#tbh i wasn't really sold on their design but seeing people like them so much rly gave me inspiration to draw them lmao
mirrored-movements · 1 year
Go with the Flow
(Miguel O'Hara x Reader)
Synopsis: What happens when you're stuck in another dimension with someone calling you their mom and someone else calling you their wife? You certainly recognized him- but he wasn't your Miguel.
Warnings: None, honestly had no clue where this was going Tbh
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Getting spit out of the portal in some random alleyway wasn’t exactly ideal-but worse things have happened, such as the damage done to your dimensional travel watch.
For them being designed by scientists they weren’t as durable as you’d hoped, the item currently glitching out hindering your ability to open a portal and or contact anyone.
With a disgruntled sigh your mask deactivated, the nanotech retreating away. The rest of your suit quickly shifted into civilian clothes, your fingers still trying feebaly to activate something.
At least you weren’t glitching out. That was the only plus side you could see at the moment besides having been thrown into a vacant alleyway- you didn’t even know what dimension you’d landed in.
Grumbling some more under your breath you turned on your heel, regardless of whether or not you were stranded there had to be something you could do- to either get back or get into contact with someone who could then possibly bring you back.
Stepping out of the alleyway your eyes took in the city; it was reminiscent of classic New York, no flying cars, futuristic outfits, people looked relatively normal- you’d say you ended up somewhere similar to Peters or Gwens dimension.
Continuing to wonder around you’d occasionally peer down at your watch, hope flickering like a flame whenever a phantom vibration happened only for that feeling to become snuffed out as nothing new flashed across the screen.
It was times like this where you’d regretted not asking to partner up- especially when there were a few who’d often offer their assistance.
You could handle it, was always the answer you gave then.
So much for that.
Not only was there an anomaly running around in some other dimension but you were stuck here, for an undefined amount of time.
Finding yourself coming across a store that sold TV’s your eyes scanned across the lit screen, the news currently covering what was described as ‘a vigilante hero’- or what you were more familiar with, ‘a spider variant.’ 
Who it was? You dodn’t know, nor did you recognize leading you to assume they weren’t appart of the spider-society- little bit of a bummer there seeing as you couldn’t just find them for help. Not like you knew where they were anyways.
The hairs on the back of your neck raised.
“Mom!” Your head twisted to the side at the sound of a childs voice, heart skipping a beat for a second as a small form quickly bounded your way. The little girls arms quickly moving to wind around you all the while her face pressed into the stomach of your sweater. “We thought you were working today?”
Her head tilted up, (E/C) hues staring wonderously up at you while unruly brown locks surrounded her tanned face. There was something about her that had your brain buzzing, something familiar yet unfamiliar at the same time.
Hovering your hands over the girls back you felt unsure of what to do; clearly there was a variant of yourself in this dimension that had a kid and now that kid is currently mistaking you for them.
“Uh I was, but they let me off early.” Finally deciding to speak you let out an awkward laugh, one hand moving to pat the girls shoulder gently.
Her expression seemed to lighten up at your words, the little girl beginning to bounce in place nearly shaking you back and forth from the motion. “Really? Then that means you can come to the part with us!”
“Ella, give your mom some space.” 
Your head tilted up at the new yet familiar voice, eyes following the tall frame of a familiar brunette. His frame dawned a simple pair of jeans and hoodie, eyes appearing more brown than the wine tinted ones you were usually familiar with; extended canines missing from the mans smile.
Your heart fluttered lightly, mind almost mistaking this man as the one you were close with- however that was anything but the truth.
He was Miguel but he wasn’t the Miguel you knew.
The girl, or Ella as you’ve come to learn her name pulled away. Lips still pulled into a gleeful smile as she instead moved to grasp your hand in her own. The action just as quick as the man nearing enough to throw an arm over your shoulder, lips pressing a quick peck to your cheek despite the clear way your shoulder’s tensed up.
Noting this he passed you a worries glance, hand squeezing your shoulder softly in an almost reassuring manner, gradually pulling you and Ella along the sidewalk. “Everything alright at work mi vida?”
Swallowing down the butterflies that quickly flittered about within your stomach you reminded yourself that this was your variants life, this was a different dimension and everyone here was a different variant.
