#tbh I really doubt I am that ticklish and for a long while I got insecure w my tickle laugh because I felt like I was exaggerating
kanene-yaaay · 1 year
So I got tickled dfghjhgfghj never give up from your dreams I guess SDFGHJ. Okay okay, lemme give you some context: just like the universe intended when it gave me all the opportunities to be a AGENT OF CHAOS and a proud GREMLIN I was hiding away my friend’s car key and using his distraction as he looked for his keys to hide eve more of his stuff (friendship <3) but the thing is, a few months ago, that human discovered that I was ticklish so rip me and my entire bloodline I guess because he keeps looking for opportunities to, ya know, ATTACK ME with one or two pokes but until that point he never took it farther than that. So. He already knew where this was going, you already know where this is going, I somehow DIDN’T HAVE A SINGLE IDEA of where this was going because the moment he realized that my overalls had pockets perfect for hiding stuff and I was refusing to take my hand out of one of them he began tickling my sides until I - in my dying breath, my last moments, with the last drop of coordination in my body - decided to give him his keys back so FGHJKJHGGHJK
 I lasted like 10 seconds like COME ON KANENE PULL IT TOGETHER MAH GURL
 Anyways I also discovered that I actually have TWO responses to being unfairly attacked with wiggly fingers and it’s pretending that nothing is happening while gradually getting more and more giggly and to try to become a ball which yeah it’s just as unsuccessful as fics describes so. there’s that.
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aj521z · 4 years
1. What is you middle name? - Crackhead
2. How old are you? - apprx 8
3. When is your birthday? - April 7 
4. What is your zodiac sign? - Dumb bitchasaurus 
5. What is your favorite color? - Blue. Like turquoise/aqua 
6. What’s your lucky number? - I have no luck Im gay
7. Do you have any pets? - 2 beautiful fucking dogs that the loml and I die for them immediately and kill everyone to defend them. Also a cat who is a wack boy 
8. Where are you from? - SoCal 
9. How tall are you? - 5′7 
10. What shoe size are you? - 10-11 (lol big feets)
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? - probably like 10 and they’re all converse 
12. What was your last dream about? - sleep paralysis shadow demon(:
13. What talents do you have? - falling for girls who leave me 
14. Are you psychic in any way? - No im an oblivious fucking fool
15. Favorite song? - I have 69420 (two that have a VERY special place in my heart though in memory of my little brother are “Comfortably Numb” by Pink Floyd (his fave song) and “Since I’ve Been Loving You” Led Zeppelin <3 
16. Favorite movie? - oooooofff The Lion King is fave disney. Star wars and LOTR are some of my faves
17. Who would be your ideal partner? - Christen Press (only requirement must love dogs)
18. Do you want children? - Pending, but yes dog children
19. Do you want a church wedding? - LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL
20. Are you religious? - yes @tobinheats-me-up​ and I have our own religion, bless JVN
21. Have you ever been to the hospital? - YES YIKE im an injury mess
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? - I got chased by the popo but escaped HAHAHAHHA
23. Have you ever met any celebrities? - Lindsey Horan and CP hello ma’ams
24. Baths or showers? - Showers I dont have time move im gay
25. What color socks are you wearing? - none hahaha
26. Have you ever been famous? - Im famous for being a stupid ass clown
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? - fuck no ( @frankarnstein said “no not even a smol” and im dead)
28. What type of music do you like? - mmmm mostly everything but especially rock (indie, classic, industrial, punk, grunge, folk, all of it)
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? - yes 💀
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? - one to two
31. What position do you usually sleep in? - back or side I toss and turn bc I have anxiety lol
32. How big is your house? - I live here so infinite abyss
33. What do you typically have for breakfast? - usually fruit and eggs
34. Have you ever fired a gun? - yes once at a shooting range
35. Have you ever tried archery? - yes! my aunt actually competes and she taught me hahahha 
36. Favorite clean word? - gay and yikes
37. Favorite swear word? - fuck
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? - 78 hours i hallucinated 
39. Do you have any scars? - too many hahaha physically and emotionally 
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? - soranon (only OGs will remember hahahaha)
41. Are you a good liar? - Depends, but usually no hahahah
42. Are you a good judge of character? - I thought I was but I dont know anymore tbh. Ppl are unpredictable
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? - Yes ask @hvafaenerdette​ I love accents ahahahah
44. Do you have a strong accent? - I’ve been told by internationals that i have a strong american accent but idk ahahaha
45. What is your favorite accent? - Tobin Heath skater girl
46. What is your personality type? - Dumb bitch 
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? - idk like shoes?
48. Can you curl your tongue? - 😏 please
49. Are you an innie or an outie? - why is this a question wtf ahahhaha  
50. Left or right handed? - Right hand, Left foot
51. Are you scared of spiders? - No. Unless they fly down from my fan while I’m trying to play guitar and I’m very drunk and feel attacked
52. Favorite food? - All of it
53. Favorite foreign food? - Everything 
54. Are you a clean or messy person? - depends on my mental state((((((((:
55. Most used phrased? - for fucks sake and dumb bitch probably 
56. Most used word? - clown
57. How long does it take for you to get ready? - 5-10 minutes 
58. Do you have much of an ego? - No, I’m a clown I know my place 
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? - suck I aint tryin to break my teeth lol
60. Do you talk to yourself? - bitch pls ahahahah ofc 
61. Do you sing to yourself? - Yes hahahha
62. Are you a good singer? - Maybe? hahaha
63. Biggest Fear? - Jill Ellis 
64. Are you a gossip? - Nope. I am bearer of all secrets hahahah
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen? - Tournament of Nations 2017 USA vs. Brazil
66. Do you like long or short hair? - long on me but I dont care on other people
67. Can you name all 50 states of America? - I cant geography, but think I could get most ahahaha
68. Favorite school subject? - bio
69. Extrovert or Introvert? - Depends who I’m with, but usually introvert unless I fuck w you ahhahaha
70. Have you ever been scuba diving? - Snorkling yes, but not scuba diving
71. What makes you nervous? - WHAT DOESNT LOL
72. Are you scared of the dark? - No 
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? - only if it’s serious��
74. Are you ticklish? - Not really hahaha
75. Have you ever started a rumor? - No 
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? - Yesssss
77. Have you ever drank underage? - Lol do you know me
78. Have you ever done drugs? - 🥦 💨 @tobinheats-me-up
79. Who was your first real crush? - Gwen Stefani I think? ahhahah I love No Doubt
80. How many piercings do you have? - 0
81. Can you roll your Rs? - yes ma’am
82. How fast can you type? - very fast 
83. How fast can you run? - I cant, but I can walk very fast, move bitch im gay
84. What color is your hair? - light brown
85. What color is your eyes? - depends on lighting either blue or green
86. What are you allergic to? - homophobia 
87. Do you keep a journal? - I write songs instead hahaha
88. What do your parents do? - judge my “lifestyle” 
89. Do you like your age? - yes hahahah
90. What makes you angry? - men
91. Do you like your own name? - yes it’s v gay
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? - Christen and Tobin 
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child? - ive been laughing at this for a minute a “a boy a girl” 
94. What are you strengths? - being gay
95. What are your weaknesses? - girls
96. How did you get your name? - my parents gave it to me? hahahaha
97. Were your ancestors royalty? - cereally 
98. Do you have any scars? - This hasnt changed but again yes both physically and emotionally (:
99. Color of your bedspread? - blue with anchors bc it’s 
100. Color of your room? - tan and one dark blue wall
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joonyverse · 5 years
a little comfort to my broken soul - kim namjoon (bts) (oneshot)
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A/n: hello everyone! I’m finally back with a fic! It’s a oneshot and featuring namjoon? Shdhdh been having a whole lot namjoon feels nowadays. This fic is basically me writing down my loneliness that i’ve been feeling for a while,,, pretty severe tbh, and yOU KNOW IM A SUCKER FOR ANGST so here it is!
Summary: Everyone knows that the Princess of Saturn is best friends with the Prince of Jupiter. The princess’ and prince’s love & thirst for knowledge was what brought them together. It’s only inevitable in everyone’s thought that they end up together. But what happened is not what it seems to be...
Genre: Angst (slowburn), fLOOF, prince!namjoon x princess!y/n
Warning: suicidal thoughts, curses, loneliness, character death, unedited, grammar mistakes, bad english
Royalty Au
You were only 7 almost 8 years old at the time. Naive? Yes. Innocent? No question. But you know that somewhere inside of you, you seek for something. Something that may be beyond your mind, and maybe anyone’s mind. Your love for books took both the Queen and King of Saturn by surprise, not expecting their daughter’s love for the book. The library seems to be the only place you constantly visit in this huge caste you called home. It only seems right for them to have a book fair to celebrate your 8th birthday.
Coincidentally, your birthday fell on the same day with the visiting of the Queen and King of Jupiter. They brought their son together with him, in hope he will befriended the daughter of Saturn, and perhaps from there, take it into the next step. 
And to both side’s relief, both you and the Prince click together very well. Both falling into conversation easily. It all comes from childish banters and talks to serious and deeper conversation as you grow up. But something, something will never be able to leave your mind, not when he seems to beam so brightly like he could take on the world with his smile as he said it cheerfully,
“Hello! I’m Kim Namjoon!”
Namjoon was two years older than you. Despite that, you both are still closer than ever. Everyone, everybody, knows that both of you are inseparable. The rebellious act you both did as youngster in their youth, running away from the castle in the middle of the night to a garden not far from it, a garden you both call as the Sacred Garden. The act that causes everyone in the castle fell into panic, searching for you both whereabouts.
And now that you are 20, and Namjoon was 22. Both of you are still the best of friend. The playful banter was still there. But now, the conversation could be more deeper and more meaningful.
Namjoon was visitting your kingdom. Well, to be specific, he was on break so he visited you, knowing very well you couldn’t leave due to your school.
And there you both. In your room. You were just home from campus. Despite your status as a princess, your mom still want you to be more socially active with the public, and not to differ yourself with them. And you have no complain about it, you rather like it, and having an open minded family is more than you could ask for. 
