#tav: divya
voloslobotomyservice · 4 months
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no words, just heavy breathing
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mythrae · 9 months
Just A Kiss
Summary: Divya finds Wyll all by himself the night of the tiefling party. She was the last person he wanted to see that evening. But in the end of it all, he's glad she found him.
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: 18+ (minors do not interact), just some traditional fluff
Author's Notes:
#justice4Wyll we need to show this man more love
yes the title is the same as the Lady A song from like 2010 I understand it's country I grew up in the midwest let me LIVE!!! just like listen to it. the song is them. case closed.
click here to read on AO3 :D
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Wyll was in no mood to celebrate tonight.
As the tieflings gathered in camp to commemorate their success over the goblin fight at the grove, he couldn’t help but feel as if he wasn’t welcome with them anymore. 
After sparing Karlach’s life and ultimately being punished by Mizora, he had seen the way that other people look at him. How the ridges in his skin and his glowing Hellfire eye scared the young tiefling children, and startled the adults at the very least. Even his companions secretly judged him for agreeing to take a pact with the devil, seven years ago.
So, to avoid their condemnatory stares and hushed whispers, he found his respite tonight down by the river, the rush of water drowning out the joyful jamboree he willingly left behind.
He took a sip of his wine. Bitter and dry, exactly how he felt that night. But at least it took some of his pain away.
Here he was, the Blade of Frontiers, slayer of monsters, protector of the people. How in the Nine Hells was he supposed to protect those of the Sword Coast when he looked like the very thing he sought to destroy? Would anyone in all of Faêrun ever take him seriously again?
How would he ever make his father proud?
His spiraling thoughts stilled as he heard a familiar voice calling his name.
Shit. The one person he had hoped wouldn’t seek him out tonight.
He turned over his shoulder to see that his suspicions were correct. By now, he’d be able to single out the sound of her voice, even in the every busy Elfsong Tavern.
Divya, their fearless leader. 
Bathed in the pale moonlight, she looked divine, like a tiefling goddess of the night as she walked on the river's shore. Surely the whole camp was singing her praises right now, why wasn't she going to speak with them? He didn’t deserve her attention, her kindness, for her to find him out here all alone.
But here she was, searching for him, worried about him.
“Agh, Hells. I was hoping you wouldn’t notice I was gone.” He turned away from her, watching the reflection of the night sky in the babbling river.
“Of course I noticed.” She joined him where he stood, holding her own chalice up to him in cheers . “It’d be no party without the noble Blade of Frontiers.”
“Really? Well, I’m honored.” He clinked his cup to hers, his lips curled in a half smile before taking another sip from his goblet.
This time, the wine tasted a little sweeter with his newfound company.
“In truth… I don’t feel in a festive mood, and didn’t want to cast a grey cloud over the night.” He confessed, still unable to look at her in his state of distress.
“Why’s that? 
“I’m a devil, Divya.” He nearly spat out the word in disgust. “I love the people from the grove, but I unsettle them deep down. As I seem to unsettle everyone nowadays.”
A moment of silence was shared between them, Wyll feeling uncomfortably awkward. He wasn't one to talk about his emotions much, let alone a beautiful woman he had taken quite a liking for.
“Besides," he continued, "you don’t want a devil at your party. Claws will pop the balloons, you see. And the sweet cakes don’t taste half as good as raw eggs with this blasted fork tongue.”
She chuckled lightly at his attempt to lighten up the air around them, but she could tell that through his adorable, cheeky smile, he was hurting deeply.
A type of hurt she could never fully understand, but a hurt she knew fairly well. She too had humans stare at her for her devilish horns, her long, rigid tail, her pointed fingernails. Having her skin condition made it all the worse, like she was some sort of circus spectacle. Children who didn't know better would often point and laugh, saying she looked like some sort of hellish cow.
But his pain was not skin deep. No, it penetrated his soul. Who he was at his core. After all, what good was a monster hunter if he took the form of a monster?
She may not have known the solution to his problems, but by the Gods, she wanted to comfort him.
Facing the rushing water, Divya rested her head on his shoulder, her fingers gently tracing the muscles of his bicep. He was well built, powerful with both his magic and his rapier. Even with his devilish features, she always felt safe with him around.
“You don’t unsettle me, Wyll. You know that.”
He sighed, finally looking down at her. “If only half the world had half the heart you do.”
“That’s the thing — they do." She replied, "All of our friends care about you so much. You're a valuable asset for us, no matter what you look like. You know we've all got our fair share of problems. Hells, Gale has a bomb strapped to his chest!"
