#tbh i think people like him really need help mhm it sucks really bad for both sides but nothing excuses treating others badly in the end </3
astrxealis · 2 years
HAHA FUNNY STORY ASTER remember the guy i was crushing abt? yeah he turned out to be a dick :frown: he made his depression his entire personality and threatened to khs if i broke up w him,, constant gaslighter and manipulator too </3 if my friends didnt point it out then i wouldnt know
anww!! got out of an rs with him na, we're good-i didnt feel shit when i told him, and feeling 100x better fr
now i regret ever liking him ,,, bro lowkey he was kinda ehh anyway
KAY HI ... oh my god i had a small idea smth happened bcs i saw your status once ?!!(&/!@; didn't want to intrude tho T___T BUT I SEE..... oh god that really sucks D": i'm glad you got out of that!! and kudos to your friends for pointing it out too T___T <3
after all that i think you really deserve lots of rest okay !! take care of yourself and all LDBSKDM <33
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cupoftaae · 1 year
Forever and a day (KTH x READER) series♡ silent treatment cant last forever (chapter 5)
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Summary: your lifelong friend is forced to face his true feelings for you once he breaks the number one rule of becoming friends with benefits: dont fall in love. He knows he loves you, but you on the other hand need more convincing of the most important thing: the right decision.
Genre: fwb. Roommates, friends to idiots to lovers, fluff, angst, smut, the whole 9 yards tbh.
Pairing: taehyung x female!reader
rating: 18+ (minors dni!!!)
word count- 4.1k
chapter warnings: swearing, tae is struggling :( kaito is a fucking LOSER and does a bad thing. literally all I can say is SORRY in advance !! mentions of domestic violence and abuse. Quick mention of pregnancy
A/N- I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, I have most of these already written out, but I like to take time and add ideas as I go along. I kinda came up with a plot twist that will eventually play out, just dont hate me. What can I say? I love angst. ALSO- chapter 6 will be out this weekend possibly, if not, then monday ;) just a treat bc ily guys
"he's such a fucking dumbass" Kaito scoffs and takes a sip of his wine, collapsing back onto the couch next to you. You remained quiet as he ranted after you told him about the night you had.
Immediately after coming back to the apartment with taehyung, you two ended up fighting again. Something about him being childish, you being self centered, him being nosey, and you not being the old you. What does that even mean? You havent changed at all, its him who is always starting these fights.
after that, you packed a bag and ran over to your boyfriends house. It wasnt where you wanted to be, exactly, but you needed a place to hide.
"I dont think he is a dumbass, I just think....hes....i dont know? having a midlife crisis?" you shrugged, leaning into your boyfriends touch.
"midlife crisis....at the ripe age of 23 years old?"
"yeah, I think he is always comparing himself to me, and hes confused about who he wants to be. He wishes he stayed in college so bad, he even signed up for this little credit art course they ha-"
"art??" kaito laughed covering his mouth for a moment
"yeah" you turned around to look at him
"so he thinks finger painting will help him snap into being an adult?"
you stared at him, scrunching your face up in thought. Yeah, you kinda poked at tae and made jokes, but you didnt mean any harm deep down. Maybe you dont understand his little desire to paint away his feelings, but watching kaito laugh about it is different, because he means it. You suddenly felt guilty for talking about him behind his back, even if he was a dick for yelling at you a few hours ago.
"he enjoys it, its kinda cute. If its helping him back onto his feet then who cares...its not like he quit his job or anything, kaito."
"cute? more like immature"
"hey, cmon, leave him alone"
"you cant seriously be defending him"
"I just dont like talking about people behind their back, you know?"
"whatever" he scoffed, taking a sip of his drink before pulling you onto his lap. "wait..." he stopped, thinking before laughing. "I thought....I thought you said you were sick?"
Your heart stopped the minuet he spoke, how could you forget your own fucking lie, more importantly, how is he just catching this?
"Oh I was feeling better, mhm. This morning I felt like shit but I figured it would be better to suck it up and go to the dinner anyways, should have stayed home!" you blurted out and got off his lap, standing to your feet.
"right" he eyed you, standing up as well as he put his drink down. "well....do you wanna go to bed?" he asked, doing that stupid smirk face that made you somewhat angry.
"uhm, well, yeah, but im really tired kai, also im still not feeling 100% you know? so, maybe we should sleep. just..sleep." you nodded quickly and turned around on the ball of your heel, only to be yanked around by the wrist.
Your eyes widened in shock at the sudden action from him, heart pounding in your ears. Was he drunk? who knows, but that was not an ok thing to do regardless.
"let go of me, what the fuck?" you breath out, trying to tug your hand out of his tightening grip.
"you arent lying to me about Taehyung right?"
"what? What are you talking ab- let go!"
"you wouldnt lie to avoid me, right? you and him arent doing shit behind my back?" he asked, anger in his voice, something youve never seen.
"No! theres nothing!! I promise, I was just sick and, kai you are scaring me please!" you whine, mad at the tears that showed up so quickly. He saw your eyes and immediately let go, making you yank yourself backwards quickly, allowing the tears to fall as you hugged yourself.
"oh my god, im so sorry baby, I didnt mean to d-"
You both looked down at the mark left on your wrist from his grip
"shit, im so.....im so sorry, y/n, listen-"
"get away from me!!" you yelled, "Im sleeping in the guest room, d-dont come in, sober the fuck up and dont touch me again, I swear to God..." your voice shakes as you spoke, aware that if he really wanted to, he could hurt you again.
you saw regret in his face, but it didnt matter. jealousy has always been an issue for him, but its never shown like this....it was scary.
you turn quickly to run upstairs, hiding in his guest bedroom and locking the door, you wanted to leave but also didnt have anywhere to go exactly. You promised to meet up with your friend Dahyun tomorrow for lunch, so you would have to ask her to pick you up earlier.
kaito looked at the wine glass that had spilled without him even knowing, sighing and sitting with his face in his hands instead of going after you.
Taehyung woke up the next morning in the same state he had fell asleep: mad, clothed, dirty, and missing you.
He knew he was fighting you when it was happening, but there was just an overstimulation of emotions that had over poured, and unfortunately, you happened to be the punching bag.
He made a mental note to call his parents and explain later as he walked into your room. you were still not there. Given the things he said, you doesn't blame you, however he would like to apologize.
He walked into the kitchen and looked at all the food, well, more like ingredients for meals he doesnt know how to make. You said something last night to him about him needing to depend on you with everything, including meals. It hurt, but it was right. He sighed and closed the fridge, moving to go sit on the couch in the quiet apartment before opening his phone to his social media’s.
He hated to see other people and how well they were doing, but he found himself online more often then he used to be, maybe it was to inspire or motivate him, he wasn’t sure. He scrolled across Annie’s art page, stopping to pay extra attention to one post in particular.
She was good, her art was something people would pay money to see, he understood why she would be in all the art classes she could find. The post showed her setting up at the banquet hall a few streets down, something about an art fair. Tae smiled and like the post, wanting to know more about it. He contemplated dming her, eventually just giving in and doing so.
Taehyung: hello Annie, it’s taehyung, you probably know that because you can see my name, anyways, I saw your recent post and was wondering what you were setting up for?
He tapped his phone with his fingers, feeling odd to text someone who wasn’t, well, you.