Namjoon was sitting on a beanbag that you kept for fun with a book on his hand. You kept some mundane non royal things in your room, to somehow feel more grounded. Living with all the luxuries in life possible could make any human feel rather euphoric, and you don’t like that, and Namjoon knows that. You were laying down on your bed with your phone, that thankfully the kingdom allowed, even if not for public purpose. 
You puff up your cheeks, feeling rather bored with the rather calm or serene surrounding. “Namjoon~” you called.
Namjoon only hummed in response. You sighed, wanting his attention. Let me correct that, you Need his attention.
“Look at meee” you whined childishly, earning a groan from the man. “You and your goody two shoes ass always so drown in books!” you added.
He chuckled, knowing you were probably bored. But he won’t give you the satisfactory of winning, despite he knows he already lose hence his attention isn’t on his book anymore, his eyes just scanning the book carelessly.
You smirked. An idea popped off in your head. An idea to caught his attention. “I don’t get why you’re still reading the hard copy version of books!” you said. “It’s not even… eco friendly! It’s wasting plants!” you added.
Namjoon closed his book. Eyebrow raised. Arms closed. “You and your gadget won’t get the pleasure of reading the book as it is! The smell of paper and the feeling of it” he said before he stick out his tongue at you.
You scrunch your nose playfully. You got up from your bed and walk closer to him. “Yeah? The smell of trees being cut off huh?” you said with a smirk as you stand right before him. “ And you know better that I enjoy books more than anyone!” you said as you stick out your tongue at him too.
Namjoon chuckled and shook his head at the playful banter. He knew both of you meant no harm. One thing that Namjoon always admire from you is your love for the nature. How you always plant any kind of plants in every empty land possible, really avoid the use of non biodegradable products, even though you still consume some meat here and there, if anything, food is rather one of your weakness. 
Namjoon stood up from his seat. Staring down at you as you were shorter than him. He smiled playfully seeing you looking up at him still with that confidence, despite your lack of height. He quietly walk closer towards you, making you walk backwards and slightly lose your composure before gaining it again.
“You and your feisty tongue, how am I your best friend again?” he chuckled. An evil smile painted in his face. You chuckled nervously, knowing what will comes next.
“You know Namjoon? You were right! Hard copy books are- WAIT!”
Before you could even continued your words, you felt your body was pushed towards the bed, fingers around your waist, tickling it. Making you giggle uncontrollably. You gasping for breathe yet you can’t find any as Namjoon keep tickling you as he giggle along with you.
“AHAHAHAH NAMJOON PLEA- AHAHAH- PLEASE STOP!” You said through your giggles. But of course Namjoon had no mercy. Not until you finally gained enough energy to hit his arm that he finally stop. Of course he knows that you were a very ticklish person.
Namjoon let out a final tired giggle as he plop down beside you. You giggled along with him. Little moments like this feel so precious to you. It makes your heart do things that you can’t explain. And yet you feel like you know what it is. But you enjoyed it.
“So, how’s your thing with Jiwon going on?” you asked in a playful tone, curiosity peaked in. You knew Namjoon had a thing for Jiwon, from the Noble House of Kwon. The Kwons are a family close to yours. A little bit of friendly rivalry going on, but it’s all good. You’re just never got too close with Jiwon though. Jiwon was a really nice girl, even perhaps, the people of Saturn might like her more than they like you, or maybe that’s what you thought. And not only that, she was really attractive, and not to mention how smart she is too. She is literally everyone’s dream. 
You look at Namjoon on your side. His face beamed up, thinking about her must got him so over the moon. His smile probably could lighten a ballroom. You smiled too, knowing how happy your bestfriend was.
“I… really like her” he said shyly. You can see his face turn into reddish color like a tomato. “She’s just so amazing, and so pretty as well, I didn’t know human could be that perfect” he added.
And then he suddenly sat up straighter. Face looking right at you. Seeing him makes you sat up too on your bed.
“What? Spill it” you said, feeling nervous and yet concerned all of a sudden. 
“I’m gonna ask her out” he said suddenly. You were feeling caught off guard at him. And suddenly, you felt like the room is closing in on you and yet you don’t even know why.
“Then do it! Do it Namjoon! Go get her baby boy” you teased as you pat his back.
He immediately got off your bed in rush. “See you later y/n!” he shouted as he made his way out of your room which earned a chuckle from you.
You stared back into your phone once he left the room. Eyes soullessly staring into the still beaming bright device, showing where you last read your digital book. For some reason, you can’t focus on the words on the device. Your thoughts keep coming back to one thing and one thing only. Kim Namjoon and Kwon Jiwon.
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The sun almost setting. The surrounding could never be more serene. You were sitting on the green grass, enjoying the serenity. Watching the sun sets, with a cup of tea on your side. The knee length skirt you wore beautifully forming a halo around you, if anyone saw you, you would look like a goddess, and yet, you didn’t even realize that. 
Until you felt a presence next to you. Your head turn towards the intruder. Eyes scrunching up a little bit at how bright the sun shone on you. “Hey, Junmyeon” you greeted. You beamed up at him. You immediately feel humbled. Fingers instinctively reaching for the loose strands and tucked it behind your ear. You smiled sweetly at him.
Junmyeon was the sweetheart of your dream. He was really your everything. Well, your everything number two after Namjoon, you had to admit. He was there for you to lend his shoulder for you to cry on,  when you had your first heartbreak, because of some jerk that dated you because he had to move on from his ex only to date his ex again after your breakup despite knowing very well you’ve liked him for so long. He was there when you fought with Namjoon, to hear your rant and your worries. And it was no doubt he was an attractive man. 
“Whatcha doing here y/n?” He asked as he sat beside you. 
“Nothing, just enjoying the view!” You said. You can feel your heart racing and you can only hope it wasn’t loud enough for Junmyeon to hear.
Junmyeon looked ahead, and yet you were entranced by his beauty. His side view, you don’t think anyone can top this. “Yeah... it is beautiful, indeed” Junmyeon said before he turn his head towards you and smiled.
Perhaps it was the mood, perhaps it was the overwhelming feeling in your chest, and perhaps it was just you and your mind playing, but you can’t help but lean into him. Your lips kissing his, softly. 
You thought, it would goes like how you always imagine. The prince of your dream kissing you back, and tell you how he felt the same, telling you that he’s been waiting for this moment to come. But this isn’t fairytale. This is life. And that moment never came.
You slowly pull away, eyes still close. A pang in your heart. You can feel the tears that start to collect underneath your lids. Your heart is broken once again. Of course he didn’t like you that way, or no, of course all this time all he ever had for you was pity. Of course.
“Y/n...” Junmyeon called, his voice shaky.
You waited for it. You waited for it to come. The worst thing. The rejection.
“I really don’t like you that way...” he said carefully.
‘There it is’ you thought. And here you thought you both had something special going on. But of course it was just you being delusional.
“I like... someone else” he added. 
You swallowed the lump in your throat. The feeling of humiliation start coming in. Slowly you open your eyes, hoping the tears won’t fall. “Of- of course” you said shakily. “I’m sorry-“
“No no, it’s me who should be sorry, I shouldn’t lead you on, when I like Jiwon after all” he said. He attempt to put an arm around you, but you flinch away. Being in his arm would be the last thing you want. 
“I- I should go” you said as you stood up. You immediately run from there, accidentally spilling the tea on your way.
You ran to your room. Throwing yourself onto the bed as soon as you arrived. You cried, hard, into the pillow. Of course it was Jiwon. Everybody likes Jiwon, who were you kidding? 
You probably smeared the light makeup you put on, but you didn’t care. Your heart was hurt and broken once again. And this time with no one by your side, you felt so lonely. You fell deep into your own emotions. Exhausted enough to lull you into the dreamland.
Knocks on your door woke you up from the nap you were in. You sat up on the bed. Trying to collect your soul back. Remembering what had just happened pained you again but you felt like all tears had gone. All there is was dried tears on your face and smeared makeup.
“What is it?” You said a little bit louder than your usual voice, so the person behind the door could hear. You walked towards the vanity section in your room, removing the makeup that has smeared.
“You have dinner in an hour with the Queen and the King” the person behind the door said, earning a groan from you.
“The Royal Family of Jupiter would be there too” he added.
You sighed. You look into the reflection of yourself in the mirror. Even you could see the exhaustion in your face. But now, you have to face so many people.
Silently, you got ready with all the energy in you.
It was a rather private dinner. With only your parents, you, Namjoon, and his parents presented. It was a rather nice dinner, conversation with them make you forgot about Junmyeon a little bit and cheer you up definitely.
“Y/n, Namjoon, we both have something to tell you” your mom said.
You stopped eating. Fork was put down. Your eyes stare into her. And you can feel Namjoon did the same.
“Both Namjoon’s mom and dad had talk to us about this, and we agreed with them, because it’s indeed very beneficial to both of our kingdoms, and well, we both know it might be beneficial to both of you as well” your mom said, as she wiggled her eyebrows towards you both, her face beaming up. Namjoon seems confused. But you knew what this is and you can feel the horror starts creeping in, your hearts racing, your face pale. You knew very well what will happen, it happened to your sister, what makes you think that an exception will come to you?
“So... we decide to marry you off with each other!” His father announced. Your eyes immediately search for Namjoon’s.
A deep frown was in his face. His face was red, and you were too afraid to know whether it’s out of anger or anything else. God, you were too afraid to even know how your relationship now with him. You already lost someone today, you don’t want to lose another.
“You are kidding” Namjoon said as his voice fell an octave deeper. You knew he was angry. And you feel your heart breaking once again in a day. What if you lost him too.
The tension in the room was thick. You can feel it. You can even cut it with a knife. And the lump in your throat, it’s almost hurt so bad. Your anxiety kicking in. You really don’t want to be here and hurting.
“Namjoon, y/n, please just go through it, okay? At least for two years, two years and just public is all we need” his mom said, knowing the situation very well.
Namjoon swallowed down. He look at both parents. He nodded. “Two years, and just public” he said before he got up and left the room.
Your eyes followed him before your body do. You don’t even know what to say to him, and yet there you were still running for him.
“Namjoon! Namjoon! Please come back!” You screamed at him as you still run for him. And yet he never stop. The heels you run in was killing you and yet you still run. You can feel your ankle begging you to stop but you run. You don’t want to lose him.
