#teacher idv
akuma-tenshi · 5 months
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been thinking about them again
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Question for Resilience, did you know sin²α + cos²α = 1 ?
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(°–‸Ծ° )> I do. Wisdom comes in many forms, dear anon.
(°–‸Ծ° )> But do you know why sin²α + cos²α = 1 ? It's quite interesting when you break it down.
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idv-ask-optometrist · 2 years
Exam is just in the corner and for the upcoming weeks will be study week for me. I also have a video project whose deadline is coming near and festival dance practice. And tomorrow is Monday. What this means is that I'll be plenty busy starting tomorrow.
My inbox will still continue to be open though. I will continue to make free time for this blog even with a busy agenda. Only, I might not able to respond to the asks as quick as before and resort to replying only in text.
Thank you for your patience and understanding :)
– mod eun (yes that's my name hwhehe)
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askthemanorresidents · 9 months
What are your tips to pass a chemistry exam, Caroline? Well, if you don't mind sharing some 👀✨️
Caroline : I have so many! But to begin, for memorizing the elements, I suggest using the symbols of one column in a fun sentence, that way it'll be easier to memorise!
Caroline : For example, Helium, Lithium, Sodium, Potassium, Rubidium, Cesium, and Francium. 'Harris Lives with Nathan, Kevin, Reuben, Cassandra, and Frank!' This also works for rows!
Caroline : And to group a few elements together, I say imagine them as certain groups of people! For example, since Noble gasses aren't very reactive, just imagibe them as a group of boring business men!
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Knight and Rat
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Posted this on my idv server but then my brain was like lol MORE so here we are lol
Rated Mature | Warning: Heat cycles
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A feral little street urchin, the cards were never in your favor until he found you. You were stealing food from the supply wagons with the other street urchins, a rather organized hit from what he read of the reports.
You the leader had been willing to take the fall and ordered that anyone who gets captured to rat only you out. There is loyalty, fierce, and he could see the way you do not falter or flinch at the threats of imprisonment or even death.
“Welcome to the White King’s Army, rats!”
For your crimes of thievery of goods from the Royal White Army, you will serve in the military. Your training is overseen by the fearsome White Knight Ithaqua.
The others who were caught with you were also given the same sentence.
Ithaqua expects you all to break, you told them, they want spare bodies to toss into the battlefield to die— You will not let them die.
“Watch each others’ backs. We will show them!”
The training is vicious and merciless, and many nights the others would wish they were back on the streets rather than here.
“I want to fight Lord Ithaqua.” A full six months in and things were getting worse as White Kingdom started preparing for war with the Crimson Kingdom.
The final test is to put the rookies into their ranks.
The last group is yours with others nervous but ready.
“You dare challenge the White Knight?!” The person who made the selection shouted. You are looking at the bastard who gave you all hell for six months, who forced your found family into a service none of them can truly handle.
“Alright.” Getting up from his seat and grabbing his glaive, “What are your terms, rat?”
“If I make you bend the knee then you let my brothers and sisters go.”
“What about you?”
“I will remain in their place to fulfill the rest of their sentences.”
“If you win then my sentence gets extended.” You grab the training lance, two of them. “Do you agree to these terms?”
“Either way I keep you caged, rat.” Though without his full regalia, he is still a force to be reckoned with.
You go into a battle stance, he stands casually as he expects you to go strange at him. Two minutes and he becomes impatient enough to go after you.
The fight lasted longer than he expected as you used two lances, a combination of some of his skills and ones you picked up from other knights. Speed and agility to wear him down is a good idea but many have tried that before on him.
The last attack took a lot out of you as you threw everything you had to push him in at least one knee, but in the end, you were defeated and on the ground struggling to get up.
You were so angry, the rage on your face as you were forced to gaze upon the unaffected knight.
“Your siblings are free to go,” He crouches down in front of you, “But you belong to me from now on.”
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Ithaqua was terrifying before to train with another teacher but training completely only under him is worse. Every day you go to bed sore and often barely unable to eat because of how painful it feels to chew and swallow.
But you do eat out of spite, to prove you will not break! To be able to beat him!
Tonight, he allows a break, a moment of rest for your wounds to heal properly. Though you antagonize him, you think this is out of pity and you will have none of it.
