#am i too lazy to? you betcha
novathesheltie · 2 years
Resource guarding and dog friendliness, an update
An update on Nova's reactivity and dog aggression/friendliness and how it's all related to his resource guarding (duh me).
So Nova used to be very reactive. He's gotten in fights with dogs. He's bitten dogs. He's snapped at puppies. He's made a dog bleed. On leash, off-leash, you name it. Small dog, big dog, giant breed, you betcha. He's gone for anyone. He used to be triggered more by big fluffy dogs, particularly huskies, malamutes, and Samoyeds. But, really, anyone was at risk. Any dog accepted in Nova's inner circle first passed a lengthy selection process that went on inside Nova's head. Sometimes long exposure to a dog from a distance, with treats given every time he looked towards it, helped ease his reactivity. There was an instance where he went from rabid dog to friendly dog by doing just that. It wasn't a reliable technique despite several good results. He also had lived with at least one other dog his entire life, either Koa or Laska. We lived with Koa and a boxer for the last few months in the states.
We've been in France for the last 6 months. We don't live with another dog, but we do see dogs every day, often the same ones. I take him out for 1hr walk every day after class. 20min to get to the park, 20min doing parkour at the park, 20min to get home. At home, he has the pleasure of living with two other housemates as well. He's content. His needs are met.
The first month or so, I avoided other dogs on walks to avoid piling up any problems as I was still dealing with the move. The biggest thing, however, is that I stopped taking my treat pouch on walks. I got lazy, essentially. I was happy to be back in my hometown, and I was glad to let myself slowly re-adapt to this lifestyle.
Turns out, this was an excellent decision. No taking the treat pouch. No treats have been distributed on walks since then. None. Not treats, not kibble, nothing.
Result? Nova stopped seeing me as a food dispenser. Nova stopped worrying about food on walks. Nova stopped worrying about his resource being threatened. Thus, Nova stopped resource-guarding me. Nova became "friendly". He greets other dogs, now. He's nice to them, and sometimes he even offers to play. It's clear he's not the best-socialized dog-he gets the zoomies with old dogs who aren't up to play, or with dogs clearly exhibiting aggression. He gets shy and reserved with playful dogs. He's still very stiff when another dog sniffs him-which, you'd say, "that's not good", but it's Nova's way of climbing those stairs to being okay with the interaction. A second later and he's acting normal sniffing the other dog. He's unsure, and he's not 100% comfortable, but he's still seeking the greeting and goes through the interaction with flying colors. I still make sure the greeting is destined to go well-I watch for any sign that may say otherwise, I keep the interaction short. I act very nonchalantly (continue on walking, calling Nova's name, or letting the leash looser if he's leashed) (if he's not on a leash, it's bc we're on a hike with minimal chances of encountering dogs, or we're at the park doing parkour.)
Nova hasn't gotten into a fight since we got back to France. Nova hasn't resource guarded in the company of strangers (dogs) once. He's shown his teeth at the appropriate moments. He's told off a dachshund who tried humping him. But he hasn't even acted aggressively when we've both been spooked by the sudden presence of a dog.
It's clear it's gotten quieter in his head. I mean, don't get me wrong, there's still a full-blown circus going up there, but the anxiety regarding food is gone. And thus, I have a much more stable dog at the other end of the leash.
What are our reinforcers, you ask? I still train with him, of course, though I am happy the bulk of it is done already. Today, we use play and freedom as rewards. It makes our walks much more interactive and much more pleasant, too. I feel like I am constantly conversing with Nova. We're constantly telling each other things, doing things, and directly interacting with our surroundings. A reward for ignoring a dog is to jump on a bench five meters away. A reward for listening during our walk is to be let off leash immediately as we get to the park. His reward for having perfect recall is to high-five me (he loves it) and "okay!" -> his cue to go do whatever he wants. Sometimes he goes back to sniff or goes up ahead to explore, sometimes he stays with me.
This means that we can walk in the park off-leash and I don't have to worry about Nova causing trouble. Most of the time now, he ignores dogs. He'd rather be with me and play. It also means that, even during a walk where we're kind of both doing our own thing (him sniffing, me on my phone) I can recall him and say "leave it" as he's running towards me and ignoring the dog he's running past.
It's a relief, and a happiness that is beyond description seeing Nova like this. I wish I had done this from the start, not using treats for his training. He's incredibly food motivated and will work tooth and nail even for a piece of lettuce, but the anxiety he gets from it is not worth it.
He's still not the silent, "at peace" dog, he is very vocal and very expressive still and has many things to say on a daily basis, including seeing dogs. But it's not aggression, it's not resource guarding, it's curiosity, want, general basic reactivity (like, "holy heck what is THAT?!", "It's a fluffy bush, Nova", "No DUDE, I swear, it's not that", "yes it is now come on and stop being weird", "BUT BRO", etc.) (or, "omg can i go see that dog over there pls...", "no", "im literally cryin why are u so mean:(", "dude stop whining", etc.) It's not 100% perfect, he is still Nova, after all.
But...he is much happier and much more stable in that nogging of his, and that's what matters.
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2dkapsddr · 1 year
April 11th, 2020 - Just Dance 2020
betcha didn't expect this game of all games to show up on this account!!! okay maybe you probably did. it's 12 am and i'm too lazy to browse my scorepost twitter for old scores, so instead i'm browsing google photos for scores i didn't post there!!! the first and most notable one being... the time i megastarred every extreme in JD2020!!! (except bad guy since it was listed as "Billie Version" instead of extreme). Major lack of photos and tweets (even from my main), but I tried making do here with what I had.
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donuts4evry1 · 2 years
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this kinda sucks but I’m practicing using light with Paulo :)
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saru-003 · 5 years
i’m finally taking the time to transfer all of my games and save data to my current computer so maaayybe expect a post or two in the near future?
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simpz-art-stash · 3 years
Late beginnings
Summary: Mac goes out for a drink, and happens upon some advice he takes into consideration about his skewered relationship with Wukong. Before finally taking some action to mend the long burnt bridge. (Author’s note: I barely did any beta reading for this so if it’s worded strangely that’s just how I write without the normal filter on. I’m country so HOWDY) Next Page ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The night was late, but he didn’t care, he might as well have been nocturnal with the way his whole life revolved around the whole stereotype of shadows and shit. He’d walked into a bar he’d passed through a few times before, donning his human disguise of course beforehand, and walked in without sparing anyone else a glance. Before planting his rear in one of the stools seated at the front bar, ordering a drink to get the night started. “I’m really looking forward to seeing that new Monkey King movie with the trailer they just released. You saw it too right?? The whole style of the film is on par with their most recent game- OH, you think they’re gonna make a game of it?? I bet you they wiiiill!~” Ugh, great, just what he’d come here to avoid.
Mac’s eyes glanced to the blabbermouth boasting about whatever new movie was being made about his ex, to see two girls residing a ways down near the other end of the bar a few seats away from him. Both looking to have had a fair night themselves already if any of the cups and plates hanging around their spot was anything to go by. “Probably. I hope it’s better than last game that came out on the Brick 360, the bugs in that thing were gross to deal with.” Their friend commented back. Before looking down at their phone and claiming that it was getting late and that they had to go. “Yeah I’ll see ya Monday!” The chick waved their friend off a lazy farewell after they’d paid their bill before going back to their drink, now taking less tedious sips as the mood seemed to smooth out from their conversation prior. “I see someone’s a pretty big fan of that ol’ man.” Macaque piped up from where he sat, earning the attention of the stranger he’d directed his comment towards. “The Monkey King yeah?” Sparks danced in the chick’s eyes at the recognition of the name, before the stranger perked up and beamed a smile back at him, “You betcha! I’m a total nerd for that legend.” ‘A legend, hah.’ “S’the whole reason I moved to China in the first place.” She jabbed a thumb at her chest, “All the way from America!” Mac whistled, “That’s a pretty far leap to take, even for a legend. What, you hopin’ you’ll get the chance to see em’ or somethin’?” He sneered, taking his glass and lazily swirling it in his hand. “I wish!” She laughed, “Nah I mostly just moved here for work. If anything though it’s cuz a them for where I am now. I’d never even heard of him till about five years ago!” Mac blinked, lowering his drink from his lips, “You’re joking…”
“Not at all! No one hardly knows the story back home. Only reason I found out was cuz I just started gettin’ into anything monkey-related as a hobby.” She pointed at him, “Don’t laugh either, it’s a wildly popular standpoint to have these days online.” Mac quirked a brow at that, he’d hardly touched the internet these days save for whenever he needed some quick info on something he couldn’t find elsewhere. He held his hands up, “Hey I ain’t judging…” He smirked a little to betray the look that he totally was though. It was kinda funny how ironic it was him being there right then. She squinted at him, “Anyways...Yeah, I’d seen stuff of him online, but I’d never paid much attention to it up until recently.” “What made you change your mind?” Mac boredly probed, taking a sip. She simply shrugged, “I was in a dark headspace, guy made me laugh.” He paused, “Wait, seriously??” “I mean have you HEARD half the crazy shit he’s done??” ‘Babe I’ve LIVED through half the shit he’s done.’ “Like, literally, the guy is HILARIOUS. My favorite story out of them all being one where he literally tricked THREE taoist immortals into drinking his own piss!!” She burst out laughing while Mac choked on his drink a little, not having expected to hear that of all things. Sure he’d heard a few of the shenanigan’s his peaches had gotten up to throughout his journey to the west but he’d never heard that one before. Nor had he the patience to read through all that mess of context that had been published either. “Ahhh man, it still gets me…” The chick sighed with a few leftover laughs as she wiped a tear from her eye. “What about you? What’s your favorite story?” She asked. And suddenly Mac felt like he’d been put on the spot as he stared back at her. “Come ooon, surely there’s one that’s gotten your gut rolling.” She pried. ‘Plenty, but there ain’t no way in hell I’d tell a soul.’ “Bahh...there ain’t the first one that comes to mind that I’d like. Honestly I’m not even much of a fan.” He waved his hand dismissively. “Whaaat?? Aw come on! There’s tons of cool n’ funny stories!” “Heh..can’t imagine what you find so charming about a guy who’s too good for his own friends.” Mac spitefully twacked himself mentally for spewing something so personal like that out. Ugh, and he hadn’t even finished half his drink yet… The chick sitting to his left seemed to tilt her head a little before she squinted at him. Her silence being what brought his attention from his drink to her as he blinked back with a quirked brow. “What?” “Your eyes, they’re like raging storm clouds.” She pointed out. He blinked, not really sure how to feel about that. The only one who’d ever really pointed that out to him before was… “...So?” “Nothing!...” She shrugged, turning back away towards her own drink as if no conversation at all had happened between them. Whatever...he had his fill of shit to drink to either way. The night might’ve been late but he was just getting started. “He makes me laugh though.” She pointed out, earning her a glance. “All his stories n’ stuff. If there was ever a man I’d want, it’d be one who could always make me laugh.” “Hmph, not one for strength?” He took a long sip. Ignoring the bitterness of others fawning over someone he’d come to love before he’d gotten so popular. “Strength is fine n’ all, but it can only take a relationship so far..you gotta have more pieces to put in that crockpot of a relationship if you wanna make it taste good. Stuff like patience, honesty, a little bit of everything to help it all come together to make it juuuuust right.” “Hm…” “It can’t be all just you putting the stuff in there either, it’s gotta be a contribution from both gardens. Otherwise you’ll just barren your lands and be left with nothing to spare yourself or others in your life with.” She glanced at Mac, “Relationships are tricky like that, but they should always be a 50/50 split~” She winked. That...actually sounded like pretty sound advice. Something he’d heard a little here and there before but never so simply laid out. Though it made sense from his standpoint, fairness n’ all that. But he’d been that way with Wukong before and it had never worked out, all the bickering and such, so what had gone wrong? “Can I...ask you something?” Mac inquired. “Shoot.” “What’re your thoughts on..a relationship that seemed fine, but then the other changed so much that everything about it fell apart?” “Mmm...care to sprinkle in a lil more context?” The chick eyed him. Mac’s face scrunched up a little, no idea why he was asking some random mortal for relationship advice of all things. “Hey man. We’re both probably never gonna meet again after tonight, so if you’ve got skeletons in your closet, your best place to let em’ out is here. Bartenders are known for being the most well kept secret keepers in all the world after all~” She winked at the bartender in question who simply looked the other way with a look that might’ve suggested such a fact as truth. “Hm…” Ah screw it, “Alright alright…” He sighed and put his drink down, “There’s..someone. We used to be real close, we were strong together but then uh..shit got real and he had to go deal with it. But when he came back he uh, wasn’t the same as before, an I might’ve sorta assumed he was cheating on me so…so we kinda fell out.” The chick nodded, “Ahh..the classic misunderstanding of change and cheating, a tale as old as time.” She seemed to hum a moment before she turned from where she was seated, if not to hop down off her stool and plop down on the one right up next to him. “Uh-” “Shhh, lemme see those eyes.” She squinted, leaning in and staring deep into his. It’d would’ve been really unnerving if she hadn’t said anything about them before, now he was a lil put off that he might’ve been asking a witch of all things for advice… “Right. Well, at least you feel bad about it. So there’s that.” He blinked and his brows furrowed, “Wh- of course I feel bad about it, it was his fault-” He suddenly had a finger pressed to his lips. “Nope! Nooononono, you do not get to throw all the blame elsewhere like that sweetheart. There ain’t no way in hell you’re gettin’ a second chance with them if you keep that up.” She pulled her hands back. His face scrunched up and he found himself crossing his arms, if he had his tail out it would’ve been irritably swaying behind him right then at just how annoyed he was getting at this weird lady and her words. “Oh yeah? An what do you think’s best then huh?” “I dunno if you’d be up for that kinda challenge…” She idly fiddled with an imaginative piece of lint off her sleeve, which only seemed to irritate Mac further at the thought of him not being able to handle Wukong of all people. Like sure he’d gotten his ass handed to him before but he could still hold his own! “Try me.” The chick glanced back at him with a smirk, which caught him off guard for a second before he shot her a glare back. “Alright, but it’s definitely not gonna be as quick or easygoing of a recovery as you might hope it’ll be. Nor is there even a chance of you recovering it in the first place. But, you at least got that spark enough to try so who am I to deny?” ‘Hmpt, dam right I got a spark.’