He was surprised to see her answer quickly
Annie: hey tae :)) i was hoping you would text soon enough. I’m setting up for an art festival at the Julie banquet hall! You should totally come if you aren’t busy :0!!!
He laughed and bit his nail, suddenly hearing your voice in his head telling him not to do that...bad habit.
He texted back
Taehyung: when is it?
Annie: it’s being held this entire week for a viewing, but next weekend there is a contest....winner gets a prize!
taehyung smiled and looked around, that could be huge for him. Maybe this was the universal sign from the universe he needed, a sign that his rash decisions were actually working out for him. He knew he probably wouldn’t be able to go down today, for obvious reasons other than the fact he needs a shower.
He also needed to prepare something worth winning, and that required time.
Taehyung: oh wow...that sounds really interesting. I’ll probably be down later this week, thanks for letting me know.
He tossed his phone to the side and began to head for his room, knowing that he wouldn’t leave until he created a masterpiece.
As fun as this was, he had to admit, it was a good distraction from you.
"How come kai couldnt just drop you off?" Dahyun looked over at you, taking a bite of her sandwich. "well, he was a bit hungover, he had a lot to drink last night" you cleared your throat, sipping your water.
It had been a while since you and your friend saw eachother, and going out for lunch together was nice, a step away from all the boy drama going on. You were in college, and you just wanted to do normal stuff and leave the high school shit behind.
Dahyun sat back and looked you over, concern on her face. "sweetheart are you alright?"
"why wouldnt I be?
"because you look like shit, in the nicest way. Have you been sleeping?"
you laugh, looking down at your hands, "yeah, ....well, no"
"mhm, whats going on?"
"tae and I got into a fight last night, and it was just really annoying because we are always fighting nowadays, I hate it."
"is that why you were at kaitos?"
you nodded, eyes looking out the window. "I should have just stayed at the apartment though. I hate to admit it but I kinda miss him, he hasnt texted me" you sighed and re-checked your phone.
"hes a grown man, y/n, he can handle shit"
you looked at your friend, quick to remind yourself that they dont see the true venerability of taehyung like you do, they dont know that he's just emotional and feels things differently than others, so as much as you hate to say it....he cant take care of himself.
"mm" you shrug, taking a bite of a fry. "lets just talk about something else?" you suggest
"okay, let me think...." dahyun smiled to herself, searching her brain for something to talk about. "Oh did you hear about chae?" she suddenly spoke up
"no, what about her? is she ok?"
"dude she had such a pregnancy scare, she called me 2 nights ago because she was fully convinced she was preggo....shes not though so its alright" she shrugged
your eyes widened at your friends words, "what?...how did I not know this? why didnt she call me?"
"well, not to start anything but...we kinda have been calling and texting you, but you dont seem to have time anymore, which is perfectly fine, but we miss you."
you slumped down into your seat, food on the plate in front of you has now gone cold and unedible. "I dont know, man. Life is so messy right now, theres just so much going on. I miss you guys like crazy, we need to plan like a sleepover or a girls weekend." you suggest, leaning into the palm of your hand sadly.
"hey, y/n, just breathe, everything will be okay. If you are free next weekend I know a friend of mine is throwing a really fun party, i'll text you the info if you are down to go?"
you smiled hopefully, not that you were the super most outgoing person on campus, but the idea of going to a party with other kids seemed like a set up to meet some new people.
"Dahyun that sounds really fun, yes please send me the info, is chae going?" you ask, pulling out your phone
"mhm, yep...but we are gonna have to keep her with us because her boyfriend is going...well now ex boyfriend considering they broke up over this whole 'almost pregnant' scare, and-"
you quickly shut out your friends voice as you checked your socials, suddenly coming across a photo taehyung had posted on his story of a painted canvas, seemed normal enough, except the fact someone was there with him. at your apartment.
you whip your head up, "I think I have to go, im sorry, uh, something just came up and I need to get home, but uhm, you'll have to text me about nate and chae!" you spoke quickly, grabbing your purse and standing. "Thank you for having me out, I really needed it. Dont forget to text me the party details!!" you sing as you hug her and make a dash for the door.
You exited the elevator and made your way down the hall quickly, searching for your keycard in your over packed purse before bumping into someone and falling to the floor.
"ow? hel-, oh.." you quiet down when your eyes meet the person waiting outside your apartment door. kaito.
"What are you doing here?" you quickly stood to your feet and brushed past him, still searching for the key.
"baby, you havent answered my calls, we need to talk about last night. Im so sorry, I never meant to make you feel unsafe, im going through so much and I just....I just, I dont know what happened, but im so sorry!" he rambled quickly, touching your back and making you stop your movements.
"i know, im so sorry, i suck and im an asshole and you probably hate me, I would too"
you sighed as your hands fell to your sides, turning to face him. "you....you arent an asshole, dont say that." you breathe out, grabbing his hand "just promise me you'll cut down on the drinking or something...I dont wanna see that again." you felt guilt throughout your chest as he looked down.
"I promise, baby, I will"
you pulled him into a hug and squeezed him, rubbing his back and moving to kiss his cheek. "head home, now, please" you whispered, watching his face fall.
"wait why? I was hoping we could hang out or make food or something?" he gestures towards your front door. "hm, Im sorry kai, maybe after classes sometime this week, I have to handle something right now...you know how he is" you quieted your voice at the last part, watching your boyfriend nod.
"okay....just, uh, text me ok?"
you smiled and nodded, "of course"
once he made a turn for the hall, you placed your keycard into the door and walked into the apartment to see Annie and Taehyung in the kitchen. You usually werent too keen on having random people in your house, you and tae promised to not invite others there without letting eachother know.
"y/n..." tae turned and saw you, making annie stop whisking whatever was in the bowl she held.
"tae" you nod, waving quietly to the short girl behind him. "didnt know there was something going on today" you joke, putting your bag down and walking in with arms crossed over your body.
"I just invited her over because it was a little too quiet over here" he joked, looking at her and smiling.
"ah I see" you smile and lean against the island counter. "what are you guys making?"
"apple pie" annie cheerfully responds, moving to her phone to change the song that was playing
"oh, yummy" you awkwardly reply, somewhat angry that she was in your kitchen and took it upon herself to use your ingredients that you bought yourself.
"tae, can we talk?" you turn to him, talking quietly.
"yeah..." he looked over at annie, "ill be right back"
she replied with a thumbs up before returning to her baking, reading the recipe off tae's phone.
You led him into your room before shutting the door and leaning against it, the boy looking back at you like he was expecting to get yelled at. "I'm sorry" you exhale, "For the other night, I dont wanna keep doing this with you" you shrug
"I dont wanna fight with you either." he spoke simply, biting the inside of his cheek nervously.
"I dont...I dont really know whats been going on with us but I rather just sit and be your friend than your enemy, you know"
he nodded, "you are right, and Im sorry too, all that shit I said, I didnt mean it, It was out of frustration which still isnt okay bu-"
you cut him off with a hug, "its okay"
he took a moment before wrapping his arms around you in return, "Are you mad she is here?" he whispered, "no...just wish you would have texted me...."
"i know, im sorry" he shook his head, sighing. "um, also, my parents called and I explained kinda the situation simply and they seemed to understand somewhat. I spoke honestly with them about how their words effected me and shit, and they said they would try to stop...well...mostly my mom will try to stop" he laughed, making you smile.