The half smile crept back over his lips again, the truth of her words finally hitting him (like an Eldritch Blast).
“And I know that the tieflings aren’t scared of you. In fact, I think I saw a few of them envying your horns. From one horned being to another, they do look rather impressive, after all.”
“You think so?”
“Oh, I know so! They make you quite the handsome devil.”
“Now I truly feel honored.” Wyll laughed, his worries drifting away with every shake of his shoulders. She always knew the right thing to say to lift his spirits, that's one of the many reasons he was drawn to her.
He wished they could spend all night here like this, just the two of them gazing at the stars and bantering back and forth. But he knew the others would be looking for her by now.
“Now, off with you." He shrugged her off, turning his body to face her fully. "Don’t worry about me right now. After all, this is your day! Have a dance. Enjoy the music.”
“Well, if I’m going to dance, I want to dance with you.” She insisted, her fingers finding his arm again and trailing down to his hands. He didn't resist as her digits played with his, a mindless game of cat and mouse.
“You're in luck, actually." He gave her his award-winning smile. "I always enjoyed a bit of pomp. I once beat the Baldurian record for the most sarabandes danced in a single evening. Much to the exhaustion of the good ladies and gentleman of the Gate. I had years of lessons but in truth, it’s all about your partner.”
His eyes met hers as the last words fell out of his mouth. She did not look away, she was not scared of his hellish stare.
In fact, she seemed to like it.
“You know, cut quite a fine figure. I can just imagine leading you with an entire ballroom watching. But…" He gaze broke, dropping her hand as it returned to his side, "... who am I fooling? I can’t go back to that life.”
“Why not? I would love to."
He looked back up at her, waiting for any hint of wittiness, sarcasm, or humor in her voice. But there was none.
"Well... for you, maybe someday." He shook his head in near disbelief. Hells, the hold this woman has on me.
Divya moved closer to Wyll, her chest pressing against his as she wrapped her arms around his neck, wine-filled chalice still in hand. She had never embraced him like this before, let alone held him at all, and the sudden physical touch made his loins ache with desire.
“If we can't share a dance tonight," she whispered, her eyes traveling over his features, "then maybe we could share... a kiss?"
He chuckled a bit, placing his strong hands on her hips to steady her frame against him. "You must have had too much to drink. Wine is a dangerous nectar, one that can lead to many bad decisions."
"I don't think it's a bad decision." Her eyes as round and wet as a doe's as she pouted. "Do you?"
Fuck, he thought, staring intently at the woman who held him close.
He let out a half-hearted sigh. “You drive a hard bargain. But just the one.”
The Blade of Frontiers was no stranger to intimacy. He's found many lovers on his adventures, of all shapes, sizes, and colors. However, with the amount of people he has taken to his bed, he never found one that truly stuck out to him.
But tonight, as he felt Divya stand on her toes and cradle his face to reach her lips to his, he felt a spark for the very first time.
It was as if fireworks were exploding through his entire body, like an electric current coursing through his veins. Once the feeling hit his mind, he was a goner, holding her tighter against his body as his lips moved against hers once more. He was addicted to the feeling she gave him, and he craved her more and more.
The kiss was over as quickly as it started, as she pulled her lips away and gazed longingly into his eyes. Wyll was nearly left speechless, selfishly wanting to lose himself in her.
But tonight was not the right night.
“I — well, then." He stuttered, releasing her hips from his tight grip as he felt her arms slide ff his neck. "Erm, you’ve got a party to get back to. After all, tonight is about you.”
She held up her chalice to him again. "And for you, too. I couldn't have done it without you."
As he raised his empty glass, he leaned in to her and whispered in her ear, just loud enough for the two of them to hear:
“There will be… another time for us. I promise."
"I'll be waiting," Divya winked as she sauntered away, the camp greeting her with hoots and hollers of the party's success.
Wyll couldn't help but shake his head once more.
Gods, she's really something, isn't she?
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mythrae-writes · 5 months
Just A Kiss
Wyll x Divya (OC) | 1.6k words | 18+/mdni
originally posted by @mythrae on 10/03/23
Divya finds Wyll all by himself the night of the tiefling party. She was the last person he wanted to see that evening. But in the end of it all, he's glad she found him.
Wyll was in no mood to celebrate tonight.
As the tieflings gathered in camp to commemorate their success over the goblin fight at the grove, he couldn’t help but feel as if he wasn’t welcome with them anymore. 