But of course your body won. Your ankle move into wrong position, you had to twisted it and you fell. God it hurts. Of course it hurts. You can’t help but yelp in pain. Hands clutching at the ankle. You feel more pathetic than ever. Your dearest people leaving you and of course you had to have a damsel in distress moment. This is all too cliche for you and yet it happened. Tears were streaming down your face once again. You felt beyond sad, and yet, nobody seems to realize.
And then you felt a presence next to you. Hands around you. You don’t feel the energy to look up to see who it is. But his warmth, his scent, it’s all too familiar. He felt like home, but maybe he is home.
“Are you okay?” Namjoon asked. His voice full of concern. He might be angry, but you were hurting and he won’t put you last or even second.
You shook your head. Sobs escape from you. You just continue crying sadly as Namjoon make you hold him so he can carry you to your room, knowing very well you can’t walk in this state. You buried your face into his neck as you cry.
Namjoon gently laid you on your bed. Your hands immediately come to your eyes covering and rubbing them. Namjoon gently removed your hands. “Stop, you’re gonna hurt your eyes” he said.
You laid on your side. Not even bothering to check your ankle knowing very well that it’s probably swollen and now you have one elephant ankle. “I know it hurts” Namjoon said as he gently reach for your ankle. 
“I’m sorry” he apologised. You were hiccuping. Hearing him apologised makes you want to curl into a ball of guilt. You hate making him feel bad.
“Namjoon...” you called weakly. “If you don’t want to go through the marriage, we can always retaliate and reason with them like a damn adult” you said. Your mind is so clouded with so many scenarios and two of them are the humiliation where Namjoon run away with probably Jiwon, and now that you think about it, that’s probably why he was so angry and that’s a sign that probably he succeed on asking her out and you should tell Junmyeon about it, Or, it will be a lonely first night for you as a bride, the worst nightmare coming true.
“It won’t work y/n, I knew they are planning something, I could see it” he said with a sigh. “It will feels weird, and our friendship will be ruined, because it’s like marrying my sister” he added.
For some reason, you felt a pang in your heart. Does marrying you... sounds that bad? Does he never see you as a woman? Why do you even care? But you stayed silent, opting to not voice your wandering thoughts.
“How’s you and... Jiwon?” You asked as you moved facing him. You can hear your voice sounding a little bit different mentioning her name, and you can only hope he won’t notice. But knowing Namjoon, he probably noticed that. But you couldn’t be more thankful as he didn’t brought it up.
Namjoon beamed at the mention of her name. His face light up, it’s like he forgot of what just happened a moment before , before frown came back as he probably remembered about the marriage. And it pained you knowing you were the source of his unhappiness. You really wanted to cry again.
“I actually succeed...” he said. “But after this-“
“Please, don’t let this marriage be in the way of your happiness Namjoon, that’ll be the last thing I want” you cut him. Your mouth talks faster than your brain can proceed. You messed up and you knew. Now, you’re just going to be a lonely soul eternally.
“You can date her, but in public, you are my- you are with me, that’s all” you said.
“It’s okay” you said. “It’s okay to date her” you added. This is it you thought. Namjoon will definitely agreed to this, if he didn’t you will convince him. This is it. Your lonely life as a bride to a man whose heart belong to someone else. It will hurts but at least, Namjoon will be content, and that’s all you need. The last thing you need is having someone’s unhappy because of you.
“What do you mean?” Namjoon asked, confusion appears in his face because he genuinely didn’t understand.
You take another deep breath. “Our marriage, it’ll be just for the public, but privately, you can date her” you explained.
Namjoon chuckled in bewilderment. “No way, big no way, I’m not an asshole of a husband to date another woman while I am tied to someone, it’s morally wrong!” He said.
“I said it’s okay right? Nothing about having to get married to your best friend is morally right either, marriage in actual need consent from both side, and we both know that doesn’t happen, so please” you said. You closed your eyes. It doesn’t even happen yet and you can feel the loneliness start seeping into your very bones and soul. “Please Namjoon, don’t let me be in the way of your happiness” you said.
You never felt so lonely and hopeless as you did in the moment despite having the dearest best friend of your life next to you. Somewhere deep inside you, you wish to God to take you there and then.
“Y/n...” Namjoon called you. You didn’t want to open your eyes. Knowing very well you’ll lose if you did. He’s always been your weakness, always.
“Please, don’t make me feel even worse for myself, you know how much I hate being a burden to anyone, please, let me lessened it in this way” you pleaded.
Namjoon could literally felt his heart broke at the sight of you. You would never be a burden to anyone. And yet it’s so clear you couldn’t see that. It’s so clear that the clouds of negativity is hovering above you, and truth be told, Namjoon didn’t know what to do this time.
“Talk it out with her, if she’s okay with it, I’m okay” you said again.
Namjoon can’t even say anything. He felt like a damn bastard for even considering your offer. You were hurting and yet he still think about your offer. He’s a man, he’s a human, and he’s weak to temptation. He didn’t want to hurt you even further. And so he slowly retreat himself from you.
And it’s like you both know what choice did he made.
Not till you heard his steps has gone further into the hallway, you sobs loudly. Crying your heart out into the pillow. Screaming into it. Pain of agony felt so unbearable at the time. “God, please just take me now” you chanted, hoping no one will hear, only you, and your demon.
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2 months had passed. For some reason, Namjoon had strayed away. He still talk to you time to time, but the chemistry just isn’t there anymore. Namjoon probably didn’t know, but you were dying inside. You were just a shell of a woman.
And the day you dreaded finally come. Of course it bounds to come. The day that you’ll finally be married and live far away from the place you call home, the people you call family, and the scenery you’ll always miss. And finally you’ll step into the journey of being a lonely wife to a prince. A lonely wife to a husband whose heart wasn’t present.
A soulless marriage.
And yet, you went through it all. You went through it all with a bright smile you put on as a facade, like as if you can’t wait for the day you finally get to call your best friend your husband. You pretend like all is fine, beyond fine even. 
It’s like everyone here is happy except for the bride and the groom. Well maybe perhaps except Jiwon who had to watch her boyfriend being married to someone else who’s not her and kissed her. But at least, she was spared from eternal loneliness.
It was emotionally and physically tiring. Having to pretend for hours, it was very draining to say the least. And when it was finally over, you thanked god for finally the saddest event in your life to be over. Your heels, your dress that weight several pounds, your crown, they were so heavy it’s all killing you.
After the whole ordeal finish. You all had some private family time. You said your goodbye to your parents as you will live with Namjoon at his kingdom. Now you’ll finally leave the comfort of your parents, of your home, of your people.
It was a rather silent ride to his home. Neither you nor Namjoon said a thing. And all you wanted to do was cry. This should be your honeymoon, and yet, you feel so miserable. ‘God, please make it better’ you prayed.
Your thought was broken by a hold on your hand. You looked down before looking back at Namjoon. Your eyes feel so watery and yet you don’t even know why. So many emotions coming over you and it’s all suffocating.
“I’m yours, y/n” he said, his voice was very gentle, you almost break. “I’m yours” he added.
You were confused. You totally were. What did he mean? He’s technically yours but you both know he wasn’t. “Namjoon, what do you mean?” You asked.
He just pulled you closer into him. He stares into your eyes, so deep you were overwhelmed. He sees it all. Your loneliness, your depression, literally everything. And he just wants to give you the comfort you need.
But he knows, you won’t tell him. Not in a million years. Not until your time finally run out and the bomb that is you exploded. Not till your walls break down and you finally let him back into your heart.
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A month had passed. Neither Namjoon nor you had bothered to talk with each other. Things had been hectic anyway for you to even have a serious conversation. You’ve both been busy with public appearances here and there to have a serious deep talk. Your emotions both have been put aside, facing the world with a facade. 
Not until you both finally got time to rest. Days off, just like anyone else. You were in the balcony that was connected to the supposedly Namjoon and yours room. Not like Namjoon sleep here anyway. And every night, it kills you just how lonely you are. You never knew how much you could despise the silence of the night. Just how dead it seems the night. 
You look ahead. The view from the balcony was everything but disappointing. It faces the garden, just how you would like it if this marriage was anything but a scheme. But nevertheless, you enjoyed the view. It soothes the burning pain inside you. You saw the gardener watering the plants, and seeing people do their own things, it makes you feel a little bit more alive. 
Your empty thoughts was suddenly interrupted by the intruder that doesn’t even bother to knock the door and roughly opened the door to the balcony. You immediately look back towards the intruder.
There Namjoon stands, a little bit out of breath and unsteady compared to his usually calm composure. His eyes are wide opened. He seems frantic. And this create a panic in you seeing him so distraught. 
“Namjoon, what happened?” you asked, voice shaking. Hands reaching out to him, helping him steadied himself.
“It’s your parents y/n” he said, voice far from calm, it’s like the world calm had been thrown out of the window. “Their car… their car…”
“Their car what Namjoon?” you asked, tears threatening to fall from your eyes like a broken dam. You were scared to know what’s going on and you’re sure you don’t want to hear what happened next. 
“Someone set a bomb on their car y/n” he said. “No survivor” he continued.
You fell to the ground. It’s like your whole world finally fell apart. The dam is broken. Tears keep falling, not knowing its end. Your cheeks are wet. Sobs keep coming out of your mouth. Namjoon at your side, pulling you into his embrace. His hand keep caressing your back while the other pulling you closer into him.
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You can’t keep your head up. You were mourning. Your people were mourning. Namjoon at your side keeping you grounded. His very presence comfort you a little bit, and that’s enough. The town was so dead, and your feel wasn’t far from it. So many memories of your parents come across you, and every each one of them managed to broke your heart even more. You were hurting beyond belief. You prayed to God for some kind of remedy to your never-ending pain or if he can’t, then please just take you away. You were beyond tired.
The long ceremony finally ended. You laid on your bed in your bedroom. Tears not even coming out anymore. You felt a weight on your side but you said nothing.
“y/n…” Namjoon called as he pulled you into his embrace once again, spooning you just like how he knew it’s always been your favorite since you were little.
“Please, just talk to me okay? Tell me everything, god, I won’t even mind if you hit me, just talk to me okay?” he said gently into your ear. And yet you still say nothing.
