#tbbb's OCs
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Banner art by @mwolf0epsilon
Name Etymology
Chance's name was given to him because of his propensity for gambling. He found out early on that he had an almost unnatural knack for gambling, betting, or any sort of game of chance. He was so good that he never lost a bet, and most cadets tried to call him out for cheating, but he wasn't. He was just that good. Anytime he said, "I'll bet you 5 credits xyz will happen," everyone believed him. In his teen years, he began a black market on Kamino and was quite successful.
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Chance is the youngest member of Phoenix Squad. He gets along well with all the other members of the squad, even Brett on a good day, and is an all around nice guy. He's incredibly studious and enjoys reading holo-books more than anything. A lover, not a fighter, but he will fight for what he believes in. The biggest oddity about Chance is that he's either incredibly smart or incredibly dumb and nowhere in between. He also really loves candy.
Mood Boards:
SFW Alphabet
NSFW Alphabet
View his tags -> #oc: chance
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Physical Appearance
Chance has the standard clone physique, and doesn't care much for working out. He's a natural blonde, which deviates from the clone standard, but he keeps the stand regulation length. Chance does not have any facial hair, scarring, piercings, or tattoos on his body.
Character Art:
Greyscale Bust
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Character Timeline
Early Cadet Years:
CT-5050, or Chance, was the most normal clone decanted of the squad. He grew up being the perfect clone, albeit for his recessive hair color gene, and was average in all of his studies and practicums. He spent most of his time with his nose in holo-books, studying everything from strategy to star constellations. As a cadet, Chance decided early on that he wanted to be a medic in the GAR.
Invasion of Kamino:
During the invasion of Kamino in 21 BBY, Chance and the other members of Phoenix Squad followed Tungst to the outer rings of Tipoca City as part of the frontal assault. With limited resources and training as a seventh year, Chance used whatever armor and blaster Tungst gave him. During the firefight, Chance stationed himself behind the barricade with a panicking Drip and provided support for the rest of the squad from there. After a missile landed in close proximity, wounding several clone cadets, Chance left Drip to render aid and promised he would be right back. Chance made quick work of the cadet's wounds when suddenly his vision went black. When his eyes opened again, he was staring up at Tungst. His arm and leg were missing and he could feel the blood draining from his body. He leaned into Tungst's embrace and whispered his final words before taking his last breath.
Aftermath of Chance's Death:
Order 66:
Destruction of Tipoca City:
Imperial Service:
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Icon Guide -> HERE
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Updated: 5/11/2024
Navigation Page
*When I commissioned Eps to make the character banners, I sent her some stick figure references I made in Canva. For laughs and giggles, I've added it to the post.*
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11 notes · View notes
thecoffeelorian · 4 months
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Chapter Title: The Bet
Word Count: 1,542 words.
Brief Description: Captain Howzer x Female Reader, Captain Howzer x Chandrilan Reader (Singular Love Interest). Just when you're one step away from getting onto the ship bound for Naboo...some unseen force of nature finally intervenes, and you then have to make the biggest decision of your life.
AO3: Link Here
Extra Notes: My Clone Trooper OC, Commander Miles, has his first speaking cameo in this story! Hope you all come to love him as much as I do!
Chapter Masterlist: Link Here
The No-Pressure Tag List: @skellymom @masterjedilenawrites @littlefeatherr @ceejay3636 @red-plaidedandcladed
@knightprincess @carlixz @zaryashame @amazonian-bae @badbatchjedi
@weirdest-lights @crosshair-lover @clxnewxrs @offspringsdaughter @liliskywalker
@sunshinefanfictioninsp @sunshinesdaydream @nerfpuncher @burningfieldof-clover @angrypaperearthquake-tbbb-main
@techhasmjolnir and anybody else who might want some more Howzer x Reader stories in their lives.
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There's a cold chill growing upon the back of your neck as you step out of the line, your focus now trained solely upon this Trooper. Judging from the shape and placement of his pauldron, he's some kind of high command official, like a Captain or a Commander...and as of this moment, he just might be a few steps away from bringing you in for questioning.
“What seems to be the problem, sir?” Especially if, should your fears prove to be correct, your own father has found a way to keep you from leaving.
“Are you the eldest daughter of Julian Minola?” Which, apparently, he seems to have figured out right as you arrived at this spaceport.
“I...am an eldest daughter, Sir. Why do you ask?” In response, his right hand beg­ins to move toward his left wrist, a sure sign that you just might be one comm away from the lecture of your life. “Well, ma’am, I may have just received a message from your father—” “—It’s because of my father that I'm getting on board that ship, Captain...?” “Miles, ma’am. Commander Miles.” You're not about to give up so easily, though. Not when you're standing just a few steps away from literal freedom. “May I ask if you’re, ah...dealing with any trouble at home?” In fact, if you can speak well enough to the Trooper before you...would it perhaps, be a possibility that you end up convincing him to let you go?
“...Of a sort, Commander.”
“And that is?”
“Simple. I’m not staying in a place where I’ll be sold off to the highest bidder.”
At first, you see this Commander’s entire stance go rigid, and for a moment, you can almost swear he’s about to call your father to this very spot himself. Perhaps you might even deserve such a response as well, considering you were literally one sentence away from broaching a very uncomfortable topic of discussion.
There go your hopes of getting away blame-free. On the other hand...even though your supposed ‘place’ is within a gilded cage and his was once within the line of fire, just how different are the two of you at the end of the day? Isn’t it an odd coincidence that the both of you were raised for one purpose and one purpose only, whether or not you try to fight it in the end?
Furthermore, isn’t it a cold hard fact of life that women can die in the delivery room just as easily as men do on the battlefield, especially when the wrong people are left in charge? It certainly appears to be that way sometimes, what with the few but frightening tales about such things that you’ve read on the holonet late at night. Things that could easily happen to you or someone else you know, even if you all do your best to take the necessary precautions first.
Sure, you and your sister didn't come off of some genetic assembly line with countless other girls both ahead and behind you, but in the eyes of Chandrilan society, you’re not the first daughter to be married off and, chances are, you won't be the last for some time yet.
Not as long as there are more people around that cling to the old ways rather than changing or rejecting them.
It’s not that uncommon, either, for younger men on this planet to remarry within a few years of losing their first wives, if indeed ‘the worst’ should happen to them. According to a few old family stories, that was exactly how your father came to exist in the first place, as your paternal grandfather had once been married long before meeting your grandmother. Is it really too much to assume, then, that the both of you are replaceable?
“...Hm... and what about Captain Howzer?” Your line of thought is brought to a halt the moment this good commander chooses his next approach, and an unexpected one at that. “Who...?” ‘Howzer’? Who or what is that, some kind of obscure Trooper code word? “Captain Howzer, ma’am. The one who spoke to you earlier?” —Oh. Oh-h-h. So that was the interesting Trooper you just happened to meet in the middle of your escape. The one who didn’t look at you strangely or start asking you questions about where you were going, but just interacted with you instead like—like you weren’t something to be judged, or bothered by, and for that, you had started having—feelings. Awkward, yes...but still feelings.
You might have once thought that any and all of those awkward feelings had gone the moment that the two of you had gone your separate ways. Indeed, if the two of you were truly meant to never meet again, both you and that Captain might have eventually or gotten your first meeting, and so moved on with your lives. Now that you might, in fact end up speaking to him a second time, though...you feel that old heat rising in your cheeks all over again. “You...know each other?” “We’ve spoken before, all right.” A heat that could either excite you or embarrass you utterly, if it’s not dealt with in the correct manner. “So, then...what did he say about me?” But then again, there’s still your flight. Your one chance to trade Chandrila for Naboo, and it’s evident in the second pinging that you receive from your Comm. Can you really throw it all away now, just for somebody who might lose interest in you soon enough, if not also leave you behind instead? “Only that you were the kindest, sweetest lady he ever had the luck of meeting, and that he hopes you might yet return.” “ ‘Return’...?!” Can you really also run the future risk of some kind of complication when, or even if, whatever's waiting for you back home leads to the next generation of Minolas? “And how, Commander, do I end up explaining a change of heart to the Naboo University faculty? How do I explain it to the Queen?!” Oh, but your voice is getting shrill now, and perhaps also your bad temper right along with it. This wasn’t how things were supposed to end for you. This day wasn't supposed to be so jumbled, so confusing, as to send your mind into a tailspin. What, if anything, are you supposed to do with yourself now...? “Let me put it this way...” As though to answer you, the Commander touches a hand to his helmeted forehead, a single gesture might be a secret sign to remind you to calm down and think. “He’s eager to see you, that much is a given—but at the same time you’re eager to leave. I get that. I'm not going to make your decisions for you, ma’am, and you don’t have to listen to me if you don’t want to—but what if you were able to do both?” “ ‘Both’?” “Yep.” “How do I do both?” “Simple. You go back and listen to what he has to say, try whatever he offers for about a month...then, if it doesn’t work out for you, can go back to your original plan and leave for Naboo at your earliest convenience.” “What...you mean, like a bet?" “More of a trial run, really. That is, unless you’re willing to treat it like one?” “Hmm…” You absentmindedly finger the pouch full of credits hidden beneath your poncho, remembering the amount you'd saved up in secret before your escape. Would it be so wise to toss your money away upon a simple gamble, never mind a man who you don’t exactly know that well?
On the other hand, though...what if he did have a point here after all, and you ended up owing him instead? “...And what if I offered you five hundred credits as a reward, should I decide to stay?” The Commander becomes just a little bit flustered after hearing this, as he demonstrates the same nervous head-rubbing gesture that you’ve seen a handful of other Troopers do whenever they were stressed out or troubled. Clearly, you’ve given him a lot to think about in a short amount of time, if he hasn’t also done the same for you. “Well, I ah...I guess I would have to find a banker willing enough to open an account for me!” Nevertheless, if the possibility exists that Captain isn’t the only Trooper looking for a fresh restart in life, and as long as you yourself dislike the idea of an entire army getting left by the wayside— “Then I think you and I just might have a deal, Commander.” —Then let it be five hundred credits to start Commander Miles upon his way if he’s victorious, and if not, the longed-for flight to Naboo for you. “We may indeed, Miss Minola. Time to make it official.” Either way, the two of you seal the deal with a handshake, the sign of business in action...and then, just as the last of your three notifications comes, the commander finally motions to the pilot that she has full clear­ance to take off. Well, that's the end, perhaps, but only for now. For better or for worse, your one journey may be postponed, all right...but another journey seems to be just beginning, even if you can't exactly be too sure of the outcome just yet.
Maybe this time, though, if you keep a full heart and an open mind...you’ll be better prepared to see it through.
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photogirl894 · 1 year
Chapter 3
"Pillow Talk"
A "Fairy Tail" fanfic
Pairing: Gajeel x fem OC
A/N: My gosh, it's been forever! My writing motivation has been lacking, but it's been helping a little that I'm still rewatching Fairy Tail, so my inspiration for this is still going strong! I've had the dialogue for this whole chapter written for weeks and my husband even helped me with a couple ideas for this one 😊😊
Hope y'all enjoy the next step of Genna and Gajeel's first adventure! 😊 (As well as the picture of Gajeel below 😉😍)
Taglist: @l-lend , @rosechi , @the-bad-batch-baroness , @angrypaperearthquake-tbbb-main
《 Chapter 2
》 Coming soon!
All chapters
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Explanation: After a hard battle, Genna, Gajeel and Lily rest for the night before returning home, where Genna and Gajeel begin to bond in the late hours of the night.
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Gajeel and Lily had been walking for a while away from the village on Akane Beach after Genna had told them to go back to Magnolia. Gajeel was briskly trudging along, gritting his teeth as he went in frustration. He'd never asked to be put on this job, so why was the girl giving him crap about it? This wasn't his problem and if she wanted to be a brat about it, then fine. He didn't need that extra baggage to worry about it. She wanted to take on the Shadow Wizard on her own, then that was her choice. He'd made his stance on the matter clear, so if things went wrong, she had no one to blame but herself.
On the other hand, Lily walked a few paces behind Gajeel, his head hung with guilt. He saw the sun was setting and was getting close to disappearing on the horizon before he stopped and looked back in the direction they had come from. He didn't like having to leave Genna behind. They had been entrusted to her and this job and it felt like they were letting both her and Fairy Tail down. No...this was wrong. They had no idea how powerful the Dark Wizard in the forest actually was. If things went south and something happened to Genna when they weren't there to stop it...he would never forgive himself.
"Yo, what's the hold up?" he heard Gajeel call out back to him.
Turning back and walking up to Gajeel, Lily replied, "It doesn't feel right leaving Genna behind. We should go back."
His studded eyebrows furrowed and, with a frown, Gajeel spat, "Hey, she made it pretty clear that she didn't want us around, so this is what she gets."
That was something Lily was not going to accept. "No, you made it clear you didn't want to help and she was done listening to you complaining," he fired back.
"What are ya lecturin' me for? I was just bein' honest," Gajeel argued.
Lily folded his arms across his chest and stated, "You can be honest and still know that there's a time and place to say certain things."
"What are ya talkin' about?" Gajeel asked, irritated.
"You got sent on this job with her because you couldn't stop goading her and couldn't keep your mouth shut. You should have kept your complaints to yourself and just helped Genna with the job," Lily told him sternly.
Rolling his eyes, Gajeel just responded, "So what? She told me to leave, so that's what I'm doin'. It doesn't matter now."
