#tbz bbangnyu
kyufessions · 2 years
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sims 4
synopsis: you catch the eye of the most loved couple on campus, younghoon and chanhee
pairings: boyfriend! younghoon x plus sized, tall! g.n. reader x boyfriend! chanhee
genre: fluff, polyamorous couple
requested?: yes
warnings: death (younghoon’s sim), mention of food, judgement towards plus sized! reader from a minor character in the story but it comes and goes quickly + bbangnyu shuts it down fast
word count: 3.6k
general taglist: @jwnghyuns @eaudenana @soobin-chois
a/n: yeaaaa i went off with this one. hope y’all like it 🫶. this request was so fun, i enjoyed it a lot.
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every thursday, friday, and saturday you sit in the same spot in the library. you sit in a back corner by the poetry section, a section where almost nobody comes to since collections of saddening love confessions don’t seem to be college kids forte nowadays. most days you would sit by and complete assignments, always making sure to finish everything before the due date so you don’t completely forget about it due to your lack of memory. but since you were constantly ahead of your assignments, some days you would either sit on your laptop and play the sims 4 or read a random book off of the book shelf nearest to you.
thankfully, no one ever dared to bother you. you’ve always mainly kept to yourself for the most part, only ever speaking to others when you had a project or someone dared to ask you something like directions to their classroom or the cafeteria. the resting bitch face you were gifted with along with your introverted personality made you somewhat of an outsider on top of going to a college that was three hours away from all you’ve ever known. you never cared of how others perceived you, you just always went about your day and did what you had to do to ensure a successful life for yourself. and you liked it that way.
the rain droplets danced against the large window as you played the sims 4 on your laptop, creating a new sim for the legacy challenge you had started around a week ago. since it was not only a friday evening but the weather was gloomy, not many people were in the library except for a few groups of people working on group projects and individuals checking out books for classes. but you enjoyed the vibe of the growing night, day6’s about now playing in your earphones as the world moved around you.
on weekends, the library closed by seven. but since the weather called for thunderstorms, the two lovebirds working behind the desk decided to close an hour early to ensure everyone’s safety when getting home, themselves included. both chanhee and younghoon were known around campus as the cutest, most refreshing couple, having been dating since freshman year of college and still going strong in their last year. they were both very friendly and became seemingly popular due to that fact, their clothes seeming to match in opposite ways and hair colors matching in some way, shape, or form. everybody adored them, and to say you didn’t would be a lie.
younghoon picks up the microphone in the library to speak into the loudspeaker, lowering the volume of it so it wouldn’t be too loud for those studying. “the library will be closing early today at 6PM due to the upcoming thunderstorm, thank you for your patience and understanding.”
chanhee snickers at the tone and word choice of his boyfriend, turning from the computer he was logging check-outs into. “you make yourself sound like an elderly english professor.”
younghoon rolls his eyes, walking back over to his lover and placing a quick peck to the top of his head before ruffling his bubblegum pink hair. “you’re lucky i love you.”
time passes you by, the announcement completely flying over your head as you were too deep into your game and day6’s discography bringing you into your own universe. as it nears 6PM, chanhee stands up from behind the desk and starts checking up and down the isles for students. a few are still lingering around so he tells them that they’re closing early, sending them off into the growing rain as he continues his rounds and younghoon finishes the closing duties in the front of the library. as the pink haired man gets to the back of the library, his eyes land on you. he looks you over for a split second, admiring your academia inspired outfit as your fingers glide across the pad of your laptop. noticing your wired headphones and your screen showcasing you playing the sims, he slowly approaches you as to not startle you.
feeling a gentle touch to your shoulder, you jump slightly in your chair and turn to see chanhee. taking off your headphones, you quickly glance at your phone and realize the time. “i’m sorry,” you start, quickly saving your game before closing the screen and shoving the laptop into its case. “i didn’t even realize the time.”
he chuckles, taking a step back so as to not be so close to you. “it’s okay, you seemed busy anyway. sorry for startling you.”
shaking your head as you stand to your feet, chanhee takes in how tall you seem to be. taller than him maybe? he was already 5’11, so maybe you were 6’? but now was not the time to ask, so he pushed his question aside. “it’s okay.” you respond, smiling politely at him before slipping on a hoodie and throwing your bag over your shoulder. “sorry again for not noticing the time.”
