#yuno grinberryall x you
lyranova · 11 months
Hey could I ask for headcanon on asta, liebe, yuno falling in love with someone!?
Hiya anon! Of course you may and I hope you all enjoy~!
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• Wouldn’t understand what he was feeling to be honest. He thought it was normal for your heart to race when you saw someone you liked.
• But after analyzing his feelings for a bit, and noticing that his heart only raced around you, did he realize that this was far from normal! At first he tried to deny it was love, but after doing some research and hearing others talk that’s all he could think it was.
• He would talk to the others about it to try and confirm his theory. At first the others began to tease him and poke fun at him being in love, but once they were done they began to ask him questions and give him heartfelt advice.
• He would listen gratefully and would put some of the advice into practice. Not all of it since some of the advice was bad or just…wasn’t really him!
• He would finally go looking for you so you two could talk. He would stand there quietly while he gathered his thoughts, no matter how hard he tried he just couldn’t find the right words to express how he felt. Finally he just came out with it and told you that he loved you, you were surprised but happy because you felt the same way! Much to Yuno’s relief.
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• Asta would find his new feelings confusing at first!
• Suddenly everything you normally did looked so different, and the way you smiled or laughed would make his heart skip a beat and sounded like music to his ears.
• He thought it would go away with time, or his normal feelings would return. But when they didn’t he grew concerned and went to the experts when it came to feelings: Finral and Vanessa.
• After Asta explained what was going on Finral and Vanessa would get grins on their faces and would tease him for a bit before telling him that he was in love with you. At first he would laugh and deny it, but after a minute of thinking it over he realized that they were right!
• Asta would get some heartfelt advice from Finral and Vanessa before he’d go looking for you. He would go outside and grab a fistful of flowers before presenting them to you and proudly declaring his love for you. You were surprised but would laugh before you told him you felt the same!
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• Would be a combination of Yuno and Asta. He would be confused and wouldn’t understand what he was feeling!
• He would deny, deny, deny that he had feelings for you! I mean, he was a devil and you were…well, you! You were perfect, kind, sweet, you were practically an angel!
• He would keep his distance from you while hoping that would help make his feelings go away. But that had the opposite effect. His feelings for you only grew while you were apart!
• Asta would notice this and would ask him what was wrong, and Liebe would reluctantly agree and begin to tell him what was going on. Asta would listen patiently before easily telling him that Liebe was in love with you. Again Liebe tried to deny it, but the more Asta talked the more convinced he became.
• After Liebe became convinced he eventually sought you out. He couldn’t wait to think of some grand confession, he had to tell you how he felt *now*! He would find you and try to tell you about his feelings but would stumble and falter since he isn’t very good with words and expressing himself. But you would catch on to what he was saying and would tell him that you felt the same way!
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mackenziebrooks · 1 year
Yuno never really knew what falling in love meant till he met you. All his life he only knew that he wanted to beat Asta and become the wizard king, along that journey he ran into you. He tends to smile more whenever he’s around you. His sun colored eyes seem to be more bright when he sees you walk over to him after he’s done patrolling. His heart warms up when your head is placed on his chest, when you two lay down to rest. Yuno now knows what falling in love means, because he’s absolutely in love with you.
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loosesodamarble · 1 year
heyooo erika. congrats on 300+ followers. if it's alright, how about a yuno x reader scenario with prompt c9. “it would be selfish of me to want to be with you, right?”
Hello and thank you so very much, Anon! And don't worry. Your request is more than alright~! Ah, a tragic line for sweet little Yuno. Let's see where this goes.../lh
Summary: Yuno likes you. You like Yuno. But circumstances seem to be pulling the two of you apart. Genre: romance, slight angst Word count: ~1000
It snowed that night. But Spade had snow every day of the year really.
Yuno blew on his mug of cocoa before taking a tentative sip of it. He flinched, realizing it was still too hot for his cat tongue. You sat beside him, simply holding your own mug and enjoying the warmth it spread to your hands.
“Couldn’t you just use your magic to cool it off a bit?” you asked with a quick laugh.
Yuno glanced at you before shrugging and muttering, “I could. But not now.” He blew on his drink again.
“Okay then.” You drank a bit of your cocoa before looking ahead of you.
The lights of a rebuilt Spade Kingdom glittered below the two of you, perched on the roof of the royal castle. Never in your wildest dreams did you imagine the world you lived in. One without the Dark Triad as a looming threat. Where peace was restored within Spade and between the kingdoms. With the long lost prince found and seated beside you. But there you were.
You smiled and did an excited wiggle. This was more than happiness. It was bliss.
“Hey.” Warmth wrapped around your shoulders and pressed against your side. “Getting cold? We can head inside,” suggested Yuno, suddenly side-by-side with you. He’d even tried to place his cloak around the both of you, though it wasn’t large enough to serve as a blanket.
“Of course not. I’m used to it,” you assured. Yet you leaned into Yuno’s touch.
“Your face is all red though…” Yuno tilted his head to rest it upon your crown. “But if you insist.”
You loved that, those little affections that Yuno showed to you. Kind and relaxed, like him you had insisted. Warm and inviting, like yourself according to Yuno.
Moments like the one you experienced weren’t all that exciting but you wouldn’t trade them for the world. Because you had Yuno. and he had you. The two of you and beautiful views and warm drinks—your mug was already almost empty you noticed—and so many things that replaced the years of strife you once knew.