"Yes, it does," Lily countered, taking a couple steps closer. Then he stated in a calm yet unwavering tone, "She's expected to do this job in order to get into Fairy Tail and she shouldn't do it alone. Think about where you used to be before you joined the guild. You were lucky, Gajeel, and didn't have to prove anything. They already knew your potential and accepted you into the guild. Look where it's gotten you. Don't you think your life has been better because of it?"
Gajeel turned away. He didn't think Lily would bring him and his past into the conversation like that, but he knew the Exceed had a point. Not that he would admit it. Yes, his life had become a lot better and more meaningful since joining Fairy Tail. It had made him a better person...not that he always felt that way...like in the situation they were in right then. Deep down, he knew leaving Genna was probably a bad idea, but he had been too frustrated in the moment to care.
Lily continued, "We are potentially depriving Genna of that same chance at a better life if we leave her now. Erza trusted you to come here with Genna and evaluate if she's got what it takes to be in Fairy Tail. Do you really want to break that trust she put in you?"
The Iron Dragon's fists clenched at his sides. Why did Lily have to be right all the time?
Crossing his arms again and smirking up at his friend, Lily said in conclusion, knowing this would be the final blow to bring down Gajeel's pride, "Not only that, but you'll have to suffer Erza's wrath if we return without Genna."
"Tch...I hate when you do that, Lily," Gajeel muttered, annoyed, and still refusing to look at him.
"What, be right?" Lily questioned in return. He then sprouted his wings, flew up and moved himself in front of Gajeel, hovering in front of him so he could see his face. "I know you're better than this, Gajeel," he reassured him. "You don't want to do this to Genna, but you're too stubborn to admit you're wrong and go back. Well, now's not the time for that. She's planning to go up against a Shadow Wizard when the sun goes down and we don't know what she'll be up against. If we don’t go back now, there's no telling what might happen."
Gajeel looked over his shoulder back towards the beach and the forest off in the distance, now being just barely lit up by the disappearing sun. Somewhere back there, Genna was getting ready to face down a force she might or might not be prepared for. There wasn't a whole lot of time left.
"Guess we better get movin' then," he declared.
With a pleased grin, Lily cried, "Hang on!" as he grabbed hold of Gajeel by the shoulders and lifted him into the air. The two of them flew as fast as they could back towards the forest, hoping they would reach Genna in time before it was too late.
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Now that the battle against the Shadow Shepherd was over, Genna emerged from the forest with Gajeel helping support her, her good arm draped over his shoulder and his arm wrapped around her waist. Lily, still in his large panther form, trailed behind them, carrying the unconscious body of Darius over his shoulder. They saw that members of the village, including Ike and Marcus, were outside waiting for them.
Ike jogged over to them, concern on his face, and declared, "We saw bright flashes of light. Has the Dark Wizard been vanquished?"
With an encouraging grin, Genna answered, "Yep! He's not gonna be a problem for you anymore."
To further prove the point, Lily unceremoniously dropped Darius' limp body to the ground in front of the villagers. They all gasped in astonishment at seeing the source of the problem now laid before them.
Sighing heavily with relief, Marcus, the leader of the village, stated with joy, "Thank heavens! Thank you, Fairy Tail Wizards! You have no idea how much you've helped us. Darius has been a thorn in our side for many weeks. You've done our village a great service and we're in your debt."
Genna heard Gajeel quietly chuckle and she couldn't help but smile at the sound. It was pleasant to hear and the grin on his face was more genuine than any she'd seen from him before.
"Now, the reward that was promised," stated Marcus.
"Reward?" asked Genna.
"Yes. In the job posting we listed, we promised nine-hundred jewel to whoever could rid us of the Shadow Wizard," he explained.
That information was all news to Genna and Gajeel, realizing it too, said, smirking, "Looks like old man Makarov conveniently left that part out."
Genna chuckled herself in response as she was handed a pouch of the money. "We'll split it between the three of us," she suggested, to which Gajeel agreed with a nod of his head.
"Well, now that the matter has been settled, we should take our leave and return to Magnolia," said Lily.
"Nonsense. You all just had quite a fight and are very run-down," Ike replied. "I insist you stay here for the night and then leave in the morning when you've regained your strength. You can stay in the hut we lent you today. There are extra blankets and pillows, too, for you."
"Nah, we should be fine," Gajeel objected.
"We insist," said Marcus. "It's the least we can do to repay after all you've done."
Genna turned her head to look at Gajeel and told him, "I don't think it'll hurt, Gajeel. Plus, I doubt you'll want to carry me all the way back home."
He looked back at her and furrowed his studded eyebrows as he asked, "What makes you think I'm carryin' you? I was gonna hand you off to Lily."
"Hey!" Lily exclaimed in surprise, making Genna giggle.
She turned back to the village leader and stated, "We accept your offer. Thank you."
Marcus bowed his head to her.
"We have a medic who can assess and tend to your injuries, as well," said Ike. "Unfortunately, we don't have any means of healing, but if we can help you in any way, we'd like to."
Once again, Genna accepted the offer made and she, Gajeel and Lily were led to a medical tent by Ike while Marcus and a few others took Darius to prepare him for the authorities. Both Lily and Gajeel were told by the medic that they just had minor cuts and bruising. Genna was told the same, but she was also informed that her arm that had been hit by Darius' crook had been fractured. The medic took care in setting her arm in a sling until she could get proper healing.
Gajeel watched her from the entrance of the tent, his arms folded across his chest, as she was getting her arm wrapped up. Despite having taken a pretty good beating, she was still smiling and in high spirits. It was peculiar to see yet it was almost endearing. It reminded him a bit of Natsu, Lucy or even Levy, who were always so positive about everything, even after getting their butts handed to them in a fight.
"Yeah...she'll fit right in with Fairy Tail for sure," he thought to himself.
Once the medic was finished with her, the three companions returned to the hut the village had lent to them. They had only spent time in the main room earlier that day, so they were both a bit taken aback when they walked into the bedroom and saw that there was only one bed.
"Well, time to get some shut-eye," Gajeel stated, stretching his arms out and already walking towards the bed.
"Uh, what are you doing?" Genna questioned.
He halted in his tracks and looked back at her. "What's it look like I'm doin'?" he asked back.
Putting her good hand on her hip, she replied, "Taking the only bed when there is a girl present."
"What's you bein' a girl got to do with it?"
"Unless you plan on sharing, you could be a gentleman and let me have the bed, especially since I got my butt handed to me in the forest."
Gajeel smirked deviously. "Hey, you snooze, you lose, Genny."
She rolled her eyes and groaned. "Oh my gosh, you know my name, so why don't you just use it?"
He snickered teasingly and his toothy smirk widened even more. "It bugs ya, doesn't it?"
"Well, it would bug you, too, if I called you by the wrong name," she fired back.
"You gotta toughen up, Princess, or you're not gonna make it long in Fairy Tail if you're so irritated by a name," he taunted her. "Maybe sleeping on the floor will do you some good after all."
"In your dreams, metal head," she replied.
As the two of them stared each other down, Lily suddenly spoke up, "Since you two are busy arguing and not reaching a compromise, I'll come up with one for you." When they turned their attention to him, they were surprised to see the Exceed, now back to his smaller form, already snuggling up under the covers in the bed, a smug smirk on his furry face as he stated, "I'll be taking the bed and you both can sleep on the floor."
"What?!" both Genna and Gajeel cried out at what they saw.
"You can't be serious, Lily!" Gajeel complained.
"Do I look like I'm joking?" Lily asked back with a straight face.
Gajeel growled in frustration. "Dumb cat," he quietly muttered.
"I heard that," Lily replied.
Even though what Lily pulled was a dirty trick, Genna couldn't help but be impressed at his ingenuity. Claiming the bed while she and Gajeel argued was a clever move. Her eyes met Gajeel's and she just shrugged, relenting defeat to the cat and silently suggesting he do the same. With a groan, Gajeel turned his back and started removing his fur mantle and then his shirt. Genna blushed and turned away at seeing his bare back, even though most of it was covered by his long, shaggy hair. She didn’t realize he was going to do that. Though, her curiosity got the best of her and she couldn't help but peek back over her shoulder at him, but it was just as he turned back and he caught her gaze immediately.
"Starin' ain't polite, ya know," he said, smirking knowingly.
Immediately, she flipped her head back, her hand covering her mouth. "Sorry," she said.
Behind her, she just heard him snicker and she gritted her teeth. He was enjoying this.
He walked past her to a smaller room, which appeared to be a closet, and pulled out a pillow and a blanket. "Here, you'll need this. It's probably gonna be a bit chilly tonight," he informed her as he handed them to her.
"Thanks," she said, accepting them.
Then he took out another blanket and pillow for himself and walked back to the other side of the bed, throwing them down and immediately laying himself down on the ground. She did the same and laid down on the hardwood floor, ready for some rest after a long day.
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However, sleep wasn't coming so easily to Genna and she was still awake a couple hours later. She wasn't used to sleeping on a hard floor, but it didn't help that the floor was also cold and was making her restless. No matter how hard she tried, she was having a hard time falling asleep. That and it seemed her mind was still plenty awake and was moving a thousand miles an hour, the events of the day replaying over and over in her mind. Why couldn't she just shut her brain off so she could sleep? She quietly groaned to herself in frustration.
"Can't sleep?"
Startled to hear a familiar gruff voice on the other side of the room, she gasped aloud. "Gajeel...! I didn’t know you were awake," she responded, keeping her voice down.
"The floorboards squeak every time you toss and turn," he told her flatly.
"Oh...I'm so sorry," she said, feeling bad for apparently keeping him up with her restlessness.
"It's whatever," he replied.
Genna turned over on her side where she could see under the bed and could see Gajeel on the floor on the other side, also looking her way. Though, she could only see half his face as the floorboards of the bed blocked the other half. She couldn't help but giggle at the sight.
"What are you laughin' about?" he inquired curiously.
She answered, "Laying like this, I can only see half your face under the bed. It's just kinda cute and I think it's funny."
For a second, he wasn't sure why that was funny, but then he realized that she appeared the same way to him, too, and he let out a small, amused huff. "Well, you look the same way to me, so I guess I should be laughin', too," he said.
"That's fair," she said. For a small moment, there was silence and things Genna had been wondering since earlier in the day came back to her mind. "Hey Gajeel...since you're up...and you don't have to say yes...can I ask you a couple questions?" she asked him.
"You can ask, but we'll see if I wanna answer 'em," he replied.
"Don't worry, they're nothing too personal or anything," she clarified.
With a shrug, he then said, "Spit it out, then."
"Well, first of all...Lily can transform into a jacked panther?" she asked, still astonished that Lily could do that.
Chuckling with amusement, he answered, "Yeah. Only a few Exceeds can do that and he's one of 'em. Pretty cool, huh?"
"I'll say. I was not expecting that, but I was impressed. I'll bet that comes in handy a lot."
"Yeah, it does."
Then that begged another question about something Genna had observed: "Also, you ate Darius' crook. What the heck was that about?"
Grinning proudly, Gajeel relayed to her, still looking at her through the underside of the bed, "I'm an Iron Dragonslayer, so iron and metal helps replenish my magic energy. I eat normal food, too, but nothin' satisfies me more than the good, irony taste of metal."
"That's fascinating," she said, intrigued by this newfound fact about him, and he just hummed in response.
However, there was one more question she wanted to know the answer to, but she was afraid to ask it. Mainly because she wasn't sure if he would really be truthful about it. He seemed like the kind of guy that played his cards close to the chest and wouldn't normally let anyone see any kind of vulnerability from him. Guess it was worth a shot anyway.
"Why did you come back?"
There was a brief pause before he asked back, "Would you rather I hadn't?"
"No, that's not it," she said. "I would be a goner for sure if you hadn't shown up and you helped me out a lot in that fight. I just...don't understand why when you didn't want to be here in the first place."
"I told you: Erza would've given me a lot of crap if I showed back up without ya," he said.
Looked like that was the answer he was sticking with. "Was that honestly the only reason: just so you wouldn't get in trouble? Do you really not care about me that much?" she questioned, a sinking feeling growing in her stomach.
"Don't put words in my mouth, kid. I never said that," he said roughly.
Before she could stop herself, she replied abruptly, "You didn't have to."
For some reason, that response gave Gajeel pause and he didn't respond right away. Why did it almost surprise him to know this girl thought he didn't care? Normally, that sort of thing didn't bother him. Maybe it was because Genna was the first to actually point out how he behaved instead of just tolerating it.
He let out a breath and explained calmly, "Look, it's not that I don't care about you specifically. I still don't really know you. I'm not as friendly a guy as a lot of the others in Fairy Tail. I don't warm up to people very fast. That's just how I am."
"Why is that?" she inquired.
"I thought ya said you weren't asking personal questions?" he asked in return.
Feeling embarrassed once again, Genna turned her eyes to the floor. "Sorry," she muttered softly.
Seeing the guilt in her eyes even from where he was made Gajeel feel bad and his teeth clenched together. The damn kid, why did she make him feel this way?
Then he relented and said, "If you really wanna know, I've always been a lone wolf kinda guy. When ya fly solo, it's a lot harder for other people to hurt you."
She was slightly surprised that she actually got an answer from him and she lifted her eyes up again so she could see him. Hearing that he preferred being alone made her feel sorry for him.
"Sounds like a lonely way to live," she commented.
"It's how I survive," he simply said.
Then she posed the question, "If that's so, then why are you in a guild? Or better yet...why do you have Lily?"