“it’s okay, really.” chanhee reassures, making the sweaters of his sleeves into paws. “the sims can be time consuming and hectic so i understand.”
you turn to look at him, the corners of your mouth grinning slightly. “you play the sims?” he nods, causing your smile to brighten. “i rarely find anyone who plays it, that’s so cool.”
as you both walk to the front of the library, taking your time to gush about your different towns and crazy sims 4 lore, younghoon is standing in front of the counter all ready to leave as the time is now 6:05. seeing his pink hair poke around the corner, he hears him having a conversation about something with an unfamiliar voice. as they turn the corner, his eyes stick to you. younghoon has seen you around campus, even sharing a class with you once or twice, but he never spoke to you since you were always so quiet and kept to yourself. regardless, he liked the energy you exuded within your daily outfits and admired you from afar. he watches as you both say goodbye to one another and you exit the library, chanhee locking the door behind you.
“who was that?” younghoon questions, holding out chanhee’s jacket for him and watching him put it on.
“y/n.” he says nonchalantly, throwing a hat on his head and adjusting his bangs. “they seem cool, they like the sims too!”
chuckling, younghoon grabs his boyfriend’s hand and starts walking towards the back entrance of the library. “good, you finally have someone to bother with about your sims that isn’t me.” he jokes, placing a quick kiss to his temple as chanhee pouts.
“that’s why your sim drowned on day two.”
the next day, younghoon takes notice of when you enter the library. but you don’t notice him though, your head always held high as you walked towards the back where your regular seat remained unoccupied. chanhee was off today, busy setting up a small gallery showing for the photography club on campus. tonight it was just him, having to do all of the closing routine by himself. he had never done that before, he just hoped it wouldn’t take so long to do so.
you sat in the back, re-reading and re-writing an essay before finally sending it in several hours later. with thirty minutes of time to kill, you decide to grab the nearest book off the shelf and start reading the cheesy poetry you secretly adored. as time neared 7PM, you quickly shoved the book back onto the shelf and packed your things. as closing time neared, younghoon was almost done with the closing duties as he noticed you walk out without a word.
catching himself staring as you passed, he quickly knocked sense into himself before cleaning up the rest of the books and logs and checking for any other individuals in the library. once he was completely finished with the closing shift, he grabbed all his items and ran out of the door to finally relax back at his apartment. as he left the library, his eyes landed on the pouring rain. scanning the outside, his eyes landed on you standing under a covering that was not doing a proper job at keeping you dry. younghoon would be lying if he said he didn’t feel bad, watching you stand there as you contemplated on running out in the rain or just calling for an uber home to avoid being soaked by the time you reached your apartment. he soon found himself wandering over to you, his umbrella in one hand as the other was shoved into his jean pocket.
as you stared out into the distance deep in thought, you suddenly felt a presence both next to and above you. scared, you look up above to see a black umbrella hovering over you. to your right, a tall man holding said umbrella. you automatically recognize him as younghoon, chanhee’s boyfriend that he briefly mentioned in conversation. you weren’t sure what to say, so you just bowed your head slightly at him as a thank you. staring at each other, eyes and expressions unreadable, the silence is both awkward yet comforting as the sounds of the rain pelt against the pavement.
younghoon was the first one to break the silence, his palms becoming sweaty for unknown reasons. “i, uh, didn’t want you to get wet. you seemed unsure of what to do, so.”
you nod, biting on the inside of your cheek out of nervousness. “thank you, younghoon. i appreciate it.”
another minute passes in silence, causing you to begin twiddling with your thumbs out of habit. “did you need a ride home?”
you shake your head, chuckling at his offer. “i’m okay, but thank you. i think i’m just going to walk home tonight.”
“are you sure? i don’t mind at all.”
“as sweet as the gesture is, we did just officially meet so i wouldn’t feel too comfortable with that. but thank you regardless, i appreciate you asking.” you smile up at him, taking in note that you are both similar in height so you don’t have to look too far up into his eyes.
“ah, i understand.” once your eye’s finally meet his, he feels his heart race at the sight of your alluring smile. he couldn’t help but smile back, your smile infectious. “at least take my umbrella, i have an extra one in my car and you can just give this one back whenever we see each other next.”
deciding it was reasonable, you nodded and asked if it was positive if you borrowed it for the time being. when he reassured you it was, you took it from his hands and thanked him once again, promising to bring it back to him once you returned to the library as you walked away into the pouring rain.
a week of classes passed without a sight of you, both chanhee and younghoon secretly hoping they’d bump into you somehow. but atlas, they never did. everything they arrived at work, they hoped to see you enter and walk back between the shelves of books but never did. well, up until thursday that is. when chanhee saw you walk in, he expected you to walk to your usual spot and do your own thing till closing. but when you walked up to the counter, he suddenly felt nervous yet excited.
“hey chanhee, is younghoon around?” you question, leaning on the counter with your elbow as your chin rests in your hand.
“he’s on his break right now, he should be back in like, ten minutes.” he responds, his tone soft yet loud enough for you to hear. “why?”