Willing yourself to smile you glanced towards him, “Just the usual, coworkers and the system and stuff.” Beginning with that you added on quickly trying to figure out what the other ‘you’ would answer with- or rather what was something generic enough that it could fly beneath anyones radar. “The coffee machine was down so I’m a bit tired.”
His head tilted at this, mouth opening. “But you don’t like coffee?”
“Oh well I mean my coworkers were upset about it so I had to deal with a lot of cranky people,” You forced a laugh, “You know how some people can be without their caffeine.”
“Dad’s cranky without coffee.” Piping in from where she stood beside you Ella let out a laugh, her mind presumably associating that thought with another. “Remember when you hid all the coffee when he forgot your birthday? That was so funny.”
“I didn’t forget it,” His arm dropped from your shoulder and instead tenderly held your other hand. “I was just planning a surprise party.”
Ella didn’t seem to believe it and just stuck out her tongue, the man doing the same.
It was strange really; this wasn’t your dimension and despite how close you felt with your Miguel- this one wasn’t yours, and Ella wasn’t your child. However at the moment, you felt a little obligated to act along- for the sake of your own variant of course.
“And how did that surprise party go?”
Lighting up at the tone you’d used Ella giggled. “Bad! Super bad!”
“It wasn’t!” He tried to defend himself quickly but at the insistence of his daughter and the tender smile that crept across your face he yielded quickly. Just simply shaking his head with a gentle laugh.
After a little more banter- some you tried to join in on- you all eventually arrived at the park, quickly finding yourself pushing Ella on one of the swings. The other Miguel watching from the side as he leaned against the structures support beams.
Sparing him a quick glance your eyes snapped away at the payful wink he’d given you- your Miguel would rather roll his eyes than wink if you so much as breathed in his direction. Albeit he was still kind but in a tough love kind of sense.
Ending up spending awhile at the park playing various little games, you began to dread the next one. Especially considering it was apparently something that the other ‘you’ had made up and it’d be a major red flag if the current you didn’t remember it.
However your saving grace came in the form of the other Miguel’s phone ringing, his lips downturning softly before curling back up. “Looks like work needs me.” His tone was apologetic, arms coming right away to give Ella a quick hug as she ran over. His attention moving onto you as you neared, the mans arms enveloping you much like he had with his daughter.
There was an unfamiliarity to the action, but you just patted the back of his sweater lightly hoping that that’d suffice. “I should be back home in the morning. Okay mi vita?”
“Yeah that’s fine, do what you need to do.” A boxy smile had come to rest across your lips, cheeks heating up as he once again gave them a quick peck following it up with an adoring smile.
He must really love the ‘you’ of this world.
“Be good for mom,” Patting Ella’s head he ruffled her hair quickly, adding on once more before walking off. “Stinker.”
Right away calling out playful insults in response the little girl shook her head, attention moving back to you while she began insisting that you push her on the swings a few more times before leaving.
Now, you would have been fine watching over Ella for an hour or so by yourself, but having to find ‘your’ house? That was a much much different story- it was like a needle in a haystack and the only way you did end up finding the place was because you turned it into a game, having the small girl guide you the entire way there- as well as unlock the front door via a keypad.
“You’re so funny mom.” Watching you open and close all the cabinets Ella let out a laugh, the bowl of mac’n cheese sitting before her was left untouched as you searched through the kitchen for where the cutlery was stored. 
Finally finding where it was kept you gave yourself a mental high-five, handing over the girls desired utensil before leaning back against the counter.
Being a fake mom was hard.
Trying to take a moment to compose yourself your ears picked up the sound of the front door opening, heart rate picking up a little at the prospect of it being your other variant however when another figure stepped in did you pause.
“Dad’s back!” Sliding off of the stood she sat on Ella right away bolted towards the man, her small arms wrapping around him quickly.
However much like you had earlier in the day, he didn’t return it right away. Instead his gaze flickered up to you, (E/C) hues meeting with wine tinted hues.
Your heart fluttered.
“Yeah I’m back kiddo,” His eyes drifted back down to the girl then back up to you as if trying to signify an unspoken question.
Pushing away from the counter seeing that Ella had released the man you couldn’t help but give him a hug of your own- but in relief and to keep up the act for her. “How was work? Didn’t seem like they needed you for that long?”
