#tbh i dont think it rlly matters either way sigh
candyunicornsateme · 3 years
thinking about flipping things around and Kyle being kinda maybe a lil infatuated w/ Kenny... 😞just a little...
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royaltyau-logs · 7 years
RAU -- F2: The Church
Assassin Lavi where are we going again Assassin Lavi are we there yet Assassin Lavi are we there yet Assassin Lavi are we there yet
Princess Zuki is dying
Assassin Deak are we there yet
Assassin Lavi are we there yet
Assassin Deak are we there yet Assassin Deak are we there yet
Princess Zuki are we there yet
Assassin Lavi /me are we there yet
Assassin Deak haha good job, lavi
Princess Zuki /me are we there yet
Assassin Lavi are we there yet
Pegasus Knight Lena shut the fuck up
Assassin Deak yes ma'am
Princess Zuki Afraid
Assassin Lavi ......
Assassin Deak ....
Assassin Lavi are we there yet
Assassin Deak are we there yet?
Assassin Lavi :'>
Pegasus Knight Lena im going to slaughter you two
Princess Zuki pls dont slaughter me they started it
Assassin Deak slaughter me Assassin Deak are we there yet
Assassin Lavi are we there yet
Assassin Deak are we there yet
Assassin Lavi are we there yet
Assassin Deak are we there yet
Assassin Lavi are we there yet
Assassin Deak are we there yet
Assassin Lavi are we there yet
Assassin Deak are we there yet
Assassin Lavi are we there yet
Assassin Deak are we there yet
Princess Zuki are we there yet
Assassin Lavi are we there yet
Assassin Deak are we there yet
Assassin Lavi are we there yet Assassin Lavi are we there yet
Assassin Deak 4th wall whining
Assassin Lavi did Zuki die yet
Princess Zuki are we there yet Princess Zuki yes i did
Assassin Lavi swEET can I have ur kingdom
Princess Zuki nah!
Assassin Deak can,, can i have it?
Assassin Lavi what if I share it Assassin Lavi with Deak Assassin Lavi specifically
Princess Zuki nO
Assassin Deak ,,, Assassin Deak ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Assassin Deak lOUDER 4TH WALL WHINING
Assassin Lavi really tho are we there yet idk this territory that well
Princess Zuki i have No Idea
Assassin Lavi how do yo not know isn't this around your turf Assassin Lavi oh
Princess Zuki bitch i grew up in the castle
Assassin Lavi right b/c ur a shut-in
Pegasus Knight Lena yikes
Assassin Deak lavi, carry me Assassin Deak i'm tired of walking
Princess Zuki >:/
Assassin Deak neeehhh
Assassin Lavi no Assassin Lavi jump on the pegasus or something if ur tired I'm not ur steed
Assassin Deak laaaviiiiii
Pegasus Knight Lena fuck off dont you dare
Assassin Lavi no
Assassin Deak leaning on lavi
Assassin Lavi ....... Assassin Lavi shoves him Assassin Lavi : >
Assassin Deak carry me Assassin Deak ahbhgbHBSHFBG
Assassin Lavi goes skipping ahead Assassin Lavi tra-la-la
Assassin Deak aLMOST FALLS Assassin Deak ..... Assassin Deak skips after him
Princess Zuki ,,,is getting nervous bcuz of those two
Assassin Deak jabs lavi's side and jumps away, snickering
Assassin Lavi jumps!!!! Assassin Lavi >: (
Assassin Deak >: )
Assassin Lavi kicks at Deak's sIDE
Assassin Deak ?!?!?!
Assassin Lavi >: ) Assassin Lavi skipping is now spRINTING
Assassin Deak gETS HIT AND JUST Assassin Deak looks at lavi
Assassin Lavi b y e b i t c h
Queen Alma: Would you two cease your tomfoolery already?
Assassin Deak we're going to get lost and it's going to get us lost Assassin Deak oh shit i forgot about her
Queen Alma okay bye i suppose
Assassin Lavi doDGES BACK and around Deak back towards everyone else lmao
Assassin Deak wait what the fuck was that wording
Assassin Lavi is like 5
Assassin Deak idk
Princess Zuki gets rlly nervous around alma tBH
Pegasus Knight Lena :3c
Queen Alma i hate this trip already u guys havent said a single thing wtf
Princess Zuki is just Silent
Assassin Lavi 'scuse me ur Highness Alma just gonna hide behind u for a moment laughing like a little shit : >
Princess Zuki @ghost thing pls leave soon\
Queen Alma: I presume you've been briefed on the going-ons lately, Princess? Figuring it borders on your domain also?
Assassin Lavi waggly fingers at Deak
Queen Alma: Unless you haven't been paying attention, that is.
Princess Zuki snAPS HER HEAD UP AND NODS QUICKLY Princess Zuki: y-yes, ma'am! that is why i'm here.
Queen Alma: Good, good. And why are you two here, exactly?