“First of all, no more blaming, if you’re gonna tackle this properly, you gotta do yourselves a favor an quit it with the blame placing. Sure it’s easy, but it ain’t gonna get you nowhere but back to square one. It’s all in the past, the now is now. So push forward to fix it and put it behind you two so you can focus on the more important things.” “Easier said than done…” “Hey man, even if they don’t follow the same ruleset at first you could always work things out to make it one later on. I’m just tellin’ ya right now so you won’t just go diggin’ yourself a deeper hole.” Honestly at this point he was pretty much six feet down under, death to him would’ve been a mercy right then. “Fine…” He rolled his eyes. “Next up, apologizing…” -----------~----------- “I thought I told you to stay off my island.” Mac didn’t really glance back from where he stood high up on one of the breathtaking ledges that which Flower Fruit Mountain bolstered. His arms crossed, eyes sternly held against the leftover warmth of the late afternoon sun as it shifted the skies hues from blue to blood red. Hopefully that would be the only tinge of red the Mountain would see after today. “I know.” “What, no witty remark? Give me one good reason-” “I just wanted to talk.” Mac stated plainly. “Why the hell should I give you the chance?” “...” Mac wasn’t sure if he could come up with a good enough reason after the shitshow he’d caused him the last few centuries, most recent being his spat with him between MK. “I’m sorry.” That seemed to catch the king off guard, as he paused in his vicious glare to stare at the other. “Excuse me??” “I’m.Sorry.” Mac turned finally to Wukong, that look of fiery malice having softened immensely upon meeting their eyes. “I was wrong for what I did and I’m sorry.” Wukong’s face looked like it had had a stroke with how frozen in place it was, almost like he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “Hurting everyone around you just to get back at you, I was wrong for doing that. And I just wanted to apologize.” Mac’s face twisted a little, the words coming out a little rougher than he’d liked, but he’d managed to get three steps in so far… “If you think a few sorry’s are gonna be enough to make up for all that crap then you gotta nother’ thing comin Mac.” Wukong finally shook off the surprise and crossed his arms with a steely gaze. “Nah I know they ain’t worth shit with as long as it's been...which it’s been..a really, really long time come to think of it..nearly 3000 years…” Fucking yikes. “What’s your point?...” Wukong raised a brow at him. “My point is...my point..” What was his point? To make amends and hope they’d get back together? To go back to the way things were? That couldn’t be done with the way things were now. Wukong had a successor, a moral compass, a lotta shit that Mac didn’t. A lotta shit that he wanted but never could figure out how to get his own. His face scrunched up a little and he sighed, “I..just wanted to make things right.” “Oh-hoh? After so long you finally decided to admit you were at fault? Sorry Mac, but it’s waaaay too late for that.” Wukong huffed, “Honestly, this is probably just another one of your stupid tricks if anything. The old Macaque would never throw himself down like that.” “Well maybe I’ve changed!” Mac exclaimed suddenly, his temper flaring a bit as his eyes flashed lightning. “3000 years later? As if…” Wukong rolled his eyes and turned away, “You’ve still got that same look in your eyes you always do whenever we fight. Do me a favor and just keep away from the hot springs this time yeah? The last time you were here you sent a whole dam boulder over there and smashed half the pools.” He waved his hand dismissively. “And I happen to take my once a month bath’s very seriously.” Mac’s nostrils flared a little at just how flamboyant Wukong was acting towards him and his attempt to make amends. How he just saw his attempt as a joke and nothing more, it pissed him off. Wukong had changed and everyone had accepted him, well not everyone, but still, why couldn’t the same be for him? Had he really fooled himself into believing that there was a chance he and Wukong could be together again? His shoulders slumped a little. Of course, who was he kidding. A 3000 year old pit of grudges wasn’t about to just up and disappear at the wave of a white flag. This was Wukong, the same guy who still playfully pestered the gods and demons around him for past conflicts that had happened between them. -----------~----------- “But you can’t just go, ‘ooo I’m so sorry for what I did.’ Nah, you gotta follow the five steps.” The chick claimed. “Yeesh, this a learning course now?” Mac tilted his head to the side. “It is if you wanna make things right.” She claimed matter a factly. “The five steps have never failed me before and have worked wonders for any an all my relationships. Might not quite have the same range of effect you’re going for but it’ll at least be a good start.” “Heh, you got the guts to back up that case?” Mac sneered. “I will if you don’t manage to screw it up.” The chick pointed out. “The five steps go as follows.” - express sorrow (I’m sorry) - own guilt (I was wrong) - name specific wrongs (I did X) - name impact (I hurt you) “And finally...” -----------~----------- “What can I do to prove myself to you?” Macaque asked finally. “What can I do to at least make it to where we can..not fight anymore..and just talk?...” Wukong stood there for a long moment, his features unreadable as their silence was muffled by the wind bellowing between them both from being so high up. “You really are serious about this aren’t you?...” Wukong’s head shifted ever so slightly, but not enough to where Mac could get a reading on his emotions. “I’m tired of fighting and waiting and thinking that if enough time passes things’ll go back to the way they were...when they never will. Trying to hurt you isn’t gonna make the old you come back, no matter how many times you beat me down...It’ll never be the same.” Mac admitted finally. A quiet gust settled down between them, before Wukong seemed to let out a dry chuckle and shook his head. “Can’t believe it took me 3000 years to beat the sense into you.” He turned and looked back at the other, where he no longer held a look of seething hate, but more akin to that of the same tired look just as the one Mac wore. Mac felt a sliver of guilt wriggle its way into one of the cracks of his heart and he glanced away, pulling a hand back and scratching his head. “Yeah well...your kid hit me pretty hard last time, enough to knock it in place.” A small smile crept a little onto his face. “Hm~ He’s gettin’ pretty good at hittin’ stuff with that old stick.” Wukong’s eyes glinted a little at the appeal of how proud he was for MK having taken Mac out the way he did. A little over the top and flashy, just like him.” “He’s got a pretty strong master to thank for that…” Mac found himself yearning a little for that same glint to be reflected on his memory the same way as MK’s. Not that he couldn’t see himself holding the same appeal for MK the way Wukong did, kid was strong, just a lil desperate in some of the cracks that shaped his outline. Something Macaque found that was easy enough to take advantage of, and something Wukong held a blind eye to. “Hm.” Wukong’s reply pushed him out of those thoughts for the moment as they shared a brief look between one another. A glimmer of reconsideration flashing between the two before Wukong finally turned his head away to drink in the sunset before them. “One chance.” Mac felt his heart nearly stop at that answer. “I’ll give you one chance, but if you screw this up, don’t even think about showing your face to me again.” Wukong replied, “I mean it this time…” Mac swallowed a little and nodded. Anything, he’d be willing to do anything to gain back what little trust he could from Wukong. “Good...you can start making up for it by apologizing to MK.” Mac blinked and sputtered a little as Wukong turned away and began to make his way back down the mountain. A smile playing on his lips while Macaque groaned to the heavens about his next trial.
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peachesandmilktea · 3 years
yo my name is chana i'm 18, i'm half israeli and part white with chinese (yeah weird mix ik). i have short curly blonde hair that is constantly in my face with freckles and moles all over my body. my skin tone is a lil dark brownish-yellow. i be around 5'2, but i am pretty buff, i got alotta loose skin from all the weight i've lost tho. don't even get me on all the stretch marks i have from going from fat to beefy. i got broad shoulders and big thighs cuz 💯m u s c l e 💯. ig i got a pretty big rack i think i'm an f cup last time i checked (i've been on estrogen for a while cuz of my PCOS, so they have grown a l o t.) i have green eyes but i'm legit fuckin blind in one 😂.
tbh i'm mostly deaf so i'm pretty fuckin loud without meaning to be, i can read lips tho so that helps me understand ppl. i have a rlly loud laugh and my bestie loves it, so i love it. (even tho i get weird looks from random ppl.) i'm mostly quiet cuz idk how to talk to ppl, ig it's cuz i'm autistic, i do get overstimulated a lot so my mechanism is ✨h i d i n g✨. i will legit hide under a fuckin table in any place if things get to overwhelming. physical touch like hugging or just petting my head will calm me down eventually tho. sometimes i have to be put in a special hold made to calm down ppl with autism.
yelling also triggers me for some reason which i will most likely yell back or rare times. w a l k t f a w a y. i may not stand up for myself but when it comes to my siblings you betcha ass i will die for them hoes. me and my youngest bro be rlly close. like he calls me lion mom. he be doin that shit since he could talk 😭. my ideal date is rlly quality time, i don't give a shit where the date is, as long as they're payin attention to me i'm on cloud nine. my fav song either has to be yellow by Coldplay or creep by Radiohead. i rlly don't have a preference for gender as long as they accept me for who i am, i will love them unconditionally 😤💯.
for the nsfw shit, i mean i never have control in my life so ig i'm a dom??? cuz i feel like i legit have control over some fucking thing. i low key have a breeding kink 😔. i mean i may be a dom but i'm rlly a soft dom i'm pretty vanilla like i love to praise, be praised, and take care of my S/O. yeah i'll let them top if they want to but i will still be in control idgaf.
