#tbh I don't really like Azusa as much as I did at first
Bc I consider you the local Ruki connoisseur;
(Potential TW/CW for racism maybe)
You said before that Ruki definitely isn't the type to think slurs are a big deal and tbh he's probably a lil bigoted too realistically. I was wondering what you think his thoughts are towards the Roma since Azusa is Rom and Ruki loves him. I'm pretty sure the other two might not care/are protective but I don't got a clear read on Ruki
thank youuu ren, i'm honoured
i gotta be really careful with how i word my answer to this because i'm not roma or of any kind of romani descent. i want to make it clear that i have absolutely nothing against them or any kind of negative biases - i'm talking about ruki who's a bigoted little shit lol
even in modern day, there's a very negative view surrounding the traveller community, and in my experience, it's usually because people fail to identify the difference between irish travellers and roma. not sure about other countries but i know UK media very much demonises irish travellers and with that comes tossing around slurs which actually originate with the romani community.
i'm sure in his sheltered little life, ruki probably held similar biases. throughout history in europe, roma has been associated with poverty and blamed for crime etc, which i'm sure was exacerbated during the ceausescu era.
when ruki first met azusa, i assume said biases influenced his view of the other - with that said, it wouldn't have taken long for ruki to realise azusa was, in fact, not a troublemaker (he just liked being beaten up). ruki had a lot of his rich boy views shattered when he ended up part of the orphan crisis, so while his prejudice was challenged, i think he'd be quite stubborn on that.
i can imagine him being like "azusa isn't like the others" and azusa, especially as a vulnerable kid, most likely didn't have the capacity to say "you're insulting my family, we did nothing wrong"
when i say ruki probably doesn't think slurs are a big deal, i doubt it comes from a particularly malicious point of view. it's more that he's like "they're just words, why do they matter?" because he's never been part of a minority which was discriminated again. i'm sure yuma can whip him into shape with a few punches, though :D
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diseasedcube · 2 years
Diabolik lovers has way too many goddamn games, I'm only trying to finish Azusa's routes and it's taking forever. Not even gonna try the other characters at this point bc ahhfhghhh
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