#tbt wishlist tag
drengar · 8 months
I...Still have a craving for Kei to get a bird romance partner...
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seaoftales · 8 months
Okay but who's gonna give me a thread where Shanks is arrested and tortured by the Marines and queationed and the whole shabang. Also the same with Mihawk where in the alternate timeline he never left Kuraigana island on time to join Croc for the Cross Guild.
But also I violently crave threads with Shanks or Mihawk being on the brink of death and needing care, like hella angsty and hella soft at the same time.
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captainseamech · 8 months
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All jokes aside... High Tide knows he needs to take care of himself more, but he just doesn’t know how to do it or who to reach out to. Due to how he was treated before, he mostly sees himself as the ‘stoic figure that doesn’t deserve / need help or reassurance from anyone that isn’t.’ Is this a toxic way of thinking? Yes, but sadly, that’s what he believed to be true but never voices it out ever, because he knows people have their sheer amount of problems to deal with and thinks he shouldn’t bother them with his ‘useless ramble / crying out loud.’ Of course, he might shortly talk it out, but never go too deep into that topic to prevent himself from speaking more than he should.
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If someone, anyone even, is willing to let him know it’s okay to vent about his problems... He’ll absolutely shatter, like a mask made out of the strongest material possible somehow finding it had a weak spot and falling apart all at once. High Tide never thought that a mech as old as he was needed comfort, needed to be heard, needed to know how to properly let go... He always struggled with his own feelings, but he will be absolutely helpless and weak if he was allowed to let it all out.
His main problem, aside from everything that surrounded him, is regarding death. Not the concept of it, but the fact people around him died a lot of times in the past, people he knew, people he was friends with... and people he loved, too. Falling to pieces and offlining all around him either because they got caught by war... or by his own hands, in a way or another. Guilt surrounds him everyday, every time, non-stop in his mind. Remorse constantly stabbing him in his spark, a tiny voice in his processor making him feel like an irredeemable monster for being such a strong being capable of murdering each and everyone.
High Tide is strong. High Tide is very strong, even. A soldier, an experienced captain, a mentor, a mech that can get what he wants when he wants, a mech that can easily shield anyone and take a large amount of damage to protect those in need.
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And yet... all it takes to break him, is someone with good intentions asking “are you okay?” with the sweetest and calmest of voices.
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enruiinas · 5 months
[Scattered In-Progress Headcanons:]
I'm on day 2 of one of those kicks where I'm not doing any actual writing, but I've been ooc screaming on the sidelines about muse and dynamic thoughts and just... every little thing in between to the point I get so hyped I literally can't keep up with all the thoughts I'm having. So I'm sorry for a bunch of ooc posts & to do list type things to refer back to when I calm down but I'm trying to write scattered thoughts down as I have them to revisit later or I'll lose them.
Some things on my mind today to explore further/write up properly when the ooc brainwaves I'm enjoying calm down:
Talking to @code01746/@mingos about Law having anxiety attacks & post-Minion Island PTSD. Exists in varying levels in verses where Cora lived or canon compliant where he didn't, but this ties into the "don't hide illness/injury from him" brainwaves yesterday. This part would definitely be worse in a verse where Cora did live but was still very badly injured at one point in time (unsurprisingly, he gets the most angry with Cora himself for doing this). That said, Law is still very much a hypocritical Little Shit and is the "I'm fine, nothing to worry about" type with his own condition - because of course he is.
Whether Rosinante lived or not, Law has recurring nightmares (or waking panic attacks) where he finds himself back in the treasure chest, screaming and helpless again, OR where he's seeing Cora covered in blood and collapsing again. He's not claustrophobic per se, but being in small/enclosed places can trigger the first and seeing anyone bleeding when they're otherwise pretending they're okay triggers the second.
