#teachnoblade x reader comfort
kywaslost · 2 years
c!Technoblade x sbi!sibbling Reader
A/N: I've been meaning to post this all week and just haven't gotten around to it. Anyway, hope you enjoy!
Warning: sensory overload
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The chilled air nipped at your exposed arms as you sat on the roof of your older brother’s cabin. It was a particularly chilly night. A snow storm was passing through and large snowflakes kissed your flushed cheeks. You wiped at your nose, sniffling softly. You were for sure going to catch a cold, but you didn’t care. The houses below you were loud. You could hear Wilbur yelling at Tommy, then a loud crash coming from the tunnel that connected Techno’s house to Philza’s. Then you could hear Phil yelling.
You occasionally went through periods of time when you were sensitive to certain senses. Right now you were feeling particularly sensitive to sound, and the only way to escape your rambunctious family was to retreat to the roof. You brought your knees to your chest and hugged them tightly. You were slowly dissociating, vision going hazy. You covered your ears and squeezed your eyes shut.
“Y/N?” a gruff voice called out behind you, but you didn’t hear it. “Are you ok?” When you didn’t respond, the man stepped closer to you. Technoblade was a big man, tall and muscular, and he was afraid he’d fall through the roof if he moved the wrong way. He crouched down beside you and rested a hand on your shoulder. “You’re going to get sick.” His hand brushed against your neck and he pulled his hand away. “N/N, you’re freezing!”
Techno froze when he heard your small whimper, flinching away from him slightly.
“I’m sorry,” he muttered, slowly pulling his giant red cloak off of his shoulders. He gently draped it over your shoulders, pulling the hood over your head to keep you warm. Techno pulled you under his arm and into his side. “Is something wrong?”
You whimpered again and pulled the cloak tighter around you. “Sound.” Techno hummed in understanding. 
“Oh, I see,” he said softly. “Would you like me to take you down to my basement? You can’t stay out here any longer, and it’s hard to hear down there.”
“I can’t move,” you answered again. “‘M too cold.”
“I’ll carry you.” Your brother picked you up gently, then slowly made his way back to the open window that he used to get to the roof. He stepped into the study room, then the hallway. He walked down several flights of stairs and opened the spruce door to the basement. There was a narrow hallway, and on one side was an opening to the storage room. The other side was a small gathering room with a fireplace and a few seating places.
Technoblade lowered you to the couch before turning around. He pulled a flint-n-steel from his inventory and lit the fireplace across the room. He then crouched in front of you again.
“Is this better?” he asked softly. “Is it quiet enough?” You nodded slightly, tugging the cloak tighter again.
“Yeah, thanks Tech,” you murmured.
Your older brother smiled gently and pushed some wet hair from your face. Feeling how cold you still were worried him and he frowned. “You’re so cold. And pale.” He stood again, his form towering over you. “I am going to ask Phil to help me get a change of clothes. Is it ok if I leave you here for a moment?” You nodded again and watched the piglin hybrid leave the room.
He returned a few minutes earlier with dry clothes in his hands. He held them out to you. “I’ll step out for a moment so you can change.” 
When you settled back onto the couch, Techno stepped back into the room. He was carrying a large, fluffy blanket, tossing it over you before sitting beside you. You crawled over to him and buried yourself into his side. He let you settle down before wrapping an arm around you. The two of you stayed like this until you had calmed down further. Techno was right when he said that you couldn’t hear anything from his basement. Your senses were returning to normal and you no longer felt anxious and on edge. 
“Phil’s gonna come down here soon,” Techno hummed softly. “He’s worried. As he always is.”
You let out a soft huff as a laugh. “It’s ok. I’ve calmed down now. Thank you, Tech.” Your brother rubbed your arm gently.
“You’re welcome, kiddo.” He hesitated a moment. “It, it happens to me, too. Sensory overload, I mean. So, I guess I know how to help with it.”
You wanted to respond but was interrupted by a soft knock. “May I come in?”
You peeked over your shoulder to see your father, Phil. Technoblade gave him the go-ahead to come in, and the older man crouched down in front of you and your brother. He ran a gentle hand through your hair.
“Hey, honey,” he cooed softly. “Y’alright?” He frowned slightly. “Ender, you’re cold.”
“I’m alright,” you answered. “Tech helped me.”
Phil smiled up at his eldest son. “Yeah, he’s good at that when he wants to.”
“Can I stay down here for a bit longer?” you asked quietly. “It’s quiet. And warm.”
“As long as you need to,” Techno answered. “I like the company.
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