After sparing Karlach’s life and ultimately being punished by Mizora, he had seen the way that other people look at him. How the ridges in his skin and his glowing Hellfire eye scared the young tiefling children, and startled the adults at the very least. Even his companions secretly judged him for agreeing to take a pact with the devil, seven years ago.
So, to avoid their condemnatory stares and hushed whispers, he found his respite tonight down by the river, the rush of water drowning out the joyful jamboree he willingly left behind.
He took a sip of his wine. Bitter and dry, exactly how he felt that night. But at least it took some of his pain away.
Here he was, the Blade of Frontiers, slayer of monsters, protector of the people. How in the Nine Hells was he supposed to protect those of the Sword Coast when he looked like the very thing he sought to destroy? Would anyone in all of Faêrun ever take him seriously again?
How would he ever make his father proud?
His spiraling thoughts stilled as he heard a familiar voice calling his name.
Shit. The one person he had hoped wouldn’t seek him out tonight.
Read the rest on AO3!
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voloslobotomyservice · 4 months
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I can’t wait to make these two cuties kiss more (promise I can kiss him after the dance scene in act ii PLS)
and yes shadowheart helped her with her hair for the tiefling party‼️
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voloslobotomyservice · 4 months
get to know your tav!
tagged by @auspex-author and @lolthslover (thank you!) sorry it took me so long!
meet Divya (she/her), asmodeous tiefling, way of the four elements monk
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what is your tav’s…
favorite weapon? her hands (both in unarmed strikes and spells)
style of combat? a mixture of spells from a close-ish distance and throwing punches/kicks. also more defensive? she didn’t learn combat before becoming tadpoled, as she never really wanted to be a fighter.
most prized possession? considering she had no possessions when she lived in the church, she had nothing but the clothes on her back for around eight years.
deepest desire? to become a monk at the temple of ilmater in the city of baldur’s gate.
guilty pleasure? she was not allowed to partake in any guilty pleasures while living in the monastery, but now she can do things like eat a cookie or drink wine or mess around with Wyll without feeling too much religious guilt afterwards.
best-kept secret? before she went to serve in elturel’s church of ilmater, her mother revealed to her that she was not her father’s child. that is why she lacks the tiefling’s signature infernal eyes.
greatest strength? she stays cool, calm, and collected in the face of danger. always thinks before she acts, and tries to limit her damage to others around her.
fatal flaw? she has spent so many years taking on the pain of others, that she doesn’t know how to truly grapple with her own. from elturel’s descent into avernus, being shunned from her church of ilmater, becoming separated from her family, and now being tadpoled, it’s a surprise that she’s about to keep her head on straight. this does eventually boil over, though, and Divya is unable to handle her heavy emotions on her own. (maybe I should write about it? hm yeah that would be fun)
favorite scent? whatever cologne Wyll’s wearing
favorite spell/cantrip? fist of unbroken air. bad guy always go wheee.
pet peeve? when people don’t try to understand the pain some people go through or just dismiss it entirely
bad habit? tends to pick at her nails if she’s anxious/stressed, usually paired with trouble falling asleep
hidden talent? not a talent, but her thumbs are double jointed. gave Shadowheart quite the scare when she first showed them off.
leisure activity? the Forgotten Realms equivalent of tai-chi and yoga, she uses these practices to ground herself and find inner peace
favorite drink? a monk? drinking? you can’t be serious! arabellan red
comfort food? her mother used to make this delicious lamb stew. Gale has tried to replicate it, but hasn’t succeeded yet. mostly because lamb is hard to find.
favorite person(s)?
Wyll: not only is he handsome, but he seems to have a good head on his shoulder and a positive attitude (for the most part). He will also (usually) think before he acts.
Karlach: though they are fairly polar opposite when it comes to their personalities and the way they handle combat, opposites attract, and they work very well together.
Gale: his knowledge intrigues her, she enjoys having long conversations with him about whatever he’s thinking about at that moment in time simply because it’s entertaining.
favored display of affection? quality time, for sure. it’s one of the reasons she and Wyll get as close as they do — he’s always in her party 😉 also physical affection, but preferably behind closed doors or behind big boulders because she gets embarrassed easily
fondest childhood memory? the first time her parents took her to the church of ilmater
anything else you’d like to share?
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Divya is a little socially awkward. only speaking to others about their pain and sorrows for around eight years has left her with little to say when her party members come by and have a chat. she is a much better listener than talker.
