#tb bluestar
twilights-800-cats · 11 months
bluestar…. was any of what you did worth it?
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kindlingumbra · 1 year
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Frosted Spike and kitten Mondo.
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twilidramon · 7 months
Just found Tinystars Beginning and binge read Into the Wild in less than a day. They should hire you to write for the main series ngl. Any plans to do something with the Super Editions?
Oh wow, thanks!
As far as the Super Editions go, I do have a few ideas - one mirroring Bluestar's Prophecy, one mirroring Firestar's Quest, and an original one that rolls in a lot of the concepts and locations from later SEs. Honestly, I think that's all I've got in me, since I've got a very definite end to the TB series in mind, whether I finish it or not.
I also don't intend for these to be required reading to understand the main series, which is always a pit the canon Super Editions fall into - so I don't have to rush to work on them, and I can figure them out when I feel like it.
Brief concepts for the three (without obvious spoilers):
Tinystar's Quest - (their titles are not meant to be 1:1 with their canon counterparts, I just don't have a confirmed title for this one, as, frankly, its the least important one in my mind) after learning that Fiona has been having visions of a StarClan warrior, Tinystar and Cloudtail must help her forge her destiny and rebuild a tragically forgotten piece of Clan history - SkyClan.
Like Fire - this one is about Bluestar! Because it details a lot of prequel stuff, obviously, and follows Bluestar's story from kithood to tyrant :D Being a prequel, there's a LOT of family-tree and timeline stuff that I am trying very hard not to mess up, so this one, while exciting, is probably the most intimidating!
The Wander - since I revealed it in an ask, this one is about Sandstorm's journey home! It's a very emotional story! Out of all these concepts, I think this is the one I'm most likely to work on before the others.
I've toyed with the idea of condensing my Po3/Omen of the Stars arc into three super-edition length stories, mainly because having four different PoVs might be hard to make satisfying over six books, but I have no idea if that's what I'll do yet lol
I'd love to write for the Warriors series, but I think I'd like to duck the main books if I could, lol. The output is just too fast. The TB AU isn't perfect by any means, but if I were forced to write at the pace the Erins are at, I'm pretty sure I'd get unbearably sloppy - or I would upset the editors for not working fast enough, lol.
Side note - I know during the early years of the TB AU, I was pretty open about trashing the Erins. I regret that now. A series this big is incredibly difficult to produce and keep things straight - some of those issues are their fault, but I think most of the blame is on their editors and timelines. They're just not given the time or space to really flex themselves, and that's sad.
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oat-paw · 7 years
bluestar lost her mind!
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tb to when bluestar lost her mind 
honestly this was only created because I couldn’t draw her head lol opps
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bishop-works · 7 years
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TBSラジオ「東京ポッド許可局」の協賛として BLUE STARの「丘ソファ」のチラシを作成しました
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kindlingumbra · 1 year
who’s raven’s parents in this au? just asking.
Mondo is the accidental son of Nix Larkspar’s Mane
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kindlingumbra · 1 year
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Ræswa Nix Frosted Larkspar
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kindlingumbra · 1 year
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Ræswa Nix Larkspar, The Sunslayer
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kindlingumbra · 1 year
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Added her scars
My titan do I Iove her
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kindlingumbra · 1 year
Frosted looks really amazing with the white on their face
My first thought was trying to make sure they looked as different from Jayfire as possible then leaned more into her family name of Frosted and wanted to show why she had Spike.
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kindlingumbra · 1 year
Working on some Frosted Spike designs
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Any thoughts?
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twilights-800-cats · 2 years
TB AU Lore -- The Dark Forest
Since The Broken Code arc is done, and it's elaborations on the nature of the Dark Forest and StarClan are now canon (for now :P), I thought perhaps it was time to do a little talking on the Dark Forest in the TB AU!
I'll try to be as vague as possible for now; Like Fire, Bluestar's Super Edition that I have cooking in the deep, deep background, will deal with these topics more directly and elaborately, along with the third arc, which is still some ways away.*
Patrons got to see this post AGES ago - if you like the TB AU, consider donating here! Every little bit helps me keep doing what I love!