I match you with...
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Some would say it's because opposites attract, others would say that Megumi is simply drawn to people who are loud. He doesn't think that's all there is to it, though. As much as he likes hearing you laugh, letting the loud sound of it echo through his ears like the sweetest song he's ever heard, that's but a small raindrop of a reason drowned in the storm of his feelings towards you. Because it does feel like a storm, like a hurricane, a natural disaster that he didn't see coming and that he can't stop now, especially because he doesn't even want to. You complete him in a way he would never have expected before meeting you, and how could he part from you now? The red threat of fate binds you to him, tightening around his heart like a leash, but he doesn't mind it, not when your presence is the only thing that truly makes him feel peaceful in this world. And he'll make sure he's your peace too, soothing you with calm, sweet words whenever you feel overwhelmed, passing his lean fingers through your hair and kissing your forehead until he feels your heartbeat steady under his touch.
Dates with him are simple, but mainly because he doesn't see the need in focusing on anything else but you. Soft, rare, lazy afternoons spent side by side, the taste of your favorite drink on your lips as he kisses you again and again, sweet evenings taking a stroll together as the sun comes down, your hand safely tucked in the warmth of his and his thumb softly stroking your palm, sleepless nights lying next to each other, whispering secrets in the moonlight pouring through an open window. He treasures each second spent by your side and treats you like you're the most precious thing he's ever laid eyes on. And, after all, the only place that feels like home to him is wherever he's with you.
He'll let you take any control you want in the bedroom; the only thing he wishes to do is kneel at your feet and worship the marvel that you are. No matter how strong of a sorcerer he normally is, a shy blush still dusts over his cheeks whenever you praise him, and he's quickly craving for it, yearning for any gentle word that softly falls from your lips. He's so grateful for each one of your touches that make him see a glimpse of heaven, and he'll thank you for them, thank you for your attention, thank you for making him feel so good, thank you for allowing him to breed you and fill you with his cum whenever you make him topple over the edge of yet another too intense orgasm. Thank you, he'll murmur in your ear whenever you're done, brushing a strand of her away from your face, thank you so much.
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trashyswitch · 3 years
In a Lee Mood? Ask Logan!
Janus and Remus are in Lee moods. One is shy, the other is confident. When Remus finds them a ler, Janus must learn how to gain the courage to ask for tickles. Otherwise, he won't get them.
This fanfic was suggested by @ashleedragon on Tumblr.
I hope you enjoy Ash! :D
Janus and Remus were struggling majorly in the lee department. They were talking about how much they really wanted to be wrecked, but didn’t know who exactly to go to. They wanted someone confident in their goal, and someone who can tickle both of them at once, if possible. Finally, Remus had had enough.
“That’s it! We need to head to someone NOW. And I know just the person!” Remus declared, standing out proudly.
“Who? I’m not intrigued whatsoever.” Janus asked.
“Logan! He’s smart, confident in himself, and he knows how to use tickle tools! He is a MASTER of tickling, I know that for sure!” Remus declared.
“I...Oh…” Janus started curling up, blushing in pure embarrassment. “Okay…”
“Come on!” Remus begged, grabbing Janus’s hand.
“Nooooooo! Let me sit alone in my lee mood like a good boy!” Janug begged.
“But I know you want the tickles just as much as I do!” Remus argued. He huffed. “If you don’t get up, I will bring Logan to us and you’ll have no choice but to face him.”
“Then I’ll act like a little shit.” Janus said with his tongue stuck out.
Remus smiled. “Good.” he said before exiting the room. “OOOOOH LOOOOGAAAAAAN~” Remus yelled to the hallway.
Janus whined and covered his ears as Remus called and called for Logan. Janus didn’t wanna take Logan away from his activity to come and tickle him, of all things. He felt embarrassed about his lee mood as it was. He didn’t need Remus standing up for him and getting them both a ler to make his lee mood go away. Maybe he liked being in a lee mood! What if it actually makes him distracted for a while? What if he likes watching scenes and cowering like a baby in the corner?
...He really doesn’t...It was just a hypothetical.
Janus looked up at Logan as he walked into the room. “Greetings Janus. I hear you two are in need of something rather immediate?” Logan clarified.
“Only if you want to, of course.” Janus said to him, blushing.
“Of course! It is my job to try and organize better strategies for satisfactory reasons with Thomas. And if that involves helping someone, or a couple sides out, then I will happily do so.” Logan told him.
Janus smiled and looked down. “You don’t need to do that…” Janus muttered with an embarrassed expression.
Remus giggled. “Poor Janus! He’s been acting like this all morning! I feel he deserves some teases and jokes, don’t you, Logan?” Remus teased.
Janus whined and covered his face.
“I don’t know...I’m not an emotional person, but it does look like he’s rather more red than usual…A little like a tomato or a cherry…” Logan teased with a smirk on his face.
“Exactly!! That’s what I was thinking!” Remus reacted.
Logan looked at Remus. “Hmm...And didn’t you say you were in the same mood?” Logan asked.
Remus nodded. “You betcha!” He replied proudly and lifted up his arms.
Logan looked at Janus and back at Remus. “Okay. Looks like I’m going here first.” Logan went for Remus’s exposed armpits first, earning him a squeal and a giggle. “Oooooh, This is a good spot, if I do say so myself.” Logan teased, looking at Janus from the corner of his eye.
Remus giggled as his hands were grabbed and pinned above his head. “Ohohoho geheheheez…” Remus giggled.
“What’s the matter, Dukey? Getting a little nervous?” Logan teased.
Remus nodded. “Very.”
“Very well. I suppose I can get this-” Logan paused his words and started tickling Remus’s open armpit.
“Oh? Since when am I a bottom?” Logan asked.
“SINCE NOHOHOHOW!” Remus decided.
“Nothing is wrong with being a bottom, Remus. However, I do have a slight problem with being a lazy bottom. I prefer to be quick, yet precise with my movements. An example: My strategizing associated with my attacks right now!” Logan explained.
Remus laughed and looked over at Janus, who was embarrassed and slightly jealous. “GEHEHEHEHET JAHAHAN, WHYHY DOHOHON’T YAHAHA?!” Remus asked.
Logan giggled. “But you asked first! And besides: I want to keep tickling you! You’re rather fun to tickle!” Logan admitted.
“AHAHAM IHI?” Remus asked.
“Yes! Indeed you are, my evil ticklish friend.” Logan teased.
Remus blushed at that. “AHAHAHAM NAHAHAhahahat!” Remus felt as Logan’s tickles moved down to his upper ribs and ab muscles.
“My goodness! I must admit, I am rather impressed by your abdominal muscle size. It is a little stronger and very well kept compared to Roman’s abdominal six pack.” Logan reacted.
“HEY!” Roman shouted from another room.
“SURE HE DOES, MR. GAGGLES.” Roman spat back.
Remus giggled and shook his head. “Meheheheheheanie…” He muttered.
“I know...But he doesn’t understand the true love for tickling as much as you do.” Logan joked.
“Truhue! Yohohohou gehehet ihihit!” Remus mentioned.
“Indeed I do.” Logan replied, looking at Janus.
Janus was looking away, trying not to watch the tickles he really wanted.
“Awww, it looks like Janus really wants tickles too. Should I give them to him?” Logan asked.
“If you want to, sure!” Remus reacted.
Janus lifted his head a little, in hope.
But Logan shook his head with a smirk. “He can tell me if he wants to.” Logan told Remus.
Janus groaned.
“Is something the matter, Janus?” Logan asked.
Janus muttered something, but it was too quiet to hear him.
“I’m sorry, I’m afraid I can’t hear you. Can you repeat that?” Logan asked.
“Iwantyoutoticclemeeee…” Janus muttered again.
“I’m so sorry...Now you’re saying it too quickly! Can you please repeat-”
“I WANT TICKLES!” Janus yelled.
Logan widened his eyes and giggled. “Nohohow you’re too loud! May you please repe-”
Remus was laughing at this point. “WOHOHOHOW! HEHEHEHE’S PIHIHIHIHISSED!” Remus laughed.
Logan was chuckling. “Ihihi know! All that just for some tickles!” Logan reacted.
Janus growled and started to walk away. But Logan stopped him. “Come on Janus. Lighten up a little. I’ll tickle you. I’d love to tickle you!” Logan told him.
“W-Will you? P-P-Please?” Janus begged.
“Sure!” Logan replied.
Logan gently grabbed Janus’s hand and led him down to the carpet. “Remus, come here too.” Logan encouraged them. Remus nodded and followed them to the carpeted floor. Logan kneeled down while Janus and Remus both laid down onto their backs.
Janus smiled as his blush deepened. “Thank you. And...sorry about the outburst. I was definitely put together.” Janus apologized.
“It’s alright, Jay. Now lay back...relax…” Logan gently closed both their eyes and used his conjuring abilities to conjure up some blindfolds onto their eyes. Then, Logan tickled Janus’s sides first.
“HAHAHAHA! Hehehehehey! Ihihihihi’m fihihirst!” Janus reacted.
“Of course you are! Why would I go for Remus first when he already got some of his tickles?” Logan asked.
Janus shrugged his shoulders as he did everything in his power to not move his hands away. He feared that if he did, then Logan would stop and move back to Remus.
“Tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle~” Logan teased.
“Whyhyhyhyhyhy?” Janus asked.
“Because it’s fun! And I know that the teasing adds to the tickles tremendously.” Logan added. “And you seem to enjoy the teases!”
Janus covered up his mouth. “Ihihihi dohoho nohohohohot!” Janus reacted.
“Take away the word ‘not’, and you’ll have my response.” Logan told him.
Janus shook his head. “Uhuhuhunfahahahair!” Janus told him.
“Unfair, huh?” Logan clarified. “Let’s see how unfair I could be then.” Logan stopped tickling Janus and started tickling Remus again.
“Ohohokahahahay! Greheheheat! Mehehehe ahahagahahain!” Remus reacted.
“Yup! It’s you again, Remus.” Logan replied.
Remus giggled and rolled back and forth on the carpet while Janus was watching with annoyance. “Come on, Logan! Can’t you do us both?” Janus asked.
Logan giggled. “Only if you say please.” he replied.
“Fine...Can you please tickle us both?” Janus asked.
Logan nodded and gave him a hand. “Sure!”
Logan wrapped his arms around Janus and Remus from behind, and started tickling both of their bellies.
Remus and Jaus were both giggling, wiggling around and loving every minute of it.
“Tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle, my little lees~” Logan teased. “That’s the right word, right?” Logan clarified.
Remus bursted out laughing more at Logan’s question. “YEHEHEHEHES! IHIHIHIT IHIHIHIS!”
“Good, good.” Logan moved down to their lower bellies, earning snorts from Remus and squeaks from Janus. “How about here? Does it tickle more here?” Logan teased.
“YEHEHEHEHEHESS! *snort* IHIHI- *snort* -IHIHIT DOHOHOHOES!” Remus laughed.
“Ooooooh! I wonder which belly button is the more ticklish of my two lees…” Logan asked out loud. “Remus’s?” Logan poked his belly button.
Remus gasped and squeaked SUPER loudly! “NUUUUUUUHOHOHOHOHO!” Remus screamed!
Logan giggled at the reaction. “Or Janus’s?” Logan asked before poking Janus’s belly button next.
Janus wheezed and clapped his hands a few times. He was shaking his head as he silently laughed, occasionally falling out of quiet laugh and into screeches and cackles!
“Well I see we have our answer!” Logan reacted. “Janus has a more ticklish belly button.”
Janus pushed at Logan’s hand and threw his head back as he kept on cackling like a wild man.
Logan loved seeing them laugh like this. It was surprisingly really fun making them laugh! And it was even fun teasing Janus to oblivion while he tickled Remus and made comments. Even the word tickle was enough to make the boys die of laughter.