Assassin Deak .... Assassin Deak slowly walks back to the others
Assassin Lavi: Hm?
Queen Alma: Actually, it doesn't matter.
Assassin Deak just gonna stay silent
Assassin Lavi shrugs and smiles impishly at Deak Assassin Lavi: Givin' up already?
Princess Zuki ,,,just. nervously looks around
Assassin Deak i'm going to punch you
Pegasus Knight Lena u guys r dumb
Queen Alma: Either way, as you should know, the Church is shared between the borders of Aeyusea and Cicia, and as such is a common place between the two Kingdoms. It isn't uncommon to have them merge in the church, and at times ends with someone switching the Kingdom they're residing in. With limitations of course - once you move a Kingdom you become a traitor to the other and aren't allowed access to the opposing side. The church allows a method to switch, or to prevent any... harm coming from entering the opposite side as it normally would.
Princess Zuki nod nod
Queen Alma: However, recently an increase in odd creatures along the border has occurred, and these have moved between the Kingdoms and... ah... killed some of the residents of either Kingdom.
Assassin Lavi define "dumb" Assassin Lavi b/c I beg to differ
Assassin Deak kinda sorta listening, kinda sorta not Assassin Deak just. plotting a murder
Queen Alma: Hence the need for us to figure out what is happening over there to cause it. It has already been pinpointed to be the location the beasts are spawning from.
Pegasus Knight Lena you and your brother Pegasus Knight Lena is the definition
Assassin Lavi: Beasts y'say? Assassin Lavi: An' here I thought this was a vacationary road trip
Assassin Deak y a w  n s
Assassin Lavi kidding
Queen Alma: I would be more wary than you both are being currently. Queen Alma: From what I understand, the creatures do quite a well job at ripping things apart. Queen Alma : / Queen Alma at least the princess has more sense
Assassin Deak can't be too casual but is always looking for the sweet embrace of death
Princess Zuki noDS
Assassin Deak: sounds like my kind of trip.
Assassin Lavi just gives Deak a look
Queen Alma: Does it now?
Assassin Lavi u stop that
Princess Zuki: ...please start acting like you'll leave alive.
Assassin Deak: mhm~
Princess Zuki: we have reputations to hold up.
Assassin Deak l a u  g h s
Princess Zuki S A V A G E
Assassin Lavi: We've been well trained in the arts of self-defense. There's no need to worry over our well-being, Your Highness.
Queen Alma: Surely, otherwise you would be lesser than a fool to join us. Queen Alma wait then why is the princess here
Princess Zuki bcuz
Queen Alma are you going to finish that thought
Assassin Lavi that's a good question
Princess Zuki ,,,
Assassin Lavi but I didn't ask b/c I don't really care
Princess Zuki i have no idea where mr kanda is and i need to show the people i car E
Queen Alma maybe the beasts killed kanda
Assassin Lavi she's here to be the sacrificial bait Assassin Lavi : >
Princess Zuki he probably tastes too gross to eat Princess Zuki I AM NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Queen Alma who said anything about eating Queen Alma these creatures dont eat the people they kill
Princess Zuki ,,,,oh
Queen Alma they just kill them to kill them
Assassin Deak they tore him apart
Queen Alma yeah
Assassin Deak rest in pieces, kanda
Princess Zuki mr kanda's too strong to lose so,,, um,,, he's alive,,,
Queen Alma if youre so sure Queen Alma: There's the church. Queen Alma who's going in first Queen Alma : )
Assassin Lavi raises his hand over his eye and squints
Assassin Deak ,,,
Assassin Lavi: There indeed~
Princess Zuki looks at lavi n deak Princess Zuki they go in first >:U
Assassin Deak steps, over behind lavi Assassin Deak shoves him
Princess Zuki theyre nothin but Trouble
Assassin Deak: go on.
Pegasus Knight Lena hahahah Pegasus Knight Lena lame
Assassin Lavi looks-- Assassin Lavi HEY Assassin Lavi ELBOWS Deak Assassin Lavi >: (
Pegasus Knight Lena oh my god pls dont do this again
Assassin Deak sLAPS lavi on the back of the head
Assassin Lavi: ....... Assassin Lavi Later (tm) Assassin Lavi >:L
Assassin Deak : > Assassin Deak anyway, Assassin Deak: lavi should go in first.
Assassin Lavi: Perhaps it is presumptuous of me, but I assume-- Assassin Lavi: no
Queen Alma: Who?
Assassin Deak: ... Assassin Deak fu ck Assassin Deak fUCK FUCK FUCK Assassin Deak: uh...
Assassin Lavi ....
Assassin Deak: meow?
Queen Alma: I didn't know that was your name?
Princess Zuki: ...
Queen Alma looks @ lavi
Assassin Deak FUCK
Assassin Lavi: ...its not
Assassin Deak: it's a nickname.
Princess Zuki siGHS
Queen Alma: ..........
Princess Zuki: i'll go in.
Assassin Deak: we have nicknames for each other.
