#tav: elias
voloslobotomyservice · 5 months
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do not separate them
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ah-jiing · 8 months
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galesdekariios · 4 months
Faerûnian 29-day Writing Challenge: Day 1
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Prompt: What was Tav doing when they were abducted? (Elias)
Elias sat comfortably at the bar, watching his company play happily on stage. It was a normal night for him, traveling with a few wayward musicians, playing and drinking at any bar that still took them in. Occasionally, he’d sleep with the first man or woman who’d throw themselves at him. It was a great life for a bard.
He watched as Briar, his half-elf companion, traveled through the crowd. He watched as she moved from person to person, her hands traveling their body as she sang loudly and proudly. They were completely mesmerized by her beauty to notice what she was doing. He knew exactly what she was doing. It was a trick he’d taught her from his time on the streets. She was causing a small distraction, keeping their eyes from her wandering hands that carefully snatched their prized possessions.
Briar slowly moved through the crowd, joining Elias at the bar. She had a sweet smile on her lips as she gently ran her dainty fingers across his chest. His shirt was a fine silk, a deep v-neck cut that exposed a great portion of his chest. Her skin was soft, and he felt himself twitch slightly at the feeling. 
“Briar,” he drawled, a small smirk forming on his lips. His eyes met hers, and she smiled playfully. She continued drawing small circles on his chest, and to be frank, he enjoyed every moment of it. “Don’t be such a tease.” His words were like a soft warning, yet he couldn’t help but want her to keep toying with him.
There was no denying Briar was a beautiful woman. She had these dark doe eyes and deep red hair that flowed slightly past her shoulders, pulled back in a loose braid with small flowers within the braid. Elias has had his eyes on her for a while but never acts on anything. He typically wasn’t the one to mix business with pleasure; their time together was a temporary partnership.
“Calm down, Elias. I can feel your heart beginning to race,” she teased, patting his chest lightly. She took his wine goblet from his hand, bringing it to her lips and taking a small sip.
“You could’ve asked,” he said, chuckling softly at her actions. She wiped at the corner of her lips, and a sultry smile slowly formed. 
“I prefer to take. It’s more fun that way.” Her voice was softer, yet he could tell the hidden meaning behind her words. During their time together, Briar never hid how she felt about him. She found him attractive, as he felt about her. She was more open about it, to hells with their business relationship. She typically only cared if she got a good lay, and those were sometimes hard to come by.
“I can’t help but think there’s more than just wine you want,” he teased, biting his lip slightly. His hand trailed down her arm, rubbing gently. She felt shivers run down her back and a growing need deep within her. She smiled, leaning closer as she brought her lips to his ear. 
“Meet me around back,” she whispered before giving him a soft kiss on his cheek. She pulled away and disappeared into the crowd. Elias stood there, a large smirk plastered on his face.
“Hells,” Elias cursed under his breath. He wasn’t one to break his own rules, but for Briar…he was willing to make an exception. He reached into his pouch and tossed some gold coins onto the bar. He took his time leaving, not wanting to seem too eager. He walked out of the tavern and made his way through the alley leading to the back.
But unfortunately for him, he never got to sleep with the beautiful half-elf. 
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1004knightingale · 8 months
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Day 1 - Tav/Durge + Fading
After unlocking the available Illithid Powers, Elias battles with her fading humanity.
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martenoodles · 5 months
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Decided to doodle my friend and I's characters :)
(Based on a screenshot of them sitting together in our bg3 playthrough bc it was cute hehe)
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remornia · 6 months
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Here's a full body ref for my main tav Elias + random shitty sketches with tha polycule
I'm sorry that "sheltered noble suddenly being put into Situations" is my favorite character type
His pathetic demeanor enchants everyone around him. His companions are objectively smarter and more capable than him yet he's somehow the de facto leader. He fails every skill check. All he wanted to do was birdwatch and instead he got a parasite stuck in his brain thus entwining himself with the fate of Faerun. Elias is quite literally the worst possible candidate to be tasked with saving the universe but fuck it we bhaal right?
He tries to be evil, but he has a good heart underneath everything. Good thing he's got 3 evil bitches goading him into depravity
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maskwoodsart · 9 months
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So... they're really Balduring that Gate, huh?
I'm so glad this game lets me bring back one of my favourite dnd pcs! And I get to gay romance a wizard for realsies instead of just sketching hypotheticals (Also love that Ranger is rebalanced so it doesn't suck, very good for my Ranger Main-ing ass)
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aeipathism · 2 months
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this is elias btw. drow archfey warlock and he kisses astarion and goes back to the underdark for him. i need to comb through things for him bc i have mostly videos rather than caps lol
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voloslobotomyservice · 4 months
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foursome so good shadowheart’s hair changed color
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Hi! I’m bored and have Covid and desperately need a creative output. Please send me writing prompts for my BG3 or Skyrim OCs in my askbox! They can be anywhere from “Tilia and x companion” to “this specific scene in the game”, I just need something to write lol. Everybody except Tilia is in my pinned post, and everyone is given a brief summary in the tags of this post. Thank you! Also prompts that combine Skyrim and BG3 are welcome because I’m playing with the idea of writing a crossover fic.
