ray935sworld · 1 month
Luca is the secret love child, you idiot! (Lucalex)
please please please tell me more I'm intrigued
OH, this one is my current favorite! It will definetly be published. Here is the beginning:
Luca hadn’t answer his phone for almost 4 days now. Of course, Alex would just assume that the Italian needed some time for himself or he was busy with the academy. After all, he was with all of them together for the first time in months and there was no race ahead. Surely they had a lot to discuss.
But even then, he had always texted him. He had given him a little heads up like “Sorry amore, it’s so busy, probably won’t write much in the next days” or “I need a few days to myself (not because of you). I will call you soon, okay?”. But no messages, no warning, nothing had been the absolute worst. It had actually made him worry.
Maybe something had happened during training. Maybe he had been hurt – seriously hurt – and the academy boys had decided not to inform him to make sure they had a stable condition for Alex to tell. After all, they were friendly, now that Marc was dating Vale again.
Marc was also with them. Would he tell him? Surely. He wouldn’t keep something like that a secret. It’d be cruel… He shook his head, refusing to believe anything his worried mind supplied. Instead he had decided to text Marc.
And finally he had an answer.
He just hated that answer even more.
It were 3 text. The first one read. “Alex, I am so sorry, please stay calm. We’ll figure this out, okay?” Then there was a picture of a child. It was a cute little boy. His blond hair was hanging in his face and his blue eyes were darted at the camera. He waved at him. He was sitting in Vale’s lap. It was obviously a newly taken picture.
The last text read “That’s Luca’s”.
That kid was Luca’s? He stared at the picture. The same hair. The same eyes. The same kind smile. No doubt. That child had his boyfriends DNA.
He felt his heart peak. His heart was racing and so was his mind. The boy was small. He was young. Maybe 3 or 4. But… He and Luca had been dating for 6 years now. They had been dating since they were young adults, still teenagers. They may have dated in secret and for a long time the long distance and hiding from their brothers and the world had felt like they weren’t really together, but they had been.
And Luca had fathered a child during that time. Luca had cheated on him. That’s why he hadn’t answered his texts or call. He had been with his son. And for some reason his brother had known.
He didn’t reply. Instead he took his backpack, threw some food and water inside, took Shira and Stitch and the keys before heading for the car. They’d be going to Tavuilla to get some answers.
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winterisol · 3 days
im in the trees, im in the breeze (2/?)
Rosquez Future Reconciliation Fic (2028-TBD)
Part One.
Word Count: 2.2k words Warning(s): This is not in chronological order, aka. this is a flashback, also a lot of angst :D
Valentino has a legacy to maintain. And he has an army of young italian riders to carry it. Yet, one seems to have always been a little bit different. Because the more Valentino looked at the kid, the more he saw him. He swears he's being haunted. Or whatever gods that exist have made it their life mission to make him suffer. To remind him of his sins.
Valentino always dreamed of creating his own academy. The idea of training the next generation of great motorcyclists, a tantalising dream which he was drawn to like a moth to the light.
But that idea was for the future. When Valentino cemented his legacy. When he achieved his tenth and retired in a blaze of glory. Valentino never thought it would come so abruptly.
It began in 2011, when his father suddenly called him, almost begging Valentino over the phone to go and meet one of his old friend’s sons. Uncertain, but irked by the desperation of his father, Valentino agreed to meet the kid, inviting the kid and the kid's father to Tavullia. 
Valentino didn't know what he expected.
The kid was young, aggressive and reckless. But that came with the age, he was only 17.
However, it was the kid off-track which really intrigued Valentino, as much as the kid was recklessly rapid, offtrack the kid was clearly smart, and laidback. As they took a break from riding, the kid sunk into the chair comfortably, fiddling with his leathers, before casually striking a conversation, despite his eyes bright with the same shiny admiration almost anyone has the first time they meet Valentino.
The kid's intelligence also meant that he was fast at learning, and by the end of the day the kid could comfortably follow Valentino around the Ranch. Valentino would never admit this until years later, but the kid quickly wormed his way into Valentino's heart. Enough so that Valentino invited the kid over the following month.