“I don't want your sympathy!” Attacking him with a training stick, “Fuck you!”
Ithaqua stands there holding the stick with one hand then smells the air before his eyes narrow, “Explains the hostility lately.” You can be stubborn but not violent. You usually are level-headed.
The dynamic between you both is not a mentor to the student, you both are soldiers in his eyes and equals in that sense. You do belong to him, you carry his crest marking a part of his house, nothing more.
“I hate you! Put me down right now! Don't touch me.”
Half breeds are always a mess to deal with, he does not know how his adopted mother handled him, especially during this time.
Late bloomers are rare but given you were not around your kin it makes sense being around Ithaqua would set you off. 
Heat. He takes an herbal mixture to keep him in check thus why he is so calm about this.
“Take off your clothes.” Best to do this outside to not have your room smell of sex.
“Make me, Ithaqua!” You are just being combative.
He sighs as he does exactly that.
“We are not fighting, (Name).”
You are giggling in a feral way as you run away, shit, his instincts calling to him to chase after you. And he does rough house with you in the garden behind his abode.
Clothing was stripped off and some were ripped off.
It takes a bit of work and he is grateful at least you are more than wet enough to help with the preparation.
There are a couple of times you are on top of him, mocking him, scratching and biting him. Feral thing!
But it does not last and when he is finally inside of you…
You are a perfect fit, too perfect, he hates he might have to savor this.
"Ithaqua," He hums at the sound of your voice. "Ithaqua!" That's better just the right pitch as you claw at the fabric of his coat under you. He needed it off and you do not like how grass feels on your naked sweaty skin. "More, ah, please."
"So polite," He gives more as he grabs a handful of your hair and pulls it back. "Louder." Growling as he feels you get tight around him.
"Ithaqua!" Crying out his name as cum from both the sharp pain of hair pull and his cock. He keeps going until he pulls out and cums all over your back. Then you drop to the ground completely spent and in a daze.
The White Knight leans back on his calves, hands slicking back his messy wet hair, this went on longer than you both expected.
He laughs when you complain about being sticky.
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cadaverousdecay · 6 months
when i was in middle school i read the abridged version of les mis and my favorite part was the scene where valjean showed mercy on javert and javerts like “oh of course you’re using a knife” and then valjean cut his bonds and set him free. idk smth about that scene stuck with me and in 7th grade when we learned about knights in the middle ages the teacher told us that if you were caught on your back as a knight you wouldn’t be able to get up due to how heavy the armor was and the enemy would come and lift up your helmet and stab you in the face so i started writing a story with my friend based around a scene where a knight falls off his horse and is about to be stabbed by a thief but when she lifts up his visor she recognizes him as someone who had spared her life so she spares him. it was very hot to 7th grade me for some reason, my friend was more focused on the magic aspect we were adding to the story. now this was when i was still mormon and asking my friends not to swear around me and i didn’t really know that being gay was a thing (my only experience with same sex attraction was when i was in love with the personification of the moon and they swapped genders with their sibling the sun and i was still in love with them) but ANYWAY
what i’m saying is that if idve been taught that being gay was a thing as a kid i would’ve been shipping jean valjean and javert to HELL and back. i know this in my heart.
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kellodrawsalot · 1 month
So what is the idv stage play about?
The idv stageplay is not canon to the games. When they started it wasn't even clear what kind of personalties certain characters had.
For example, Stageplay Aesop, is a timid, young man who finds joy in his own death and has a hard time socializing with others. He wants to connect with others but doesn't understand how to do that. He wants to be of use to others, even if he rather stays alone. He is comfortable with StageEli because Eli tries to understand him and he doesn't push him either. Same with Lucky Boy.
GameAesop is cold and calculated. He prefers his own company but if he finds a connection with someone he wants to give them a beautiful death. (Yes Aesop is a murderer, groomed to become a killer like his teacher whom he also killed.) He likes Victor and wants to kill him (and his little dog too lol) probs because Victor doesn't TALK.
Netease told them to do whatever they want and honestly the stageplays are good and dramatic! There is no drug-twst in the stageplays. The hunters seems to have lots bits of their memories but they are aware they have passed away and are forced to play the game
(Trough Stageplay Hastur is implied to know more then he lets on.)
