#tbh thats why i like Hanukkah so much
I wish that presents for any holiday would stop being about how fancy of a thing you can get or how many things you can get someone. I will never use any of this shit and you are wasting your money. Gifts should be from the heart, not the wallet.
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toucanarama · 7 years
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Thanks for tagging me baby! RULES: Answer all the questions, add one of your own and tag as many people as there are questions 1. COKE OR PEPSI: Dr. pepper, but if I had to choose I choose Coke all the way 2. DISNEY OR DREAMWORKS: Disney 3. COFFEE OR TEA: I drink coffee more than tea, but I don't really care for either 4. BOOKS OR MOVIES: I love books but I don't have the ability to get lost in them like I used to T^T 5. WINDOWS OR MAC: For a computer im going with windows 6. DC OR MARVEL: mmmmmmmm that's hard bro msnsjsjdn i guess DC cause they have the whole Batman universe which includes Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy! 7. XBOX OR PLAYSTATION: I'm neither, I play 3ds, WII, and GameCube 8. DRAGON AGE OR MASS EFFECT: I haven’t played either,... 9. NIGHT OWL OR EARLY RISER: Night owl normally, but if I'm tired I go to bed 10. CARDS OR CHESS: Cards, cause there's so many different games you can play with cards! 11. CHOCOLATE OR VANILLA: Depends on what it is, normally I choose vanilla if it's anything dairy related 12. VANS OR CONVERSE: I'm the girl who wears converse with her flannel 😜 13. LAVELLAN, TREVELYAN, CADASH, OR ADAAR: Idk what this is from so idk m8 14. FLUFF OR ANGST: angst,,,,,I am the embodiment of angst 15. BEACH OR FOREST: Forest 16. DOGS OR CATS: Doggos, but I love all animals :3 17. CLEAR SKIES OR RAIN: rain cause it's relaxing, especially if I'm anxious 18. COOKING OR EATING OUT: I don't like cooking much unless I'm really motivated, so eating out..? 19. SPICY OR MILD FOOD: mild ((spicy food gives me bad heartburn from my GERD)) 20. HALLOWEEN/SAMHAIN OR SOLSTICE/YULE/CHRISTMAS: Halloween is one of my faves, but I think Hanukkah tops it!!! I love eating salmon patties and latkes with my family! 21. WOULD YOU RATHER FOREVER BE A LITTLE TOO COLD OR A LITTLE TOO HOT: a little too cold, you can always add more layers but can only take away so many. 22. IF YOU COULD HAVE A SUPERPOWER WHAT WOULD IT BE: the power to chill the fuck out™ 23. ANIMATION OR LIVE ACTION: Animation all the way!!!! 24. PARAGON OR RENEGADE: I haven’t played mass effect... 25. BATH OR SHOWER: shower, but I wouldn't mind a bath if it was warm and had nice smelling soap :3 26. TEAM CAP OR TEAM IRONMAN: Team Cap yo 27. FANTASY OR SCI-FI: Fuck that's a hard choice,,,,, but if I had to choose I would say SVU-If, but fantasy is a close second! 28. DO YOU HAVE 3 OR 4 FAVORITE QUOTES IF SO WHAT ARE THEY: "if every porkchop were perfect, we wouldn't have hotdogs." "the only thing that defines me is me." Idk any more,,, 29. YOUTUBE OR NETFLIX: Netflix, I love watching some quality shows 30. HARRY POTTER OR PERCY JACKSON: Harry Potter cause I haven't read the PJ series 31. STAR WARS OR STAR TREK: Star Wars ((I haven't seen either :0 fml)) 32. PAPERBACK BOOKS OR HARDCOVER BOOKS: Hardcover, live the feel of new books tbh 33. FANTASTIC BEASTS OR CURSED CHILD: Fantastic Beasts!!! 34. ROCK OR POP MUSIC: Rock all the way! 35. WHAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN YOUR LIFE: My gf, @queerheath 36. THE LAST BOOK YOU READ/THE ONE YOU’RE CURRENTLY READING: I'll Give You the Sun 38: SONG THAT MAKES YOU SMILE/SONG THAT MAKES YOU CRY: hallelujah 39. SUSHI OR WAN TAN SOUP: Wan tan soup 40. SPRING OR AUTUMN: Autumn I enjoy the cool weather plus pumpkins plus caramel apples 41. DRAWING OR WRITING: drawing, it's really calming to me 42. SINGING OR DANCING: Singing when no one is listening 43. TV SHOW/MOVIE/BOOK THATS LIKE YOUR HAPPY PLACE SOMETHING THAT ALWAYS MAKES YOU SMILE: Steven Universe or the Office! 44. FIRST GOOD CHILDHOOD MEMORY THAT POPS INTO YOUR HEAD: celebrating Hanukkah with my not jewish neighbor so I could teach her how you day the prayers!!!! 45. IF YOU COULD VISIT ANY HISTORICAL TIME PERIOD, WHAT WOULD IT BE AND WHY? : none cause in all scenarios I would be killed or something along those lines 46. PINEAPPLE PIZZA OR NAH? Blehhhhh 47. TV OR MOVIE? Tv 48. FAVORITE ICE CREAM FLAVOR: anything not chocolate based! 49. WHAT FICTIONAL CHARACTER DO YOU RELATE MOST TO?: Smoky Quartz, they're full of self hatred and I relate to that on a lot of levels. 50. LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO?: TBH I don't remember off the top of my head rip 51. TOP 5 OTPS?: Stevonnie, Rupphire, Jam (Jim x Pam), lapidot, amedot 52. What makes you happy: @queerheath and also cuddling my dog! 53. A song you can’t get out of your head no matter what: Migraine by Tøp 54. Languages other than English that you know: I tag @umawkwardturtle @posponedora @fearfulporpentine @moonfire-works-o-art @euclidclass @thesketchqueen and anyone else who wants to do it!
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