.org: Untangling the Social Lives of Spiders
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: The Age & Evolution of Sociality in Stegodyphus Spiders
Entomology Today: Social Spiders Divide Labor According to Body Size & Condition
Animal Behaviour: Extreme Allomaternal Care by Unmated Females in a Cooperatively Breeding Spider
National Geographic: Baby Spiders Eat their Mothers
University of Portsmouth: Social Spiders Have Different Ways of Hunting in Groups
Behavioral Ecology: Spider Societies Mitigate Risk by Prioritizing Caution
Behavioral Processes: Warring Arthropod Societies
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology: Does the African Social Spider Stegodyphus dumicola Control the Sex of Individual Offspring?
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charlesandmartine · 2 months
Thursday 25th April 2024
I think we were up before the animals this morning when an over vigilant ranger tapped on our door at 5.30am. If fact we were up before the sun too which was reflected in the outside temperature. As soon as we hit the trail in the Toyota, things began to improve and the morning sunrise was glorious. Impala were up of course. I don't expect they sleep much since they have breakfast tattooed across their forehead. Breakfast that is for most other animals out there. Their main line of defence is to move around in large groups reducing the odds of being eaten somewhat, but of course the old, frail and sleepy will have reduced odds entirely. The dominant male has even more to worry about. There's always a challenger. In fact he may only hang onto the gold sticker for one day before another male sees himself as top dog. The stakes are high but so are the prizes. He gets the pick of all those women and with childbirth occurring in November onwards with a six month gestation, about now he has a great deal to do!
The radio squawked and Bella our ranger said hold on tight, we need to shift. And so it was that this Toyota was reaching unimagined speeds 2 wheel, 4 wheel drive along the deep sandy tracks. We came eventually to a bit of a clearing to meet another Toyota and two nursing lionesses; one with three male cubs which were likely a few months old and another with a tiny cub probably just a matter of weeks old. Male cubs are not as desirable as female of course since one dominate male will perform the necessary task whilst the female will propagate the species. The air hung heavy with a recent kill.
The saddest image was of a dead elephant lying where he fell, by a well trodden path close to the river. He would have been an excluded old male. Elephants have six sets of teeth which are worn and replaced throughout their life. When the last set are gone, with no more replacements available, they die of starvation, as this one most likely did.
Also on the viewing list this morning was a brown snake eagle and a yellow billed stork.
Chobe is a national park and so our lodge is one of many. However, because it's a national park there is no fence and the animals roam as they should. Not only in Botswana, but we saw elephant moving across national borders yesterday moving from Namibia and into Botswana.
We were back at the lodge by 9 and were able to tuck into a huge carnivore breakfast before taking to the boat at eleven.
Bella drove an entirely electric boat up and down the Chobe River whilst we chatted to the 2 Americans and one Australian and animals such as Trump were discussed at length. The temperature is telephone number territory so most respectable animals were having a bit of a quiet time indoors. However, elephants and baboons can be relied upon to keep the party going. Crocodiles are party animals too, although they kept pretending to slip down into the water where they could cool off. Baboons when not nitpicking sit and sip the water; one with child needed to be extra vigilant not to drown the clinging child beneath her when dipping her head into the water. We were returned to the lodge after an hour and a half on the water in time for lunch! It's a hard life. We said no, we will just have a drink of water, but before long found ourselves tucking into a plate of cold beef and salad.
We were allowed a brief time off before high tea and then the 3.30 safari.
Bella our ranger rounded us up and shoved us into the Toyota ready for the three hour safari. I said to her, now come on Bella, be honest, when did you last seen a leopard? She was quiet for a moment and muttered, about two weeks ago. Well I said, I really want to see one, it's the only one of the big five I haven't seen. Well off we went, we looked under every bush, up every tree, do you think we could find one, NO. Bella said she thought she saw a tail. Big disappointment I can tell you. We did see the usual bunch of elephants, a bent giraffe, Kori Bustard, a large wart hog and several hundred impala. No leopard. We did however stop for a sundowner; a gin and tonic washing down a bag of biltong. Very sophisticated. Well to be honest it was only me and the American ladies that had the biltong. Then came the magnificent sunset and back to base just in time for 6.30 pm. Apparently the rangers turn back into Cinderella if you miss this deadline and they get fined by the national park.