The survivors have al been invited to the mansion to play he game and once there they are forced to play the game too. Often related to their own past trauma and issues. Several of the survivors are on good terms with the hunters,
For example, Gardener has a brother-sister relationship with Axe boy. Cowboy loves flirting with Geisha.
They play out different dynamic and you can tell they are influenced by the Japanese fanbase interpertation of the characters: luca, Victor and Andrew become a team (val) Aesop and Joseph have a lot of tension. (Joscarl) Joseph calls Aesop, little grey mouse. The characters joke how nobody really likes the Laywer lol
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teddypickrwritings · 3 months
Okay actual request, Emil x(?) Luca, maybe trauma bonding? Idk if ship or not, maybe with caring Ada sprinkled in
A/N: This is my first request! thank you, bestie!! I apologize if this is poorly written/OOC. This is my first time writing something IDV-related.
First Friend - Luca x Emil (platonic)
genre: fluff with a bit of angst
CW: discussions of trauma, mentions of death/murder
“Ada, I…I want to ask something…”
Ada looked down at her lover in her lap. His eyes were closed, but his brow was slightly furrowed with worry. “What’s wrong, my love?” she said softly.
Emil’s hands trembled slightly. “Are there other people like me?”
“Oh, Emil. I’ve already told you, I could never love someone as much as I love you,” Ada said reassuringly, gently stroking his hair.
His lips curled up in a small smile, but his eyebrows didn’t relax. “I meant, um…are there…other broken people?”
“There are people with conditions that affect their behaviors and actions, but not in the same way as yours,” Ada explained. She pursed her lips. “I wouldn’t use the term ‘broken’…”
Emil opened his eyes slightly. “I…kind of want to talk to them,” he said, almost in a whisper.
That was a bit surprising to Ada. But she felt her heart swell with hope; was this a sign he was improving again? “Of course, Emil. I can arrange a group therapy session,” she said happily. “Although, perhaps we should start out talking to one person first.”
“Could I talk to them myself?”
Now, that was shocking. But Ada was so overjoyed that she couldn’t help but lean down and give him a kiss.
“A-Ada!” Emil gasped, cheeks turning red. “Does that mean yes…?”
She nodded, beaming with pride. “Yes. I will go around and talk with the others to see if any of them would be interested,” she said.
Emil’s smile grew. He caught her hand and kissed it. “Thank you, Ada…”
Most of the people that Ada talked to were either disinterested entirely or only vaguely interested. She was worried that she would end up disappointing Emil, until a certain former prisoner agreed to sit down with him.
So now, Emil and Luca were in a secluded spot in the manor where nobody could bother them. Ada remained within calling distance, but she wouldn’t be able to hear their conversation.
“You wanted to talk with people, quote, like yourself. Is that correct?” Luca asked.
Emil nodded, not making eye contact.
“Your lady was quite persuasive. It was a bit scary, actually,” the other man continued. He tapped his chin in thought. “Can’t really remember what else she said…”
“Oh, I can’t remember things either!” Emil blurted out. He fiddled with his grappling hooks. “My brain is…spotty.”
Luca seemed pleased. “That’s what mine is like. It’s unfortunate for an inventor like myself, but I think I’m making progress.”
“Inventor…what kind of things do you make?” Emil asked.
The prisoner’s eyes—or rather, eye—lit up. “I’m glad you asked! Now, how familiar are you with motion machines?”
Emil stared at him blankly.
Luca launched into a brief but detailed explanation of basic physics and machinery. Honestly, Emil didn’t really understand half of what he was saying. But he was…impressed? Maybe?
“…and that’s that! Any questions?” Luca finally finished with a proud sigh.
Emil hesitated. “How did you get like this?” he asked.
“Get like what?” But it was clear that Luca knew what he was talking about from the way his fanged smile faded.
“You said your brain is spotty too, but you remember all that machine stuff,” Emil said cautiously. “I think I’m asking…how do you remember? And what happened?”
Luca was quiet for a few moments. Emil’s leg anxiously bounced up and down. “I can’t remember what happened to me,” he finally admitted with a small shrug. “All I remember is flashes of lightning and maybe an argument. When I was jailed, they kept saying I killed my teacher. But is that true…?”