That wasn't the sort of thing he expected her to ask and he was silent for a few seconds. It even made him wonder to himself for a small moment what the answer to that question really was. It wasn't something he'd seriously considered before.
Then Genna kept going, "I can already tell the people in Fairy Tail care a lot about each other. They were all so kind to me upon meeting me. You've got good people around you and I get the feeling they care about you, as well, despite how standoffish you may be. I can also tell Lily cares about you, too, and is a pretty loyal companion."
Listening to her was stirring up a foreign feeling in his chest that he wasn't used to and he said, slightly snapping at her, to try and push the feelings away, "Listen, if I wanted a sappy motivational speech from ya, I would've asked."
That, however, didn't quite deter her as she said in conclusion, "I'm just saying, you're lucky and you shouldn't take that for granted." Then the tone in her voice turned low and sad. "Not everyone's fortunate enough to have people who genuinely care about them."
"You talkin' about your old man?" he asked.
"Yeah," she said, nodding against her pillow.
Curious, he asked her, "What'd he do that was so bad ya decided to cut and run?"
She clutched tightly to her blanket. "If you don't mind, I'd rather not go into specifics," she simply said. "Let's just say he wasn't a good man and was an even worse father. My brother wasn't that much better either."
He grunted back and said, "A brother, too, huh? Sounds like you've got a pretty messed up family."
"That's...putting it mildly," she sighed.
Then, to her astonishment, she heard a second voice from up on the bed; Lily's voice speak up, saying, "If you two don't mind, I'm trying to sleep here."
"Oh sorry, Lily," said Genna, now feeling bad that they'd woken him up.
His cute little round ears suddenly appeared over the edge of the bed and his big eyes looked down at her, a smile on his face. "By the way, Genna...we came back for you because we know you're meant to be in Fairy Tail and we don't leave our own behind," Lily told her.
That explanation made Genna smile up at him.
"Also, I was the one who convinced Gajeel to turn back," he added.
"Can it, cat!" Genna heard Gajeel exclaim on the other side, making her snicker.
"Well, you have my gratitude," she said to Lily.
He bowed his head and then suggested, "If you're having trouble sleeping, I'd be willing to let you both come up on the bed now. As you can see, I honestly don't take up much room."
Genna felt her cheeks go hot at the thought of her and Gajeel in a bed together.
Before she could resist, though, Gajeel spoke up first, "I'll be just fine down here. I prefer harder surfaces anyway."
"Suit yourself," said Lily. "Genna?"
"If...if you don't mind," she said shyly, pushing herself up off the ground and to her feet.
"Not at all," said Lily.
Genna got up, grabbed her pillow and moved over to the open side of the bed, which was right by where Gajeel was lying down. She stayed close to the bed so she wouldn't accidentally step on him and then climbed into the bed, pulling the sheets over her. Lily was now snuggled back up under the covers and had his back turned to her. Genna moved to her side and shifted to the edge of the bed so she could look down at Gajeel, who was lying on his back with his hands up behind his head, his bare chest exposed. Seeing her out of the corner of his eye caused him to shift his head a little to the side so he could glance up at her.
With a sweet smile, she told him, "Thank you for coming back, Gajeel."
"Yeah, don't mention it," he said.
"Before we go to sleep...I have one last question," she said.
"What is it?"
"Do you...do you really believe I'm meant to be in Fairy Tail like Lily said? Do you think I proved myself enough to earn a place in the guild?"
"Technically, that's two questions."
She rolled her eyes. "Okay, yes, but they go hand in hand."
He was quiet for a moment, contemplating his response, and then said, "You've got unique magical skills, but you definitely could use some work on your fightin' and your strength. After what I saw tonight...you’ve got exactly what it takes to be in Fairy Tail."
A tiny, elated gasp escaped her lips and she almost felt she could cry in that moment. That was exactly what she had hoped to hear.
He saw her joy and grinned reassuringly. "You'll fit in just fine when we get back," he said to her.
She smiled gratefully. "That's just what I needed to hear. Thank you."
He waved a dismissive hand and replied, "Yeah, yeah, don't get all mushy on me. G'night, Princess."
She smiled to herself. "Good night, metal head."
With that, she rolled back over on to her back and stared up at the ceiling for a few minutes until she felt her eyelids getting heavy and sleep finally took her.
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Genna's eyes shot open. Somehow, something didn't feel right. She felt as though she was being watched. Though, when she sat up, she noticed she was still in the bed and nothing seemed out of the ordinary right away. Lily was fast asleep on the other side of the bed and Gajeel was asleep on the floor, snoring softly. Maybe she was just being paranoid.
"What's up, sis?"
Genna's heart nearly leapt from her chest hearing an unexpected snakelike voice from the shadows. Her head whipped around to where it came from and she found the source. Staring at her from by the door and leaning against the wooden doorframe was a young man with long monochrome hair and crimson eyes that flashed brighter in the moonlight coming in through a window. She knew his face well...a little too well.
This was her brother.
"M!" she gasped, looking between Lily and Gajeel, making sure they didn't get woken up. Then anger quickly overtook her as she climbed out of the bed and quietly demanded, "What the hell are you doing here? How did you find me?"
He grinned maliciously as she stormed over to him and answered, "Did you really think there was anywhere in Fiore you could go where I wouldn't find you?"
Her teeth clenched together, helping her keep her calm. "You shouldn't be here," she warned him. "If you or Father or the guild want me back, you can forget it. I'm not going back. Ever."
M simply twirled a lock of his hair around his index finger. "And here I thought you running away was just a phase," he said nonchalantly. "You would really forsake your own family?"
Genna scoffed in disbelief. "Family...that's using the term very loosely. The way you and Father treated me is not how anyone should treat their family."
"You know he was doing it for your own good," said her brother.
She scoffed again, unamused by that excuse. "Oh yes, torturing me was for my own good," she said sarcastically. Then she shook her head in unbelief. "You've always been twisted, M, justifying everything Father's done, even when you know the things he does isn't right."
With a blank stare, he simply responded, "Our goal has always been to create a better world."
"Keep lying to yourself, if that's what helps you sleep at night. Now, get out of here," she snapped, turning away from him and moving back towards the bed.
"I watched your fight with the Shadow Wizard from the sidelines," he stated, causing her to halt in her tracks. "You were only using a fraction of your power."
Her fists tightened. He had been there? He'd seen her fight?
"And you're hanging out with the likes of Fairy Tail now?" he then asked, a tone of disgust when he said the name "Fairy Tail". "My, Genna, how far the mighty have fallen."
Genna's neck snapped back over her shoulder to glare at M. He had some nerve insulting her like that, given the things he and her father had done.
He went on, his voice softening with almost a touch of regret, "When you were with our guild, you were one of the best of us. Father saw great potential in you. You could’ve even led us one day."
Her gaze hardened. "I would never," she fired back at him. Then, turning her body to face him fully, she declared with conviction, "And I wasn't using a fraction of my magic. The amount of power Father saw in me was not the kind of power I wanted. I'm honing and strengthening my magic in my own way; on my own terms. I'll get stronger the way I want to and Fairy Tail is going to help me get there."
Despite her confidence, M seemed completely unfazed by it. He just simply shrugged and said back to her, "Whatever helps you sleep at night."
Genna's locked eye contact with him didn't waver, showing she was serious and set in her ways.
Then he straightened up, coming off the doorframe and informed her, "Father has a job for you."
Her eyes narrowed in astonishment. He couldn't be serious. "What part of me running away and never coming back doesn’t he understand? I'm not doing anything for him."
"That's why he sent me to deliver the message." M's head tilted down slightly and his gaze turned threatening. "Because if you don't do this job...you know the kind of punishment I can inflict."
She wouldn't back down to him. "I'm not afraid of you."
A toothy grin appeared on his face. "You should be."
Her demeanor didn't change, showing no fear at his threats.
"The bargain is simple:" he explained, pulling out a small, folded piece of parchment from within his jacket and holding it out to her, "do this or I'll take you back to the guild...and to Father."
Those last three words were enough to stir a fraction of fear in Genna's heart and her eyes widened slightly. The thought of going back to her old guild and back to her father was not one she found inviting at all. Even still, she wouldn't give M the satisfaction at seeing her afraid. Instead, she snatched the paper from his fingers, crumpled it up with her own hand and threw it to the ground, keeping her eyes locked steadfastly on her brother. He merely watched her do this and hummed in amusement, lightly shaking his head.
Then, cocking his head to the side and grinning once again, he spoke, a touch of darkness in his voice, "See you around...sis."
With another gasp, Genna's eyes opened and she found herself back in the bed and the inside of the hut was a bit brighter than it had been as the morning sun was beginning to peek through the window. It took her a minute to register that it had all been a dream and she was safe. Lily was still in the bed and Gajeel was still on the floor. Even though it was a dream, she still had a feeling her brother still had a hand in it. His magic could infiltrate dreams like that sometimes. She hated that he could do that. It made her feel as though she would never be safe from him no matter where she went. No matter...as long as he wasn't there, she'd be fine.
She sat up, stretched her arms over her head and her gaze fell down to her lap...and she froze in terror.
Resting on top of the covers in her lap was a crumpled piece of parchment.
"No...no, it can't be!" she thought, panicking. It had just been a dream; there's no way M could've actually been there...but the crinkled parchment in her lap told her otherwise and her heartbeat sped up. How was this possible? M could just appear anywhere she was like that? Would she ever be safe from her messed up family?
Her first instinct was to take paper and throw it in the fireplace...but her curiosity got the best of her and instead, she picked it up and carefully unfolded it. She revealed three words that made her gasp loudly in shock and she clamped a hand over her mouth.
"No...!" she whispered.
"Hey, you okay?" she heard Gajeel's voice ask.
She jumped at realizing he was now awake. Luckily, he was still lying down, so he couldn't see the paper now sitting on her thigh. She was quick to slide it off and hide it under her leg so he couldn't see it.
"Nothing. Just thought I heard a noise," she lied.
Gajeel sat up, eyeing her curiously, but then his eyes darted back and forth as he suddenly started sniffing the air. He stood up, sniffed a couple more times and then proclaimed, "Someone was here."
"Oh crap!" Genna thought, stiffening up.
"Was it one of the one of the villagers? Or Darius?" asked Lily, who got out from under the covers and walked on the bed to the end of it to see Gajeel.
Gajeel sniffed again. "No...somebody different...but no idea who. Somethin' doesn't feel right." He looked back to Genna and Lily. "We'd better get the hell outta here."
"I agree," said Lily, hopping down from the bed.
"Then let's get going," Genna said, slipping the paper into the pocket of her skirt once Gajeel and Lily's backs were turned.
They were quick to pack their things, say their quick farewells to the villagers and get back on the road to Magnolia. All the while, the three words on the parchment ran through Genna's nervous mind; three words she didn't want to obey, but was afraid of the consequences she would suffer if she didn't.
Infiltrate Fairy Tail.
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Banner art by @mwolf0epsilon
Name Etymology
Rift has ADHD and got bored very easily. He loved climbing furniture and anything that didn't move. However, when there was nothing to climb or fidget with, he loved to cause trouble between the other cadets. He'd plant little pieces of false information, creating squabbles among the cadet friend groups, then sit back and watch the fallout. He caused so many rifts between friends that he was labeled a menace among the cadets. He still is.
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Rift is one of the middles of Phoenix Squad, and isn't in charge of anything, for good reason. He has the most unhinged personality in the squad. An absolute sweetheart, through and through, but he is chaos incarnate and addicted to all things sugar. He is easily excited, loves to have a good time, and takes life in stride. There are not many things that can put Rift in a bad mood, so he tends to be the comedic relief for the squad.
Mood Boards:
SFW Alphabet
NSFW Alphabet
View his tags -> #oc: rift
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Physical Appearance
Rift has the standard clone physique, but enjoys working out to get rid of his pent up energy. He shaves his head and face smooth because the hair bothers him way too much. He doesn't have any piercings, but he does have a back tattoo of a lightning strike, as well as the memorial tattoo on his chest for Chance.
Character Art:
Greyscale Bust
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Character Timeline
Early Cadet Years:
CT-1971, or Rift, was probably the most excited tubie to ever be decanted in the history of cloning. He was energetic from day one and scared a lot of the Kaminoan scientists with his unhinged chaos. The squad had trouble acclimating to Rift's personality, most notably Drip, who loved peace and quiet. Rift spent most of his time doing all sorts of physical activities. As a cadet, Rift dreamed of being a pilot in the GAR.
Invasion of Kamino:
During the invasion of Kamino in 21 BBY, Rift and the other members of Phoenix Squad followed Tungst to the outer rings of Tipoca City as part of the frontal assault. With limited resources and training as a seventh year, Rift used whatever armor and blaster Tungst gave him. During the firefight, Chance left his position behind the barricade with Drip to render medical aid to a group of wounded clone cadets caught in a blast. Rift didn't notice Chance leave because he was in the middle of some crossfire. When the commotion arose between Brett and Tungst, Rift turned to check it out just in time to see the missile explode. Rift pulled back behind the barricade after the dust settled, unsure of why they regrouped, and watched Chance die in Tungst's arms.
Aftermath of Chance's Death:
After Chance's death, the squad was never quite the same. Rift, the happy-go-lucky of the squad struggled. Not only was he sad that his brother was dead, but he also had to watch as his family fell apart in front of him. Tungst and Brett constantly fought. Drip was depressed and Gloss was withdrawn. None of his jokes worked anymore. After Drip attempted to end his own life over Chance's death, Rift visited Drip in the medbay and put some of Chance's favorite candy at his bedside table.