Tomorrow we have one opportunity from sunrise to see the leopard, then Trailfinders shall scoop us up and take us to Victoria Falls.
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indiamedicaltourism · 1 month
Knee Replacement Surgery in India with Top Surgeons
Knee replacement surgery is done when a patient have severe pain in the knee disability in walking, and face problem in daily activities. People who have long term and bad arthritis may also need knee replacement surgery. Avoiding knee pain may result into deteriorating the bone even more and can increase the pain in the knee which might result in increasing difficulties in doing day to day task. People also start feeling pain in the knee because of heavy body weight as the pressure of the weight comes on the knee. Certain pains in the knee may be cured with medication; however damaged bone or ligament cannot be cured without surgery most of the times. Knee replacement surgery is very common amongst the people with the age group of 45 to 75 years as the bone starts getting weak with the age, such people benefit immensely with the surgery. Knee replacement surgery also has the maximum success rate. People recover within 4 – 5 weeks of the surgery. There are certain exercises that patients have to do to start living a normal life so that the patient can walk normally without any pain. People have received great relief from knee surgery hence they opt for it.
Cost of Knee Replacement Surgery in India: Knee replacement surgery cost depends upon the severity of the bone, type of damage in the bone (if any). It includes hospital stay after treatment follow-ups, incase if any blood tests or any additional tests to be done pre and post the surgery.
Knee Replacement Surgery                                      Rs 207660 to Rs 256240 approximately.
Knock Knee Surgery                                                 Rs 221000 to Rs 285000 approximately.
Knee Replacement - Bilateral                                  Rs 265270 to Rs 356040 approximately.
Revision Single Knee Replacement                        Rs 310700 to Rs 414200 approximately.
Minimally Invasive Knee Replacement Surgery  Rs 177500 to Rs 234500 approximately.
Top Hospitals for Knee Replacement Surgery in India: Hospitals in India are well equipped with latest machineries and the doctors are trained with the latest styles of treatment to give maximum satisfaction to the patients. Such qualities make India known for the treatment and facilities provided by the hospitals. They also consist of the team of doctors who take care of the Patient after the surgery to help them in exercise and start walking with the help of walker to normal balanced walk.
Top Surgeons for Knee Replacement in India: Team of expert orthopedic surgeons helps India to rank in knee replacement surgery. The physiotherapist helps the patient to recover and get into normal life after surgery with the help of the post surgery therapies. Orthopedic surgeons are trained with all the master techniques to treat the patient and give excellent result. However there are certain types of knee pain that can be cured with the physiotherapies but severe knee pain, ligament tear, or damaged bone needs surgery. Our record holding doctors makes it easy for the patients to get relief from knee pain and lead a normal life after surgery.
Al AfiyaMedi Tour is a leading medical tourism company in India. We offer medical tourism services such as finding the right doctor, the right hospital, and cost etc. Some of the main countries are Bangladesh, South Africa, Egypt, Uganda, Zambia, Sudan, Dubai, Namibia, Iraq, Kenya, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, Nigeria, and so on. We provide free medical assistance for TURP surgery cost, lung cancer treatment, breast cancer treatment, arthroscopic surgery, best liver transplant hospital, brain tumor surgery cost, cosmetic and plastic surgery, heart surgery,  spine tumor surgery, lung transplant, liver transplant cost, top shoulder replacement surgeons, shoulder replacement surgery cost, hip replacement surgery, best bone marrow hospital, etc. 