“last week he let me borrow his umbrella so i just want to return it to him.”
he nods, watching you walk after responding back into the corner you always sat. after a couple of minutes, younghoon returns with some food and coffee for them both. a few minutes pass by, both of them checking out customers until you come up to younghoon’s side with his umbrella when the line has no more customers left.
“thank you for letting me borrow it last week, i appreciate it a lot.” you say, smiling politely as you hand it to him.
after younghoon mutters a small ‘you're welcome’, the two boyfriends watch you walk back into the sea of students and disappear behind shelves once again. hours pass as you finish up your work with an hour to spare before closing, opening your laptop to play the sims once again. dean’s discography engulfs you in a warm embrace as time moves by quickly, your own universe bringing serenity and comfort.
before you know it, it’s ten minutes before closing and you start packing up your items. younghoon awaits for you to pop out from behind the shelves of books, trying not to make it obvious he’s waiting to see you as chanhee checks for students throughout the library to remind them they’re closing for the night. as you make your way to the front, chanhee stops you before you’re even in front of the door.
when you hear your name being called over the music in your headphones, you look over to see the pink haired man smiling at you. you return the smile, curious as to why he’s calling you. “did i do something wrong?” you ask dumbfounded, removing an earbud from your ear with softening eyes.
chanhee shakes his head, letting out shy laughter before answering you. “no, nothing like that. i, uh, well we,” he stutters as he motions towards him and his boyfriend. “wanted to know if you wanted to get to know us better. like, on a date. if you’re comfortable doing that, of course.”
shocked wouldn’t even begin to describe how you feel. you, being asked out on a date, after several years of not even putting yourself out there? and all it took was weekly three day trips to the library to asked out? the silence you provided made their anxiety shoot up, thinking you would tell them no. “sure!” you finally respond with your shimmering smile, your body language giving away your obvious excitement. “when would you want to?”
at the corner of your eye you see younghoon shuffling behind the desk, as you turn your head you see him lifting up a wooden picnic basket and placing it on the counter. “we’re free now, if you are?” younghoon sounded more nervous than chanhee, making you giggle and agreeing to the nightly picnic.
ever since that first night, all three of you became inseparable. it was safe to say that when people saw you three meeting whenever you could, the occasional hand brushes and heart eyes were something anyone could notice from a mile away. all three of you took it slow since you were beginners at developing a polyamorous relationship and wanting to make each other feel as comfortable as possible. and even though some people may have thought it was odd, nothing could have felt more right.
one tuesday night after finishing your class early, you decided to bring some food over to the library so your two soon-to-be boyfriends wouldn’t go hungry until work finished. as you walked through the halls and up the stairs to the library, you enter and notice neither of them behind the counter as per usual. even though you found it odd, you brushed it aside and started looking around for them. behind one of the glass doors that lead into the office, you noticed another worker in there filing some documents. since everyone working there started to get acquainted with you slowly but surely, you sneak behind the desk and ask about where the two boyfriends are. the worker tells you they’re down by the group tables on break, pointing in the direction they went. nodding, you make your way towards the area.
as you start to approach the area, you hear them having a conversation with someone else. you weren’t sure who since you don’t know many people around campus, but you assume it’s a friend of theirs. normally you wouldn’t eavesdrop, but the atmosphere surrounding them had a serious feel to it so you hid behind a bookcase and listened in.
“i’m just surprised, that's all. i didn’t think you guys would go for someone like them.”
you roll your eyes at the comment, having heard it multiple times throughout your life. “what’s that supposed to mean? someone like what?” younghoon asks, his teeth gritting from the obnoxious comment made by their so-called friend.
“you know.” the friend trails, movement being heard as he uses his hands to motion something.
“i don’t see how them being chubby has anything to do with our feelings for them, that shit makes no sense.” chanhee blurts out, leaning back in the uncomfortable wooden chair and crossing his arms across his chest.
“it’s not just that-“
“then what is it, huh?” chanhee’s voice seems to get louder, making your eyes widen. you’ve never heard him raise his voice, you never thought he’d even have it in him to do that.
“compared to you, they’re just so different. especially in size-“
you hear younghoon try to calm down his boyfriend, but the tone of his own voice shows aggravation as well. deciding it was enough, you turn down from the bookcase and tap both of their arms gently. once they notice it’s you, their demeanor changes and suddenly they seem less tense. you glare at their friend before grabbing both of their hands, dragging them into a study room and closing the door behind the three of you.
although seeing you did calm them down, the words of their ‘friend’ still ran through their mind. “guys, are you okay? take deep breaths.” you reassure them, locking the door and walking towards them to put the containers of food on the table.
you rub both of their arms, sending them a comforting smile. a smile they're both starting to fall for gradually. “how much of that did you hear?” chanhee asks as younghoon calms himself down with your suggestion, taking his hand and grabbing your unoccupied one.