Order 66:
Order 66 was just another day for Phoenix Squad. Rift received the news of the Jedi betraying the Republic from Tungst and their training continued without much interruption.
Destruction of Tipoca City:
Imperial Service:
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Icon Guide -> HERE
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Updated: 5/11/2024
Navigation Page
*When I commissioned Eps to make the character banners, I sent her some stick figure references I made in Canva. For laughs and giggles, I've added it to the post.*
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7 notes · View notes
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Banner art by @mwolf0epsilon
Name Etymology
As a young cadet, Gloss spent a lot of time in his own head. He loved to daydream. However, the daydreaming and introverted tendencies left him a little unawares. He had a tendency to wander off from the squad, and when it came to relaying orders in practicums, he'd always gloss over the most important details, leaving the squad in awkward and almost dangerous positions. As an adult, he's still spacey, but he's better at communicating.
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Gloss is one of the middles of Phoenix Squad, and isn't in charge of anything, for good reason. He has the most laid back personality in the squad. In fact, he's so laid back that nothing ever rattles him. He spends most of his time in his own head thinking, holding entire conversations, and coming up with his next masterpiece. His spaciness gets him and the squad in trouble, but he is incredibly smart and can do intricate calculations in his head. He is also artistically talented and spends more time sketching than doing anything else.
Mood Boards:
SFW Alphabet
NSFW Alphabet
View his tags -> #oc: gloss
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Physical Appearance
Gloss has the standard clone physique, and somehow stays fit without working out. He dyes his hair turquoise blue, and he keeps it the standard regulation length. Gloss does not have any facial hair, scarring, or piercings on his body, but he does have turquoise butterfly tattoos on either side of his neck that trail down to his spine, as well as the memorial tattoo on his chest for Chance.
Character Art:
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Greyscale Bust
Character Timeline
Early Cadet Years:
CT-3058, or Gloss, never cried once after he was decanted. Gloss was always a solitary clone, never really clicking with the idea of the "brotherhood". He preferred his own company. The squad had a difficult time adjusting to his chill personality, and Brett tried to throw him off his game more than once, but it never worked. Gloss spent all of his free time sketching and drawing in his notebook. As a cadet, Gloss wanted to be an ARF scout in the GAR.
Invasion of Kamino:
During the invasion of Kamino in 21 BBY, Gloss and the other members of Phoenix Squad followed Tungst to the outer rings of Tipoca City as part of the frontal assault. With limited resources and training as a seventh year, Gloss used whatever armor and blaster Tungst gave him. During the firefight, Chance left his position behind the barricade with Drip to render medical aid to a group of wounded clone cadets caught in a blast. Gloss noticed, but was too engaged with a battle droid to say anything. When the commotion arose between Brett and Tungst, Gloss turned to see another missile careening towards Chance. There was nothing he could do. Gloss pulled back behind the barricade after the dust settled and watched Chance die in Tungst's arms.
Aftermath of Chance's Death:
After Chance's death, the squad was never quite the same. Because of Gloss's personality, he didn't show much outward emotion towards Chance's death, which put off the rest of the squad. However, he was channeling emotions, just through his sketching. He became more withdrawn than usual and spent more time in his sketchbook than around his squad. After Drip attempted to end his own life over Chance's death, Gloss visited Drip in the medbay and gave him a sketch of him and Chance.
Order 66:
Order 66 was just another day for Phoenix Squad. Gloss received the news of the Jedi betraying the Republic from Tungst and their training continued without much interruption.
Destruction of Tipoca City:
Imperial Service:
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✍️🏻✅️♀️❤️☀️ Soup Assault
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Updated: 5/11/2024
Navigation Page
*When I commissioned Eps to make the character banners, I sent her some stick figure references I made in Canva. For laughs and giggles, I've added it to the post.*
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8 notes · View notes
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Banner art by @mwolf0epsilon
Name Etymology
As a young cadet, Brett was a combative handful that Tungst had to constantly reign in. Before they chose their own names, Tungst called Brett a brat. It stuck as his name for most of their early years, but when he eventually mellowed out in his teens, he changed it to Brett and took it as his name. He's still a pain in Tungst's side, so his bratty ways never fully stopped.
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Brett is the second in command of Phoenix Squad, and supposedly the "mom" but he never fell into that role. Brett has a very harsh personality and doesn't get along well with others. He has a low tolerance for stupid people and really wishes they would leave him alone. He also loves to argue with Tungst and get him all riled up over nothing, which is how he earned his first name, Brat. However, he is incredibly loyal and would follow Tungst straight through the gates of hell if asked.
Mood Boards:
SFW Alphabet
NSFW Alphabet
View his tags -> #oc: brett
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Physical Appearance
Brett has the standard clone physique, but enjoys working out to get stronger. His hair standard clone black, close cropped on the top, and shaved along the sides. Brett doesn't believe in facial hair and clean shaves every day. He has shrapnel scarring on the left side of his face from the explosion that killed Chance, which was later tattooed to look like a constellation. He also has a memorial tattoo on his chest for Chance and a piercing that is NSFW.
Character Art:
Greyscale Bust
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Character Timeline
Early Cadet Years:
CT-2112, or Brett, was decanted with a permanent scowl on his face and arms crossed in annoyance. His gruff personality put off the rest of the squad and Drip had to play mediator many times. Brett gained an affinity for firearms early on in his cadet years and spent his free time at the range to practice. As a cadet, Brett decided he wanted to be a heavy weapon's specialist in the GAR.
Invasion of Kamino:
During the invasion of Kamino in 21 BBY, Brett and the other members of Phoenix Squad followed Tungst to the outer rings of Tipoca City as part of the frontal assault. With limited resources and training as a seventh year, Brett used whatever armor and blaster Tungst gave him. During the firefight, Chance left his position behind the barricade with Drip to render medical aid to a group of wounded clone cadets caught in a blast. When Tungst left to go to Chance, Brett noticed another missile headed straight for Chance's position. He immediately leapt into action, grabbed Tungst, and pulled him to the ground before the missile hit. Brett caught shrapnel to the left side of his face in the blast. After the dust settled, Tungst forced his way out of Brett's grasp, and he watched as Tungst brought Chance back behind the barricade. A few moments later, Brett watched as Chance died in Tungst's arms.
Aftermath of Chance's Death:
After Chance's death, the squad was never quite the same. Tungst blamed Brett for Chance's death and made sure he knew it every single day. Brett, distraught over his brother's death, drowned his sorrows in whatever alcohol he could find. He tried to justify Chance's death the best he could, but the sound of Tungst screaming at him overpowered every voice in his head. If he let Tungst go, he would've lost two brothers that day. After Drip attempted to end his life over Chance's death, Brett went to medbay to apologize to Drip for being so harsh with him. He didn't want anymore regrets.
Order 66:
Order 66 was just another day for Phoenix Squad. Brett received the news of the Jedi betraying the Republic from Tungst and their training continued without much interruption.
Destruction of Tipoca City:
Imperial Service:
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📄✅️♀️❤️🔞 Puddles and Paddles
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Updated: 5/11/2024
Navigation Page
*When I commissioned Eps to make the character banners, I sent her some stick figure references I made in Canva. For laughs and giggles, I've added it to the post.*
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8 notes · View notes
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Banner art by @mwolf0epsilon
Name Etymology
Tungst is a shortened version of tungsten, a metal used in a type of welding called TIG (tungsten inert gas). The process requires a certain level of finesse, concentration, attention to detail, and patience. All of these qualities are embodied within Tungst. The only person who's used his full name "Tungsten" was Brett, and he only did it once.
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Tungst is the leader and "tired dad" of Phoenix squad. He does his best to wrangle his unruly squad together and keep them out of trouble, but they refuse to stay in line. Tungst is a passionate person with an incredible sense of justice and becomes immovable when he dedicates himself to a cause. He is mostly level-headed, but can become overzealous and protective of the ones he loves. But most of all, he has a big heart, loves his squad, and will gladly die for each one of them.
Mood Boards:
SFW Alphabet
NSFW Alphabet
View his tags -> #oc: tungst
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Physical Appearance
Tungst has the standard clone physique, but he loves to work out and get those gains. His hair is a little outside regulation, with more floof on the top and trimmer along the sides, the color deviates from the standard clone and is auburn. He enjoys keeping some facial hair. He has a shrapnel scar on the left side of his neck and left ear from the explosion that killed Chance. He also has a memorial tattoo on his chest for Chance, and a phoenix-shaped tramp stamp.
Character Art:
Emoji Ask
Greyscale Bust
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Character Timeline
Early Cadet Years:
CT-3422, or Tungst, showed great leadership prowess since the day he was decanted. However, as a late-stage clone in the already waging Clone War, his abilities weren't noticed much by the Kaminoans or the Jedi/mercenary trainers. Although, they did notice his stubbornness and propensity to argue, which didn't do him any favors. His squad still looked up to him as their leader. As a cadet, Tungst dreamed of becoming an ARC trooper in the GAR.
Invasion of Kamino:
During the invasion of Kamino in 21 BBY, Tungst led his squad into the fray as part of the frontal assault. With limited resources and training as a seventh year, he grabbed whatever armor and blasters he could find to outfit his squad. During the firefight, Chance left his position behind the barricade with Drip to render medical aid to a group of wounded clone cadets caught in a blast. When Tungst realized Chance had left the group, he went after him. However, before Tungst could get to Chance, Brett grabbed Tungst and yanked him back before another missile hit the same spot. Tungst caught shrapnel to the left side of his neck and left ear in the blast. When the dust settled, Tungst forced his way out of Brett's grasp and ran to Chance. He gathered Chance up in his arms and carried him behind the barricade. Chance died in Tungst's arms a few moments later.
Aftermath of Chance's Death:
After Chance's death, the squad was never quite the same. Tungst blamed Brett for Chance's death and made sure he knew it every single day. When Drip attempted to end his own life over Chance's death, Tungst is the one who found him bleeding out on the floor. After taking him to medbay for medical intervention the Kaminoans deemed Drip as defective and slated him for decommissioning. Tungst begged the Jedi for Drip's life and his pleas were granted, with the stipulation that Drip's record remain spotless for the duration of their training.
Order 66:
Order 66 was just another day for Phoenix Squad. Tungst was the first to receive the news that the Jedi had betrayed the Republic and he shared it with the rest of the squad. Without sworn allegiance to any Jedi, Tungst had no reason to doubt the betrayal, and their training continued without much interruption.
Destruction of Tipoca City:
Imperial Service:
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Icon Guide -> HERE
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Updated: 5/11/2024
Navigation Page
*When I commissioned Eps to make the character banners, I sent her some stick figure references I made in Canva. For laughs and giggles, I've added it to the post.*
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8 notes · View notes
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Banner art by @mwolf0epsilon
Name Etymology
As a young cadet, Drip had the unusual habit of drooling in his sleep. With his face hanging off the side of his pillow, the drool would drip off his bunk and hit anything below, whether that be the floor, another bunk, or another clone. His brothers tease him about his constant drooling, but it doesn't bother him too much. He never grew out of the habit and the name stuck.
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Drip is the unofficial "mom" of Phoenix Squad, even though he's the second youngest, and is the most sensible member. He is the voice of reason for everything, even though Tungst is the leader, and Tungst will often take Drip's opinion into consideration when making decisions. Drip is also a constant worrier and battles anxiety every day, but he does his best to ensure that he never slows his brothers down.
Mood Boards:
SFW Alphabet
NSFW Alphabet
View his tags -> #oc: drip
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Physical Appearance
Drip has the standard clone physique, but maybe a tad bit more on the squishier side since he really doesn't enjoy working out. His hair standard clone black, and long, but he keeps it tied up in a bun. Drip has a goatee and mustache that he keeps trim, as well as some facial hair along his jaw to his ears. He has a linear horizontal scar along his throat where he attempted to end his own life after Chance's death. He also has a memorial tattoo on his chest for Chance.
Character Art:
Emoji Ask
Greyscale Bust
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Character Timeline
Early Cadet Years:
CT-7732, or Drip, was a ball of anxiety since the day he was decanted. Drip never liked being a clone, and was convinced he was defective because of it. He never enjoyed the thought of killing others and his gentle demeanor concerned his squad. Chance spent a lot of time working with Drip on overcoming his issues and the two formed a close bond. As a cadet, Drip had hopes of becoming an engineer so he could stay out of combat.
Invasion of Kamino:
During the invasion of Kamino in 21 BBY, Drip and the other members of Phoenix Squad followed Tungst to the outer rings of Tipoca City as part of the frontal assault. With limited resources and training as a seventh year, Drip used whatever armor and blaster Tungst gave him. During the firefight, Drip's anxiety got the better of him, so he and Chance were situated behind a barricade and offered support to the rest of the squad. After a missile landed in close proximity, wounding several clone cadets, Chance left Drip to render aid. Busy fighting his own demons, Drip didn't stop Chance or tell Tungst what was happening. When the commotion arose between Brett and Tungst, Drip watched in horror as another missile careened towards Chance; they made eye contact before impact. Drip was shocked and threw up when Tungst brought Chance's body back behind the barricade. He never got to say goodbye.
