#tbc I'm not angry or anything I just don't see the point
No I've been thinking about it and I believe drinking a vampire's blood turns a human into a vampire (it's been implied heavily that Yui needed blood in order to awaken), so I thought if other races could, it would be the same, and that the only way for some races to turn someone into one of their own is feeding them their own blood. Maybe the wolf clan (just suggesting, not really DL, just basic werewolf stories) and vampires can also turn others by biting them, but how would Adlers and Founders do it? (Of course, this is if they can) Perhaps the reason no one's ever been turned into a Founder is because their pride was stopping them. Maybe no one even knows if that's possible since their pride's way stronger than their curiosity. The Tsukinamis may have considered this if it was a legit solution that could 100% work, but if no one knows wether it's true or not, and the idea passed through their minds, would they try it? Or would their pride stop them from trying to find out the truth?
I'm afraid I really don't have anything to add here beyond my original answer. I have discussed the process of human's becoming vampires in DL previously in this post here.
As I said in that first post, I think if the Tsukinamis could turn a human with their blood then they would and I do not think this specific example, that isn't addressed in the games at all, should be used as proof the founders are too prideful (which they are but the evidence is already there, you don't have to reach for it). Given that we know vampires can turn humans, I would be extraordinarily surprised if the idea of using blood to turn someone had never occurred to Carla, even if it wasn't a practise that was historically done.
As for why this doesn't come up in the games, I've already said, it can't, because otherwise the Tsukinami brothers would not have needed Yui as badly and Rejet would not have had a good plot for DF.
If you disagree with me anon then that's absolutely fine, I am not claiming to know everything, this is just my interpretation of events and the characters and as this doesn't come up in canon there is nothing else I can offer you.
Just as a general point guys, I am happy to discuss theories about DL lore and talk about my own take on canon and how I think it translates into stuff like this. And if you don't agree with my takes on things, that's fine, everyone will read the text differently and I do not work for Rejet so ultimately I will never be able to 100% say what their intentions were.
However, if you want to try to persuade me that I'm mistaken in something I've said, I am going to need some evidence from canon or something so I can have a proper discussion about it, as if you just repeat yourself or give your own opinions with no evidence, I'm not going to have anything to add on other than "okay sure, you do you".
You are more than welcome to reblog my posts and add your own take so others can read it if you would like. However if you don't like or disagree with my opinion, there is no point in asking for it again on the same subject.
I'm sorry if this sounds rude at all, I don't mean it to be, but this isn't the first time something like this has happened, and, like I said, I just don't have anything else to add without new evidence (ideally with reference to where this information is from so I can look it up and learn for myself).
Anyway, I'm sorry if this wasn't what you wanted to hear anon, but I'm afraid I truly don't have any other opinions on this to offer you. I hope you have a good day.
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loversmusc · 4 years
Mrs Potato heads
Genre : Romance 
Cast : Jeon Jungkook 
[Before continuing to read this story. I'm sorry if my grammar is a mess 🙏🏻 ]
Have you ever felt falling in love with your new neighbor.
Yesterday I saw a man like he had just moved, I saw him packing his belongings. With large muscles he has, he lifts all his belongings from the truck to his house. He looks so handsome.
Tonight I make a pie with apple sauce, I made it very interesting for him. I hope I make a good first impression for him.
I set my foot toward his house which is located right in front of my house.
'knock knock'
I knocked on the door while tidying my hair which was a bit messy due to the wind.
The door opened and you could see the handsome face 
"Hi" I said friendly. 
"Oh hi." I gave the pie to him 
"Wow thank you, don't bother giving me this?" he said and smiling shyly at me.
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He looks even cuter with that smile.
"Oh its okey, this is one of culture to welcome new neighbors. I am Risya” I reached out to him, as if asking him to shake hands 
"I'm jungkook, you're very kind. Nice to meet you" he shook my hand. I’m happy to know that he shake my hand. I smiled sweetly at him. 
“If you need anything, don’t mind to call me. There my house” I pointed to a house, the one facing his house
“Oke, the smell of this pie seems tasty. Do you want to come in? Eat this pie together” He said friendly 
"I’m sorry. Maybe next time. Because there are things I have to do. Enjoy your Pie, Jungkook." 
After that day, me and jungkook met often. 
Exercising together in the morning. And sometimes hangouts together. I am very happy to go through each day with him. And he said my cooking was good. so it makes me want to continue to learn cooking to give him my homemade food. Sometimes I ask him what food he wants to eat, and I will make it. 
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Already looks like dating right? I don't want to clarify this relationship. Because I’m sure he feels the same way. 
But until one day I saw him from my balcony he was with another girl. And honestly I'm jealous.
How can he cheat on me?
Am I not pretty?
After the woman left, I approached his house 
"I saw you with another girl. Who was she?"
"That girl is Chloe, and I don't think I need to tell you who she is?" he said in a calm tone. 
And that makes me even more angry. But I try to hold back emotions.
"Jungkook, I want to ask one thing
Am I not pretty?
Am I not pretty enough for you? "
- TBC - 
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