Picking up on the implication Miguel allowed his own arms to wrap around you, “It was just for a bit, but I might have to head back soon.”
Nodding to signify your understanding you both parted from the intimate gesture; Ella right away making it apparent on what time it was with a loud yawn.
“Looks like somebody’s tired.”
“No I’m-” Her defense was interrupted by another yawn, you right away taking this as your chance to bring her towards where you discovered her room was earlier. “Wait, I want dad to tuck me in today.”
At the mention of that your head turned back towards where Miguel stood stiffly, his mouth opening to decline before seeing the way you stared.
Sucking in a breath he moved to take the small girls shoulder from you, the facade of a caring parent taking over as he’d disappeared into the hallway. “Right of course, lets get you to bed then.”
Now knowing that this was the Miguel you knew, you waited anxiously for his return to the livingroom. You almost instinctually coming to hug the man once again as he emerged from the hallway minutes later.
“It’s so good to see an actual familiar face- you wouldn’t believe the day I had.” Muffling that out into the shirt of his civilian clothes you basked in his presence for a second, mind somehow blocking out the embarrassment until you’d pulled away. An apologetic yet flustered smile made it’s way onto your lips. “Uh sorry about that.”
“Don’t be,” Shaking his head while saying that he took in a breath. “I’m glad youre alright,” Holding out a hand he motioned towards the wrist containing your watch, the device being raised enough for him to view the damage. “I wasn’t able to find you sooner because of the damage done, so I had to get Lyla to run your signature through the system.”
“Well, better late than never. I felt like I was playing house here.” Although you meant it as a joke, the domestic theme of the day made you a little melancholic- knowing that normality was something you’d never have the luxury of having. “Well, was playing house.”
“You seemed into it though.” 
At the comment you gave him a look, the man unable to let out a mix between a chuckle and laugh. “Anyways. We should get going. Any longer here and we might cause a disturbance.”
“Wait- we can’t just leave her alone in the house? What kind of fake parents would we be?”
Upon mentioning the girl, Miguel let out a short huff. “Well, what do you have in mind then?”
“We wait for the other me to come home, and then you’ll get a ‘call from work.”
Pondering over the suggestion he wanted to decline right away, the thought of impersonating someone again left a bad taste in his mouth-however the paternal instincts deep within told him to just listen.
Which is what you both did.
Your variant came home about an hour later, her expression bidding Miguel a tired greeting followed by a peck on the cheek before merely heading to bed.
A little easier than you thought it was going to be. But hey, now you two could leave that place.
You never knew how much you missed HQ until the smooth walls and floors welcomed you, the glowing yellow screens of Miguel’s workplace and the holographic form of Lyla were comforting- especially once the Ai began chatting aimlessly.
The conversation halting as Miguel spoke up from where he leaned over a desk, “I didn’t know a dimension like that existed.” It was as though his brain took a step back from processing things then they were happening, the man thinking back to his late daughter and then the daughter he’d just met.
She had the perfect mix of the both of you- (E/C) hues and brown hair, your nose and his smile.
“I didn’t know either until I landed there,” Musing that out you let out a sigh. “She was cute right?”
Casting his gaze back at where you sat his lips tilted up softly, “She was.”
“She definitely got it from her mom.”
You were stunned at this, mouth falling open before closing. Eyes rolling faintly in response however without verbally saying anything he took that as a win.
Moving away from his desk he trailed towards where you sat, hand coming to brush some of your hair aside nuzzling his nose into the crown of your head- a gesture you were familiar with.
This was your Miguel after all.
Humming lowly he pecked for head, lips murmuring against it afterwards.
“We should think about it.”
“We should.”
Can you tell I like dad Miguel?