Aftermath of Chance's Death:
After Chance's death, the squad was never quite the same. Drip was distraught over Chance's death. Out of the whole squad, Drip was the closest to Chance, and he was the only one who really understood Drip's inner demons about being a clone. Without his best friend, Drip didn't want to keep trying to fit in, so he attempted to end his own life. Tungst was the one that found Drip bleeding out on the floor and unconscious. When Drip woke up in medbay, Tungst was by his side. Drip couldn't talk very well, but he tried to apologize for what he did, but Tungst wouldn't let him. Instead, he apologized to Drip for not being there when he needed him the most. The rest of the squad also visited him and Drip eventually recovered.
Order 66:
Order 66 was just another day for Phoenix Squad. Drip received the news of the Jedi betraying the Republic from Tungst and their training continued without much interruption.
Destruction of Tipoca City:
Imperial Service:
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Updated: 5/11/2024
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*When I commissioned Eps to make the character banners, I sent her some stick figure references I made in Canva. For laughs and giggles, I've added it to the post.*
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Phoenix Squad - Lore
Phoenix Squad is a group of five, formerly six, cadet clones currently in their ninth year of training on Kamino in 19 BBY. The squad consists of Tungst, Brett, Drip, Gloss, Rift, and Chance (deceased). All six clones are batchmates, with Tungst being the eldest, then Brett, then Gloss, then Rift, then Drip, and finally, Chance is the youngest.
Invasion of Kamino:
Phoenix Squad was in their seventh year of training when the separatists attacked their home world of Kamino in 21 BBY. Following orders from a clone officer, Phoenix Squad helped defend their home by taking up armaments and participating in offensive maneuvers. Unfortunately, during the battle, Chance was killed in an explosion while rendering aid to a group of wounded clones.
Order 66:
Phoenix Squad was still in their ninth year of training on Kamino when Order 66 was executed in 19 BBY. They were not involved in the killing of any Jedi, but their chips did activate. 
Destruction of Tipoca City:
Phoenix Squad, alongside many other cadets, was evacuated from Kamino before Tipoca City was destroyed in 19 BBY. They were confused and unsure of what was happening but followed orders as they were given. When they saw their home, and the last resting place of their beloved brother Chance, being destroyed, they grieved sorrowfully. 
Imperial Service:
Phoenix Squad was considered amongst the last batches of viable clones created and therefore completed their remaining training on Daro. Unfortunately, younger clones were not so lucky as they were terminated along with the cloning program. When Phoenix Squad completed their training, they became Imperial Purge Troopers. 
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Phoenix Squad - Members
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Art by @mire-draws-things
View the tags -> #phoenix squad
Phoenix Squad personality quiz -> here
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Phoenix Squad - Art
A Short Caf Break
Beach Fun!
Greyscale Busts
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Phoenix Squad - Shenanigans
Cupcakes For All
The Cuddle Pile
Did Someone Say Cookies?
Summer Popsicles
Did Someone Say Cookies Again?
Glow In The Dark Paint
Flowers For The Boys Part 1
Flowers For The Boys Part 2
Flying Caf
Did Someone Say Cookies Again Again?
Did Someone Say Cookies Again Again Again?
Dogs and Frogs
Sad Interview
The Live Hummingbird
Chance Getting Married
Do Mermaids Lay Eggs?
Trick or Treat Event
Valentine's Day Event
Nobody Asked You
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Phoenix Squad - Fanfiction
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📘🛠♀️🤝🏻🌪 Infectious (first appearance)
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Updated: 5/11/2024
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Cover art by @pinkiemme
Series Summary:
Wolffe's life is turned upside down when his wife suddenly dies while he's home on Coruscant. As Wolffe battles through his grief, he is forced to take on the role of father and mother to his four-year-old daughter Cara, who struggles to understand why her mother is gone. When Wolffe receives orders for a new deployment, he hires Lilith Sestri from a nanny service in a desperate attempt to ensure his daughter is taken care of while he's away. However, tragedy will continue to follow them throughout the rest of the War.
Series Forward:
Where's Mommy? isn't your average love story because it's not about romance. It's about family, grief, and loss. Following Wolffe and Cara's journey is an emotional roller coaster full of uphill battles, downhill terrors, and fleeting joys. While some moments may seem happy, a thread of sadness remains woven through the center. Is there hope for them? Read their story and find out!
Series Index:
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 (posting September 6th)
Series Inspired Fanworks:
Cara and Wolffe Holo Photo (Part 4) - @amalthiaph
Fighting Breakfast (Part 6) - @alligatorpie1945
Cara's Baby Blanket Refs (Part 8)
Cara's Tooka Doll (Part 8) - @frostycatblr-fandom-files
Love is Stored in the Carrot (Part 8) - @kimiheartblade
Love is Stored in the Carrot (Part 9) - @frostycatblr-fandom-files
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Where's Mommy?
Wolffe x Lilith Sestri (OFC)
Part 1
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Cover art by: @pinkiemme
Summary: Wolffe's wife suddenly dies, leaving him a single father in the middle of a war.
Pairing: Wolffe x Lilith Sestri (OFC)
Characters: Wolffe, Plo Koon, Cara (child OFC)
Tags & Warnings: heavy angst, mention of death, off-screen death, spousal death, OFC is not the spouse, grief, hurt/comfort
Word Count: 816
Author's Note: I came up with this sad short fic while I was on my social media hiatus. If I have to suffer, then y'all are going to suffer with me. It's sad. It's really sad. I might make this into a full-length fic at some point, where Wolffe hires a nanny for his daughter and they fall in love, or something sappy like that. As always, please enjoy 💚
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Wolffe stood frozen in the med-center hallway, staring down an endless sterile corridor with a small hand wrapped tightly around his finger. A pulmonary embolism, they said. A blood clot in the lungs, they said. She was so young, they said. Could've happened to anyone, they said. But it didn't happen to anyone. It happened to his wife. Within moments, and by no choice of his own, Wolffe became a single father in a galaxy torn by war. The light of his life, snuffed out like a candle.
"Daddy?" his daughter said while tugging on his hand.
Wolffe snapped out of his daze and looked down at her. "Yeah, baby?"
"Where's mommy?" she asked.
"Mommy…" Wolffe paused, biting his lip as he looked anywhere but her face. "Mommy had to go."
"Go where?" she asked.
"Far away," he said.
"But why?" she asked. "I love mommy."
"I love mommy too, baby," he said, barely able to keep his emotions at bay.
"Then why'd she leave?" she whined.
"Listen to me, Cara," he knelt down onto the ground in front of her. "Sometimes… Sometimes people have to leave and there's nothing we can do about it."
"When's she coming back?" she asked.
"She's not," he choked.
"I want mommy!" she yelled.
Wolffe picked up his crying child and held her against his chest, letting his own tears fall silently out of her view. "I know, baby. I know. I want her too."
"I'm not leaving without mommy!" she wailed.
"Please, baby," he soothed as she cried, inconsolable.
"Hush little one," a soft voice came from behind Wolffe.
Wolffe turned around and sighed in relief. "General."
"I came as soon as I heard," Plo said. He placed a gentle hand on Wolffe's shoulder. "I'm so sorry for your loss."
"Thank you," Wolffe said while bouncing his daughter to try and calm her down.
"Come here little one," Plo said as he stretched out his arms to take Cara from Wolffe.
Wolffe peeled his distraught daughter off of his chest and handed her to Plo, then collapsed down onto the bench against the wall. He hung his head in his hands and sobbed quietly. His first real moment to fully process the loss of his wife.
Plo stepped away from Wolffe to give him some privacy and continued to bounce Cara to soothe her.
The little girl's crying echoed throughout the hallway, sending sharp pains through Wolffe's already broken heart. He wanted her to stop crying so he could stop crying. She was just a child, and she didn't understand what was happening, which made the situation all the more difficult. How could he console her when he could barely hold it together himself? The last time he felt this helpless was the Malevolence incident, and even then he held it together better than right now.
He didn't know how to be a mother. He was a soldier, a commander. How was he going to fight in the War and raise a child? It was practically impossible. He couldn't just quit the War either. No clone could. His wife was a saint. She took care of everything while he was away on campaigns. The only thing he needed to do when he came home was hug his little baby girl and dote on her until he had to leave again. He gave his family everything he had, and everything he didn't have.
He always knew he was going to be an absent father because of the War, but he didn't in his wildest imagination think that his wife would die before him. They had contingency plans for if he died, but they didn't make any plans for if she died. That entire scenario came out of left-field and blindsided him. They were eating dinner like they always did when he came home for shore leave. How in the universe did they go from eating dinner to her being dead? He'd never understand it.
"General," Wolffe said through his tears. "What do I do now?"
Plo studied the devastated commander and softened his eyes. "You take each moment as it comes."
"But what do I do?" Wolffe pleaded with a hitch in his throat. "The funeral, my kid, my troops, my–"
"Arrangements are being made as we speak," Plo interrupted. "You are not alone in this despair, Wolffe."
Wolffe looked up at his general and a menial, barely noticeable smile formed at the corner of his mouth, but it was betrayed by the streaks of tears that lined his flushed cheeks. He said nothing in response, afraid that if he uttered even one more syllable, he'd lose the last bit of composure he'd maintained. However, the words of his general rang true. He was not alone. He had never been alone. He had his general and an entire battalion of brothers to lean on. His family was here for him.
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Where's Mommy?
Wolffe x Lilith Sestri (OFC)
Part 17
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Summary: Wolffe's wife suddenly dies, leaving him a single father in the middle of a war.
Pairing: Wolffe x Lilith Sestri (OFC)
Characters: Wolffe, Fox, Comet
Tags & Warnings: heavy angst, mention of death, off-screen death, spousal death, grief, hurt/comfort, family fluff, funeral
Word Count: 2.1k
Author's Note: Y'all, we are only a few chapters away from meeting Lilith! I am so excited to introduce her! I don't want to say things are going to happen quickly from now on, but the pace is definitely going to pick up. The foundation has been set, and now it's time to get moving with the plot. And who better than Fox to help move us along? This is another chill chapter with lots of brother-time, so no one should be doing any crying... I hope. As always, please enjoy 💚
Beta: @/beating-a-dead-plot
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The morning came quickly–too quickly–as Wolffe woke before the sunrise. With the time he spent in space, his body never followed the rising or setting of the suns, but rather a clock that ticked deep within his biology. It was both a blessing and a curse in his mind. On one hand, he never had to set an alarm, but on the other, sleeping in was never an option. Cara was still asleep though, resting against his chest under the protective covering of his arms. It would be a bit before she awoke, but that gave him time to think about his mission for the day.
He stared silently up at the ceiling and reviewed every step he needed to take to ensure she was cared for while he was gone. He only had one rotation to accomplish it all, seeing as he would be departing before sunset on the next rotation, so there was no room for errors or setbacks. He had to be calm, calculated, and resolute. Most of those traits came naturally to Wolffe, but when his daughter was involved, a lot of who he was as a commander fell to the wayside. It felt cruel to shove part of her out of his mind, but life was also just as cruel.
It was only an hour before Comet found his way to their room to relieve Wolffe. Ever the cautious man, he poked his head into the dark room to make sure it was safe to enter. Wolffe watched him with amusement, the light from the hall outlining Comet's form, and he would've said something, but he didn't want to wake Cara. The last thing he needed was for her to get clingy before he left for the diner. She knew he would come back later in the day, but it didn't matter to her; leaving was leaving. For Wolffe, a silent hand-off was a lot easier.
Besides, she liked being with Comet more than she liked being with him. At least, that's what he told himself when he had to make the tough decisions that made his daughter cry. Justification wasn't the right word for it, but it allowed him to be the bad guy when he needed to be and allowed Comet to remain the good guy that she needed in life. Even though Comet left when Wolffe left, in Cara's mind, Wolffe forced Comet to leave. She might not understand how the hierarchy worked, but she did understand that when Wolffe spoke, the others listened.
Carefully, Wolffe slid himself off the bed and placed Cara back down onto the indent his body made. Both men held their breath in anticipation, but she must have been very tired because she stayed asleep and barely stirred at the swap. In the dim light from the doorway, Wolffe and Comet exchanged silent words with the same hand motions and gestures they used on the battlefield when vocal communication was impossible. It was clunky, but effective, and got the job done. Once Comet was briefed, Wolffe changed his clothes and left for the diner.
His journey to the diner was uneventful, practically quiet. It was still early in the morning for Coruscant's surface layer to be fully awake, but the subsurface layer was still bustling from the nightlife and now busy setting up for their daytime clientele. The diner wasn't a fancy place, but it was clone-friendly and served good food at a reasonable price. Most clones visited the bars and enjoyed the revelry late nights, but any level-headed, seasoned commander would rather sleep all night and eat a hot breakfast than get a cheap lap dance and a wicked hangover.
It was also rare for multiple commanders to be on Coruscant at once, however at least one was always there–Fox. When Wolffe entered the diner, he knew exactly where to go; left and down to the last booth against the window. It was their usual booth, but usual meant they did this often, which was far from the truth. The last time they met up was during his last leave, months ago, and before that, it was nearly a full cycle. It's not that Wolffe chose to ignore his batch brother, but if he had to choose between seeing his family or seeing Fox, he would choose his family every time.
As Wolffe approached the booth, he chuckled. Fox looked as tired as always, but perhaps a touch more than usual. Fox held the rim of his mug against his lips, the steam wisping up in front of his half-lidded eyes, with his elbows resting on the table, and a blank expression on his face. It almost looked like the mug was holding Fox up, instead of the other way around. If Wolffe didn't know any better, he would've thought Fox was asleep with his eyes open, but he did know better–that was just Fox in his normal resting state.