“Y/n, I know how lonely you’ve been, and I know you won’t let me in and comfort you, but please, I lo- I care about you too much, so please, let me in, and let me comfort you” he said.  “baby, please…”
Your eyes watered again. You can feel it coming. You don’t even know why you held it in again. You don’t even know why you don’t confide in him. “Namjoon, please I’m so tired, I’m so lonely, I don’t even want to live… this is all to hard” you sobs.
He hugged you even tighter, as if to let you know that he’s here, no matter what. “I want to feel loved, I want my parents back, I want… I want to be brave to feel things, because-“ you choked. “I feel so dead inside” you continued.
“So Namjoon please, even if you don’t mean it, please just… just pretend like you love me with the sincerest heart and love, love me just for tonight” you begged.
Namjoon gently turning you to make you facing him. “y/n… It’s always been you, god I know what you’re thinking but I realized…”
“I realized that what I feel for Jiwon, is nothing like what I feel for you” he continued. “It’s always been you, baby” he said. His eyes full of sincerity and that makes you want to cry harder.
“Namjoon please, don’t lie to me, I can take the truth like a big girl, so please… don’t lie to me about this… especially this” you begged. Despair fill your whole being.
“Baby look at me” he said. Your eyes can’t help but stare into him. “Y/n, it’s always been you, and will always be you” he said. “I love you” he assured.
“B-but the things with Jiwon-” “It never happened”
“But why?” you asked, your voice small.
“Because you are you and I love you for who you are” he said. He stared into you with so much sincerity you almost got overwhelmed by it. You looked away, not wanting to fall deep into his eyes.
His lips hovering above your jaw, his eyes were closed, and you can feel his breath on you. “baby...” he called.
You looked into him. His eyes were staring right at yours. You didn’t remember whether it was him or you, but next thing you knew, his lips was on you, kissing you softly as if you were a fragile china that needed to be protected, and yet, you can feel how he tried to proves it to you that his feelings were true. And you can’t help but kiss him back. Lips enveloping each other, kissing like there’s no tomorrow.
Both of you let go to your needs of oxygen. Out of breath, but yet, despite everything, you felt like something inside you is awoke again. Slowly, you opened your eyes. His already looking back at you.
“It will take time, but I will show you just how much I love you”
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It’s now been six months. Everything had gone by, and without you realizing, winter has come.
You were curling into a ball in bed. Eyes were still closed. Hand reaching to your side, searching for a certain someone. Not long after, you felt a weight crawling over you, making you smile despite being in your sleepy state.
“Hey, searching for me baby?” Namjoon whispered into your ear before he peppered your neck in kisses, slowly making his way into your face. Smile painted his face
You giggled. Your hands reaching for his face, want to bring it up towards yours. “Good morning to you too baby” you said before you reach up to him for a kiss. “Why were you up?” you asked in a playful whine tone.
“I’m sorry baby, I went to the bathroom” he said before reaching for another kiss. “Do you want to go on a date tonight?” he asked.
“Why tonight when I have a whole day for you?” you pouted.
He chuckled. “Sorry love, I have to visit somewhere later, I’m free afterwards though” he assured.
“Well, Mr. Kim, you have a lunch date with Mrs. Kim at the Palace” you said, your face were beaming so brightly. Namjoon can’t help but give you another deep kiss, what can he do? He is a man after all who will always fall for his wife’s temptation. Making said wife chuckled.
“And who knows, maybe you’ll get lucky tonight” 
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smolgreenboi · 6 years
Bbterra (duh! XD)
>u>!!!!! mmmm
send a ship & I will answer….
bbterra || gar/tara (gatara? lmao)
who is a night owl.
i think i can actually give a solid answer with this ship, with the answer being: gar–even though it can still be sorta situational with him. 
i can see tara’s mental/biological clock (???) kind of being in tune with the rise and set of the sun due to her being constantly on the move throughout a good chunk of her life–including living in like? caves and stuff?? if i remember correctly???–so she’s used to rising with the sun and going to bed with it as well since traveling in the wilderness after dark, especially during a new moon, can be challenging. it’s just kind of a habit that she’s never actively tried to break. she might try to stay up with him while he’s playing a game or watching a movie but passes out not too long into it and gar just kinda lets her drool on his shoulder. 
who is a morning person.
following my thoughts above, tara’s most likely the morning person out of the two. groggy some days, fully awake other days. gar tends to be in a “sleep hangover” regardless of how much sleep he got or the events of the previous day, and the only times he can count as an early riser or morning person are on mornings where he went to bed feeling unsafe. 
are they cuddlers.
oh my god yes and it’s disgusting. not literally but like. these two dweebs. i imagine in a lot of ways they’re both kind of touch-starved (i know gar is) so whenever they’re sitting around with each other, they’re touching in SOME WAY. whether it’s sitting side by side, just close enough so their arms are touching, or holding hands while sitting together/walking somewhere, maybe chilling on the couch and tara’s leaning back with just her calves draped over gar’s lap while they’re playing a game, the list goes on. they are cuddlers. literally no doubt.
who is the big spoon.
i think it alternates, kind of depending on the night, the events of the day and if someone is acting as the “comfort” to the other’s “hurt”, if that makes sense. 
i dunno what your future headcanons are for tara’s height (so ignore this if i’m way off) but i can’t see gar ever outgrowing her. she’s a few inches taller than him by the time they both stop growing. this has no effect on the spooning but whatever. 
but yeah, i think it alternates and might even change as the night rolls on and their sleeping positions shift and stuff. no definite answer, here.
who is the little spoon.
see above!
what is their favourite sleeping position.
i don’t think they have a favorite sleeping position, per say, but i think the one they usually fall into or wind up in (subconsciously or otherwise) would be with gar hugging tara from behind with his head/face resting in either the curve of her neck or just between her shoulder blades. usually the latter, though, because he can hear her heartbeat and finds that soothing. there’s also a 95% chance he’s holding one of tara’s hands, too. 
who steals all the blankets.
… i dunno. i’m going to say tara, though. 
they’re both people who are used to sleeping without blankets due to their pasts and experiences, but i see tara as more on the opportunist side and if gar doesn’t make a move to nab the blankets and she wants them, she will. gar will let her burrito herself and just grow some fur or turn into something with a thick coat or lots of blubber. 
what they wear to bed.
as mentioned, gar always wears a minimum of a t-shirt and boxers to bed. sometimes a hoodie when it’s cold. never socks. 
i can see tara wearing something similar, though sometimes it’s one of gar’s t-shirts, and she also enjoys wearing socks. especially long ones or really thick ones. she’s tried convincing gar to start wearing socks by means of getting a running start down a long corridor, sliding and SLAMMING INTO HIM LIKE A BOWLING BALL TO PINS but it hasn’t worked yet. although she might be wearing him down. >->
also, y’all might want to move this to another floor because raven’s getting tired of hearing gar suddenly shriek at the top of his lungs closely followed by a crash and then noxious laughter. 
who likes seeing the other wearing their t-shirt.
gar gets stupid flustered and bashful whenever tara casually puts on one of his t-shirts and sometimes he’ll wear one of tara’s older/more beat up t-shirts if he’s about to do an activity that makes a mess (painting, gardening, working with an animal, etc) and she’s told him she doesn’t mind him making it dirtier. 
and if you think gar’s never shamelessly worn one of her crop-tops while they were out on the city or at the beach, you’re mistaken, my friend.
who falls asleep mid-conversation.
tara. as mentioned, gar more or less has to actively make the decision to fall asleep (unless he’s literally about to collapse from extreme exhaustion), so it’s highly unlikely he’ll ever pass out mid-conversation. 
they’re probably lying around talking about random stuff, jumping from subject to subject like a spider on a web and suddenly she just stops responding and he turns his head to see she’s snoring. 
who wakes up in the middle of the night with nightmares.
i imagine they both do. i don’t know to what extent tara’s past horrors go into (i know her country gave her and her brother their powers but idk how… traumatic that process would have been) but based off how she behaves prior to learning to control them, i can guess she’s been the cause of some crap. and gar’s been through… *rolls out 84 mile long list* … a lot… so. 
yeah. these two. nightmares aren’t scarce. and i think they’re both hypocrites because they’d both want to help the other process them but, when it comes to their own demons, refuse to talk about it. 
who accidentally punched the other in their sleep.
i know i’ve said this with each of these but, like, it’s a legit issue, specifically due to his time “in the custody” of eddie and bates. they’d grab him out of his sleep on nights they were drunk or just generally pissed off, so it’s basically burned into his brain that if he’s suddenly grabbed while sleeping to punch, kick or scratch the hand/arm that’s got him. he doesn’t really think enough to check who it is who’s making contact with him. 
so, i’m sure he’s punched, kicked or scratched her at least once. then proceeded to spend the rest of the night sleeping on the floor or on the couch regardless of her assurances and stuff. he feels like utter trash, apologizes profusely while helping her doctor it up and is antsy about falling asleep around her for a short time. 
who can’t keep their hands to themselves.
again, i don’t think either of them fall into this in it’s most extreme/literal sense. moreso see my answer to “are they cuddlers?” and that should sum it up just fine. 
who said “I love you” first.
i think this is situational. though, most likely, would probably be gar, as he might blurt it out during a moment of complete joy and bliss and then fall into a panic when he realizes he did it randomly and it was awkward and unplanned and oh god oh no what will she think of me–i’m such aN IDIOT SHE DESERVES TO HEAR IT IN A MORE ROMANTIC SETTING WHY AM   I  L I K E THIS 
who would have the other’s picture as their phone background.
tbh i can totally see them being those FREAKING DORKS who have the same or matching phone backgrounds?? like, either they both have the same picture of them at the beach/park as their phone backgrounds OR they have a picture of each other doing the same activity. 
like, tara’s phone background is a picture of gar posing next to a ditto they found on Pokemon Go and gar’s phone background is a picture of tara posing next to an onix. 
someone please stop them.
who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror.
there is literally a trail of sticky notes all over this freaking mirror with a full-fledged adventure of an ongoing conversation that momentarily turned into a pokemon battle that turned into a debate about who would win in a fight (dwayne the rock johnson or godzilla) that turned into tons of positive quotes and phrases that turned into a conversation about what would happen if it was safe to consume lava lamp goo and you discovered you could glow in the dark and, my god, this mirror is a mess. it’s pointless, now, aside from being used as a sticky note surface. there is no mirror, here, only multi-colored chaos. 
who buys the other cheesy gifts.
i know i keep saying this but gar would 100% buy tara random gifts because they made him think of her and he just couldn’t resist the idea of making her smile, so there you go. as usual, they’re spread out so she doesn’t worry about him dumping money all over her but… he can’t be stopped, you guys, he wants to give his loved ones ALL THE NICE THINGS….
who initiated the first kiss.