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aspiringtrashpanda · 2 years
Waaaah (ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ)♡ ty tyyy!! I wasn't kidding about the length so I still apologize 😅😓 You know how when we’re younger we always wanted to get involved in the “cool stuff the big kids were doing,” whether said “big kids” to us were 13 or 16? When I was little, I wanted Steven to be my big brother or cousin. Since I never had any female cousins my age, I mostly grew up around boys and we did cool things like hang downstairs in their basement theatre, convince our parents to stop at a Walgreens for SillyBandz, and go wild jumping on the beds in their Hotel room with Light Sabers and Harry Potter Wands. (Look, I was like 9-10 this was cool to me 😂) We were a Trio, stuck in the backseat of the backseat of the car, status: gremlins in kahoots. It was weirdly poetic, there was only a year between either of us and I was the middle child. Really movie-like three Musketeering it here lol. Imagine how heartbroken I was when my parents told me they weren’t really my cousins, just really close family friends that we called them “cousin” regardless because they were there for my birth. Anyways, this and how whenever some older male that, I assume were probably late teens early 20s now that I’m older and thinking back, came over, kid me would see all the grown-ups talking to them like equals, being allowed to do “stuff” (it was probably like running an errand for an aunt or setting up tables tbh, I sure don’t know) and were asked about what they were studying at the dinner table, I thought it was so cool that I wanted to grow up fast and do whatever they were doing, go wherever they were going with their friends while I had to stay inside and help clean up because my mom said I wouldn’t be interested and that “they’re just doing their own thing.” Even at theme parks, couldn’t go with them.
Enter: The World of Pokémon. Discovering Fanfics, and the Found Family Trope. And Badass Young Protagonist Dreams we all might’ve had at some point. It’s a coin toss whether Crystal or LeafGreen was my first game, but I ended up really attached to Leaf (after a period of hating her because how DARE she look like my OC who was designed to look like me + the effect of early 2010s era of people hating OCs and only accepting canon characters in fics.) Though let’s be real, she probably looks like a lot of people, compared to having gravity-defying blue hair lol. It’s kind of hard to get May’s hair-style exact too sometimes if you don’t have bangs and short hair, and hers still flutter outwards by themselves. So anyways, this is all a lead-up to what brought me to thinking, “man, wouldn’t it be SO cool to be Champion and the bestest of buddies with the other Champions? (As the games usually sold the story to us)” Because friendship is awesome, teasing and banter and knowing personal things about each other and being considerate about it is sweet, being privy to secret projects the grown-ups never let you in on (I say secret project as if it’s some big thing when they probably wanted to enforce bed times and “that movie is too scary for you” lol) but anyhow, still epic.
I’ve never been able to bring myself to making another Pokémon OC, so I use Leaf as my stand-in for just about everything. I think the one thing holding me back from posting publicly is not everyone thinks the same as me. The game characters have no canon personality, so it looks weird. (Unless if I take influence from Evolutions, which validated so much for me.) They’re trapped in their games. And largely influenced by “majority accepted fanon.” As a result of that, I "should" be writing a wing-woman to the Red x Blue ship. My fic would probably go over better if I used May.
Okay, I have read everything through, but I am going to respond to each message one by one so I can get all my thoughts out! First off, thank you SO MUCH for sharing your brilliance with me. I am honored to get a peek inside your mind! This has been an incredible read. It sounds like you had so much fun with your cousins growing up, and I totally get what you mean about seeing older-but-still-young people doing stuff and you're like, "Hey i wanna hang out with them and tag along too!" But then you grow up and realize that you rushed through your childhood for nothing and ow, that's so real. RIP to all the OCs who fell to the flames of the early 2010s OC hate. OCs aren't for everybody (just like reader inserts), but those that will read an OC grow to love and appreciate them as much as any canon character. Though, there is also absolutely nothing wrong with projecting your OCs personality onto a canon character (if you're in our steven stone discord - which i mean, you're on anonymous so i'm not even gonna try to guess - you see that we do it ALL. THE. TIME.) I'll get more into canon personality vs. author interpretation vs. reader interpretation in the next bit, but I think it's important that you've recognized what you feel fandom has dictated you "should" do. You've recognized it. Now throw it out the window. Your fic will be its best self if you write what you want to write, and I promise, there WILL be someone who resonates with whatever character choice you make, whether they be in the minority or the majority. (To be continued...)
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donuts4evry1 · 2 years
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this kinda sucks but I’m practicing using light with Paulo :)
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qnfarc · 2 years
Hello hello ^•^ How're you doing? I hope well and not too busy! Do you have any exams approaching? Sorry if you already said, I'm just wondering because this is the time I'd be sitting them if I was in college rn 😭 dodged a bullet fr this year but if you have them I wish you all the best with them!!