But, this can’t last… you thought. You drummed your fingers against your mug. “Yuno, did I ever tell you that I like you?”
“Hm?” The arm Yuno had around your shoulders squeezed you closer. “Y-yeah. Yesterday. A few times last week.” He chuckled softly. “You’ve been telling me for the last five months.”
“I have, huh?” You smiled and hummed. A blissful five months.
“And don’t worry. I like you too.” Yuno spoke calmly but you could hear his unwavering conviction.
And that made the thoughts you were trying to say all the more painful.
“Would you say that we’re dating?” you asked.
“Would you?”
At his question, you pulled back and raised your head. Yuno looked at you, brows furrowed at your change in mood. In your heart you apologized and planned to say it aloud later.
“No. Because…” Your heart hurt to admit it. There were no tears; you couldn’t cry since what you were doing was for the best. “It would be selfish of me to want to be with you, right?”
“Not at all. If feel the same so it’s not—”
“But you’re going to return to Clover, aren’t you?” you asked which made Yuno stop. “If I start calling you my boyfriend then I’ll want you to stay here in Spade, away from all your friends and family. And away from your dream So… So we can’t be together.”
Yuno had his squad and family in Hage waiting for his return. It wouldn’t have been right for him to leave behind so many people that he’d known for years for the sake of two he’d only known for months.
“I like you, Yuno. So much. I might even love you” You stopped to inhale deeply, to tell yourself not to cry or shake. “And so I… I’m okay if we’re not together. For your sake.”
Yuno’s tense expression softened. He moved his arm from your shoulders and placed his hand over one of yours. You clutched your mug with one hand and held Yuno’s. His skin, cold due to the air, did little to comfort you.
“What if you came to Clover with me?” whispered Yuno. “I’m sure we can find you a job. Maybe even in the Gol…den…” His voice trailed off. He must’ve realized what he had almost done.
Yuno abruptly pulled away, taking his cloak off you with that motion. That was fine. You quietly set your empty mug aside on the ridge which was your seat. The silence between you two grew.
Longer. Tenser. Colder.
You clenched and relaxed your hands on your knees.
“What’s the plan then?” Yuno asked at last. You didn’t look up. Didn’t want to see whatever painful expression must’ve been on his face. “To cut things off now and give up?”
“Maybe. I doubt we could keep up a letter correspondence for long.”
“You don’t even want to try?”
I do. Your hands began to shake. By gods I don’t want this to end but he has so much going for him that he’ll probably just… “No. I’d rather not delay the disappointment. I’m sorry, Yuno.”
Again, silence. Usually Yuno’s quietness was comforting. But at that moment, you couldn’t stand it.
“I’m sorry too…”
After his footsteps had faded, you let yourself curl up and cry.
On that particular evening, you felt how cold Spade was.
Forgetting Yuno was hard. Because Spade loved to announce news about the not-quite-their prince. Apparently he’d achieved the second-highest rank in the Magic Knights.
You smiled and cried when you heard. Because you had given up… He could achieve his dream.
Then, a few days after that news came, you received a letter… addressed from Clover.
[I want to be a little selfish. Would you be willing to visit Clover?]
You should’ve known better. Yuno really was determined.
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bowandcurtsey · 2 years
Hi hello hi can is u or are u doing well aine? (●’◡’●)ノcan i pls request yuno, nozel and fuegoleon with an squadmate later on gf who is
Dorothys sister and has like a golden retriever personality (energetic and cheery)
Stay safe♡︎♡︎♡︎
Hello lovely bby! You're request is just so cute! also, we have been having lotsa Yuno and Nozel requests lately! And I really need a Dorothy's sister at this point! ヽ(*⌒▽⌒*)ノ
Characters: Yuno, Nozel, Fuegoleon TW: unchecked
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Yuno Grinberryall
It didn't really matter to Yuno who's sister you were. He respected Captain Dorothy and since he was a vice captain himself, he easily befriended you.
He was first attracted to your personality because you were well… Asta.
You brought so much joy with your goofiness and silliness to everyone around you, even on tough days, it didn’t seem too hard with you around.
He was always so shy and reserved, trying to be all cool but you? You didn't care if you got into any embarrassment, you just laughed it off and you were just happy when everyone else is happy too. 
Well, thankfully for him, opposite attracts and you had a crush on him too. Very open crush in fact. You weren't even shy to show everyone that Yuno is your favourite.
Well, he was pretty okay since Bell does it most of the time, but he found it endearing when it was you. He was even proud at times.
Now when you were both a couple, he would reciprocate your love.
"I love you!" you would tell him a couple of times a day.
"I love you too," he would smile fondly and pat your head gently.
You two were pretty much the total opposites of each other, but it was what made the two of you so good together, like yin and yang.
Fun fact: Dorothy absolutely ships the both of you and can not stop talking about how cute you two are when she's awake.
Nozel Silva
He was initially reluctant to progress further since you were his close confidant's sister. But over time, your cheerful personality just made him so attracted to you, it was more like an addiction.
He found himself constantly wanting to be with you, thinking about you, and feeling happy when you were around.
Dorothy found out by herself of course, nothing gets past this witch. She teased Nozel in her dreamland to confirm it. *cues a madly blushing Nozel trying to cover up his embarrassment*
Captain Coral Peacocks was trying her best to match make the both of you but you were already crushing on that man so it was a pretty easy affair.