*Topics discussed here may change over time. For now, they are still considered canon in the TB AU
The Dark Forest is not quite the place it is in canon - in the beginning, as the Clans were first forming, there was only StarClan.
Sometime along the way, however, it became clear that some cats harbored evil in their hearts in death as well as in life. The catalyst for this event is unclear, and a closely-kept secret in StarClan, but it is believed that these dark spirits attempted a coup, to wrest the stars away from their brethren and control the Clans below.
These dark cats did not succeed - as they were captured and contained, a new place had to be formed to put them until they faded from living memory. The Dark Forest came to be upon the underbelly of StarClan; a dark, twisting, starless reflection of the otherwise paradisiacal afterlife: Where StarClan's groves were evergreen, the Dark Forest was in constant leafbare. Where prey and water was plentiful in StarClan, in the Dark Forest such resources were scarce and frequently battled over.
And so they remained. StarClan passes judgment on no cat but those who show a great, deep darkness in their hearts - all are welcome otherwise.
The Dark Forest's paths are influenced by those who walk within it. Trapped as they are, these dark spirits often have little choice but to look inward, and thus their paws often wander the same trails again and again... The less introspective, however, might find themselves searching for others - living or dead - and, maybe, finding them.
Yet the Dark Forest cats are not without hope.
Somewhere along the way a deal was struck. The cats of the Dark Forest, though arguably the worst warriorkind had to offer, still had something of value - through training cats from the living world to put their skills to use for the good of their Clans, these dark spirits might find a place in StarClan by turning deadly ambitions into a tool for prosperity.
None of the dark spirits are sure when this accord happened, and some believe it never happened at all. But it was enough to bring together a group willing to try - something unheard of in this forsaken place.
Known Dark Forest cats:
Rumored Dark Forest cats:
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twilights-800-cats · 4 years
I think I just blocked out a possible Bluestar’s Prophecy equivalent for TB... It covers a LOT more time than BP did, and as such it’d be far longer, but... oh dang. It’s hardly more detailed than a stream of consciousness and it won’t be written for a long, long while...
It’s called Like Fire! If I don’t get to it, I’ll surely put up the details. It still needs a lot of work, lol.
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twilights-800-cats · 5 years
Thank you I would like a summary of events mostly because I’m not sure how to write Thistlestar or snowfur since in cannon they have a relationship but in tb it’s obvious Thistlestar will be older than her
Well, honestly, I didn’t think much about Thistlestar and Snowfur’s relationship - but if it were to happen, as Thistlestar stands in for Sunstar in TB, it wouldn’t be until Snowfur was older. But Thistlestar doesn’t have to be the father of Whitestorm! An idea I think is sweet is maybe Thrushpelt was Whitestorm’s father!
In TB I play fast and loose with the family trees and don’t bother going into it too much; cats are half-Clan or have loner/kittypet parents or even new cats for parents to avoid incest as much as possible. For example, Oakheart is ThunderClan-born but he has no confirmed parents, and his parents don’t even need to really have canon counterparts! Rosetail wasn’t mentioned as part of the elders in the allegiances of Into the Wild, after all.
The Pinestar plot plays out just about the same - however, he and Leopardfoot likely trained together as apprentices and thus were similar in age when Pinestar became leader and they became mates. Tigerstar still had weaker siblings who died when he was a kit, and he was very affected by Pinestar’s leaving - hating him for a time, and even resenting kittypets until Tinystar came along. He was always very close with Leopardfoot, being a bit of a momma’s boy.
Goldenflower had a RiverClan mate that she had broken up with previously, and together they had Swiftclaw, who was deputy of RiverClan when TB started and stood in for Oakheart’s original role. Her relationship with Tigerstar was genuine, but Tigerstar had hangups about her old mate and was insecure, thinking he might just be a rebound. They break up the day Goldenflower planned to tell him about their kits. Whether Goldenflower got back together with her old mate or not is up in the air. Her best friend was Graypool, who knew about the kits’ true father.
Tigerstar’s relationship with Whitestorm doesn’t happen until they’re both much older, but the sparks are there (not until Whitestorm is a warrior, of course), and Tigerstar’s bisexuality would be strongly mentioned.