I actually finished breaking bad last night and after watching Quackitys upload I wanted to ask how did Hank from breaking bad and gnf get along so well 😭 Nothing in the world could've prepared me for the dynamic duo gn. I won't say too much in case you're holding out on watching but there was a period where three of them were huddled around, each somehow in a variation of a walter white skin and it got me so bad. The actor himself also tweeted after saying how it was a funny edit, so true and real king. I found it entertaining although bbh was definitely more on the sidelines, I'm not too surprised considering Qnfs shared love of the show. I also got round to signing up to Dracula Daily (and caught up on the earlier letters) and I was wondering if you were also? :D I've never read Dracula in my life but doing it day by day is a really fun way to go about it plus putting the times in perspective 🥵 chefs kiss, maybe this will be the push I need to read more classics (maybe just read more fullstop). Also also were you ever a Dan and Phil fan? I checked in on Dan's channel the weekend when he uploaded his comeback? Maybe? Vid but didn't get too far. I did however, go to Phil's channel and found out that they still have real old (vintage 😍) d+p merch for sale from like 2016 which was wild to me. Honestly I thought they would've sold like hot potatoes back in the day but relooking at the store (literally all on sale for 1 pound) and I can see why it didn't sell. The design was far more lazier than I remember and comparing Gmfs merch for instance there is a wild increase in quality. Although price goes up with it too it is nice to see the standard rising. That being said I've yet to buy and YouTubers merch and I don't think I honestly ever will at this point because not many YouTubers have me checking for uploads these days. This really is ramblings but I hope you've been having a good day / week, also very final note have you been watching Spy Family? I started it the weekend for fun and it is very much the fake dating au of dreams although I wish the focus was more on that side of things. Ok that's it fr this time 😭 no rush on reply legend enjoy ur week!!!
Hello hello sunshine ^_^ Yeah, a little busier right now, most of my exams will probably be in June so yeah, around now it's a lot of finishing projects, presentations, papers and trying to study with mixed results 😐 Very happy you don't have to deal with that this year! Watching qnf just interact is always fun and tbh I'm not surprised George got along well cause he is the type of getting to know someone or hanging out with new people, he is after all most likely to be on the teams with people playing mcc for the first time which always just makes me appreciate his easy-going personality so much more. Definitely have to get around on watching Breaking Bad, at the very least to enjoy that video more, it's entertaining in itself but all the inside jokes and references definitely were flying over my head lmao I wasn't but after seeing references and memes and now you mentioning it I went and signed up, call that peer pressure but fun type :D I also definitely want to read more classics, same with poetry... in general sometimes I feel like there is so much to enjoy, do, watch, read, learn and so little time but that's uhh let's put that small existential crisis back in a box under a lock were it belongs 😌 Recently I got great quote from Sylvia Plath on my dash that expressed this feeling very well and in general I feel like her quotes are just... if no one gets me I know Sylvia Plath gets me type, I actually have bought one of her books, The Bell Jar and it's waiting on my shelf for hopefully summer time after exams (same with literature analysis book sadly). Last book I read was SVSSS don't know if you heard about it? It's Chinese danmei novel. Protagonist is very fun, I usually get *chasing after them with a blanket and hot chocolate and getting them into hurt/comfort fics cause 👌🏻* vibes but he just makes me feel like he should be made fun of (lovingly) and if someone needs blatant example of unreliable narrator I'm slamming that book on their table hahah In general very enjoyable book you can enjoy just reading but definitely has layers and deeper themes you can get into if you want! It's one of mxtx works, if you would hear about one I feel it probably would be mdzs? And I actually never watched Dan and Phil, I think I watched Dan's coming out video and planned to watch hia new one cause I really enjoyed his video style and sharing his perspective. I heard there is definitely a pattern of people who did watch their videos and then started watching dream team which actually is kinda interesting how that works. And yeah, definitely working as youtuber and /or streamer became much more widespread which definitely results in rising expectations and quality of merch and in general. And same, I don't own any, I think like the only ones that made me go hmmm maybe was one of George's merch hoodies (some milestone one I think) but I don't remember which one and hoddies Quackity was selling with that limited Las Nevadas merch drop but having to multiply price cause of currency exchange and not even adding shipment I was like actually I'm fine, thanks 😭 But I definitely like how recently the merch George puts out has some fun inside jokes, like that one for 9 mil(?) with a cat, just makes it more fun. And don't worry about ramblings for real, they make me happy :D I didn't but with how much popularity it's getting I definitely will although with my binging tendencies I prefer to wait till whole season is out (if it actually already is I'm sitting down and watching the whole thing). Hope you are going to have nice weekend, get some deserved rest!
