#tazmily doodles
warm-tazmily · 9 months
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they all hate each other
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melonscythe · 2 years
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things from a tazmily, kansas 2006 au im chipping away at
(second image says "quit your job" "why" "join my emo jazz band")
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sillypicklz · 1 year
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【Mother 2 1/2 character design doodles/notes】
Lucas and Claus (15), and Boney (6)
It's the Tazmily twins- Lucas is here for the mission, while Claus is here for the action! And they brought the dog!! Lucas fights the bad guys with a stick or bat, his brother prefers a blade, and Boney... well he's a dog, so what do you think he uses.
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More pencil doodles :3 (i forgot to put the stripes on his pants in the second pic gdangit)
Lotsa stuff with this one so you can read all my thoughts below the cut ^^
So I think about Fassad Probably much more than most people like to
He's really interesting to me, as probably the MOTHER series's only villain who's completely and totally unsympathetic (heck, Shigesato Itoi even describes him as being unable to understand other creatures feeling pain!!!) And then of course you have the whole mystery of his backstory
Like when you first meet him, he just seems like a jerk, but a normal jerk Much later on, you realize that there's so much he's actually been hiding He's an incredibly powerful PSI user, he's King P's most trusted advisor, he knows all about Tazmily and the secrets of the Nowhere Islands, and of course, he's finally revealed to be Locria
So this is an alternate outfit I came up with for him at one point! very sharp and masculine in comparison to the rest of the Magi (that's the term i've been using for them instead of the actual one, because, you know... the slur >_<) I even made a sprite edit, so here's the design in color!
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I like to imagine Fassad being sort of a "master of disguise," and the outfit he wears in the actual game is just the facade (mwahaha) he's adopted for Tazmily: just a humble, benevolent peddler from far away, certainly not a sleazy, opportunistic scumbag with a sadistic streak
When he has the chance to kick back though, he prefers to dress more finely. One of his turn-waster moves ingame is actually him thinking about "Western-style clothing" which I think is really funny to interpret as him missing his fancy suits and ties XD
Oh and Fassad is never seen interacting with the Masked Man in the actual story, but I really really love thinking about him actually being a super involved figure in MM's creation and training. I have a fic I'm working on about that very idea, and boy does he really get to suck there. If you can't guess from the first doodle up there, he has MM fitted with a collar just like Salsa's.
What a horrible guy.
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scamperin-shroom · 2 years
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They're working on it
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panickypeachboy · 5 years
Send ✎ and the name of a character and I’ll do a quick sketch of them.
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//Not a crybaby anymore! ...I think.
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grumpygilly · 4 years
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do not use. gift art // do not tag as kin/id
another bday doodle for @/tazmily-twins-daily
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gentletwin · 4 years
repost. don’t reblog.
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── ♡ 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐬 !!
color: mainly yellow! also red and light blue though.
season: summer! he’s always down to swim. though he also loves spring for the flowers blooming after the rain. late spring, early summer is probably his favorite part of the year.
holiday: christmas! it’s not really a religious thing in tazmily, it’s just a thing for family, and he loves the vibes.
location: sunshine forest. even with the trauma that took place there, he tries not to let it overshadow all the happy childhood memories he has there.
activity: anything he can do outside ��� gardening, climbing trees, taking boney on walks. though he also loves being crafty. he doodles, he has some basic sewing knowledge he got from hinawa, he’d learn an instrument without hesitating if the opportunity ever presented itself.
film / show: he barely ever watches TV. happy box was a big no-no in his house, and still kind of is, even with technology being mostly accepted in their lives after the Dark Dragon, but he’s definitely seen movies and tv at friends’ houses and in the mansion. i feel like he would adore moomin valley.
food: omelets!!
beverage: orange juice, sometimes soda if he’s feeling Spicy.
animal: dogs, 100%. sheep are a close second. no, he’s not biased.
flowers: sunflowers. remind him of his mother.
song: DCMC’s theme!
tagged by: @panickypeachboy​ ( thanks! ) tagging: @hcartlcss​, @musesoiree​, @onett-savior​, @felixiiisms​, and you!! if you want!!
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mikzhyu · 5 years
Like, a summary of the plot and what happened in it? Or a retelling if you want to. I’m rlly curious. Oh this is rp Anon
for as far as we got up to before we stopped roleplaying it, the rp itself spanned over i think... 5 years. here’s a timeline with a brief description of what happens where.