After you two were official, there was no stopping Nozel from looking at you openly with fondness in his eyes. He smiled so much more, everyone around him was so glad, they seldom got any grumpy Captain anymore.
Oh. Unless you had to leave him for a mission or some sort. He's grumpy af without his happy pill.
He spoils you with everything you want, but you were a happy-go-lucky person anyway, so you were just happy to be with him. Also gives in to ANY request you have. You want to watch that new theatre show? He's got the tickets and you're going tomorrow. You want to have ice cream? He buys the ice cream truck down.
Nozel graduately became less reserved and more open and happy after being together with you. Mama Acier in the heavens is proud.
Fuegoleon Vermillion
He was attracted to you from the very beginning. How bright and just a ball of sunshine you were, bringing light to everyone's day.
Captain Vermillion was very clear that he liked you from day one. And of course he wooed you like a gentleman he was. He even asked your sister officially for permission before wooing you.
Now that you both were together, need I say more? He looks at you like a lovesick boy looking at his crush. Sometimes he looks at you like you were a goddess and at times he looks at you like you were the cutest thing on earth.
People around him cannot stand how he is in your presence. He's just so smitten by you, don't mind him. You have him wrapped around your pinky. You just make him so happy everyday because of your cheerful personality. With you by his side, it seems that nothing is difficult or unachievable.
You find it funny and cute how sometimes he gets a little shy when you're so affectionate towards him in public but he still tries to return your affection. It'll be subtle though, like a quick peck to your temples or head.
Oh but watch out, because ever since you were his, he gets angry real quick if anyone were to bully or hurt you. Even Salamander was protective over you. If Fue ever makes you upset, Sal gives his owner THE EYE.
You can absolutely get Fue to do anything you want. Give him your best puppy eyes and a "please~". And swing his hand a little, he'll give in no matter what.
He lives for the moment when he sees you laugh and giggle without a worry in the world.
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pfpanimes · 2 years
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⌕ black clover - yuno.
like or reblog if you save/use.
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kaminari1 · 1 month
Random shit i write for
Attack on Titan
Jujutsu Kaisen
My Hero Academia
Murder Drones
Bungo Stray Dogs
Black Clover
Mob Psycho 100
Other things
I do write NFSW but only for adult characters or aged up AU
I also write LGBTQ stuff👍
I Do Take Requests! Feel free to ask or tell me to write something bc it really helps.
Oke love you all hope you are safe and feel free to just talk bc i enjoy talking :]
Here is about me
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goffilolo · 2 years
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No thoughts, head empty, only Yuno being a simp
EDIT: i adjusted the aspect ratio a bit
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whispersbelongingbird · 4 months
Twenty ways to say I love you (16/20)
“Come on please!”
“Leo..  we already discussed this”
“You know you want one! Stop trying to hide it! We all know how much of a softie you are!”
Yuno’s eye twitched as Leopold formed a pout on his face for what felt like the hundredth time today. 
Leopold had asked Yuno to get a cat but the latter simply refused saying it would be too much of a hassle; of course Leo wasn’t going to let such a vague statement prevent him from keeping a kitten in their shared apartment so it was only natural all this would turn into an argument. 
“Come on! What’s wrong! I always see you petting random stray cats on the street!” Leopold complained pointing at Yuno accusingly. He took a step back and crossed his arms turning away from the taller of the two.
Yuno sighed and shook his head. “Having a cat is like having a child Leo”
“Then it can be our child!” Leopold exclaimed
as desperation filled voice.
Yuno went stiff as he stared at Leopold with wide eyes. A blush started to creep up his neck making its way along his cheeks and to the tip of his ears. “Idiot.. You can’t just say stuff like that” Yuno mumbled not looking at Leopold. 
Leopold only grumbled and rolled his eyes. “I guess you just dont love me anymore!” He looked at Yuno with glossy eyes and fluttering eyelashes. He formed a pout on his face and gave Yuno his most convincing puppy eyes.
Leo knew he was being unfair to Yuno. Then again, a guys got to do what a guys got to do! 
The red head smirked as he watched Yuno lose his composure. Victory was assured as he watched Yuno let out a sigh. 
“Fine, okay whatever. We can go tomorrow..” Yuno mused then followed it along with an eye roll. 
Leopold launched himself towards Yuno and went face first into Yuno’s chest while wrapping his arms around Yuno’s waist. “Thank you!” Leo practically squealed and Yuno scoffed but couldn’t help but crack a small smile.
The next day during the afternoon, Yuno had trusted Leo to pick up and cat to bring home while Yuno went to get everything they need for the feline. 
It was a quick process and less stressful than expected. Yuno had came home after three hours to find Leopold sitting down on the couch while a ginger cat was perched up on their coffee table.
Upon hearing the sound of the door opening. Leopold turned around and smiled. “Oh! You’re back!” he giggled as he got up from his seat and latched onto Yuno’s arm. “Isn’t she cute!” 
The red head beamed and looked up and Yuno who had his full attention on the cat. It was a ginger cat with dark yellow eyes. “Its like our daughter!” Leopold joked earning a choked noise from Yuno.
“S-sure. She’s cute.” Yuno sighed then smiled. Leopold had let go of his arm to go check out what Yuno had brought.
The cat jumped onto the floor and stared up at Yuno with a tilt to her head. She really was adorable.
The raven head knelt down as the cat approached him cautiously. 
Leopold looked up from from the bag he was busy rummaging through and was met with a sight that was made to melt all hearts.