Source: https://alafiyameditour1.blogspot.com/2024/05/knee-replacement-surgery-in-india-with.html
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swissforextrading · 4 months
Anything-in-anything-out: a new modular AI model
26.02.24 - Researchers at EPFL have developed a new, uniquely modular machine learning model for flexible decision-making. It is able to input any mode of text, video, image, sound, and time-series and then output any number, or combination, of predictions.  We’ve all heard of Large Language Models, or LLMs – massive scale deep learning models trained on huge amounts of text that form the basis for chatbots like OpenAI’s ChatGPT. Next-generation Multimodal Models (MMs) can learn from inputs beyond text, including video, images, and sound. Creating MM models at a smaller scale poses significant challenges, including the problem of being robust to non-random missing information. This is information that a model doesn’t have, often due to some biased availability in resources. It is thus critical to ensure the model does not learn the patterns of biased missingness in making its predictions. MultiModN turns this around In response to this problem, researchers from the Machine Learning for Education (ML4ED) and Machine Learning and Optimization (MLO) Laboratories in EPFL’s School of Computer and Communication Sciences have developed and tested the exact opposite to a Large Language Model. Spearheaded by Professor Mary-Anne Hartley, head of the Laboratory for intelligent Global Health Technologies hosted jointly in the MLO and the Yale School of Medicine and Professor Tanja Käser, head of ML4ED, MultiModN is a unique Modular Multimodal Model, presented recently at the NeurIPS2023 conference. Like existing Multimodal Models MultiModN can learn from text, images, video, and sound. Unlike existing MMs, it is made up of any number of smaller, self-contained, and input-specific modules that can be selected depending on the information available, and then strung together in a sequence of any number, combination, or type of input. It can then output any number, or combination, of predictions. “We evaluated MultiModN across ten real-world tasks including medical diagnosis support, academic performance prediction, and weather forecasting. Through these experiments, we believe that MultiModN is the first inherently interpretable, MNAR-resistant approach to multimodal modelling,” explained Vinitra Swamy, a PhD student with ML4ED and MLO and joint first author on the project. A first use case: medical decision-making The first use case for MultiModN will be as a clinical decision support system for medical personnel in low-resource settings. In healthcare, clinical data is often missing, perhaps due to resource constraints (a patient can’t afford the test) or resource abundance (the test is redundant due to a superior one that was performed). MultiModN is able to learn from this real-world data without adopting its biases, as well as adapting predictions to any combination or number of inputs. “Missingness is a hallmark of data in low-resource settings and when models learn these patterns of missingness, they may encode bias into their predictions. The need for flexibility in the face of unpredictably available resources is what inspired MultiModN,” explained Hartley, who is also a medical doctor. From the lab to real life Publication, however, is just the first step towards implementation. Hartley has been working with colleagues at Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) and Inselspital, University Hospital Bern uBern to conduct clinical studies focused on pneumonia and tuberculosis diagnosis in low resource settings and they are recruiting thousands of patients in South Africa, Tanzania, Namibia and Benin. The research teams undertook a large training initiative, teaching more than 100 doctors to systematically collect multimodal data including images and ultrasound video, so that MultiModN can be trained to be sensitive to real data coming from low resource regions. “We are collecting exactly the kind of complex multimodal data that MultiModN is designed to handle,” said Dr Noémie Boillat-Blanco, an… http://actu.epfl.ch/news/anything-in-anything-out-a-new-modular-ai-model (Source of the original content)
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thecreatureawaits · 6 months
Creature Awaits #239
Each week I plan to feature an amazing creature, admiring God's fantastic artistry. Hopefully it’ll brighten someone’s day to see something new and interesting if they haven’t seen it before. : )
We're back after a two-week hiatus for Christmas and New Year's! Hope you all had a beautiful Holiday!! Happy New Year!!
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(Elegant photography by Bernard Dupont (CC BY-SA 2.0 Deed))
The Blue Crane
A.K.A: The Stanley Crane, The Paradise Crane
Scientific Name: Grus paradisea
Region: Primarily South Africa, with a smaller population in Namibia
Size: About 3'3"-3'11" (~100cm-120cm) tall, with a 5'11"-6'7" (~180cm-200cm) wingspan
Interesting Notes: This elegant bird - the national bird of South Africa - holds an important place culturally amongst both the Xhosa and Zulu. The bird's picturesque plumes are worn in the hair and headdresses of both peoples. The Xhosa decorate those considered "Men of Trouble" with these feathers to signify them being tasked with keeping peace among their people, while the Zulu use them to honor noble warriors and kings.