Though, his fingers were just as useful too.
Logan decided from then, on to be their ler for when they were in strong lee moods. Remus was over ecstatic like a child over it, while Janus was happy about it but showed it in a more casual way. Logan gave them both a hug, a few more tickles and a farewell as he left the two boys alone.
“So: Would you say that was worth the embarrassment?” Remus asked with a smug smile on his face.
“...........No.” Janus replied.
Remus bursted out laughing at the reply. Such a Janus thing to say!
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mayaminamoto · 2 years
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So, I probably have ADHD (no formal diagnosis because diagnosing adult women is An Ordeal, I can elaborate if there's interest) and in a spirit of that fact I picked up Yet Another Hobby: woodcarving!
It all started with Critical Role, where Travis's character Chetney is a master woodworker and also a massive troll. I love him, he's the worst 10/10. I also used to be a scout waaaaaay back and on each and every camp you could find me with a knife and some stick and Chetney reminded me of that. One thing lead to another and my amazing wife got me A KNIFE and THREE PIECES OF WOOD for birthday!
So obviously now I'm trying to make a knife with my knife (and some chisels I got later). Specifically Ogre Rancorem, evil sword from a game Another Eden (gacha warning, be cautious if you got gambling problems). Is it any good so far? Not really. Am I producing insane amounts of wood chips? You betcha. Am I having fun?
I even don't mind fucking shit up that much? Perfectionism is usually is a big problem for me, but so far I feel like I can just... try things out. Turn the whole piece into chips and it'll be fine. That said I'm proud of that "u" shape you can see on the second-to-last photo. Also, the wood has been baptised with blood already (nothing serious, I had worse paper cuts).
So yeah. This is fun. I'm still cross-stitching too, I'm just too lazy to iron and photograph all the pieces. I wonder what I should carve next. Well, sharpen my tools first, because unsurprisingly cutting wood for 2 hours straight can dull a knife a bit >.<
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aclosetfan · 4 years
This is a really incomplete idea BUT it’s about Brick’s hat(s). And hopefully someone else finds this and enjoys it! More under the cut, it’s a long post :)
I think it’d be funny if boomer and butch get him a shitty novelty hat for birthday/holidays/etc because 1) they don’t know what to get him 2) they’re like 12 with four buck to their names. so they just go from charity shop to charity shop looking for ideas. Brick probably doesn’t ask for much (I don’t think any of them do. poor kid syndrome amiright? I personally never think they’d be well off in childhood).
So anyway butch and boomer are bumming through the charity shops and boomers like:
“Holy shit, Butch!”
“Wut?” Butch looked over pulling the charred and ruined Halloween mask that someone had donated for god knows what reason off his head.
“Dude it’s perfect!” Boomer came running from three aisle over, waving a garment around in the air.
“It’s a hat.” Butch pointed out bluntly, unimpressed, and pointed to the mask atop his head, “I think we should get this.”
“But it’s red!”
“He’s got one of those. Wears it frequently.”
“But not like this!” Boomer boosted, “See.”
Boomer turned the hat around, so Butch could see the bill of it. It was one of those novelty snapbacks, inscribed on the front was the playboy bunny logo.
“Dude.” Butch smiled, giggling with Boomer, albeit a little nervously.
He was familiar with the playboy bunnies work, it wasn’t like he was a virgin or anything (except he secretly was), but he had never actually seen a genuine centerfold spread like some of the older boys at the detention hall had talked about. When he thought of playboy, he thought of the Victoria Secret models he saw plastered to the side of the store at the mall. They made him feel weird and his hands would get all sweaty, so he tried his best not to look too closely.
“Dude we should get him this!” Boomer continued to smile, “It’d be, like, so funny.”
“Yeah.” Butch nodded, as his smile grew. He didn’t 100% get why it was so funny, but the idea of having something with the playboy bunny logo on it seemed cool to him. It made him feel kind of like one of the older boys.
Him and Boomer snickered all the way to the cash register, and when it was their turn to pay, Boomer nudged him ahead, ducking behind him with a giggle. He glared at his brother over his shoulder, but allowed Boomer to twist a nervous hand into the fabric of his oversized sweater (the one his brothers had bought him last year. They bought it 3 sizes too big cause he kept growing out of everything too fast. It was 1 size too big now). Boomer liked latching onto their sleeves when he got nervous.
He didn’t get what the big baby was so nervous about though. They were just buying a stupid hat. The lady cashier watched them with thinly veiled boredom and Butch threw the hat down on the counter.
Raising a penciled on eyebrow, the older women examined the hat, “Playboy, huh? You even know what Playboy is kid?”
The question made the back of his neck burn. He had never heard a lady say playboy before, it was weird. From behind him, Boomer pressed his face into the back of his sweater to muffle another giggle.
“Uh, duh.” He sniffed, “We know, lady.”
“Have you actually seen a playboy before?” The cashier snorted, ringing them up, “Not just the logo?”
“Yes!” Butch huffed, defending himself, “The Internet!”
(It was a semi-lie—they had tried looking it up on the internet, but Fuzzy didn’t have a computer at his cabin, HIM wouldn’t let them use any of his flashy spy monitors, Mojo was lame, and the library had parent controls)
“Surreee.” The lady drawled out and rang them up, “Dollar fifty.”
He didn’t make eye contact with her as he handed over a crumpled dollar bill and took two quarters from the take-a-penny-leave-a-penny. When she gave them back the hat, they ran out of the store like they had committed a bank robbery.
When Brick opened the present two days later, he threw the plastic bag it had come in to the side and frowned.
“A new hat?”
“Yeah,” Boomer nodded, putting down the cheap Polaroid camera Butch and Brick had shoplifted from a secondhand shop downtown (still too expensive to actually buy), and reached for the hat, turning it around in Brick’s hand, “but look!”
Brick’s smile grew, as the logo registered in his head. “Oh, shit,” their brother laughed, “is this playboy?”
“Betcha you won’t wear it.” He goaded his brother on as he tossed the new (used—looked like it was taken from Pokay High’s sports department) rugby ball from hand to hand.
“Betcha I will.” Brick shot back, carefully removing the ratty cap he had had since forever and replacing it with the new one.
“Sorta big.” Their brother murmured, adjusting the strap.
“Your fat head will grow into it!” Butch joked and Brick punched his arm.
“Shut up, dipshit.”
“Do you like it?” Boomer beamed, ignoring the bickering.
Brick looked at their brother with a smile, precious anger dissipating, “Yeah, dude, it’s funny.”
Then it becomes a thing//like Brick really loves his hat collection:
“Truckin’ ain’t easy.” Brick read out loud with a snort, and replaced the hat he was wearing with the new one.
He thought for a moment then shook his head no, “nah. Not today.”
He had so many hats to chose from, it was almost overwhelming. They were all basically offensive on every level and he tried to wear them all as often as possible. The highlight reel included:
Kitty gang
Weed jokes. Lotta weed jokes.
Fish love me. Woman fear me.
Met god. She’s hot.
Blow me for luck.
Beer drinkers get more head.
The carpets do match the drapes
Birthday Bitch
Deadass fuck thots on god
Hello I am Mr. Cunt
Master Baiter
Drive fast. Eat ass.
At 17, he had a vibrant hat collection. Anytime his brother’s saw a red hat with a shitty gag, they snagged it for him. Recent political events had bestowed upon his brothers a plethora of new material:
Make racists afraid again.
My other hat’s tin foil
Made you look
The list went on. His fuck cops wasn’t popular with local authorities. And how could he forget his most favorite powderpuff girl cap. That pissed them off to no end.
“Brick!” Butch yelled down the corridor. They were at Mojo’s this week, “Hurry up!”
“Uuhhhhh,” he mumbled to himself, as he stared at his wall, ignoring his brother. He hung them all up to make it easier to chose. His collection covered the wall.
His hand floated left to the one that said FuCk, but the one that said bad hair day caught his eye and his hand twitched to the right, “uuuuuhh, hmmmm.”
He floated toward the ceiling to look at the top of the wall, “welllllll...”
They’d be fighting with the girls today and because he liked making Blossom mad, he figured he needed to chose something more crude.
“Oh my god!” Butch cried outside his bedroom door, “Just fucking pick one!”
“Brick!” Butch pounded on his door, “I swear to god, I’ll burn them all if you just don’t pick one!”
“Brick, it’s been thirty minutes!” Boomer whined, joining Butch, “The girls are waiting, we can’t cancel on them again! We’re bad guys, but we aren’t bad guys.”
“Ahhhhh—“ he sucked on his teeth in thought, “five more minutes!”
His brothers groaned in unison from the other side of the door.
“This is your fault, Boomer.” Butch whined.
“How?!” Boomer protested.
“Cause I wanted to get him that mask.”
His hat—his first hat—is lovingly preserved. He can’t risk losing it or damaging it any further. Before they started buying him new hats, most of the boys misadventures (the chaos they did NOT plan) were dedicated to saving Brick’s hat from the clutches of (insert one-shot villain here). It’s his security blanket. He breaks it out on the lazy days in.
He does though often lose his novelty hats. A violent gust of wind will rip one from his hat or a fight will cause it to disintegrate. But because Brick considers being the hat guy a personality trait, I think he’d have a spare one on hand at all times:
“My hat!” He cried, as the tornado-like monster blew through Townsville, ripping his hat from his head, and then disappeared into thin air, “the fucker took my hat!”
“Brick!” Blossom cried over the wind, “calm down! It’s a hat!”
“Yeah my hat!” He argued back. He wasn’t fond of the idea that him and his brothers and the girls now had to cooperate with each other, but desperate times called for desperate measures. “Butch! Boomer! I want my hat!” He hissed and his brothers nodded, understanding immediately what he meant.
“Right!” Butch dropped Buttercup, forgetting whatever fight the two had found themselves in.
“Got it!” Boomer jumped up from where he had been sitting on Bubbles, squashing her to the ground.
“What was that thing!” Brick barked at Blossom and she wiped the blood from her nose.
“I only know as much as you do, considering it literally just happened. Maybe it has to do with air—“
She cut off and looked at him, as he adjusted his emergency back up hat onto his head.
“What!” He hissed when he realized all three of the girls were giving him odd looks.
“Dude,” Buttercup asked from the ground, “do...do you just carry extra hats around?”
“Of course I do!” He spat, disgusted that they’d think so low of him not to, “Extra hat,” he pointed to his head, “emergency beanie,” he pulled one out of his pocket, “and extra hair ties,” him and his brother lifted up theirs wrists. “We live by the aesthetic, we die by the aesthetic, anymore questions?”
“Yeah!” Boomer huffed in his defense, “what’s it fucking matter to you anyway!”
“Don’t you three have bigger issues to worry about then our business?” Butch hissed, kicking at Buttercup.
Buttercup rolled away from the kick, dodging it with a laugh.
“What’s so funny!” Butch demanded and Buttercup shook her head, ignoring Butch and pointing up at her sister.
“Holy crap! He really is your counterpart, huh? You guys are perfect for each other!” She laughed wheezing. 
“Hey!!” Him and Blossom bristled together, “Shut up!”
When he learns that over excessive hat use can lead to hair breakage and premature balding his heart breaks, so he starts buckling them to his belt loops instead when he remembers to give his hair a break.
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dianaagron · 4 years
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Chosen children + social media ↳ It’s the quarantine edition!