Her biggest insecurity is her vitiligo. Growing up, the other children in school would call her a cow, which also made her insecure in her body image. She doesn’t eat too much because of it, and up until the events of the game, had most of her body covered to hide her pale spots. If anyone asked about her face, she’d say she was a victim of an acid attack.
She and Darcy, another tiefling tav of mine, were friends when they were children. Darcy is four/five years older than Divya, so she was only eight when Darcy was kidnapped from Elturel. She often wonders if she’ll ever see her friend again.
The Church of Ilmater in Elturel cast her out after the city’s descent into Avernus. They did not want anyone resembling devils in their halls.
Wyll is the first person she has ever been romantically involved with. Here are a few fics about their relationship:
To A Wild Rose - Wyll (successfully) rizzing up Divya
Just A Kiss - Divya and Wyll’s first kiss shared at the camp party
Show Me How - Wyll gives Divya some… pleasure (nsft)
Tagging @rolansrighthorn @dustdeepsea and @my-favourite-zhent give me some tea on your tavs!!! (only if you want to tho uwu )
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voloslobotomyservice · 5 months
18 +24 for Tav ask!
I’m gonna answer for all of them (except my durges) bc I want to think
(original ask list here)
18. What is your Tav’s greatest fear?
Taversia: to die in combat
Divya: for Ilmater to forsake her
Dreya: for the beholder to find her
Stassie: to be unable to play violin
Elias: to be alone forever
Darcy: to be captured again
24. What first impression does your Tav give off to strangers?
Taversia: strong, but always helpful
Divya: caring and tough
Dreya: tree hugger
Stassie: talented but spunky
Elias: intimidating, but kind
Darcy: doesn’t trust easily, but clever
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voloslobotomyservice · 5 months
7 and 29 for the tav asks please!!
Yippe‼️ I’ll answer for Darcy, Divya and Elias!
(original ask list here)
7. What circumstances led to your Tav becoming their Class/Subclass?
Before she was kidnapped by Zhentarim smugglers, Darcy was actually training to become a Ranger. Unfortunately, since she ended up living in the streets of Baldur’s Gate, she has to adjust and become a Rogue, still using her archery skills but also very good at picking locks.
Divya was stuck between becoming a Cleric or a Monk for the Temple of Ilmater. She ultimately decided that since she wasn’t as experienced in magic, becoming a Monk was the best choice for her.
Elias knew he wanted to be on the front lines, fighting powerful foes, just like his father. After he passed away on his final crusade, Elias decided to follow in his father’s footsteps and become a Paladin. He trained hard, defending his hometown from evil, then decided to go to Baldur’s Gate to officially begin his career.
29. What advice would you give to your Tav?
To Darcy: go to therapy you can trust the people you surround yourself with, they would never hurt you
To Divya: go to therapy don’t depend on your God to give you a fulfilling life, that choice is up to you
To Elias: go to therapy never forget about the power of friendship, they’ll support you along the way
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voloslobotomyservice · 5 months
8 and 12 for tav meme
thank you! I’ll answer for both Darcy and Divya, since I’ve been writing for them the most recently.
(original ask list here)
8. Did your Tav have any romantic and/or sexual relationships prior to the illithid adventure? If yes, who was it with and what was it like? If no, how did they feel about being single?
Darcy had no romantic relationships prior, but she did have to ‘sell herself’ while she was living on the streets of Baldur’s Gate. There were certain clients that may have met with her a handful of times, but other than that, her focus was solely on survival.
Divya, on the other hand, had neither. Maybe a boyfriend or two when she was a teen, but after she joined the Temple of Ilmater in Elturel, she had taken a vow of celibacy. She was more than happy being single, devoting her time to the Temple and her worship.
12. What opinion does your Tav have about the Gods?
What’s Wyll’s line about the Gods? “The only thing a God’s ever given me is a cold shoulder?” Yeah, Darcy would agree 100%.
Of course, Divya is loyal to her god Ilmater. She was raised in the church and encouraged by her family to become a monk and to spend her days in the temple. She spent her years healing the sick, giving comfort to those who were dying, and also gave counseling under his name.
However, after being kicked out of the Temple after the fall of Elturel, as well as being rejected from the Temple in Baldur’s Gate, she began to see the corruption in the church itself and (I haven’t decided if she will keep her faith or not! the drama‼️)
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mythrae · 8 months
To A Wild Rose
Summary: Upon entering the wetlands just south of the Blighted Village, Divya realizes she may have feelings for her warlock companion.