"they want us to go over to their house before they go back home, sometime later this week. I know you have classes and stuff but even if its just for one night over there, ill drive you to school in the morning if you need" he added.
"okay, we will work it out, im proud of you for sticking up for yourself" you laughed softly, making him look down shyly. "did you take your medication today?" you remembered to ask suddenly
he looked up at you and pressed his lips together before hesitantly shaking his head, "uh...I forgot.."
you sigh, "okay, lets go take it" you grabbed his hand and went back into the kitchen, brushing past annie to get to the medicine cabinet.
You took notice of how the girl eyed you and your hand against his, making you smirk to yourself. Even if you and tae were just friends, you knew no one would ever be able to squeeze between you both, not kaito nor annie.
"here, bubs" you whisper, handing him his pill and a water bottle
"whats that?" annie spoke up, cutting up apples on your good cutting board you didnt even get to use yet, making your eye twitch.
"allergy meds" taehyung spoke up, taking a sip of water as you look back at him with sympathetic eyes, his face telling you to just not say anything. His ADHD was something he assumed he should be ashamed of, something people would always use to blame his behavior on.
He didnt want to be that, he just wanted to be Taehyung.
Annie nodded and patted her hands on her apron before moving to the next thing, engaging in conversation with taehyung. "so what were you saying before she came in?" she asked, catching you off guard as you threw your hands up and walked over to tidy the living room area.
"Oh I was just talking about the art thing and how-"
"tae.." you stopped fluffing the pillows to turn to him, making annie sigh as you once again interrupted their conversation.
"what?" he looked around, confused.
"why arent you working? todays a work day?"
"oh, uh-...."
Annie smiled, "I didnt know you had a job, where do you work?"
Tae looked between the two of you before speaking up, "well...I used to work at this buisn-"
"used to? you got fired??" you walked over and held his arm
"no no....I quit, like....last week" he huffed, seeming relieved to get it off his chest. "tae, why did you, what?? why would you do that?" you looked at him seriously, knowing that there was no income for you two anymore.
"because I plan to apply for college again, I have a whole thing in the works, y/n, I promise, I didnt just do it on a whim" he spoke quickly
"y/n, he can handle himself" annie sarcastically spoke with a smile
"kindly leave please, him and I need to talk" you finally looked back at her, making her plead to taehyung.
"what? but we were doing something!" she puts the rolling pin down when tae shrugged, "im sorry annie, ill text you okay?" he walked her out before apologizing again and shutting the door.
"well aint she the sweetest" you scoff and collapse on the couch. "come here please" you spoke calmly, wanting to approach this correctly. Taehyung walked over slowly and sat on the couch next to you, keeping his body close and away from you.
You took a deep breath in and looked at him, "tae, honey, why did you do that?"
he shrugged, sighing.
"look at me"
he turned his head around to you after a few seconds, revealing the tears in his eyes. "tae..."
you are quick to wrap him into your arms, "its ok, im not mad. I just wish you told me, everything makes more sense now" you mumble
"Im sorry for not saying anything, I was just so unhappy working there and I just had to leave" he chokes out, face hidden into your shoulder. your hand finds his hair as he gently pulls away.
"i'll find a side job or something, but I really am serious about this school thing" he quickly muttered as you wiped his tears.
"Its okay...I can probably pick up tutoring for Mrs.Chin again, she pays well and if I do it after classes everyday it'll probably be enough to sustain rent" you sigh, rubbing his arm.
you watched as the boys face was filled with regret and sadness, making your heart split in two. "dont tell my parents, please" he whispers
"no...of course not" you smile lightly, "ive learned my lesson"
Taehyung laughed and leaned back against the end of the couch, head looking up at the ceiling. "so....we can talk more later if you like, but for now lets go finish making that apple pie" you leaned into him jokingly, making him laugh.
You two got up and walked into the kitchen "why did you let her use my cutting board" you pouted
"im sorry" he smiled shyly "If it counts, I know nothing about how to bake, and if I was the one making the pie we would all be food poisoned."
you laughed, "i'll teach you"
You two sat in Taehyungs bedroom, both eating a slice of apple pie as he played some game on his Xbox, you watching.
"so..." you began, scarping your fork on your plate. "art, huh?"
he paused his game and turned to you, smiling, "what?"
"youre passionate about it?"
"yeah, I suppose" he shrugged, watching you get up and walk over to his desk. "I saw these on instagram, they are actually quite nice" you added, eyeing them over as he came up behind you. "yeah, those were just some doodling to be honest." he itched his neck.
"but uh, im working on something big. Can I show you?" he spoke, watching you nod before pulling a canvas from his closet and placing it down.
The sketch included an empty, bare forest of trees in the center of a town square, details to a perfect ten on even the smallest things. "Its not done, not in the slightest but..."
"woah.....holy shit tae, you...wow" you were actually in awe. You knew he liked art, but this was beyond anything youve seen from him, it genuinely made you feel something. "this is really beautiful, is this pencil work?"
"thank you" he mumbled shyly, a blush on his face, "yeah, its pencil, I plan to add color to everything but the tree, itll remain black and white." he spoke, looking it over himself.
"does it mean anything?" you pondered aloud.
"well...its like this, trees lose everything they have in the winter, no leaves no flowers, nothing, right?" he spoke as you listened, "yet they still are just...there, while everything continues to progress and move around them, because they know if they wait, whats theirs will grow back."
"wow...." you said again, truly speechless by his work. Clearly you underestimated him, because this is beyond anything youve seen.
He looked at you lovingly before clearing his throat and putting it away again, "yeah... its for this art contest that Annie told me about. Winner gets like, a cash prize, im not sure how much, but it doesnt matter because they also win a trip to a really cool art museum in Paris" he looked back at you.
"Paris?...wow tae, I have no doubts you will win this"
"dont jinx it" he teased, walking back to his chair.
you put your hands up in defense, giggling. "so is it an art show?" you asked, following him
"yeah, I was actually gonna ask if you wanted to come....the exhibit is all this week and I plan on going on friday....was gonna ask if you'd wanna come with?" he spoke quietly, hopeful tone evident.
"hmm..I would love to" you smiled and grabbed his plate to clear, heading towards the kitchen
"oh, also...." he sat up, making you turn to him. "whats up?" you ask,
"I know this is kinda odd, but would you mind if you just...like, slept in here tonight?"
your eyes widened at him, making him feel like he overstepped
"I shouldnt have said that im sorry, I just didnt sleep last night and I always fall asleep quickly with you"
you giggled quietly, "no its okay, ill sleep here alright?" you watched his face light up , nodding
"thank you..."
"what happened to your arm?" tae asked as you climbed into his bed and shut the light off.
"what do you mean?" you were confused, sitting the side opposite of him. Taehyung pointed to your wrist, oh...yeah, that.
"oh I burnt myself, curling iron. wasnt paying attention" you sighed as he frowned. "be careful, ok?"
you nodded, "ok"
once you both were in and under the covers, the silence was welcoming. To be fair, you slept best here too, and the last time you laid here the circumstances were completely different, so it was a bit weird.
You laughed to yourself when you heard his soft snores after a few minuets, he wasnt joking. you lifted your arm and raised your fingers across your wrist.
be careful
there was so much to be careful about, and if only he knew the full extent of it.