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mhdiaries · 4 years
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Wave 3 Operetta Diary
July the Twenty-fifth
Hey Fynn! I’m going to keep a diary. I’ll send it to you when school starts and you can read about my adventures...if I have any. I sure wish you’d join the modern monster world and get yourself a computer or at least an iCoffin so we could exchange email or texts. Having to send everything by ghost post seems like it takes forever, not that we don’t have it, but you get my drift. Anyway, the morning after the going away party y’all threw for us - which was clean outta fright - we caught a scream boat and headed up river to the “home of the boos”. I talked daddy and mama into lettin’ me go see the ghost of “you know who”. Daddy kinda rolled his eyes and said okay - betcha if it was a bunch of them old opera harpies all wearing helmets with horns sticking out he’d a jumped up and clicked his heels. At least he didn’t say no and I could smell the fried peanut butter and banana sandwiches before I got there. Turns out there was a jam session and I hadn’t seen that many singers and players gathered in one spot since the day the music died. They even let me sit in with them on a set. I had to promise not to sing though. Must’ve heard what happened down in Terrorbone Parish I reckon. During the jam I used that new lick you taught me and even that big ol’ werewolf guitar player you like so much howled and said, “Oh Red, I’m gonna be singing the blues if you don’t teach me that.” I told him I could show him but I couldn’t teach him. For that he needed to come find you. I was sad to leave but daddy wanted to head east so he could go check out some old opera house that was supposed to be grand. Turns out I enjoyed it more that he did since they weren’t exactly performing the kind of music he expected :)
July the Twenty-seventh
How did we get to the new opera house? Well there’s this underground train that somehow connects to the catacombs below Monster High. That’s where the opera house is, not in Monster High but under it. I actually met a group of ghouls from Monster High at one of the stations while we were waiting to change trains. They were all on the MH Fear Squad and were headed to some kind of competition or training or something. I didn’t really understand it all but they all seemed very nice although the captain of the team was a bit high and mighty for my taste. Got to go now, sorry so short. 
August the First
We have mostly settled in although we still got some unpacking left to do. My guitars all made the trip just fine too. I was worried but I guess I shouldn’t have been. Those cases you gave me protected everything just like you said they would. The opera house is in pretty ghoul shape although there hasn’t been a production done here in many years. I reckon that’s why we’re here, well at least why daddy and mama are here. It’s a whole bunch different from the riverboat opera house though. This one has a big ole pipe organ that sounds like a whole fleet of riverboats coming down the “big muddy”. Of course the first thing daddy did was hop on that thing and play Toccata and Fugue in D minor...who didn’t see that coming? Later on I lugged my amp out to the middle of stage, plugged her in and played a little riff that lasted long enough for daddy to come running in and tell me to stop polluting his opera house with “that noise”. Whatever. I didn’t feel like arguing although I did finally quote that thing you quoted to me - “There’s only two kinds of music. Good music and the other kind.” To which daddy said, “Yes and I would have you play the other kind somewhere else.” Reckon I should have seen that coming too. I’m sure in no time though daddy will have this place snoring with “good music”. ;p
August the Seventh  
I explored the catacombs a little more today. A ghoul could seriously get lost down there if she wasn’t paying attention. It’s like there’s a passages that go every which a way. Some just dead end and others seem like they go on forever. Some of the things I discovered are:
- An underground lake with a big island in the middle that has an old castle on it
- A passage that leads from the zombie side of town straight up to Monster High
- Lots of rooms and halls blocked by doors that you need some kind of key to get past.
I also found, or I guess I should say Memphis found, my new practice room/recording studio! I would have totally missed it because it just looked like a crack in the wall to me but Memphis must have sensed something though ‘cause he shimmied through that crack quick as a gnat’s sneeze. Before I knew it, a section of what had just looked like part of the catacombs wall swung open like a door and there was Memphis hanging upside down by a thread with a big fly-eatin’ grin on his face. The walls inside were covered by some kind of moss, not like the stuff that hangs off the cypress trees back home, but more like a soft carpet and it lights up! How creepy sweet is that? I have no idea what the room was originally used for but there are power outlets on one wall and a big table in the middle. Memphis and me brought all our equipment down here, cranked everything up and just went to town! You want to know what the best part is? When the door is shut you can be standing with you ear pressed right up against it and still not hear what’s going on inside. I don’t think I’ve ever had a place where I could play and sing without worrying about who might be listening. Maybe moving here won’t be so bad after all.
August the Eighteenth
Yes I have gotten out of the catacombs and my new recording studio to check out the town although I probably wouldn’t have left if I hadn’t needed to get some new strings. I ended up at the Maul - they’ve got a pretty good music store and some shops where I might actually find some clothes I like but you know me - I spent most of my time in the music store. They have a scary slick selection of guitars - nothin’ like you’ve made for me of course but I played a few anyway cause they just looked so sad hanging up there on the wall all by their lonesome. I was just kinda picking a little bit when I got the feeling some monster was watching me. I turned around and sure enough there was this little frizzy haired werewolf staring at me. Now you’d be proud of me cause you know normally I don’t like being interrupted when I’m playing but there was just somethin’ about her that made me call her over. I asked, “Ain’t you never seen a monster play guitar before?”
“Not like you,” she said. 
“Good answer ghoul friend.” Her name was Howleen and after I played some more she asked if I would teach her. I put the guitar back on its stand and looked at her for a minute. “Why do you want to learn to play guitar?” She sorta shrugged a little and said, “I guess because no other monster I know plays guitar.” I shook my head and told her that from the time I was a little ghoul all I’ve ever wanted to do was play and sing. “If I’m not actually playing or practicing I’m thinking about playing or practicing and if you took lessons from me I’d expect you to be the same way.” I knew she wasn’t ready for that. I did show her a few chords though and she actually caught on scary quick. She’s got long fingers and good ears. I told her that she ought to sign up for lessons with one of the music store’s guitar creatures and when she had learned everything they had to teach her to come and see me. She screamed all right with that and the music store even threw me in a set of free strings for getting Howleen to sign up with one of their instructors. Who knows, maybe she’ll end up loving to play as much as I do...hey...I said maybe didn’t I?
August the Twenty-fifth
Monster High ain’t like our one room ghoul house back on the delta. I got a chance to really check it out today after Headless Headmistress Bloodgood sent daddy and mama a note asking if they would send me up to see her. So I made my way up from the opera house to her office and introduced myself. She seemed very prim and proper and I was wondering how long it’d be before I’d have a special seat with my name on it outside her office. She told me shad had just been going through my records from the school back home and that she was pleased to have me as a student at Monster High. She also said, “I will expect excellence from you and neither shoddy work nor laziness will be tolerated or rewarded.” I said I reckon I expected the same from myself as long as she didn’t expect me to be the same kind of formal phantoms as my daddy and mama or to back down every time some monster said “boo” to me cause that ain’t who I am! I sat back and crossed my arms cause I expected she was going to give me a lecture on rules and manners and obligations to our monter legacy but instead she just kinda leaned forward a little, put her head in her hands and said, “I understand your father’s performances have been known to bring down the house, but I’ll expect you to blow the roof off this sucker.” Right then and there you could have knocked me over with skeeter’s wing. Monster High may turn out to be a place where every monster has to play off the same sheet music.
August the Thirty-first
Hey Fynn! There was a dandy meteor shower last night. I took that cypress body acoustic you made for me and went down to the beach. I pretended that they sky was a sheet of music and each shooting star that fell was a single note. I played until my fingers gave out and then I just sat back and enjoyed the show. I’m not sure how much time I’ll have to keep up with my diary once school starts but I want you to know that even if I’m not glad all over I think I’m going to like it here just fine. 
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tteokdoroki · 3 years
Oh darlin you make me laugh. He can tell me all he wants to but I’m diggin in until I want to. Can’t you see we’re busy? Don’t be a needy little whore...he may be soft on ya but I won’t. Wait your turn. I’ll make it worth it, I promise, bratty aali.
Wontcha tell her to shut the fuck up Kei? Huh? I mean..you’re being a needy slut too, I can’t really even decide which of you is fuckin worse, it’s pathetic.
[I sigh, moving my fingers along your folds over your panties to aggravate you further, my other hand finding the waistband of the bird’s boxers.]
See Aali, look. Your bird isn’t such a tough guy after all..a mess. At least he’s hung to make up for it I guess. And you—making a mess in his seat. Soaked through your panties you nasty bitch. Tch. Nothing I can’t handle. Now hold still for me. Both of you.
Dabi 🔥
‘m not tryin’ta be funny, s’not fair w-why do i have to wait? i’m being a good girl, i really am—please please please dabi, c-can’t—!
not a brat, not pathetic, shut up-!
[ i squeal at your words, face screwing up as i try not to cry from the lack of stimulation from you. my focus only comes back when you tell me to look over at kei, but it’s hazy as i feel your fingers over the fabric. ]
he’s pretty, not mean like you. d-daddy makes me feel better than you...soaked but i betcha couldn’t make us cum.. talk so big n you’re not doin’ much, darlin’
[ i manage to give you a lazy smirk, eyes testing you to see what you’ll do. you might be meaner than kei is, but do you have as much restraint? ]
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larrydrosalez · 4 years
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I like relaxed language and I like blackness. This anthology is a celebration of both.
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Sometimes we’re afraid to talk. Yes, WE. This might be about black talkin, but this here is for you too Sandy-Sue and Jin-Woo.  I know you’ve had those days when somethin forces you to speak or preach or teach something you’d be much better off talkin about. You scour your brain in search of synonyms you learned in an English class (some time ago) or for some phrase you picked up from your favorite politically active musician – all for nada – because, in your scavenger-hunt for eloquence, you end up with 1000 syllables that don’t say anything.  Trust me, I know the feeling. (Deleting those Gs and forgoing those apostrophes a few lines up still has me wary of some impending doom.  O_o)  [imagine the courage it took to include an emoticon.]
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    It is this fear of writing the way I feel most comfortable expressing myself that convinced me that this anthology needed to be compiled. It needed to be compiled and needs to be delivered to every writer that thinks their words aren’t good enough and to every reader that thinks some writer’s metaphors are too big and meaning too small. I want this anthology to combat any notion that in poetry white high-language is right language and that slang is to be reserved for Langston Hughes and Maya Angelou. This anthology, black-tawk, is intended to act as an examination of Black-American identity in contemporary poets through their specific use of colloquial vernacular, to be referred to as black-talk. These poems are compiled in order to reject “high language” (white-talk) as the only suitable means of intelligent and normative expression and that slave-talk is the only example of recognizable black expression. I seek to find a contemporary river of black voices that flow somewhere between a Mattie and a Michael Eric Dyson (and certainly above a Tyler Perry.)
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     So what does black-talk between a Mattie and a Dyson sound like? It sounds like black people you hear talking every day. There are no meanings lost in abstract metaphor, no need to keep a library assistant on call and there’s the occasional glimpse of slang. Nah, I ain’t only talkin ‘bout that talk you hurd on the corner’a 3rd and Main, because while that’s beautiful, this anthology hopes to reveal subtle currents of vernacular that black poets use to express blackness. Of course there’s more than a heap of uses of slang’s shining star - “ain’t,” but he’s joined by “nuff” and “betcha” and even “cd” (could.) And these are sometimes decorated by the absence of punctuation that lends itself to an exploration of space and caesura to create natural and lulling speech patterns that mimic the way black people talk. You won’t find Queen’s English here. Nothing like what Jamil (Robert Sims) in his poem “pre-sentence Report” (page____) refers to as “…nouns that // old Sigmund couldn’t EVEN spell.” Though in his poem Sims speaks of medical jargon, there are certainly poets that employ a sort of poetic jargon requires too much energy to decipher.