Queen Alma: You two contradict one another far too much.
Princess Zuki A BRAVE
Queen Alma: It makes you suspicious. Queen Alma :I
Princess Zuki heads on in tbH
Assassin Lavi: ...he thinks he's clever
Queen Alma o there she go
Assassin Lavi: So he gives me stupid nicknames
Queen Alma narrows her eyes at them
Assassin Lavi :I
Queen Alma: I see. Queen Alma fucking liars
Assassin Deak i Assassin Deak i'm tired so i'm not even gong to argue Assassin Deak this is why i stay quiet
Queen Alma: Well, we ought not waste more time with trivial names. Queen Alma follows after zuki Queen Alma im watching u two
Assassin Lavi guess this means we can go in last : >
Pegasus Knight Lena: Hurry up and go in you two.
Assassin Lavi good luck everyone else
Pegasus Knight Lena no fuck u im going last
Assassin Lavi tailing along Assassin Lavi second-last then Assassin Lavi w/e
Princess Zuki coME ON PEOPLE
Assassin Deak follows
Assassin Deak ain't scared Assassin Deak no way
Assassin Lavi assuming u even survive
Pegasus Knight Lena goes in after them and slams the door rlly loud bc y not
Assassin Deak jUMPS
Assassin Lavi was that necessary
Pegasus Knight Lena lauGHS Pegasus Knight Lena IT SCARED HIM
Assassin Lavi also kinda jumped a little tbh
Assassin Deak whirls around, holding his breath
Pegasus Knight Lena iS LAUGHing
Assassin Deak tries to laugh to show he finds it funny but Assassin Deak doesn't
Pegasus Knight Lena: My apologies. Pegasus Knight Lena totally insincere but Pegasus Knight Lena turns to try and open the door Pegasus Knight Lena .........................
Assassin Deak: ...it's quite alright. Assassin Deak ...................
Pegasus Knight Lena: .....................................
Princess Zuki ....................
Assassin Lavi just kinda looking between Lena and Alma and Zuki
Pegasus Knight Lena: It's locked, ahahahahhh..................................
Assassin Lavi: ....... Assassin Lavi: Well that's what you get for slamming it Assassin Lavi: Probably broke the damn thing Assassin Lavi smfh
Pegasus Knight Lena oops
Princess Zuki: ...doors don't break like that.
Assassin Lavi: Way to go
Princess Zuki couGHS
Assassin Lavi: Its possible
Queen Alma: There are other doors, let's continue moving. Stop breaking doors. Queen Alma very intense eye roll here
Assassin Lavi shrugging and following along
Princess Zuki follOWS TOO
Assassin Lavi is making it a point to look up also b/c nobody ever looks up and that's usually where shit is sitting in wait lmao
Queen Alma or behind you Queen Alma maybe you should walk backwards too
Assassin Lavi Deak is behind me Assassin Lavi and Lena is behind him
Queen Alma: As you can see, the church is in disarray. Prior to those beasts, it had been well kept, figuring it was the centerpoint between our two Kingdoms.
Princess Zuki nods
Queen Alma: What a mess.
Assassin Deak is getting really tired of this act tbh Assassin Deak really really tired but
Pegasus Knight Lena what act squinty eyes
Assassin Lavi kinda looks like something I'd expect to see in Birland tbh Assassin Lavi my kinda scenery Assassin Lavi: ...guess the beasts must'a got the groundskeeper
Princess Zuki: my mother would... visit this place regularly, a-as an act of peace.
Assassin Lavi just gonna kinda skirt around the room and give the place a look-see for signs of any alleged "beasts" like carnage or damage etc. Assassin Lavi scratches... bones... droppings... any of that fun stuff
Queen Alma: Ironically this Church was built over the grounds that the dead soldiers were buried in when the War between our Kingdoms occurred in the last reigns. It was built for peace over the bodies of soldiers of both sides.
Princess Zuki nod nod
Assassin Lavi: ...so this place has catacombs underneath?
Assassin Deak: ....how interesting.
Queen Alma: It does. The Church sealed the catacombs years ago due to an... accident. Queen Alma side eyes zuki
Princess Zuki looks down Princess Zuki nods tho
Assassin Deak hums,,
Assassin Lavi: ...accident?
Assassin Deak slowly tilts his head Assassin Deak steps up to walk beside of lavi
Queen Alma casually doesn't reply to that
Assassin Lavi tilting his head also
Princess Zuki coughs,,,
Assassin Lavi: So... allegedly it should still be locked up, ya?
Queen Alma: There were reports that the catacombs had been opened sometime prior, but when I had come to check they were still sealed.
Assassin Lavi hums
Queen Alma: The only object out of place was a marble, but I presume a child had dropped it when the last event was held.
Assassin Deak is actually interested Assassin Deak jiji would love this place
Assassin Lavi: So were they sealed to keep people out... or... to keep something in?