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i’m explaining the whole roleplay here, not just claus and giygas, and it’s also been a while (this was done over voice, not text) so bear with me.
i’ll add whatever doodles i had done of things that happened.
the rp takes place post-mother 3, like, immediately so. lucas wakes up once the world has been reset via the dragon and starts just, well, sadly going about his business. it’s only when -- i believe -- someone caught wind that someone was inside of the graveyard. when lucas went, it was actually claus, who had been brought back to life somehow after his death. they check to see if lucas’ wish fully came true, only to find that hinawa had not been brought back as well. (lucas wished for everything to return back to him... which included his brother and mother.)
soon after that, more strange sightings started. first was ninten, who promptly found ana being attacked by zombies in the graveyard. i don’t remember where lloyd came in. this is under the assumption that teddy had died at the end of mother 1. ninten has no clue how they got there, as they were just coming down mt. itoi from fighting giegue.
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the earthbound crew was next; ness washing up from the beach, and honest to god i don’t remember where the other 3 appeared from. ness and co were taken from just after ness awakening to his powers in magicant.
the last person to appear out of nowhere was locria, of all people. not even they knew why or how they were alive.
that’s a lie, whoops. porky also was no longer in his weird orb thing or whatever. yeah, that spooks lucas and co. ness is confused as to why pokey is here too and why people are calling him porky. and why they’re so damn scared of him, of all things.
uhh.... blah blah, don’t remember stuff, probably a few weeks pass or whatever. yes, ness gets painfully homesick. no, they haven’t figured out a solution yet. they still don’t know how are why they all got here at all or why monsters are still appearing from everywhere.
i believe.... the next major plotpoint was that dr. andonuts managed to build/rebuild a replica time machine that the earthbound squad used to go and fight giygas fair and square, hoping that that’d set everything right again. they think they manage to defeat him, as he disappears at the end of the battle. they come back more or less safely.
very, very soon after they return claus starts to feel ill. like, really ill. in fact, he ends up shrieking in pain and ultimately shutting down without warning. i think dr. andonuts didn’t really find anything wrong with him, just that he overheated, but he couldn’t find a reason why.
once claus reawakens, he starts having weird thoughts, like a voice in the back of his head. strange deaths start to happen in tazmily, but nobody knows how or why. claus ultimately blames ninten and co for it, where ninten immediately lashes back out at him saying something really nasty, like “why should we trust you anyway? you worked under the enemy and served as their robot slave.” ninten, unfortunately, doesn’t even know why he said this and well, they kind of have a big fight. it would have ended poorly if ana hadn’t have stepped in when she did.eventually, claus starts to notice these weird things happening to himself. he tries to talk to lucas about it in his fear, but, well....
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....yeah, that’s where this comic came from. claus literally shuts down without warning when he tries to say anything. ana even mentions soon enough that she feels a horrible evil energy radiating from claus and expresses her concern.
yadda yadda, again don’t remember these bits... i believe they do eventually realize that, somehow, giygas has taken shelter inside of claus. giygas is still weak of course, so he’s not able to do much other than slightly influence claus using his more mechanical parts.
for some wack ass reason, locria shows up. they tell lucas and co. off saying that they’re not here to cause any kind of issue, just mentioning that the only thing they hate more than them was giygas for destroying magicant. they offer to seal giygas away, and after much inner turmoil, claus agrees and inevitably gets stabbed with a needle to seal him away. the seal is then kept in osohe castle.
and for 4 years, it stays there. monsters still appear but are far less aggressive and don’t appear as often. claus doesn’t hear a peep from giygas during this time, and everyone typically spends their time just trying to find a way to get the mother 1 + 2 crew back to their proper timelines. they don’t succeed. (irrelevant to the plot, but ninten + ana get together as well as lucas + ness.)
during these years, giygas had been recovering his energy again. of course, it required far more to even try and sneak his power out from the seal, but inevitably he does. using claus’ self-doubt and self-loathing, giygas managed to influence him enough to pull the needle while he’s not thinking correctly. locria doesn’t sense the danger until it’s too late, and inevitably they fade back away.
giygas is now in complete control of claus. all claus can do is watch from the back of his mind as his own body does such unspeakable things.
after this, claus, the egg of light, and lloyd all go missing. it’s easy to assume why claus and the egg of light are missing (the egg contains all the information giygas wants after all), but nobody knew how or why lloyd went missing.
some time passes. giygas is eventually located and at first a small group goes to scout ahead while the others deal with another issue, probably all the monsters overrunning tazmily. ness is the first to find him, and ends up having to fight him alone -- which ends very, very poorly. ness gets sucked back into (earthbound’s) magicant, where giygas manages to completely shatter his mind into pieces, rendering the boy completely emotionless and unable to do anything by himself.