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cavenewstimes · 7 months
Germany boosts South Africa and Namibia's green energy projects with new investments
JOHANNESBURG – Germany is stepping up its assistance for renewable resource efforts in Southern Africa, with considerable monetary contributions targeted at promoting sustainable advancement in the area. The current relocation consists of a large loan to South Africa for its renewable resource shift and a financial investment into a green hydrogen task in Namibia. The German state-owned…
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alliedcreation · 1 year
MICE Industry Size is Expected to Grow at a CAGR of 15.2% and Surpass USD 2.1 Trillion by 2031
The report provides a detailed analysis of the top investment pockets, top winning strategies, drivers & opportunities, market size & estimations, competitive landscape, and changing market trends.
Get Exclusive Sample Report: https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/request-sample/2433
The mice industry size was valued at $345.80 billion in 2021, and is estimated to reach $2130.4 billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 15.2% from 2022 to 2031.
Social media is very influential on society in both positive and negative ways. Social media connects people and also helps to communicate between consumers and businesses. It gives businesses a way to engage with customers. Before social media marketing, finding a targeted group of consumers was a difficult task for businesses and this took more effort also it is more costly, making it very difficult for startups to get in front of their target audience. Businesses are promoting their brands and products through social media. Through the advertisements & promotions of brands or products by celebrities, these brands can increase awareness and trust in their product. Consumers feel more comfortable with a brand if their services are promoted by a celebrity they admire or relate to. An increase in the penetration of social media for advertisement is expected to fuel MICE industry growth in the upcoming years.
Event organizers are now focusing on creating immersive and experiential events. This involves incorporating interactive technologies, unique venues, and engaging activities to make events more memorable and impactful. Event organizers are now collaborating more with other industry players such as suppliers, venues, and sponsors to create successful events with the increasing complexity of events. The increases in investment in meetings, exhibitions, and others is expected to propel MICE Industry demand in the upcoming years.
According to the market analysis, the MICE industry is segmented into event type, and region. On the basis of event type, the market is divided into meetings, incentives, conventions, and exhibitions. Region-wise, the market is analyzed across North America (the U.S., Canada, and Mexico), Europe (Germany, UK, Spain, France, Italy, and Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, India, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Malaysia, South Korea, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Rest of Asia-Pacific), Latin America (Brazil and Rest of Latin America), Middle East (UAE and Rest Of Middle East), and Africa (South Africa, Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Namibia, Rwanda, and Rest Of Africa).
Procure Complete Report: https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/checkout-final/b18c1fa4fbb805dbb4c9a019c8b93670
Based on event type, the meetings segment held the major MICE industry share, in terms of revenue, in 2021. Hybrid events that combine both in-person and virtual attendance have become popular with the increasing use of technology and the COVID-19 pandemic. This allows organizers to reach a wider audience and make events more accessible to people who are unable to attend in person. the ongoing MICE industry trends is expected to create more opportunities for the new entrants in the upcoming years.
Region-wise, Europe was the largest market in 2021 and had the highest market share of 41.2%. Companies operating in the Europe MICE industry are offering innovative services to sustain in the competitive market. Germany is one of the leading markets for business travel in the Western European region. Overall economic development has led to the strengthening of the German MICE industry. Large companies are major consumers of the MICE industry; however, the consumption rate of SMEs is growing rapidly. The domestic market for the MICE industry is highly consumed by the SME segment.
Some of the key players profiled in the MICE industry analysis include Maritz, BI Worldwide, Ltd., ITA Group, Inc, One10, LLC, Meetings and Incentives Worldwide, Inc. (M&IW), Creative Group, Inc., ACCESS Destination Service, 360 Destination Group, CSI DMC, Carlson Wagonlit Travel, IBTM, BCD Group, Cievents, ATPI Ltd, Conference Care Ltd, the Freeman Company, and the Interpublic Group of Companies, Inc.
Key Benefits For Stakeholders:
○ This report provides a quantitative analysis of the market segments, current trends, estimations, and dynamics of the MICE industry size from 2021 to 2031 to identify the prevailing MICE industry opportunities. ○ The market research is offered along with information related to key drivers, restraints, and opportunities. ○ Porter's five forces analysis highlights the potency of buyers and suppliers to enable stakeholders make profit-oriented business decisions and strengthen their supplier-buyer network. ○ In-depth analysis of the MICE industry segmentation assists to determine the prevailing market opportunities. ○ Major countries in each region are mapped according to their revenue contribution to the global market. ○ Market player positioning facilitates benchmarking and provides a clear understanding of the present position of the market players. ○ The report includes an analysis of the regional as well as global MICE industry trends, MICE industry outlook, key players, market segments, application areas, and market growth strategies.