*takes a long, hard stare at Betrayal as i feel my soul leave my body* 
… i’m going to say tara because we can’t see gar’s face (even though he’s leaning in) and her eyes are closed, AND also because gar is kind of hesitant about being the instigator in these situations most of the time. … though the first official kiss may have been more of a nervous peck on the lips than a legit kiss, then there’s the awkward “omg you kissed me” couple of seconds where they both kind of panic about it but then after they calm down and realize it’s okay and that the feeling is mutual and they both want it, the second ‘first kiss’ is equally mutual and clumsy and awkward but WHO CARES TBH. 
who kisses the other awake in the morning.
again, i think it’s less kissing the other awake and more giving each other a gentle kiss on the forehead or cheek or temple regardless of if the gesture rouses the other. they both do this, but it’s more often tara since gar’s the one who sleeps in regularly. 
who starts tickle fights.
… i don’t know WHY but i’ve always headcanoned that tara isn’t ticklish at all–whereas gar IS–so when she tries to start a tickle fight and he attempts to retaliate there’s like this awkward couple of seconds where GAR USED TICKLE RIBS… … … IT’S NOT VERY EFFECTIVE and they’re both kind of like
who asks who if they can join the other in the shower.
tara most likely is the one to ask first, though it’s… very hesitant and awkward due to her having trouble asking if she can join him without DIRECTLY asking, if that makes any sense. and then he gets flustered and she gets flustered and everything’s awkward until they both just blurt “OKAY!!” at the same time and, GUESS WE’RE DOING THIS NOW.
on that note there’s, like… nothing sexual about their showers basically ever.
shared showers are spent singing bad pop-songs into their shampoo bottles, washing each other’s hair, washing each other’s injuries if needed, arguing/debating theories on whatever TV show they’re currently watching or game they’re playing, ooooor with tara pretending to be the lady from the grudge and deathrattling as her hair consumes gar while he re-inacts basically every scream in an old black and white horror movie. 
… christ, you’re both losers. 
who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch.
they both would!!!! it alternates on availability and stuff, but they both would absolutely do this and surprise each other with their favorite lunches. 
who was nervous and shy on the first date.
i think they BOTH were, but i’d place money that gar is actively displaying his nerves/shyness while tara’s at least somewhat better at keeping her cool/keeping her nerves mostly contained, although there are glimpses of her bashful side when gar does or says something endearing or sincere. 
who kills/takes out the spiders.
the first time this happens, tara is legit about to just CRUSH it with the nearest blunt object but gar literally throws himself into the line of fire and ends up getting smacked over the head with a dictionary all in the name of saving a tiny wolf spider. 
after that, he starts teaching/helping tara learn how to carefully catch them in some tuba-wear and where to best release them outdoors. she hasn’t killed a spider since. 
who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk.
as previously mentioned, gar refuses to drink alcohol. so, IF you think tara is one who would drink to the point of getting tipsy or drunk, it’d most likely be her. 
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qodforsakens · 7 years
Q:     WHAT IS YOUR MIDDLE NAME   ? A:     Ashley.     Relatively  unoriginal,     but  my  mom  wanted  my  middle  name  to  be  Blue     (     in  which  case  i  would  have  DIED     ) Q:     HOW  OLD  ARE  YOU   ? A:     Feel  like  I’m  12  but  I’m  almost  20 Q:     WHEN  IS  YOUR  BIRTHDAY   ? A:     March  21st,     i’mmA  SPRING  BABY
Q:     WHAT  IS  YOUR  ZODIAC  SIGN   ? A:     Technically  an  Aries  but  ig  i’m  on  the  “   Pisces  Cusp   ”   ?   dk  what  that  means  but  my  mom  told  me  the  other  day  but  i  feel  as  if  i’ve  cheated  astrology  stuff  lols     ?
Q:     WHAT  IS  YOUR  FAVORITE  COLOR   ? A:     I  don’t  really  have  one,     but  I  like  the  color  pink  a  lot  so  maybe  pink
Q:     WHAT’S  YOUR  LUCKY  NUMBER   ? A:     Lucky  who     ?
Q:     DO  YOU  HAVE  ANY  PETS   ? A:     Three   !   Bailey,     Dana  and  Melvin.
Q:     WHERE  ARE  YOU  FROM   ? A:     Everywhere   ?   Born  in  Missoula,     Montana   /   raised  in  Wisconsin  until  I  was  around  12   /   went  to  school  in  Montana  until  I  was  a  sophomore   /   went  for  a  semester  of  school  during  sophomore  year  in  Wild  Rose,     Wisconsin   /   moved  back  to  a  quaint  Deer  Lodge,     Montana  until  the  end  of  my  junior  year   /   moved  to  Hudson,     Wisconsin  my  senior  year  of  HS  and  lived  there  until  July  31st   /   living  in  the  Shithole  that  is  Mondovi,     Wisconsin.
Q:     HOW  TALL  ARE  YOU   ? A:     5′5 3/4″.     The  3/4″  is  important  to  note  because  I’m  NEARLY  5′6″  and  most  everyone  in  my  family  is  around  6′.     I’m  dead  inside
Q:     WHAT  SHOE  SIZE  ARE  YOU   ? A:     Technically  a  9.5  but  the  size  varies  by  brand.
Q:     HOW  MANY  PAIRS  OF  SHOES  DO  YOU  OWN   ? A:     Probably  nine,     but  I  hardly  wear  any  of  them  because  I  work  at  the  fucking  time
Q:     WHAT  WAS  YOUR  LAST  DREAM  ABOUT   ? A:     I  remember  that  I  had  ANOTHER  dream  with  u  in  it  but  I  didn’t  remember  enough  about  it  that  it  was  worth  sharing   ?   But  I  did  wake  up  feeling  like  all  of  my  problems  were  gone  so  it  was  a  positive  dream
Q:     WHAT  TALENTS  DO  YOU  HAVE   ? A:     I  can  learn  songs  from  musicals  in  no  time.
Q:     ARE  YOU  PSYCHIC  IN  ANY  WAY   ? A:     No,     next  question
Q:     FAVORITE  SONG   ? A:     My  favorite  song  is  either  You  and  I     (     Lady  Gaga,     Born  This  Way     )  or  The  Cure     (     also  Gaga,     current  single     )
Q:     FAVORITE  MOVIE   ? A:     RENT.     Hands  down  my  favorite  movie  of  all  time.     I  could  watch  it  on  a  loop  tbh
Q:     WHO  WOULD  BE  YOUR  IDEAL  PARTNER   ? A:     Someone  who  understood  that  I’m  really  fucking  depressive  all  the  time,     like,     grossly  depressive   ?   I  can  joke  abt  wanting  to  kill  myself  500  times  and  not  mean  it,     but  other  times  I  do  and  I  wish   !   ppl  could  read  minds  bc  having  to  tell  someone  that  I’m  depressed  makes  me  hurt  worse  bc  I  feel  like  a  Disappointment
Q:     DO  YOU  WANT  CHILDREN   ? A:     I’m  not  sure  if  I  do.     I  mean,     at  nineteen   ?   No  fucking  way.     In  ten  years   ?   Maybe,     I’m  thinking  yes,     but  to  be  decided  obviously
Q:     DO  YOU  WANT  A  CHURCH  WEDDING   ? A:     Probably,     but  not  because  I’m  religious
Q:     ARE  YOU  RELIGIOUS   ? A:     I  don’t  follow  any  religion,     but  when  I’m  scared  I  repeat,     “     i  believe  in  God.     ”     until  my  freight  vanishes
Q:     HAVE  YOU  EVER  BEEN  TO  THE  HOSPITAL   ? A:     A  few  times.     Three  were  the  most  serious.     Broke  my  wrist,     caught  Lymes  Disease  via  nasty-ass  deer  ticks  and  had  a  concussion  from  cheer.
Q:     HAVE  YOU  EVER  GOT  IN  TROUBLE  WITH  THE  LAW   ? A:     Once,     and  it  actually  wasn’t  my  fault.     I  was,     hello,     gay-baited  and  naive,     and  the  gal  that  gay-baited  me  told  me  that  it  was  LEGAL  to  spray  paint.     Because  it  was  Montana,     I  didn’t  get  into  much  trouble  but  was  supposed  to  go  to  a  local  courthouse  to  clear  up  w/e  had  happened  which  never  occurred  bc  not  even  a  month  later  were  we  moving  to  Wisconsin
Q:     HAVE  YOU  EVER  MET  ANY  CELEBRITIES   ? A:     One but  he’s  gross  so  :  /
Q:     BATHS  OR  SHOWERS   ? A:     Showers  but  only  if  I  don’t  have  bath  bombs  to  use
Q:     WHAT  COLOR  SOCKS  ARE  YOU  WEARING   ? A:     Currently  none  bc  I’m  in  bed  and  it’s  4:13  a.m.
Q:     HAVE  YOU  EVER  BEEN  FAMOUS   ? A:     Thankfully  not
Q:     WOULD  YOU  LIKE  TO  BE  A  BIG  CELEBRITY   ? A:     Maybe  a  Broadway  star  or  jazz  singer  but  other  than  that   ?   Pass
Q:     HAVE  YOU  EVER  BEEN  SKINNY  DIPPING   ? A:     Don’t  have  the  gall  to  tbh
Q:     HOW  MANY  PILLOWS  DO  YOU  SLEEP  WITH   ? A:     I  think  six   ?   Too  lazy  to  count  rn
Q:     WHAT  POSITION  DO  YOU  SLEEP  IN   ? A:     I  fall  asleep  laying  on  my  side,     facing  the  wall,     with  my  legs  folded  like   ?   behind  me  but  i  always  wake  up  laying  on  my  back  so
Q:     HOW  BIG  IS  YOUR  HOUSE   ? A:     uh  average   ?