Queen Alma frowns
Princess Zuki: ...to keep people out. Princess Zuki isnt even gonna entertain that thought
Assassin Deak: ...astonishing. Assassin Deak: simply amazing.
Assassin Lavi: Grave-robbers, mayhaps?
Queen Alma: ...
Assassin Deak there's that twinkle in his eye
Princess Zuki: anyone.
Assassin Lavi rolls his eye Assassin Lavi: Obviously.
Princess Zuki scratches the back of her head
Assassin Deak: it's very interesting.
Princess Zuki looks down again
Assassin Lavi hums Assassin Lavi: So should we see if the place is still sealed up as its supposed to be?
Princess Zuki: ...are you volunteering? Princess Zuki glanCES BACK AT HIM
Assassin Lavi laughs Assassin Lavi: Not a chance.
Queen Alma: There is another thing.
Assassin Lavi: The trained soldier should be the one to check it out first, right? Assassin Lavi looking @ u Lena
Pegasus Knight Lena offended Pegasus Knight Lena glares
Assassin Deak: another thing?
Assassin Lavi I am but a humble Earl's son don't expect me to go in there first
Pegasus Knight Lena: I believe you had mentioned you were well-trained, did you not Lavi?
Assassin Deak is thoroughly interested now
Assassin Lavi: Astor Assassin Lavi: Its Astor Assassin Lavi : /
Assassin Deak glances back at lena Assassin Deak: i am the only one allowed to call him that.
Pegasus Knight Lena: Then perhaps publicly calling such isn't wise.
Assassin Lavi: And I said I was trained to defend myself, but surely nowhere near as trained as yourself even so.
Pegasus Knight Lena wimps
Assassin Deak: ladies first.
Assassin Lavi I believe that's what we in Birland prefer to call a wise choice
Queen Alma .................. Queen Alma: No, nevermind. Queen Alma: The catacomb entrance is just through here. Queen Alma gestures to the archway
Assassin Lavi: But now we're curious~
Assassin Deak: you... you said there was another thing.
Queen Alma: It has no connection to this event.
Assassin Deak ,,,nods slowly
Assassin Lavi shrugs and follows along at the rear, keeping his eye and ears and smell open for anything weird
Princess Zuki oughta make deak and lavi go first since they're so interested >:/
Pegasus Knight Lena which one of u is gonna get hit by the falling chandelier Pegasus Knight Lena that happens in horror movies rite
Assassin Deak me Assassin Deak i am
Princess Zuki will make a Heroic Sacrifice if she does
Pegasus Knight Lena are you
Assassin Deak that'd be a fancy way to die
Princess Zuki bUT IM A PRINCESS
Queen Alma: As I said, the entrance to the catacombs is sealed. Queen Alma told u bitches
Princess Zuki nods
Queen Alma: No one has opened them since the incident, thankfully.
Assassin Deak is starting to get cold chills ngl Assassin Deak doesn't know if they're from fear or something else
Princess Zuki nods again
Princess Zuki: it's... how it should be. Princess Zuki is kinda quiet she doesnt wanna annoy
Assassin Lavi we brought torches to see by right
Assassin Deak no Assassin Deak haha jk idk
Pegasus Knight Lena it isnt dark losers
Assassin Lavi oh okay
Princess Zuki is just kinda lowkey a bystander
Pegasus Knight Lena wait is it
Assassin Deak oooo spooky scary
Assassin Lavi idk I assumed b/c we're inside unless there's windows Assassin Lavi and daylight
Princess Zuki i thought it'd be somewhat like a cave as in it's dark naturally bcuz no natural light Princess Zuki besides torches or w/e
Assassin Lavi: So y'know for sure this place has stayed sealed up the whole time? What if someone opened and shut it again so it just looks that way?
Pegasus Knight Lena ok ur rite Pegasus Knight Lena then we r dumb and didnt bring torches rip 4ever
Assassin Lavi wow that is terrible planning
Assassin Deak sux 2 suqq
Queen Alma: There isn't signs of tampering. By all means, try to pry it open if you'd like.
Assassin Deak luckily, i see well in the dark so
Queen Alma is v far from the sealed catacomb entrance Queen Alma like v far
Assassin Lavi same
Queen Alma not getting near if ur gonna try that
Assassin Lavi hums and goes near the door I guess
Pegasus Knight Lena holy shit dont
Princess Zuki stands back n watches
Assassin Deak walks with lavi
Princess Zuki: u...um...
Assassin Lavi: ...y'know this'd be easier if we had some light
Assassin Deak bye, here we go
Assassin Lavi: to see by Assassin Lavi who's the wimp now
Assassin Deak : >
Pegasus Knight Lena me but id rather not die
Princess Zuki glances up at alma like "are u sure ur gonna let them do this"
Pegasus Knight Lena if something comes out of that
Queen Alma has left the room
Assassin Deak goodbye alma
Assassin Lavi just kinda lightly testing the door for movement. Isn't dumb enough to actually open it tho lol
Princess Zuki is sloooowly backing away
Assassin Deak i want to open it Assassin Deak cAN I OPEN IT?