Enquire before buying: https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/purchase-enquiry/2433
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uerikua28 · 1 year
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Michael Uerikua who represents a civil society org (Otjisuta Otjetu Oveni Association) as a community activist shared views on how the Reparatory Justice Commission could help the Herero & Nama people of Namibia in their negotiations talks with the German Federal government in their pursuit of justice for atrocities that constitutes the 1st genocide of the 20th Century between 1904-08 in Namibia (formerly: German South West Africa). The Second session of the United Nations - Permanent Forum on People of African Descent took place in New York city at the United Nations headquarters on the 29th of May - 2nd June 2023. The young Namibian highlighted on what took place, as what makes it a GENOCIDE. He further urged the UN to put in place an enabling legislative framework that sets out how a Reparation Fund could be established, managed and controlled. A framework that would ensure the rights of Herero and Nama People as primary beneficiaries of the reparations package, due to the scope and magnitude of the material and human losses (value and numbers) to be compensated. He further urged the UN to establish a Task Force on Reparation to facilitate the formulation of a comprehensive reparation policy and program. In addition, as there was a representative of the European Union, Mr Uerikua showed appreciation of the participation of the EU for being part of the historic event (Permanent forum on People of African Descent) as the pursuit of justice in most of colonial aspects faces the European Union States. Michael Uerikua requested for Results that define justice, human rights, indiscrimination, reparation, guarantees of non-repetition, satisfaction and most importantly, peace.
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Call/Whatsapp; 0769107752 – Rigging Course In South Africa
TEL: 015 547 0555 – Rigging ( Basic ) Training Courses in Polokwane, Limpopo Province
This crane training course is designed to provide personnel with different job roles with an introductory knowledge of operations involving rigging and lifting.
We will focus on the safe use of equipment, policies and procedures as well as the roles of all people involved with a lift. Topics discussed include, but are not limited to, unit standard learning outcomes, assessment, steel wire slings, chain slings, polyester slings, shackles and eye bolts.
Unit Standard No: 14706 Unit Standard Credits: 20 NQF Level: 2
Modules of basic rigging course include;
* Determine Task and Job-Site Requirements * Calculate weight of object * Specify, Select, and Inspect Rigging Equipment * Lift, Maneuver, and Move Load * Lifting with Hand-Operated Chain Hoists
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Job Assistance after Training & Free accommodation provided to students from all these locations like Burgersfort, Pietersburg, Ellisras, Jane furse, Messina, Dendron, Modimolle, Makhado, Louis Trichardt, Nelspruit, Mankweng/Turfloop, Nkowankowa, All days, Elim, Lebowakgomo, Matoks, Bochum, Lephalale, Polokwane, Limpopo Province.
We have other branch offices in different provinces of South Africa, Pretoria, Vereeniging, kempton park, Alberton, Germiston and Johannesburg(JHB) in Gauteng, Nelspruit, Witbank, Secunda in Mpumalanga Province.
We train students from other southern African countries Botswana, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Namibia, Swaziland, Zambia etc.
Enrol anytime; TEL: 015 547 0555 Call/Whatsapp: 076 910 7752
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New Mahindra Pik-Up Special Editions Were Made To Be Legends
Mahindra took its Karoo Dawn, Karoo Dusk and Karoo Storm double cabs on an epic three-week adventure which cemented the brand's durability in the minds of buyers.
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The Mahindra Karoo convoy departed to unforgiving terrain in South Africa, Namibia and Lesotho.
“In June, we revealed our new corporate identity and our brand promise – to Unleash the Explorer in You. While every Mahindra bakkie or SUV delivers on that promise, the three Karoo flagship models do so with aplomb,” says Rajesh Gupta, CEO of Mahindra South Africa.
“We realise that Mahindra is in a unique position to help South Africans unleash their inner explorer with our range of accessible and affordable products and with made-for-purpose adventure vehicles like the Karoo Dusk, Dawn and Storm.”
The Mahindra Adventure
Departing from the Mahindra head office in Centurion, Gauteng, the expedition of three Pik Ups started heading west to the border of South Africa and Namibia.