Wolffe slid into the bench seat across from Fox and stretched his arms over his head before picking up the mug of caf his brother ordered for him. He inhaled the warm and bitter fragrance before taking a sip and then hummed in satisfaction with the familiar brew. There was nothing like a diner caf. No offense to his wife's caf-maker, of course, but something about a cheap diner caf made him feel like a real man. It was leagues better than what the GAR gave them, but not as good as the caf from the surface layer. It was a wonderful middle brew.
"So," Wolffe said as he placed his mug down. "How's the wife?"
"Fat and ugly," Fox answered nonchalantly, then took a sip of this caf. "At least that's what she says every time I ask, which apparently is too many times."
Wolffe laughed. "When's she due?"
"Couple more weeks," Fox said.
"Are you nervous?" Wolffe asked.
"Kinda," Fox said with a shrug. "The pregnancy's been rough on her."
"She didn't get better?" Wolffe asked, then took another sip from his mug.
"Nope," Fox sighed. "She got sick in the first trimester and it's been downhill ever since."
"I'm sorry to hear that," Wolffe said. "It's a good thing she has you to support her."
Fox huffed. "Yeah, support…" He took a long sip after that comment. "The only support she wants from me is to stop breathing so loudly. Some days I think she actually wants me dead."
Wolffe raised a quizzical eyebrow. Fox looked more like he was taking shots of his caf as if it was a cheap whiskey, rather than savoring it. "Are you okay?"
"Just tired," Fox said, then set his mug down and rubbed his face. "She doesn't sleep, I don't sleep, we don't sleep."
"The baby won't sleep either," Wolffe said. He chuckled knowingly to himself with a smile hidden behind the rim of his mug.
Fox shot him with an unamused look through his fingers.
"Sorry," Wolffe said. "But I've got some experience."
Fox waved his hand to dismiss the apology. "Anyway, we're here to talk about you, not me." He paused contemplatively. "I'm sorry about Maria."
Wolffe bit his lip and set his mug down. He stared into the dark liquid and fidgeted with the handle. "I… I don't want to talk about that."
"Okay…" Fox said softly. "Then what do you want to talk about?"
"Cara," Wolffe said without looking up.
"What about her?" Fox asked.
Wolffe tapped his finger against the table as he thought about how he wanted to ask what he needed to ask. "I'm redeploying tomorrow night."
"Already?" Fox asked. "She must be having a hard time with that. You know, since…"
Wolffe tapped his finger faster and harder against the table, the silence getting awkward.
"You did tell her, right?" Fox asked.
"It's better this way," Wolffe said, deciding not to answer the question directly. Keeping the actual words in his mouth made the idea of not telling Cara more palatable for him. Selfish maybe, but he didn't want to handle any more emotional drama. He wanted just a bit of normalcy before he left and then a clean break to harden his mind. It was better that way.
"For who?" Fox asked.
"Listen," Wolffe sighed. "I didn't come here for a lecture. I need your help."
"Wolffe, I know what you're gonna ask," Fox said. He shook his head. "And the answer is no."
"Fox, c'mon," Wolffe pleaded. "You're the closest thing I have to family."
"I get that," Fox said. "But my hands are tied. Between my duties to Guard and my sick, pregnant wife, who can barely take care of herself, we couldn't possibly look after her too."
Wolffe closed his eyes and threw his head back against the booth cushion. "Kriff."
"Besides," Fox said. "Cara doesn't even like me."
"That's only because the gray in your hair scares her," Wolffe said without opening his eyes. "Maybe you should dye it."
Fox huffed and crossed his arms. "My wife likes it and as long as it turns her on, the gray parts are staying gray." He grinned smugly. "She calls me her silver Fox."
Wolffe leaned forward and twisted his lip in disgust. "Oh, gross. Please keep that stuff to yourself."
"But seriously," Fox said, changing the subject back. "You know my situation. If anyone found out about my wife… my kid, it would all be over. I can't risk it. Not even for you."
"Thorn?" Wolffe asked.
"Not a chance."
Fox snorted. "I wouldn't trust him to keep a plant alive."
Wolffe groaned and hung his head in his hands.
"I know you have your beef with the Jedi, and I get why you don't want her in the Temple, but what about a nanny?" Fox asked.
Wolffe lifted his head and looked at Fox in confusion. "A nanny?"
"Yeah," Fox said. "We're hiring one for when the baby comes."
"What does it do?" Wolffe asked.
"Well, there are different types," Fox said. "Some work part-time and come to the home on certain days, and there are some that work full-time and live in the home. They do pretty much anything you want–the cooking, the cleaning, the shopping, the laundry."
"Really?" Wolffe asked. He crossed his arms, intrigued by the idea of a live-in nanny. "How much does it cost?"
"I don't know," Fox said with a shrug. "Her parents are paying for it since they physically can't help us with the baby. I guess we got lucky with that."
Wolffe huffed. "Yeah. Real lucky."
"Easy, vod," Fox said. "I'm not trying to rub this in your face."
Wolffe sighed. "I know."
"Here," Fox said, then grabbed a napkin and started to write on it. "This is the name and the coordinates of the agency we're working with. They're not that far from here, so go take a look for yourself."
Wolffe studied the words on the napkin, then looked at Fox. "You sure they're legit?"
Fox looked offended. "I'm the Marshall Commander of the Coruscant Guard. Don't you think I'd do background checks on every employee before I let them near my son?"
"So, it's a boy?" Wolffe asked, a smirk turning up on his lip.
"Yes, it's a boy," Fox said.
"Got any names picked out yet?" Wolffe asked, still smiling.
"Well," Fox said, "I wanted to call him Aran, but she wanted to call him Eli, so we compromised and his name is Eli."
Wolffe laughed heartily.
"It's not funny," Fox said, but he couldn't help cracking a smile himself.
"Why are we so bad at naming children?" Wolffe asked. "Maria insisted on naming Cara because she was afraid I'd pick out something stupid like, tooka."
"I mean, that's just normal clone naming conventions," Fox said.
Wolffe hummed, remembering back to when he and his wife discussed baby names. "But babies aren't clones."
"No, I guess they're not," Fox said.
Wolffe and Fox continued their conversation as they ate breakfast with both men reminiscing about simpler times and trading stories of newer times. It was more than Wolffe could've asked for. Although he would never admit it, he felt a touch lonely since his wife's passing. The men under his command were his brothers, but Fox was his equal, someone who could talk back to him, set him straight, and be honest. It was a rarity among the ranks with the commanders spread thin. He missed his batch brothers, and it was good to catch up with one.
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Where's Mommy?
Wolffe x Lilith Sestri (OFC)
Part 6
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Summary: Wolffe's wife suddenly dies, leaving him a single father in the middle of a war.
Pairing: Wolffe x Lilith Sestri (OFC)
Characters: Wolffe, Cara (child OFC), Sinker, Comet, Boost
Tags & Warnings: heavy angst, mention of death, off-screen death, spousal death, grief, hurt/comfort, family fluff
Word Count: 1.9k
Author's Note: Sorry about no fic last week. I had surgery on Friday and didn't get a chance to post the fic I wanted to post, so to stay on schedule, I'm forgoing that fic for another update of this one! Yay! This part is going to be tough, but it was absolutely necessary for Cara and Wolffe to have this moment together just as much as the bath time moment. Let's just say, breakfast doesn't go as planned. (oops it got longer) As always, please enjoy 💚
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After bath time was done, and they'd both dried off and changed into new clothes, it was time for breakfast. Wolffe really hoped his Pack brothers came through and made a decent breakfast for all of them. He was starving, and he knew Cara must be hungry too. He was a little worried since he didn't give Boost any directions, but there was foodstuff in the conservator, he thought, or, well, he hoped. Knowing his wife, she would've stocked up when she found out he was coming home.
Wolffe walked into the kitchen with Cara following closely behind, but stopped in his tracks at what he saw. Cara didn't stop walking and bumped into the back of his leg with a small oomph. Feeling the light hit, Wolffe reached back around with his hand to rub her head, still staring dumbstruck at the state of the kitchen.
"What in the…" Wolffe said with wide eyes. It was a mess. A complete and utter mess. He wasn't even sure it was still a kitchen. "I said make breakfast, not fight breakfast!"
"We did!" Boost grinned. He had flour patches across his face and streaks down his clothes.
"Sweetie," Wolffe said as he looked down at Cara. "Do you know what that is?" He pointed at Boost.
Cara shook her head.
"I'm gonna teach you a new word," Wolffe smiled. "That is a di'kut."
"Dee… koot," she repeated.
"Hey!" Boost exclaimed, clearly offended by the remark.
Wolffe snorted. "You're the one who said it's never too late to start."
Boost opened his mouth to argue, but then closed it because Wolffe was right.
"Anyway," Comet chimed in and gestured towards the table. "Breakfast is served!"
Wolffe sighed for what felt like the hundredth time that morning, and walked Cara over to the table to eat whatever breakfast his Pack brothers created. She climbed up onto her chair next to him and he made sure she was seated properly so she wouldn't fall off. Sinker then walked around the table and placed the plates down with their homemade pancakes stacked on them. Wolffe eyed the oddly shaped and multi-colored pancakes suspiciously and raised an eyebrow up at his brother.
"What?" Sinker asked.
"Is it edible?" Wolffe asked.
"I made them," Comet added. "So, yeah, they're edible."
Wolffe snorted. Of course Boost and Sinker couldn't be left alone to make breakfast. It was a good thing they picked up Comet when they did or they'd all have starved by now.
Cara tugged on Wolffe's pants and he lowered his head so he could hear her.
"Where's mommy?" she asked.
The room went silent and Wolffe sighed. Not this again. "She's not here, sweetie," he answered, then pulled her plate a little closer to the edge of the table. "Now, eat your breakfast for me."
"We can't eat without mommy," Cara said, then pushed the plate back.
Wolffe bit back his frustration and pulled the plate towards her again. "You have to eat."
"Not without mommy!" she yelled and pushed the plate with more force, knocking the fork onto the floor.
"Cara," Wolffe warned, his patience wearing thin. "This isn't a debate."
"I don't want it!" she screamed.
Cara climbed down from her chair, sat on the floor, and cried loudly. She was in a full-blown tantrum and Wolffe didn't know what to do. He looked over at Comet, Boost, and Sinker with pleading eyes, but the three of them only shrugged. Her screaming became louder and pierced Wolffe straight through the head, making it throb and ache like earlier. Somehow she'd reached a frequency that made him want to scream too. He tried to keep himself under control and calm her down.
"Sweetie," Wolffe said as he rubbed his temples. "I need you to stop screaming, please."
She continued to wail from her seat on the floor, tears streaming down her face as her cheeks turned red. Wolffe could feel the tension in his head rising as it threatened to boil over and explode. Why couldn't she just stop crying? Why couldn't she just understand? Why did he have to keep explaining it to her? He tried to think of his best options, but her incessant screaming was grating on his nerves and clouding his thoughts. If she didn't quiet down soon, the neighbors were going to think he was hurting her.
"Cara!" Wolffe barked, picking his hands up from the table to try and settle himself. "I said stop!"
Cara looked at Wolffe and stopped crying, and, for a moment, Wolffe thought it was finally over.
"I want mommy!" she started screaming again. "I want mommy! I want mommy! I want mommy!"
The tension snapped like a taut wire and Wolffe's chair scraped across the floor as he violently pushed it back. He took a few steps towards Cara, dropped to his knees, and grabbed her little shoulders so she was looking him in the eyes. "She's not coming back!" he yelled. "Do you understand me? She's never coming back! She's dead! She's gone! So, just stop asking for her already!"
Wolffe panted at the exertion and hung his head between his arms, the anger and frustration slowly dissipating. The words he spoke so ferociously, not only to his daughter but also to himself, echoed in his mind. He picked his head up and looked at his wide-eyed daughter, instantly feeling a shooting pain straight through his heart. She looked confused. She looked helpless. She looked scared. She looked scared… of him. Remorse washed over him like a tidal wave and the panic of what he just did flooded his brain.
"Oh, kriff," Wolffe breathed as he released his grip on her tiny shoulders. Cara backed away from him until she bumped into Comet's leg. Wolffe's breath hitched. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Baby–" Wolffe reached out his hand, but Cara turned away from him and grabbed onto Comet's leg.
Comet looked down at Wolffe with a pained expression, then at Cara, and sighed. "Come here, ad'ika," he soothed. "I've got you." He picked Cara up into his arms and she grabbed onto his shirt, hanging on with tight little fists while burying her face in his chest. He readjusted her on his hip, then locked eyes with Wolffe in a silent word. Wolffe hung his head and Comet left the room with Cara.
Once Cara was out of the kitchen, Wolffe pounded his fists onto the floor and yelled in frustration.
Sinker knelt beside him and placed his hand on Wolffe's shoulder.
"What have I done?" Wolffe choked. He wanted to vomit. "I grabbed her. I yelled at her. I've never– I wouldn't– How could I do that?"
Sinker looked up at Boost and gestured for him to go do something else for the moment. Boost nodded and left the kitchen.
"Maker forgive me," Wolffe's voice quivered. "She's just a child, and I… I treated her like a cadet. Like a kriffing shiny!"
"No!" Wolffe yelled and smacked Sinker's hand away. "There's no excuse."
Sinker sighed and sat back on his haunches. "Give yourself a break, will ya? Your wife's dead."
Wolffe flinched at the bluntness of the comment, but maybe that was what he needed right now.