Yuno, his cold and stotic boyfriend was smiling and laughing as the ginger cat nuzzled his cheek. 
Without another thought. Leopold reached out for his phone and quickly snapped a picture of the two.
“How cute! Yet here you were saying how you didn’t want one!” Leopold giggled and Yuno turned to him face flushed red from embarrassment.
He decided to ignore Leopolds statement. “So.. what are we naming it?” He asked trying to change the subject which worked as he saw Leo go into deep thought while staring up at the ceiling.
“Hm.. I hadn’t thought of that..” He mused. “What would you say?”
Yuno stood up with the cat in his arms. “Well how about Mino?” The cat let out a sound of content as if agreeing with Yuno. He smiled and scratched behind the cats ear.
“Thats cute!” Leopold smiled brightly as butterflies invaded his stomach because of the sight before him. It was truly adorable.
Little did he know that things were about to take quite the turn.
It had been a few weeks since Yuno and Leopold had adopted Mino. 
The first few days were filled with hug, kisses and smiles. Yuno and Mino looked so cute together. Well that was until that little menace started occupying a little too much of Yunos time for Leo’s liking.
It was cute seeing them both warm up to each other but the feline had been stopping a lot of ‘Yunoleo’(What Leopold likes to call it) time.
Currently, Leopold and Yuno were both cuddled up on the couch watching a movie together. Out of all honesty though, Leo wasn’t even paying attention to the movie. Savouring being in Yuno’s arms. He held onto Yuno’s hand and squeezed it, earning a chuckle from him.
Sadly, good things never last. Mino sprung up from behind the couch and planted herself into Yuno’s lap. Yuno grunted but let go of Leopold’s hand to scratch under her chin.
The cat purred in delight and nuzzled Yuno’s hand.
“Little gremlin” Leopold mumbled and crossed his arms over his chest.
“Did you say something?” Yuno raised an eyebrow at him.
“Nope. Nothing at all!” Leopold exclaimed.
Yuno looked Leopold up and down before sighing then rolled his eyes and pulled on Leopold’s braid making Leo yelp out in surprise and pain. 
“Ow! What was that for?!” Leo complained sticking his tongue out at Yuno and lightly hitting his arms. Yuno chuckled and kissed the hand Leopold used to hit him.
“Jealous of a cat? Leo, could you be anymore stupid” Yuno ruffled his boyfriends hair and Leopold pulled back with a frown.
“I’m not jealous!” He argued back and moved his bangs away from his eyes to look at Yuno properly. “Stop inflating your ego.”
“Sure, sure, whatever you say love”. The younger turned his attention back to the cat and went face to face with her. They were smiling and giggling together. Leo had turned his head away but he can hear the cats purrs  and Yuno’s soft, delicate laugh that he would do almost anything to hear.
Leopold scoffed and moved to hold Yuno’s wrist.
“I hate you”
“Love you too”
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bambooshootssoup · 1 year
"Got a Date? "
-General Dating HCS-
Asta, Yuno, Nacht, William X Reader
CW! : there's probably a spoiler or two?, it's just fluff and nothing else, Nacht being Nacht, some language mistakes
- Asta-
- he's very good at finding places for dating? (One of his attempts to propose sister Lily)
- he could and will makes a whole rundown to make sure you could enjoy your dates with him
- "I should buy a flower, wait, there's a lot of flowers there- urgh..... Should I buy her a gift? But what does she like?.... Big sis Vanessa!!!!! Help meeeeeee!!!!!! "
- hold hands all the way (yeahhh!!!!!)
- the sweetest person that you could ever ask for
- he'll probably take you to the field full of flowers and make you run around with him or make a lot of flower crowns
- "here's a very pretty crown for my queen!! It's only made from flowers now.... But when I become a wizard king, I promise I'll give you a real one, okay? "
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- Yuno Grinberryall -
- first, he has to figure out how to go on a date with you without having Bell, his Sylph to curse at your existence all day long
- protective hand holding (he literally grip your hand instead of holding it, but gently)
- dates are most likely spent at a Teashop or library, with him cannot get his eyes off you, he just blankly stares at you
- "is there anything you want to order? I could order it for you.... Oh, you got some cream on your cheek, let me wipe it for you"
- on rare occasions, he takes you to the Demon's skull on his village and just stargazing
- " Anything for you, my love"
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- Nacht Faust -
- Stay at Home date are the best option if he has to choose, being a spy never be easy and always tiring, and he doesn't have much energy to go anywhere anymore
- at your home preferably (his house are too eerie to become a good place to date)
- a very good cook, he always helps you to prepare food, with a little help from his little devils (it ain't much but it honest work)
- and for the rest of the day, Cuddles and a lil bit of chatter, he would talk about his day and how he hates everyone (except you)
- "everyone is good for nothing... Hm? Does that include you? Don't be silly, at least your hugs are comforting compared to their endless babbling"
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- William Vangeance -
- He's tired (2) , all of that office work could make him explode and you're always wondering how he keeps himself intact
- He could never say no to Picnic dates tho, he loves your homemade foods (even if you couldn't make something edible, like me-) , and what makes it better is that he could spend his day lay his head on your lap
- it's so relaxing and stress-relieving, the most comfortable place in the whole world if he has to be honest
- but there are times when he takes you to a fancy places, and literally treats you like a queen, he goes "anything for you, my queen" Mode
- " I wish I could do more for you, but those paperworks doesn't seem like it's going to let me go anytime soon, I'm very sorry that I always make you understand my circumstances "
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Thanks for reading ^^ and have a nice day~
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lunargrapejuice · 2 years
Hi, how are you doing? Can I please have the color "Very Berry" with Yuno?
hi! i'm doing okay, better and so soft after writing this🥰, i hope you're well! 💖 thank you for requesting, i haven't written for black clover in a while so i was excited to write this! i hope you enjoy it <3
yuno grinberryall x reader with no pronouns used
main masterlist
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“mmm these are delicious,” you hum in satisfaction, an equally content smile on your face as you grab another pastry from the box that separates you from yuno. “are you sure you don’t want one?”