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ah-jiing · 8 months
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Baby girl and his wife 🥰
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mythrae · 6 months
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Elias is so pretty I can’t even
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kittenintheden · 8 days
hit the bricks
surprise PWP drop lol. this is sort of a deleted scene from Not Your Sweetheart. this is not a scenario that will end up in the NYS so you get to have it here in bite-size instead. enjoy!
Rating: E Paring: Astarion/Ori (f!Tav) Word Count: 1.6k Content: 18+, established relationship, semi-public sex, quickie, wall sex, Ori being a bit of a power bottom
Link to AO3
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This stakeout is horrifically boring and likely entirely pointless.
Astarion leans with his back against one side of a narrow alley, arms folded. Ori faces the opposite wall, peeking her head around the corner every now and again to try and spot their quarry.
He sighs.
She continues to look.
“This stakeout is horrifically boring,” he voices aloud. “And likely entirely pointless.”
From further down the alleyway, Elias chimes in. “We’d feel real stupid if they managed to sneak by us, though, wouldn’t we?”
Astarion rolls his eyes as hard as he possibly can and glares at them. They smirk at him, knowing full well where his annoyance comes from. He’s certain of it. When he’d volunteered to pair with Ori for this reconnaissance mission, he hadn’t expected a third wheel. But Gale had insisted that they keep an open method of communication just in case, and, well. Elias is as convenient as it gets, considering they can move from group to group through the Ethereal Plane in seconds.
Whether or not they prefer to be used as de facto communication is yet to be determined.
It’s a bother. He maintains his irritated expression as he goes back to staring at Ori’s arse as she wriggles it back and forth between glances out of the alley. She might be doing it on purpose. The breeches she’s chosen to wear this evening are quite form-fitting.
His brow smooths and his eyes go lidded as he lets himself fall into fantasy, picturing her just like this, but all soft skin, warm and gray beneath his touch as he runs his fingers down the length of her spine. He hasn’t taken her from behind yet. All in good time.
Astarion slow blinks and flicks his tongue over his bottom lip.
Now could be a good time.
He’s brought abruptly back to reality as arousal rises in him, sending a rush of heat between his legs. He huffs and shifts position, straightening one leg with a grimace. Fantastic. Now he’s grouchy again.
Their corner of the square remains unpopulated. At this time of evening in this part of town, passerby are few and far between. He scans the space sullenly for a moment before his eyes are drawn back to Ori. She stands straight, still facing the wall, and puts her arms over her head in a long, arching stretch.
Astarion tucks his chin. That’s definitely on purpose.
“Elias,” Astarion says. “I think perhaps you should go check in on the other team.”
“What for?” they say distractedly, their eyes currently tracking a stray cat at the far end. “Nothing’s happening.”
“Something’s about to,” he says lowly. Then he pushes off the wall and closes the space between his body and Ori’s, pinning her up against the bricks on the opposite wall. She squeaks in surprise.
“Oh, for fuck’s-” is all they hear before Elias’ voice cuts itself off as they vanish.
Ori’s laughing, now. She turns her head to one side and puts her palms against the wall in front of her, pushing gently back against Astarion. He puts his mouth to the side of her neck, running his tongue over her pulse point and punctuating it with a kiss.
“What was that about?” she teases, even as she shivers and shuts her eyes.
“I needed to ask you something.” He places another kiss to her neck, this time closer to her ear.
“Mm. And what’s that?” She stretches her head to one side to give him more access.
Astarion puts his lips to her ear and whispers, “How wet are you?”
She gives a quiet giggle, her mouth stretching in a playful smile as she cracks her eyes to look at him.
“Wet enough,” she whispers back.
That’s all the go-ahead he needs before his hands are at the front of her trousers, undoing her fastenings quicker than she’d be able to herself. As soon as he’s able, he dips a hand down her front and into her smallclothes.
His fingers find her slick and he huffs out a breath, dropping his open mouth to the spot where her shoulder meets her neck. He slides his fingers against her and she gives a controlled moan when he finds the swell of her.
“You’re always so ready for me,” Astarion groans into her skin. “It drives me mad.”
Ori hiccups and responds, “If you knew how good it is to take your cock, you’d be walking around wet all the time, too. But we’re supposed to be, ah, keeping a lookout. Someone could… mmm… catch us with our literal pants down.”
They’re not exactly in public, but they’re not exactly not in public, either. Being quiet may not be an option. Does he care?
Not at the moment.
Astarion stops teasing her clit long enough to push her clothing down past her hips. As he goes to deal with his own ties, he breathes, “Then they’ll get a show, because you know anyone about to stumble on this would have no choice but to watch.”
She answers with a quiet growl and play-bites at him.