You looked over at the sleeping boy next to you before turning to your side and closing your eyes, allowing yourself to just be here, in his bed, in this very moment, because it gave you the safety and comfort you needed so badly
be careful .....
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deceits-left-glove · 4 years
[uh, may I say that the first time I wrote this it was July 30th 2020, because I know for a fact this is just going to sit in my drafts and rot there ;-;]
[ (8/09/2020) hi, presumably authors note here! Thanks to my weird habit of suddenly deciding to write something new and going until I'm falling asleep typing at 3am... I don't remember making this. At all. It kind of appeared in my drafts at one point and I'm just going to go with it. I also have no idea what it's supposed to be but I'm posting it how I found it cos I thought it was funny. You have been "warned". proceed.]
Core four feel guilty af so all try to mend their relationships with the dark sides independently of one another bc they don't know how the other three would react, anyway, the dork sides think they're doing it this way to not overwhelm them or something, (they have no idea that everyones trips have been "secret") but they figure that Virgil would want his headphones back sooner rather than later so they go up to give them back to him and Oop! everyone is in the same room and all four of them think "am I going to have to defend their asses in a second, oh god what if I get kicked out and go live down there with them and I never see these three again! What if that makes something bad happen to Thomas? Oh god oh fuck-" (mhm, even Patton. Having to pick between his famILY's warrants a "fuck" he thinks) and are waiting for the other shoe to drop, while Janus and Remus are just there like "yo, tf is going on why are y'all looking at each other like you're trying to figure out who the murderer is?"
Virgil gets Panic! ked because 'oh shit history is repeating itself has nothing actually changed, I thought we'd had some Growth™ -' and Roman sees this and thinks 'oh shit Virgils history with them is probably all flooding back to him rn, I gotta help him see that everything's gucci-' so he asks lemon and lime to back it up a lil bit. Logan sees this and thinks 'ah yes, how fitting that I have to (verbally) fight Roman about this. Welp, guess I'm loosing a friendship today. That sucks dick.' And (figuratively) ((maybe also literally too, idk)) jumps to the defence of the two and Janus sees this and is like "hold up, did non of y'all know you were all doing the same thing?" And Patton's like "HAHAHA- UM what thing??? Janus???? What????? do you mean??????" And Janus is like "well fuck, I guess you really do need my help with lying, damn. Anyway all of y'all have been coming to vibe w/ us over the last like month, I thought y'all had coordinated it tbh, but apparently not." And during all this Remus snuck a tentacle to Virgo for him to grab onto while he Panic! ing and Roman tried to poke it away at first bc he didn't want Virgil to freak out, but he actually made grabby hands for it so Roman was like 'oh, ight I guess that works' and took his other hand cos they want him to know that both sides of his family still vibe with him, no matter what.
Also Virgil happy cries a lot when he starts to go and chill with them BC he has Nostalgia and crying is a good thing sometimes.
Also also Raman cries a lot in the start too bc he's been having Even More dreams about them together as kids and waking up Extra Sad™ but now he gets to clown about w/ him again and yeah he has to wash his tunic thingy more thoroughly now bc there's almost always dirt or monster blood or slime or something on it but he'd rather wash a billion stains out of his clothes than stop having a good relationship with his brother again
Also also also Patton cries in the beginning BC he still blames himself for everything, so Janus and Remus explain to him that there's nothing that calls for blame to be placed on anyone. Yes Thomas might have been different if Creativity hadn't split, but that could go for worse as well as for better. He might not be able to help the people that he helps now. And also Roman and Remus wouldn't exist, and if he's honest, Remus prefers having someone to fight and bounce ideas off of and bully relentlessly, because Roman can do the same right back, and it's never boring. And that does make Patty feel at least a little better. For now.
Also also also also Logay doesn't really cry, but that makes sense. Not because he's emotion-less, but because the other three have strong emotional ties to the pair, he on the other hand, just has some choice words he could reprimand, so he rants. And rant he does. He rants about how sorry he is and the things he should have done differently. He rants about the others when they get a little too much (Remus likes these, especially when they're about Roman and he can join in) he rants about the sea and the stars and the wonders of the world (not the list, just cool things in general) he rants about philosophy (of course Janus loves these, there have been many debates and once REMUS had to brake up a nearly-fight... They've since avoided that particular philosopher.)
Also also also also also (I need to chill) it ends with a cuddle pile, that started out the same way cuddle piles used to go for the others. Janus, all six arms out, and Virgil curled up facing each other with Remus's front pushed against V's back, a good few more tentacles out and crawling all over the other two, then Roman squeezes his way in next to Virgil and Logan and Patton go to Janus and Remus's other sides (hehehe) perspectively. Logan puts his arm around Jan, and gets one back in return, while Parrot jumps on Remus's back, and his tentacles carry him over so he's laying across the rest of them and giggling. It's so much warmer and safer than any of them imagined it would be...
Logan does cry then, they all do. It makes sense, it's a very emotionally charged moment, for all of them.
It's perfect.
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quentinxdelancret · 4 years
Discord Text Thread || Quentin & Dorian
Discord thread featuring: Quentin and Dorian
When: September 26th-27th
Mentions: Jaycee
Description:Quentin texts Dorian after their date and then asks if it’s okay to sleep over. He texts him again the next day and things get a little more personal. {sleep over thread to follow}
Trigger Warning: drug mentions and light dirty talk.
Quentin. I bet you can’t guess what’s been on my mind all day....
DORIAN What’s been on your mind all day, handsome?
Quentin. You!
Quentin. You doing alright today, darlin? Not missing me too bad are ya?
DORIAN Yeah, I’m doing okay. I am missing you though. How are you?
Quentin. That’s good. Not that you’re missing me, but that you’re good. I’ve been pretty good myself, can’t complain. Definitely missing you too though.
DORIAN it’s good to know the feeling is mutual. what have you been up to today?
Quentin. It is isn’t it? I haven’t been up to too much. Working on my next cover and leveling out. How about you?
DORIAN Ooh, what’s the plan for the next cover? I’ve just been chilling today tbh. Having a lazy day.
Quentin. Well, since you’ve been on my mind nonstop, I was thinking something sweet. It seemed relevant. oh yeah? Want some company?
DORIAN Yeah? Like what? Yes please.
Quentin. Hmm, I’d tell you but I don’t wanna ruin the element of surprise. ahhh, thank god!
DORIAN So cute.
Quentin. Yes, yes you are.
DORIAN Nooo, you.
Quentin. Me? Naaah. It’s totally you babe.
DORIAN I refuse to accept that. it’s you.
Quentin. Ughh, fine. But only if I get to kiss you again. Fair?
DORIAN You can kiss me as much as you want.
Quentin. Oh yeah?
Quentin. Ooooh, I hope I don’t make you regret that lol how are you so perfect?
DORIAN I doubt you will. I’m not.
Quentin. Seriously, I’m gonna smother you if you keep being so hard on yourself. New rule, you can only be hard on me
DORIAN I’m sorry. When you’ve been through as much awful shit as I have, it’s difficult not to be hard on yourself.
Quentin. I understand, I promise I do. But, you’re so fuckin amazing, baby. You should know that, and I’m gonna make sure you realize it every time I’m around.
DORIAN You’re gonna make me melt. You can’t be that sexy, speak French, and be nice to me. I’m gonna fall head over heels.
