not-ducky · 10 years
If you read that book, you’re never going to fully understand how to cast a Patronus Charm. Yes, you may still be able to, but it will be exceedingly difficult. Try the book by Iris Woran, yeah? 
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piercefuckingbanker · 10 years
Sitting by the lake with a letter in one hand, a cigarette in the other, Pierce read the most recent letter written by his little brother, chuckling softly as he read the chicken-scratch that was attempted French.
Heh. "Est-ce que vous aimes l'ecole"--y' funny child, conj'gation's all wrong.
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alihanbayar-blog · 10 years
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I really hope you weren't expecting any orange juice. Alihan said, pulling the jug right to his plate, smiling across the table. There was nothing as satisfying as orange juice in the morning, and he wasn't sharing.
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an-oxysunrise-blog · 10 years
do it now, remember it later || flashback
Ira couldn't remember the last time he'd tipped back enough cups to make the world fuzz over, if he'd ever had before. It was common knowledge for most that the Ravenclaw couldn't hold his liquor well, and to handle a drunken Ira was more dangerous than handling a landmine with your bare hands. One wrong move, and it'll explode.
Running his finger along the rim of his cup, he glances up at his new companion with a smile. Godric, he still couldn't get over the fact that they came dressed as Scorpius. Creativity and cruelty at it's finest. Should Ira care? He should, shouldn't he?
Hell if he knew.
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So.. What were we talking about?
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badgerbottom-blog · 10 years
He nodded rapidly as the other spoke, not really paying attention as he continued to shove the food into his mouth–– He was late for a tutoring session, and someone was going to be angry at him, either way.
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ofremembralls-blog · 10 years
I'm not hungover, I just really think you should go away and die and never open your mouth again to make that disgusting sound you think passes for speech. Thanks.
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lionhearted-lucy-blog · 10 years
"To everyone who has been wondering: No my costume isn't meant to be a flower. I'm meant to be a cloud but my costume deflated and that's why my puffs ended up looking like petals. But again, I am a cloud. Not a flower, a CLOUD."
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heath-barred · 10 years
I'm not bad. I'm just drawn that way.
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jamesxsiriusxpotter · 10 years
In his old-school batman costume, James looked around eagerly for someone in red and green.
Someone please tell me there's a Robin here.
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gideonyaxley · 10 years
Having used magic to come up with his costume last minute, Gideon was actually pretty pleased with himself at how he had managed to swing being the Riddler for this year. He supposed that he could have done  a better job in planning and all of that, but, honestly, he was just glad he wasn't out of place with his horrible costuming skills.
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maxinewood · 10 years
Max stood in the corner, her red jumpsuit practically sticking to her skin as she surveyed her surroundings carefully, arms folded casually over her chest. She wasn't wearing her mask, but she didn't think that the mask would be the deal-breaker for whether or not people recognized who she was dressed as. You either knew Deadpool or you didn't.
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barbtheterrible-blog · 10 years
Call me fairy godmother one more time and I'll make sure more than just your carriage disappears at midnight.
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Oh, y'motherfucker.
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an-oxysunrise-blog · 10 years
My head is killing me..
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I don't even remember seeing bottles there-- Why is there one next to my bed?
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badgerbottom-blog · 10 years
No, no, It's a water gun! It shoots out butterbeer. See?
He pulls the trigger, accidentally ruining a third year's bumblebee costume.
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I didn't really think this through.
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ofremembralls-blog · 10 years
He tilts his head, peering at his reflection. My costume's so great, I wanna punch myself in the face.
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