Along the way, they visited some of the most demanding off-road trails and routes in the Free State and Northern Cape as well as the Mahindra dealers en route.
The convoy also made its way to KwaZulu-Natal to conquer some of the most challenging 4×4 courses and routes that they can find. From here, they made their way back to Mahindra’s South African headquarters.
“Each leg of our tour was carefully chosen for its beauty, its challenging routes and its proximity to some of our best-performing dealers. We will visit the dealers along the route to show them the new Karoo Dawn, Dusk and Storm and to whet their customers’ appetite,” says Rajesh.
The team was led on an adventure at every step of the journey with clues they receive daily from Mahindra and their task is to navigate to their destination. Customers following the adventure, could live the journey and become part of the experience.
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Flagship features made accessible
The Mahindra Dawn, Dusk and Storm together form the flagship model range for Mahindra’s Authentic Bakkie range. All three models are fitted with a dedicated heavy-duty, off-road suspension that is unique to these models.
All three models are equipped with Mahindra’s tried and trusted 2.2 mHawk turbodiesel engine that delivers 103kW and 320Nm.
Power is delivered to the rear wheels, in 2WD, or to all wheels in 4WD low- and high-range via the Mahindra six-speed automatic transmission.
While each version is unique in its design, all three versions share luxuries such as climate control, electric windows, cruise control and leather seats.
Also standard across all three models are a special hardy Karoo carpet set, a nudge bar, a load bin-mounted Karoo sports bar and a rubberised load bin. A custom-designed set of hardened off-road rims are fitted to all three models, including to their spare wheels.
Mahindra has also fitted a custom-designed, off-road approach and departure bumper set to all three flagship models. These bumpers are anchored to the chassis and have LED front fog lamps, heavy-duty steel recovery points, non-slip steps and even a ready-to-fit space for a winch.
Lastly, all three flagship models also have a new 9-inch touch-screen infotainment system with HD display, in-built maps and Apple CarPlay and Android Auto.
The Karoo Dusk, Karoo Storm and Karoo Dawn models are all sold with a 4-year/120 000km mechanical warranty and a 5-year/90 000km service plan.
Article shared from https://nolimitsmahindracars.blogspot.com/2022/11/new-mahindra-pik-up-special-editions.html
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indiamedicaltourism · 2 months
Knee Replacement Surgery in India for Foreign Patients
Knee Replacement Surgery in India for Foreign Patients
Knee replacement surgery is done when a patient have severe pain in the knee disability in walking, and face problem in daily activities. People who have long term and bad arthritis may also need knee replacement surgery. Avoiding knee pain may result into deteriorating the bone even more and can increase the pain in the knee which might result in increasing difficulties in doing day to day task. People also start feeling pain in the knee because of heavy body weight as the pressure of the weight comes on the knee. Certain pains in the knee may be cured with medication; however damaged bone or ligament cannot be cured without surgery most of the times. Knee replacement surgery is very common amongst the people with the age group of 45 to 75 years as the bone starts getting weak with the age, such people benefit immensely with the surgery. Knee replacement surgery also has the maximum success rate. People recover within 4 – 5 weeks of the surgery. There are certain exercises that patients have to do to start living a normal life so that the patient can walk normally without any pain. People have received great relief from knee surgery hence they opt for it.
Cost of Knee Replacement Surgery in India: Knee replacement surgery cost depends upon the severity of the bone, type of damage in the bone (if any). It includes hospital stay after treatment follow-ups, incase if any blood tests or any additional tests to be done pre and post the surgery.
Knee Replacement Surgery                                      Rs 207660 to Rs 256240 approximately.
Knock Knee Surgery                                                 Rs 221000 to Rs 285000 approximately.
Knee Replacement - Bilateral                                  Rs 265270 to Rs 356040 approximately.
Revision Single Knee Replacement                        Rs 310700 to Rs 414200 approximately.
Minimally Invasive Knee Replacement Surgery  Rs 177500 to Rs 234500 approximately.