This kid’s name was Franco Morbidelli, and from that day on it was history.
In the next year and a half, Valentino would invite Franco over during his breaks. They would spend hours on track, Valentino coaching him on every corner and straight. It gave Valentino a purpose, a distraction from the disaster that was Ducati. 
Franco, or as he insisted on being called Franky, began to open up more. He would talk about his family and school. He'd talk about how his Dad used to also ride, and how coming to Tavuilla was always the highlight of his week.
Valentino quickly picked up that Rome was not that much of a happy place for the Morbidelli family, Franky often talking about how kids make fun of his accent that he gets from his mom, or how his father works long hours, only returning home as the clock strikes midnight.
Sometimes Valentino found himself wanting to ask more, but what could he ask?
It wasn’t like it was any of his business. So he stayed quiet, hoping that the joy Franky seemed to have at Tavullia was enough to outweigh the struggles at home. 
Then in the week following New Years day Valentino got an abrupt call from Franky’s mother. Her voice shaking as she told him the news. Franky’s father passed away and Franky would no longer be able to train with Valentino in Tavullia, or compete in motorcycles again.
Stood in shock, Valentino tried to find words, only for nothing to come out.
Taking a deep breath, he continued to search for words, something to comfort her. And perhaps it was the longing look of Livio Morbedelli, Franky's father. Or, perhaps he was just feeling particularly generous that odd January morning, but whatever possessed Valentino that night he would forever be thankful for.
By the next morning he had arranged for Franky and his mother to move into a house next to the ranch, telling Franky’s mother it would not only give Franky a chance at his dreams, but also give them a much needed change in scenery.
For the rest of 2013 Valentino would quietly support Franky’s endeavours in Moto2, giving snacks, advice, and a private shoulder to cry on. It was a nice small thing, almost like having a new little brother. But like most things Valentino touches, it didn’t stay small for long. 
In 2014 Valentino would create his very own Moto3 team, and sign a particularly interesting talent, Francesco Bagnaia, or as he was affectionately referred as, Pecco. 
Before his own eyes, the VR46 Academy quickly grew into something more, the once small hangouts with Franky turning into a reasonably sized class around the track.
And like school not every kid got along at first. It was no secret that hosting private races around the Ranch with half a dozen teenage boys was a breeding ground for fights. But as time passed the kids began to change. They began to grow as competitors, as riders, as people, but most of all they began to grow closer together.
The group of kids turned from a ragtag group of teenagers who's only commonality was their love for racing and  worship of Valentino Rossi into something more, a family. 
And as they continued to grow, their personalities began to solidify, each unique yet similar in their own ways. The media liked to joke that they were all similar in that they all inherited the best aspects of Valentino.
Franky’s relaxed demeanour, always lounging back as the younger boys bickered over who had the best lap or sense of style.
Pecco’s charisma, his sharp gaze being more than enough to shut down any arguments between the boys.
Luca’s pragmatism, his ability to analyse every movement on and off track, calmly explaining why Bezz's lap times were still slower than Pecco's or why Franky was losing a tenth in every left corner.
Marco’s passion, always ready to compete, whether it's for the best laps times around the Ranch or in a silly game of monopoly.
And then there was Celestino, the baby, who the media used to say that he was like young Valentino, charming off-track and absolutely captivating on-track. The new young talent from Italy, climbing the ranks at alarming rates.
But all of this was nothing more than media speculation, people whose lives depended on pandering towards the god of MotoGP.
They never mentioned how Bezz took everything on track to heart. 
They never mentioned how Pecco was cruel with his words, playing the media game with almost terrifying accuracy, every cutting comment purposely chosen to cause the most pain. 
They never mentioned how Luca had an ego, an ego that convinced him that he could fix what even those greater than him were unable to correct. 
They never mentioned how Franky was struggling to live up to his promises. 
And they never, ever mentioned how Celestino was petty, clinging onto the pain of others rather than letting it die.
No, instead, Valentino quietly observed these traits. Watching as each and every of these ugly parts manifest in each boy. A painful reminder of how human he was.
