#tcc: dune
venom-bitez · 10 months
Hi, I’m Kayden
I’m 14 yrs old
Trans guy and pansexual
Pronouns: he/they/it
Tik tok
Art Account
MCR, Music in general, Cds/vinyl, Concerts, Cry Of Fear, Postal, Hannibal
Some Bands I like:
MCR, Pierce the veil, KoRn, Ghost, KMFDM, Paramore, Slipknot, L.S Dunes, Nine inch Nails
Basic dni (transphobes, homophobes, z00philes….etc) Blood on the dance floor fans, terfs, Pr0shippers, waycest shippers, TCC
Please use tone tags!!
I’m really horrible at communicating with others especially through PM so if I reply slow or very dry it is because I am scared.
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9.30.23 Saturday
12:14 am
I have windblow...Windblow... Can't sleep... Thinking of my future angels. I need to keep a the job in Iqor, I need money and I have creditz..
I have windblow,windblow...
10:10 am
Done,taking my meds for today... hmm... Some good friends update me about the new work force to avoid a "sudden log-out" hala.....I need to pee... hahah... Seriously, I don't know this is a "challenger task" for me... I just need a job though it is a challenge for me, why they can and why I can't??? Whew! Where can I get a powerful back-up??? Will be 42 next month and I always feel defeated...
12:15 noon
Ah! Argh! Semi-bad news ... It is weird in Iqor for that wave wave or all call center? I'm just trying to grasp the substance of call center...
Talking on some friends about me being absent for a week, that I didn't get the troubled life of people in Iqor... That possibly if I'm gonna be rewaved, I need to be in a class where I left that particular day topic on calling phase or TCC ( taking customer call ). Potang inah angels! I borrowed money from Tala... Then, possible I will be on a pause just like Champi. Shit! What a bullshit work style...
I don't know what to feel but I know I feel the anxiety or stress now... Just now, I'm having mild left eye twitching due to semi-bad news. I WANNA LAUGH AND CRY AT THE SAME TIME...
I need money... I need money... I DON'T HAVE POWER... Another thing, I can't choose to stay or can't choose to be on a particular wave... PLUS, IF YOU ARE ON A PAUSE, NO SALARY...
If only I have powerful links... I know it is job and I'm giving my best to really grasp everything but you can't do it on overnight unless it is love just like some of the old particular scenario of "waking up married"....
Huh? Waking up married? Yeah...Yeah... Waking up married with someone hahaha...
I feel jealous if there are special than me and I wasn't able to get the power or someone got the power...
The last time I wanna be with Miles/ dread-locks guy, hoping for a "waking-up married" , it is a baggage thing for him, probably...
A wife is sometimes a baggage... Sorry for that and I didn't mean it these days... I have so many complex in me...
I also thought I was married with Mike but he is gone...
Whew! Que Sera Sera.... Will wait on October 3 what will happen to me?
Anxiety of not having the power or powerful links...
1:08 pm
Power is not bad, it is priviledge... It is somehow blessing....Power means free and licensed!
Meaning angels, hoping to just continue or just allow me to finsih my tcc even on the wave of Miles/dread-locks... Coz it is possibly to put me on a pause. If I'm gonna be on a pause meaning no work attendance, no salary....
2:27 pm
I feel the stress... I feel bitter and self-pity... What about my collagen, my sand dunes and botox... It will be christmas...
I need to think and think of money.
In a way I miss doing my abs but I need a job... I feel stress... Whew!
I feel irritated... Coz on other company once you are hired,you are hired!
I feel bitter...
SUPER STRANGE, are Mia and Champi hiding something at my back... Which I don't know...
I have windblow...Windblow...
6:18 pm
I need to do my abs angels... I feel so old,ugly,wrinkled and fat....
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6:34 pm
I feel bitter...Windblow2x...
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6:56 pm
I feel bitter... I have no successful job and no savings until now and no extra money for something...
I wasn't able to polish my teeth again, though it look ohkay but it is amalgam that I have to polish again... One of the reasons why, I don't smoke coz of I'm taking care of my teeth... I CAN'T GO BACK TO MY DENTIST... I LOVE KISSING SO MUCH! I always had have coffee stain on my teeth I really need to do a regular visit on my dentist.
I feel conscious.... I really feel fat and ugly and old angels... I'm not happy... My power on men are not that powerful... Aging for nothing...
We will have reunion in a lil while in IMMACULATE CONCEPTION ACADEMY. I feel self-pity and bitter... I can't get a success....I feel so small... I'm thinking,I'm gonna be a small i there.... So, many complex in me....Seeing them having kids and I lost my future and I lost my love life... I feel bitter and sad! I'm super sad and not my ideal life...I miss going to gym... I'm not really happy... I'm thinking of money... I feel so ugly...
8:13 pm
I'm bisexual angels but one at a time... If I have a relationship with a man, I'm on it 100%.
But I can sleep with a girl having a relationship of us or being a sisterhood. I know limits and boundaries...
I have windblow2x...
But I'm always wanting penis and a feeling of someone is stronger than my femininity.... I always wanted someone having a broad shoulder than me... I want to have an ideal normal life.
I only like Mitch, Ouen, and Mayee... Most specially Mitch,if we meet again, I can't behave anymore if I'm single... If I have a bf then I respect boundaries and limitations...
I like those girls coz of the package that they got looks and nice pure heart...
Jen of 468, she is not my type coz of her not having etiquette... But I'm a professional wavemate... If it is about work we're ohkay but more than that, no... Jen is pretty but when the time that she asked me if my nose is real from a distance... Huh? A turn off for me... Not my gf!
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crowstrel · 4 years
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they look kinda silly all splayed out like that, but here’s some masquerade looks I was designing for fun! C: the third character is Dune, and he belongs to my boyfriend tor ! Haley is so underdressed because they never even went to a school dance before becoming immortal what a nerd
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Fun fact:
There's a person credited with over 5,000 hours of audio across hundreds of books including Star Wars and Dune.
That person is also credited with being a 6'9" nechrophile with mommy issues. And that person is none other than The Co-ed Killer, Ed Kemper.
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NOUVEAU : Suivez l'actu du blog sur Telegram ! Découverte d’une nouvelle particule de matière exotique, un tétraquark Aujourd’hui, une expérience du LHCb au CERN présente une nouvelle découverte à la Conférence de la Société européenne de physique sur la physique des hautes énergies (EPS-HEP). La nouvelle particule découverte par le LHCb, appelée Tcc+, est…
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