Sunfall in the TB universe stands in for Thistleclaw in canon, and just generally fills that same role. I didn’t have any specific thoughts about him, honestly; but maybe he manipulates Featherwhisker into becoming a medicine cat and creating signs? Featherwhisker likely doesn’t stand for this and cuts Sunfall out of his life.
One of the things I toyed around with in the TB first arc was that both Tigerstar and Bluestar were given Goosefeather’s fire prophecy - though it was most likely closer to “you are the fire that will save the Clan”. It’s likely Goosefeather saw the fire in them both - but it burned in different ways, and Tiger and Blue ended up exemplifying that. Goosefeather’s relationship with Blue was likely even more strained than in canon. It’s an interesting angle and likely caused friction between Tiger and Blue, especially with Sunfall as Blue’s mentor.
Perhaps a huge catalyst to Bluefur’s attitude is Moonflower’s death? How senseless it seemed, and how the warrior code didn’t prevent it from happening.
I like to think that maybe Tigerstar and Sunfall trained together as friends and then fall out due to Sunfall’s aggressive nature! Blue, Snow, and Oak obviously train together, too; Blue and Oak love one another from early on, but Blue’s ambitious nature makes them put off getting together until later on in their warriorhood, likely when Blue sees Snowfur with Whitekit and longs for that bond herself.
There’s really a lot here to go off of, honestly, and it feels like it could fill two super editions instead of one, lol. The more I think about it the more I kind of want to give it a try sometime soon - but here’s a good chunk of info for you to use!
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twilights-800-cats · 5 years
Russetstar’s Resolve is over!!
There are a few things I wish I had added to the novella in hindsight - exploring Russetstar’s relationship with Bluestar and how it affected her, and adding in a scene or two battling Jaggedtooth’s rogues might have benefited the story - but at the cost of keeping it to typical novella length (10 chapters). In the end, the story told what I think it needed to, though maybe those last few chapters could’ve been consolidated in order to make room for those other bits.
In the end it felt like Russetstar’s relationship with Bluestar could be a novella of its own, and it wouldn’t really fit in with the story of this novella. It may be a novella idea for the future.
And speaking of the future...
I’m still working on a backlog for Midnight. Once I have a suitable queue of chapters I’ll begin posting. I can guarantee that it will begin posting by the end of the year - just not when, exactly. Not yet, anyway. It needs a little fine tuning still but the story is coming along well, in my opinion.
Thank you all for your support for the TB AU series - I’m always happy to accept questions and talk about parts of the universe I don’t get to in the stories. The TB AU will resume with Arc 2 and its first entry, Midnight!
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twilights-800-cats · 5 years
I just wanna drop in and say that when Mosspaw died I did, in fact, cry a little. It was just BRUTAL and I do wanna ask this- we've seen almost everyone's reactions, but what about Bluestar? Do you think she'd be upset to know her daughter died so suddenly, and so young? Or would she pull some manipulative tactic and fake it??
Honestly? She’s very upset, in her own way.
Bluestar in the TB universe had a lot of high hopes for her children - they were her legacy, the cats who would hold together everything she spent her life building, or finish building her legacy if she died before it could happen.
She loved her kits - but had she seen them grow she’d have been a very, very harsh mother. High expectations, no patience for back-talk, and certainly no standing for her kits rebelling against her plans for them. Her visions for each of them were the best visions, after all. Not all love is good, nurturing, proper love.
Mosspaw’s desire to be a medicine cat was plain even when she was a kit, and Bluestar knew that one day that could prove very advantageous for Stonepaw or Mistypaw (whichever took over after she died). Bluestar (unlike original Tigerstar) knew the power of medicine cats and their influence on the Clan, so she encouraged Mosspaw - but for the wrong reasons, lmao.
As she prowled the Dark Forest after her death Bluestar was bitter and full of hate - but she knew she left a legacy behind that she could tap into one day soon. Seeing one of those lights go out makes her angry - seeing that light go to StarClan only makes her angrier.
So yes to both, lol.
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