Emil knew that that question was not meant for him, but he had a reply anyway. “It’s hard for me to know what’s true too, sometimes,” he said carefully. He looked down at his scarred hands. “I don’t know my past either. I swear that I remember something involving dogs. Ada’s treatments helped for a bit, but…”
The prisoner smiled sadly. “I would go looking for answers myself, but I think maybe I’m scared of the truth. I…I don’t want to be a murderer.”
“Ada says there’s people like that here…you’d fit in,” Emil said bluntly.
Instead of feeling offended, Luca burst out laughing, making the patient jump in his seat. “You’re pretty funny!” he exclaimed. He wiped tears from his eyes as he caught his breath. “Sorry. That kind of made me feel better, strangely enough.”
What was also strange was that Emil felt…relaxed? Luca was undoubtedly odd, but he was nice to talk to. Maybe it was just initial relief from confiding in someone other than Ada for once. But Emil liked the feeling.
“Listen. Let’s be friends,” Luca said. He had a slightly mischievous grin. “I’m not experienced with romance. Or maybe I was, I don’t know. But I’m sure you and Ada need time apart sometimes, right? And you don’t have anyone else to go to?”
Emil bit his lip hesitantly. He was right, but… “How do I know I can trust you?”
“I think you already do,” Luca said knowingly. “Weren’t you the one who initiated this meeting? And you seemed comfortable opening up to me just a bit ago.”
The patient tried stammering out a reply, but couldn’t.
“Eh, what do I know. I’m just an inventor with his brain scrambled,” Luca said with a shrug. He held out his hand for a handshake. “D’you wanna be friends, anyway?”
Emil stared at the hand almost a bit too intensely. This is what Ada wanted, right? No, she never explicitly told him to make friends with this man.
He realized that he wanted to be friends with Luca all on his own. So he shook his hand with a tiny little smile.
His first friend.
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idv-hsr-sunday · 4 months
Hello! I am Mod Saturday and this is my first essence event! This essence is based on the novel And Then There Were None, so please be warned that every single one of these characters ends up dead. Sorry fellas. However, unlike the book, the murderer is not the same as in the book. We will slowly find out who the murderer is as the skins are complete. The murderer ends up committing suicide, so do be warned. I also ask that every muse sent is an adult.
Each mun is allowed 2 skins max.
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Eight people receive a mysterious invite to a secluded mansion, where a butler and housekeeper live. They explain that the host who invited them was not here yet, and would only come later on. As the 10 come for their dinner together, they realise only 9 of them are left.
[S-Tier] Chief Justice
— The true owner of the mansion, and someone who reveres justice, by hook or by crook.
{ This role isn’t available, because it will be selected randomly from the below 10 roles. }
[A-Tier] Solemn Housekeeper [Robin, @idv-harmonic-melody]
— The housekeeper of this mysterious mansion. They are the Dignified Servant’s partner.
[A-Tier] Mr/Mrs Investigator [Stelle, @stellaron-girlies]
— An ex-police investigator turned private investigator due to their shame of sending an innocent man to be hanged.
[A-Tier] Old Men’s Tale [Gabriel, @ask-the-artist-lily]
— A retired general who is haunted by their past. They seem refuge from their past in this strange mansion.
[A-Tier] Dignified Servant [Sunday]
— The partner of the Solemn Housekeeper. They are a wise, tempered butler.
[A-Tier] Youthful Vigour [Makoto, @askthemanorresidents]
— A teacher at a school who, out of her greed, jeopardised a student’s life for money.
[B-Tier] Nostalgic Widow [Valentina, @ask-lyristidv]
— A someone still mourning the loss of their partner, only for them to find out an ugly discovery of one of their maids. After casting her aside, their guilt brought them here.
[B-Tier] Hired Gun [Marshanda, @askthemanorresidents]
— A soldier lucky enough to have escaped from the warzone, however, the crimes they committed while there weigh heavy on them
[B-Tier] Hedonist [Heifu, @idv-ask-the-unknown]
— A careless, self-indulgent youth who has caused tragedy with their carelessness
[B-Tier] Pious Doctor [Elaine, @idv-thespians]
— A doctor who was naive despite their craft. Their carelessness led to a mistake so unforgivable they ran away in shame.
[B-Tier] Two-faced Agent [Orpheus, @musedevoted]
— The assistant of the murderer. However, they too fall to their schemes.