Q:     WHAT  DO  YOU  TYPICALLY  HAVE  FOR  BREAKFAST   ? A:     I  rarely  eat  which  doesn’T  show  but  I  sleep  and  work  too  much  to  fit  breakfast  into  an  every  day  schedule
Q:     HAVE  I  EVER  FIRED  A  GUN   ? A:     My  dad  is  a  white  male  AND  a  conservative  from  Montana,     u  tell  me
Q:     HAVE  YOU  TRIED  ARCHERY   ? A:     In  high  school  bc  I  needed  to  do  it  to  pass  P.E.  but  it  was  not  my  thing
Q:     FAVORITE  CLEAN  WORD   ? A:     idk  if  i  have  one     ?     i  say  Mood  all  the  time  but  that’s  not   a  favorite
Q:     FAVORITE  SWEAR  WORD   ? A:      Bitchin’
Q:     WHAT’S  THE  LONGEST  YOU’VE  GONE  WITHOUT  SLEEP   ? A:     Around  25-ish  hours   ?   I  can’t  handle  that  anymore  tho
Q:     DO  YOU  HAVE  ANY  SCARS   ? A:     I  have  a  handful  of  scars  on  my  forehead  bc  of  an  Incident  in  kindergarten,     a  scar  on  my  left  earlobe  bc  a  dog  almost  ripped  my  fucking  earlobe  off  and  one  on  my  right  big  toe  due  to  my  brother  not  telling  me  abt  the  glass  he  broke  and  didn’t  clean  up   :  )   that  one  cut  to  the  bone  :   )   and  a  few  on  my  left  arm  lols
Q:     Have  you  ever  had  a  secret  admirer   ? A:     Not  attractive  enough  tbh
Q:     ARE  YOU  A  GOOD  LIAR   ? A:     I  don’t  lie  on  per  the  norm  so  no.     I  smile  too  much  tbh
Q:     ARE  YOU  A  GOOD  JUDGE  OF  CHARACTER   ? A:     Usually  not.
Q:     CAN  YOU  DO  ANY  OTHER  ACCENTS  OTHER  THAN  YOUR  OWN   ? A:     I  can  slip  into  accents  for  .00006 seconds  but  no  one  ever  hears  them
Q:     DO  YOU  HAVE  A  STRONG  ACCENT   ? A:      God  I  wish
Q:     WHAT  IS  YOUR  FAVORITE  ACCENT   ? A:     Boston   /   Mass  accents.
Q:     WHAT  IS  YOUR  PERSONALITY  TYPE   ? A:     This  requires  me  to  take  a  long-ass  test  n  i’m  not  gna  do  that  rn
Q:     WHAT  IS  YOUR  MOST  EXPENSIVE  PIECE  OF  CLOTHING   ? A:     Probably  my  $70-$80  jeans  that  are  now  Ruined
Q:     CAN  YOU  CURL  YOUR  TONGUE   ? A:     Mhm
Q:     ARE  YOU  AN  INNIE  OR  AN  OUTIE   ? A:     Innie
Q:     LEFT  OR  RIGHT  HANDED   ? A:     Right
Q:     ARE  YOU  AFRAID  OF  SPIDERS   ? A:     Naturally
Q:     FAVORITE  FOOD   ? A:     Highkey  Gyros
Q:     ARE  YOU  A  CLEAN  OR  MESSY  PERSON   ? A:     Both  :  (
Q:     MOST  USED  PHRASE   ? A:     haHahahA  whatta  mood     !
Q:     MOST  USED  WORD   ? A:     Mood
Q:     HOW  LONG  DOES  IT  TAKE  FOR  YOU  TO  GET  READY   ? A:     Two  hours
Q:     DO  YOU  HAVE  MUCH  OF  AN  EGO   ? A:     Probably  best  known  for  forgetting  things
Q:     DO  YOU  SUCK  OR  BITE  LOLLIPOPS   ? A:     suck  eM
Q:     DO  YOU  TALK  TO  YOURSELF   ? A:     Probably
Q:     DO  YOU  SING  TO  YOURSELF   ? A:     All  the  time
Q:     ARE  YOU  A  GOOD  SINGER   ? A:     I’ve  been  told  that  I  am  by  a  handful  of  ppl  but  who  knows
Q:     BIGGEST  FEAR   ? A:     Drowning,     burning  to  death  or  being  stabbed  in  either  lung  bc  yiKEs
Q:     ARE  YOU  A  GOSSIP   ? A:     Not  necessarily  tbh
Q:     BEST  DRAMATIC  MOVIE  YOU’VE  SEEN   ? A:     Baby  driver  but  it  wasn’t  rlly  dramatic     ?
Q:     DO  YOU  LIKE  LONG  OR  SHORT  HAIR   ? A:     On  me,     it’s  a  tie  tbh.     I  love  long  hair  until  I  have  it  n  then  I  want  it  shoRT  SO
Q:     CAN  YOU  NAME  ALL  50  STATES  OF  AMERICA   ? A:     If  I  have  a  while  to  think  abt  them  then  yes.     If  not,     no
Q:     FAVORITE  SCHOOL  SUBJECT   ? A:     English   /   Language
Q:     EXTROVERT  OR  INTROVERT   ? A:     Intro  x100
Q:     HAVE  YOU  EVER  BEEN  SCUBA  DIVING   ? A:     No  and  I  don’t  want  to
Q:     WHAT  MAKES  YOU  NERVOUS   ? A:     Being  honest  abt  how  I  feel  regardless  of  context
Q:     ARE  YOU  SCARED  OF  THE  DARK   ? A:     I’m  the  Biggest  baby  so  yes
Q:     DO  YOU  CORRECT  PEOPLE  WHEN  THEY  MAKE�� MISTAKES   ? A:     Not  verbally  bc  I  wasn’t  raised  in  the  jungle
Q:     HAVE  YOU  EVER  STARTED  A  RUMOR   ? A:     Gross,     no
Q:     HAVE  YOU  EVER  BEEN  IN  A  POSITION  OF  AUTHORITY   ? A:     Once  for  a  hs  class  assignment  but  I’m  the  only  one  who  worked  on  the  project  in  the  long-run
Q:     HAVE  YOU  EVER  DRANK  UNDERAGE   ? A:     mhm
Q:     HAVE  YOU  EVER  DONE  DRUGS   ? A:     Only  smoked  weed  tbh
Q:     WHO  WAS  YOUR  FIRST  REAL  CRUSH   ? A:     My  kindergarten  boyfriend,     how  the  turntables
Q:     HOW  MANY  PIERCINGS  DO  YOU  HAVE   ? A:     Eleven
Q:     CAN  YOU  ROLL  YOUR  Rs   ? A:     Barely   !
Q:     HOW  FAST  CAN  YOU  TYPE   ? A:     Pretty  fast,     idk  the  wpm  tho
Q:     HOW  FAST  CAN  YOU  RUN   ? A:     What  is  this,     middle  school   ?
Q:     WHAT  COLOR  IS  YOUR  HAIR   ? A:     Bleached  bitch
Q:     WHAT  COLOR  ARE  YOUR  EYES   ? A:     Brown
Q:     WHAT  ARE  YOU  ALLERGIC  TO   ? A:     Cats,     unfortunately
Q:     DO  YOU  KEEP  A  JOURNAL   ? A:     I  don’t  but  should
Q:     WHAT  DO  YOUR  PARENTS  DO   ? A:     My  dad  is  a  licensed  Electrician  and  my  mom  works  at  a  grocery  store
Q:     DO  YOU  LIKE  YOUR  AGE   ? A:     I  feel  12  yall
Q:     WHAT  MAKES  YOU  ANGRY   ? A:     Being  mocked  or  people  bickering  with  me  over  something  that  I’m  obviously  right  about
Q:     DO  YOU  LIKE  YOUR  OWN  NAME   ? A:     Skye  is  a  shit  name  tbh,     would  change  it  to  Liz  if  my  parents  wouldn’t  freak  out  about  it.
Q:     HAVE  YOU  ALREADY  THOUGHT  OF  BABY  NAMES,    AND  IF  SO  WHAT  ARE  THEY   ? A:     I  love  feminine   /   strong   /   unisex   names.
Q:     DO  YOU  WANT  A  BOY  OR  GIRL  FOR  A  CHILD   ? A:     Idk  probably  either
Q:     WHAT  ARE  YOUR  STRENGTHS   ? A:     Doubting  everyone
Q:     WHAT  ARE  YOUR  WEAKNESSES   ? A:     Assuming  the  worst  of  ppl
Q:     HOW  DID  YOU  GET  YOUR  NAME   ? A:     Well,     my  mom  wrote  a  list  of  names  on  a  sheet  of  paper  and  my  dad  liked  Skye  so  here  we  are.     I  was  almost  a  Chloe   /   Mercedes   /   Samantha.