He is confident in his medical knowledge and abilities but a panic attack could absolutely happen in a situation where he's treating a loved one in a life or death situation. This one is interesting to me because I've been talking with @gumpistol/@cptnslog a bit about Penguin, Shachi, and Bepo knowing at least a decent bit of basic medical/caretaking knowledge and I think they're all capable of stepping in if they ever happen to look up and see Law's normally steady hands shaking - at least until he recovers, because I think there would be a window of "yes, you're freaking out, but you are probably the only one here who can do this and you need to get it together right now".
He gets really frustrated & upset with himself after the fact. Even if he got it together and everything turns out okay, he'll be very shaken that he got to that state in the first place. (If Cora lived, especially, he'll think he should have "gotten over it" because "they made it and it should be fine" even though it... doesn't work like that.) When it comes to feeling heavy things like this in general, Law tends to "allow himself" a given amount of time (a few minutes) to indulge in them, and then no matter what it's like... okay those 3 minutes are up, you've indulged yourself, time to get up, brush it off, and keep going. Sometimes this is a good thing; often it's not enough and not a healthy coping mechanism.
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zealctry · 1 year
weirdly specific things I’m dying to delve more into, preferably untangling them in threads (they live rent free in my brain, and are essential to his character), modern version:
1. his relationship with his heritage/ethnicity and feeling of alienation in society, which is a huge driving force behind how his personality was shaped.
2. the never ending cycling between manic and depressive episodes, and how much that has messed up his life, from relationships to job security to living situations.
3. how his parents tried their best but he feels utterly alienated and failed by them. both parties are human, and failed in being able to recognize that fact about each other and meet halfway.
4. everything surrounding his best friend, his feelings for her, her murder, and the every-lasting impact it had on him (the you need to understand her to understand him quote comes to mind )
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whitesuited · 2 years
eowyn + faramir - esque au for sharon and whomst when??
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tangledfate · 2 years
Someone please give me Cullen being skeptical about the mages joining the inquisition and falling back into his templar defensiveness around them until one day he’s asked to deliver some report or rare books or supplies or something to the tower in the garden because no one else is available to do it. And it’s weird because why would this be going to the garden and not the mages’ main tower? And then he finds this bookish little blonde who seems more like an accident-prone librarian than a mage. And she’s not anything like he’d expected a mage to be as she thanks him and takes whatever he’s bringing to her from him and he’s sure it’s too heavy for her until she sends it up to the upper shelves with a wave of her hand.
Give me him watching the garden from his quarters every now and then wondering what she’s up to but he’s far too busy to be curious enough to find out. And then one day she’s bringing him food and he’s staring at that little box he keeps in his desk--the one with all of his vices locked inside--and she pretends not to notice and makes polite small talk until finally she’s leaving, and she has to say something. 
“You know, Commander, you’re nothing like I thought a templar would be...you’re much braver.” And he’s confused until she tilts her head to the box on his desk and he’s not sure what to say but when he looks back up, she’s closing the door behind her as she leaves.
Give me him requesting her help with research; and inviting her to eat with him when they’re working late into the night; and teaching her how to play chess when they’re short on work just because he wants to spend time with her.
Give me her surprising him in a gown when he comes back from the winter palace because even though she didn’t get to go she wanted to dance with him. And she’s sure she’s made a mistake as she stands there bouncing awkwardly from one foot to the other as he doesn’t say anything but it’s just because he’s forgotten how to breathe.
There’s just so much and I need all of it...please?
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hxvemxnd · 1 year
18. Are there any AU’s you’d like to explore but haven’t had the chance to yet?
♡ Munday Meme ♡
// I think Zazie in a modern AU as a cryptid would be super dope, and i'd also love to steal a vash eventually for an au where zaz met him before knives because i think THAT would be super cool too.
// A modern au zazie would legit live like in the fucking mountain and take on the form of actual bugs more often than human. But just to fuck w humans bc its hilarious i think they'd take a human form when like a single person came out to 'hunt' for them and scare the ever loving PISS outta ppl. They'd also use their bugs to fuck w ghost hunting equipment, like whispering words that spirit boxes would pick up. They'd make their home base seem haunted as FUCK. And they'd get a serious kick outta it i feel.