However, the most heart wrenching was seeing his kids act similar to him.
It hit him first when he saw Pecco apologising for an incident between himself and Jorge, immediately holding up his hands and taking blame. Valentino would never admit to a mistake so willingly .
It then hit him again when watching Luca unabashedly laughing with Enea Bastianini. The two boys giggling in Enea’s garage as the mechanics began preparing for the final race of the Moto2 season. Valentino would never even try to be so openly affectionate to a title rival.
But the worst of it was Celestino, perhaps it was another reason for the decline in their relationship, who when breaking his collarbone for the third time insisted that it didn’t hurt and that he was fit enough to race. No one believed him, but the stupid medical centre, clearing Celestino to race. Valentino cared too much about his own life to ever think about risking it, especially when it's not even for a win.
Luca once sat his brother down and straight up asked if he hated Celestino because he saw parts of him in the kid. Valentino dismissed it, telling Luca that he could never hate Celestino, and that the only similarities between Celestino and him was the RedBull sponsorship.
Luca scoffed.
He saw him in Celestino’s carefree laughter, competitive streak, but worst of all, his eyes, shiny and bright. The gaze of love and warmth. Except those shiny eyes were not directed at him, no, instead they directed themselves onto the one Academy boy who everyone said was the most similar to him. Marco.
The boy who worshipped Valentino as a kid. The boy who listened to every single word that fell from Valentino's mouth. The boy who could never understand the line between reality and on track delusions. The boy who did everything to hate him.
Valentino felt himself suffocating every time he was in a room with both boys, Marco’s obliviousness to Celestino’s gaze a painful reminder of a time of his life where he was the same, willfully ignorant.
It felt like being burned, and Valentino could not bear to feel any more pain. So he did what he did best, pull away.
At first Valentino thought his withdrawal from Celestino was unnoticeable, spending slightly less time in the VR46 garage in Moto2, pulling away from Celestino’s embrace a few seconds quicker, and focusing less on him when the boys practised. 
It just so happened it was the same time Celestino got close to him.
And from there it crumbled.
Valentino still remembers the day vividly. It was a cloudy morning in Tavullia but the boys were already awake, most of them sat eating breakfast while talking about their Summer break. In the background the August sun was lazily rising, its light providing warmth to Valentino who was frying the eggs.
Then suddenly the front door opened and Marco was the first to shoot up, immediately running to the main entrance, the loud bang and muffled words being a sign that Marco had found whoever was dropping by.
Luca trailed after Marco, his voice slightly muffled by the distance as he said, “Celin, you arrived early.” 
“Yeah, I was busy.” Valentino could hear the young boy reply.
And soon the three boys walked in, Marco still clinging onto Celestino, his arms draped over the younger boy’s shoulders.
“Vale.” Celestino greets softly, smiling.
“Celestino, come sit we’re eating breakfast.” Valentino greets back, turning back to the eggs and transferring them to a plate.
Sitting across from Celestino, Valentino focused on finishing his breakfast.
“Ah, Celin, what's got you busy this summer? Finally found a partner?” Pecco teases jokingly reaching to ruffle the younger boy's curls.
Celestino shakes his head, saying, “Nah, I was with Marc-”
And to this day Valentino doesn’t know what overtook him. Perhaps it was due to his lack of sleep, or how Marc was on his mind since the morning. But suddenly Valentino slammed the table, curling his lips as he venomously spat, “What are you, his newest shiny chew toy to rough around with?” 
“Vale-” Luca reprimanded, blue eyes staring piercingly, only to be cut off by Celestino.
“No, I in fact didn’t even go riding with him, which you would know if you ever checked my schedule!” Celestino yelled, face turning red, lips shaking.
“Did you even know where I was before I came here? Did you even check what sponsor events I have? Because if you did I would hope you have enough of a brain to put one and one together and get two!” Celestino continued, taking a deep breath, seething as he glared at Valentino.
