#tbh just go through the alastor being a jerk tag
hongsasum · 3 years
I am BEGGING you for a list of your favorite Alastor fic recs. I'm so tired of people watering him down/making him less mean or evil, and I just read 'A Fun Little Party Game' per your recommendation and it was soooo good.
...Help a gal pal out?
I'm being starved of quality content!
Hi! So my taste in fics may be different from yours, but
None of these have clearly stated Alastor ships
Most of them are Alastor being mean and/or laid back and/or scary. Or just funny and stupid. So take your pick I guess? 😭
Either way, all of them are well-written and the authors are all super talented
So! Here are my recommendations (might add more if I end up finding more):
A well-written backstory of how Husk met Alastor and Niffty. I like stories that don’t diverge too much from canon and this seemed plausible despite the idea being relatively original!
Stay Tuned (series)
A fun, lighthearted series of small episodes of the hotel gang, I guess? Alastor’s like, not a jerk but also not really soft so it was fun. Here are some of my favorites because there are a lot of works in this series:
Lost and Found
Crimson Breath
Davy Jones’ Locker
A Bloody Retribution (series)
Alastor suffers a lot. He does get a bit soft and human in the last work of the series, but hey, it’s still a good series. This one is pretty dark, just as a warning. A lot of blood and sad and panic attacks and hurt
Sinner’s Solace
Alastor gets a bit too nosy and pays for it. Tbh I was kinda confused the entire time while reading this one, but it was beautifully written (despite my dumb brain getting a bit lost). AND usually smug Alastor gets smacked around a bit by Charlie herself, what could be better?
Tales from Hell: Hazbin Hotel (series)
Oh, he’s a TOTAL jerk in all of these. Especially the last two or three. Most of the works aren’t Alastor-centric but you’re gonna love it. My favorite is the cannibal one because, obviously, it has the most Alastor in it
they say someone killed the radio star (series)
He’s not really mean in these but I’m always interested in how fics handle Alastor vs. Lucifer so these were really fun to read for me. Also in this series Angel dressed up as the Radio Demon for one of his porn films and Al’s not exactly happy about it
You've Got a Face for Radio
Alastor and understanding asexuality. Simple enough, well thought out and well written
Alastor Week (series)
All of them good (idk, this author just has a ton of fun and interesting ideas about Alastor in general)
Vintage Electronics
I usually don’t like fics where Alastor’s “persuaded” into doing sexual(?) things because I feel like most of them are lazily done, but this one is lowkey really well written and just super funny. No regrets
A Fun Little Party Game (and some other ones in the Alastor Week 2021 series)
I know you said you read this one already, but I needed to plug it again because the thought of friendless Alastor drinking away his Halloween night alone while shitting on Charlie for being a “condescending bitch” sends me 💀
oh also the other works in the same series are good too. Extra jerk factor in the third and fourth parts
There are also fics I’ve read with Alastor ships that were really good, like The Libraryverse by Descendree, Smiling Man by MuseValentine and Love Lies Bleeding by frumpy_furby ((they’re all Charlastor because it was the first ship I explored before deciding against looking up more :P)) but I kept the list to ones without any ships involving Alastor. But if you don’t mind shipping, Alastor in Smiling Man is just a terrible guy if you’re looking for that
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