#tbh i dont reslly like the way this one turned out?
elysianluv Β· 3 years
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content warning/s: arranged marriage au but not really, oh look it's another Foolβ„’, asshole parents πŸ’”, loyce and ciel are cool tho, not proofread </3
a/n: i swear bc has the best nonnies, how do you guys even come up with these ideas?? i loved this one to death ngl, thank you for requesting, love! also can i *technically* call this royalty au or
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ROYALTY!AU! ft. yuno grinberryall
β€” ok y'all so!! you are the only child of the king and queen of the kingdom yorenaym ✨
β€” you're about six when your parents tell you you're engaged to the eldest prince of the spade kingdom πŸ’” yes life sucks, what of it? apparently you can't ascend to the throne unless you're married ☹️
β€” anyways so when you yell up a storm about it, they agree to have you meet this prince -- and for my dear friend plot convenience, they also let you stay at the spade kingdom for half of each year in hopes that y'all might actually get along
β€” they don't know you really don't have any intention of gEtTiNg aLoNg, rip your parents </3
β€” the idea of meeting your betrothed for the first time is so weird and you just decide that no, i have to somehow get this kid to hate me -- so let's just not show up, yeah?
β€” now you end up wandering the gardens of your castle when the spade kingdom's royal family arrives to visit you, when you run into two little kids sitting by a small pond behind your palace
β€” when you look closer they're watching a puppy try to walk -- and you recognise the pup immediately, letting out a small squeal before rushing to her at full speed
β€” a random ass kid barrelling towards the puppy kind of scares the two kids shitless, but they both instinctively step in front of it protectively πŸ˜­πŸ’•
β€” you explain that the doggo is yours, a stray you'd found with an extremely injured leg a year ago -- the leg had to be amputated but you'd insisted on keeping the little thing, on caring her back to health at least
β€” and now she doesn't leave you alone ✨
β€” and these two boys are just staring at you in complete awe now and ngl it gives u a bit of god complex πŸ˜…
β€” so you get to work, putting out your dog's -- kitty 😭✨ -- food while these two just follow you around like little pups themselves
β€” your handmaidens are screeching when they find you while you're just 😊✌️
β€” you get ✨dragged✨ back to the dinner table does no one respect royalty these days? smfh
β€” while ciel and loyce grinberryall: βž–πŸ‘„βž–
β€” and lo and behold, when your parents schedule your first meeting with yuno, you enter the hall to see two very familiar faces
β€” one of the two, the grey haired kid, starts jumping up and down and waving at you while the other black haired one is just,,,shook
β€” while you're just,,,✨suddenly i'm blind✨
β€” your mom kicks moves you forward while ciel and loyce are giggling off to the side waiting for you guys to have your ✨moment✨
β€” which is like?? you can't really have a ✨moment✨ when they're all staring at you like you're toilet paper during a pandemic πŸ’€
β€” but your goal is fresh in your mind so intentionally you raise an intimidating eyebrow and stare him down
β€” "you're the prince?"
β€” the parents are all so shook, like where did the angel from 0.5secs ago go???
β€” the old (y/n) can't come to the phone right n--
β€” and yuno's just standing there like,,,i saw you cooing at your puppy two minutes ago, what are you trying to do 😐
β€” mans really said: πŸ‘οΈπŸ‘„πŸ‘οΈβ“
β€” and it's so painfully awkward because how can you be rude when he's just-- standing there?? blinking at you so confused?? completely throws you off your game smh
β€” and apparently even y'alls parents think the encounter is awkward enough to take a break from matchmaking πŸ˜…βœ¨
β€” the next time you meet yuno is at his castle, and you definitely 100% try to steer clear of him
β€” and you're in the library late one night when he bursts in with the other kid -- whose name you find is asta -- and they give you two very wonky looking flower crowns
β€” yuno certainly still thinks of you very highly -- you're heroic for taking in kitty, he thinks -- even though he's a little scared for you in case you may have some personality disorder so he's a little hurt when you seem to actively avoid him, brushing off all his invitations to take a walk or mess around in the garden in favour of studying
β€” he just wants to be frens πŸ’”
β€” apparently they believe you're mad because you think they were trying to hurt kitty that one time 😭
β€” so with a heavy sigh you explain that you're studying so that you can be acknowledged as crown heir
β€” and they're like??? you're literally your parents' only child??
β€” you explain that the law doesn't allow you to take the throne unless you're married, in this case to yuno
β€” asta: but (y/n) you're already smarter than yuno, why do you need him??