Assassin Lavi do not
Pegasus Knight Lena also backing off
Assassin Lavi holding his hand against a crack in the doors to feel if air is coming through it too
Assassin Deak there could be something interesting behind it and we could discover something no one else has
Assassin Lavi b/c if there's air coming through its not that tight
Pegasus Knight Lena: Well?
Princess Zuki ,,,,is gonna leave the room too
Assassin Lavi: ...Its hard to tell... but I think I feel a little bit of a draft through the cracks... just a little
Princess Zuki leaves the room too
Assassin Lavi bye Zuki
Queen Alma far away Queen Alma actually i just went to go get a torch
Assassin Deak 's eye widens and he just gets this spark of mischief Assassin Deak looks at lavi
Princess Zuki pls let me stay next to u im afraid
Queen Alma im back at the entrance Queen Alma ill be right back
Assassin Deak: ;; deak confirmed for the dumb, curious one in a horror game/movie
Pegasus Knight Lena: So it was opened then.
Assassin Deak: ...seems so~
Assassin Lavi: ...Probably
Pegasus Knight Lena walks over to the entrance and looks down at it Pegasus Knight Lena: Should we... go down?
Queen Alma coming back with a torch
Assassin Lavi grins a little bit sheepishly and steps behind her
Queen Alma glances at zuki Queen Alma: Well?
Assassin Lavi: After you : >
Princess Zuki: um...
Assassin Deak is gONNA OPEN THE DOOR
Princess Zuki looks back and then down at her feet
Princess Zuki: i think... i-it might've been opened.
Assassin Deak I WANNA DO IT
Queen Alma: ..........
Assassin Lavi get your ass back here Deak >: (
Queen Alma: What?
Assassin Deak nO Assassin Deak MAKE ME
Assassin Lavi sO HELP ME
Assassin Deak kneels down,, Assassin Deak gonna do it
Pegasus Knight Lena: Wait, what are you doing?
Princess Zuki: that... boy, um... lavi, i think? said there was a bit of a draft through the cracks.
Queen Alma: Impossible. I made sure those were sealed. Queen Alma is v salty Queen Alma watch out she salty af
Princess Zuki: ...how thoroughly did you check..?
Assassin Lavi: Its Astor
Queen Alma is storming back into the room Queen Alma: Don't question me.
Princess Zuki follOWS
Assassin Lavi: And Indulf don't you dare!
Princess Zuki: m-my apologies.
Assassin Lavi salTY BRO NOISES
Assassin Deak ,,, Assassin Deak ,,,,,,,,,,,
Assassin Deak lifts a hand
Queen Alma: Do not open that.
Assassin Deak ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Assassin Deak ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Assassin Lavi I stg Deak
Queen Alma dONT DO IT
Assassin Deak slowly stands up
Assassin Lavi ur supposed to let the oTHER PEOPLE GO FIRST SO IF--
Queen Alma making her way over 2 the door
Assassin Deak: alright, alright.
Assassin Lavi that's right u get ur ass back here
Assassin Deak steps over to lavi
Pegasus Knight Lena hahah schooled
Queen Alma: How could it be open? Are you sure you didn't open it by mistake? Queen Alma: While you were checking?
Assassin Lavi: ...just feels like there's a draft coming through it, usually means its not sealed very tight
Queen Alma: ........
Assassin Lavi shRUGS
Queen Alma just reaches over and yanks the doors opennnnnnnnnnnnnnnn wow it smells like stale and decomposing bodies thats gros
Assassin Lavi wrinkles his nose Assassin Lavi yeP THAT'S A SMELL
Assassin Deak o h myg od Assassin Deak honestly gAGS
Queen Alma covers her face yikes
Assassin Deak should be used to it but. not that many
Pegasus Knight Lena: So........................ fresh?
Assassin Lavi pulls a cloth up to tie around his face tbh Assassin Lavi so he can breaaathe Assassin Lavi: ..... Assassin Lavi: Fresh enough Assassin Lavi: How long ago did you say this church was erected again?
Assassin Deak wow, thanks for covering me, asshole
Princess Zuki COVERS HER NOS E
Assassin Deak coughs and gags
Queen Alma is pretty irritated Queen Alma: During the last Queen's reign. Queen Alma starts making her way down the steps w/ the torch of course
Princess Zuki follows tbh
Assassin Lavi u have ur own cloth or something don't u
Queen Alma: When I last checked the doors were sealed. It would have had to occur after I checked the doors.
Assassin Deak his mouth is all watery and his eye is watering too Assassin Deak n o
Queen Alma dEAL WITH IT
Assassin Lavi oh Assassin Lavi well Assassin Lavi RIP u then
Assassin Deak thanks
Assassin Lavi u can stay here if u want I guess
Queen Alma: The traps should still be set also.
Assassin Lavi following along behind Alma
Queen Alma: Watch your steps.