"Maker, Wolffe," Sinker continued. "It's only been what? Twelve standard hours? And in that time you've lost your wife, your home, your belongings, and you almost lost Cara too. You really thought you could get through this without losing your temper a little?"
"I'm a commander–"
"Kriff being a commander," Sinker rolled his eyes. He moved around the floor to face Wolffe. "You're still human, commander or not, and Cara doesn't need Commander Wolffe right now, she just needs her dad. You know, the one who loves her?"
"But I scared her…" Wolffe lamented, the words burning in the back of his throat. "She was scared of me."
"She'll be fine," Sinker said with a wave of his hand. "Just apologize and move on. She's a tough kid. Tougher than you might think." Sinker smirked. "You are her dad after all."
A small smile formed at the corner of Wolffe's mouth. Sinker was right about one thing. She was the daughter of a clone commander, not just some random natborn off the streets. His genetics, and his wife's, ran through her veins. She was sensitive like her mother, but she got his resilience and also his attitude. Plo's words from the night before still rang true. He needed to take each moment as it came and do what was needed then, even if that meant messing it up once and a while. She'd forgive him one day.
Wolffe took a deep breath to compose himself before Sinker offered a hand to help him up. He accepted it without complaint. Looking back at the table of untouched food, now getting cold, another sigh escaped his lips. Cara still hadn't eaten and he wasn't sure if they had any more time for delays since they had to leave soon. He decided to pack some of the pancakes in a container and hoped that Cara would eat them like that. It wasn't ideal, but it was better than nothing.
After putting the food away, Wolffe took another deep breath, then released it slowly before walking out of the kitchen and towards the living room. He stepped to the threshold, and just as he thought, Comet was sitting on the couch with Cara sitting calmly on his lap. He never understood how Comet got so good with kids, but he was thankful. With slow and soft steps, Wolffe approached them. He sat down on the ground and fiddled with a piece of the carpet while he got up the nerve to speak.
"Cara," Wolffe said softly.
Cara lifted her head from resting against Comet's chest to look at Wolffe.
"I'm sorry I got upset and yelled at you," he said. "It was wrong."
"It's okay…" she mumbled into Comet's shirt.
"No, baby, it's not," he continued. "I know… I know this is scary. Daddy is scared too, but that doesn't make it okay for either of us to get upset at each other." He paused, gauging her expression and understanding of what he was saying. "So, how about less screaming and more listening, for both of us?"
"Okay," she said. "I'm sorry, daddy."
Wolffe smiled weakly and released another shaky breath. He opened his arms. "Can I have a hug?"
Cara nodded and squirmed out of Comet's arms and into Wolffe's. He held her tight against him, careful not to hurt her, and kissed the side of her head. He started rocking her and looked up at Comet, who had a warm smile on his face. Wolffe mouthed a simple thank you to him and Comet nodded. Wolffe didn't know what he would do without his Pack brothers, and it pained his heart that it took a tragedy such as this for him to realize just how much they meant to him.
"Daddy?" Cara mumbled into his chest.
Wolffe leaned her back so he could see her face. "Yes, baby?'
"Is mommy ever gonna come home?" she asked.
Wolffe bit his tongue. "No baby, she's not."
"I'm gonna miss mommy," she sniffled and her eyes turned watery.
Wolffe leaned his forehead against Cara's and let his own emotions show. "Me too, baby. Me too."
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Where's Mommy?
Wolffe x Lilith Sestri (OFC)
Part 16
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Summary: Wolffe's wife suddenly dies, leaving him a single father in the middle of a war.
Pairing: Wolffe x Lilith Sestri (OFC)
Characters: Wolffe, Cara (child OFC)
Tags & Warnings: heavy angst, mention of death, off-screen death, spousal death, grief, hurt/comfort, family fluff, funeral
Word Count: 1.8k
Author's Note: I would call this a bit of a breather chapter. It's not overly emotional or angsty. Just some much needed daddy-daughter time, which I think is cute. Gotta throw some cute things in the middle of the tragedy, you know? It's all about that balance. As always, please enjoy 💚
Beta: @/beating-a-dead-plot
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Wolffe glanced at Cara to ensure she was still asleep, then grabbed a change of clothes and silently left the room. The male-species communal shower wasn't far so he could return quickly in an emergency. That automatic thought process made Wolffe groan as he entered the communal shower area. He could not handle one more emergency, crisis, or mishap. He needed everything around him to be calm for at least ten minutes so he could collect himself back into the battle-hardened commander he was before everything in his life exploded.
The sigh of relief Wolffe released when the hot water cascaded down his back was sinful. The sensation was rapturous. It had been a long time since Wolffe had a liquid shower and he almost forgot how nice they were. The shower in their apartment was his favorite. It was always clean, smelled like his wife's soap, and the water pressure was fantastic. The shower he was under now felt similar, but it was missing the comforts of home. Regardless, he stood under the hot spray for as long as he could before he washed his hair and scrubbed his body clean. 
After several minutes of soothing bliss, Wolffe turned the water off and exited the steamy shower stall. He wrapped a towel around his waist, walked to the sink area, and swiped his arm across the mirror to remove the condensation. He smoothed a hand along his stubbly cheek and frowned. He needed a shave. It was a minor annoyance, so he rummaged around the room until he found a shaving kit. It only took minutes to do, and he looked a little less ragged but it was still a chore. With that finished, he toweled off, threw his new clothes on, and left.
On his way back to the room, Wolffe heard a very distressed noise coming from down the hall. He stopped walking and threw his head back, releasing an exhausted and distressed noise of his own in retaliation. He knew it was Cara, he just knew it, and in that moment a part of him couldn't wait to get back to the battlefield where he wouldn't have to hear it anymore, but the other part of him, the father part, broke in half. He'd never get used to the dichotomy of soldier and father. It was always awkward when those two halves warred with each other.
Lo and behold, when Wolffe opened the door to the room, he found exactly what he expected to find–an unhappy and teary-eyed child. Wolffe took a deep breath as he analyzed the familiar scene, then easily switched into father mode. He closed the distance between the door and the bed in a few steps and sat on the edge of the bed where Cara was sitting up and rubbing her eyes. He sat beside her for a moment and listened to her cry. He wasn't sure if anything he could say would make it better, or if he should let her cry it out until she was tired.
His parental instincts won out. "What's the matter, baby?" he asked.
"Why'd you leave?" Cara sobbed. "Where'd you go?"
Wolffe was stunned. Of all the things he was expecting her to be crying about, it for sure wasn't because he left the room for twenty minutes. He thought she would still be asleep when he returned, so he didn't think about what would happen if she woke up and he wasn't there. "I took a shower," he explained. "See?" Wolffe bowed his head down so she could touch his hair, which was still damp.
She reached out, grabbed a chunk, and pulled.
"Ow," he said deadpanned.
Cara giggled.
"Feel better now?" Wolffe asked as he ran his fingers through the section of hair she yanked.
Cara sniffled, swiped her sleeve across her nose, and nodded.
"I'm sorry I left, but you were asleep," he said. "I didn't want to wake you up."
"I don't like it when you leave," she said.
Wolffe sighed. "I don't like it when I leave either, but daddies have to shower."
"Why?" she asked.
"For the same reason you take a bath," he chuckled. "I get dirty too, you know."
"Oh," she said.
"Alright, it's time for bed now," Wolffe said. He got up from the bedside, tucked her back under the covers, and kissed her forehead. "Goodnight, baby."
"Night, Daddy," she said, then she snuggled in against her pillow.
Wolffe smiled fondly and smoothed his hand down her hair. With a small shake of his head, he turned around, picked up his duffle bag beside the wardrobe, and plopped it onto the ground adjacent to the head of Cara's bed. He'd slept in worse places and with a lot less comfort, so he considered the floor as decent. A blanket was unnecessary and he didn't need the duffle bag for a pillow, but, without his armor, the neck positioning would be awkward. With his bedding all set Wolffe turned off the light, then laid down on the floor and closed his eyes.
"Daddy," Cara whispered. She had crawled to the edge of the bed and was overhanging the edge.
"Hm?" Wolffe responded, but it was more of an exasperated groan. 
"Can I sleep down there with you?" she asked.
"No," he said. "You get the bed, Daddy gets the floor."
"But I don't want to be alone," she whined.
Wolffe sighed. "I'm right here." He raised his arm and laid his hand on the edge of the bed so he was touching her knee. "Can't get any closer than that."
Cara grabbed Wolffe's fingers and tugged. "Daddy, please."
"Your mother would kill me if I let you sleep on the floor," he argued.
"Then sleep up here," Cara offered like it was the obvious answer.
"Baby, that bed is not big enough for me," he said.
"Daddy," she whined, but it sounded more like a cry. "Please. I miss Mommy."
Wolffe sighed and sat up knowing he wasn't going to win this war. If either of them were going to get any sleep, he needed to concede victory and give her what she wanted. Out of the options presented, sleeping on the floor was out. Wolffe didn't believe in much of an afterlife, but he wasn't going to take the chance of his wife coming back from the grave to scream at him for letting their daughter sleep on the cold floor where she could catch a cold. On the other hand, that bed was not made for adults like him and while Cara might sleep well, he would not.
"Alright," Wolffe finally agreed and he flipped the light back on. "Get up."
Cara beamed with excitement and hopped off of her bed. 
Wolffe was less than enthusiastic with his movements, but it was what his daughter wanted, and who was he to argue with those crystal blue eyes? They were the same eyes his wife would give him when she wanted something that he was hesitant about. It never took him long to cave to whatever whim or idea she had, and for the most part, they all turned out well. The only one that didn't end up going the way they expected was the night they made Cara. It was the first time he caved to his wife and it wasn't the last, but now he does it for Cara.
Wolffe tilted his head as he looked at the bed and thought about how he wanted to arrange himself. It was small, but not in the way that the barrack bunks were small. Those were narrow-small and this was short-small. No matter which way he looked at it, his feet were going to hang over the foot of the bed, and not just his toes either. In his mind, it looked like a very uncomfortable arrangement, but Cara looked very excited to be sleeping on a bed made out of her dad. He couldn't relate, but maybe that was normal for children who had biological parents.
Resigning to his fate, Wolffe pulled the blanket up, settled himself on the bed, and used the pillow to prop his head up a bit. As he suspected, his feet hung off the foot of the bed, but it didn't feel as bad as he thought it would. Then again, he didn't know what several hours in that position would feel like when he woke up. Once he was in a good position, he gestured for Cara to come over, and she climbed up the side of the bed and then on top of him. She wiggled and moved around to adjust herself which made Wolffe a bit nervous.
"Watch your feet," Wolffe warned, but she wasn't listening. "Baby, watch your–" Wolffe gasped when her foot made hard contact with his testicles, "–foot," he wheezed. If Cara wasn't on top of him, he would've doubled over and probably vomited into the nearest trash receptacle or maybe even on the floor, but he inhaled and exhaled sharply to internalize the pain instead of making a scene. His wife would be in a hysterical laughing fit if she saw what just happened.
"Daddy, are you okay?" Cara asked, the worry evident in her voice.
Wolffe moaned as he tried to settle his frustration, but he couldn't be mad at her because she didn't know any better. It wasn't like he sat her down and taught her about male anatomy. He preferred this sleeping arrangement when she was small and could fit on his chest, not when her legs were long enough to kick his testicles into the next galaxy. In an attempt to self-soothe the pain, he tossed around the idea that he didn't need them anyway. Without his wife, he wasn't planning on expanding his family anytime soon, so in reality, he could live without them.
"I'm fine," Wolffe said when he could finally verbalize his thoughts in a normal octave. "Just, don't wiggle around so much, okay?"
"Okay, Daddy," she said, then snuggled her head under his chin. "I love you."
While his nether region throbbed with a lingering ache, Wolffe could still feel the warmth well up in his heart at her words bathed in sentiment. At the end of the day, she was his baby girl and there wasn't a force in the Galaxy, not even a kick to the testicles, that could make him love her any less. He could never be a great father, but he could be the best father his short, meaningless life allowed him to be. And she might never understand that. She might grow up to hate him one day, but until then, he wanted to hear her say those words over and over again. 
"I love you, too," Wolffe said and he kissed her head as she snuggled under his chin. "More than you'll ever know." He pulled up the covers over them both and wrapped his arms tightly around her to keep her from falling off. It felt natural to hold her like that, as a protective father would, but it wouldn't be much longer before he couldn't, so maybe she was right in forcing him to do it now.
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Where's Mommy?
Wolffe x Lilith Sestri (OFC)
Part 4
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Summary: Wolffe's wife suddenly dies, leaving him a single father in the middle of a war.
Pairing: Wolffe x Lilith Sestri (OFC)
Characters: Wolffe, Sinker, Comet, Boost
Tags & Warnings: heavy angst, mention of death, off-screen death, spousal death, grief, hurt/comfort, clone cuddle pile
Word Count: 1.4k
Author's Notes: This part is 100% pure Wolffe angst. That's it. That's the whole thing. Just Wolffe being a sad man. You have been warned. Next part will have more Cara and Comet and clones attempting to make breakfast! As always, please enjoy 💚
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"The little one is asleep," Comet said as he reentered the living room.
"Good," Wolffe said. His head was leaned back against the couch, his eyes closed, and his arms crossed. "She needs it."
"So do you," Sinker added with a pointed look towards Wolffe.
Wolffe groaned. "I need to pack."
"We can help with that," Boost offered.
"No," Wolffe said. He leaned forward and rubbed his eyes. "I can do it."