// As for vash meeting zaz first, altho i've not talked w any knives in great detail my own headcanons r that zaz highkey sides w him... because they met him first. because he was able to help supply food and water to the hive and as a result zaz is fairly loyal. if they'd met vash first tho zaz would coexist better with humans imo and probably not tolerate knives as much as zaz tolerates vash in canon. these r just ideas floating in my head as i spitball this bc again i haven't talked out loud about it - but a zazie that met vash first is likely to be a lot further along in their realization that 'living isn't just surviving' realizations. plus, tracking down dying plants is easier when ur companion has several THOUSANDS of eyes all over the planet.
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|| You know what we don’t get often in the RPC? Those kinds of ships where both characters see each other and they are just IMMEDIATELY smitten. The biggest crush ever. And that makes sense, since we don’t want to force ships and doing this would mean knowing from the start they will be together even before any prior interactions to test if they have chemistry. But it’s something I would LOVE to have XDD
It’s one reason I love Alanna?? She would definitely be that person to see someone (boy or girl) and just be IMMEDIATELY head over heels. I desperately want a ship where the other person gets a crush as well~ Crushes are so adorable, after all!! I want that cuteness!!!
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guqinstrings · 7 months
magical forehead ribbon trope where the Lan Forehead Ribbon actually spiritually marries you to someone (who isn’t family) when they touch it.
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misfitsandmusings · 1 year
Trafalgar Law: Verses, Wishlist, Fave Ships, etc.
♡ Main (Canon): Corresponding with the events of the anime/manga, canon-compliant. Interactions set between Sabaody and Zou preferred (my grasp on Wano is pretty poor because I speed-read the entire manga in two months and I retained very little from most of it. To revisit at a later date.) Open to exploring pre-Sabaody timeline and I love canon-divergent AUs.
♡ Heartverse: "What If" canon-divergent AU built with @climatact, in which: Bellemere lived, Nami became a marine, Law had an extra year with Cora-san as a child and their travels to find a cure for Law brought them to the East where their paths crossed with Bellemere and her two daughters. A chance encounter on an island in the Grand Line years later upends the trajectory of both of their lives. Tagged: ♡ // verse: heartverse ; || Ships: LawNa ♡
Heartverse series of events: during the 2-year timeskip, Law crosses paths with Marine!Nami on an island in the Grand Line (the first time they’ve seen each other since he visited her island when he was 11.) A mutual attraction/curiosity upon their reunion leads to a one-night-turned-two stay in a fancy hotel, a jewelry store heist that results in Nami leaving her unfulfilling career behind to join his pirate crew, and an unexpected addition to their lives. Following Law’s appointment as a Shichibukai, the two head back to her home in the East until baby Cora-chan makes her appearance. She’s later left in the care of Nojiko and Bellemere while the two travel to Punk Hazard. After the run-in with the Straw Hats, Nami still ends up joining as their navigator and the two, although married, sail on in pursuit of their individual goals.
♡ Tangerine Trysts: A spin-off of a spin-off; another take on Heartverse in which Law and Nami's initial background (meeting as kids, Bellemere living, Nami becoming a marine) stays the same but Law and Nami run into each other on Sabaody, again at Marineford, and carry on an relationship of sorts while she remains a marine. || Ships: LawNa ♡
♡ Currently Untitled Godverse: AU built with @climatact based on a shared appreciation for the tale of Hades & Persephone, ft. Law as the god of the Underworld and Nami as a mortal living in some of the hardest times the mortal realm has ever seen. Tagged: ♡ // godverse tbt ; || Ships: LawNa ♡
♡ Godverse Spin-off: the “closer to the actual tale of Hades and Persephone but still not quite” take. In which a god takes a liking to the pretty mortal woman he met when business brought him to the mortal realm. || Ships: LawNa
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Working On (or would like to explore): a BSD verse, maaaaybe a Demon Slayer verse!
Haven't worked out the details yet but I'd love to explore a "Cora-san lived" AU where Law did not hand over Rosinante's message to THE ONE marine he should not have. (FU Vergo.)