“i'm sure,” his voice is soft and kind, his usual tone when it was just the two of you like this. “i bought them for you after all.” 
“yeah but that means they’re mine to share with whoever i want. with you,” you lean to the side, lightly touching your shoulder against his before quickly returning to your own space. you were always so nervous to reach out for him but sometimes your body reacted before your brain could tell you to stop and while it made the butterflies in your stomach flutter their wings uncontrollably, it also made your heart beat with uncertainty. you’ve never spoken your feelings to him, too afraid of how he couldn’t possibly feel the same way about you but some moments, much like this one, made you hopeful and bold.
this wasn’t the first time yuno had gifted you something he thought you’d like and it wasn’t the first time you two shared your company in the quiet hills of the clover kingdom under the setting sun. sometimes you swore you saw a blush on his face, you swore that he felt the same wave of electricity run through his entire body when you accidentally touched, you swore you heard his voice become even lovelier in moments like this. and for the most part, you blame it on the sun, the way the pinks and oranges of the sky reflect off his cheeks, how an evening like this can make anyone feel happier, lighter but sometimes you can’t help but feel like it’s more than that.
before your hopefulness can get the better of you, you shake your head, as if the wind would blow away the pink dusting your cheeks and take your wishful thoughts along with it, and pop the jelly filled treat into your mouth. it’s delectable, flaky on the outside with gooey berry jam in the middle, still lingering with warmth. you could devour the whole box if you weren’t careful but you suppose that’s why yuno gave them to you in the first place. he was so attentive when it came to you.
you think you’ve worn him down when you hear the heart melting melody of his chuckle and turn your gaze to catch the lovely sight of his smile but your thoughts are far from sharing a yummy treat with him when you see his slender fingers reaching for your face.
“i’m glad you like them,” he says, his smile radiating through his words.
you’re frozen in place, your still heart keeping you frozen in place with wide eyes staring at his golden ones. their color is striking in the evening glow but his gaze is as soft as his touch when his hand finally meets your cheek, deft fingers resting against your burning cheeks as his thumb wipes jam you didn’t know was there off of the corner of your mouth. his touch is considerate, warm, lingering for longer than what most would consider normal but truthfully neither of you mind.
“y-yuno..” you whisper quietly, feeling the pad of his thumb against your lips as you speak.
his eyes widen like saucers, as if he had just realized what he was doing and this time you know for a fact you saw him blush, there was no hiding it when it spread from his cheeks to his ears. though you weren’t in a much better state.
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findroleplay · 1 year
Hello! I am an 18+ roleplayer, looking for another roleplayer that is at least 18 years of age or older. I am searching for long term and short term roleplays!
Here's more info! ^^
Semi-Literate, Full Lit, but can and will try to mirror response lengths. (I consider semi lit a few sentences to a paragraph and full lit multiple paragraphs)
Black Clover
Leopold Vermillion
Yuno Grinberryall
Yuno x Leopold
Will tell in dms!
Black Clover verse, Modern AU, Romance, NSFW (built up to)
Plot ideas (going to make it light and easy, I can describe more in dms):
Standard Black Clover plot - Yuno and Leopold are in their respective squads, going on more missions together. Eventually, one of them askes out the other to go eat, then it turns into more dates until one confesses their love to the other.
Prince x Prince AU BCRP - The prince of the Spade Kingdom (Yuno), Prince of the Clover Kingdom (Leopold), sees each other often due to the volatile politics in which their parents meet to discuss policies and border disputes.
Modern classmates - The two are classmates in the same class. They go to a school dance together with some of their friends on a snowy day. Once the others leave to go dance or get snacks, Leopold gets the chance to ask Yuno to dance with him and nervously confesses his feelings to Yuno. Not knowing if he likes him back.
We can definitely plot out different scenarios!
Twitter or Discord!
Responses will be frequent. Don't stress out if you can't reply quickly. I may get busy myself and not reply. However if it will be a week or longer I will notify you!
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lyranova · 1 year
Helo! May I please request Black Clover hcs where the reader wakes up from a scary dream, and couldn't sleep again so they wake up their s/o? Can it be with Yami, Yuno, Asta and Luck? Thank you so much!
Hiya anon! Of course you can, although I only do 3 characters for HC requests I went ahead and did Luck too since they were so short, and I hope you enjoy 🥰!
Warnings: None
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• Yami was already awake when you leaned over to shake him. He felt you tossing and turning and wasn’t sure if you were trying to get comfortable or if you were having a bad dream. So when you woke him up because you couldn’t fall back asleep he knew it was the latter.
• He sat up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes before he asked if you wanted to talk about it or if you wanted something calming to drink. He wanted to try and comfort you but wasn’t sure how.
