#tbh not every astral experience is exciting. this one was in fact v boring.
Lio was stubborn on this last night, as he vehemently did not want to go. Papa Fate had come by to say he really wanted me (and Lio as well) to go to this banquet event. Lio had already known but was dragging his feet about telling me. He was planning on skipping it entirely, but later said it wouldn't be responsible of him. We did eventually go, after I settled down finally (thanks body pain).
I had worn a jumpsuit, but had wanted something that was more business-like. This felt too casual for me, but I ended up wearing fitted in just fine. We had to go to Lio's place to get him better suited attire as whenever he visits, he's in very comfortable clothing. I can't blame him for that, I like comfy clothing too. He wore a button up shirt, which was almost too small. He doesn't do much for formal wear, but we definitely need to get him at least 1 or 2 better fitting button up shirts.
The banquet was already in procession, which meant I was late, but I can't do much about that considering I was battling with body pain. Papa Fate had me sit near him, waved me down. Lio sat next to me and my dad, but my actual father did not show up, but as he's busy 90% of the time, it was fine. Papa Fate brought us up to speed and that we hadn't missed any of the speeches. I'm not sure if he meant that as a joke or not frankly.
Lio did not have his usual appetite (which that guy, he loves his food) which made me worried. I fussed about that, quietly asking him what was eating at him. A deliberate pun that made him loosen up. He's not very tense around me, so it was nice to see him relax. He made a small comment about how this was going to be boring as it was just to commemorate the bonds and shared community of those in attendance.
Lio and I listened, more-so me than he. I'd eat a bit of food here and there just because I was rather hungry. It was delicious, and I knew Lio was missing out because I could see how bored he looked. At one point he leaned over and whispered in my ear, "how about that handholding you promised me?". I playfully rolled my eyes at him before taking his much larger, scarred hand in mine. His mood improved a bit. The speeches went on and on. It truly was dreadfully boring. I see why Lio had wanted to ditch, and at that point, so did I.
I asked my dad if we could go. He got fidgety with his hands, but ultimately said that we could. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and side hug. It.. it was incredibly nice to hug my dad. I told him to remember to visit me again soon and he smiled, said that he would do his best. I got up and made my way to the exit. Thankfully we were situated near a wall and exit so we wouldn't be a disturbance.
After we left and were in the hall, Lio stretched his arms a bit. I scolded him that he'd pop a button off his shirt. He laughed, almost too loudly at that, and kissed the top of my head. He took my hand again and asked where we wanted to go now. I told him we could snag some snacks and just go watch a show at his place (it was the closest). Just as we were about to go, we were stopped by his father. Lio's mood didn't sour as much but I noticed he got fairly rigid in his body language.
His father seemed pleased we were there together. Made a comment about how he found the banquet also incredibly boring. He wore a suit, something I have never seen him in. He did make a comment about how Lio should worn something better fitting. I stifled a small laugh, and apologized to Lio. Only making a comment about how he tends to like wearing shirts that hug his torso and muscles. He blushed, only replying that he'd get better fitting dress shirts but the tshirts would stay. Somehow I feel he only wears the tight fitting tees to show off for me, because I have seen him in loose fitting shirts.
His father didn't keep us too long. Only suggested that we come by again. He wanted to have a talk, or an outing. Just to catch up with things as it's been a while. Lio said that he'll see about it as I've been busy. We said our goodbyes and we went on our way.
We got back to Lio's place and just immediately slumped on the couch together. Lio unbuttoned his shirt and sighed out. We had some sweet bread and watched a garbage show. Something that I don't remember, not that it is of any consequence to recall. I ended up dozing off, mumbling out to Lio that the banquet wasn't that bad. He said he was glad we went because he doesn't have to be pestered about it again.
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