Have also been toying with something where Law, possibly in a modern verse or maybe some fantasy/non-OP setting, actually dabbles in trading hearts for a business; i.e. he'll grant a wish but the price is your heart.
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Law Wishlist / Ship Stuff:
Opportunities for him to treat/tend to people - scenarios where even if it's not someone he particularly likes, they need advice or medical attention and he's the only one around to provide it.
Middle of the night interactions since Law's sleeping patterns are abysmal. One or both muses waking up from a nightmare? Lots on their mind? Enjoying the quiet?
As much as I love angst and drama and traumatized characters, Law could use some happy times, so I'm always up for exploring what-ifs where any of his lost loved ones survived.
Ships: My favorite Law ship is Law x Nami. I'm always down to write it, but will not force it on any Namis of course. Other ships I'm intrigued by include Law x Zoro, Law x Robin, and Law x Luffy (I generally see Luffy as an aro/ace icon BUT this is literally the only ship I see potential for for him). However, just because something isn't listed here doesn't mean I won't entertain it. I'm basically shipping trash, although I tend not to to ship him with any of his crewmates and will not ship him with Mingo or Cora-san.
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Mandatory disclaimer that I love, love, love AUs - if you'd ever be interested in working on one together, whether it's based on a canon-divergent 'what if?' or an entirely new world/story, SHOUT AT ME ABOUT IT. I also love finding ways to interact in each other's verses, so if you have a verses page I'll definitely check it out -- and if you're interested at all in hopping into one of mine, just let me know!
Have an idea for your verse you want to play out? Tell me about it!
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telemage · 1 year
tag dump
pay no attention to the man behind the curtain / ooc. memes / ooc. promos / ooc. shitpost / ooc. misc. / ooc. calls / ooc. answered / ooc. saved / ooc. psa / ooc. music / ooc. resources / ooc. dash comm. / ooc. wishlist / ooc. tbt / ooc.
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enruiinas · 5 months
Tags / Navigation
updated my tags yesterday, so here's an up-to-date list of everything for easier navigation or easier means of blocking ones you don't want to see. as you can see by anything marked "tbd" or "tbt", many of these are subject to change. i'll keep this updated as i think of cool tags - it's just a slow process because i suck at it. c:
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✦ TRIGGERS are tagged as #tw: trigger (no fancy symbols). examples include: #tw: long post, #tw: blood, #tw: gore, #tw: surgery, #tw: teeth, #tw: death, #tw: mention of death, #tw: dark thoughts, #tw: alcohol, #tw: pregnancy, #tw: suggestive.
these are the most common/likely/recurring ones on this blog, but i am more than happy to tag additional triggers as needed.
✦ SPICY CONTENT (NSFW) is tagged as #✦ — 𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐰 | spicy. as a reminder, mun is 25+ and there is a decent amount of spicy present on this blog. minors dni.
✦ SPOILERS: at the moment, i only tag spoilers for anything in the current manga arc (#✦ — 𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐬. | egghead.) and the law novel (#✦ — 𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐬. | law novel.) i do not mind tagging additional arcs as needed but am bad about doing them by default, so please reach out if i need to be mindful of something.
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#✦ — 𝐨𝐨𝐜. | psa. -- important things to know about writing with me. hiatus or activity notices, rp preferences or "do not"s, etc. #✦ — 𝐨𝐨𝐜. | memes 【specify muse!】. -- meme tag! #✦ — 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐮𝐞𝐝. | sleep is overrated. -- queued posts. #✦ — 𝐨𝐨𝐜. | the mun. -- mun stuff. answered munday asks, anything saro. #✦ — 𝐨𝐨𝐜. | promo. -- promos! #✦ — 𝐨𝐨𝐜. | self promo. -- my promo. #✦ — 𝐨𝐨𝐜. | wishlist. -- wanted dynamics, plots, etc. #✦ — 𝐨𝐨𝐜. | misc. -- everything else ooc.