• You leaned against his chest and just asked if he would hold you for a while, and that if it was really okay for you to tell him about the dream, he nodded and held you tightly and listened as you explained the dream to him.
• He rubbed your arms soothingly as you quietly told him about the dream you had. He didn’t know you were prone to nightmares, especially when you were stressed out.
• Finally, as your story came to an end. He heard your voice slur and your head snuggled into his broad chest. He looked down and saw you had fallen asleep. He chuckled before he kissed the top of your head and moved further down into bed so you could both fall back asleep in each other's arms.
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• He awoke with a start as he felt someone shaking his shoulder. He blinked a few times and realized that you two had fallen asleep in the library again. He looked over and saw the person waking him up was you.
• Yuno would ask if everything was alright, and when you told him that you couldn’t fall back asleep after waking up due to a loud noise Yuno would nod before getting up and leaving the room.
• After a few minutes he would return with a cup of calming tea. The two of you would sit there and drink as you told him about the noise and that you were scared the Golden Dawn was under attack again.
• Yuno quietly assured you that he wouldn’t let that happen ever again and that you would be safe. You would nod before resting your head against his shoulder.
• Soon, due to the tea and Yuno’s calming voice and sweet reassurances, you fell back asleep and Yuno chuckled and rested his head atop of yours and fell asleep also. The next morning the Golden Dawn found you two in the same exact spot and couldn’t help but tease you both after you woke up.
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• It took him a little while to wake up, after all he had been training all day to try and get stronger. But eventually he did wake up and was worried when he saw it was you that was waking him up.
• He’d ask what was wrong and if something happened. You’d tell him that nothing happened and that you just couldn’t go back to sleep.
• So Asta would nod and clear the sleep from his eyes before asking if you needed anything. He wasn’t the best at making tea or hot chocolate, but he would try for you!
• But instead you said you were fine with just talking, so that’s what you two did. You talked, and talked, and talked. About everything and anything. You laughed and giggled.
• Eventually you noticed Asta trying desperately to fight the sleep that wanted to over take him and so you laid your head on his shoulder and closed your eyes. Signaling to him that it was okay to fall asleep. Asta nodded and closed his eyes, you giggled as you heard him snoring softly before you two fell asleep.
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• Luck, like Yuno, awoke with a start when you suddenly shook his shoulder. He jumped up and was ready to fight, causing you to jump back in surprise.
• When he saw it was just you he calmed down and asked what was going on and why weren’t you asleep yet. You explained to him that you were asleep but woke up and now you couldn’t go back to sleep.
• Luck would nod in understanding before asking if you wanted to spar a few times and see if that made you tired again. You frowned a bit but agreed to a small sparring session, maybe the workout would make you tired.
• So you two went outside and sparred, you both fought a few matches before you grew tired. You both sat down and talked, about anything and everything. About Magna annoying Luck, and how you couldn’t wait for your next mission.
• Finally before you both knew it your eyes grew heavy and sleep overtook you. Luck fell asleep with his head on your shoulder and you had your head leaned up against the tree that was behind your back. You both awoke the next morning to Magna and Zora laughing and teasing you both.
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silenceofthecookies · 2 years
Hey, Cookie! How are you? If it’s ok, could I please request, for the rune event, 8. Wunjo ᚹ - “Joy” with Yuno Grinberryall?
Of course! Enjoy! 
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Today had to have been the worst birthday ever. The mission you were assigned was a simple escort mission, but the noble you had to escort was an absolute asshole, feeling the need to rub their superiority all over you and your teammates. Of course, you weren't allowed to say anything that went against it. It would have made your squad look bad, and it would only have fueled his arrogance more. On top of that a storm came up, and by the time you finally got home, you were drenched, tired and in an awful mood.  
All of that vanished pretty quickly though, once you noticed Yuno sitting on your bed, with a platter with 2 slices of cake and a small, wrapped box on it. He smiled and got up as he noticed you, giving you a quick kiss before speaking.  
“Happy birthday, Y/N. Go get a shower and put on some dry clothes, I'll make us some hot cocoa. Don't open your present until I'm back, alright?”
All negativity from the day seemed to wash off of you in that moment as you nodded and thanked your boyfriend. Maybe this birthday would get better after all.  
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Come join my rune event! ❤
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bowandcurtsey · 2 years
Hi! Can you do a lil angsty thing where reader is self harming again and they walk in on them? Asta, yuno, and nozel. If you can and if you don’t that’s fine!
Dear anony, I hope you're okay sweetie ❤ I'm also sorry for getting to this so late, but here I am now uwu
If you ever need someone to talk to, you know I'm here ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
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Characters: Asta , Yuno, Nozel TW: self harm, blood, unchecked.
Grabs the penknife from your hands at the sharp edge and making himself bleed instead. He didn't budge until you let go of the knife.
Then he realises he's bleeding out.
"ow ow ow ! That really hurt! Why would you want to do this to yourself baby?"
You both scurry around the room to find a little towel to wrap his hand around.
He then sits you down and asks you what's wrong and why would you scar your beautiful body and skin.
Whatever reason you give, it wouldn't be good enough for this sunshine. He's super positive and would make you look at the bright side of everything.
"You'll be okay y/n, everything will be okay eventually! Look at me!" He would cheer you on.
He promises to be just there for you regardless of whatever that happens.
"Even if you end up with nothing and slump to rock bottom, it's okay because I'll be there for you."