everyone else arrives later on, and there’s a huge fight between everyone and giygas, who is now puppeteering ness. it only ends when everyone realizes they need to retreat, as most of everyone takes near-fatal damage in the fight. i believe ninten and poo manage to teleport everyone back, where lucas realizes in horror that they left ness behind. or something. they left someone behind. lucas learns how to use teleport here, since everyone else is far too exhausted to do it again. when they come back, giygas and ness are gone.
more time passes. still, nobody knows where giygas, ness, or lloyd are. lucas at this point is uh... not feeling too hot, and tensions are at an all-time high. during this time there’s a scene where giygas and ness are taking residence in whatever the heck lab is in mother 3 (sorry it’s been a while), and lloyd shows up, presenting the egg of light to giygas. giygas realizes he doesn’t know how to pull the information out of the egg and just shoves it off onto ness to hold onto for a while.
oh yeah, i forgot something related to porky happened here. i don’t remember how it ended, but giygas encountered porky here, who reveals that he has done the unthinkable -- he’s gone back in time to literally steal his younger self’s body so that he’s far more flexible again.
that’s more important than it sounds. because, using the egg of light’s power, queen maria manages to reach the depths of ness’ mind still somehow tucked away and rotting and guides him back to his robot body to help him fix all of this.
eventually giygas figures he needs to seek out the guardian of the egg of light, who happens to be kumatora. he more or less just shows up on their doorstep and threatens to kill everyone if she doesn’t. he nearly does, too, because kumatora doesn’t know how to open the egg either, but in her distress as duster is beginning to die away from giygas’ attacks, she manages to get it open somehow. giygas ultimately releases duster to grab the egg, leaving him still alive, albeit barely.
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i don’t remember how, but one of the robot bodies that dr. andonuts made shows up and shoves the puppet ness away from everyone, stopping him from killing them all. giygas commands puppet ness to get rid of it, and the two duke it out for a while, before the robot casts a really high level of starstorm and just absolutely knocks puppet ness the fuck out. the robot then walks over, grabs the hat that puppet ness dropped, and sticks it on his head, signifying that he’s ness’ mind taking residence there.
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giygas decides he needs to take measures into his own hands and tries to dip into the robot’s mind again like he had done with ness before to try and squish out that dying light. it’s here that he finds that it’s maria herself that is protecting ness, and giygas simply cowers in fear and despair from her. robot ness is able to deliver the final blow on him, knocking giygas right back into the deep recesses of claus’ mind. ness is able to merge back into his proper body.
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surprisingly, this is the part where i start remembering less... even though it’s the most recent stuff that happened. i think there was another little time skip? not too big of one, though. during this time, more and more chimeras start appearing and attacking tazmily rather than just all the random beings being overly aggressive. ness and lucas go out somewhere in the mountains together, only for the two of them to end up stuck in moonside somehow.
ness and lucas get separated here, but using that one dude from earthbound who fucking died in moonside’s guidance, lucas manages to find ness and get them both out of moonside.
except, when they return, nobody can see ness. and... there’s another ness still in tazmily? we’ll call them ghost!ness and other!ness. yeah, there’s a lot of nesses in this rp. lucas doesn’t quite trust other!ness, believing that it’s some sort of moonside trick and he’s there to hurt everyone. but of course, nobody believes lucas that ghost!ness is even there or exists.
eventually, after ninten and ana figure out that they can see ghost!ness, they use the method of a pop quiz and find out that ghost!ness is the fake one after all. it’s far too late, though, because ghost!ness drags the whole gang straight into moonside together, revealing himself to actually be moonside!ness, the new manimani that porky made using giygas’ power he’d captured long ago.
and.... that’s about as far as we got. we stopped right when everyone entered moonside and never returned to the roleplay.
if you have any further questions or want specifications for stuff, just ask? i’m happy to talk about it, haha. i hope at least most things made sense.
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liittlemac-a · 5 years
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doodle doodle doodle (for @tazmily-family lawl)
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askgiegueandcrew · 6 years
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(I wanted to doodle some people I’ve seen in the community, but, I only had fifteen minutes at work and tumblr refused to load. SO. Here are some reference-less doodles from earlier today!! Main regrets: not remembering how to draw anyone from that good, good complete dissonance blog, weeps, I tried so hard to look up refs, but tumblr was having none of it.
@anearthstruckalien @pippilindgren @ask-the-chosen-starman @ask-tazmily-twins
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warm-tazmily · 10 months
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oops, new art blog !!
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bassplunder · 5 years
repost, don’t reblog.