“Ah, ah,” he says as he pulls himself free of his trousers. “I’ll be quick, I promise.”
“Disappointing,” she teases.
He presses his hard cock between her legs, causing her to gasp and arch as he draws himself along her slick cunt and grazes her clit. Her thighs are trapped tight together from her breeches, coating him in her wet as he grinds.
“I said quick,” he says, hiding the shake in his voice with a laugh. “I didn’t say disappointing.”
The head of his cock finds her willing entrance and he pushes inside, the slide smooth, but oh, he didn’t think that through, that’s very-
Ori clocks the way he tries to quiet the moan that spills from him as he enters her. She clocks it even as she leans her head onto his shoulder, arching her back as hard as she can with him pressing her to the wall. The glide and stretch are perfect. She can feel him everywhere.
But he’s not moving.
“What’s wrong, beautiful?” she says, voice shivering.
Astarion has been clenching his jaw. She can feel him loosen it as he says, “You are so t-tight like this.”
She grins, holding back her laugh. “Did you…?”
“No,” he huffs, wrapping his hand around hers where it’s pressed against the brick. “Give a professional a little credit, dear. I just, ah, needed a moment.”
“Glad to hear-” she starts.
“Moment’s over,” he interrupts.
His hips begin working with short, shallow thrusts, grinding Ori up against the wall, her front pressed to the masonry, and she pants prettily for him as he ignites the fire between them. He keeps one hand over hers on the wall and the other wrapped around her hip, guiding her in time with his rhythm.
She feels exquisite. He presses his lips to her exposed shoulder and sucks, vaguely aware he’ll leave a mark there, but he doesn’t care, because it feels good this feels good she feels good all around him. Fangs graze skin, tempting. Her arse is so plush pressed close.
He moves the hand on her hip around to her front and between her legs, using his fingers to spread her just a little wider, exposing her to better feel the root of him on her clit every time he thrusts into her. It has the intended effect as she whimpers out his name surrounded on all sides by soft ah ah ahs. Gods, it’s hot.
Taking her here, hidden but not invisible, makes the rush of being discovered hit his blood and urgency pulses through his core. He pulls his mouth from her and pants through his teeth, molten heat coiling around the base of his spine.
“I need you to come for me, darling,” he whispers. “Can you do that? Can you come for me? Don’t let me…” He gasps on the next breath and continues, “... embarrass myself, love.”
“Say please,” she breathes with a surprising amount of control given her current position.
“What?” he blurts, brow furrowed as he continues to rut into her. His body wants to come so badly that it’s making thought beyond gods gods fuck yes gods difficult.
Ori groans this time before she repeats, “Say. Please.”
Astarion presses his mouth to the side of her face and says, “Please, please, come, please come, please, love, love, please, come, come-”
She clenches down hard around him and he whines, barely managing to ride out her climax before he hits his own, the flutters of her peak continuing all around him. Ori bites her own forearm, her cry lost against her skin. Astarion does his best to stifle his inelegant grunts as he spends himself inside her, the relief palpable.
They take a moment before Ori mumbles, “Neither of us really considered how to extricate ourselves from this situation, did we?”
“We did not,” Astarion mumbles back with his mouth against her temple.
There’s another beat of quiet.
From around the corner out of view, they hear Elias say, “The mark is here, you’d better be done, I swear, I’m not coming around there. Let’s go.”
The mad scramble to separate and quickly rearrange clothing goes smoother than expected, all things considered. It isn’t until they pick up their things and make to run for the square that Ori pulls a face.
“All right, love?” Astarion asks, dagger already drawn.
“Yeah,” she says. “I’ll, erm. Deal with it later.”
She speeds by him and it takes him a full second to catch on before he snorts out a laugh and follows her.
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jibberjibbsart · 4 months
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Saige (my Tav) and Elias (my Durge) try to help Astarion by drawing what he looks like. Needless to say, Saige is jealous of Elias’s portraiture skills
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remornia · 6 months
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Elias Evenfall, the bastard half-drow child of the noble House Evenfall. Raised in human society, they were scorned all their life by both their family and strangers. For as long as they remember they have dreamt of taking revenge.
Yet they are immature, their desire to be evil nothing more than a childish fantasy. However, when the young hunter found themself infected with a mind flayer parasite they realized their fantasy was finally in reach.
Elias' life before the parasite was sheltered. They had no grasp of how sinister true evil could be. They are much too trusting to anyone who shows them kindness, and they have already been roped into many schemes far greater than their own ambitions.
The depravity of their deeds horrified them. They began to question the desire they have harbored for their entire life: Now, with the blood of the innocent on their hands, did they truly want to rain hell upon the city that rejected them?
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dreamstriderart · 6 months
I find it incredibly funny that most of the Tav BG3 art that I have seen have Tav vibing or being lovey-dovey with some of the game characters.
Meanwhile, I exist with my Tav, Elias, throwing hands with both most the party; holds Astarion at knife point and fully believing that Gale is some sort of con man. (This is early act1 mind you)
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