#taylor because you are unaware of that fact and not because. idk. her music genuinely touches and appeals to you
bybdolan · 2 years
the person who sits next to me in some classes has really interesting taste when it comes to movies (very anti-Hollywood, very international) and it is obviously uber cool and they are much more educated than me in that regard etc but unfortunately they are not super fun to talk to about art :/
i feel youuuu. it’s the same thing with people who like older music from the 60s and 70s and judge people who are into modern music… its like, yes i love joni mitchell and bob dylan and all these guys but i can also really enjoy people like tswift and phoebe yk? the idea that “high art” is only exclusive to a certain group of artists is not itttt
Yes! I 100% agree with the assessment that the trend to label people pretentious simply for watching foreign movies or being into things that are only slightly off the mainstream path etc. is super dangerous and reflects a larger issue, howeverrr as with many things there is a bit of nuance to the conversation. Generally speaking, taste is something often shaped by circumstances beyond our control and the whole notion of "high" and "low culture" is a bit classist and also does not work when looking at the constantly changing landscape of pop culture, so there's that, but I also think it comes down to the simple question of how we interact with other people lol Like obviously it is ultimately not that deep and I am just making a bitchy little post on tumblr, but there absolutely are people whose good taste, be it intentionally or not, makes them talk down to people who might not be on the same level as them. Which is understandable to some extent, but can really ruin a conversation when one party is left with the feeling that their opinion is treated as something that should be corrected. And obviously it is never bad to critically examine a piece of media you are consuming, but sometimes you walk away from it still liking it! Because a lot of that is... subjective. It's just important to have a diverse media diet and be aware of which impulses the media you are consuming might have emerged from.
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