Top Hospitals for Knee Replacement Surgery in India: Hospitals in India are well equipped with latest machineries and the doctors are trained with the latest styles of treatment to give maximum satisfaction to the patients. Such qualities make India known for the treatment and facilities provided by the hospitals. They also consist of the team of doctors who take care of the Patient after the surgery to help them in exercise and start walking with the help of walker to normal balanced walk.
Top Surgeons for Knee Replacement in India: Team of expert orthopedic surgeons helps India to rank in knee replacement surgery. The physiotherapist helps the patient to recover and get into normal life after surgery with the help of the post surgery therapies. Orthopedic surgeons are trained with all the master techniques to treat the patient and give excellent result. However there are certain types of knee pain that can be cured with the physiotherapies but severe knee pain, ligament tear, or damaged bone needs surgery. Our record holding doctors makes it easy for the patients to get relief from knee pain and lead a normal life after surgery. Al AfiyaMedi Tour is a leading medical tourism company in India. We offer medical tourism services such as finding the right doctor, the right hospital, and cost estimation for medical treatment in India for foreign patients. Some of the main countries are Bangladesh, South Africa, Egypt, Uganda, Zambia, Sudan, Dubai, Namibia, Iraq, Kenya, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, Nigeria, and so on. We provide free medical assistance for TURP surgery cost, lung cancer treatment, blood cancer treatment cost, best hospital for heart valve replacement arthroscopic surgery, bone marrow transplant cost, best liver transplant hospital, brain tumor surgery cost, cosmetic and plastic surgery, heart surgery, spine tumor surgery, top shoulder replacement surgeons, best bone marrow hospital, etc. 
Source: https://alafiyameditour1.blogspot.com/2024/05/knee-replacement-surgery-in-india-for_6.html
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sounmashnews · 2 years
 Mineral Resources and Energy Minister Gwede Mantashe. 
 Picture: Felix Dlangamandla/Netwerk24 Minister Gwede Mantashe has hinted that authorities will take additional authorized motion after the excessive courtroom annulled its choice to grant an exploration proper to Shell.Speaking to media at an oil convention in Cape Town, Mantashe stated South Africa will use a deal on R150 billion in inexperienced funding from wealthy international locations to its benefit.Mantashe stated the federal government's plans to accumulate the Sapref refinery in Durban have been primarily on maintain after the floods in KwaZulu-Natal.Get the largest enterprise tales emailed to you each weekday, or go to the News24 Business front page.Mineral Resources and Energy Gwede Mantashe hinted on Tuesday that authorities plans to defend its gasoline exploration choice concerning Shell and Impact Africa's seismic survey on the highest courtroom within the land, if vital.This comes after the Eastern Cape High Court in Makhanda put aside Mantashe's choice to grant Impact Africa and Shell an exploration proper permitting the petroleum large to conduct a seismic survey off the Wild Coast.The ruling was handed down in September after the Wild Coast group and nonprofit organisations approached the courtroom to dam the seismic survey.Briefing reporters on the sidelines of the Africa Oil Week convention in Cape Town on Tuesday, Mantashe stated the federal government nonetheless had choices to hunt reduction and that the courtroom in Makhanda was not the very best courtroom within the land."Government has been going to court on exploration. We have had some cases. You will realise that the energy debate is very ideological and can be technical. If there are movements that are under development, they will win their cases in court at that time. It will not kill our enthusiasm," stated Mantashe.READ | 'Development is painful', Mantashe tells fishers competing with oil and gasCEO of the Petroleum Association of South Africa Phindile Masangane stated the federal government was crafting new tips for tasks and was in a greater place than final 12 months concerning exploration greatest practices."It's not just in SA where there have been legal challenges to the oil and gas industry. Similar challenges have come up in Tanzania and Uganda. We have seen challenges to pipeline projects in Namibia. Communities want energy justice. They want a say in how this is structured," stated Masangane.Mantashe used his keynote tackle on the Africa Oil Week to criticise these holding the South African financial system to the identical customary as superior economies when it got here to the transition from fossil fuels to renewable vitality.He stated on the COP27 assembly in Egypt in November, geared toward combatting local weather change, the place of African economies should be recognised."COP27 is a global forum and South Africa is part of it. The best approach is to understand that South Africa is unique and that the answers that come out of COP27 must work for Africa," stated Mantashe.Ahead of COP27, South Africa is heading into a vital stage of negotiations to get $8.5 billion (~R152 billion) in funding from the US, UK, France, Germany and the EU to fund Eskom’s transition away from coal. But talks have been fraught, and the deal could cling within the steadiness, amid stories of disagreements about South Africa’s plans for the cash – which embody spending on electrical automobiles.Mantashe stated it was problematic to assume South Africa's solely choices have been to "consider or oppose" the situations of its $8.5 billion local weather, saying: "It is an offer on the table and we'll use it to our advantage. It is about directing it to fund a project developed by us".READ | R152bn deal at risk amid fraught talks between