(AKA - Wyll has infinite amounts of rizz)
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: 18+ (mdni), very minor character death, otherwise some nice cute fluff
Author's Notes:
Click to read on ao3 if u prefer :)
Title is the same as the piece by Edward MacDowell
I included my current favorite arrangement of the piece at the very end, it’s originally for piano but I think the full orchestra gives the piece a bit more life ☺️
Definitely have a head canon that Wyll knows a lot about flowers and their meanings from essentially being royalty
Set early in Act One (pre-Karlach)
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“So… Div-yah is how it's pronounced, right?”
“Yes, that’s what they call me.”
“Your name fits you well, I think. You are truly divine.”
“I heard you practicing that one earlier, y’know. Not very original, unfortunately.”
Wyll sighed in defeat, his gaze focusing on the path ahead.
The party had just finished a short rest at the Blighted Village, and were out exploring the wilderness around the town before making their way over to the goblin camp. Unfortunately, for everyone within hearing range, Wyll thought this would be the perfect time for his very public flirtations with their leader.
Divya, of course, had to pretend that his attempts weren’t having any affect on her. She couldn't catch feelings for a new party member that easily.
“Hells, Wyll,” Shadowheart mumbled, “That’s even worse than what you told Lae’zel at camp yesterday.”
“It seems you don’t have much of a practiced tongue,” Astarion smirked, “Maybe I could be of some assistance? I can promise I have a lot more experience than you do.”
“Save it, please,” Wyll shook his head, “The Blade of Frontiers can handle himself.”
“Up ahead,” Divya called back, blissfully ignoring the party’s banter, “Looks like we got company.”
It was hard to make out through all the trees, but she was able to see three figures standing off to the side of the worn down path. Two men, similar in appearance, speaking to an elderly woman. Divya recognized her in an instant as a merchant back in the tiefling’s grove where they met Wyll. 
Auntie Ethel was her name, right?
She heard one of the men raise their voice at her, pointing an accusatory finger in her direction.
Whatever could they want with that sweet, old woman?
She remembered how the woman had doted on her and her party, even gave them a potion on the house after beating the goblins that tried to break down the gate to the grove. Why were these men possibly speaking to her this way?
As the party approached the trio up ahead, Divya was finally able to make out their conversation:
“Lads, for the love of all that is holy, I’ve never clapped eyes on your poor sister!”
“Drop the act, hag.” The red haired man spat. “You was the last to see Mayrina.”
“Just let her go. Please.” The blonde man begged.
Divya was close enough for Auntie Ethel to lock eyes with her, a wave of relief crossing her face as she pointed to the tiefling with a wrinkled finger.
“You there!” She shouted, “Please, help me! I don’t know what’s come over these boys! I just want to go home…”
As the old woman pleased with her, she noticed her face crease with false concern. 
She’s seen this facial expression before, when she was exiled from Elturel. She had begged the members of the monastery to let her stay, that she knew no other way of life, that she wouldn’t survive out on her own. She tried to convince the abbot that she was no devil, that she was as pure and holy as all the other monks she had spent her days with.
He had looked at her the same way when he told her that Ilmater himself would guide her path through the wilderness.
This old woman was trying to deceive these brothers.
“You’re lying to them.” Divya replied, crossing her arms over her chest. “You have seen this girl. And I think you should tell us what happened to her.”
She saw the old woman’s face contorting with anger, realizing she’d been caught in the act. 
“Bollocks!” She spat, “You were supposed to rush to my defense, love! Fat lot of good you are.”
“I don’t defend those that keep the truth hidden.”
“Pah,” Auntie Ethel waved her off, “I’ve had it with you righteous ones. Some advice? You ever darken my door, you best have your tail between your legs and an apology at the ready.”
A dastardly smile crept upon Auntie Ethel’s face, filling Divya's chest with a sickening dread. She had a feeling this would not be the last time they would meet.
“Bye-bye, now!”
As if she was an illusion this whole time, the elderly woman vanished without a single trace, not even a footprint left behind in the dirt.
“Bloody hells…” The blonde man spoke, his eyes focused on the spot Auntie Ethel was just standing in, “She just disappeared! Ain’t seen nothing like that before.”
“She could shoot fireworks out of her backside for all I care,” the red haired man retorted, “She has Rina! Now, come on! We have to find her!”
The two men rushed down the trail as the party watched on. There was a bit of tension in the air – whether they should follow the duo, or leave them be. On one hand, Divya was worried about what they might be getting into if they decide to go after them.
But on the other hand... if their sister is in trouble...