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brownsugar-chan · 4 years
My children!
I kinda went all out and created a list of headcannons for them and a playlist ^-^ (see if you can guess which song is for who)
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The big sister! Her hearts big and she likes to take care of everyone
She's one of the stronger kids, being sporty. She plays rugby. If you sneak up behind her you have a 99% chance of being punched.
She used to get teased a lot in school because of her physique. Her bullies have a fear of a pissed off Thomas now.
Rosie plays in the mud a lot and it's usually in skirts and her jersey. No she doesn't care.
Love's plants, especially ones that are strange looking. She keeps a pair of primroses in her pigtails. Biology in general is her favorite.
Her birthday is November 23 and she's 14 and is also 5'2
Really likes pasta, especially macaroni and cheese
She lives with Henry, but has been known to sleep at other houses as well.
She has a pet cat that is basically like a dog with how he plays with her. His name is Thorn.
 He's a good kid but can't sit still for 5 min.
The fastest of everyone on here. He plays soccer where he is an attacking midfielder and runs track.
Surprisingly smart but lacks situational awareness. Needs to be told when to give someone space.
His birthday is July 28, he's 13 and he's the tallest at 5'4''
Thinks chicken nuggets should be their own food group. Edward disagrees.
Wears his soccer jersey over a yellow shirt. Really needs a hairbrush tbh
Jokes that he was found in a box, technically he wasn't.
He does like to write fun stories a lot! He thinks it’s especially fun to share them with people who will listen. (Or people who won’t listen)
He lives with Edward and gives him so many heart attacks because of how reckless he is.
Amphibian time! My child who was literally named after a break van.
A very good swimmer! He's usually splashing around in a creek or the ocean,looking for friends.
Cannot sleep without Oliver being nearby. It's a leftover habit from when they escaped together.
Polite to a fault, even if someone is being rude to him. He takes most insults in stride. 
His Birthday is August 30th, he is 4’10’’ and is 13
He loves beef stew (me too dude)
Though he is a cheery, optimistic person he doesn’t really like bright colors. Most of his clothes are a slate grey. Usually dresses semi-formally.
Probably the calmest person in the group. He’s the voice of reason for when things go awry. The others usually come to him for advice.
Lives with the entire little western. (you think this is bad, wait till Luke lmao)
Boat boy who switched a shit dad for a good one and will not hesitate to brag about him.
Likes the beach mostly, but doesn’t like getting his face wet so swimming is out of the question. He does like volleyball though.
Gets rather grumpy when people ignore what he's signing. And that's when he slips in more vulgar words to see if anyone will pick up on it.
He has a crap load of scars on his neck, but isn't afraid to show them. After all it meant he survived. 
He likes fish and rice dishes a lot. (also same)
Really likes to read old myths and fairytales. Captain Joe tells him some from time to time when he has trouble sleeping.
His Birthday is February 12, he’s 4’7’’ and 12
He lives with Captain Joe
Clumsy, but is going to be the best inventor ever!
Doesn’t play any sports, but running around the shop with Victor is very good exercise lmao.
Has the tendency to stay up all night making blueprints.(yes he consumes the gamer juice.) Doesn’t actually mind if an invention explodes, which happens rather often.
His prosthetic leg was designed by him! Victor helped him build it. He likes to make cool decals for it.
He pretty much likes all spicy foods! Especially handheld quick things to eat.
His Birthday is Feb 3rd, he’s 11 and 4’5’’
Please don’t play tricks on this child, he takes things literally. 
He of course lives with Victor, and is the giver of many a headache. 
Anxious green pea, needs a weighted blanket
You can always find him on top of something. He's always climbing trees… and cliff faces.