Quentin. I could say the exact same thing about you. Except the French part.. but I could teach you the basics. like French kissing
DORIAN I think I already know quite a bit about that.
Quentin. Yep, yeah you definitely do. You kiss like a pro.
DORIAN Heh. Thanks babe.  You’re a pretty damn good kisser yourself.
Quentin. I’m glad you think so. Cause my lips are gonna be all over you every chance I get
DORIAN All over me?
Quentin. Uhm... yes?
DORIAN You hesitated.
Quentin. ha, hardly. Just don’t wanna get punished before I get started.
DORIAN You totally did hesitate. Why would you be punished?
Quentin. Oh, darlin. You can trust when I say there would definitely be no hesitation. Idk, haha. You’re the one who likes to be in control.
DORIAN Okay, good to know. You’d have to give me a reason to punish you and so far I have not seen one.
Quentin. That’s good. I’m not sure how extent these punishments get. But, I’m not ready to find out just yet either.
Quentin. Something about the way you say that always seems so naughty. I like it!
Quentin. soooo... can I stay the night?
DORIAN Oh... yes. I’d like that.
Quentin. you hesitated.
DORIAN Only because I wasn’t expecting you to ask me that.
Quentin. No? I’m pretty addicted to you.
DORIAN oh are you?
Quentin. I am, It’s terrible. I can’t eat, can’t sleep, can’t do anything without wanting to be with you.
DORIAN I have that much of an effect on you already?
Quentin. Is that bad? That’s totally bad isn’t it?
DORIAN No. it’s sweet and flattering.
Quentin. Are you gonna break my heart Dorian Taylor?
DORIAN No! I don’t have any intention to at least. Are you gonna break mine?
Quentin. Hmm, depends on whether you break mine first.
Quentin. Don’t make that face. I don’t want to break your heart. I just wanna love you
DORIAN oh you just wanna love me huh? & I can make that face if I want to.
Quentin. that’s what I said. fine be mean lol
DORIAN Cutie. I’m not mean.
Quentin. you’re right, you’re not.
DORIAN I can be if I’m pushed to the point where I feel like someone deserves it. But not for no reason.
Quentin. I feel that. Me too.
Quentin. you don’t believe me? Haha
DORIAN No, I believe you. I just didn’t know how else to respond lol.
Quentin. Ah, haha okay. I’m really not that mean ever. Maybe a little cold but not really mean.
DORIAN Good to know, baby.
Quentin. I don’t think I’d ever be cold with you though. You’re a too sweet.
DORIAN You’re my bad boy with a soft spot for only me huh?
Quentin. haha you think I’m a bad boy? I definitely have a soft spot for only you though.
DORIAN you told me you were.
Quentin. Oh hahaha Maybe I’m a little bad
Quentin. 🙈
DORIAN you’re so cuuuute.
Quentin. I’m something. Hahah
DORIAN You’re sexy and charming.
Quentin. Oh, wow. Smooth.
Quentin. I swear people think I’m crazy. All I do is smile idiotically at my phone lol
DORIAN You’re so adorable. What do you have going on today? I was sad when you had to leave.
Quentin. I did have an interview. But it’s over now, and I’m just laying on my couch talking to you.
DORIAN an interview?
Quentin. Yeah, KJ 104.3 The buzzz
DORIAN Oohhh interesting.
Quentin. Yeah, it was alright. But they always give me shit for starting out as a cliche cover band and continuing to do covers.
DORIAN Fuck them then.
Quentin. Yeah, fuck em all! Doesn’t help my brother, aka my drummer is on holiday. So I was solo
DORIAN I miss you.
Quentin. aww babe. I miss you too, very much! do you wanna see me?
DORIAN 🙈​ 😘 Yes.
Quentin. I can come back over.
DORIAN Do you want to?
Quentin. Yes, I do.
DORIAN Okay great.. I didn’t wanna pressure you into doing something you didn’t feel like doing.
Quentin. I always wanna see you
DORIAN Yeah? Glad it’s not just me.
Quentin. Oh yeah, definitely not just you darlin.
DORIAN You are soooo hot.
Quentin. you keep making my blush. you’re hot. So scorching baby
DORIAN Awww, I bet you look so cute when you blush. Thank you babe.
Quentin. I think we have a real issue here
DORIAN What’s that?
Quentin. I don’t know how I’m ever gonna keep my hands off of you
DORIAN I’d say you don’t have to but there are some places where you have to keep your hands to yourself lol.
Quentin. some places?
DORIAN Yeah there are some public places where we could get in trouble for being too handsy.
Quentin. oh haha. I thought you meant on your body
DORIAN omg lol. No.
Quentin. ha, good to know.
Quentin. could you imagine? You can touch me every where. Just not there
DORIAN Lol. I’m sure there are people like that, I’m just not one of them.
Quentin. yeah, no Christian Grey here thanks
DORIAN Lmaooo.
Quentin. Although, I did use to have an use with somethiiiing ha I’ll keep that to myself for now though
DORIAN you used to have what now?
Quentin. nothing lmao
DORIAN it just seemed like you made a typo lol.
Quentin. maybe I did
DORIAN I’m just confused
Quentin. No I definitely did lmao just go with it lmao
DORIAN I can’t I need to know what you were trying to say.
Quentin. lmao God I was just trying to say, I used to have an issue with a certain something. But not anymore
DORIAN Hmm. I probably wouldn’t have understood what you meant anyway, since I refuse to read the books or see those movies.
Quentin. You refuse? I wasn’t actually referring to the movie though lol. Just myself in general.
DORIAN Yeah. I’ve read a couple excerpts online and have read a bunch of think pieces about how it’s not a positive representation of the BDSM community. oh okay. Thought you were referencing the books or movies.
Quentin. Nah, I’ve seen the movies and they kinda suck. But the books, just wow. I don’t care about any of those though. Just you and me
DORIAN The writing that I did read from the first book was... very poor. But idk, maybe it improved throughout the series who knows. How romantic. Are you almost here?
Quentin. Yeah, it’s not very good at all. I am, just stopped for some rolling papers. Do you smoke?
DORIAN Nah, haven’t smoked in years lol. I don’t mind if you do though.
Quentin. That’s awesome! I applaud you. It’s a nasty habit, but I wasn’t actually talking about cigarettes lol
DORIAN I know what you’re talking about lol.
Quentin. well okay then
DORIAN at least I’m pretty sure I do.
Quentin. Hahaha. I was just talking the magical grass.
DORIAN okay so I was right lol.
Quentin. I don’t really smoke anything else besides cigarettes which is gross
DORIAN people smoke a lot of things nowadays.
Quentin. Like opiummm that shits whack ha
DORIAN yeahhh... y i k e s.
Quentin. I did that once when I was like 19z suddenly I was 20 and I didn’t remember shit lmao -z maybe I don’t need any more weed lmao
DORIAN oh shit lol. I’ve never done any hard drugs, I’m proud to say.
Quentin. Really? You just don’t want to... or?
DORIAN Don’t want to.
Quentin. That’s cool. I wish I had your will power
DORIAN I’ve always been really strong minded.
Quentin. that’s good though. Where do you stand on other people doing them?
DORIAN Um. I can’t tell people how to live their lives but I don’t want them to do it around me and I can only hope that they’re being as safe as possible. It would actually really trigger me if it was done around me.
Quentin. Oh, okay.