With no response, Celestino’s hands began to tremble, lips curling into an ugly snarl as he said, “Well, because you don’t even seem to have the time to look at our shared calendar, I was in France signing with Tech3 KTM. And then I went to a RedBull event with another MotoGP rider called Marc Marquez. You might have heard of him, kinda famous and important for RedBull."
“Celestino-” Valentino began, only for nothing else to come out.
"You know I was asked if I wanted to immediately announce my commitment to KTM, but I told the team to wait. To wait until the next race so I could tell YOU before it was announced! How stupid of me to think you cared.”
Rubbing away tears, Bezz tried to reach over, only for Celestino to pull his arm away.
“I know I’ve been a disappointment, but I was hoping that you’d at least care enough to see that I was going to achieve my dream this week.” Celestino said, shaking. 
“I, I just wanted to make you proud. I still remember nervously telling you that RedBull gave me a better sponsorship offer than Monster. Back then you told me it was fine, that a sponsor meant nothing. But I see how it is, no matter what I do, as long as I bear any mark similar to Marc I will never be accepted here.”
And Celestino left the table, immediately heading out, and Valentino just sat there, like an idiot. As Marco chased after his best friend, Pecco picked at his food and Luca glared dangerously at his brother.
Finally meeting his younger brother’s gaze, Valentino cowering as Luca pointed his finger at the main entrance, eyes piercing, lips pursed, and face hardened as two simple words left Luca’s mouth.
“Fix this.”
He didn't.
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whydoubleu · 5 years
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The Yellow Tifosi
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hotabiscom · 7 years
Rossi Persiapan Operasi
SELEBUZZ.CO.ID – Kabar buruk buat penggemar seri balapan MotoGp. Sepuluh hari menjelang MotoGP San Marino, Minggu (10/9/2017), Valentino Rossi mengalami kecelakaan parah. Pebalap tim Movistar Yamaha itu mengalamai kecelakaan saat latihan enduro di Tavuilla pada Rabu (31/8/2017).
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Valentino Rossi yang baru mengalami kecelakaan saat latihan motor enduro guna melatih skill…
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limadetikcom · 7 years
Valentino Rossi Alami Kecelakan dan Dilarikan ke Rumah Sakit
Valentino Rossi Alami Kecelakan dan Dilarikan ke Rumah Sakit
TAVUILLA – Pembalap Tim Movistar Yamaha, Valentino Rossi, dikabarkan harus dilarikan ke rumah sakit pada Jumat (1/9/2017) dini hari WIB. The Doctor –julukan Rossi– dikabarkan mengalami patah tulang kaki kanan setelah mengalami saat mengendarai motocross di Ranch miliknya.
Menurut berita yang dimuat Motorsport, Rossi mengalami cedera pada otot tibia dan fibula pada kaki kanannya. Rider 38 tahun…
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Rossi komentari Performa Agresif Mantan Pebalap Moto2
Rossi komentari Performa Agresif Mantan Pebalap Moto2
Rossi komentari Performa Agresif Mantan Pebalap Moto2 Rossi komentari Performa Agresif Mantan Pebalap Moto2 Kartu18.com, Tavuilla – Pebalap Movistar Yamaha, Valentino Rossi, menyebut sistem kompetisi di kelas Moto2 membuat para pebalap mudah jauh lebih berani mengambil resiko. Imbasnya, mereka juga kerap tampil agresif dan kadang membahayakan saat sudah naik kelas dan membalap di arena MotoGP.…
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whydoubleu · 5 years
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Ciao! Papa got to work sons!
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Valentino Rossi Curhat soal Tantangan Membalap di Usia 38 Tahun
Valentino Rossi Curhat soal Tantangan Membalap di Usia 38 Tahun
Valentino Rossi menginginkan persaingan yang lebih ketat agar motivasinya untuk meraih gelar juara dunia ke-10 tidak hilang. kartu18.com, Tavuilla- Pebalap Movistar Yamaha, Valentino Rossi, mengaku butuh mendapat tekanan lebih dari rival-rivalnya pada MotoGP 2017. The Doctor meyakini tekanan besar tersebut bisa melecut motivasi untuk tampil kompetitif pada usia 38 tahun. “Sejujurnya, saat ini…
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