“not a lot, but just enough to know he was talking absolute bullshit.”
younghoon takes his hand and cups your right left cheek, staring at you with the utmost love reflecting in his eyes. “you don’t believe all that, do you?”
you shake your head, letting out some laughter. “of course not. i’m secure enough within myself to not believe any lies like that.”
younghoon places his forehead against yours, his lips brushing up against yours for a split second. “can i kiss you?”
when you nod in agreement, younghoon wastes no time smashing his lips onto yours and pulling your body against his. was sharing your first kiss in a study room at his job in the library ideal? not exactly, but he just wants to make you feel loved. he wants you to know he doesn’t believe in anything negative anyone has to say against you, because why should any of that matter? what he and chanhee feel for you shouldn’t matter to anyone else but you three, plain and simple.
pulling away panting, you both stare at one another for a few seconds before you hear a pouting chanhee to your right. turning your heads, he stands there with his arms crossed over his chest and his bottom lip poking out.
“me next?” he mumbled, smiling as soon as you said ‘yes’ and pulling you to him by your waist gently.
chanhee wastes no time placing his lips on yours, having wanted to do this for quite a few weeks now but never knowing the perfect timing. he adored everything about you, both inside and out. not one flaw detected as he showed you with passion in your first kiss. as your hands rest in his hair, playing with his strands of pink, you pull away with a big smile.
chanhee wastes no time, his breathing pattern is not even regulated yet before he asks, “does this mean we’re official? all three of us? finally?”
“if this is you asking me out on your thirty minute break at your job in a study room then sure, yeah.” you joke, placing a small kiss to the tip of his nose before pulling away so no one can potentially see what is happening in the room. “but does this mean i have to match with both of you now?”
looking over at each other for a moment, they shrug and take seats at the chairs. “maybe from time to time, chanhee really likes it when we match on dates.” younghoon mentions, patting his thighs and motioning for you to sit. you debate if you should, but ultimately decide to anyway. younghoon holds you in his lap, arms wrapping around your waist and swiveling around his chair as his head rests on top of yours. “i don’t even want to go back to work now, i’m too happy.”
chanhee’s smile never fades as he opens up the containers of food, picking up a pair of chopsticks out of the bag and begging to eat some sushi you bought from their favorite restaurant. “me neither, but looking at the time we only have five minutes left.”
you sigh into younghoon’s shoulder, your arms wrapped around his neck as you think. “i can meet you guys after your shift, maybe we can hang out or something afterwards?”
both of your boyfriends perk up, nodding in agreement with mouths full of sushi. after swallowing a piece, chanhee comes up with a suggestion. “would you be comfortable spending the night with us?”
when they go back to work, you run back to your apartment and pack an overnight bag to take with you to your boyfriends’ apartment for the first time. and although you were technically sleeping over, there wasn’t much sleeping going on.
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chawsie · 1 year
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El eco de un sentimiento !#@!?
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sunwooier · 2 years
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my 빵뉴 ♡ !
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godheliosoftbz · 2 years
what a day to be alive, bbangnyu breathed again today. 🤍
📸: #Newshot 031023
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tsa0t · 1 year
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hyuk4sbf · 1 year
do u just write tbz x reader or woukd h write member x memebr stuff too
i love member x member stuff too!! my fave pairing 2 write is bbangnyu 🩵🩵 plugging my ao3 i have a few fics of them there lol :p
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strawbericc · 3 years
ᕱ   더.   BBANGNYU    𖣯   𖥻  MATCHING ICONS  ﹅  ˵ˊᯅˋ˵
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[ 🥨 ] . . YOU’RE MY MELATONIN ! ᕙ(⩾﹏⩽‶)ᕗ
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enhypedits · 2 years
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like/reblog if you save.
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qurita · 3 years
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⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ㅤ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ bbangnyu iconz!!!!!!!! ♥
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p1eceandharmony · 2 years
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iovewonu · 3 years
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bbangnyu layouts 🍙🎧📂
headers r mine give © if used
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yongniverse · 2 years
– we were staying in paris. let's show them we are better.
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sunwooier · 2 years
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it's so, sweet .
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hy-njae · 3 years
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규 : do you listen to girl in red? like or reblog if use
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hyuk4sbf · 1 year
what other tbz ships do you enjoy? ♡
!!!!!! literally ANY changmin ships fr, and i can get into pretty much any ship outside of bbangnyu but i do also love love LOVEEE sunric, juric, sangric, jukev, n milcob :3
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jaeismn · 3 years
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✦ 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙤𝙧 𝙧𝙚𝙗𝙡𝙤𝙜 𝙞𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙪𝙨𝙚/𝙨𝙖𝙫𝙚 ✦
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