Quentin. So, around you like... on them around you or actually doing it around you?
DORIAN Doing it around me. But also if it’s on them around me in a place where we could get in trouble if someone found it, that’d obviously be a problem too because I’m not tryna catch a charge.
Quentin. Right, makes sense. I guess this would be a good time to tell you, I have a bit of an addiction.
DORIAN I figured there was a reason you had so many questions about it.
Quentin. Well, yeah. I really like you. I don’t wanna mess this up.
DORIAN I really like you too.
Quentin. I’m a little scared to say any more about it. Not gonna lie.
DORIAN Be honest with me, baby. I told you from the jump that I needed that from you. The fact that you even care about how it makes me feel says a lot about how you feel about me.
Quentin. I just don’t wanna lose this, Whatever this is. You’re kinda intimidating ya know? But I don’t really have anything to hide. I do like to feel good though. Everyday. Fuck, I just ruined this didn’t I?
Quentin. Are you sure?
DORIAN Yeah. I’m just a little thrown off. And wondering what exactly it is that you do but also wondering if I’m better off not knowing.
Quentin. I mean, I’m pretty sure you’ve seen glimpses of me throwing around shrooms in the general chat. But that’s not my main addiction. I’m kinda bias and don’t really think it’s that bad of a drug. But again, I take it a lot, and half the time you can’t even tell I’m on anything
DORIAN I very rarely go in the group chat so no I haven’t.
Quentin. Oh. Well shit. I really don’t do shrooms a lot though.
DORIAN it is what it is, Quentin. Thanks for being honest.
Quentin. Look, I’m not like, I’m not trying to make light of any of this. But, I could totally go without doing shrooms. That’s not the issue, it’s the molly. It’s why Jaycee and I split up. but since you’ve known me, have I been like a fucked up mess?
DORIAN Molly? I’ve never heard of anybody being addicted to that. As far as I knew, that was a really recreational drug. And I also didn’t know you’d been with Jaycee. Oop lol. No you haven’t.
Quentin. Yeah, it usually is I guess. It’s just like I said, I like to feel good. Idk, it’s not a good thing to be addicted to or admitting. I’m sorry. ha, yeah. We were. And I’m glad I haven’t. that counts for something right?
DORIAN Do you have any intention on slowing down or? Not for me of course but for you. Because like I said I’m not gonna tell you how to live your life, I just want you to be safe. But if you’re acknowledging that you have a problem, then that gives me the impression there’s something you wanna fix.
Quentin. I didn’t really, no. I guess maybe it I found something that replaced that high. I don’t know. I know I have a problem, but knowing it isn’t as easy as fixing it. I’m sorry Dorian.
DORIAN It’s s okay. You don’t need to be sorry.
Quentin. Should I not come over now?
DORIAN Babe. No. I still want you to come over.
Quentin. You sure?
DORIAN You keep asking me and I won’t be. 😛
Quentin. Ah, crap. Okay lol
DORIAN I appreciate that you care so much though.
Quentin. I really do. I really like you, and how I feel when I’m with you. I just, don’t wanna mess that up.
DORIAN That’s so sweet, baby.
Quentin. you’re sweet.
DORIAN Oh yeah? Do you want a taste?
Quentin. Soooo badly.
DORIAN How badly baby?
Quentin. So bad it hurts. But like, in the best possible way.
DORIAN Then hurry up and get your sexy ass over here.
Quentin. yessir.
Quentin. God damn you’re fire.
DORIAN Aw shucks. Making me blush.
Quentin. ha, and I’m only getting started.
DORIAN I can’t wait to kiss you.
Quentin. Good, cause I’m never gonna stop.
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likestarsonearthj2 · 6 years
Is the circus ever gong to end? Whew. Whet was the last time we got such a big, relentless narrative push about the two couples together, do you know? I know they've been really bad times, 2010 abbr the years that followed but, tbh,we've really been spoiled in the past few. The last Insta live made me a little sad, they seem so disconnected and to not really like each other. I do not dislike G, but together they're jarringly 'off'. Such a contrast to J2 videos! What do you think? Dying for J2...
I just wrote about Jared Insta with G. Wanted to add my thanks to you all, don’t more how I’d survive this crazy times without you guys on tumble. Helps so much to know there are others like me. Also, don’t you think they’re pushing it much TOO hard, to the point of being totally unnatural. J2 are great friends, by any reckoning, het or hat, strange to make them seem like people who don’t care fore each other. Ugh, such weird, crazy, nauseating drama!!! Wishing the Js happiness and support. them
Was this for me, nonnie?
I miss J2 too.
The only reason it seems like a lot is because it is thanks to social media. The girls have finally figured out how and when to use it, what it can actually do for them. I don’t think anyone realizes how easy we’ve had it the last few years I know there’s been more people jumping on the tinhat train because of it, they’re probably the ones that are freaking out the most but really this is nothing but expected I know I say that a lot but really it is you have to look at it at all angles. Also J2 stepped back from SM and fans after that huge wank fest a few months ago.
With the opening of FBBC, to D being on the show (Mhm), G with her blog/youtube honestly? it’s not going to get easier it may quieten down after the grand opening but pimping the business out is the normal thing to do, it’s what they’re both doing, it’s much easier when you’ve already got a audience because of someone else also they’re lucky they have that family image that will help them out too.
Same, I don’t care about either girl don’t wish any harm or anything. J/G livestream was awkward Jared seemed tired, agitated I think he’s more than ready to get back to work. It felt strained could be down to many things like that’s just the way they are with each other lol not the perfect family that’s been put out there. G has always been awkward I do think she has a little anxiety she’s trying too hard to push that image of her being down to earth that she’s more than just Jared’s wife she needs to relax if she scattered out the ads between blogs, family pics it may help her but she’s still learning.
Now for J2 just because we don’t see or the J’s post much, if anything, it doesn’t mean shit, sucks for us of course, we’ve certainly been spoiled over the last few years but it’s not the end of the world or J2, People will troll and some will freak out but lets not forget what it was like way back before social media really took off or a big light was shined on J2 (remember it’s not just fans who keep and eye on what they post on their social media. Press, etc) This is years of friendship to love and dedication they’ve fought for this so it’s another bump in the road, they’ve got this.
The show is most likely winding down not like right now maybe another season or two but J2 are trying to figure their shit out before those doors close because when the show is done a lot of “fans” as much as they say will support them to kingdom come blah blah, they won’t, give it a few years there will also be newbies they won’t know what it was like during the SPN years (can you imagine? ah!). Jensen may still act or direct a few small projects but as for Jared I think he’s ready to hide away he’s had enough and I don’t blame him.
You just have to hang in there nonnie it’s stressful and annoying but it is what it is have faith in the guys, love and support them that is all you have to do don’t forget to focus on yourself if it gets too much step away it’s not worth it.
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sftbyers · 7 years
The Two of Us, Alone
Hey so I decided to write a Ryers fic bc I was bored and there’s simply never enough Ryers content out there! Tbh, it turned into more of introspect-Will fic but I hope y’all like it anyways!
The Party was at... a party. Not the first one they had ever been to by any means, but it was a rare occurrence all the same. High school had been weird for the friends: they all grew up and, on some level, their social status’ had elevated. Not to the extent that they were popular popular, but - Lucas done sports, and Mike was in a band, and Jane was the new kid which meant that the intrigue surrounding her around shot her to what was essentially immediate popularity. Max had always really been cool, Will’s artsy image helped him out and even Dustin on some level was no longer considered to be just a nerd; even if his social status had elevated mostly by association.