Q:     WERE  YOUR  ANCESTORS  ROYALTY   ? A:     Obviously  not
Q:     COLOR  OF  YOUR  BEDSPREAD   ? A:     Black  ONLY  because  my  main  sheets  had  been  washed  recently  and  I  haven’t  changed  back
Q:     COLOR  OF  YOUR  ROOM   ? A:     Yellow  but  not  by  choice
And  the  meme  is  from  HERE.     Tagging  @heartcraves  but  u  genuinely  don’t  have  to  do  this  bc  it  took  me  almost  two  hours  so  please  spare  yourself
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thestarmaker · 7 years
Do all of them now damnit
i figured this would happen haha
1. What is you middle name? Clarice2. How old are you? 183. What is your birthday? June 234. What is your zodiac sign? Cancer5. What is your favorite color? Green!6. What’s your lucky number? 9, also 2597. Do you have any pets? a wonderful rabbit8. Where are you from? a place barely anyone’s ever heard of and we’re known for great sweet corn even tho we’re in upstate new york9. How tall are you? 5′ 4.25″10. What shoe size are you? like 8 i think11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? 9 or so but i wear like 312. What was your last dream about? i… don’t remember honestly, i haven’t been sleeping great (or much) the last few nights b/c i’m on vacation and sharing a bed w/someone you’re not gonna spoon with makes for light sleep lmao13. What talents do you have? i can write poetry for dayssss14. Are you psychic in any way? maybe? my intuition is on p o i n t and i tend to just know things, ya know? 15. Favorite song? jfc um… “Little Infinity” by Make Out Monday16. Favorite movie? fuck… the three videos that make up Monster Factory’s Fallout 4 destruction w/The Final Pam b/c that’s almost 90 minutes so it counts17. Who would be your ideal partner?@jimboakimbo ngl, which is super great b/c he /is/ my partner18. Do you want children? at the moment, no19. Do you want a church wedding? idgaf, but my wedding will be so Aesthetic™20. Are you religious? not really21. Have you ever been to the hospital? yeah, but to visit people22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? nope23. Have you ever met any celebrities? i high-fived/hugged 3 out of 4 members of Marianas Trench, also i met Andrew McMahon once and it was absolutely amazing he’s so sweet24. Baths or showers? Already answered!25. What color socks are you wearing? None atm26. Have you ever been famous? haha nope27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? depends what i’m doing, but i’d like it because of the impact i could have on other people’s lives28. What type of music do you like? mostly alternative29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? yep30. How many pillows do you sleep with? Already answered!31. What position do you usually sleep in? Already answered!32. How big is your house? Not very big, it’s a little ranch-style house i think but it’s perfect :)33. What do you typically have for breakfast? i don’t usually eat breakfast b/c i get sick if i eat too early…34. Have you ever fired a gun? airsoft, yeah. but actualy bullets? nope35. Have you ever tried archery? yep, but only target practice i could never shoot an animal oh god36. Favorite clean word? Entropy37. Favorite swear word? either fuck or shit isk lmao38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? like almost 44 hours b/c i wanted to see how long i could make it39. Do you have any scars? Already answered!40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? Nope41. Are you a good liar? Depends on how big the lie. the smaller, the easier42. Are you a good judge of character? y e s and i wish people listened to me more when i tell them someone is not a good person43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? i can do british and southern, but the rest aren’t very good44. Do you have a strong accent? no…? but no one thinks they themselves have a strong one so?45. What is your favorite accent? probably scottish or irish tbh46. What is your personality type? INFP-T47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? my senior prom dress probably48. Can you curl your tongue? yep49. Are you an innie or an outie? innie50. Left or right handed? right51. Are you scared of spiders? only if they’re on me, usually52. Favorite food? any asian food honestly i love it (but not sushi)53. Favorite foreign food? … see above question oops54. Are you a clean or messy person? organized mess?55. Most used phrased? “i get that” probably56. Most used word? i have no idea haha57. How long does it take for you to get ready? like 10-15 minutes58. Do you have much of an ego? i seriously doubt it59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? both60. Do you talk to yourself? yes61. Do you sing to yourself? y e s62. Are you a good singer? i’ve been told i am but /i/ don’t like my voice much63. Biggest Fear? tornadoes and where i live hardly gets any ever so everyone’s like “oh that’s irrational uwu” and now i can be like “no tf it’s not we just got a few like a month ago the fair almost didn’t happen”64. Are you a gossip? no, i like to hear it but i don’t spread it65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen? The Imitation Game, probably66. Do you like long or short hair? on me? short. on others? w/e they like ^-^67. Can you name all 50 states of America? yep! in under 20 seconds68. Favorite school subject? science69. Extrovert or Introvert? introvert70. Have you ever been scuba diving? no, but i’ve been snorkeling71. What makes you nervous? existing lmao72. Are you scared of the dark? nope!! My night vision is fantastic anyway from all the times i’ve been stargazing73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? depends on both the person and the mistake74. Are you ticklish? pfft what me no pssh nope not at all pfft nope pssh75. Have you ever started a rumor? nope76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? yeah i was the president of my high-school’s GSA in senior year which was good b/c the person running against me lost and got VP and is just terrible77. Have you ever drank underage? yes78. Have you ever done drugs? nope79. Who was your first real crush? my best friend i think lmao, but that’s been gone for a while now80. How many piercings do you have? just one in each ear81. Can you roll your Rs?“ yep82. How fast can you type? average speed i guess83. How fast can you run? not very84. What color is your hair? dirty blonde, but now it’s a little blonder b/c summer sun85. What color is your eyes? green…ish-gray with hints of blue? they aren’t as cool as they sound86. What are you allergic to? nothing that i know of87. Do you keep a journal? for witchcraft, yes but not for day-to-day stuff88. What do your parents do? my dad’s pretty much an engineer for our cousin’s company which is cool89. Do you like your age? yeah, but i don’t like the drinking age tho lmao90. What makes you angry? when people refuse to see the other side of an argument when that other side has actual rational points, that’s actually the worst oh my fucking god not everyone shares your opinion91. Do you like your own name? yeah92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? nope93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child? don’t care, i mean i don’t want kids right now but even if i did i wouldn’t care94. What are you strengths? i’m pretty smart, i can hold conversations with pretty much any age group, i’m apparently pretty easy to get along with, and i have a pretty creative mind95. What are your weaknesses? not being able to help enough in certain fields, dogs (esp samoyeds my fluffy babies), animals in general, putting people too high on a pedestal, getting attached to anyone who shows me any kindness ever, cream soda, black cherry cream soda, question 74 shut up, big soft pieces of clothing, cats, The G Note™ shut up, i also get flustered really easily which can kind of be a problem sometimes, also i cry a lot96. How did you get your name? my middle name - Clarice - comes from my great-grandmother Clara, and my first comes from the italian word for angel b/c my mom had trouble becoming pregnant and was told that she probably wouldn’t even survive being pregnant with me or the birth… but she did, and here i am. I assume that’s why, at least97. Were your ancestors royalty? not that i’m aware of98. Do you have any scars? Already answered!99. Color of your bedspread? it’s a bunch of mismatched blankets tbh100. Color of your room? like wood paneling it’s kinda weird but i like it
Thanks Sarah!!!
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13flowersandfoxes · 7 years
Uhhh how about 1-100 please? 😘
1. What is you middle name?Nope
2. How old are you?20
3. When is your birthday?Nov 27
4. What is your zodiac sign?Sagittarius 
5. What is your favorite color?Purple or green
6. What’s your lucky number?Look at my URL :)
7. Do you have any pets?A cat and a dog
8. Where are you from?Southern California 
9. How tall are you?5'11
10. What shoe size are you? 10
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?A lot
12. What was your last dream about?I dunno. 
13. What talents do you have?Being weird. Annoying cats and people. Cooking. Drinking Dr Pepper and water. But really I dunno. 
14. Are you psychic in any way?No. closest thing is i read people and their emotions pretty well but I don’t consider that psychic, just sensitive to people’s emotions. 
15. Favorite song?Sea Green See Blue by Lily Allen
16. Favorite movie?I have too many and I’m too tired to think of that. 
17. Who would be your ideal partner?Someone who is honest, attentive, loving, polite. Supportive. Not dependent on me and doesn’t expect that of me either, encourages what I love, and shows interest in it. Basically I want someone who doesn’t make me doubt myself and doesn’t depend on me (cause I’m not strong enough for the kind of guys who do that to me TBH) 
18. Do you want children?Possibly. I doubt myself and my abilities and patience in that realm, I definitely don’t want a lot of kids. 2-3 is probably what I’d want if I had them. For now I’m happy with animals though cause they don’t drain me as much. 
19. Do you want a church wedding?Yes. 
20. Are you religious?Yes. 
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?Lol yes. 
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?Nope. Have been taken from home in a cop car though 😉
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?A few, mostly comic con. I think Paul mcgann or John Rhys Davies are like my favorite memories. Also this one actor who was a minor elf in lotr.
24. Baths or showers?Both
25. What color socks are you wearing?None
26. Have you ever been famous?Tumblr is the most famous I’ve been.
Or maybe when I screamed at the top of my lungs at a “make the most noise” contest during a raffle at my sisters college orientation. It was to win a stuffed tiger (the school mascot, but to me I just cared cause it was a tiger). I was left by myself to watch the tickets while my family went somewhere real quick and I really wanted it since the beginning of the raffle, so I just belted out the biggest scream I’ve ever done. Like everyone else was adults going “yeahhhhh” and here I am a little 9 year old just shrieking for a tiger toy.
I still have it. Lol. The judge was super impressed by my determination. 
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?I’ve fantasized about it at times, as I do with lots of different lifestyles, and some things would be nice but I’d struggle with having my life picked to pieces and being criticized. I can hardly handle a mean asshole on this website lol. 
28. What type of music do you like?Rock, alternative, etc
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?No
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?2
31. What position do you usually sleep in?Sides
32. How big is your house?Fairly big. 2 huge living rooms, a kitchen and dining room, “5” bedrooms and 3 baths and utility room. It’s 2 stories. I know it might sound massive to some of you, but it’s actually on the small side where I live, I’ve been in my friends house who claims her house is average and it’s practically a mansion, like 3 floors, huge yard, gorgeous looking. My house is pretty cheaply built holy shit I can’t even begin to tell you how shitty they built my house. The space is great but still. My old house in California was 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and fairly outdated on some of the style but it was well built and gorgeous I miss it so much. (That was a stupidly long answer lol)
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?Nothing, sometimes cereal
34. Have you ever fired a gun?Yeah! 😊 
35. Have you ever tried archery?Yes I have and I wanna learn to be better at it!
36. Favorite clean word?????
37. Favorite swear word?????
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?I’m not sure
39. Do you have any scars?A few. Some nasty surgery scars, softball, self harm, and a scar from playing tag in 5th grade
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?A couple times I think
41. Are you a good liar?Not really
42. Are you a good judge of character?Sometimes but I generally don’t trust people especially if I feel like they’re taking my friends 
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?A few. Southern. Scottish. English. Aussie. That’s about it. 