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#✦ — 𝐯𝐢𝐬. | tbt. -- images, GIFs, visage things. #✦ — 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬. | tbt. -- quotes, random law-esque thoughts. #✦ — 𝐡𝐜𝐬. | tbt. -- headcanons. #✦ — 𝐚𝐞𝐬. | tbt. -- aesthetic, law vibes. #✦ — 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐲. | tbt. -- dash games & muse quiz type things.
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WRITING LAW TAGS: all ic interactions for or with specific muns are tagged with mun's URL (as is). multimuses are additionally tagged #mun | muse (i.e. #piratebento | bellemere).
#✦ — 𝐢𝐜. | threads. #✦ — 𝐢𝐜. | dash com. #✦ — 𝐢𝐜. | crack.
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SHIP TAGS: below are the only ones i've posted things of so far, but all will follow the same format if you want to go ahead and blacklist any possible future dynamics.
#✦ — 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 | law x nami. #✦ — 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 | law x robin. #✦ — 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 | law x zoro. #✦ — 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 | law x vivi.
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ART OF OTHER CHARACTERS OR DYNAMICS: I may add links to these later, but they'll all follow the same format. If you don't see someone listed you want to blacklist, feel free to message me and I'll let you know how I'm planning on tagging if it ever comes up! Read-more'ing because this is a long list.
#✦ — 𝐭𝐛𝐭. | bepo. #✦ — 𝐭𝐛𝐭. | penguin. #✦ — 𝐭𝐛𝐭. | shachi. #✦ — 𝐭𝐛𝐭. | uni. #✦ — 𝐭𝐛𝐭. | clione. #✦ — 𝐭𝐛𝐭. | ikkaku. #✦ — 𝐭𝐛𝐭. | hakugan. #✦ — 𝐭𝐛𝐭. | jean bart. #✦ — 𝐭𝐛𝐭. | heart pirates. #✦ — 𝐭𝐛𝐭. | polar tang. #✦ — 𝐭𝐛𝐭. | monkey d. luffy. #✦ — 𝐭𝐛𝐭. | roronoa zoro. #✦ — 𝐭𝐛𝐭. | nami. #✦ — 𝐭𝐛𝐭. | usopp. #✦ — 𝐭𝐛𝐭. | sanji. #✦ — 𝐭𝐛𝐭. | tony tony chopper. #✦ — 𝐭𝐛𝐭. | nico robin. #✦ — 𝐭𝐛𝐭. | franky. #✦ — 𝐭𝐛𝐭. | brook. #✦ — 𝐭𝐛𝐭. | jinbei. #✦ — 𝐭𝐛𝐭. | sabo. #✦ — 𝐭𝐛𝐭. | eustass kid. #✦ — 𝐭𝐛𝐭. | boa hancock. #✦ — 𝐭𝐛𝐭. | nefertari vivi. #✦ — 𝐭𝐛𝐭. | donquixote rosinante. #✦ — 𝐭𝐛𝐭. | donquixote doflamingo. #✦ — 𝐭𝐛𝐭. | baby 5.
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burnkings · 1 year
tag dump
pay no attention to the man behind the curtain / ooc. memes / ooc. promos / ooc. shitpost / ooc. misc. / ooc. calls / ooc. answered / ooc. saved / ooc. psa / ooc. music / ooc. resources / ooc. dash comm. / ooc. wishlist / ooc. tbt / ooc.
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finalslasher · 1 year
tag dump
pay no attention to the man behind the curtain / ooc. memes / ooc. promos / ooc. shitpost / ooc. misc. / ooc. calls / ooc. answered / ooc. saved / ooc. psa / ooc. music / ooc. resources / ooc. dash comm. / ooc. wishlist / ooc. tbt / ooc.
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tangledfate · 2 years
OK but Anthea going on various archeological digs in the hissing wastes or the forbidden oasis while Cullen and the rest of the inquisition forces are out there trying to deal with various projects in the region and Cullen is like "I can't believe I have to babysit this librarian" but finds what she's doing actually really interesting XD
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