Assassin Deak also no Assassin Deak rips a piece of his cravat to use a makeshift cloth Assassin Deak quickly follows after lavi
Princess Zuki is lookin around
Pegasus Knight Lena walks in last yolo not slamming doors this time Pegasus Knight Lena oh wait the doors just slammed : ' )
Assassin Lavi: ......
Pegasus Knight Lena: ...................
Assassin Lavi: ....didn't you learn your lesson last time
Pegasus Knight Lena: I swear it wasn't me.
Assassin Lavi didn't see tbh just heard it and also heyoooo its hella dark other than the torch Assassin Lavi: ...uh huh
Pegasus Knight Lena: It wasn't!
Assassin Deak f reezes up
Assassin Lavi: Gonna laugh again if we start jumping at shadows?
Princess Zuki: please cease your bickering. it's tiring.
Pegasus Knight Lena: I told you, I didn't do it!
Princess Zuki is done with ur shit
Assassin Deak takes a few shallow breaths before trying to breathe normally again
Queen Alma y didnt u guys bring torches
Assassin Lavi we haven't even bickered that long
Queen Alma why does the floor sound squishy suddenly
Assassin Lavi b/c u had a torch? Assassin Lavi: ....... Assassin Lavi ew god that's a sound I don't like to hear Assassin Lavi: ....what's that noise
Princess Zuki ,,,is just gonna. stay on the stairs
Assassin Lavi: What did you step in
Princess Zuki: ...the floor.
Queen Alma: I'm sure it's nothing.
Assassin Lavi is taking this whole thing calmly tbh
Assassin Deak i ' m g o i n g t o p u k e
Queen Alma: Keep up or there won't be any light left.
Assassin Lavi or as much as is possible
Assassin Deak is not the calm on e Assassin Deak is the very paranoid and angry one
Queen Alma squish squish squish squish
Assassin Lavi pushes Zuki along but gently Assassin Lavi: Keep movin' or get outta the way
Queen Alma stops moving for a moment to look back at them
Assassin Deak gags again
Princess Zuki almoST FALLS OVER
Queen Alma: Really, have you never been in catacombs before? Queen Alma: Do you believe someone comes down here to clean things, my Lord.
Assassin Deak: yes... but it's... it's never been this bad. Assassin Deak: my apologies...
Princess Zuki: it's not necessarily a habit one would like to get into, ma'am.
Queen Alma narrows her eyes Queen Alma: Truly.
Princess Zuki: it's only natural for one to be disgusted. Princess Zuki walks tho
Pegasus Knight Lena squish squish squish squish
Assassin Lavi: Limlan doesn't really need many catacombs... big open country. Plenty of room for graveyards above ground. Assassin Lavi ew its squishy
Pegasus Knight Lena u feel that slimy shit Pegasus Knight Lena the slick Pegasus Knight Lena squishy Pegasus Knight Lena surface
Princess Zuki we're stepping on a big pizza confirmed
Assassin Lavi: ...gonna ruin my good boots walking in whatever this is
Pegasus Knight Lena that should not be how floors feel
Assassin Lavi: It better wash out
Queen Alma: It would... be best not to look down then.
Assassin Deak is it blood?
Princess Zuki: quit complaining. it could be much worse than this.
Assassin Deak oh my god Assassin Deak it is, isn't it?
Assassin Lavi sliPS
Queen Alma: If someone has come down here, the traps probably went off and... reduced them to less than li- Queen Alma wow
Assassin Lavi u better move it fast Zuki Assassin Lavi there's a tree falling
Assassin Deak trIES TO GRAB ONTO LAVI TO KEEP HIM FROM FALLING BUT Assassin Deak there he goes,,
Pegasus Knight Lena tIMBER
Princess Zuki mOVES
Assassin Deak ,,,,
Assassin Lavi hits the...
Assassin Deak: ...astor?
Assassin Lavi oh god what is th i  s
Queen Alma: Oh dear.
Assassin Lavi what is on these floooors
Queen Alma you really dont want to know
Assassin Lavi trying to geT UP
Queen Alma like seriously Queen Alma: If I were you, I would stand quicker than anything.
Assassin Lavi: Get offa me!
Assassin Deak offers lavi a hand
Assassin Lavi @ Deak
Assassin Deak ?!?
Assassin Lavi oh I thought u fell on me
Assassin Deak wHAT THE FUCK
Assassin Deak nO
Queen Alma you fell too
Assassin Deak wOW
Queen Alma oh
Assassin Deak N O I DIDNT
Assassin Lavi takING THAT HAND UP
Assassin Deak i tried to catch lavi but
Assassin Lavi: ...I don't even think I want to know...
Queen Alma: Try not to use your imagination to think of what you just landed on.
Assassin Lavi trying to brush himself off ew ew
Queen Alma turns and continues walking
Assassin Deak: ...it's probably blood.
Assassin Lavi I'm prob gonna have to burn these cloTHES
Assassin Deak: bodily fluids....