rich countries, South AfricaEskom board 'a vast mixture of skills'Asked about the recently announced board of Eskom, Mantashe said this was a positive development and the board was diverse in its skills. He said the board must position Eskom to address its technical capacity."I start by clarifying that the board is not operational. It is important for governance. It is important that government reduce financial and operational risk. We hope the revived board of Eskom will have that effect because it is a vast mixture of skills," Mantashe said.Mantashe said the government's plans to acquire the Sapref refinery in Durban were essentially on hold after the floods in KwaZulu-Natal damaged the plant and affected the value proposition for the government."We tried to resolve the Sapref talks, but then there were the floods in KZN. We were discussing whether to pursue it. In terms of the value, you will be buying no value for value as things stand and I don't think that is a wise decision," he said.In recent months, South Africa lost much of its refinery capacity, with BP and Shell closing Sapref, the country’s biggest crude oil refiner.  [ad_2] Source link
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nahasjungle · 2 years
Canon ip3000 print heads
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Simply keep printing until the ink flows freely through the head.Excludes: Bahrain, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Turkey, Algeria, Angola, Botswana, Cameroon, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mauritius, Mayotte, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Reunion, Rwanda, Senegal, Seychelles, Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Greenland, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, United States, Armenia, Azerbaijan Republic, China, Georgia, India, Kazakhstan, Maldives, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Albania, Andorra, Bosnia and Herzegovina, France, Gibraltar, Guernsey, Iceland, Jersey, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Taiwan, Cook Islands, Fiji, French Polynesia, Guam, New Caledonia, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela, Barbados, Belize, British Virgin Islands, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Martinique, Nicaragua, Panama, Puerto Rico, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago, Virgin Islands (U.S. You may find after cleaning that it takes a while for the ink to flow again. Next attach the ribbon cable (where applicable) and re-install the print head. For Canon i560, iP3000, i850, MP700, MP730. This can best be done using a hair dryer. Move the paper thickness lever to the left, and load a sheet of A4 or letter size paper in the auto sheet feeder. To print the nozzle check pattern, do the following. Do print head cleaning only when necessary. Once it is fully clear then make sure that the print head is dry before installing. Note: Print head cleaning consumes a certain amount of ink. Keep the water flowing until the water coming out the bottom is completely clean. Hold the print head upright (same as it sits in the printer) and let the hot water pour into the head until you see the old ink flowing out the bottom of the print head. Next simply flush the print head out under your hot water tap.ĭon't pay too much attention to the guy in the video as its mainly there to demonstrate how the print head is removed. Simply remove your inkjet cartridges and then unclip the print head as shown in the video below. Most of the Canon Printers have a 'removable Print Head' as seen in the video below. Next simply flush the print head out under your hot water tap. Printheads are classified as spare parts and as such do not. QY6-0042-000 (Discontinued) - Superseded by part QY6-0064-000 Printhead The iP3000 printer now uses a QY6-0064-000 Canon Printhead. When the dialog opens, select the ink group for which deep cleaning is to be performed. Canon iP3000 The Canon iP3000 is easy to place anywhere and effortless to use, this printer meets all your photo and document printing needs perfectly. Select Cleaning from the pop-up menu on the Canon IJ Printer Utility2. Perform deep cleaning when two Cleaning attempts do not resolve the print head problem. Simply remove your inkjet cartridges and then unclip the print head as shown in the video below. Deep Cleaning is more thorough than cleaning. Most of the Canon Printers have a removable Print Head as seen in the video below. Cleaning the Print Head on a Canon Printer is quite an easy task. Cleaning the Print Head on a Canon Printer is quite an easy task.
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