He's a polyglot! He's learned a few different languages besides english including: Spanish,French,Welsh, and Irish.
He has a bed, but is always sleeping in someone else's because of nightmares and because he gets cold easily because of his anemia.
He loves sweets, especially ice cream and popsicles. Add chocolate or strawberry to the mix and he's sold
He doesn't actually know his birthday, but celebrates on Spring equinox. He's the shortest at 4'0 and is 11.
Wears 30+ layers even in the summertime so he looks even smaller sometimes.
Collects rocks! He has a few really cool ones with fossils too.
He jumps around all of the narrow gauge houses
Ivo hugh
Pink baby with eyes brighter than a thousand suns
He's the strongest out of everyone on here! If you need something heavy moved, he's the one to call!
Pretty emotionally intelligent. Knows what others are feeling even if they aren't sure yet. Is probably the best to talk about said feelings with.
Blunt as hell. He thinks it's best to be honest, calls others out on their bullshit quite a bit. He literally can’t tell a straight lie.
His birthday is Oct 5th, he’s about 4’10’’ and he’s the youngest at 10.
I feel like he’d be really into breakfast foods like pancakes and eggs. Since he is an early riser
He’s got about a hundred stuffed animals that he sleeps with. He really likes fluffy ones that remind him of his friends.
Lives with Bertram and Freddie because I love that headcannon from @princeluckybug13 lmao
The playlist:
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incarnateirony · 5 years
It's kinda wild- I didn't like Dany for a long time (As in- I don't hate her a lot or anything, but just sort of meh, and I was realising she wasn't as great as everyone was making her out to be), and I figured she'd get some sort of fall from grace, tho not necessarily *mad* but something perceived as such maybe? but damn, people hated me if I ever said anything slightly bad about Dany back then >_> look where we are now
Stans will be stans. I’ve opted away from GoT commentary on this blog for a long time but between both of my shows ending around the same time and us being on hiatus, GoT is pretty much what there is to talk about until we get closer to S15 and more hiatus content like SDCC – or upfronts which is like, six days off. So behold. GoT banter.
But I’ve had this opinion of Dany for years, TBH. Again, I don’t hate her. I don’t hate fictional characters. In fact, I tend to love the biggest douchebags. See Littlefinger mention earlier.
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Frankly, there is no character in GoT who should be idealized, except for perhaps Jon, who just sort of has the token MC attributes, and by nature actually doesn’t thrill me either. Everyone has flaws. Failure to accept the flaws in what’s literally a master web of problematic people doing problematic things, or good people put in shit situations turning into problematic people, and failing to recognize when that slide is happening is, to itself, problematic.
Let’s look at Sansa who, at least, hasn’t had a full blown spiral in her moral stance – even still she’s learned a little too much from Littlefinger without necessarily earning the machiavellian base of his style of tact. The expediency in which she sold out Jon’s secret to Tyrion was something anyone should have called from a mile away, but hers was reflexive rather than premeditated like Littlefinger, still a vy to shift remaining political weight and people’s point of view. 
We can argue if it was the right thing to do, maybe it was, maybe it wasn’t, but well, she’s not the little bird she was anymore, like she said. I can’t say she’s my favorite character, but she, too, has changed. 
People not recognizing Dany’s spiral came from glorification of the character and her path in an ironic reflection of what’s actually happened in the show and by the time people tuned in to what that really meant, well, it’s out of hand and she’s about to burn down King’s Landing and everybody’s puckered about it and it is what it is.
Whether or not the show knocks her down about 15 pegs, whether or not we get the predictable Pretty White Girl With A Savior Complex Gets Good Ending Because Romantically Tied to Pretty Male Lead or they actually do something to subvert that, Dany’s current position isn’t any kind of shock tbh. 
And Dany’s brand of Targaryen is literally as white girl as it gets. The white hair, white skin and lavender eye attributes are from them literally inbreeding themselves worse than designer dogs to maintain their whiteness. The amount of fandom that encouraged her savior complex because she broke some chains and then converted literal brainwashed armies looking up to her into standing to annihilate farmland nobles who didn’t want to bow by default because of All They Knew -- to not recognize the mirror of the tyrant path going from the moment she hit the west -- I really don’t know what to tell people.
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