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– one / name / alias.  full name is Cynthia, but I go by Theia bc I hate when people try to give me nicknames like Cindy! Dont do that! Gross! – two /  birthday.  March 7th – three / zodiac sign.  Pisces  – four /  height.  5′5″ – five  /  hobbies.  Writing, language, doodling, rattling off trivia about anything from comic books to games to musicals to theme parks – six /  favourite colors.  Pink, mint green, lilac..... I could go on – seven / favourite books.  Oh man! So many. I’m only just now getting into Percy Jackson, I love the Harry Potter series despite everything thats..... happened.... I still have a soft spot for Warriors, and my recent favorite is Undead Girl Gang which I highly recommend! – eight  /  last song listened to.  Seventeen from Heathers. I’ve been on a kick for that musical. – nine  /  last film watched.  Detective Pikachu, in theaters, over a month ago. I don’t watch movies very often – ten  /  inspiration for muse.  I’ve loved Mother 3 and Duster in particular for over ten years now. He is my oldest and dearest muse, right up next to Captain America. – eleven  / dream job.  Translation! Clyde Mandelin is my absolute hero and inspiration. – twelve  / meaning behind your url.  I’ve mentioned this before but it was literally just “uhhhh bassthief sounds dumb... whats a synonym for stealing things...... plunder? ok cool done”
tagged/got it by:  @tazmily-family tagging: uhhhh you? you if you havent done it. cop outs are fun!
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cartoonlonk-a · 6 years
♡ Your Muse  ♡
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likes artificial watermelon | sleeps in what they’re already wearing | eats their cereal with milk | listens to music with earbuds | hates the summer | can recite past the first four digits of pi | eats frosting out of the jar | doodles on their notebooks | can bake cookies | has a garden | has had a snowball fight | eats pancakes without syrup | prefers shorts to pants | can name more than ten superheroes | has a plan for the zombie apocalypse | uses the same password for everything | can’t hold their breath for more than fifteen seconds | watches anime | hasn’t read harry potter | can say ‘I love you’ in more than one language | prefers mechanical pencils | thinks space is cool | takes personality tests more than once to make sure | can’t tie their shoelaces | has a purse | likes salad | likes cool colors better than warm colors | knows how to braid hair | reads biographies | can ice skate | knows their mbti | reads astrology charts | prefers the star wars prequels to the original trilogy | plays video games | reads the newspaper | likes chocolate ice cream better | doesn’t cuss | memorizes song lyrics | collects coupons | has a preferred order at starbucks | likes movie theater popcorn | has seen a play | listens to music with headphones | owns a hoodie | would rather own cds than online copies | has written a poem | can shuffle cards | subscribes to a magazine | double dips when eating | drinks directly out of the milk container | keeps a journal |
Tagged by: @tazmily-family​ thanks! Tagging: Whomst woke up today
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spectrechildren · 6 years
Your Muse
likes artificial watermelon | sleeps in what they’re already wearing | eats their cereal with milk | listens to music with earbuds | hates the summer | can recite past the first four digits of pi | eats frosting out of the jar | doodles on their notebooks | can bake cookies | has a garden | has had a snowball fight | eats pancakes without syrup | prefers shorts to pants | can name more than ten superheroes | has a plan for the zombie apocalypse | uses the same password for everything | can’t hold their breath for more than fifteen seconds | watches anime | hasn’t read harry potter | can say ‘I love you’ in more than one language | prefers mechanical pencils | thinks space is cool | takes personality tests more than once to make sure | can’t tie their shoelaces | has a purse | likes salad | likes cool colors better than warm colors | knows how to braid hair | reads biographies | can ice skate | knows their mbti | reads astrology charts | prefers the star wars prequels to the original trilogy | plays video games | reads the newspaper | likes chocolate ice cream better | doesn’t cuss | memorizes song lyrics | collects coupons | has a preferred order at starbucks | likes movie theater popcorn | has seen a play | listens to music with headphones | owns a hoodie | would rather own cds than online copies | has written a poem | can shuffle cards | subscribes to a magazine | double dips when eating | drinks directly out of the milk container | keeps a journal
tagged by: YOINK tagging: @tazmily-family @akuromatico @grimastor anyone else who wants to go ham!!
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scamperin-shroom · 2 years
Notes on BM Post Game AU Claus:
Constantly stressed
Trying his best
Still uneasy around Lucas but tries not to be
Needs rest honestly
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I headcanon Claus being the type of person who hates change. He struggles adjusting to new things. It makes him frustrated not having control over his own situation
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More calming practices. I tend to have vocal stims whenever I get extremely anxious, stress, or am overwhelmed with intrusive thoughts. They help calm me down or distract my brain for a bit. I thought Lucas in this AU would be the same
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Aggressive sibling love because self care is important. Claus didn't sleep well the first few days and Lucas noticed. He joked with him that he wouldn't sleep and immediately lost the argument
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Parallel to the Worry and Guilt drawing I did
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Your honor, the siblings ✨
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