So, they were at a party. Again, it wasn’t something they done often - even with their newfound “coolness” they tended to prefer movie nights in over a typical high school house party. But it was New Years, and they thought that there was probably something to celebrate out of that.
Mike and El and Max and Lucas had paired off quickly, which wasn’t unusual. As much as Will loved them, they’re undying love for one another could be a little too much sometimes, so Will was honestly glad he wouldn’t have to endure that. Dustin himself had wandered off to a group of people he knew from the Decathlon team, and even from across the room he could see him amibicly talking, hands flying everywhere. It made Will smile to see the group Dustin had surrounded himself with laughing every other second, almost to the point of tears. Dustin deserved every little bit of appreciation and attention he got, and to see the way Dustin’s cheeks grew redder and his smile grow wider made Will feel so... content. He was happy his friends were happy.
That, however, left Will. After being essentially abandoned after the first half hour, he had wandered uselessly to the couch with a beer in hand, watching the party around him. It’s not like there wasn’t anybody else Will could talk to - he could see his art friends in one corner, and friends from his other classes scattered around, throwing him friendly and inviting smiles. It’s not like Will was disliked - it was the contrary, actually, despite what he had expected after his middle school torment. At first Will thought it might of been out of pity, or everyone simply walking on egg shells around the kid who came back to life - Zombie Boy, Will thought bitterly. But the kindness never faded away, and the new friends he met only grew more comfortable around him, and vice verse. So really, Will had plenty of people he could talk to at the party.
It’s a pity there was only one person he actually wanted to talk to.
Out of his entire high school experience, Richie Tozier was the one thing he could have never imagined. Richie was a world wind. He had transferred half way through Freshmen year and immediately latched himself onto the party due to how they reminded him of the losers; something Will would later find out. Not everyone was pleased at first - Mike being particularly unwelcoming of their new friend and the consequent change of the groups dynamic. But not Will. He couldn’t understand why, but Richie made Will happy in ways he had never felt before. Every time he made a comment, or quip, it made Will’s heart burn.
But it wasn’t just that. It was the way Richie looked at Will, as if he was the brightest, best thing he’d ever seen. It was the way he wrapped his arm around his shoulder when he felt Will begin to tense in overwhelming social situations, or the way he would spend hours on end talking to Will after a bad nightmare - or even just talking to him for hours on end in general.
It made Will’s heart want to burst.
And though it shouldn’t have came as a surprise really, Will seriously could’ve have sworn he was dreaming when Richie asked him out.
Homosexuality, of course, was frowned upon in Hawkins. But that didn’t stop Will from knowing he liked boys since he was 9, and it certainly didn’t stop him from nodding shyly at a nervous looking Richie, who shot a relieved grin back. And it didn’t stop the boys from dating either.
Sure, they kept it on the down low. Nobody knew: not even the party, or Will’s mom or brother. It was too risky, even if Will knew that the party would never judge him for such a thing (or, at least, he hoped they wouldn’t). Will even had an inkling suspicion that Joyce already knew, but he couldn’t force himself to bring it up with her.
So they kept it quiet. And that was mostly okay for them. Except for moments like now - where Eleven and Mike and Max and Lucas could publicly make out in a corner while Will sat on the couch alone. He knew Richie was already at the party when they arrived, and although he hadn’t seen him since, it sucked that Will couldn’t march inside and find Richie and kiss him till he couldn’t breathe and be his boyfriend.
It was 10 to 12, and Will rolled his eyes at himself before moving to go outside. Everyone was beginning to crowd in the living room and even in his sulky mood Will could feel his anxiety begin to rise, so he knew the best thing to do was to probably avoid that situation all together. Mike grabbed his arm on his way out, him and El seemingly pulling themselves away from each other long enough to join the party.
“You okay?” Mike asked, ever concerned with furrowed eyebrows and his hand dug into Will’s arm.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. Just need some air, I’ll be back in a few.” Will smiled, itching to move away.
“Well, okay... just remember it’s almost 12, and you can’t miss the New Years!” Mike cheered happily, releasing his arm, seemingly satisfied with his answer.
Will gave a nod, and another small smile, before finally making it outside and shutting the door tight behind him.
He lowered himself on the decking and shut his eyes, enjoying what was mostly quiet, save for the muffled shouting inside.
“Kind of a lame party, huh?”
Will jumped looking up, seeing Richie at the other side of the decking, legs sprawled our and a lazy smile on his face.
“I didn’t even see you out here.” Will smiled, more genuinely than before, heart rate quickening rather than slowing down when he looked towards his boyfriend.
“Yeah, been out here for a while now.” Richie replied, “It was getting too much in there for me.”
“Yeah.” Will agreed, fiddling with his fingers. A moment passed.
“So, you gonna get the fuck over here or what, Byers?”
Will grinned, and rolling his eyes moved over to the other boy who’s arms were out and waiting.
“It has been kind of boring.” Will confessed, now sitting firmly under Richie’s arm.
“You’re fucking telling me William, you’re my only saving grace in any social event and I’m only now just seeing you.” Richie groaned, his warm breath fanning over the back of Will’s neck, making the smaller boy shiver.
“I know right? It sucks that I can’t be with you in the way that the others get to be.” Will huffed, feeling Richie’s fingers trail along his sides and dip beneath his shirt.
“Well, we’re alone now,” Richie reasoned, “and I’m pretty sure we can be with each other any way we want when we’re alone.” His voice tickled Will’s ear.
“Yeah, I guess.” Will breathed out, turning to face the other boy.
Richie smiled gently down at him, arms coming to fully circle his waist. His eyes were gentle, and his smile was warm, and Will couldn’t understand why him loving Richie - beautiful, kind, sweet Richie - was such a crime.
“It’s almost midnight.” Richie whispered, and Will could hear the excited screams from inside counting down from 20.
“Mhm.” Will whispered back, eyes slipped shut as his hands travelled behind Richie’s neck, pulling him closer.
“You know, as much as I liked ‘87, I think ‘88 will be pretty alright as long as I still have you.” Richie smiled, face leaning so close he could almost touch. Richie sounded so soft, so sincere that Will couldn’t even mock him for the cheesiness.
“Same. You’re the best I’ve got.” Will smiled back, matching the sentimentality. There was only 10 seconds to go.
“Hey, Will. I love you.”
“I know. Love you too, Rich.”
Maybe 1988 will be different for him and Richie, Will thought. Maybe gay people will suddenly be accepted, and he and Richie wouldn’t have to sneak outside of a party where it was quiet and lonely to kiss each other.
As it were, they were pretty content kissing there way into the year, wrapped around each other where they belonged.
@bakadeno here u go again pls dont judge meeee and thank u for ur encouragement <3
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survivormarmoreal · 5 years
Episode #5: "his Kirby ass can shut the hell up” - Marie
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Charlie being safe!? Yas. Good for me since he is part of my alliance.
An alice them challenge. Uh yass!! 🦑 i have the book so i can quickly look thru it and find people, items, food, and other stuff which is good for us. I dont want to go to tribal.