[B-Tier] Lost at Sea [Beth, @ask-idv-baker]
— A bonus skin, she finds Chief Justice’s confession in a bottle hauled up in fishing nets. She. Is the only one who doesn’t die.
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whoo-per · 7 months
Shoutout to my interior design teacher for keeping my final bc I wanted my drawings 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Anyways idv doodle dump 💥💥💥💥💥💥
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idv-thespians · 3 months
I volunteer my babies @ask-the-teacher-idv or @ask-the-snow-angel-idv
The choice of which one you want to use is up to you
Oooh long time no see! Hmm, maybe The Inspector for Adelaide?
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idv-veteinarian · 1 year
"Hey Himari. Mi is meeting that teacher guy for the day after I met with him and confirmed he's definitely safe. I'm probably gonna sweep the warehouse or something since I've got some time, unless you wanted to talk or something."
- Brendan
"Oh really? I didn't know there's a teacher here now, that's nice of him..."
She looked... confused? Is there anything important for her to say to him? Enough for her to require his full attention? She can't really recall that. But she didn't mind a casual conversation at least.
"I mean... We can just talk while we clean. I'm not the best at talking but I can at least try..."
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springthenerd · 3 months
Staying up all night playing idv with friends would fix me tbh
Sadly idv is banned, ping is redder than me talking to a teacher, friends are not into idv anymore and I can't approach others because what if I'm annoyinggggg
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hollis-art · 1 year
unreal you draw this well at 16 idve sold my left nut to draw half as good at your age and now frankly sdjsflfj- props bro
i giggled at this, thank you very much, kind stranger
a huge part of it is due to the fact i have not been physically in school since covid started, so i was given so much free time to just draw and create, and i wasn't stuffed in a room with so many other kids and teachers who didn't allow people to doodle while class was going on
the improvement from 2020 to now is kind of a lot tbh.
i think its pretty silly at least
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like look at this!! the top left is from 2020, then the one below it is 2021, and the one on the right is 2023 improvement!! ((she is also getting stronger as time goes on))
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principal-idv · 1 year
The small girl wandered into the room after Brendan dropped her off to the new survivor. She didn't really look around because, well, she can't see to begin with. But she still peeked her head around the corner
"Hello? Is anyone there?"
"Ah, hello there. You're Mi, I assume? It's wonderful to meet you!"
*He gave off a gentle, warm smile. Even if she couldn't see it, a smile like that could be felt.*
"My name is Mr. Awol, I'm a teacher from Africa. Your guardian has told me about you, and I'm quite excited to help you. May I assist you in getting a seat?"
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letterboard-fantasy · 2 years
Magical Malevolence
“You are dead. You do not have plot armor, apparently.” - The Narrator
//ahhhhh surprise! Merry Christmas everyone, and a happy new year!! Now, it is time to present… Magical Malevolence!! Thank you to everyone who participated! After all, we can’t have an essence without all of you :] keep an eye out for part two!! Curse the 10 photo limit!!
//The Voices and RED TEXT will appear in a reblog shortly! So, please wait for that post before reblogging!! Thank you <333 - Yami
S Skins:
“Mister Mushroom” and “Innocent Princess”
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Mister Mushroom: Angel Drew [ @idv-artists-trio ] | Innocent Princess: Yami Kazuichi [ @the-oletus-parlor ]
Essence + Shop A Tiers
“The Hero”, “The Storyteller” and “The Storyteller’s Voice; The Narrator”
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The Storyteller: Taegan Collins [ @idv-sinful-deities ] | The Storyteller’s Voice; The Narrator: Phineas Smith [ @idv-ask-the-showman ] | The Hero: Beatriz [ @traditional-dancer-idv ]
B Tiers
“Miss Sunshine”, “Miss Deer”, “Friendly Fox”, “Little Fairy”, and “Little Rose”
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Miss Sunshine: Kitty Nutella [ @idv-artists-trio ] | Miss Deer: Adelaide [ @ask-the-teacher-idv ] | Friendly Fox: Blindspot [ @ask-blindspot-aesop ] | Little Fairy: Beth Anastazja [ @ask-idv-baker ] | Little Rose: Luciana [ @ask-the-dummy ]
“Your childhood called. It wants it’s precious memories back, because this isn’t how this story is supposed to go.”
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