"Do you want us to leave?" Comet asked.
Wolffe pushed himself off the couch and stared blankly towards his bedroom. "No…" he murmured with a shake of his head. "Stay. Just for a little while longer."
"Whatever you need, Commander," Sinker said.
Wolffe walked towards his bedroom with heavy footsteps. The weight of what he needed to do, picking and choosing pieces of his wife, what to keep and what to let go of, surrounded him like a thick cloud. Its presence threatened to suffocate him. The room was dark, empty, and lifeless, feeling claustrophobic and cold without the warmth of his wife. Everything was how it should be. The bed was immaculate, the floor was clean, the clothes were put away, but in his heart he only felt chaos.
He sat down on his side of the bed, the mattress sinking in under his weight, and looked over at the holo-photo album perched on the bedside table. It slowly rotated through images of their life together. A nervous first date, a botched marriage proposal, a beautiful unofficial wedding, an unexpected baby bump, the birth he missed, a first birthday, an anniversary alone, and so many more memories. He missed a lot of them because of the War, but nonetheless, each memory was priceless and precious to him.
He picked up the album and ran his fingers across the image of his wife smiling next to his daughter on her third birthday; one they celebrated without him. He smiled at the memory. Cara had cake all over her face. Then the image switched, and Wolffe's breath hitched. For a moment, he thought he lost her again, but it was just an image of him holding Cara, one that his wife took, and he realized that was how all of their pictures would look going forward. She'd never be in one ever again.
Wolffe placed the album down, flopped back onto the bed, and rested his arm over his eyes. He wanted to feel something other than sadness, anything, but he couldn't find any other emotion. His usual stoic, no-nonsense demeanor had left him too. He gripped the blanket with his other hand, but he couldn't feel its softness. He was numb. He needed to pack, but he couldn't move. He was paralyzed. How easy would it have been to just slip away and never feel anything ever again? Hadn't he lost enough already?
Was there an allotment in life of pain and suffering, and he accidently received a double portion? Was it not enough to lose his battalion, his marshal rank, and his eye? Did he have to lose his wife too? What else could this life possibly take from him? His daughter? He'd rather die. He'd rather be blown up, crushed, sliced in half, suffocated, burned, or stabbed to death than lose one more thing he held precious. The universe could take him, but it couldn't take his daughter.
Wolffe groaned and rolled onto his side. He stared at his wife's side of the bed and slowly smoothed his hand over the empty surface. He could almost feel her lying there if he closed his eyes, and he wondered if he'd forget someday. Would he forget what she felt like? Her smell? Her voice? Her infectious laugh? His name on her lips? Would he forget… her? Maker, he prayed he would never forget. He couldn't. He wouldn't. She was his beloved, and he was hers. Death couldn't keep him from loving her.
Wolffe shimmied over to his wife's side of the bed and buried his face into her pillow, inhaling her scent deeply and committing it to memory. He made a quick mental list of everything he wanted to pack and take with him. Her pillow, her favorite top, her favorite perfume, her favorite soap, her favorite holo-book. He wished he could pack it all up in a small box and carry it with him everywhere he went, but he couldn't. He'd just have to take those little pieces of his wife and try not to forget.
Although, there was a part of him that still thought she'd come home. That she was just out having fun with her friends and would be back late. That she'd come to bed and curl up next to him like she always did when he was home. Then there was the part of him that replayed her dying gasps of breath. Reminding him that her body went limp in his arms and she was never coming back. A ruthless and cruel tug of war in his mind. A part clinging to a false hope and a part crushing him under the weight of despair.
The despair won the war and Wolffe choked out a sob. He let his emotions roar to the surface, breaking the dam of his engineered resilience, and he cried. It was too much. He wasn't made to love and he wasn't made to lose love. This wasn't supposed to happen. She wasn't supposed to die first. It was unfair. It was inhumane. It was cruel. He didn't care what force power or force deity his general believed in. No moral platitude could justify the death of innocence, let alone his own wife.
"Commander?" Sinker whispered from where he peeked in at the bedroom doorway.
Wolffe didn't move or stifle his mournful cries. He didn't care if his brothers saw him like this. He thought he could do it. He thought he could sneak away, suffer in silence, and ride out the grief alone, but the weight was too heavy. He was buckling beneath the pressure and knew he wouldn't make it if he only relied on himself. To be strong in front of his daughter was one thing, but his Pack brothers? They were strong and steady. He knew he could break in front of them and be safe.
With no confirmation or denial otherwise, Sinker stepped into the room and sat down next to where Wolffe was lying on the bed. He hesitated, but placed a firm hand on Wolffe's shoulder.
"Wolffe," he said softly. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
Wolffe said nothing, but slowly picked himself up and leaned heavily against Sinker as he wiped his eyes.
"The boys and I were thinking," Sinker began. "Maybe we could stay the night? To keep you company?"
Wolffe looked up at Sinker through blurry vision. He wished the tears would stop flowing, but they didn't. Every time he remembered his wife wasn't coming home, new tears formed where the previous fell. It was a continuous cycle that he never experienced before and he hated experiencing now. He had slept alone countless times on missions, but he never slept alone in this bed, without her. She was always there. It felt wrong to sleep in it without her. He didn't want to sleep in it alone.
"I…" Wolffe began with a hoarse voice. "I'd like that."
Sinker pulled Wolffe's forehead against his own and closed his eyes. "We've got you, vod."
Wolffe melted into the simple gesture, breath still shaking from his sobs. "Thank you."
Sinker gave Wolffe's shoulder a reassuring squeeze, then got up from the bed to go grab the others from the living room. Wolffe sat still at the edge of the bed, but slowly let himself drift back down to rest his head against the pillow. His Pack brothers quietly entered the bedroom and each found a spot on the bed to lie down, being careful not to disturb him. It wasn't a very large bed so a little overlap was needed, and there were some tangled limbs, but everyone eventually settled in.
It had been a while since the Pack piled in such a way to sleep. The last time Wolffe piled was probably before the Malevolence. Same for Sinker and Boost, and most likely never for Comet since he was part of the newly formed battalion. Wolffe refused piles after the Malevolence because he was afraid of getting attached to his men again, but in the end, it didn't matter. He didn't lose any of his men. He lost his wife. Maybe Jedi were right and attachments were a waste.
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Where's Mommy?
Wolffe x Lilith Sestri (OFC)
Part 11
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Summary: Wolffe's wife suddenly dies, leaving him a single father in the middle of a war.
Pairing: Wolffe x Lilith Sestri (OFC)
Characters: Wolffe, Cara (child OFC), Comet, Sinker, Boost, Warthog, Plo Koon
Tags & Warnings: heavy angst, mention of death, off-screen death, spousal death, grief, hurt/comfort, family fluff
Word Count: 1.3k
Author's Note: PLEASE READ! I have made the decision to change this series from a reader fic to an OC fic. I've spent a lot of time thinking about this and it's not something I decided on overnight. I don't believe I can do the narrative justice by staying in the constraints of a reader fic, and my first duty is always to the narrative. I'm sorry if this upsets anyone, but trust me, having to go back and re-write everything into third-person past-tense was not on my to-do list. I realize I do not have an OC option on my taglist sign up form. This has been fixed. If you would no longer like to be tagged in this series, please let me know. All of the parts will be updated along with the corrected tags before the next part is posted in two weeks. I apologize for the inconvenience. As always, please enjoy 💚
Beta: @beating-a-dead-plot
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After the long trek up the Jedi Temple steps, Wolffe placed Cara down onto the ground and let her walk beside him, but he securely held her hand. The Temple still made him feel uneasy, but with a little gentle prodding from Plo, and after passing by several clone troopers, he decided to release Cara's hand and let her walk on her own. He kept one eye on where he was going and the other on her to make sure she didn't wander off on him. She had always been a curious child.
As Plo guided the group through the Temple halls to their new quarters he told Cara a little story that made her giggle and laugh. It warmed Wolffe's heart to hear her laugh and he soaked up as much of it as he could. She had been through so much already, and the funeral was going to ruin any chance of him hearing her laugh in the near future. It wasn't like he laughed much either. His wife was the one who laughed the most, but it was contagious and he always caught it from her.
Along their journey, Wolffe had to stop Cara from touching things that didn't belong to her. She wanted to touch everything within reach and most of it belonged to the Jedi or someone else. The rest of the Wolfpack found it amusing and snickered every time Wolffe veered off from the group to grab his wandering child. He'd never been on babysitting duty before, but his wife made it look easy when they went out together so he thought it wouldn't be an issue for him. He was dead wrong.
"Cara," Wolffe sighed as he sprinted over to her once again. This time it was a cube-shaped shiny-looking object sitting on a table. "If you don't stop walking away from me, I'm gonna have to carry you."
"Look! It's pretty," Cara said as she picked up the cube and admired it.
"It's not yours," Wolffe said. He took the cube from her and placed it back down where she found it.
Cara pouted, turned away from Wolffe, and crossed her arms. "But it was pretty…"
Wolffe's eyes softened and he crouched down to her level. "I know, but just because something is pretty doesn't mean you can take it. That's called stealing."
Cara turned back to face Wolffe, still pouting. "Is stealing bad?"
"Yes, it is," Wolffe said. "The Coruscant Guard can put you in jail for that."
"I don't want to go to jail!" Cara gasped and put her hands behind her back. "I don't like Fox."
Wolffe tried to hide a snort, but failed miserably. "Don't worry, baby, you won't. As long as you stop touching things that don't belong to you."
"Okay," Cara said. She reached her arms up for Wolffe to pick her up and he obliged.
Wolffe fell back into step with the rest of the group as Plo continued to direct them through the Temple. With so many twists, turns, and hallways it wouldn't be easy for Cara to leave the temple, even by accident, which was one of Wolffe's major concerns about getting deployed. Actually, he had a whole list of concerns, but he could only focus on one at a time. He never used to be such a worrier, not with his wife around, but now, so many things could go wrong if he wasn't there with her.
"We have arrived," Plo said as he stopped and turned to face a plain door in the hallway.
Wolffe was pulled away from his thoughts when he heard his general's voice and realized that he'd been walking on autopilot for the last stretch of the journey. He'd have to access the Temple maps later to make sure he knew where all of the entrance and exit routes to and from the room were. He'd memorize the entire Temple layout if he had to. He refused to leave any of this up to chance. There was too much at stake. He couldn't stay focused on a mission if he was thinking about Cara's welfare.
Wolffe placed Cara down and took a hold of her hand. This was new for the both of them, but they'd do it together, even if it was scary. Plo opened the door and Wolffe did an immediate visual scan for threats and initial observations. It was spacious compared to any living quarters the GAR had ever given him, but it looked rather restricting for Cara, who had lived her whole life in a multi-room apartment. It was a simple layout with a bed, a desk, a wardrobe, a window, and, thankfully, no enemies.
Cara grabbed Wolffe's leg and stepped behind him to hide. He could tell she was nervous, but so was he.
"Daddy," her voice trembled. "I want to go home."
Wolffe twisted his neck around to look down at her and sighed. He gave her an encouraging pat on the back and walked forward into the room with her following behind. "This…" he began, but hesitated. "This is home now." The words tasted bitter even for him, but if he was going to convince Cara, he needed to convince himself first. It definitely wasn't home. Not by a longshot. Home was their apartment. Home was pretty curtains and smelly flowers. Home was a warm meal. Home was his wife.
"Out of the way!" Sinker shouted as he barreled past Wolffe and Cara. "Man with a box coming through!"
Cara giggled and Wolffe shook his head as the rest of the Wolfpack filed into the small room.
Boost plopped down onto the bed and bounced on it with exaggerated motions. "This bed is super soft. Softer than any bed I've ever slept on. You should feel it!"
Cara let go of Wolffe's leg and ran over to the bed to try it out for herself.
"Look at this!" Warthog exclaimed over his shoulder. "There's a window too. You can see all of Coruscant from up here!"
Cara hopped off of the bed and ran over to look out the window. She was just a tad bit too short, so Warthog picked her up so she could see.
Comet walked into the room last and pulled open the doors of the wardrobe. "Wow," he said with a big smile. "Lots of space in here, too. You're really staying in luxury, ad'ika."
Wolffe crossed his arms and leaned against the doorframe, shaking his head as a small smile crept onto his face. What was once a terrifying situation was now an exciting adventure thanks to the Wolfpack. They knew he was scared just as much as Cara was, even if he'd never admit it, and their exaggerated display had not only eased her fears, but some of his own as well. She was smiling, giggling, laughing, exploring, and seemed fine right now. They saw her fear and shot it point blank like the good soldiers they were.
"Commander," Plo said, interrupting Wolffe's thoughts. "If you will excuse me, I have a briefing to attend."
Wolffe's small smile turned into a grimace. "Understood," he said. "I'll grab my kit."
"No need," Plo dismissed with a wave of his hand. "I will take the sergeant with me. You are much more needed here."
Wolffe looked at Sinker, who nodded in agreement. "I'll report back when the briefing is over."
"And I will meet you all on the terrace in a couple hours," Plo said, a sadness invading his voice.
Wolffe nodded in response and watched as the two left. He worried his lip and wondered what the briefing was about. Normally a briefing meant they were about to deploy, but he hoped that this time it was the slim case where it wasn't a deployment order, because the thought of leaving Cara so soon burned a hole straight through his gut. They still had the funeral to deal with, and he couldn't abandon her after that. It would make him a deplorable father and human being, but a very good soldier.
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