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nicolegilmoreToday at 7:42 PM That was probably Kaleigh bc I would open messages and not answer them
that was about when we played before and she was part of a 3 person catfish. but funny enough it still applies to this game!!! love when she leaves me on read for 20 hours
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So I feel good with my standing in this tribe tbh. I feel like I have made meaningful contributions to the tribe in challenges and have a good rapport with a few tribe members. Keaton and Marie might be the easiest too get out, even though I am aware that it makes me a threat but we been used to that feeling. Having the idol as extra security as well makes me feel good so eeeek. I just want too survive to merge and link up with new people and people who i know as well, and play off that. im super nervous but also excited, i just hope to god we win this immunity
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At first I thought this Alice and wonderland challenge was going to be super fun an exciting. At first it was. Now its getting a little frustrating and annoying seeing Not Found (something along those lines). I'm hoping that our 28 items is higher than the other tribe's or at least being a tie. I want to avoid tribal still because still feeling sketch about this tribe.
Our search isnt doing too well. And nicole went missing and dont know she is. We have 28 items. Hopefully thats enough but i have a feeling in my stomach that it isnt and im scared. Dont want to go to tribal. Hope we win though. 🤞
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if kirby does not tell me his great great great great grandmas waffle recipe hes done for. like why bring it up if ur not gonna share. ??? um we won immunity again and im so happy bc i dont want to go to tribal bc even tho there are MULTIPLE ppl i want out i dont want to risk it. stan list right now is dennis, naptime, matt, marie. everyone else? and matt and marie barely on there too... but um actually starting to like them and theyre more responsive now so love that! by the end of this game ill actually know things about alice in wonderland wooh!
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Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Okay so this sucks. We all really tried hard and we only lost by 2 points which is so frustrating. Not to mention that Nick and Charlie couldn't even find anything at all. And now we're in a really shitty spot because sending Nick home would be an easy out but he possibly has this legacy advantage thing which he can use tonight and if that means he's safe than idk what to do because I have a strong alliance with the other 4 people on my tribe. Which means now we have to come up with a plan to make sure Nick feels safe and he doesn't use his advantage but we still put the majority of votes on him. Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Okay I'm laying it on thick with Nick. Really trying to play the middle and see where his head is at. I think honestly chances are Nick will make it through this round but I want to make sure after the vote he still trusts me but he does use his Legacy Advantage. Brian and I are walking a very thin line.
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Yas. We won immunity again! 🦑 Still on of the 3 people not go to tribal yet which is pretty awesome. I’m now hoping that Charlie, Sharky, and Brian can find a way to survive again. Don’t want to lose any of them. Hopefully we merge soon. Its going to be down to 12 people after tomorrow’s tribal. Only ones to really talk to me on this tribe is Dennis, Bryce, Keaton and sometimes Matt. Havent talked to much to Marie. And Nicole ive tried but ignored. If anything it would be cool to blindside Nicole at first tribal in the merge.
I think im going to talk game to keaton today and see if we could work together. And im also going to see what Bryce thinks about us working together as well. Im just nervous if tonight we do merge at tribal, i dont want to be first boot. I want to make it far in this game.
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I don't know if my last confessional went through, so I'll just send another one in hehe...
I do feel like Charlie is going home this round because of his idol play last round, but it could also be Nick going or him using his Legacy Advantage and all that being gone.  I don't really know, but I want to make sure it ain't me and that's what's important.
As for other things... love Sharky, what a king.  Love Nathan, another king... Annabelle's really cool, ya... I love Charlie but he's still probably gonna die... and ya kjHDA... that's all I have to say...
Scared for merge because L O fucking L... that's going to be a mess.  It could be coming tonight, but I really do not know and I'm scared…
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Keaton decides to call me inactive in the tribe chat but his Kirby ass can shut the hell up, he's just bitter I voted against him the first tribal and he's tryna put the target on my ass. Thank god we won the challenge because I don't know if I would've stayed. I have good relationships with Bryce Matt and Dennis but I don't know if that's enough to keep me.
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So first off. Sorry for no video confessional. But not enough happened to bramble around and take 3 hours of my internet for uploading slow AF but here is a small summary of what happened to my game. Idolsearch: went to the tugley woods again. I guess you need a map to find your way through it, but what do i know D: Last tc: Charlie played his idol and mentioned publically that all of his old tribe knew about that idol anyways. What kind of made me a bit suspicious. Mainly because when he told me, he said that he really wants to work with me and thats why he is telling me this secret. I don't mind that the idol is gone, but if he told that everyone? mhm... I approached maynor to see if he knew and he said NO. so maybe I did a whoopsie? WHO KNOWS.
Eitherway. Anna announced a "live challenge" after this tribal (oh yeah we are safe again woo), but since we would be down to 12 I wouldn't be surprised if that "live challenge" is actually the merge announcement? If not. I think EVEN IF WE LOSE i should be in a decent position? Because Keaton couldn't keep his mouth shut and when it came to sitting someone out and called out Marie in the tribe chat. Bad move for him, good for me. Because even if we go to tribal unless someone really wants to target me for some reason it should be between those 2
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Okay so we've come up with a slightly complicated plan. Looks like I'm going to lose Charlie this round which makes me kind of sad because I really get on well with him. But it's what i have to do to get further in the game. We're going to split the vote so The Dinah Dudes vote fro Nick. The OG Absolem people vote Charlie. Anna tells Nick he needs to use his Legacy Advantage so we get rid of that from the game. I just hope I come out of this without hurting Charlie or pissing off Nick.
AJ just used an emoji that CHANGED. MY. LIFE. It's like praying and trying to stay calm and then fire happens and it says BOI! And if that isn't a fucking mood idk what is!
Y'all I am so bad at this idol hunt. I keep choosing locations that don't even have choices. Yikes. Everybody else has advantages and shit and I'm just sitting in an empty meadow.
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I’m sad we lost i actually tried for this because I didn’t want a complicated tribal but bleh Idk how this will work but I think it will work out for the best potentially if it goes the way I’m hoping. I loved this comp though the hosts did a great job with it. It was actually fun
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With merge approaching I think that it’s important I remember I really don’t owe anything to the people on my tribe... they voted out Jayden and told me nothing and I think it’s time for some revenge.. all you people in the viewing lounge stay tuned... Ima show you why I’ve never not made a merge!
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I’m not sure if it’s day 13, I’ve been safe every single round and I have absolutely no clue how I am doing that.....Dennis is my one and only ally. Hopefully it's merge time!
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Honestly, I think I might be going home lol. Brian and Sharky are telling me Nick but no one else has messaged me. Severely regretting using my idol now lol.
Hope my bois have still got my back, even though I haven't been that helpful in challenges recently. I'm hoping it'll reduce my threat level for merge hehe
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Ive been talking to Bryce and wants to work with me. This is great. So on this tribe i have Dennis and Bryce and perhaps even keaton. So just nervous for live challenge.
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LAST MINUTE SCRAMBLING. Sounds like Nick is trying to flip the vote on Brian. he asked Nathan and Anna to flip off of Charlie. So Now Brian is worried (Which is totally fair) because he doesn't know if he can trust Anna. So even if Nathan/Brian/I stick to the plan, if she flips and Nick uses his advantage Brian goes home. So now he wants to flip his vote so worst case scenario it goes 2-2-2 and we can fix things on the revote. Ugh I hate scrambling. I prefer my tribals over easy.
Charlie is voted out 3-2.
0 notes