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    Not that deciphering is all bad, we wouldn’t want lazy readers, but when simplicity is forgone merely to sound poetic, the authenticity that makes poetry beautiful is lost. Stephanie Pruitt, a young poet from Nashville, could write novels about the process and love involved in getting her hair hot combed in the kitchen – but she doesn’t need to. Her haiku “Hair raising” (page _____) is beautiful in its ability to, concisely, resonate with black girls everywhere. “Hair burning in the kitchen” could easily become “kinky fibers laid straight by heated comb permeates the air in the place meals are made,” but it doesn’t need to. Now the form of haiku is innately simple but this same current of simplicity can be found throughout the anthology in various forms.
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Sometimes we’re afraid to be black. Yes WE. This might be about black talkin but if you change black to “chino” or “country” this here is for you too Jose and Billy-Rae. It’s about black talkin because black talkin is what I know best. I can’t count the number of times I’ve been made to feel afraid to express my blackness (or asian-ness or mexican-ness.) If a university environment is any representation of the real world, and I fear it may be more forgiving of race, people don’t want black people to be black. Every scorned sagging pant, every kinky twist pressed to oblivion, every set of braids chopped off for a job where suits and ties are need can serve as a testament that black people aren’t allowed to be black.
Oh, but that’s not true, we have a black president! – right, having one black president negates the pressure every white professor ceo quarterback vice-president student government official city official member of congress  employed contributing member of society member of congress places on black people to act white right.
I needed space to let that sit. The minority will always be made inferior when evaluated against the majority. Being black isn’t wrong, it’s just not being white. There are thousands of conversations to be had about blackness and black identity and defining what “black” is, but this is not a research paper and I am not an anthropological expert on the matter. So you ask, what does blackness have to do with this poetry anthology, and what does that contribute to life? Well, blackness is in the everyday things that black people do. There is no singular blackness. If you’re a black girl that gets a perm and a silky-smooth 32” Remy, you’re exuding blackness just as much as the sister pickin her afro every morning. If you’re a black boy with clean locks sitting proudly on the shoulder pads of your new Armani suit, you’re exuding blackness just as much as the scruffy brother in the newest Js and a tall-tee (although I personally detest tall-tees, that doesn’t negate the blackness found wearing it.)
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Since poetry is a manifestation of expression based on personal experiences, black poets should be allowed to be black poets, right? No. An Essay by Evie Shockley entitled “All of the above: Multiple choice and African American Poetry” included in the introduction to the anthology “Rainbow Darkness,” edited by Keith Tuma, examines the reasons black authors are not allowed to be black authors. In short, he states (and I agree) that black authors (I would say all black artists) are subjected to “the poetics litmus test.” They must be judged based on political allegiances and racial “authenticity” rather than ability or talent. If a poet talks like Langston Hughes, they are authentically black, which is good, but they are a “black” poet not an “American” poet. According to Shockley, in order to receive the privileges “American” poets are afforded:
“An African American poet has had to avoid writing in styles or about subjects that are recognizably “black” in favor of “universal themes” and conventional aesthetics. Or  she could slip in the back door by appearing willing to narrate ‘the black experience’ for white consumption in ways that do not fundamentally deconstruct white (liberal) understandings of race or directly advocate revolutionary social change.”
This provides a perfect explanation concerning why black poets are pressured away from talking black. Even I question whether or not I want to be “that black poet” every time my mind wants to pen a thought about kinky hair, “unique” names, or encounters with racism. Just as the fear of talking convinced me of the necessity of this anthology, the fear of being black doubly convinces me that there are people that need this.
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I like relaxed language and I like blackness and this anthology is a celebration of both. These poets aren’t afraid to be black even when they’re not talking about black things. This collection includes poets just talkin and poets just being black and poets talkin about being black – none afraid to share their identity and the language they speak. Ntozake Shange isn’t afraid to write poems in a manner that is supposed to be talked. Sapphire sees the significance of what Claireece P. Jones has to say, and how she says it. Celes Tisdale saw the need for people to hear what inmates from Attica think. All of these voices have been gathered to fight the fear of being Black regular Mexican Asian poor Jamaican poorly-educated well-educated strange normal smart dumb black-tawking.
black-tawk is right. Don’t be shamed of it. These are your peers.
  my tawk
    And now that I’ve splattered you with my thoughts/rants about blackness and language and wooed you with my semi-intellectual prowess, I’d like to free myself of the black burden – a burden that has weighed heavy on my mind since I started compiling these poems. What is the black burden you ask? For me, it is the false interpretation that any black voice is THE black voice. To those reading in hopes of better understanding the black race based solely on the compilation of a 22-year-old-half-black-half-mexican-and-japanese-middle-class-college-guy I say:  I am not THE black voice. I am not THE black voice. I am not THE black voice.  I, like the poems selected for this anthology, do not represent the entire black race or encompass all Black-American identity. There is no anthology or single person that does. I, and these poems, do however represent a current of thought, a movement, towards talking. Towards tawking. Towards tawking black. black-tawk. Enjoy.
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krystalreverb · 4 years
Tomorrow, Tomorrow (Fic Preview #4)
“So this is why you hardly sleep.” She said. “You worry me, Hubert. Promise me you’ll let me help you from time to time?” 
“Milady, I welcome it. A brief reprieve from the doldrum of paperwork is a blessing, believe me. It interests me about as much as watching paint dry, yet I forced myself to learn how to do it. It’s incredibly difficult to force oneself to learn something that they don’t find interesting.” He sighed. “In fact, if you’d like to help me finish this up, it will still actually be daylight by the time we’re done for once.” 
“Then let’s finish, Hubert. I’d like to treat you today as you treated me yesterday, perhaps dinner?” Edelgard asked hopefully, taking his hand. Hubert raised her hand to his lips to kiss it. 
“I’d like that.” He murmured. He pressed his forehead to hers. “I’d like that very much.” 
They sat back down and got to work, and kept working until the work was done. It was mid-afternoon now, and the two of them had a large pile of completed paperwork to show for their efforts. 
“Incredible.” Hubert said, looking at the mountain of documents. “And in record time, too. I was otherwise going to be up all night doing that.” 
“Not on my watch, you’re not.” Edelgard said. “Hubert, you’re perfectly capable of delegating. Why not have an imperial treasurer? Someone whose sole job it is to keep track of the Empire’s funds? You should have assistants, or something.” 
“Please, Your Majesty. What kind of imperial vassal would I be if I couldn’t handle this? Besides, better to get it done myself and ensure a favorable outcome.” 
“Are you saying you don’t trust the other imperial servants?” Edelgard teased. “I’m sure I could pick someone capable of assisting you.” 
“No, no. Don’t go through the trouble for me, Milady. Perhaps I’ll hire that scrappy little kitchen boy. I’m positive I could at least teach him how to read and write.” Hubert suggested. “He’s a good lad; I could put him to work.” 
“Mm, perhaps…” Edelgard said. “I’m sure he’d be thrilled to work with you.” 
“...Actually, now that I’m really thinking about it, I believe the boy already knows how to read. ...It’s not a bad idea.” Hubert said, thinking about it with his hand on his chin. “....Where is he right now?” 
“Ring the bell, I’m sure he’ll come running.” Edelgard replied. She rang the bell on the wall. Sure enough, soon after, the boy appeared in the doorway, all red hair and a face full of freckles and a missing front tooth.
“Yer Majesty, m’um?” He asked. “Mister Minister?” 
“Yes, you. We’ve been looking for you. Come inside.” She invited the boy in and sat him in a seat. “Tell me, what is your name?” She asked gently.
“Er… Toby, m’um. I ain’t got no surname, at least none I know about. Ma died in childbirth and Pa left early. I lived in an orphanage until one of the other servants brought me to work here. So far it’s nice. I ain’t gotta fight with nobody to get the top bunk, and I get real food to eat three times a day. And all’s I gotta do is clean the dishes and mop the floor, that’s easy!” The boy shrugged, as though his orphanage upbringing was simply an inconvenience. 
“And how old are you?” 
“Fourteen, m’um.” 
“Alright then. Toby, do you know how to read and write?”
“Readin’ is okay, I read good, I guess. I mean, I can read. Probably not the kinds of books big fancy nobles can read, but I read enough to get me by. Writin’? I’m not so good at writin’. I spell things wrong and it’s hard to remember some words. But I can count! I can do numbers really good!” Toby replied. “Miss Alma at the orphanage taught me my numbers. I can multiply up to my twelves!” 
“Are you willing to learn how to read and write properly?” Hubert asked.
“Uh… are you gonna send me away?” The boy looked fearful. “Did I say somethin’ wrong?” 
“Heavens, no. Calm down.” Hubert sighed. “No, I was offering to teach you myself. It appears I need an assistant for some of this work I deal with, and I figured you’d be as good a lad as any.” 
The boy beamed. “Really? Aw, thank ya! I promise, I’ll be the best assistant ever! I’ll be on time and ready every day! Thank ya, Mister Minister!” He got up and shook Hubert’s hand with both of his own vigorously. Hubert was almost staggered by the sheer exuberance in this short, skinny little boy.
“If you like, we can start today.” Edelgard suggested. “Hubert, pick out a book you’d like him to read.” 
Hubert went to his bookshelf on the wall and perused the titles. “Toby, do you have any magical aptitude?” Hubert asked, pulling down a spellbook. Basic faith magic, enough to heal minor cuts and scrapes. Despite his propensity for dark magic, Hubert could even heal a minor wound. Hubert didn’t particularly care for faith magic, but he had the aptitude for it. Toby shrugged.
“Dunno. Never really thought about it. Guess there ain’t no harm in tryin’.” Toby took the book from Hubert and opened it up. “Oh! Yeah!” He said brightly. “This is the same book Miss Alma from the orphanage used to fix up our cuts and bruises when we got inta fights. It’s Heal, right? I remember this one!” He said, flipping through the pages. He pronounced the spell slowly, as if remembering it after a long time, and his hands lit up with white magic, glowing brightly. “Ah! Look at me!” He said. He waved his hands around, watching the shimmering white trails his hands left in the air around him.  
“Excellent. Excellent.” Hubert said, examining the boy’s glowing hands. “It seems you actually have quite an aptitude for magic. We’re starting you off a bit late, but given your potential, I can’t see why we couldn’t or shouldn’t continue. Alright.” Hubert stood up. “You’re to meet me in this room six days a week at half past eight. You will be given Sundays off, and from now on you are no longer a kitchen boy. You are an imperial student of the Minister of the Imperial Household. I will be teaching you reading, writing, basic mathematics, and magical skills. But I warn you, child. I am a very strict teacher. I will not tolerate laziness or slacking off. I expect results out of you, boy.” Hubert announced. Toby grinned widely, exposing his missing front tooth. 
“You betcha, Mister Minister!” 
The very next day, Toby was on time and ready to work, a quill in one hand and a borrowed inkwell from another imperial servant in his other. “Mister Minister! I’m here! I even got my own quill and everythin’!” 
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winterstorm032802 · 5 years
Sora in Frozen II
After getting Ventus back
Sora: So water can reflect to form memories
Elsa: Yes, water can show memories from long ago even memories that aren't yours
Sora: Not mine..? Elsa can you do something for me
Elsa: What is it?
Sora: Can memories be shown to anyone others than you?
Elsa: Yes, I could take you there
Sora: Thank you
Sora: That horse of yours is cool
Elsa: She's stubborn but good
Sora: ...can you do the thing?
Elsa: Yeah *let's the water freeze to show memories of before*
Sora: Thank you, could I possibly get some time alone
Elsa: Of course, before I go I should warn you, there's a deep way down but be careful if you go too far you will drown
Sora: Is there a way I could get out in time?
Elsa: I don't know
Sora: I'll be careful then
Elsa: I hope you find what you're looking for *walks out*
Sora: *whispers* Me too *looks around at the memories*
Young Kairi looks at Young Sora as he sleeps
Young Kairi: I'd knew I find you snoozing over here you lazy bum
Young Sora: Whoa! Kairi, give me a break
Sora: *smiles and looks over to Axel and Roxas at the Clock Tower* Roxas
Axel: Hey Roxas
Roxas: Hm?