Queen Alma: If it were only blood.
Assassin Lavi >: ( Assassin Lavi: ...... Assassin Lavi: you... Assassin Lavi: sound like
Assassin Deak gags ag ain
Assassin Lavi: you know
Queen Alma: I believe I said I've been down here before. Queen Alma did i
Assassin Deak: wh...what is it?
Queen Alma i cant remember
Assassin Lavi goodbye jacket u were a dear friend 2 me but this nastiness is a dealbreaker
Princess Zuki: i don't think giving subtle hints as to what the substance is would help much.
Queen Alma: I also said you wouldn't want to kno--
Princess Zuki >:/
Assassin Lavi pushes Deak ahead of him
Queen Alma: I would rather avoid them gagging on the floor.
Assassin Lavi u go first this time so I don't slip again
Pegasus Knight Lena ew
Princess Zuki: you could avoid that entirely by not repeating yourself on the matter.
Assassin Deak ?!?!?!
Princess Zuki: some things are best left alone. Princess Zuki is weirdly calm rn idk why
Queen Alma: Coming from you, that means less than anything.
Assassin Deak fALL S BA CK Assassin Deak got it,, in his hair,,,
Assassin Lavi: ...I don't think I'm--
Queen Alma >: (
Assassin Deak haha,,, Assassin Deak ha,,,,
Assassin Lavi ??!?!
Princess Zuki: when does anything i say affect you? i'm but a naive princess to you.
Queen Alma: Truly.
Assassin Lavi RIP Deak's hair Assassin Lavi time 2 shave it all off Assassin Lavi: ...anyway I don't think I'm ever gonna get the smell out of my nose
Assassin Deak quickly scrambles to stand up, pretty much  on the verge of a panic attack but u kNOW HE'S FINE Assassin Deak nO Assassin Deak I'M NOT GONNA SHAVE IT OFF
Assassin Lavi: ...... Assassin Lavi: Everybody stop moving
Assassin Deak panicking even more
Queen Alma stops moving and turns around
Assassin Deak but like. silently and quickly breathing
Queen Alma: What is it?
Assassin Lavi just grabs Deak and holds him still Assassin Lavi: ...just be quiet
Queen Alma eXCUSe Me
Assassin Lavi he's listening Assassin Lavi: ...I thought I heard something
Assassin Deak w himpers quietly
Assassin Lavi I'd hug u if u weren't gross with god only knows what rn Assassin Lavi but u are gross Assassin Lavi rn Assassin Lavi: ....did anyone else hear anything or just me?
Queen Alma: Unless you hear the dead, I haven't heard anything.
Assassin Deak i 'm dy in g
Princess Zuki: it... may have just been you.
Assassin Lavi hums
Assassin Deak closes his eye and tries to recollect himself but he's shaking and just. thIS SHOULDN'T BOTHER HIM
Queen Alma: Onwards, then. Queen Alma turns once more and walks forward again
Assassin Lavi walks ahead of Deak to where Alma is with the light and looks around for something like a stone or w/e
Queen Alma: Try not to slip.
Assassin Lavi: ...I'll try not to
Assassin Deak walks slowly
Assassin Lavi is that a leg bone
Queen Alma why are you looking for a stone Queen Alma dont look at that
Assassin Lavi something to throw
Queen Alma oh go for it
Assassin Lavi make a little bit of noise u know Assassin Lavi see if something answers
Queen Alma wait what Queen Alma thERES NOTHING DOWN HERe
Assassin Lavi but not like. Right where we're standing
Assassin Deak can something but really nothing touch my leg bc i could help with that Assassin Deak with how paranoid i am rn haha rip
Assassin Lavi gonna just hurl that leg bone down the corridor to make some noise :'> Let's hope there's no sound that answers it
Assassin Deak good job, lavi Assassin Deak good job
Assassin Lavi look if there's something else here Assassin Lavi I want to hear it coming
??? joined the chat
Assassin Deak f u c k
??? dripping noises gradually getting louder
Princess Zuki oH BOY
Assassin Lavi: ........
Queen Alma what the fuck did u just do
Assassin Lavi quietly
Princess Zuki ,,,is starting to hear a thing
Assassin Lavi: I told you I heard something
??? scraping noises against the walls
Assassin Lavi backing way tf up tbh Good Luck Alma
Queen Alma: ...