44. Do you have a strong accent?If you think of a plain American accent with no particular “regionalism” as strong
45. What is your favorite accent?Scottish I guess 
46. What is your personality type?You mean like infj?
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?I’m not sure. I have a few expensive pieces 😬 
48. Can you curl your tongue?Yes
49. Are you an innie or an outie?what in the fuck does this mean*******
50. Left or right handed?Right
51. Are you scared of spiders?Not really. Not a particular fan though
52. Favorite food?I dunnooooooo
53. Favorite foreign food?Mexican is like my comfort food
54. Are you a clean or messy person?Messy person who tries to be neat
55. Most used phrased?I dunno I really hate these kinds of questions
56. Most used word?^^^^^^
57. How long does it take for you to get ready?5-60 minutes. Just depends 
58. Do you have much of an ego?Depends on the day
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?Both
60. Do you talk to yourself?Not a lot
61. Do you sing to yourself?Sometimes 
62. Are you a good singer?I’m able to carry a tune well but I don’t like the actual sound of my voice.
63. Biggest Fear?Being alone and unloved 
64. Are you a gossip?A bit I guess? I don’t do it to be petty I just like knowing things. I’ve never spread false information, and it’s always stayed within a tight circle of friends. 
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?Carol, Before We Go and Schindlers List are all up there. 
66. Do you like long or short hair?For myself I like long hair
67. Can you name all 50 states of America?Most likely
68. Favorite school subject?History or psych
69. Extrovert or Introvert?Introvert
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?No
71. What makes you nervous?Social interaction 
72. Are you scared of the dark?Slightly. It’s a childhood fear that I still carry a bit but I don’t mind it unless I think about it and let my imagination go
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?Sometimes. I’m lazy with my name even though I hate it
74. Are you ticklish?….. 
75. Have you ever started a rumor?Not that I recall but I won’t claim innocence cause nobody is innocent of petty shit
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?Kind of. I was somewhat the assistant manager at my last job. And I tend to get put in leadership positions 
77. Have you ever drank underage?No
78. Have you ever done drugs?No
79. Who was your first real crush?Besides a kindergarten one? Maybe I guess shea my neighbor as a kid
80. How many piercings do you have?Just the pair of daiths
81. Can you roll your Rs?“Sometimes yes, sometimes no
82. How fast can you type?I dunno
83. How fast can you run?Not very
84. What color is your hair?Red
85. What color is your eyes?Green
86. What are you allergic to?Morphine
87. Do you keep a journal?I’m trying to do one I came up with an idea for. 
88. What do your parents do?My mom works at a retailer, my dad is an engineer. 
89. Do you like your age?I guess. 
90. What makes you angry?People who are unnecessarily mean. 
91. Do you like your own name?Yes. 
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?A few. I think a daughter may be an Elizabeth, Rose, or Billie, and a boy may be a Rory, Aster, or McKay. 
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?I’d like one of each but if I’d have to choose one probably a girl TBH cause my family is mostly girls. I mean I always seem to befriend more guys but say I was alone with a daughter (which I’d hope not to be) I’d know more about girls and their bodies
94. What are you strengths?Fashion, makeup, cooking. Caring too damn much. Idk. 
95. What are your weaknesses?Google BPD. Lol
96. How did you get your name?Hana Highway in Hawaii. Made my mom super sick. So did being pregnant with me. She connected the dots. Name idea. And it stuck. 
97. Were your ancestors royalty?Yeah my mom likes to do research on this and there’s some distant relation to English royalty
98. Do you have any scars?This same question is already in here
99. Color of your bedspread?Tan with blue. It’s pretty. 
100. Color of your room?My mom said she repainted it! Idk to what yet, but it’s been pink and yellow as a reminder of the 4 year old that used to live in my room so I’m gonna be so happy
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sirenivory · 7 years
7 14 22 27 28 32 33 34 35 36 44 45 49 50 52 53 57 58 65 68 69 72 74 77 80 81 82 86 87 88 91 93 94 98 99 100 101 103 105 107 109 110 112 115 116 117 122 123 126 127 128 130 132 139 142 150 155 156 159 160 162 163 166 171 173 174 179 181 186 187 188 189 191 192 193 198 199 200 202 205 206 207 209 211 213 215 216
7: Writer I trust enough to read whatever they write?Neil Gaiman without a doubt, Richard A. Knaack is another.
14: The last person who hurt me, did I forgive them?Yeah.
22: A good quality of mine?I care a ton.
27: Am I in a relationship?No
28: Something I miss?Disneyland? idk
32: Someone I love?Ivan
33: Someone I trust?See previous
34: Someone I always think about?Farrah
35: Am I excited about anything?Not really
36: My current obsession?idk
44: Last book I read?I don’t remember.
45: Last film I watched?again don’t remember
49: Superpower I wish I could have?Regeneration, so I stop being this fucking weak and unhealthy.
50: How do I destress?Music.
52: When do I feel most at peace?When it’s mostly quiet and it’s clear out.
53: What makes me smile?Puppies/baby animals
57: Favourite drink?Pepsi... (or a strawberry martini cough)
58: When did I last send a handwritten letter to somebody?My ‘big bro’ Kevin (not related btw) who went off into basic for the Army for a while - pretty much acted as my big brother playing WoW considering I played with him back in Burning Crusade aka when I was 12. Last I saw from him he got engaged.
65: What fictional universe would I like to be a part of?Honestly. I have no idea.
68: Who are my best friends?@zenjestrr
69: What do I admire most about others?Their ability to strive forward and come up with so many ideas.
72: If I won the lottery, what would I do?Save about 30% for myself, the rest go towards friends and family and plausible charities that actually do what they say they do.
74: Favourite place on the planet?idk
77: What is my current desktop picture?Metroid related
80: Can I drive?Nope. I really don’t want to, either.
81: Story behind my last kiss?He pressured me.
82: Earphones or headphones?Headphones tbh
86: Who is my hero?idk
87: Favourite comic book character?Black Panther
88: What makes me really angry?Having to repeat myself. Which sucks cause I know I mumble a lot.
91: What is one thing that isn’t tight in schools that should be?Needing more than a GED to be able to teach at the least (it’s true here in Colorado)
94: What was the last thing I bought?I just bought my brother a birthday present two days ago. Should be here soonish.
98: 3 things I love?AnimalsVideo GamesObsessing about either.
99: 3 things I hate?Smoking (I will always say this)Dark chocolateMigraines
100: Do I have more girl friends or boy friends?Boys.
101: Who do I get on with better, girls or boys?Boys, girls seem to ignore me a little more but eh.
103: Sexual orientation?Straight
105: Last person I texted?Jesse, who’s my current WoW buddy. Telling him to get better soon, he’s running a crazy high fever he’s missed work for 3 days.
107: Guilty pleasure?
109: A photo of myself.
110: Do I like selfies?Yeah. I just don’t take em often.
111: Favourite game app?I don’t use them much anymore. My phone can’t hold a lot =(
112: My relationship with my parents?*shrugs* I’m ok with my mother.
115: Favourite number?15
116: Can I juggle?No
117: Am I religious?No, but I respect those that practice such, as long as it does not bring harm... which I’m pretty sure is most.
122: Can I curl my tongue?Yes
123: Can I wiggle my ears?No but I can wiggle my nose.
126: My current project?Working on Eche’ro right now. It’s a mount in WoW, gotta farm shit for about 2ish hours. Not too bad honestly.
127: Am I a bad loser?Sometimes but I’m learning to chill more.
128: Do I admit when I wrong?Yes
130: Favourite piece of advice?Keep moving forward.
132: Hogwarts house / Divergent faction / Hunger Games district?Ravenclaw / Never read / idc
139: If I found a wallet full of cash on the ground, what would I do?If there is any ID in it, return to owner. Otherwise, probably... wait for half an hour see if anyone is looking for it... then probably mine if none have claimed.
142: Am I ticklish?Only on the bottom of my feet, and if you dare be prepared for a reflex of “I might kick you in the face”.
150: What is the best decision I have made in life so far?Meeting some people
155: Who is the most intelligent person I know?Probably Ivan
156: My most embarrassing memory?HAH NO you’re not getting that out of me.
159: Which do I value more in others, brains or beauty?Brains
160: What colour mostly dominates my wardrobe?Black, blue is probably a close second.
162: What do I hate most about myself?Everything
163: What do I love most about myself?Being super aware.
166: Favourite animal?Wolf
171: Do I hold grudges?It’s an unfortunate family trait. I try to make light of it though by making jokes about it, and sometimes helps me let go of it easier.
173: Have I learnt from my mistakes?I always try to. If I don’t, I wish to be educated so I could do better in the future. Not talked down on, though, I cannot handle that.
174: Best gift I’ve ever received?I almost cried when I got my sona hoodie but... that feeling kinda went away when I found out the guy kinda doesn’t give two shits about me.
179: If I were immortal, what would I do?I actually have a WoW OC who is immortal and no it’s not SabHonestly, I would just try to help any way I could, study all languages, write down any forgotten languages that people have forgotten in the past, probably just become the owl from AtLA honestly. Have a giant library of all knowledge. And when I’m not doing that probably going around and helping those recover from an ill lived life, do what I can.
181: If I could get away with a crime, what would I choose to do?Robbing from the rich who do not deserve to be rich.
186: What is my greatest failure?hah
187: What is my greatest achievement?Raising Farrah probably.
188: Love or money?Love
189: Love or career?Love
191: What makes me the happiest?Puppies
192: What is “home” to me?In the arms of someone I love.
193: What motivates me?Just seeing what’s next.
198: Zombies or vampires?Zombies. Easier to kill.
199: Live in the city or suburbs?Suburbs
200: Dragons or wizards?Dragons
202: How do I define love?Way too heavy a question I am not up for answering at this moment. Try to remind me later.
205: Do I like my handwriting?No
206: Sweet or savoury?Sweet
207: Worst job I’ve had?Not having one
209: Item of clothing or jewellery you’ll never see me without?*shrugs* I’m not particularly attached to any article of clothing that you wouldn’t see me without. I mean... my glasses? But that’s just cause I’m blind as shit.
211: How do I handle anger?Not well. In process of working on.
213: Do I use sarcasm a lot?Without a doubt.
215: What is the weirdest talent I have?High pitched whistles?
216: Favourite fictional character?Zack Fair
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