Axel: Betcha don't know why the sunsets red, you see lights made up of a lot of colors but red travels the fastest
Roxas: *chuckles* Who asked you know it all?
Roxas and Axel share a laugh
Sora: That's so sweet
Sora looks at all the good memories of Roxas, Ventus and himself with a smile on his face
Sora: Huh? Is that Saïx?
???: Please just give me one more chance!
Saïx: We've wasted enough chances on you, now go to your mission
???: *Looks down*
Roxas: Xion?
???: *Looks to Roxas and walks past him*
Roxas: Huh?
The Organization Member goes past Roxas through a ice wall
Sora: Where did they go?
Ventus: I'm asking as a friend, put an end to me
Sora: Ven *shakes his head* He's fine but that person and Roxas *puts his hand to his chest and goes to the ice wall putting his Keyblade against it*
The ice wall shatters to pieces as Sora stands in front of a dark pit
Roxas: Xion!
A girl falls down the dark pit but Roxas catches her
Roxas: I got you
Sora: Is she okay?
The two disappear all that's left are voices echoing from the dark pit
Sora: I have to find out what happened though...but I might not make it back *closes his eyes and jumps*
Sora: *opens his eyes to see Roxas in front of a big enemy* Who?
Roxas: I don't want to fight you!
???: Get ready Roxas
Roxas: *readies his Keyblade*
Sora: Who is he fighting?
The enemy shifts into the girl as she stumbles in pain
Sora: What?
Roxas: Who...are you? It's weird I feel like I'm forgetting something important
???: You'll be...better off now...Roxas
The girl collapses but Roxas catches her and she lays in his arms as he sits down
Roxas: Am I the one...who did this to you?
???: No... It was my choice...to go away now. Better that, than to do nothing...and let Xemnas have his way. I belong with Sora. And now, I am going back...to be with him
Sora: Me?
???: Roxas...I need you...to do me a favor. All those hearts that I've captured... Kingdom Hearts... Set them free
Roxas: Kingdom Hearts, free them?
???: It's too late...for me to undo my mistakes. But you can't let Xemnas...have Kingdom Hearts. You can't. Good-bye, Roxas. See you again. I'm glad...I got to meet you. Oh...and of course, Axel, too. You're both my best friends
Roxas: Ah *reaches his hand near her foot as it starts to turn to ice*
???: Never forget. That's the truth *caresses his cheek and let's her hand drop*
Roxas: *eyes widen* No *grasps her hand that she had dropped*
The two disappear and Sora is left standing alone
Sora: *crying* Who was that? And why am I crying? *Feels cold* I stayed down here too long *looks up* I have to go! *Uses Aero raising himself up as he makes it to the top but slips holding on by one hand* No! HELP ELSA! HELP!
Elsa: *makes an ice platform below Sora* That should help
Sora: *gets up running to Elsa* Thank you
Elsa: Are you alright? Your shaking
Sora: Not from the cold
Elsa: I understand, may I ask what did you see? You look like you were crying
Sora: *wipes his stained tear face* I saw memories of before *puts his hands to his arms hugging himself* It scared me is all
Elsa: *smiles sincerely* Let's go back
Sora: Thank you
*A few days later*
Sora: *unable to sleep* I don't get it!
Kairi: Sora? Why are you shouting?
Sora: Oh sorry Kairi I was just thinking
Kairi: Can I help?
Sora: *smiles* Of course
Kairi: *walks over to his bed* So, what's got you up at night?
Sora: (Besides you) I saw some memories but not mine, it was Roxas a-and this girl *looks up at Kairi* who loooo-
???: What's wrong? Is there something on my face? *Reaches her hand to her face*
Roxas: ... *Blinks astonished*
Kairi: Well, is something there?
Sora: No... nothing, you didn't see that did you?
Kairi: No but was it about Roxas and the other person?
Sora: I don't remember
Kairi: Trying to remember what you forgot... That's what Axel is trying to do
Sora: What did he forget exactly?
Kairi: He hasn't told me
Sora: Hmm... Thank you for helping me Kairi *smiles*
Kairi: Anytime!
Part 2 will be made
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nanigma · 5 years
Sylvain/Felix (full) Japanese Support
Okay guys, so here I am doing this again after what feels like decades. I already talked about the juciest details of their A+-support before and you guys really seemed invested. Although I had obviously heard the supports in Japanese before, it’s sometimes hard to catch all the details, especially when you don’t have the actual kana in front of you. So here, let’s all take a gander at the full support of these two dorks.
I’ll be doing things a bit differently this time and actually comment in-between the lines about more obvious differences and some translation choices. I feel like, since most people are probably familiar with the English one, this would be a good way to spice things up. Let me know how you like and I’ll decide whether to keep this format or not.
If you want to actively compare the support to the English one just head for the wiki. This post is already so cluttered.. I’d link to it, but tumblr hates that.
My notes in italics
支援C  C-Support
シルヴァン: ようフェリクス、暇か? 暇だよなあ。 今日も仲良く女の子でも口説きに行こうぜ。▼
Sylvain: Hey, Felix, are you free? Yeah, you are free, of course. Let’s go chat up some nice girls today too. フェリクス: チッ……訓練の邪魔だ。 お前一人で行け。▼
Felix: Tch... You are getting in the way of my training. Go by yourself.
The implication of the Japanese seems to be that Sylvain trying to drag Felix into picking up girls with him is something he has done before..
シルヴァン: そんなこと言わずにさあ。 ほらほら、長い付き合いだろ、俺たち。▼
Sylvain: Don't say that. Hey now, we've known each other for a long time, right?
フェリクス: 確かに付き合いは長いが、それだけだ。▼そも、俺が望んだわけじゃない。互いの親の意向に過ぎん。▼
Felix: Indeed, and that's all there is to it. It wasn't even because I wanted it. Rather it was because both our parents planned for it.
There’s no mention of their parents being friends as in the English version. Fostering good relations between the different noble families would be reason enough to stick the kids together, I guess. 
シルヴァン: 要は腐れ縁だって? いやいやフェリクス、 その割に、昔は俺にべったりだったろ。▼ 兄貴に勝てないだの、殿下と喧嘩しただの、何かあるたび俺に泣きついてきたもんだ。▼あの頃のお前は素直で純真だったなあ。弟みたいに可愛がってやったのに……▼
Sylvain: So it was merely an obligation to you? Now now, Felix, didn't you use to cling to me all the time? Whenever you couldn't beat your brother or fought with his highness, you would come crying to me. You were so meek and innocent back then. I even doted on you like on a little brother...
Felix: … already.
シルヴァン: へ? どうしろって?▼
Sylvain: Huh? What are you saying?
フェリクス: ……いい加減にしろ、と言った。 貴様の耳は節穴か。▼
Felix: I said cut it out already! Are your ears just for show?
Felix is switching from the very casual “omae” to the very rude “kisama” here when adressing Sylvain, showing how mad he is.
 シルヴァン: はは、何だよフェリクス、怒ってんのか? こんなのいつものやり取りだろ。▼
Sylvain: Haha, what, are you mad at me? Isn't this just our usual back-and-forth?
フェリクス: お前は昔から、 人の神経を逆撫でしてばかり……▼ いいか。これまで言わずにいたが、 お前には言いたいことが山ほどある。▼ 私生活でも戦場でさえも軽佻浮薄、 何かあればすぐに女の話ばかり……▼
Felix: You've always been getting on people's nerves... Listen. I have been holding back on this, but there's a lot I have to say to you. You are frivolous in your private affairs and even on the battlefield. And no matter what happens, you are always going on about women...
The English has it that he is getting on Felix’s nerves specifically.
シルヴァン: む、何だよ、悪いかよ。可愛い女の子を見て 放っておくほうが失礼ってもん……▼
Sylvain: Uh, What? How can you blame me for that? I'd say ignoring a cute girl would be much more rude.
フェリクス: それにも限度があるだろう、この色情魔。▼ それで剣の腕が確かならば認めてもいい。 だが、お前は訓練も手を抜いてばかり……▼ 他人の感情を害し、足を引っ張ることに 何の負い目も感じていないのか、お前は。▼
Felix: There are some obvious limits to that, you sex fiend! Even then, I could look past that, if I was at least sure about your skill with the blade. But then you also keep skipping out on training... Don't you feel any sense of responsibility for hurting other people's feelings or holding them back? Okay, so the obvious here is that the English just has him call Sylvain insatiable rather than sex fiend (or literally “sex demon/devil”, but that sounds awkward in English). I guess Treehouse didn’t want to use the word ‘sex’ here. Also I feel the Japanese makes it clearer that Felix is talking about him hurting the women’s feelings, by making the last sentence a kind of summary of his complaints. 
シルヴァン: そ、そういうつもりはないんだがなあ……。 俺だってそれなりには……▼ ……けどま、嫌な思いをさせてたなら謝る。 迷惑かけないように努力するさ。▼
Sylvain: Th- That wasn't my intention. That's just how I... Either way, I am sorry for you such a bad impression. I'll make sure it doesn't happen again.
フェリクス: ……フン。▼
Felix: .... Hmph.
支援B B-support 
フェリクス: ……悪かったな、この間は。▼
Felix: … I'm sorry for before.
シルヴァン: 何の話だ、フェリクス? お前が謝るなんて 空から槍でも降ってくるかな……。▼
Sylvain: What are you talking about, Felix? Hearing you apologize makes me wonder if it's going to start raining javelins next.
Kind of sad the fun bit of foreshadowing was cut in English. At least I think it is, I can’t find the Japanese term for the Javelins of Light, so I just went with it.
フェリクス: ……色情魔だのなんだのと言った時の話だ。▼
Felix: I'm talking about back when I called you a sex fiend.
シルヴァン: ああ、はいはい、あの時な。いやあ、 あの時はそれなりに傷ついたけど……。▼ 別に、お前にああいうことを 言われるのって、初めてでもなかったし。▼ ほら、物心つく頃からの 付き合いじゃないか、俺たち。▼ 罵り合いの一度や二度くらいで 仲違いしてたら、きりがないっつーか。▼
Sylvain: Ah, yeah yeah, about that... It did sting a little at the time, but it's not like you haven't talked to me that way before. Come on, we've known each other since we can remember. Throwing out insults here and there isn't going to ruin our friendship at this point, riiight?
Note the Japanese doesn’t use the “constant verbal abuse” in his line. I think Treehouse just wanted to have him joke around a bit more, but I have seen some people take it 100% seriously and use it to bash Felix, so eh. 
フェリクス: ……それは、そうだな。▼
Felix: I guess that's true.
シルヴァン: なんつーか昔から、俺が馬鹿をやって、 お前が突っかかってきて……▼
Sylvain: You know, it's always been like this. Every time I did something stupid you'd come to set me straight. フェリクス: 二人まとめてイングリットに説教される。 ……毎度巻き込まれる俺の身にもなれ。▼
Felix: And then we'd both end up getting lectured by Ingrid. …. Somehow you always managed to drag me into it. 
The Japanese here implies more that Felix would get dragged into stuff despite his protests, while the English makes it sound more like those were seperate occasions.  
シルヴァン: そうそう、そうだった。何年経っても 俺たちの関係は変わらねえもんだ。▼ けど、お前は変わったなあ、フェリクス。 ガキの頃はあんなに可愛かったのに……▼ それが、今じゃすっかりひねくれちまって。 何でこんなふうに育っちまったか……。▼
Sylvain: Yeah yeah, that's right. No matter how many years pass our relationship stays the same. Still, you've really changed, Felix. You used to be so freaking cute as a child.. Yet now you are so prickly. Just why did you grow up like that?