Assassin Deak 's eye widens and just. turns
Princess Zuki cRINGES Princess Zuki HATES THAT NOISE
Assassin Deak gonna walk away now
??? the door is locked behind you
Assassin Deak goodbye Assassin Deak fUCK
??? i locked it remember
Assassin Deak moves around lena
??? you fell in onto the ground, i can smell you guys ??? you can run but you can't hide ??? ill find you
Assassin Deak l e av e me alONE
Assassin Lavi but if we smell like the floor doesn't that mean we'll just Assassin Lavi blend in
??? hahahahahahah thats funny ??? that floor is only in that one area ??? so i know when something is down here
Assassin Lavi o shit
??? so i can find it ??? kill it
Assassin Lavi so anyway
Assassin Deak YaNKS ON THE DOOR
Assassin Lavi goes behind Lena and pushes her forward a bit
Assassin Lavi: You're up. Assassin Lavi : >
Pegasus Knight Lena: W-what Pegasus Knight Lena what
Assassin Deak YANK, YANK, YANK
Assassin Lavi do ur job
Assassin Deak yANK
Assassin Lavi going over to Deak and juST
Pegasus Knight Lena this isnt smart
Assassin Lavi: stop that
Pegasus Knight Lena: What am I supposed to go after, I can't see anything!
Assassin Deak looks at him and has that look of a caged animal
??? here i come ??? ready or not
Assassin Deak growls quietly
Assassin Lavi its fine if u keep making noise it'll prob find u
Assassin Deak s t o p s
??? drip drip drip ??? scrape scrape scrape ??? nails on a chalkboard now
Princess Zuki tf are u doin tryin to make us need to pee--
Assassin Lavi: Too much noise. Stay quiet. Remember your training.
Princess Zuki OW OK NOPE Princess Zuki coVERS HER EARS
Assassin Deak n o d s
Assassin Lavi th a t's not a nice sound
Assassin Deak closes his eye and just. tryING TO IGNORE IT
??? i can hear the beating of your hearts and you can hear mine
Assassin Lavi takes Deak's hand to lead him through the dark and stay together. If they can just find a good hiding spot somewhere in the dark... different hallway maybe
??? audible ??? loud ??? clear
Assassin Deak follows after lavi, tRYING TO STAY CALM AND QUIET
Princess Zuki whiNES SOFTL Y
Queen Alma: The path doesn't split unless you go further up. Queen Alma: It's a straight hall.
Assassin Lavi .....
??? here i come
Assassin Lavi sh it
??? tick tock tick tock ??? heavy breathing, heart pounding
Assassin Lavi: ...maybe we can make it to where the hall splits faster than it can?
Assassin Deak: ...perhaps.
Queen Alma: Isn't it in front of us?
Assassin Lavi how wide is this hall btw Assassin Lavi: ...hence
Assassin Deak: if... if we don't though, i....
Assassin Lavi: "before it can"
Assassin Deak: ....
Queen Alma not that wide unfortunately
Assassin Lavi welp
Queen Alma: We could try.
Assassin Lavi draws his dagger Assassin Lavi prob gonna have to fight our way out
Queen Alma turns and takes a step before shrieking and dropping the torch oops
Assassin Lavi !!!!!!!!
??? here i am ??? hi
Assassin Deak looks at lavi before drawing his dagger as well
??? tried to get by ??? now you cant see me ??? but i can see you
Assassin Lavi .....
Assassin Deak remember training. Assassin Deak it's fine.
Assassin Lavi we fight in the dark all the time Assassin Lavi part of our profession : >
??? you know what my profession is?
Assassin Lavi killing?
??? close, but not really
Assassin Lavi aw and here I had a comeback for if u said yes
??? see, it's what i use to kill that defines me ??? where are we right now
Assassin Lavi a tomb?
Assassin Deak u uSE DEAD PEOPLE?!!?!
Assassin Lavi o
??? what do you assume you landed in
Assassin Deak b loo d
Assassin Lavi ...blood? Assassin Lavi its not blood, is it
??? no ??? try again
Assassin Lavi oil?
??? is oil or blood squishy ??? think this through
Assassin Lavi guts? Assassin Lavi are we inside a huge gut Assassin Lavi is this Naruto
??? what the fuck ??? no ??? when did that happen in Naruto ??? oh with the snake right
Assassin Lavi Jiraiya's toad stomach jutsu--
??? oh ??? wrong thing
Assassin Lavi anyway I give up Assassin Lavi this is a weird standoff guessing game
??? lame ???: aCTUALLY ] ???: i have no idea what im going for w/ this ]
Assassin Lavi: LMFAO }
Assassin Deak: ;; o mg
???: i was waiting 2 see if something cool was suggested ] ???: i ToLD You GuyS ] ???: i dK WHAT IM DOiNG ]
Assassin Lavi: I mean I figured like } Assassin Lavi: either oil like something combustable or like } Assassin Lavi: weird mucus or something }
???: i just wanted to adventure in catacombs tbh ] ???: i like the history thing ]
Assassin Lavi: lmao {
???: but then we had 2 bring in some monster so i just threw something up ] ???: : ( ]
Assassin Lavi: RIP }
???: its like ]
Assassin Lavi: I mean I'm cool w/ Catacomb Adventures but I'm also 300% down for Lavi to be ripped limb by limb LMFAO }
???: "no its actually just cake and this was all an elaborate prank for messing up the masquerade party!!" ]
Assassin Deak: ;; thinks back to worm 1 Assassin Deak: ;; ahaha,,, Assassin Deak: ;; h a , , ,
0 notes