Gives you little kisses as he comforts you. On your hair, forehead, temples, nose, eyes, lips, cheeks, everywhere until you giggle and smile again.
"you're mine and I'm yours, so don't do things like this again, you'll hurt me too." he says with a little pout as he pulls you onto his lap.
Yuno Grinberryall
Knocks your scissors out of your hands with his magic.
"What's going on, y/n?" he pats your head gently and wipes your tears for you.
He'll hold you and craddle you if you refuse to talk about it. Brings you out of the house for some fresh air and buys you ice cream.
He holds your hand throughout without saying much, and would constantly draw gentle circles on your hands with his thumbs.
He'll bring you for a short stroll and he'll hold the small of your back, gently running his hands up and down, soothing your skin.
"You know.." he speak out of nowhere, his voice soft like a gust of wind, "I'm always here for you. Regardless of whatever that happens."
He tries to comfort you but you know your man, he's not that good with words. So he ends up pulling you close and giving you a kiss on your temples, "I love you, y/n. You're beautiful so please don't hurt yourself."
Nozel Silva
Comes in to see you crouched in a corner with blood on your hands and the knife on the floor.
Mercury wraps up your wounds immediately.
"What happened? did someone break in??" he was confused.
You tried to explain calmly that you did this to yourself before he could call in the guards and servants.
"What would you do that, love?"
He would insist until you pour out all your woes and troubles to him. He wouldn't let you leave. He had you on his lap, held tightly to him.
"Tell me or I'll call in the servants and ask them why nobody was keeping a lookout on you."
well you had a demanding man to begin with so..
He felt sad that he couldn't help you with whatever troubles you had. But he could kinda understand, seeing that he was battling with his own demons himself.
"I'm not sure how would you feel if you came home one day and see that I tried to end my life or hurt myself because I felt I wasn't good enough...." he said quietly, stroking at your arm, "but it hurts me to see you hurt."
"I know I can't solve your worries and problems because it's all up to you, but know that everyone is facing some sort of battle inside of them by themselves. You're not alone, love."
"And if any consolation, and I hope it does, I'm always here. Regardless of whatever." he pinched your chin so you'll look into his eyes and see that he was sincere with his words.
He'll cuddle you and rest his face in the crook of your neck, "I can't imagine my life without you, so please don't do anything silly to yourself. I won't be able to take it."
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bakubabes-tatakae · 2 years
Yuno (Black Clover) + goodnight kisses (for the game) 👀
It's been so long since I've written for Black Clover to getting this many requests for the fandom at once make me so very happy. 🥰
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You climbed into the bed as quickly as your legs could carry you. The sight of the now Vice Captain of the Golden Dawn had made your heart swell. He had worked so hard in all these years and you couldn't be more proud of the man that he had become.
It wasn't often that Yuno got to be home like this either. He usually spent all his time at the office with Captain Vangeance. Whether it was just helping him with paperwork or helping him get ready for missions, Yuno had become the best Vice Captain that the Golden Dawn had ever seen.
Yuno placed his book in his lap and gave you a small grin, the look of happiness on your face making him want to pull you in. He reached out his hand and sighed contently. "My darling, I'm so glad to see you. Come lay with me."
You grabbed his hand and wrapped yourself around him. "I'm so happy that you're home today." You pushed your lips out for him and waited patiently.
Yuno pressed his lips to yours, a satisfied sound falling from him as he wrapped you into his arms. "I'm glad to be home too. It's been so long since I've been able to just lay in bed with you."
You nuzzled your head against his neck and grinned from ear to ear. "Do you know how good it feels knowing that you're gonna be here all night with me? You are right? You don't have to leave?"
He shook his head with a small chuckle at the little sound of alarm in your voice. "No my darling, I don't have to go anywhere. Unless there's some sort of dire emergency, I won't be leaving to go anywhere."
You leaned up and kissed the bottom of his chin, snuggling as close to him as you could manage, his body basically forming to your own as he kept his arms around you. "Thank god, because I don't think I could handle another night by myself."
Yuno pressed his lips to your forehead and trailed them down your face, peppering every inch of you. "It's time for you to get some sleep. You've had such a long day. You need to make sure that you're rested for tomorrow too."
"Rested for tomorrow?" You peeked back up with him with a puzzled look. "What do I have to be rested for?"
He smirked down at you and kissed your lips softly. "I won't be telling you. That would ruin the surprise. Now good night, my darling."
You wanted to protest, but you knew that with Yuno that was nearly impossible. He always won and he'd never give in. You sighed and closed your eyes, admiring the way he kissed you over and over.
Good night kisses from Yuno were always enough to have your head spinning. "Fine, I won't bug anymore, but not because I can't think straight any more... Only because I'm tired, not because you made me all flustered."
He huffed happily and closed his own eyes, placing his book on the nightstand to curl up more. "Mmmm, I'll have to remember that. Now get that sleep, darling. We can have all the conversation that you want in the morning. I promise."