Sylvain’s language is so casual in Japanese, I thought to try and replicate it a little..
フェリクス: チッ……お前のほうは、 今も昔も変わらずろくでなしだな。▼
Felix: Tch… Compared to me, you are still the same good-for-nothing you've always been.
シルヴァン: あっははは、何だよ、それ。 今も昔も俺の側にいる奴の台詞かよ?▼ 今だってほら、この間のことを謝るつもりで わざわざ俺のところに来たわけだろ?▼
Sylvain: Ahaha, hey now. Is that any way to talk for the guy who's always been by my side? I mean, just now you searched me out simply so you could apologize to me, right?
Here he sticks with the assumption that Felix came to apologize, and tries to pin him with that, while the English just has him question the whole deal. 
フェリクス: 訓練場への道すがら、見かけただけだ。▼
Felix: I only happened to spot you on my way to the training hall, that's all.
シルヴァン: まったまたー。……って、お前、まーた訓練場に行くのか? 頑張るなあ。▼
Sylvain: Wai- Wait... You are heading out to train again? You're working pretty hard all right.
フェリクス: お前が怠惰なだけだ。▼
Felix: You are just lazy.
シルヴァン: ちょっと怠惰なくらいがちょうどいいだろ。 あんまり気張ってると疲れちまうぜ。▼ あ、そうだ、飯でもおごってやるからさ、 一緒に街に出ようぜ、フェリクス。▼
Sylvain: Being a bit lazy is fine, you know. If you work that hard, you are just going to end up tired. Ah, that's right, let's head out together and grab something to eat, Felix.
フェリクス: 断る。▼
Felix: I refuse.
I feel like this a good place to point out that Felix’s way of speaking is very... minimalist. Almost no politeness and he uses so many ellipses I’m having flashbacks to freaking Squall Leonhart. Also there’s a slightly.. traditional lean to it. I would call it military speech, but I am not an expert on that and google just spits endless WWII articiles at me when I try to look it up. Sylvain is, like I said, very casual and uses lots of onomatopoeia kind of words, making him come across very carefree. It fits both of them nicely.
シルヴァン: 俺と一緒に街へ行くのと訓練と、 どっちが大事なんだよー。▼
Sylvain: What's more important to you? Heading out with me or your training?
The English has him jokingly make a friendship ultimatum here. Like I said, harmless, but some people do take that stuff seriously. 
フェリクス: 訓練だ。じゃあな。▼
Felix: My training. Later.
シルヴァン: あー待て待て、フェリクス! 俺も訓練場行くからさ、待てってばー!▼
Sylvain: Oh, wait, Felix! I'm going to the training hall too, so wait for meee!
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フェリクス: ……食べろ、シルヴァン。▼
Felix: Eat these, Sylvain.
シルヴァン: 食べろって……何だこの包み。菓子か?▼
Sylvain: Eat what? … Wait, what's in that package? Sweets?
フェリクス: 街の女に押しつけられた。 だが俺は好かん。お前にやる。▼
Felix: A woman in town forced them on me. I dislike such things though. You take them.
シルヴァン: そういやお前、甘いもん苦手だったなあ。 じゃ、ありがたく。後で食べるよ。▼ ……で、俺に何してほしいんだ? あ、女の子との仲を取り持ってほしいとか?▼
Sylvain: Ah right, you are not fond of sweets. Thanks for giving them to me then. I'll eat them later. … So was there something you wanted from me? Ah, you want me to help you get with girls, right?
フェリクス: お前の頭には砂糖でも詰まっているのか? この間の戦闘での礼を言いに来ただけだ。▼ ……お前が伏兵に気づいていなければ、 俺は今頃死んでいただろうからな。▼
Felix: Did the sugar finally get to your head? No, I came to thank you for what you did during the last battle. …. If you hadn't noticed that ambush, I'd probably be dead now. 
Felix literally says “Is your head filled with nothing but sugar” here, which I also find funny but sounded a bit weird in context.   
シルヴァン: ああ、そうだったっけなあ……けど、 そんなの特別なことでも何でもないだろ?▼ 戦場じゃあ、持ちつ持たれつ。 仲間ってのは助け合うもんさ。だろ?▼
Sylvain: Ah, so that's what this is about... It's not like I did anything special though? It's all give-and-take on the battlefield. Comrades just help each other out. Am I right? 
フェリクス: ……変わらんな、お前は。▼
Felix: … You never change.
シルヴァン: おうさ、俺は何にも変わらないぜ。▼
Sylvain: You betcha. I never change at all.
フェリクス: お前は、そうやっていつも……▼
Felix: You always just...
シルヴァン: え? いつも、何だって?▼
Sylvain: Eh? Always what?
フェリクス: ……何でもない。▼
Felix: It's nothing.
シルヴァン: 何だよ、フェリクスらしくねえの。 言いたいことがあるならはっきり言えよ。▼
Sylvain: Hey, this isn't like you at all. If you got something to say, just spit it out.
フェリクス: ……気が向いたらな。▼
Felix: When I feel like, maybe. シルヴァン: はいはい、それじゃ、お前の気が向くのを 飯でも食べつつ待ってるとしますかねえ。▼ ほら、フェリクス、街で飯でも食べようぜ。 何かおごってやるよ。肉とかさ。▼
Sylvain: Yeah yeah. While you make up your mind, I'll go and grab something to eat. Right, let's go to town and get some food together, Felix. It'll be my treat. Something with meat I'm guessing.
I do love how Sylvain immediately calls up on Felix’s preferances, but I also love the reassurance he gives instead in English.
フェリクス: ……そうだな。お前には恩がある. 今日ばかりは付き合ってやってもいい。▼
Felix: … Alright. I do owe you after all. Just for today, I'll go out with you.
シルヴァン: 腹を満たしたら、 その後は女の子を口説きに……▼
Sylvain: And after we've filled our bellies, we can chat up some girls.
Felix: ….... 
At the mention of girls, Felix storms off.
シルヴァン: 冗談だって、ほんっと気が短い奴だなあ。 ほら、一緒に行くぞ、フェリクス!▼
Sylvain: It was a joke. You are really sensitive, you know. Come on, let's go together, Felix!
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フェリクス: ……シルヴァン!▼
Felix: Sylvain!
シルヴァン: ああ……フェリクスか。 お前が無事で……良かった。▼
Sylvain: Ah... Felix. I'm so glad... you are okay.
フェリクス: お前、俺を庇って……無茶をするな。 弱いくせにいつもいつも……!▼
Felix: You protected me. Stop acting so rashly. You're so weak and yet you always, always...
シルヴァン: いいんだよ、お前が無事ならさ……。 お前が生きてりゃ、俺は……▼
Sylvain: It's fine, so long as you are safe... You can go on living, while I..
フェリクス: 馬鹿野郎ッ、ふざけるなよ。万一死のうものなら、許さんからな……!▼
Felix: Stop messing around, you goddamn idiot! If you die, I'll never forgive you...
シルヴァン:……っはははは! なーんつって。勝手に俺を殺すなよなー。▼ これくらいで死ぬか。つーか死ぬくらいの 怪我なら、自分の部屋になんかいるかよ。▼ こんな傷くらい魔法でどうとでもなる。 しばらく安静にしてれば痛みも引く。▼
Sylvain: …. Hahaha! Just kidding! I'm not gonna get killed that easily. As if I'd die from something like this. And anyway, you think I'd be in my own room, if I were mortally wounded? Magic takes care of such a small wound in no time. So long as I take it easy for a bit, not even the pain will stick around long.
Interesting here that he actually mentions still being in pain a little.
フェリクス: ……シルヴァン。▼
Felix: … Sylvain.
シルヴァン: いやー、お前が珍しく慌ててたから、 面白くてつい、からかっちまっただけさ。▼
Sylvain: But really, it’s so unlike you to be panicked, I couldn't help but tease you a litte.
フェリクス: ………………。お前は、馬鹿か? 正真正銘、フォドラ一の馬鹿なのか?▼ おかしいとは思っていた。 あの程度の傷で死ぬはずがない、とな。▼ だが、お前は不真面目で素行が悪い。 その天罰が下ったのかもしれん、と……▼
Felix: ….. Are you stupid? Are you Fodlan's fool mascot? I thought it was weird. No one should die from a wound like that, I thought. Still, you only have your own frivolous behaviour to blame. This is probably divine punishment for it...
Anta baka?
シルヴァン: おい、さらっと酷いこと言ったなあ! もうちょっと感謝してくれたっていいだろ。▼
Sylvain: Hey now, that's a pretty terrible thing to say! You could stand to be a bit more grateful, you know.
フェリクス: ……感謝は、している。 お前は子供の頃から、いつもこうだ。▼ 普段は頼りないくせに、大事な時には いつも体を張って俺たちを助けてくれた。▼ ……その度に平気な顔をして笑うお前に、 少しの憧れを抱いていたのは、否定すまい。▼
Felix: … I am grateful. You've been doing this since we were kids. Normally so unreliable, but when it mattered you'd always throw yourself in harms way to protect us. And every time you did, I can't deny it, seeing you put on a carefree smile for us made me feel like hugging you a little. 
A big change I didn’t catch last time. The last line is referring to their childhood still. Literally Felix is saying “You made a healthy-looking face and laughed” which I am taking to mean Sylvain always made sure to reassure his little buddies, even if he was not in fact okay. 
シルヴァン: お、おう……。……お前、そんな台詞を吐く 奴だったか? 変なもんでも食べたか?▼
Sylvain: Oh.. okay? Since when were you the type of guy to admit something like that? Did you eat something weird?
I do prefer the English hugging line here though. haha
フェリクス: チッ……もう二度と言うものか、阿呆が! 無事だとわかった以上、俺はもう帰る。▼
Felix: Tch... I'm not going to say it twice, you idiot. Since I can tell you are clearly fine, I'll head back to my room now.
シルヴァン: ……なあフェリクス。俺たちはさあ、 ずっと一緒に育ってきたわけだろ。▼
Sylvain: …. Hey, Felix. We've been raised together our whole lifes, right?
フェリクス: ……そうだな。▼
Felix: That's right.
シルヴァン: 覚えてるか? ガキの頃に約束したよな。 死ぬ時は一緒だって。▼
Sylvain: Do you remember? The promise we made as kids? We said we'd be together until we died together.
Alternate translations for the phrase they use as their promise (by Japanese speakers) I found online:  “ Live together, die together, love forever.. “ “Together forever” “Love forever” “Always be together till we die”.
フェリクス: ……覚えて、いる。▼
Felix: I do... I remember it
.シルヴァン: だからさあ、俺がお前を置いて 先に死んじまうわけがないんだよ。▼
Sylvain: So you know there is no way I'd leave you by dying first.
フェリクス: ……まあ、それもそうだな。▼ だが、もう こうして肝を冷やすのは懲り懲りだ。▼ お前、日頃から遊んでばかりいないで、 少しは真面目に訓練でもしろ。▼ ……お前がうっかり命を落とそうものなら、 一緒に死んでやることもできんからな。▼
Felix: Well, that's certainly true. However, I've had enough of you giving me heart attacks like this. You need to stop playing around all day and take your training more seriously. … Because if you throw away your life carelessly, we won't be able to die together. 
シルヴァン: そうだな。怪我が治ったら、 ちょっとは真面目に励むとするさ。▼
Sylvain: You're right. Once I'm healed, I'll try to take things a bit more seriously.
フェリクス:……フン。 せいぜい養生しろ。▼
Felix: … Hm. Go ahead and rest. 
*he starts to leave*
フェリクス: ……シルヴァン。 ……ありがとう。▼
Felix: … Sylvain. … Thank you.
Sylvain: Yeah, don't mention it.
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