friendsrpbg · 6 years
J20171005-0026—Ericameria fasciculata—RPBG—DxO by John Rusk Via Flickr: Ericameria fasciculata—Eastwood's goldenbush. The species is included in the CNPS Inventory of Rare and Endangered Plants on list 1B.1 (rare, threatened, or endangered in CA and elsewhere). Eastwood's goldenbush is presently found solely in Northern Monterey County. Although much habitat is protected in Fort Ord National Monument, S.F.B. Morse Botanical Preserve, and Monterey County parks, the species is sometimes inadvertently sprayed in weed abatement programs because it colonizes disturbed areas. An excellent description of the plant can be found in Elkhorn Slough Coastal Training Program fact sheet "Ericameria fasciculata" www.elkhornsloughctp.org/factsheet/factsheet.php?SPECIES_... . Photographed at Regional Parks Botanic Garden located in Tilden Regional Park near Berkeley, CA.
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friendsrpbg · 7 years
J20171005-0026—Ericameria fasciculata—RPBG—DxO by John Rusk Via Flickr: Ericameria fasciculata—Eastwood's goldenbush. The species is included in the CNPS Inventory of Rare and Endangered Plants on list 1B.1 (rare, threatened, or endangered in CA and elsewhere). Eastwood's goldenbush is presently found solely in Northern Monterey County. Although much habitat is protected in Fort Ord National Monument, S.F.B. Morse Botanical Preserve, and Monterey County parks, the species is sometimes inadvertently sprayed in weed abatement programs because it colonizes disturbed areas. An excellent description of the plant can be found in Elkhorn Slough Coastal Training Program fact sheet "Ericameria fasciculata" www.elkhornsloughctp.org/factsheet/factsheet.php?SPECIES_... . Photographed at Regional Parks Botanic Garden located in Tilden Regional Park near Berkeley, CA.
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