“Well…” Astarion began, snapping the tiefling from her thoughts, “I say we stay out of it. Best not sticking our noses where it doesn’t belong, hm?” He shrugged, turning on his heel until a steady hand from Wyll on his shoulder stopped his rotation. 
“We should at least make sure that they find their sister.” The warlock replied, “Imagine losing your sibling, Astarion. Wouldn’t you be worried sick over it?”
“Not necessarily…” the pale elf grumbled under his breath.
“Come on, now.” Divya said, “At least if we know they found her, then we won’t be "sticking our noses" in anything. Just ensuring her safety is all we're doing. We don’t even have to fight if we don’t need to.”
He sighed (rather dramatically) in response. “Fine…”
As they continued ahead, the forest cleared away, leading the party down to the wetlands by the southern lake. The warmth of the afternoon sun warmed Divya’s skin as she slowed her pace, taking in the new surroundings around her. Considering she had lived in the city her entire life, she had never stepped foot in a place like this. There were sounds from animals she had never seen, smells from flora she had never even heard of. Even the dirt underneath her feet felt different, much softer than anything she had stepped on before.
As she was taking in the new environment around her, Divya noticed Wyll crouching down over a patch of greenery on the side of the trail. 
Curiously, she made her way to the warlock, wondering what could have possibly caught his attention. A tiny animal? A pack that someone left behind? Or perhaps, a clue to where Auntie Ethel might have run off to?
As she knelt down next to him, she was a bit surprised. He was staring at a cluster of small, pink flowers, watching them closely with a twinkle in his eye.
How… adorable.
“What are these?” She asked, “I’ve never seen flowers quite like this before.”
“Ah,” Wyll replied, a small smile curling the corners of his lips, “they’re wild roses. I don’t think I’ve seen one of these since I was a boy. They’re not very common in Faerûn.”
Divya raised an eyebrow as she stared at the blooms, “But… they don’t look like any kind of rose I’ve ever seen.”
“Perhaps you mean garden roses? They’re a little bigger in size, and have a strong scent?”
The tiefling woman nodded.
“Well, these are a bit different. You see,” he continued, his fingers gently brushing one of the blooms, “These flowers have five petals each, while garden roses have many more. Also, these are the only type of rose that will always be pink. Garden roses can be red, yellow, pink… almost any color, I believe.”
“I’m impressed,” Divya smiled, “I never knew you to be such a botanist. How do you know all of this?”
“From my father, mostly,” Wyll replied, “He would teach me how flowers have their own language, and tell me how he used to give my mother all sorts of flowers when they were courting. For example…”
He plucked a single flower from the ground, reaching to tuck the bloom over Divya’s ear.
“... the wild rose symbolizes beauty, and was strongly associated with the ancient goddesses of love.” His eyes met hers as the tips of his fingers gently grazed her cheek, “which I think suits you perfectly.”
Divya felt a hot flush creep over her face as he drew his hand away. There was no hiding her feelings now, it seemed, as she heard him chuckling lightly at her expense. She was caught off guard by his little gesture, his sweet words, his kind touch. She finally had to admit it to herself:
She found herself quite bewitched by her new companion.
“Th-thank you, Wyll.” She finally stammered out, her eyes breaking their gaze from his, hoping he couldn’t secretly read her mind with his warlock powers.
“No, thank you,” He replied with a light chuckle, “Maybe another time I can tell you–”
“I hate to interrupt your lovely musings, Wyll,” Astarion said, “but I believe we are being watched.”
He was peering far off in the distance, his deep red eyes focused as if he was a predator who caught sight of their prey. Wyll and Divya stood, trying to get a peek at what the pale elf saw up ahead. But before they were able to spot it, it was already too late.
All of a sudden, the wilderness began to change. An eerie green glow crept over the wetlands, revealing the true nature of the environment hiding underneath the dastardly disguise. They were standing in a swamp, stinking and insidious, that assaulted the party’s senses instantly.
Divya quickly snatched the flower from her ear and watched with widened eyes as it transformed, becoming nothing more than a blade of tall grass between her fingers.
“Well,” Wyll said, a bit playfully, “at least your beauty’s still standing strong.”
She playfully nudged the warlock with her elbow, looking away from him to hide her flushed cheeks once more.
“Hey Divya, I think we have a bit more trouble than we bargained for…”
Shadowheart was a bit further ahead, her boots in the murky water as she looked at the corpses she discovered. As Divya ran towards the cleric, she realized that they was the bodies of the two brothers from earlier.