β€” asta gets drop kicked that night πŸ’”
β€” timeskip brought to you by asta, who realistically should be in the clover kingdom but my good friend creative liberty says no❀️
β€” you're now fifteen, pouting on yuno's balcony that you've sneaked into entered
β€” he totally does not lose his shit seeing you there
β€” his heart is pounding because of the shock not because you smiled at him wtf of course not
β€” on your finger is the foil ring ten year old him gave you on the promise that he'll help you get your own throne and annul the stupid marriage law so you can find someone you love and get recognition for your own abilities -- it glints in the moonlight, and he pauses in his step to admire the view for a second
β€” "don't just sneak up in here, idiot, i thought an axe murderer almost got me"
β€” you kiss your teeth, a bit of your anger melting away once you see him
β€” he asks what's got you so riled up then, guessing that it's his classes to train his magic whereas you've got etiquette lessons instead -- your silence confirms it, and with a flick to your forehead yuno tells you to stop being stupid because he can always teach you what he learned that day
β€” doesn't want to seem like a simp so he makes you beg for it smh my head
β€” he takes you to the back of the palace to aid your training session while you quiz him on his studies bc he tends to get too caught up in training sometimes
β€” you guys visit asta's knighting ceremony as each other's partners, and even though your parents insisted, you'd rather have him than anyone else -- because everyone else is annoying and you're already best friends with yuno, of course 😀
β€” it's denialville all over again y'all smfh, buckle up folks ✨
β€” around when you're 18, you're kind of more popular in the spade kingdom than yuno is πŸ’”
β€” true to his promise, yuno helps you gather the support of the aristocracy so you can overwrite the dumb marriage rule, though ultimately it's obviously your competency that wins them over
β€” both loyce and ciel desperately want you as yuno's partner, knowing they can trust both their son and the country they've worked so hard to protect to someone of your capabilities -- but they also know that keeping you tied to the spade kingdom is unfair, and they make their support for your claim very bold as well
β€” when the support for you becomes too strong for the council to overrule, they eventually do give in, effectively annulling your engagement with yuno
β€” you and your little gang of supporters (ahskshs this sounds like a cult wtf) have a afterparty once the law is finally rewritten -- yuno finds you on his balcony once more that night
β€” if this weren't denialville you could admit that you were too giddy to sleep and needed to see him, but alas
β€” your excuse is that you want to return the foil ring he'd made for you eight years ago
β€” god you can see the panic set in his eyes
β€” in this panic he grabs your hands and tells you to keep it on, and says he gave it to you the first time asking if it'd be alright if he stayed by your side as your partner, romantic or not -- he tells you he's got another question to ask you, but he's not sure you're going to say yes yet, and asks you to wait until he's ready to ask it properly
β€” while you're here malfunctioning, only able to nod in response
β€” even though you guys are completely swamped in your duties after that, he tends to show up on your balcony to just drag you away to strong magic regions or just scenic locations -- the amount of you've barely escaped death because of his shenanigans is unreal </3
β€” you and asta team up to bully him
β€” asta totally knows what's up
β€” denialville population: 2
β€” it's only five years after that, when you're both twenty three, that he finally asks his question
β€” you're at this competition held by one of the lords of yorenaym, the unofficial purpose of which is to find a good suitor for you
β€” it's a hunt that you're so, so inclined to join but your mom has her talons eyes on you like a predatory animal
β€” so you're forced to sit to the side and watch a bunch of idiots compete for your hand in marriage, none of whom you're going to choose because you're head over heels for an even bigger idiot πŸ’” life is hard
β€” so the hunt ends only for you to see that each of the participants has only been able to get small catches, and it's confusing because surely there were some big ass monsters in there?
β€” until a last participant leaves the ground to show up with all the big catches
β€” speaking of even bigger idiots πŸ˜­πŸ’•
β€” he holds up his hand in a weird sort of victory move until you catch sight of the ring adorning his ring finger; a wonky foil one that matches your own
β€” the participant (wink wink) then moves to leave the grounds casually, not even bothering to remove the mask on his face -- and you're here tripping over your fancy clothes trying to catch up to your idiot
β€” he only stops once you guys have returned to the pond at which you first met -- you guys are both cackling at the way he just left all the nobles and your family completely speechless with a grand total of zero(0) shits given
β€” his signature smirk is a little wobbly when he tells you to thank him for saving you the trouble of having to find a suitor; gets on one knee the way he had almost ten years ago, the question being the exact same as the one he'd asked back then -- one that asks if you'd allow him to be your support and your partner -- except the ring this time is the one you've admired as his mother's engagement ring
β€” years later you could swear he cried a lil bit on your shoulder when you pounced on him then, he says you're being delusional as if mans isn't a certified tsundere πŸ˜­πŸ’”
β€” just to piss off your parents you stay engaged but unmarried as long as you can even after you've inherited the throne <3
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