Writers Block Event Pieces
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©2022 bakubabes-tatakae, please do not repost/modify without my permission, please do not use my work as ASMR without my permission
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melody-ofstars · 2 years
Hi, Tessa! Could you please write a Yuno (Black Clover) x reader fluffy drabble? Settles before the acceptance exam and the reader is also from Hage. I was thinking of the day being pretty chilly and the reader liking to go read under a tree near the church. Yuno likes the reader and brings her a blanket so she wouldn't be cold. Then she shares her food with him and they watch the sunset together. Love your works! Take your time with this if you choose to make it. <3
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Fandom:- Black Clover
Pairing:- Yuno x reader
Genre:- Fluff
Scenario:- A cold day in winter <3
A/n:- YESSSSS I will!!! This is going to be amazing, especially since I love Yuno so damn much... He is amazing and I will do anything for him. Thank you for this request, I loved writing it!! Also, I have slightly changed a few details if that's okay??
I kinda got carried away while writing it which made it a little all over the place... But I still like it so I am not changing it
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First Snow
Winter, a season that you loved with all your heart. There was something different about spending time inside your house surrounded by the people you love, doing the things you love and enjoying a cup of tea... All the while, admiring the view outside where everything appeared to be clearer even in the midst of fog.
The colors were brighter and vivid, the green of the trees amplified while the gentle and steady breeze cooled the town down.
Amongst the cool breeze and vivid colors, you sat under a tree, immersed in your reading so much so that you did not feel cold even with the lack of proper attire. Yes, you had worn a sweater but with the chill in the atmosphere at least another two were required to stay warm.
A dark red scarf was wrapped around your neck, providing some heat to you. Your nose was red and cheeks flushed with the obvious cold.
It was your habit, a routine of sorts, where you always went to the tree beside the church to have a good reading of the book you currently had and even the chilly winter couldn't change that.
You flipped the page, excited to see what happens next when you felt a soft weight on you along with a sudden warmth. You looked up and saw a familiar ravenette standing next to you, a neutral expression on his face.
"You were shivering." He said simply,
You then looked at the weight and realized that it was a blanket, along with the sudden awareness of the cold around you.
You smiled up at him, grateful by the gesture. You wondered how lost in the book you were that you did not even notice the temprature decreasing swiftly or hear him coming towards you.
"Thank you." You said, wrapping the blanket tighter around yourself, he started walking away but you quickly stopped him, a slight blush appearing on your face.
"Join me?" You asked, looking at him with a smile. It was a good thing that due to the cold, your cheeks were already flushed that he did not notice you blushing.
He looked at you for a second as if contemplating on what to do, before sitting down beside you and against the tree.
You grinned and wrapped one of the ends of the blanket around him, securing it in a way that no air would get in. Enjoying the warmth, you began reading the book again.
"What are you reading?" You hear him ask softly, not wanting to interrupt you but unable to help himself. At that, you smiled brightly, it was your favorite book after all. You didn't mind telling him a few details about it.
"Oh, it's about the first Magic Emperor!" You said excitedly, he could see that you liked this book and was relieved that you did not send him away for interrupting you.
"The Magic Emperor?" He asked, interested to hear more because after all if he had to rival Asta, he would have to give it his all.
"Yes! It's about the time he defeated that giant demon."
"Yeah, and the best part is that it happened in Hage itself and from here you get an amazing view of the skull." You explained to him, looking over to the giant skull with horns. It always thrilled you that you lived in the town where the Wizard King had defeated the demon, a historic site.
As you continued, he couldn't help but admire the way your eyes lit up and the beautiful smile you had on your face while telling him various details of the story.
He had always liked you and always looked forward to seeing you at the tree, reading one of your books with intense focus that you didn't care about what was happening around you.
You were so immersed in your story that you didn't see that Yuno's eyes had drifted closed, your eyes widened with embarassmemt as you thought that you bored him with your story. You shouldn't have talked about it in the first place, he was probably only being nice...
"Did the story end? It did not feel like it." He said, pulling you out of your thoughts.
His eyes fluttered open, a beautiful golden that you get lost into everytime and right now, that golden was glimmering.
"I- I thought you weren't interested anymore..." You said sheepishly, looking away as the longer you looked in his eyes the more flustered you got.
"No, I was just listening to your voice." He said and once again a silence settled down and the realisation dawned upon you.
You both blushed profusely and looked away, trying to calm yourselves down. Your heart was thundering while his felt like it would explode. He had not meant to say it out loud but strangely did not regret it, especially after he noticed you blush.
You looked over at the skull, it looked wonderful. The sun had started to set and the sky was colored with different hues of pink and orange. You slowly felt a finger near your hand, looking down to find Yuno's hand resting close to yours, invitingly.
You smiled slightly and shifted your hand too, resting it on his warm one as a small shiver went through you.
Looking up, you saw an even beautiful view, Yuno with a smile etched on his face while his eyes reflected the various tints of the sky and at that moment all your shyness evaporated as you leaned over and pressed a kiss onto his lips.
His hand immediately came up and cupped one of your cheeks while his other hand intertwined with yours. You felt excited, your mind focusing on nothing except him, making you feel happy and content. You felt safe, a warmth spreading all over you as you kissed, a stark contrast to your surroundings. You melted into that kiss as it felt like a new beginning, a new possibility of endless things.
You pulled away, breathing hard. Your lips still buzzing from the contact as you took in what had just happened, trying to calm your heart.
You slowly opened your eyes and saw him looking at you gently, his golden gaze soft as it met yours.
You both did not speak anything afterward, only enjoying each other's presence with hands still held together. You did not move and neither did he, even when the first snow of the season had started to drift down lazily because for you it wasn't just that, it was also a new chapter in your life, a chapter that had just started, a chapter that you were now looking forward to.
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Taglist: @hanjistitanwhore @little-kity
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