"Guess they never did find their sister," she replied, "Which means it's our turn to save her."
"Right behind you," Wyll said, unsheathing his rapier. The tiefling nodded his way as the party ran through the swamp, searching for any sign of the hag along the sandy shore.
Divya did her best to focus on the task at hand, but she couldn't help thinking of Wyll's smile, and how she definitely wouldn't mind seeing it again.
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voloslobotomyservice · 5 months
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[DIHV-yuh] (she/her)
Class: Way of the Four Elements Monk
Race: Asmodeos Tiefling
Age: 23 years
Background: Acolyte
Game Progression: Act Two (gotta go back for Underdark tho)
Raised in the Church of Ilmater, Divya always knew she wanted to be a monk. Her parents encouraged her to go through with it, as well as her siblings. When she turned sixteen, she devoted her life to monkhood and lived in the church for almost eight years.
Before her time in the monastery, she was friends with Darcy, who was four years older than she was. However, one day, she vanished, never to be seen in the city again.
When the city of Elturel descended into Avernus, all tieflings were cast out, including Divya. She was informed of another church in Baldur’s Gate, which she set off to go yo with a few other tieflings in tow. But when they arrived to the city, they were in for a surprise: a nautiloud ship, snatching innocent civilians with its tentacles. They tried to run, but they were no match for the alien ship.
Now she has a tadpole in her head and one goal in mind: to get back to the city and rejoin the church, where she feels she belongs. And in Ilmater fashion, help anyone along the way who may need it, even if they trail off from their mission a bit.
Despite being chosen as their leader, Divya is a bit socially awkward, not speaking to anyone about anything more than their burdens for nearly eight years. Sometimes during socializing, she may come off as weird or just uncomfortable (that’s because she is). Thankfully, with the help of Karlach and Wyll, she’s able to break out of her shell and become more confident in her position as the party’s tactician. She still has plenty of awkward moments, though.
Read some more fun facts about her here! 🤠
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Wyll swept Divya off of her feet immediately, and they’re now in a very committed relationship 💜
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(this page is still a work in progress and will be added to over time!)
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mythrae-writes · 5 months
To A Wild Rose
Wyll x Divya (OC) | 1.8k words | 18+/mdni
originally posted by @mythrae 10/27/23
Upon entering the wetlands just south of the Blighted Village, Divya realizes she may have feelings for her warlock companion. (AKA - Wyll has infinite amounts of rizz)
“So… Div-yah is how it's pronounced, right?”
“Yes, that’s what they call me.”
“Your name fits you well, I think. You are truly divine.”
“I heard you practicing that one earlier, y’know. Not very original, unfortunately.”
Wyll sighed in defeat, his gaze focusing on the path ahead.
The party had just finished a short rest at the Blighted Village, and were out exploring the wilderness around the town before making their way over to the goblin camp. Unfortunately, for everyone within hearing range, Wyll thought this would be the perfect time for his very public flirtations with their leader.
Divya, of course, had to pretend that his attempts weren’t having any affect on her. She couldn't catch feelings for a new party member that easily.
“Hells, Wyll,” Shadowheart mumbled, “That’s even worse than what you told Lae’zel at camp yesterday.”
“It seems you don’t have much of a practiced tongue,” Astarion smirked, “Maybe I could be of some assistance? I can promise I have a lot more experience than you do.”
“Save it, please,” Wyll shook his head, “The Blade of Frontiers can handle himself.”
“Up ahead,” Divya called back, blissfully ignoring the party’s banter, “Looks like we got company.”
Read the rest on AO3!
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voloslobotomyservice · 6 months
4, 18, 23 for nsfw oc asks if they haven't been done yet!
thank you for the asks dearest! 💫
4 is answered here! as for 18 and 23…
original NSFW asks here
(under cut)
18. Their favorite actions during sex — chin-grabbing, hair pulling, wrists being pinned, etc.
Taversia: loves to feel Gale playing with her d**k (censoring bc I don’t want tumblr to put me in the shadow realm again)
Mythrae: she loves to kiss Astarion when he’s fully pressed inside her
Divya: she likes when Wyll grabs her horns, especially if he’s getting rough with her (but don’t tell anyone! she doesn’t even know that yet!)
Salome: she loves to watch her partner writhe with pleasure (or sometimes pain) underneath her, gets her going more than anything
Dreya: she’s a simple woman, she wants simple things. like a thumb up her ass.
Stassie: she likes it when Rolan gets real desperate and digs his claws into her skin, leaving marks all over her body that she’ll have to awkwardly explain later
Elias: loves to pull on hair, and a little bit of choking if his partner is into it. pull on his hair too and see what happens.
23. Least favorite thing/part about sex — cleanup, setup, etc.
Taversia: definitely cleanup. if she and Gale are caught up in the moment and forget to lay out a proper towel, they’re in for a hot mess.
Mythrae: throughout her story, sex would always make her very anxious, which is why she avoided it for a while. now she doesn’t really have a least favorite thing.
Divya: the fact that other people can hear them going at it. no matter how hard she tries, she and Wyll are always loud. they can’t help it!
Salome: she only hates that she can’t have sex more often. she’d go multiple times a day if she could get the chance.
Dreya: finding a good partner to do it with. she’s had many one night stands because she can’t find someone who meets her needs.
Stassie: she can’t really pull Rolan out of his tower, so they usually end up getting freaky at his desk. a girl needs some variety!!!
Elias: he can get in the mood from a slight breeze, so having to wait for privacy can frustrate him
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mythrae · 8 months
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I was tagged by @vspin to create my tav(s) using picrew! I went a little overboard but it was so fun
taversia (half high elf fighter) / mythrae (drow storm sorcerer & redeemed dark urge) / salome (half drow wild sorcerer & dark urge) / divya (tiefling monk)
click here to make your own!
tagging @tatterings @cetra @shadowcursedballs and anyone else I’m just scared to tag people
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mythrae · 7 months
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the girlies got some upgrades (thank u mods)
(from top right to bottom left):
taversia (half elf fighter), mythrae (drow storm sorcerer durge), divya (asmodeus tiefling monk), salome, (half drow wild sorcerer durge), stassie (half elf bardlock), dreya (wood elf druid)
will I ever make male presenting characters? 🤷🏼‍♀️ only time will tell
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voloslobotomyservice · 6 months
10, 13, 14 for the nsfw OC ask! pick the one you want to answer for (or all of them :D)
original NSFW asks list here
(under cut)
10. Are they down for casual one night stands?
Would: Salome, Dreya, Stassie (if she knew there would be no romantics feelings developed from the other party)
Would Not: Taversia (unless she was really needing to get laid), Mythrae, Divya, Elias
13. Morning vs evening sex - do they have a preference?
Morning: Elias (bc he loves to see his partner first thing in the morning - gets him going)
Evening: Mythrae (prefers the dark atmosphere), Divya (mornings are for prayer not hanky panky!)
No Preference: Taversia, Salome, Dreya, Stassie
14. If they send nudes, are they tasteful or quick pics?
Tasteful: Mythrae, Salome (headcanon that she’s a Leo, they’re full blown works of art), Stassie (also a Leo), Elias
Quick: Taversia, Dreya
Doesn’t Send: Divya (what would Ilmater think???)
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mythrae · 8 months
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Divya | Zariel Tiefling
Class: Monk
Background: Acolyte
Divya was living in a monastery devoted to Ilmater in the Holy City of Elturel. Ever since she was a little girl, she was taught to adopt simple, selfless and meaningful actions towards everything she does, as well as help all who suffered. She found comfort in the Church, and wanted to devote her life to helping others through her service. She became a monk when she turned sixteen and spent many years in the monastery.
When the city of Elturel fell to Avernus, everything changed for her. Being a tiefling, she was exiled from the city, as well as the monastery. She was lucky to swiftly make her way to Baldur's Gate, but she wouldn't be there for long, being swept up in the Nautiloud before she even stepped into the city.
Divya had never seen herself as a fighter. Quite the opposite, in fact: she loathed the concept of combat. Until she was banished from Elturel and the Church of Ilmater, she only ever wanted conflict to resolve without violence. But as she was thrown out into the wilds of Faerûn, she finally realizes that peace was never an option.
She hopes to make her way to Baldur’s Gate to rejoin the Church of Ilmater and resume her life as a monk, but it seems that her plan may find some hitches along the way.
Fun Facts™️:
Divya is an Indian name derived from the Sanskrit word दिव्य (divyá), meaning "divine brilliance"
Her personality type is ENFP-A.
She is a Way of the Four Elements Monk, allowing her to cast spell-like moves against her foes.
Her vitiligo developed when she was in her teen years, leading to a lot of bullying from those living in Elturel. Those in the monastery with her never teased her for her condition.
Her eyes are red, but they do not have the Hellfire glow that tieflings are well known for.
In-game she is starting to cozy up with Wyll but I wish she could romance my boy Dammon
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